Mole Day Assignments

Celebrated annually on October 23 from 6:02
a.m. to 6:02 p.m., Mole Day commemorates
Avogadro's Number (6.02 x 1023), which is a
basic measuring unit in chemistry. Mole Day
was created as a way to foster interest in
chemistry. Schools throughout the United
States and around the world celebrate Mole
Day with various activities related to
chemistry and/or moles.
For a given molecule, one mole is a mass (in
grams) whose number is equal to the atomic
mass of the molecule. For example, the water
molecule has an atomic mass of 18, therefore
one mole of water weighs 18 grams. An atom
of neon has an atomic mass of 20, therefore
one mole of neon weighs 20 grams. In general, one mole of any substance contains
Avogadro's Number of molecules or atoms of that substance. This relationship
was first discovered by Amedeo Avogadro (1776-1858) and he received credit for
this after his death
October 23 is National Mole Day. This project is in celebration of Mole Day.
You will complete the following three tasks: making a mole, bring an item to class
and making a mole problem poster.
1. Make a mole. You will sew a mole using the pattern found on this web page. Your mole
must reflect this year's theme "Mole Madness". Your mole will be graded on craftsmanship and
creativity used to illustrate the mole day theme. Bring your mole to class on 10-23 or 10-24
Worth 25 points Due 10-23 or 10-24 Mole Pattern, Instructions
2. Sign Up to bring one of the following to class on 10-23 or 10-24 : liter of soft drink, cups,
napkins, or plates. Bring One of the following: napkins, plates, liter soft drink, cups, ream of
paper, a box of Kleenex, or a package of pencils
Worth 25 points Due 10-23 or 10-24
3. You will solve an assigned mole problem and present your problem on a poster
that displays the question, your solution to the problem, and a picture depicting
the problem. Additional research will be necessary. You must not only show all
work, but also include all data collected or facts determined doing research. All
posters must be turned in by 10-20 and will be displayed around the school to
celebrate mole day. Worth 25 points Due 10-19 or 10-20
Mole Problems for Posters
1. A mole of Big Macs stacked up would reach from the earth to the moon and
back how many times?
2. A mole of marbles would cover the continental U.S. to a depth of how much?
3. A mole of dollar bills joined end to end would encircle the earth how many
4. A mole of moles (the mammal) would have a mass how many times greater than
the mass of the earth? .
5. A mole of pennies stacked end to end would reach from here to the sun and
back how many times?
6. A mole of soda cans stacked on top of one another would reach from here to
the sun and back how many times? How may grams of Al are there in a mole of
soda cans?
7. A mole of bowling balls would have a mass how many times greater than the
mass of the moon?
8. A mole of moles (the mammal) placed from nose to tail would reach from here
to Pluto and back how many times?
9. A mole of basketballs would cover the surface of the earth to a depth of how
10. A mole of Mars candy bars placed end to end would reach from here to Mars
and back how many times?
11. A mole of Al foil rolls placed end to end would encircle the planet Jupiter how
many times? How many grams of Al are in a mole of Al foil rolls?
12. A mole of cans of Spam would weigh how much more than all the gold in the
U.S. Treasury?
13. A mole of jellybeans would fill up how many buildings the size of the Empire
State Building?
14. A mole of 2-Liter bottles stacked end to end would encircle the sun how many
times? (They are made of heat resistant plastic.).
15. A mole of typical adult African elephants would weigh how much more than the
moon? .
16. A mole of 1 gallon cans of paint could cover every square inch of the surface
of how many planets the size of the earth?
17. How many years would it take a mole of moles (the mammal) to produce enough
moles to equal the mass of the known universe if their population doubled each
18. If a mol of M&M's were dumped on the earth, what would be the depth of
19. A sample of silver with the same mass as the earth would contain how many
atoms of silver and how many moles of silver?
20. How many atoms of carbon are there in the hope diamond?
21. If you had a sample of lead with the same mass as the moon how many lead
atoms would you have? How many moles of lead would you have?
22. A mole of water weighs about 18 grams. How many moles of water are there
in the Atlantic Ocean?