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TCS Placement Papers - August 2009
--------Experience Certainty
TCS Recruitment Rounds
 Written Test
 Technical Interview
 MR ( Managerial)
 HR Interview
Contains 3 sections
1) Verbal (Synonyms - Antonyms - Comprehension Passages)
2) Quantitative Aptitude
3) Critical Reasoning
SECTION-1(Verbal- 30 questions - 20 min)
 Synonyms (Refer In GRE BARRONS 12th Edition )
 Antonyms (Refer In GRE BARRONS 12th Edition (page no -126))
 Passage completion
Some of the previous questions in quant .Go through these models and try to solve them.
They will give same models but they change the data.
SECTION: 2(QUANT- 38 questions - 40 min )
1) If log 0.317=0.3332 and log 0.318=0.3364 then find log 0.319 =
Sol: Given log 0.317=0.3332 and log 0.318=0.3364
Log 0.319=log0.318+ (log0.318-log0.317)
2) A box of 150 packets consists of 1kg packets and 2kg packets. Total weight of box is
264kg. How many 2kg packets are there?
Sol: Given x= 2 kg Packs
y= 1 kg packs
=> x + y = 150 .......... Eqn 1
=> 2x + y = 264 .......... Eqn 2
On solving these two equations
x = 114
By using equation 1
114 + y = 150
=> y = 36
=>Number of 2 kg Packs = 114.
3) My flight takes of at 2am from a place at 18N 10E and landed 10 Hrs later at a place
with coordinates 36N70W. What is the local time when my plane landed?
a) 6:00 am b) 6:40am c) 7:40 d) 7:00 e) 8:00
Sol: (Hint: Every 1 deg longitude is equal to 4 minutes. If west to east add time else
subtract time)
Ans: 8:00
4) A Flight takes off at 2 A.M from northeast direction and travels for 11 hours to reach
the destination, which is in northwest direction. Given the latitude and longitude of
source and destination. Find the local time of destination when the flight reaches there?
Ans: 7 AM (or) 1 PM
5) A moves 3 kms east from his starting point. He then travels 5 kms north. From that
point he moves 8 kms to the east. How far is A from his starting point?
Ans: 13 kms
6) Aeroplane is flying at a particular angle and latitude, after some time latitude is given.
(8 hrs later), u r asked to find the local time of the place.
7) An Aeroplane starts from A (SOME LATITUDE IS GIVEN ACCORDING TO
PLACE).At 2 AM local time to B (SOME LATITUDE). Traveling time is 10 Hours.
What is the local time of B when it reaches B?
8) A plane moves from 9°N40°E to 9°N40°W. If the plane starts at 10 am and takes 8
hours to reach the destination, find the local arrival time.
Sol: Since it is moving from east to west longitude we need to add both
Ie, 40+40=80
Multiply the ans by 4
Convert this min to hours i.e., 5hrs 33min
It takes 8hrs totally. So 8-5hr 30 min=2hr 30min
So the ans is 10am+2hr 30 min
Ans: 12:30 it will reach
9) The size of the bucket is N kb. The bucket fills at the rate of 0.1 kb per millisecond. A
programmer sends a program to receiver. There it waits for 10 milliseconds. And
response will be back to programmer in 20 milliseconds. How much time the program
takes to get a response back to the programmer, after it is sent?
Sol: The time being taken to fill the bucket.
After reaching program it waits there for 10ms and back to the programmer in
20 ms. then total time to get the response is
20ms +10 ms=30ms
Ans: 30ms
10) A file is transferred from one location to another in ,buckets,. The size of the bucket
is 10 kilobytes. Eh bucket gets filled at the rate of 0.0001 kilobytes per millisecond. The
transmission time from sender to receiver is 10 milliseconds per bucket. After the receipt
of the bucket the receiver sends an acknowledgement that reaches sender in 100
milliseconds. Assuming no error during transmission, write a formula to calculate the
time taken in seconds to successfully complete the transfer of a file of size N kilobytes.
Ans: (n/1000)*(n/10)*10+ (n/100).... (Not 100% sure)
11)A fisherman,s day is rated as good if he catches 9 fishes ,fair if 7 fishes and bad if 5
fishes .He catches 53 fishes in a week n had all good, fair n bad days in the week. So how
many good, fair n bad days did the fisher man had in the week.
good days means --- 9 fishes so 53/9=4(remainder=17) if u assume 5 then there is no
chance for bad days.
fair days means ----- 7 fishes so remaining 17 --- 17/7=1(remainder=10) if u assume 2
then there is no chance for bad days.
bad days means -------5 fishes so remaining 10---10/5=2days.
Ans: 4 good, 1 fair, 2bad. ==== total 7 days.
12) x+y+z=7--------- eq1
9*x+7*y+5*z=53 -------eq2
Multiply eq 1 by 9,
9*x+9*y+9*z=35 -------------eq3
From eq2 and eq3
Since all x, y and z are integer i should put a integer value of y such that z sud be integer
in eq 4.....And there will be two value y=1 or 3 then z = 2 or 1 from eq 4
For first y=1,z=2 then from eq1 x= 4
So 9*4+1*7+2*5=53.... Satisfied
Now for second y=3 z=1 then from eq1 x=3
So 9*3+3*7+1*5=53 ......satisfied
So finally there are two solution of this question
Ans:(x,y,z)=(4,1,2) and (3,3,1)...
13) Y catches 5 times more fishes than X. If total number of fishes caught by X and Y is
42, then number of fishes caught by X?
Sol: let no. of fish x catches=p
No. caught by y =r
Given r+p=42
Then p=7, r=35
14) Three companies are working independently and receiving the savings 20%, 30%,
40%. If the companies work combine, what will be their net savings?
Sol: Suppose total income is 100
So amount x is getting is 80
y is 70
z =60
But total money is 300
So they are getting 90 rs less
90 is 30% of 300 so they r getting 30% discount
15) The ratio of incomes of C and D is 3:4.the ratio of their expenditures is 4:5.Find the
ratio of their savings if the savings of C is one fourths of his income?
Sol: incomes: 3:4
Expenditures: 4:5
(3x-4(9x/16))/ ((4x-5(9x/16)))
Ans: 12/19
16)If A can copy 50 pages in 10 hours and A and B together can copy 70 pages in 10
hours, how much time does B takes to copy 26 pages?
Sol: A can copy 50 pages in 10 hrs.
=>A can copy 5 pages in 1hr. (50/10)
Now A & B can copy 70 pages in 10hrs.
Thus, B can copy 90 pages in 10 hrs. [Eqn. is (50+x)/2=70, where x--> no. of pages B
can copy in 10 hrs.]
So, B can copy 9 pages in 1hr.
Therefore, to copy 26 pages B will need almost 3hrs.
Since in 3hrs B can copy 27 pages
17) A can copy 50 papers in 10 hours while both A & B can copy 70 papers in 10 hours.
Then for how many hours required for B to copy 26 papers?
ANS: 13
18) A is twice efficient than B. A and B can both work together to complete a work in 7
days. Then find in how many days A alone can complete the work?
ANS: 10.5 (11)
19) A finish the work in 10 days. B is 60% efficient than A. So how days does B take to
finish the work?
Ans: 100/6 (4 days)
20) A finishes the work in 10 days & B in 8 days individually. If A works for only 6 days
then how many days should B work to complete A,s work?
Ans: 3.2 days (4 days)
21) A man, a woman, and a child can do a piece of work in 6 days. Man only can do it in
24 days. Woman can do it in 16 days and in how many days child can do the same work?
Ans: 16
22) If 20 men take 15 days to complete a job, in how many days can 25 men finish that
Ans. 12 days
23) One fast typist type some matter in 2hr and another slow typist type the same matter
in 3hr. if both do combine in how much time they will finish.
Ans: 1hr 12min
24) A man shapes 3 cardboards in 50 minutes, how many types of cardboard does he
shape in 5 hours?
Ans: 18cardboards
25) A work is done by two people in 24 min. one of them can do this work a lonely in 40
min. how much time required to do the same work for the second person.
Sol: (A+B) can do the work in = 1/24 min.
A alone can do the same work in = 1/40 min.
B alone can do the same work in = (A+B),s - A,s = 1/24 - 1/40 = 1/60
=> B can do the same work in = 60 min
Ans: 60 min
26) A can do a piece of work in 20 days, which B can do in 12 days. In 9 days B does ¾
of the work. How many days will A take to finish the remaining work?
27) Anand finishes a work in 7 days; Bittu finishes the same job in 8 days and Chandu in
6 days. They take turns to finish the work. Anand on the first day, Bittu on the second
and Chandu on the third day and then Anand again and so on. On which day will the
work get over?
A) 3rd b) 6th c) 9th d) 7th
28) 3 men finish painting a wall in 8 days. Four boys do the same job in 7 days. In how
many days will 2 men and 2 boys working together paint two such walls of the same
A) 6 6/13 days
B) 3 3/13 days
C) 9 2/5 days
D) 12 12/13 days
29) what,s the answer for that?
A, B and C are 8 bit no,s. They are as follows:
A -> 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1
B -> 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
C -> 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 (- =minus, u=union)
Find ((A - C) u B) =?
Sol: We have to find (A-C) U B
To find A-C, We will find 2,s compliment of C and them add it with A,
That will give us (A-C)
2,s compliment of C=1,s compliment of C+1
Now (A-C) U B is .OR. Logic operation on (A-C) and B
10001001 .OR. 00110011
The answer is = 10111011,
Whose decimal equivalent is 187.
30) A = 10010001
B = 01101010
C = 10010110
(AuB)nC =? [(A union B) intersection C =?]
31) A =0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
B =0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
C =0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
( A U B ) n C Find the fourth row, having the bit pattern as an integer in an 8-bit
computer, and express the answer in its decimal value.
Ans: 29
32) A, B and C are 8 bit nos. They are as follows:
Find ( (A-B) u C )=?
Hint: 109 A-B is {A} - {A n B}
Ans: 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (DB)
33) If A, B and C are the mechanisms used separately to reduce the wastage of fuel by
30%, 20% and 10%. What will be the fuel economy if they were used combined.
Ans: 20%
34) In the class of 40 students, 30 speak Hindi and 20 speak English. What is the lowest
possible number of students who speak both the languages?
(a) 5 (b) 20 (c) 15 (d) 10 (e) 30
35) In a two-dimensional array, X (9, 7), with each element occupying 4 bytes of
memory, with the address of the first element X (1, 1) is 3000, find the address of
X (8, 5).
Sol: [HINT~ Formula=Base Add + Byte reqd {N (i-1) + (j-1)}
Base Add=3000;
Byte reqd=4;
N=no of columns in array=7;
i=8; j=5;
Ans: 3212
36) If the vertex (5, 7) is placed in the memory. First vertex (1, 1),s address is 1245 and
then address of (5, 7) is ---------Ans: 1279
37) A 2D array is declared as A [9, 7] and each element requires 2 byte. If A [1, 1] is
stored in 3000. Find the memory of A [8, 5]?
Ans: 3106
38) One circular array is given (means the memory allocation takes place like a circular
fashion) dimension (9X7) .starting address is 3000.find the address of (2, 3)
Ans: 555
39) The size of a program is N. And the memory occupied by the program is given by M
= square root of 100N. If the size of the program is increased by 1% then how much
memory now occupied?
Sol: N is increased by 1%
Therefore new value of N=N + (N/100)
M=sqrt (100 * (101N/100))
Hence, we get
M=sqrt (101 * N)
Ans: 0. 5 %( =SQRT 101N)
40) A bus started from bus stand at 8.00a m and after 30 min staying at destination, it
returned back to the bus stand. The destination is 27 miles from the bus stand. The speed
of the bus 50 percent fast speed. At what time it retur4ns to the bus stand.
Sol: (this is the step by step solution :)
A bus cover 27 mile with 18 mph in =27/18= 1 hour 30 min.
And it wait at stand =30 min.
After this speed of return increase by 50% so 50%of 18 mph=9mph
Total speed of returning=18+9=27
Then in return it take 27/27=1 hour
Then total time in journey=1+1:30+00:30 =3 hour
So it will come at 8+3 hour=11 a.m.
So Ans==11 a.m
41) A Flight takes off at 2 A.M from northeast direction and travels for 11 hours to reach
the destination which is in North West direction. Given the latitude and longitude of
source and destination. Find the local time of destination when the flight reaches there?
Ans: 7 AM or 1.00 PM
42) My flight takes of at 2am from a place at 18N 10E and landed 10 Hrs later at a place
with coordinates 36N70W. What is the local time when my plane landed?
a) 6:00 am b) 6:40am c) 7:40 d) 7:00 e) 8:00
(Hint: Every 1 deg longitude is equal to 4 minutes. If west to east add time else subtract
Ans: 8:00
43) A moves 3 kms east from his starting point. He then travels 5 kms north. From that
point he moves 8 kms to the east. How far is A from his starting point?
Ans: 13 kms
44) A plane moves from 9°N40°E to 9°N40°W. If the plane starts at 10 am and takes 8
hours to reach the destination, find the local arrival time.
45) In Madras, temperature at noon varies according to -t^2/2 + 8t + 3, where t is elapsed
time. Find how much temperature more or less in 4pm to 9pm. (May be we can solve it
by Definite Integration. Check any way}
Ans: at 9 pm 7.5 more or 385.8 (DB)
46) For Temperature a function is given according to time: ((t**2)/6) + 4t +12 what is the
temperature rise or fall between 4.AM TO 9 AM
Sol: In equation first put t=9,
We will get 34.5........................... (1)
Now put t=4,
We will get 27.............................. (2)
So Ans=34.5-27
47) For Temperature a function is given according to time: ((t**2)/6) + 4t +12 what is the
temperature rise or fall between 5 PM to 8 PM
48) Low temperature at the night in a city is 1/3 more than 1/2 high as higher temperature
in a day. Sum of the low tem. And highest temp is 100 degrees. Then what is the low
Sol: Let highest temp be x
So low temp=1/3 of x of 1/2 of x plus x/2 i.e. x/6+x/2
Total temp=x+x/6+x/2=100
Therefore, x=60
Lowest temp is 40
Ans :( 40 deg.)
49) A person had to multiply two numbers. Instead of multiplying by 35, he multiplied by
53and the product went up by 540. What was the raised product?
a) 780
b) 1040
c) 1590
d) 1720
Sol: x*53-x*35=540=> x=30 therefore, 53*30=1590
Ans: 1590
50) How many positive integer solutions does the equation 2x+3y = 100 have?
a) 50
b) 33
c) 16
d) 35
Sol: Given 2x+3y=100, take l.c.m of ,x, coeff and ,y, coeff i.e. l.c.m of 2,3 ==6then
divide 100 with 6 , which turns out 16 hence answer is 16short cut formula--- constant /
( of x coeff and y coeff)
51) The total expense of a boarding house is partly fixed and partly variable with the
number of boarders. The charge is Rs.70 per head when there are 25 boarders and Rs.60
when there are 50 boarders. Find the charge per head when there are 100 boarders.
a) 65
b) 55
c) 50
d) 45
Sol: let a = fixed cost and
k = variable cost and n = number of boarders
Total cost when 25 boarders c = 25*70 = 1750 i.e. 1750 = a + 25k
Total cost when 50 boarders c = 50*60 = 3000 i.e. 3000 = a + 50k
Solving above 2 eqns, 3000-1750 = 25k i.e. 1250 = 25k i.e. k = 50
Therefore, substituting this value of k in either of above 2 eqns we get
a = 500 (a = 3000-50*50 = 500 or a = 1750 - 25*50 = 500)
So total cost when 100 boarders = c = a + 100k = 500 + 100*50 = 5500
So cost per head = 5500/100 = 55
52) Amal bought 5 pens, 7 pencils and 4 erasers. Rajan bought 6 pens, 8 erasers and 14
pencils for an amount which was half more than what Amal had paid. What % of the total
amount paid by Amal was paid for pens?
a) 37.5%
b) 62.5%
c) 50%
d) None of these
Sol: Let, 5 pens + 7 pencils + 4 erasers = x rupees
So 10 pens + 14 pencils + 8 erasers = 2*x rupees
Also mentioned, 6 pens + 14 pencils + 8 erasers = 1.5*x rupees
So (10-6) = 4 pens = (2-1.5) x rupees
So 4 pens = 0.5x rupees => 8 pens = x rupees
So 5 pens = 5x/8 rupees = 5/8 of total (note x rupees is total amt paid by
Amal) i.e. 5/8 = 500/8% = 62.5%
Ans: 62.5%
53) I lost Rs.68 in two races. My second race loss is Rs.6 more than the first race. My
friend lost Rs.4 more than me in the second race. What is the amount lost by my friend in
the second race?
Sol: x + x+6 = rs 68
2x + 6 = 68
2x = 68-6
2x = 62
x is the amt lost in I race
x+ 6 = 31+6=37 is lost in second race
Then my friend lost 37 + 4 = 41 Rs
Ans: 41 Rs
54) A face of the clock is divided into three parts. First part hours total is equal to the sum
of the second and third part. What is the total of hours in the bigger part?
Sol: The clock normally has 12 hr
Three parts x, y, z
So the largest part is 6 hrs
Ans: 6 hrs
55) (1- 1/6) (1-1/7).... (1- (1/ (n+4))) (1-(1/ (n+5))) = ?
Sol: Leaving the first numerator and last denominator, all the numerator and denominator
will cancelled out one another.
Ans: 5/ (n+5)
56) Ten boxes are there. Each ball weighs 100 gms. One ball is weighing 90 gms.
i) If there are 3 balls (n=3) in each box, how many times will it take to find 90 gms ball?
ii) Same question with n=10
iii) Same question with n=9
Sol: The chances are
When n=3
(i) nC1= 3C1 =3 for 10 boxes.. 10*3=30
(ii) nC1=10C1=10 for 10 boxes ....10*10=100
(iii) nC1=9C1=9 for 10 boxes.....10*9=90
57) With 4/5 full tank vehicle travels 12 miles, with 1/3 full tank how much distance
Sol: 4/5 full tank= 12 mile
1 full tank= 12/ (4/5)
1/3 full tank= 12/ (4/5)*(1/3) = 5 miles
Ans: 5 miles
58) Wind flows 160 miles in 330min.for 80 miles how much time required
160 miles?
Sol: 1 mile = 330/160
80 miles= (330*80)/160=165 min.
Ans: 165 min.
59) A person was fined for exceeding the speed limit by 10mph.another person was also
fined for exceeding the same speed limit by twice the same if the second person was
traveling at a speed of 35 mph. find the speed limit
Sol :( x+10) =(x+35)/2
Solving the eqn we get x=15
Ans: 15
60) A sales person multiplied a number and get the answer is 3 instead of that number
divided by 3.what is the answer he actually has to get.
Sol: Assume 1
1* 3 = 3
So he has to got 1/3
Ans: 1/3
61) The size of the bucket is N kb. The bucket fills at the rate of 0.1 kb per millisecond.
A programmer sends a program to receiver. There it waits for 10 milliseconds. And
response will be back to programmer in 20 milliseconds. How much time the program
takes to get a response back to the programmer, after it is sent?
Ans: 30 milliseconds
62) A person who decided to go weekend trip should not exceed 8 hours driving in a day
average speed of forward journey is 40 mph due to traffic in Sundays the return journey
average speed is 30 mph. How far he can select a picnic spot.
Ans: Between 120 and 140 miles
63) Car is filled with four and half gallons of oil for full round trip. Fuel is taken 1/4
gallons more in going than coming. What is the fuel consumed in coming up.
Sol: Let fuel consumed in coming up is x.
Thus equation is: x+1.25x=4.5
Ans: 2gallons
64) 40% employees are male if 60% of supervisors are male so for 100% is 26.4%so the
probability is ......
Ans: 0.264
65) Gavaskar average in first 50 innings was 50. After the 51st innings his average was
51 how many runs he made in the 51st innings
Sol: first 50 ings.- run= 50*50=2500
51st ings. - Avg 51. So total run =51*51=2601.
So run scored in that ings=2601-2500=101 runs.
Ans: 101 runs
66) Hansie made the following amounts in seven games of cricket in India: Rs.10, Rs.15,
Rs.21, Rs.12, Rs.18, Rs.19 and Rs.17 (all figures in crores of course).Find his average
Ans: Rs.16 crore
67) Average of 5 numbers is -10 sum of 3 numbers is 16, what is the average of other two
Ans: -33
68) If A, B and C are the mechanisms used separately to reduce the wastage of fuel by
30%, 20% and 10%. What will be the fuel economy if they were used combined. Ans:
69) In 80 coins one coin is counterfeit what is minimum number of weighing to find out
counterfeit coin
Sol: the minimum number of weightings needed is just shown below
(1) 80->30-30
(2) 15-15
(3) 7-7
(4) 3-3
(5) 1-1
Ans: 5.
70) 2 oranges, 3 bananas and 4 apples cost Rs.15. 3 oranges, 2 bananas, and 1 apple costs
Rs 10. What is the cost of 3 oranges, 3 bananas and 3 apples?
Sol: 2x+3y+4z=15
x+y+z=5 that is for 1 orange, 1 banana and 1 apple requires 5Rs.
So for 3 orange, 3 bananas and 3 apples require 15Rs.
i.e. 3x+3y+3z=15
Ans: 15
71) In 8*8 chess board what is the total number of squares refers odele discovered that
there are 204 squares on the board .We found that you would add the different squares
= 1 + 4 + 9 + 16+ 25 + 36 + 49 + 64. =204
Also in 3*3 tic tac toe board what is the total no of squares
Ans: 14 i.e. 9+4(bigger ones) +1 (biggest one)
If you get 100*100 board just use the formula the formula for the sum of the first n
perfect squares is
n x (n + 1) x (2n + 1)
72) One fast typist type some matter in 2hr and another slow typist type the same matter
in 3hr. If both do combine in how much time they will finish.
Sol: Faster one can do 1/2 of work in one hour slower one can do 1/3 of work in one hour
both they do (1/2+1/3=5/6) the work in one hour. So work will b finished in 6/5=1.2 hour
i e 1 hour 12 min.
Ans: 1 hour 12 min.
73)If Rs20/- is available to pay for typing a research report & typist A produces 42 pages
and typist B produces 28 pages. How much should typist A receive?
Sol: Find 42 % of 20 rs with respect to 70 (i.e. 28 + 42)
==> (42 * 20)/70 ==> 12 Rs
Ans: 12 Rs
74) In some game 139 members have participated every time one fellow will get bye
what is the number of matches to choose the champion to be held?
Ans: 138 matches
(Explanation: since one player gets a bye in each round, he will reach the finals of the
tournament without playing a match.
Therefore 137 matches should be played to determine the second finalist from the
remaining 138 players (excluding the 1st player)
Therefore to determine the winner 138 matches should be played.)
Sol: Vol. of rect. plate= 8*11*2=176
Area of rod= (22/7)*(8/2)*(8/2) = (352/7)
Vol. of rod=area*length=vol. of plate
So length of rod= vol of plate/area=176/ (352/7) =3.5
Ans: 3.5
76) One tank will fill in 6 minutes at the rate of 3cu ft /min, length of tank is 4 ft and the
width is 1/2 of length, what is the depth of the tank?
Ans: 3 ft 7.5 inches
77) A power unit is there by the bank of the river of 750 meters width. A cable is made
from power unit to power a plant opposite to that of the river and 1500mts away from the
power unit. The cost of the cable below water is Rs. 15/- per meter and cost of cable on
the bank is Rs.12/- per meter. Find the total of laying the cable.
Ans: 1000 (24725 - cost) 20250
Ans: Rs. 22,500 (hint: the plant is on the other side of the plant i.e. it is not on the same
side as the river)
78) The cost of one pencil, two pens and four erasers is Rs.22 while the cost of five
pencils, four pens and two erasers is Rs.32.How much will three pencils, three pens and
three erasers cost?
Sol :( let x b pencil, y b pen and z b eraser... u get x+2y+4z=22 and 5x+4y+2z=32 add
6x+6y+6z=54 div by 2 you get 27)
Ans: 27
79) A man has to get air-mail. He starts to go to airport on his motorbike. Plane comes
early and the mail is sent by a horse-cart. The man meets the cart in the middle after half
an hour. He takes the mail and returns back, by doing so, he saves twenty minutes. How
early did the plane arrive?
Sol: Assume he started at 1:00, so at 1:30 he met cart .He returned home at it took
him 1 hour for the total journey. By doing this he saved 20 min. So the actual time if the
plane is not late is 1 hour and 20 min. So the actual time of plane is at 1:40.The cart
traveled a time of 10 min before it met him. So the plane is 10 min early.
Ans: 10 min
80) Ram singh goes to his office in the city every day from his suburban house. His
driver Mangaram drops him at the railway station in the morning and picks him up in the
evening. Every evening Ram singh reaches the station at 5 o,clock. Mangaram also
reaches at the same time. One day Ram singh started early from his office and came to
the station at 4 o,clock. Not wanting to wait for the car he starts walking home.
Mangaram starts at normal time, picks him up on the way and takes him back house, half
an hour early. How much time did Ram singh walked?
81) 2 trees are there. One grows at 3/5 of the other. In 4 years total growth of the trees is
8 ft. what growth will smaller tree have in 2 years.
4 (x+ (3/5) x) =88x/5=2x=5/4
After 2 years x= (3/5)*(5/4)*2 =1.5 (less than 2 feet)
82) There is a six digit code. Its first two digits, multiplied by 3 gives all ones. And the
next two digits multiplied by 6 give all twos. Remaining two digits multiplied by 9 gives
all threes. Then what is the code?
Sol: Assume the digit xx xx xx (six digits)
First Two digit xx * 3=111
xx =111/3=37
(First two digits of 1 is not divisible by 3 so we can use 111)
Second Two digit xx*6=222
(First two digits of 2 is not divisible by 6 so we can use 222)
Third Two digit xx*9=333
(First two digits of 3 is not divisible by 9 so we can use 333)
83) There are 4 balls and 4 boxes of colors yellow, pink, red and green. Red ball is in a
box whose color is same as that of the ball in a yellow box. Red box has green ball. In
which box you find the yellow ball?
Sol: Yellow box can have either of pink/yellow balls.
if we put a yellow ball in "yellow" box then it would imply that "yellow" is also the color
of the box which has the red ball(because according 2 d question,d box of the red ball n
the ball in the yellow box have same color)
Thus this possibility is ruled out...
Therefore the ball in yellow box must be pink, hence the color of box contain in red ball
is also pink....
=>the box color left out is "green", which is allotted to the only box left, the one which
has yellow ball.
Ans: green
84) A bag contains 20 yellow balls, 10 green balls, 5 white balls, 8 black balls, and 1 red
ball. How many minimum balls one should pick out so that to make sure the he gets at
least 2 balls of same color.
Sol: suppose he picks 5 balls of all different colors then when he picks up the sixth one, it
must match any on of the previously drawn ball color. Thus he must pick 6 balls
Ans: he should pick 6 balls totally.
Sol: For every 5 in unit place one zero is added
so between 1 to 100 there are 10 nos like 5,15,25,..,95 which has 5 in unit place.
Similarly for every no divisible by 10 one zero is added in the answer so between 1 to
100 , 11 zeros are added
For 25, 50, 75 3 extra zeros are added
So total no of zeros are 10+11+3=24
86) There are two numbers in the ratio 8:9. If the smaller of the two numbers is increased
by 12 and the larger number is reduced by 19 thee the ratio of the two numbers is 5:9.
Find the larger number?
Sol: 8x: 9x initially
8x+ 12: 9x - 19 = 5x: 9x
8x+12 = 5x
-> x = 4
87) There are three different boxes A, B and C. Difference between weights of A and B is
3 kgs. And between B and C is 5 kgs. Then what is the maximum sum of the differences
of all possible combinations when two boxes are taken each time
Sol: A-B = 3
B-c = 5
A-c = 8 so sum of diff = 8+3+5 = 16 kgs
88) A and B are shooters and having their exam. A and B fall short of 10 and 2 shots
respectively to the qualifying mark. If each of them fired at least one shot and even by
adding their total score together, they fall short of the qualifying mark, what is the
qualifying mark?
Sol: Because each had at least 1 shot done so 10 + 1 = 11
And 9 + 2 = 11
So the ans is 11
89) A, B, C, and D tells the following times by looking at their watches. A tells it is 3 to
12. B tells it is 3 past 12. C tells it is 12:2. D tells it is half a dozen too soon to 12. No two
watches show the same time. The difference between the watches is 2,3,4,5 respectively.
Whose watch shows maximum time?
Sol: A shows 11:57, B shows 12:03, C shows 12:02 and D shows 11:06 therefore,
Max time is for B
90) Falling height is proportional to square of the time. One object falls 64cm in 2sec
than in 6sec from how much height the object will fall.
Sol: The falling height is proportional to the square of the time.
Now, the falling height is 64cm at 2sec
So, the proportional constant is=64/ (2*2) =16;
So, at 6sec the object fall maximum (16*6*6) cm=576cm;
Now, the object may be situated at any where.
If it is>576 only that time the object falling 576cm within 6sec .Otherwise if it is situated
91) Last year pandit was thrice his sister,s age. Next year he is only twice her age. After 5
years what is pandit,s age.
a) 2 b) 12 c) 11 d) 14
Ans: b
92) Jalia is twice older than qurban. If jalia was 4 years younger, qurban was 3 years
older their diff. between their ages is 12 years what is the sum of their ages
a) 67 b) 57 c) 36 d) none
Ans: b
93) Fathers age is 5 times his son,s age. 4 years back the father was 9 times older than
son. Find the fathers, present age.
Ans. 40 years
94) Joe,s father will be twice his age 6 years from now. His mother was twice his age 2
years before. If Joe will be 24 two years from now, what is the difference between his
father,s and mother,s age?
a) 4 b) 6 c) 8 d) 10
95) Anand finishes a work in 7 days; Bittu finishes the same job in 8 days and Chandu in
6 days. They take turns to finish the work. Anand on the first day, Bittu on the second
and Chandu on the third day and then Anand again and so on. On which day will the
work get over?
a) 3rd
b) 6th
c) 9th
d) 7th
In d 1st day Anand does 1/7th of total work
Bithu does 1/8th work in d 2nd day
Hence at the end of 3 days, work done = 1/7+1/8+1/6=73/168
Remaining work = (168-73)/168 = 95/168
Again after 6 days of work, remaining work is = (95-73)/168 = 22/168
And hence Anand completes the work on 7th day.
Ans is d) 7th day
96) If TAFJHH is coded as RBEKGI then RBDJK can be coded as --------Ans: qcckj
98) Find the no. of Y,s followed by W but that is not followed by Z.
Y W R U D D Y W Z ...............
99) If VXUPLVH is written as SURMISE, what is SHDVD ?
(Hint: in the first word, the alphabets of the jumbled one are three alphabets after the
corresponding alphabet in the word SURMISE. S = V-3, similarly find the one for
100) If DDMUQZM is coded as CENTRAL then RBDJK can be coded as ----Ans. QCEIL
(Hint: Write both the jumbled and the coded word as a table, find the relation between the
corresponding words, i.e. C= D-1, N=M+1 & so on)
101) In the word ECONOMETRICS, if the first and second, third and forth, forth and
fifth, fifth and sixth words are interchanged up to the last letter, what would be the tenth
letter from right?
Ans. word is CENOMOTEIRSC tenth word is R
102) If D_MUQZM is coded as CENTRAL then RBDJK can be coded as
103) In a certain format TUBUJPO is coded as STATION. The code of which string is
104) What is the code formed by reversing the First and second letters, the third and
fourth letters and so on of the string SIMULTANEOUSLY?
105) In the word ORGANISATIONAL, by reversing if the first and second the third and
fourth letters and so on of the string?
106) A power unit is there by the bank of the river of 750 meters width. A cable is made
from power unit to power a plant opposite to that of the river and 1500mts away from the
power unit. The cost of the cable below water is Rs. 15/- per meter and cost of cable on
the bank is Rs.12/- per meter. Find the total of laying the cable.
Ans: 1000 (24725 - cost) 20250
Ans: Rs. 22,500 (hint: the plant is on the other side of the plant i.e. it is not on the same
side as the river)
107) The cost of one pencil, two pens and four erasers is Rs.22 while the cost of five
pencils, four pens and two erasers is Rs.32.How much will three pencils, three pens and
three erasers cost?
Ans: 27
108) A shopkeeper bought a watch for Rs.400 and sold it for Rs.500.What is his profit
Ans. 25%
109) What percent of 60 is 12?
Ans. 20%
110) Three men goes to a hotel to stay, the clerk says $30 per room/day so all the three
plans to stay in one room so each pays $10.After some time the clerk realizes that he
made a mistake of collecting $30 but the room cost only $25, there fore he decides to
return $5 to them so he calls the room boy and gives him $5 asking him to return. The
room boy keeps $2 with him and he returns only $3($1 for each).Now Totally all have
paid $9 each($27)+room boy $2 which is equal to $27.where did $1 go, who has made
the mistake?
111) Two pencils cost 8 cents. Then 5 pencils cost?
Ans :( 20 cents)
112)Which is more economical of the following
a)2kg -- 30/- b)8kg -- 160/- c)5kg -- 80/113)Satish earns 240 weekly.12% of big amount + earning weekly = 540
what is the big amount
a)3200 b)3600 c)2500 d)1000
Ans: c
114) Bhanu spends 30% of his income on petrol on scooter. ¼ of the remaining on house
rent and the balance on food. If he spends Rs.300 on petrol then what is the expenditure
on house rent? a) Rs.525 b) Rs.1000 c) Rs.675 d) Rs.175
Ans: 175
115) A sporting goods store ordered an equal number of white and yellow balls. The
tennis ball company delivered 45 extra white balls, making the ratio of white balls to
yellow balls 1/5: 1/6. How many white tennis balls did the store originally order for?
a) 450 b) 270 c) 225 d) None of these
Ans: 180
116) There is a circular pizza with negligible thickness that is cut into ,x, pieces by 4
straight line cuts. What is the maximum and minimum value of ,x, respectively?
a) 12, 6 b) 11, 6 c) 12, 5 d) 11, 5
117) Match the following:
1. Male - Boy ---> a. A type of
2. Square - Polygon ---> b. A part of
3. Roof - Building ---> c. Not a type of
4. Mushroom - Vegetables ---> d. A superset of
Ans: 1- d, 2- a, 3- b, 4- c
118) Match the following.
1. Brother - sister ---> a. Part of
2. Alsatian - dog ---> b. Sibling
3. Sentence - paragraph ---> c. Type of
4. Car - steering ---> d. Not a type of
Ans. 1-b, 2-c, 3-a, 4-d
119) Match the following
1) Scooter --------- Automobile A. A PART OF
2).Oxygen ---------- Water B. A Type of
3).Shop staff ---------- Fitters C. NOT A TYPE OF
4). Bug ---------- Reptile D. A SUPERSET OF
Ans. 1-b, 2-a, 3-d, 4-c
120) What is the largest prime number stored in a-----> 6 bit pattern (ANS~2^6=64, so no is 61)
------> 7 bit pattern (ANS~2^7=128, so no is 127)
-------> 8 bit pattern (ANS~2^8=256, so no is 251)
-------->9 bit pattern (ANS~2^9=512, so no is 503)
121) What is the max 3 digit Prime no?
122) G(0)= -1, G(1)=1, G(N)=G(N-1) - G(N-2), G(5)= ?
Ans - 2
123) G (0) =1 G (1) = -1 IF G (N) =2* (G (N-1)) - 3(G (N-2)) Then what is the value of
G (4)?
124) If f (0) =1 and f (n) = f (n-1)*n, find the value of f (4).
Ans: 24
125) If g (0) =g (1) =1 and g (n) = g (n-1) + g (n -2) find g (6);
126) What is the power of 2? a. 2068 b.2048 c.2668
Ans: 2048
127) 8 to the power of x is 32, what is the value of x?
128) Power of 4 Ans-4096
129) Which one will be the exact power of 3?
(i) 2768 (ii) 2678 (iii) 2187
130) Complete the seriesa )3,8,a,24,b,48,63 [ ANS~ a=15, b=35 ]
[HINT~DIFFERENCE IS 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15]
B )26,19,17,13,11, ,8,7 [ ANS=9]
[HINT~26,17,11,8 DECREASING LIKE 9,6,3 & 19,13,9,7 DECREASING
LIKE 6, 4, 2]
c)9,10,11,13,15, ,21,28 [ ANS=19 ]
[HINT~9, 11, 15, and 21 INCREASING LIKE 2, 4, 6 & 10,13,19,28 INCRESING
LIKE 3, 6, and 9]
D) 4, -5, 11, -14, 22, --- [ ANS= -27]
131) Number of faces, vertices and edges of a cube
ANS: 6,8,12
132) Find the value ofa) @@+25-++@16, where @ denotes"square" & + denotes "square root". [ANS=621]
b) $%$6-%$%6, where $ means "tripling" & % means "change of sign". [ANS= -72]
c) % # % 6 + # %# 6, % means "doubling" & # mean "reciprocal".
132) Select odd one out
3).JAVA b) LISP c) Smaltalk d)Eiffle Ans: LISP ( All other languages are OOPS)
4)1.http 2.arp 3.snmp Ans:sap
5)1.linux NT 3.sql server 4.Unix Ans: Sql server
6)1.SAP 2.ARP 3.WAP 4.TCP IP
7)a. Oracle b. Linux c. Ingress d. DB2
a. SMTP b. WAP c. SAP d. ARP Ans:SAP
9)a. WAP b. HTTP c. BAAN d. ARP Ans:Baan
11)a. SQL b. DB2 c. SYBASE d. HTTP Ans: HTTP
12)a. Oracle b. Linux c. Ingress d. DB2 ANS:LINUX
133) Find the singularity matrix from a given set of matrices? (Hint det (A) ====0)
134) Which of the following are orthogonal pairs?
a. 3i+2j b. i+j c. 2i-3j d. -7i+j
Ans: a, c
135) (a) 2+3i (b) 1+i (c) 3-2i (d) 1-7i .Find which of the above is orthogonal.
Ans: a, c
136) Sum of slopes of 2 perpendicular st. lines is given. Find the pair of lines from the
given set of options which satisfy the above condition?
137) If Rs.1260 is divided between A, B and C in the ratio 2:3:4, what is C,s share?
Ans: Rs. 560
138)A sum of money is divided among A, B and C such that for each rupee A gets, B
gets 65paise and C gets 35paise. If C,s share is Rs.560, the sum is .
a) 2400 b) 2800 c) 3200 d) 3800
139) Complete the series.
1) 3, 8, --, 24, --, 48, 63. Ans: 15, 35
2) Complete the series. 4, -5, 11, -14, 22, --- Ans - 27
3) SERIES: 2, 7, 24, 77, ------ (238) or (240)
4)77, 49, 36, 18,? Ans: 8 (7*7=49) (4*9=36) (3*6=1 (1*8=
5) series: 5 6 7 8 10 11 14?? Ans.15 or 18
6)15 14 12 11?? 9 8 Ans.10
7) what is the 12th term of the series 2, 5, 8 ... Ans. 35
8)58, 27, 12, x, 2, 1. Find x.
9)7, 9,13,_,27,37. Ans-19
10)2, 5, __, 19, 37, 75 Ans: 9
11) Complete the sequence 9, 10,11,13,15, __, 21, 28.
140) UNITS
1) (Momentum*Velocity)/ (Acceleration * distance) find units. Ans: mass
2) (energy * time * time)/ (mass * dist) = distance
3) (momentum * velocity)/ (force * time) = velocity
4) Find the physical quantity in units from the equation:
(Force*Distance)/ (Velocity*Velocity) Ans. Ns2/m
5) Find the physical quantity represented by
141) Find the result of the following _expression if, M denotes modulus operation, R
denotes round-off, T denotes truncation:
M (373, 5) +R (3.4) +T (7.7) +R (5.8)
ANS: 19
142) Which of the following highest Standard deviation
a) 7, - 7, 7,-7, 7,-7 b) 7, 7, 7,7,7,7 c) -7, - 7, -7,-7,-7,-7 d) -7, 7, -7, 7,-7, 7
Ans: d
143) 232 expressed in base-5 is Ans: 1412
144) A building with height D shadow up to G. A neighbor building with what height
shadows C feet.
Sol: B Ft. or CD/G
145) In a fraction, if 1 is added to both the numerator at the denominator, the fraction
becomes 1/2. If numerator is subtracted from the denominator, the fraction becomes 3/4.
Find the fraction.
Ans. 3/7
146) The sum of the digits of a two digit number is 8. When 18 is added to the number,
the digits are reversed. Find the number?
Ans. 35
147) What number should be added to or subtracted from each term of the ratio 17 : 24 so
that it becomes equal to 1 : 2.
Ans. 10 should be subtracted
Section-3 :( Critical Reasoning- 12 questions - 30 min)
Refer GRE BARRONS text book 12th Edition model papers.
Model paper 1: Sec - 5 , Sec- 6
Model paper 2: Sec -1 , Sec-6
Model paper 3: Sec -5 , Sec- 6
Model paper 4: Sec -5 , Sec-6
Model paper 5: Sec -3 , Sec-7
(Try to Mug up those sections .They will give definitely from those model papers only)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Technical Interview:
(Be prepare with 2 core subjects (basics) of u r Branch)
(Be prepare with basics of C and DS and some basic programs)
Basic C programs:
 Prime Number
 Sorting Techniques
 Searching techniques
 Factorial using recursion
 Fibonacci series using recursion
 Reverse the string
 Palindrome
 Armstrong no
 Strong no
 Data structures concept
 Linked list concept
 Stack, queue Algorithms
Managerial Round:
 Ask to solve any managerial problem regarding
Time management, Leadership qualities
 Tell about u r self
 Tell anything without interruption for 5 minutes (so be preparing in advance regarding
group leader qualities and so on ......)
HR Interview:
 Tell about your self(This include ur name , ur place, ur SSC school name with % ,
Intermediate college name with %, u r father ,mother, brother occupations- no need to tell
their names, u r role model, ur hobbies, strengths, Area of interest, and u r achievements)
 Why TCS
 Tell about your strengths
 Tell about u r weakness
 Tell about u r hobbies
And so on ......
(Be confident with smiling face)
(If you fail to prepare then prepare to fail)
Following paper is provided by . Visit for more
TCS Candidate Experience and Placement Paper by muralimohan
TCS apti is the easiest to crack if u thorougly go thru the previous placement papers of
TCS..nothing to worry about..The priority for the 3 section in increasingorder is : 1)
Vocabulary & english
2) Quantitative apti
3) Critical reasoning
CR is a bit tough nd requires fast calculations..but if u manage to clear thru this section,
nothing can stop u from clearing the apti.
Technical interview :
Me:May i get in Sir?
He : Could u plz wait out for 5 min?
Me : sure sir
He : Plz come in
Me : good morning Sir
He : a v good morn. tell me abt urself
Me : gave a very clear idea abt myself
He : tell abt ur project
Me : done
He : draw architecture of ur proj
Me : done
he was v impressed with my project
He : askd the code to traverse thru a double linked list
Me : done
He : askd to write a simple sql query..then askd wats a primary key?
Me : both done
He : askd abt routers and switches & default gateways
Me : not v clear with switches
He : ok not an issue
He : u wanna ask sumthing?
Me : Sir did u find sumthing lacking in me
He : no ur perfectly alrite..u may wait outside for HR
The tech round was also elimination round, but i got thru
HR & MR : the coolest interview of my life..the HR were quite aged and hence v kind.
those same cliched Qs :
1) abt urself
2) why TCS? Ans:1) want to go for an Indian firm. 2) big fan of Ratan Tata
3) wat u kno abt Tata? answered. browse thru TCS site
4) but y u r a fan of tata? ans : he gave us nano. nd this is sumthing really good that hes
done for da middle class... he was impressed with my ans
5) askd some database stuff and abt my project. answered thourougly.
6) r u free for relocation and r u aware of hte 2 yr service bond..just say yes
7) u want to ask nething..i askd him did i sound over-confident..he said no ur confi level
was just proper..nd thats all..both the he nd she HRs shook hands with me
After a long wait results were announced..yippeeeeeeeeeeeee!! celebs all around
Following paper is provided by . Visit for more
I had day1 company as TCS on january 15th, 2008 in our college. Nearly 200 students
attended for online test, out of which 121 were short listed for interview.
There may be some mistakes in this paper & so I am sorry for that
Complete tcs selection procedure consists of :
1)Online test
2)Technical interview
3)H.R. or M.R. round
Online test
Online test consisted of 3 sections verbal, quantitative and critical reasoning.
Total time duration was 90 minutes.
1.Verbal - 30 questions 20 minutes.
2.Quantitative - 32 questions 40 minutes
3.Critical reasoning - 3 puzzles with 4 questions each for 30 minutes.
1.Verbal consisted of 10 synonyms, 10 antonyms, 5 sentence completion, and a reading
comprehension with 5 questions. Synonyms and antonyms were quite difficult, but
sentence completion and reading comprehension was easy to get through if u carefully
analyze and answer. It is good to be thorough with 400 high frequency words.
2.Quant section was simple enough. All the previous year questions are repeated. The
following questions are some sample questions that I solved in the test.
1) Complete the series 7, 9 , 13 , __ , 27, 37
ANS: 19
2) What is the largest prime number that can be stored in an 8-bit memory?
3) Number of faces, vertices and edges of a cube
4) In a triangle which one is not possible. Sides are (5 ,5 ,5.), (5 ,4 ,5 ), (4 ,4, 9 ), (3,4
ANS: (4,4,9) (HINT : for a triangle sum of smaller 2 sides should be greater than the
other one which is larger)
5) Match the following:
1. Male - Boy a. A type of
2. Square - Polygon b. A part of
3. Roof - Building c. Not a type of
4. Mushroom - Vegetables d. A superset of
ANS: 1- d, 2- a, 3- b, 4- c
6) Given $ means Tripling and % means change of sign then find the value of $%$6%$%6 ?
ANS : -72
7) My flight takes of at 2am from a place at 18N 10E and landed 10 Hrs later at a place
with coordinates 36N 70W. What is the local time when my plane landed.
a) 6:00 am b) 6:40am c) 7:40am d) 7:00pm e) 8:00 am
(Hint : Every 1 deg longitude change is equal to 4 minutes . If going from west to east
add time else subtract time & there is no change for north to south)
ANS: (e) 8:00am
8) In a two-dimensional array, X (9, 7), with each element occupying 4 bytes of memory,
with the address of the first element X (1, 1) is 3000, find the address of X (8, 5).
ANS: 3212
9) Select the odd one out. a. Java b. Lisp c. Smalltalk d. Eiffel.
10) In which of the system, decimal number 194 is equal to 1234?
ANS: 5
11) A power unit is there by the bank of the river of 750 meters width. A cable is made
from power unit to power a plant opposite to that of the river and 1500mts away from the
power unit. The cost of the cable below water is Rs. 15/- per meter and cost of cable on
the bank is Rs.12/- per meter. Find the total of laying the cable.
12) Which of the following are orthogonal pairs?
a. 3i+2j b. i+j c. 2i-3j d. -7i+j
ANS: (A) & (C).
13) If VXUPLVH is written as SURMISE, what is SHDVD?
14) If A, B and C are the mechanisms used separately to reduce the wastage of fuel by
30%, 20% and 10%. What will be the fuel economy if they were used combined?
ANS: 20%
15) A can copy 50 papers in 10 hours while both A & B can copy 70 papers in 10 hours.
Then for how many hours required for B to copy 26 papers?
ANS: 13
16) Find the singularity matrix from a given set of matrices? (Hint determinant(A)=0)
17) units of basic quantities :
like (energy * time * time)/(mass * dist) = distance
18) For a round trip, a car used 4 1/2 gallons of gasoline. If it used 1/4 more gasoline
going than coming back, how much gasoline was used coming back?
Ans: 2 gallons
19) A shopkeeper bought a watch for Rs.400 and sold it for Rs.500.What is his profit
Ans. 25%
20)g[0]=1,g[1]=-1,g[n]=2*g[n-1]-3*g[n-2] then calculate g[4]=
21) .The ratio of boys to girls is 6:4.60% of the boys and 40% of girls take lunch in the
canteen.What % of class takes lunch? Ans) 52%
22) Which of the following set of numbers has the highest Standard deviation?
a)1,0,1,0,1,0 b) -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1
c)1,1,1,1,1,1 d) -1,1,-1, 1,-1, 1
23) units of basic quantities (momentum * velocity)/(force * time) = velocity
24-27) there were 3 questions on venn diagrams (like 20 spek eng,30 speak hindi 3 speak
both and so on..)
28-32)5 questions based on 1 piechart (data interpretation).
CRITICAL REASONING: ( 3 puzzles with 4 questions each)
1) Some seating arrangement problem like there were 6 people A, B, C, D, E, F sitting in
a table they all are agricultural minister, health minister, education minister and so on.
The hints proceed like this. 1) A sits 2 seats away from D. 2) agricultural minister cannot
sit near health minister. And some 3 more hints (I don,t remember) using the hints given
in the question U have to trace out their seating position in a round table and have to
answer 5 questions based on it.
2) all P,s are Q,s, some R,s are Q,s , all P,s are E, on. With these hints u can draw a
venn digram and answer the following 5 questions. All the questions are from GRE
Barron model papers (12 th ,13 th edition) so just solve all those. (Just mug up the
3) barons gre 12 edition page 496
Ashland is north of east liverpool
SIR: Have seat
ME: thank you very much sir
SIR: Tell me about yourself.
Me: I said my name, my college name, my degree, about my family and my hobbies,
some of my positive qualities, my role model.
Sir: What are your core subjects that u have learnt so far?
Me: I am an EC student I said all my core subjects.
Sir: What are the different types of Topologies?, what are merits &demerits of each?
Me: Mesh topology, star topology, Tree topology, Bus topology, mesh topology.
Sir: what is the Topology used in ur college?
Me: I said it is star topology.
Sir: Implement bubble sort in c using pointers?
Me: I made it.
Sir: what are header & circular link list?
Me: I explained with an example.
Sir: what are different data structures & how & where do we use them?
Me: I explained
Sir: what are operational amplifier ( inverting , non inverting , summer, integrator,
Me: I explained.
Sir: what are flip flops & logic gates?( they can tell any function to implement )
Me: I explained .
Sir: Why TCS?
Me: TCS gives Experience certainty, I came to know that it has a good work environment
and the employees get a good respect. It has various initial and continuous learning
programs which will help me a lot in learning new skills and updating myself with latest
technologies hence I prefer TCS.
Sir: DHEERAJ you are from Bhopal can u tell the history of Bhopal?
Me: I told.
Sir: Tell me about famous Bhopal Gas tragedy?
Me: I told.
Sir: Tell me about famous historical temples, about kings, dates etc ?
Me: I told.
Sir: Do u have anything to ask us?
Me: I have 1 more year to complete my course what do u expect me to do in this 1 year to
fit in to your organization?
Some puzzles were also asked like
1. two coins of same radius with 1 coin fixed & other turn around it , how much the other
would turn when it takes a complete one revolution?
2. you are in a room of l,b,h=10,10,10 & in the centre is a monkey trying to pluck
bananas in the centre of ceiling but he is unable to do it what shud he do to pluck them?
3. What is the height of room if after entering the room with a watch ur head
strikes a hanging bulb?
Ans: Oscillate the hanging bulb. Calculate the time period for one complete
oscillation by Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) of the handing bulb. Put it in the
formula T=2 * 3.14 * (L/G)^1/2
L will be the length of the hanging thread.
Add the L with ur height to get the height of the room.
4. You have to draw 3 concentric circles with a line passing thru their center
without lifting hand.
Ans: Start the line complete one circle move inside circles along the line and then
draw second circle. Like wise rest.
I was almost sure that I will get placed and as expected I got selected. Out of 121 who
attended the interview 49 got placed.
Speak very polite and be confident in the interview. Don,t try answering the question that
you really don,t know. Be very careful with the resumes keep it as simple as you can .
Three suggestions from my side for an interview
1 don,t bluff
2 for God,s sake don,t bluff
3 for your own sake don,t bluff
Following paper is provided by . Visit for more
TCS Candidate Experience and Placement Paper - College of Engineering,
Pune on 20th JUNE, 2008
hi guys TCS came to our college(College of Engineering, Pune) on 20th JUNE, 2008.
Well this time it was a record breaking stats for our coll. 400/500 cleared the
apti..290/400 got thru da tech interview..finally 213/400 were selected nd by God,s grace
i was 1 amongst them..
TCS apti is the easiest to crack if u thorougly go thru the previous placement papers of
TCS..nothing to worry about..The priority for the 3 section in increasingorder is : 1)
Vocabulary & english
2) Quantitative apti
3) Critical reasoning
CR is a bit tough nd requires fast calculations..but if u manage to clear thru this section,
nothing can stop u from clearing the apti.
Technical interview :
Me:May i get in Sir?
He : Could u plz wait out for 5 min?
Me : sure sir
He : Plz come in
Me : good morning Sir
He : a v good morn. tell me abt urself
Me : gave a very clear idea abt myself
He : tell abt ur project
Me : done
He : draw architecture of ur proj
Me : done
he was v impressed with my project
He : askd the code to traverse thru a double linked list
Me : done
He : askd to write a simple sql query..then askd wats a primary key?
Me : both done
He : askd abt routers and switches & default gateways
Me : not v clear with switches
He : ok not an issue
He : u wanna ask sumthing?
Me : Sir did u find sumthing lacking in me
He : no ur perfectly alrite..u may wait outside for HR
The tech round was also elimination round, but i got thru
HR & MR : the coolest interview of my life..the HR were quite aged and hence v kind.
those same cliched Qs :
1) abt urself
2) why TCS? Ans:1) want to go for an Indian firm. 2) big fan of Ratan Tata
3) wat u kno abt Tata? answered. browse thru TCS site
4) but y u r a fan of tata? ans : he gave us nano. nd this is sumthing really good that hes
done for da middle class... he was impressed with my ans
5) askd some database stuff and abt my project. answered thourougly.
6) r u free for relocation and r u aware of hte 2 yr service bond..just say yes
7) u want to ask nething..i askd him did i sound over-confident..he said no ur confi level
was just proper..nd thats all..both the he nd she HRs shook hands with me
After a long wait results were announced..yippeeeeeeeeeeeee!! celebs all around !!
Following paper is provided by . Visit for more
Candidate Experience - TCS PAPER ON APRIL 20, 2008
Hi friends..I am T.Vetri Selvan from TCE, Madurai. TCS came to our campus on april.
550 were appered for written test.360 were short listed for interview,finally 306 were
selected. first day ppt and online test.
It consists of three sections
1.verbal--synonyms,antonyms,sentence completion and passage.
3.critiacal reasoninig.
For each of the words in Capital letters, choose from among the answers, the word that is
closest in meaning:
(A) foolishness (B)extremity (C)indifference (D)enthusiasm (E)economy
(A) fulfill (B)contemplate (C)talk nonsense (D)protest loudly (E)meander
(A) excitement (B)worry (C)flux (D)anteroom (E)lover
(A) underhanded (B)coy (C)brilliant (D)quick (E)abortive
(A) humourist (B)nuisance (C)scholar (D)bum (E)thief
(A) foolish (B)swift (C)early (D)constructed (E)hairy
(A) indirect (B)complete (C)obvious (D)aware (E)tortured
(8) CITE
(A) galvanize (B)visualize (C)locate (D)quote (E)signal
(A) abortive (B)secret (C)tangible (D)doomed (E)approved
(A) lack of confidence (B)fear of spiders (C)love of books (D)fear of grammar (E)fear of
closed places
For each of the words in Capital letters, choose from among the answers, the closest word
that has the opposite meaning:
(A) not negotiable (B)not equivalent (C)not ambitious (D)not evident (E)not relevant
(A) apologize (B)sanctify (C) make worse (D)rule illegal (E)rebuke
(13) APEX
(A) smallest amount (B)clearest view (C)lowest point (D)broad plateau (E)bright colour
(A) imaginative (B) contradictory (C)hesitant (D)redundant (E)disorderly
(A) amalgamation (B)harmony (C) neutrality (D)resolution (E)proximity
(A) immature (B)coarse (C)clever (D)stable (E)genial
(A) frown (B)disguise (C)make different (D)make aware (E)please
(A) naive (B)accurate (C)hostile (D)witty (E)polite
(A) dependability (B)submissiveness (C)apathy (D)incongruity (E)eloquence
(A) consideration (B)comprehensibility (C)barrenness (D)gravity (E)sanity
Q1. Fill in the missing number in the sequence
9 10 11 13 15 ?? 21 28
(a) 18 (b) 16 (c) 19 (d) 20 (e) 17
Q2. In the following series, how many Vs are there such that each V is followed by an Y
next to it if the Y is not followed by a U next to it.
(a)2 (b)3 (c)5 (d)4 (e) 6
Q3. If CSFBUI is coded as BREATH how will DPWFS be coded?
Q4. Suppose the first and second letters in the word SIMULTANEOUSLY were
interchanged, also the third and fourth letters, the fifth and sixth etc. Print the letter that
would then be the twelfth letter counting from the right.
(a) L (b) I (c) M (d) O (e) U
Q5. In which number system would 1234 represent the decimal number 310?
(a) Base - 7 (b) Base - 8 (c) Base - 6 (d) Base - 5 (e) Base - 9
Q6. What is the largest prime number that can be stored in an 7-bit word computer?
(a) 133 (b) 119 (c) 121 (d) 127 (e) 139
Q7. If n = 15 x 28 x 26, which of the following is NOT an integer?
a. n / 76 b. n / 42 c. n / 35
d. n / 60 e. n / 78
Q8. Which of the following is a power of 2?
a. 4148 b. 4196 c. 4198
d. 4096 e. 4248
Pick the odd one out
Q9. (a) ORACLE (b) ARP (c) INGRESS
(d) DB2 (e) SYBASE
Q10. (a) JAVA (b) LISP (c) EIFFEL
(d) SMALLTALK (e) C++
Q11. The three numbers in brackets represent the angles of a triangle. Which of these
does not represent a proper triangle?
(a) (90º,31º,69º) (b) (60º,90º,30º) (c) (74º,66º,40º)
(d) (70º,60º,50º) (e) (80º,60º,40º)
Q12. The three numbers in brackets in each of the following options represents the
number of edges ,the number of vertices and the number of faces respectively. Find out
which of these represents a solid planar cube?
(a) (8,12,6) (b) (8,6,12) (c) (12,8,6) (d) (6,6,6) (e) (8,6,8)
Q13. Which set of data exhibits a higher Standard Deviation?
(a) 4, -4, 4, -4, 4, -4 (b) 4, 0, -4, 4, 0, -4 (c) 4, 4, 4, 0, 4, 4 (d) 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 (e) -4, -4, -4, 4, -4, -4
The three circles below represent the number of people speaking Japanese, Chinese and
French. Answer the next three questions based on the diagram
Q14. How many more (or less) people speak Chinese than people who speak Japanese?
(a)2 (b)3 (c)1 (d)4 (e)6
Q15. What percentage of people speaking French can also speak Japanese but not
(a) 12.5 (b) 13.9 (c) 17.4 (d) 16.8 (e) 12
Q16. What percentage of total people can speak all three languages?
(a)5 (b)4 (c)6 (d)7 (e)8
The figure on the left represents number of members in a Club and the figure on the right
depicts profession wise distribution for 1998
Members (in "00s)
Q17. Which year has registered the maximum percentage growth in members?
(a) 1996 (b) 2004 (c) 1998 (d) 1995 (e) 1992
Q18. What are the average members for 1995-1999?
(a) 8400 (b) 8800 (c) 8900 (d) 7800 (e) 6600
Q19. If 10% of members in 1998 left the Club, how many fresh members were made in
(a)4900 (b) 5100 (c) 4600 (d) 4400 (e) 3400
Q20. A hypothetical physical quantity is defined as:
(Momentum X Velocity) / (Acceleration X Distance)
In what fundamental units would this quantity be expressed?
(a)Time (b) Power (c) Velocity (d) Distance (e) Mass
Q21. A can do a piece of work in 20 days and B can do it in 12 days. B worked at it for 9
days. In how many days A alone can finish the remaining work?
(a)6 (b)5 (c)8 (d)12 (e)9
Q22. Which of these matrices is singular
21 15 -1 7 3 2 0 3
(a)A (b)B (c)C (d)D (e) None
Q23. Match the following relationships:
(i) Male - Boy (1) Not a type of
(ii) Basmati - Wheat (2) Part of
(iii) Snake - Reptile (3) A type of
(iv) Roof - Building (4) Superset of
(a) i-3,ii-1,iii-4,iv-2 (b) i-4,ii-1,iii-3,iv-2 (c)i-4,ii-1,iii-2,iv-3
(d) i-3,ii-2,iii-1,iv-4 (e) i-1,ii-4,iii-3,iv-2
Q24. If % stands for reciprocal and # stands for doubling what is the value of
% # % (5) + # % # (2)?
(a)2 (b)4 (c) 3 (d)5 (e)6
Q25. A sequence is defined recursively as
g(0) = 1; g(1) = -1
g(n) = g(n-1) + g(n-2)
What will be the value of g(6)?
(a)-2 (b)2 (c)-3 (d)4 (e)6
Q26. What curve best suits the following data:
0.99 0.00001
10.04 1.02
99.98 1.997
1000 3.0
9990 4.004
(a) y = logn x (b) y = log10 x (c) y = ex (d) y = -log10 x (e) y = - ex
Q27. A Two-dimensional array X(7,9) is stored linearly row-wise in a computer,s
memory. Each element requires 2 bytes for storage of the value. If the first byte address
of X(1,1) is 1258, what would be the last byte address of X(5, 8)?
(a)1325 (b) 1455 (c)1345 (d) 1457 (e) 1453
Q28. Of the four vectors A,B,C,D find out which pair forms an orthogonal set
A = 3i+5j, B = i+j , C = 5i-3j, D = -7i+j
(a)AC (b)AD (c)BC (d)BD (e)AB
Q29. Evaluate the expression
M(737,9) + R(3.4) + T(7.7) - R(5.8) where
M stands for Modulo arithmetic, R stands for Round-off operation and T stands for
Truncation Operation
(a)24 (b)14 (c) 12 (d)18 (e)8
Q30. Three independent mechanisms A,B and C have been incorporated for power saving
in a plant producing respectively 30%, 20% and 25% efficiency. Assuming that they
operate independently, what is the net power efficiency achieved?
(a) 58% (b)64% (c) 46% (d) 44% (e) 56%
Q31. The scores in class exams and final exam of 2 students are given as below:
Class exam Final exam
3 1.4
3.5 1.65
Find the Class exam score of a student who has scored zero in the Final exam.
(a)0.3 (b)0.1 (c)0.2 (d)-0.2 (e)0.5
Q32. What equation best describes the curve shown below:
(a)y = tan x (b) y = ex (c)y + x = 0 (d) y = Cos x (e) y + 3 = x
Q33. The temperature at Kochi is given by the function: -t2/6+4t+12 where t is the
elapsed time since midnight. What is the percentage rise (or fall) in temperature between
3.00 PM and 6.00 PM?
(a)22.5% (b) 33.3% (c) 36% (d) 32% (e) 28%
Q34. An aircraft takes off from A (72o N Lat, 45o E Long) at 2.00 AM local time to B
(32o N Lat, 45o W Long). If the flying time is 9 hours what is the local time of landing at
(a)5.40 AM (b) 4.00 AM (c) 5.00 AM (d) 7.00AM (e) 8.00AM
Q35. Fill in the last row of the following Truth Table:
A B  C)
Interpret the resulting bit pattern as an integer in an 8-bit computer and write the decimal
(a)4 (b)5 (c)6 (d)2 (e)3
Q36. A file is transferred from one location to another in ,buckets,. The size of the bucket
is 10 kilobytes. The bucket gets filled at the rate of 0.0001 kilobytes per millisecond. The
transmission time from sender to receiver is 10 milliseconds per bucket. After the receipt
of the bucket the receiver sends an acknowledgement that reaches sender in 100
milliseconds. Assuming no error during transmission, write a formula to calculate the
time taken in seconds to successfully complete the transfer of a file of size N kilobytes.
(a) 10.11 N (b) 10.011 N (c) 11.01 N (d)11.011 N (e)10.101 N
Q37. The electricity used in a device is given by the function P(N) = 4000 √N, where N is
the time for which device is used. Find the percentage change in electricity usage if the
time used by the device is increased by 1%.
(a) 0.75% (b) 0.25% (c) 1% (d) 0.5% (e) 2%
Q38. A power cable is to be run from a power plant on the bank of a river 900 meters
wide to a factory that is located 3000 meters downstream on the opposite bank. If the cost
of laying cable under water is Rs. 5 per meter and that of laying overhead on land is Rs. 4
per meter, find the point downstream where the cable is to cut across the river.
(a) 450 (b) 3900 (c) 2800 (d) 2100 (e) 1800
Read the following passages and answer questions under each passage
(1) At a Congress of the Democratic Party, the seven top party leaders, who are cabinet
ministers, are seated on the plat form in order of rank. The Prime Minister, the Party
leader is in the center. The closer a person is to the Prime Minister, the higher is his or
her rank, with a person on the Prime Minister,s right out-left. The seven leaders are Alan,
Bill, Clayton, Denzil, Edwin, Frank and George.
Frank is 4 places to the left of the Minister of Agriculture, who is 2 places to the right of
Bill,s neighbours are Alan and the Minster of Agriculture.
George is two places to the left of Denzil
The Minister of Education, Mining and Culture are seated together, in that order from the
left to the right.
The remaining Ministers are those of Social Welfare and Defense
1. The Minster of Culture is:
(A) Alan
(B) Bill
(C) Clayton
(D) Denzil
(E) Edwin
2. The fifth ranking person in the party hierarchy is
(A) George, the Minister of Mining
(B) Frank, the Minster of Culture
(C) Denzil, the Prime Minister
(D) Edwin, the Minister of Defense
(E) Alan, the Minister of Education
3. The Minister of Social Welfare
I. outranks the minister of Defense
II. is outranked by the Minister of Mining
(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) I and II only
(D) I or II, but not both
(E) Neither I nor II
4.How many of the seven party leaders out rank the Minister of Education?
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5
(E) 6
(2) In a certain society, there are 2 marriage groups, Red and Brown. No marriage is
permitted within a group. On marriage, males become part of their wife,s group; women
remain in their own group. Children belong to the same group as their parents.
Widowers and divorced males revert to the group of their birth. Marriage to more than
one person at the same time and marriage to a direct descendant are forbidden.
1. A Brown female could have had:
I. A grandfather born Red.
II. A grandmother born Red.
III. Two grandfathers born Brown
A. I only
B. III only
C. I and II only
D. II and III only
E. I, II and III only
2. A male born into the Brown group may have:
A. an uncle in either group
B. a Brown daughter
C. a Brown son
D. a son-in-law born into the Red group
E. a daughter-in-law in the Red group.
3. Which of the following is not permitted under the rules as stated?
A. A Brown male marrying his father,s sister
B. A Red female marrying her mother,s brother
C. A man born Red, who is now a widower, marrying his brother,s widow
D. A widower marrying his wife,s sister
E. A widow marrying her divorced daughter,s ex-husband.
4 If widower,s and divorced males retained the group they had upon marrying, which of
the following would be permissible?
A. A woman marrying her dead sister,s husband.
B. A woman marrying her divorced daughter,s ex-husband
C. A widower marrying his brother,s daughter.
D. A woman marrying her mother,s brother, who is a widower
E. A divorced male marrying his ex-wife,s divorced sister
(3) A project to consolidate the programs of a large university and a small college is set
up. It is agreed that the representative work in small committees of three, with 2
representatives of the large university. It was also agreed that no committee be
represented by faculty members of the same subject area.
The large university was represented by the following professors: J, who teaches English
literature, K, who is chairman of the Mathematics Department and L who is in the
Department of Natural Sciences. The small college appointed the following: M, who
teaches mathematics, N, who is a Latin teacher, and O and P who teach English literature.
1. Which of the following represents a committee well composed?
A. K, L, N
B. K, L, M
C. J, K, L
D. J, O, N
E. J, K, M
2. Which of the following may serve with P?
A. K and M
B. K and L
C. K and O
D. J and K
E. M and N
3. Which of the following must be true?
I. If J serves on a committee, P must be assigned to that committee.
II. If J cannot serve on a committee, then M cannot be assigned to that committee.
III. If J cannot serve on a committee, then L must serve on that committee.
A. I only
B. II only
C. III only
D. I and II only
E. II and III only
4. If L is not available for service, which of the following must be on that committee?
A. M and J
B. O and J
C. N and J
D. N and O
E. P and J
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Candidate Experience - SRKR Engineering College, Bhimavaram - 9th
and 10th May 2008
Hi friends this is chaitu from srkr engineering college,bhimavaram.recently TCS came to
our college on may 9th and 10th of this month .Around 430 members have appeared for
the written test and nearly 230 members got cleared their written test and 91 members
finally selected for TCS .
Friends just follow my suggesitions u can easily crack the TCS interview .really don,t
take my words silly.Even though I have not selected for tcs I can tell better than others
because I have lost it..u shouldn,t loose it by doing silly mistakes.. First of all through
online registration students should get registered for the written test .Don,t bother about
this your placement officer will inform about this. The interview consists of 4 rounds
1)Written Test (Online)
Verbal part : 10 synonyms 10 antonyms 1 reading comprehension with 4 questions 6 fill
in the blanks with appropriate sentences.
Quant (30 questions) Critical Reasoning (12 marks 3 reasoning paragraphs)
2) Technical Round ( Majority Elimination Round)
3) Management Round (Elimination Round)
4) HR Interview ( Not an elimination round)
Now follow my the above suggesitions These suggestions are not for the students who
have prepared well from months these are for the students who are worried about how to
clear the tcs written test with no preparation until now .. For clearing the written test u
should follow barrons 12th edition don,t worry its not necessary to read the entire book.I
will tell you which parts u should cover For Quant questions: Just practice the questions
present in all 2008 posts it is more than sufficient no need of doing rs agarwal ..all 30 out
of 30 questions will come from the freshers world first 25 tcs posts only just data will
change .
For antonyms : There are around 180 antonyms in barrons which u should compulsory
byhatt them .around 8 to 9 sometimes even 10 out of 10 antonyms will come from these
180 antonyms. After you are confident with these 180 antonyms then only go for other
stuff ok.. Barrons 12th edition page no 122 to 129 here there are 100 antonyms out of 180
..remaining around 80 antonyms are from the 5 model papers at the end of book . Don,t
take it silly just go through the test if u had kept 10 out of 10 antonyms then u will
get lot of confidence..practise these 180 a lot and lot. For Reading Comprehension: Just
go through the reading comprehension in the 5 model test papers .
Don,t leave the paragraphs with 6 questions see them also. If you have 1 or 2 days time
don,t waste time by doing the paragraphs on your own .90 % they will give the paragraph
from barrons only. So for each paragraph sit with your friends .For a paragraph write
down the answers at one place and just form a simple story on these answers.This is the
most effective way to remember the answers without headache. For Rc,s don,t take the
risk of byhatting the options .They may change the sequence some times. Ok do u feel
some what relaxed because the headache of rc,s and antonyms had gone . For synonyms:
First of all read all the synonyms from the 5 model papers .Then go for high frequency
word list. U can answer around 5 to 6 . I don,t know from where u can get the remaining
synonyms. Sentence Completion: Don,t be in a illusion that a sentence will come n u
should identify the appropriate word.This is the toughest part in the verbal section .They
will give a paragraph with 6 blanks . U should identify the missing sentences not the
missing words . Identify the appropriate sentence . go for this section only at the end of
the test.Maximum , time wouldn,t be there to do this section.Even u have not scored
much don,t bother u can do well in other sections. Critical Reasoning: This is my
favourite section. With in a short time u will know why I called it as my favourite
This is the most easiest section for some guys because some people may get all the
reasoning paragraphs from barrons.and for some they may not get even single pargraph
like me ( I am the most unlucky person) . But the paragraphs which are not from barrons
will be easy to do.. I have done around 10 questions easily. If u have time to do the
reasoning paragraphs then practice them from barrons model papers before the exam. But
if didn,t have time to practice the reasoning section and if you dare to leave them don,t do
so. I will tell u how to byhatt them . maximum 99.9 % they will give the reasoning
paragraphs from the barrons model papers as it is , without changing the order so just
byhatt them. This is the way I have byhatted the reasoning paragraphs from barrons
model papers. They are around 25 reasoning paragraphs with 4 questions leave the
reasoning paras with 6 questions .
These are some telugu sentences only Andhra students can understand to byhatt the
reasoning paragraphs. Concentrate on highlighted word Non Andhra students just skip
this section and read the other suggesitions.
1) If any word like motorist appeared in the reasoning paragraph .then remember this
short story : Motorist (motor cycle naduputhunna vaadu ) addamga (From this remind
AD) velli company CEO ( Ceo numchi CE gurthupettukovali) ne guddisardu so answer is
: ADCE u can form the stories of your own like this to remember .this is the way I
byhatted them.
2)if the words marriage in the society appears in the paragraph then story is Pelli kuthurni
ne cab lo ante pallaki lo (From this CAB) lo mosukuntu dum dum dum ani (From this D)
thesukuvelthunnaru. So answer is : CABD
3) if the word Pentagon appears in the paragraph then story is Us lo pentagon meda attack
jariginappude pakkane idea cell tower vundatanta appudu adi kuda padi poyindanta
attack lo .eppudu cell lo c thesi idea lo i place lo pettandi cdea vasthundi So answer is
4) if the word Latin,Sanskrit appears in the paragraph then story is Dady (from this DAD)
Sanskrit, latin nerchukomani books (From this remind B) thesukuvacharu So answer is:
5) if the word Baseball players appears in the paragraph then story is Base ball player
addamga (From this AD) beer ( from this BE) thagesi ishtamvachinattu aaduthunnaru So
answer is: ADBE
6) if the word Novels appears in the paragraph then story is popular novels anni kuda
bead meda (from this bead) podukuni chaduvutham kada so the answer is :BEAD
7) if the word Delegations appears in the paragraph then story is Delegates vachinappudu
ammayalu (from this remind A) boquets echi vallaki welcome chepthu ECE
department(From this ECE) ki thesukuni vellaru So answer is : AECE
8) if the word Formal Dinner appears in the paragraph then story is dinner lo mulakaada
(drum stick from this CADA) vaddincharu So answer is : CADA
9) if the word Visa appears in the paragraph then story is Visa vachindi so us velladu . us
velli a to e anni chusesi ( place A first and E last) Madhya madhalo cinemalu
,appudappudu college ke vellevadu(so remind CC in the middle) . so answer is : ACCE
10) if in the paragraph either museum or eight caves appears answer is :CCBB( c square
b square) museuem or eight caves ccbb(c square b square)
11) if in the paragraph either memorial day appears Answer is: ccba ( c square b a)
Horizontal row,vertical row answer:ccac(c square a c)
Basket ball dccb(d c square b)
Democratic conservative party ddbc(d square b c)
Hotel Miramar dbca Story for this is in dhaba (from this DB) cat walk(from this CA) is
going on so answer is DBCA.
Three worker each day aede
Six school board members dbde
Official hoster of newyork city eade
A is the father of two children deeb (d e square b)
A,b,c,d,e ,f,q edbc
A,b,c,w,d,e,x,f aabc ( a sqaure b c)
After cracking the written they will give u a 3 page application form be very careful with
it ..don,t struck any column , fill it without any is damn important Don,t fill
the application form in hurry. One of my friend he filled the application form by referring
to another frnds appli form he in hurry put the dob of other person n striked in the appli
form had rewritten.
After going to HR round i.e 4th round HR rejected due to this silly mistake they consider
these sort of mistakes as irresponsible,negligence and arrogance. And one of other friend
he forgot to write the place name at place column. He got rejected at the end of second
day silly mistakes may end ur interview be very very careful.. Don,t put the neck
button without wearing a personal skills don,t write meaning less sentences like I
am optimistic,object oriented mind setup these sort of dirty sentences..ur resume should
be as simple as possible..
Now Technical Round: Always remember no HR or any person they not even see ur file
or certificates u got .they wont even touch them. Whole interview process will go based
on ur resume. the students who have selected for online test will have the technical round
on the next day of the exam. Be prepared the first question is tell me abt urself then be
thorough with ur resume don,t place unnecessary stuff in the resume if ur not confident
with them. If u have a project then if u are confident with the project then only keep it in
resume otherwise forget abt it. Because of my project in resume I lost the job. He didn,t
ask me how did u do the project tell me he asked the questions based on his knowledge . I
couldn,t answer them .He asked me tell me how did u done data base configuration in
apache tomcat server I have never touched it infact we do nothing like that . its my fate ..
all CS N IT STUDENTS be thorough with these questions write logic for implementins
Palindrome Swapping of two variables without using temp variables Fibonicci series with
n without recursion
Factorial with n without recursion
Pascal triangle, Hi friends this is chaitu from srkr engineering
college,bhimavaram.recently TCS came to our college on may 9th and 10th of this month
.Around 430 members have appeared for the written test and nearly 230 members got
cleared their written test and 91 members finally selected for TCS .
Friends just follow my suggesitions u can easily crack the TCS interview .really don,t
take my words silly.Even though I have not selected for tcs I can tell better than others
because I have lost it..u shouldn,t loose it by doing silly mistakes.. First of all through
online registration students should get registered for the written test .Don,t bother about
this your placement officer will inform about this. The interview consists of 4 rounds
1)Written Test (Online)
Verbal part : 10 synonyms 10 antonyms 1 reading comprehension with 4 questions 6 fill
in the blanks with appropriate sentences.
Quant (30 questions) Critical Reasoning (12 marks 3 reasoning paragraphs)
2) Technical Round ( Majority Elimination Round)
3) Management Round (Elimination Round)
4) HR Interview ( Not an elimination round)
Now follow my the above suggesitions These suggestions are not for the students who
have prepared well from months these are for the students who are worried about how to
clear the tcs written test with no preparation until now .. For clearing the written test u
should follow barrons 12th edition don,t worry its not necessary to read the entire book.I
will tell you which parts u should cover For Quant questions: Just practice the questions
present in all 2008 posts it is more than sufficient no need of doing rs agarwal ..all 30 out
of 30 questions will come from the freshers world first 25 tcs posts only just data will
change .
For antonyms : There are around 180 antonyms in barrons which u should compulsory
byhatt them .around 8 to 9 sometimes even 10 out of 10 antonyms will come from these
180 antonyms. After you are confident with these 180 antonyms then only go for other
stuff ok.. Barrons 12th edition page no 122 to 129 here there are 100 antonyms out of 180
..remaining around 80 antonyms are from the 5 model papers at the end of book . Don,t
take it silly just go through the test if u had kept 10 out of 10 antonyms then u will
get lot of confidence..practise these 180 a lot and lot. For Reading Comprehension: Just
go through the reading comprehension in the 5 model test papers .
Don,t leave the paragraphs with 6 questions see them also. If you have 1 or 2 days time
don,t waste time by doing the paragraphs on your own .90 % they will give the paragraph
from barrons only. So for each paragraph sit with your friends .For a paragraph write
down the answers at one place and just form a simple story on these answers.This is the
most effective way to remember the answers without headache. For Rc,s don,t take the
risk of byhatting the options .They may change the sequence some times. Ok do u feel
some what relaxed because the headache of rc,s and antonyms had gone . For synonyms:
First of all read all the synonyms from the 5 model papers .Then go for high frequency
word list. U can answer around 5 to 6 . I don,t know from where u can get the remaining
synonyms. Sentence Completion: Don,t be in a illusion that a sentence will come n u
should identify the appropriate word.This is the toughest part in the verbal section .They
will give a paragraph with 6 blanks . U should identify the missing sentences not the
missing words . Identify the appropriate sentence . go for this section only at the end of
the test.Maximum , time wouldn,t be there to do this section.Even u have not scored
much don,t bother u can do well in other sections. Critical Reasoning: This is my
favourite section. With in a short time u will know why I called it as my favourite
This is the most easiest section for some guys because some people may get all the
reasoning paragraphs from barrons.and for some they may not get even single pargraph
like me ( I am the most unlucky person) . But the paragraphs which are not from barrons
will be easy to do.. I have done around 10 questions easily. If u have time to do the
reasoning paragraphs then practice them from barrons model papers before the exam. But
if didn,t have time to practice the reasoning section and if you dare to leave them don,t do
so. I will tell u how to byhatt them . maximum 99.9 % they will give the reasoning
paragraphs from the barrons model papers as it is , without changing the order so just
byhatt them. This is the way I have byhatted the reasoning paragraphs from barrons
model papers. They are around 25 reasoning paragraphs with 4 questions leave the
reasoning paras with 6 questions .
These are some telugu sentences only Andhra students can understand to byhatt the
reasoning paragraphs. Concentrate on highlighted word Non Andhra students just skip
this section and read the other suggesitions.
1) If any word like motorist appeared in the reasoning paragraph .then remember this
short story : Motorist (motor cycle naduputhunna vaadu ) addamga (From this remind
AD) velli company CEO ( Ceo numchi CE gurthupettukovali) ne guddisardu so answer is
: ADCE u can form the stories of your own like this to remember .this is the way I
byhatted them.
2)if the words marriage in the society appears in the paragraph then story is Pelli kuthurni
ne cab lo ante pallaki lo (From this CAB) lo mosukuntu dum dum dum ani (From this D)
thesukuvelthunnaru. So answer is : CABD
3) if the word Pentagon appears in the paragraph then story is Us lo pentagon meda attack
jariginappude pakkane idea cell tower vundatanta appudu adi kuda padi poyindanta
attack lo .eppudu cell lo c thesi idea lo i place lo pettandi cdea vasthundi So answer is
4) if the word Latin,Sanskrit appears in the paragraph then story is Dady (from this DAD)
Sanskrit, latin nerchukomani books (From this remind B) thesukuvacharu So answer is:
5) if the word Baseball players appears in the paragraph then story is Base ball player
addamga (From this AD) beer ( from this BE) thagesi ishtamvachinattu aaduthunnaru So
answer is: ADBE
6) if the word Novels appears in the paragraph then story is popular novels anni kuda
bead meda (from this bead) podukuni chaduvutham kada so the answer is :BEAD
7) if the word Delegations appears in the paragraph then story is Delegates vachinappudu
ammayalu (from this remind A) boquets echi vallaki welcome chepthu ECE
department(From this ECE) ki thesukuni vellaru So answer is : AECE
8) if the word Formal Dinner appears in the paragraph then story is dinner lo mulakaada
(drum stick from this CADA) vaddincharu So answer is : CADA
9) if the word Visa appears in the paragraph then story is Visa vachindi so us velladu . us
velli a to e anni chusesi ( place A first and E last) Madhya madhalo cinemalu
,appudappudu college ke vellevadu(so remind CC in the middle) . so answer is : ACCE
10) if in the paragraph either museum or eight caves appears answer is :CCBB( c square
b square) museuem or eight caves ccbb(c square b square)
11) if in the paragraph either memorial day appears Answer is: ccba ( c square b a)
Horizontal row,vertical row answer:ccac(c square a c) Basket ball dccb(d c square b)
Democratic conservative party ddbc(d square b c) Hotel Miramar dbca Story for this is in
dhaba (from this DB) cat walk(from this CA) is going on so answer is DBCA.
Three worker each day aede Six school board members dbde Official hoster of newyork
city eade A is the father of two children deeb (d e square b) A,b,c,d,e ,f,q edbc
A,b,c,w,d,e,x,f aabc ( a sqaure b c) After cracking the written they will give u a 3 page
application form be very careful with it ..don,t struck any column , fill it without any is damn important Don,t fill the application form in hurry. One of my friend
he filled the application form by referring to another frnds appli form he in hurry put the
dob of other person n striked in the appli form had rewritten.
After going to HR round i.e 4th round HR rejected due to this silly mistake they consider
these sort of mistakes as irresponsible,negligence and arrogance. And one of other friend
he forgot to write the place name at place column. He got rejected at the end of second
day silly mistakes may end ur interview be very very careful.. Don,t put the neck
button without wearing a personal skills don,t write meaning less sentences like I
am optimistic,object oriented mind setup these sort of dirty sentences..ur resume should
be as simple as possible..
Now Technical Round: Always remember no HR or any person they not even see ur file
or certificates u got .they wont even touch them. Whole interview process will go based
on ur resume. the students who have selected for online test will have the technical round
on the next day of the exam. Be prepared the first question is tell me abt urself then be
thorough with ur resume don,t place unnecessary stuff in the resume if ur not confident
with them. If u have a project then if u are confident with the project then only keep it in
resume otherwise forget abt it. Because of my project in resume I lost the job. He didn,t
ask me how did u do the project tell me he asked the questions based on his knowledge . I
couldn,t answer them .He asked me tell me how did u done data base configuration in
apache tomcat server I have never touched it infact we do nothing like that . its my fate ..
all CS N IT STUDENTS be thorough with these questions write logic for implementins
Palindrome Swapping of two variables without using temp variables Fibonicci series with
n without recursion Factorial with n without recursion Pascal triangle N some other easy
programs String length finding without using functions Concatenate n comparision of
two strings What is os Imp: diff b/n dbms and rdms What is cn Normalization Remodel
Entity set ,er model Like these all basic questions Don,t worry technical interview will be
very easy .
Once u have got through this round u have maximum got the job ..but don,t be over
confident . I came back in this round only..
Management Round(MR): this is an eliminating round for students only who feel shy to
answer some questions like do u have girl friend or do u smoke or drink..whatever they
have asked just answer them confidently without feeling shy.. Hr asked my friend do u
talk with girls he with a smile answered no ..thats all he told that we don,t want students
who doesn,t have interaction..
HR round: the basic questions like tell me abt urself ,why tcs,ur family backgroung n
questions based on preplacement talk .that,s all .u are in tcs.. Friends I have taken pain to
write all these for u because I want u all to know doing silly mistakes how we can
loose a lot.friends If any body of u got selected because of my suggesition please just
give me a mail to : chaitu_smile4u@yahoo Friends while answering any question think
for 5 seconds don,t reply without thinking .remember that 5 seconds will change ur life
.don,t reply that my aim Is cat,mba,gre all that sort of nonsense..5 seconds have decided
my life .don,t allow that 5 seconds to dictate u.bye my dear friends ..ALL THE
BEST.JUST BELIEVE IN GOD ..KEEP SMILING .IT,s must for any interview.
N some other easy programs String length finding without using functions Concatenate n
comparision of two strings What is os Imp: diff b/n dbms and rdms, What is cn,
Normalization Remodel,Entity set ,er model ,Like these all basic questions Don,t worry
technical interview will be very easy .
Once u have got through this round u have maximum got the job ..but don,t be over
confident . I came back in this round only..
Management Round(MR): this is an eliminating round for students only who feel shy to
answer some questions like do u have girl friend or do u smoke or drink..whatever they
have asked just answer them confidently without feeling shy.. Hr asked my friend do u
talk with girls he with a smile answered no ..thats all he told that we don,t want students
who doesn,t have interaction..
HR round: the basic questions like tell me abt urself ,why tcs,ur family backgroung n
questions based on preplacement talk .that,s all .u are in tcs.. Friends I have taken pain to
write all these for u because I want u all to know doing silly mistakes how we can
loose a lot.friends If any body of u got selected because of my suggesition please just
give me a mail to : chaitu_smile4u@yahoo Friends while answering any question think
for 5 seconds don,t reply without thinking .remember that 5 seconds will change ur life
.don,t reply that my aim Is cat,mba,gre all that sort of nonsense..5 seconds have decided
my life .don,t allow that 5 seconds to dictate u.bye my dear friends ..ALL THE
BEST.JUST BELIEVE IN GOD ..KEEP SMILING .IT,s must for any interview.
Following paper is provided by . Visit for more
Whole Testpaper Siddaganga Institute of Technology,Tumkur - 1 April
Hi friends..I am Geetha from SIT, Tumkur. TCS came to our campus on 1st april. 550
were appered for written test.350 were short listed for interview,finally 234 were
selected. first day ppt and online test.
It consists of three sections
1.verbal--synonyms,antonyms,sentence completion and passage.
3.critiacal reasoninig.
1.verbal section-most of synonyms and antonyms were from previous papers, go through that perfectly
and also practice GRE high frequency words. sentence completion not a big problem and
there was a big passage, you should be very fast in reading that.
2.aptitude section-almost all question from previous papers,only data may change.
example: series completion- 8,10,12,17,??,26,22
>348 in base 6
>ORGANISATIONAL, first is interchanged with sec,third with fourth and so on,then
which is 10th char from right
>a=10*18*22 which is one is integer a)n/39 b)n//132..
>f(0)=-1,f(1)=1 f(n)=f(n-1)+f(n-2),then f(6)=?
>@represents square and + represents square root whats yhe value of @@+25-++@p
>A is twice efficient as B and A complets work in three forth of time as B, A & B
together complets the work in 18 days,hw many days required for A to complete the
>problem on venn diagram.
>problem on pie chart.
>finding out eqution of curve
>odd man out:a.linux b.unix c.db d.xp
>HTTP,SMTP,ARQ,SAP and 2 more
>problem on latitude.etc
3.critical reasoning
three paragraph each three questions. all from GRE 12th edition model test paper.
>model test paper 5,section 7,question 1-4
>model test paper 1,section 5,queston 8-11
>model test paper 4,section 6,question 17-21. practice makes man perfect.
out of 550,350 were short listed.interview on 2nd april. for those selected they will give
TCS form fill that carefully dont make any mistakes.wht ever u write in ur resume fill d
same in that bcoz they will see both. TCS interviewrs are very cool and friendly..
I tech interview first and then mr and hr.he was so cool,in d beggining v had a casual talk
bcoz to make me comfortable.
he: good morning geetha
me: good morning sir. casula chat..
he: whats ur subject of interest
me: data structures,DBMS and operating system
he :whats operating system?
me: answered.
he: what all OS u know?
me: XP and Linux.
he: whats d diff b/n linux and unix
me: answered.
he: how c program gets stored in memory?
me: answered
he: whats data structures?
me: answered.
he: whats stack and queue?
me: answered.
he: write any program,if u write u will be in TCS,r u confident?
me: yes sir (with confidence).written to insert element into q and delete from queue and
explained. finally he said u r selected do well in next rounds.
they will check confidence in u.. what ever u tell,tell confidently..
next round in mr
it was so so so cool,v had casual chat.about my name,its meaning,my family background,
hobbies,etc.. be specific in ur hobbies,if u put singing they may ask u to sing,r monoact
they ask u to do,cooking they may ask receipe,.they asked many of us to draw,sing
monoact receipe,about rules of outdoor games etc..
finally hr..
there also v had casual talk..but be confident...
there was elimination after each round especially technical. final results was announced
on 3rd april.234 were selected, I was also one of them.
Following paper is provided by . Visit for more
General - other Sri Siddhartha InstituteOf Technology ,Tumkur - 2 April
Hi friends, I am Sankalp S Rao from SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF
TECHNOLOGY,TUMKUR. TCS had come for campus recruitment in our campus on
April 2 and 3.The written rounds started at 10:15 am. I was the first to register for TCS in
our col. I got my unique loginid and password.The written section consisted of 3 sections
with a total duration of 90 min.
The written consists of 3 sections and is an online test of 90 min. It is conducted with
Qubex (Quantitative Banking Examination ) Software developed by CMC.You have to
open the internet explorer and the QUBEX SOFTWARE window opens. It is just like
rediffmail pop up window. So, all students get different set of question papers.On the
right side of the Window you have the timer and and question number with the link. The
questions will appear in 3 different colours depicting the following
Red -- questions not answered.
Yellow- questions attempted but not answered.
Green -- questions answered.
1) Verbal (10 synonyms,10 antonyms ,1 sentence completion paragraph with 6 blanks
and 1 reading comprehension with 6 questions) --- 32 questions, 20min.
2) Aptitude section (32 questions ,40 min)
3) Critical Reasoning questions.(3 Problems with 4 questions on each ie 12 marks ) -- 12
questions,30 min
The verbal consisted of 10 synonyms,10 antonyms ,1 sentence completion paragraph
with 6 blanks and 1 reading comprehension with questions. Five options will be there for
each question. You have to mark the correct one.Some of the words i got were from
previous papers and some were new. The reading comprehension was copy paste from
GRE BARRONS 12th edition.Be very quick in this section as the reading comprehension
and sentence completion are very lengthy. Guys and Gals please mark all the answers as
there is no negative marking.If you dont know the answer mark all B,s or all A,s or all
C,s for the options. it gives you more probablity of passing the written..
Quantitative Aptitude
This section consisted of questions from previous papers with slight modification of
data.Practice bar graph, pie charts and Venn diagram.
Critical Reasoning
This section consisted of 3 Problems with 4 questions each.This section is copy paste
practice barrons 12th edition problems.if you dont get answers memorise them.the
questions and options appeared in the same to same order...
The results were announced at 7 PM .and we were given TCS RECRUITMENT forms.
The next day we had technical round mr and hr round..The technical questions were
1) diff between 85 and 86?
2) What is an OS?
3) Types of OS? Real time, Multi tasking ,Multiuser,etc
4) What is normalization?
5) What are primary , foreign and reference keys?
6) Can primary foreign and reference keys be given NULL value? primary key null value
cannot be given.
7) What is polymorphism?
8) Types of polmorphism? run time and compile time polymorphism
The hr was not conducted due to shortage of panel and time constraints. the mr was easy
with only 3 questions
1) Tell me about yourself?
2) Where do u see urself in 5 years?
3) Why TCS?
The hr round was cancelled and a group discussion round was arranged.Friends TCS does
not have GD. But they conducted gd because of shortage of plz be prepared for
that. Just speak something.
Finally the results were announced at 1030 at night. 85 people got through and ofcourse I
got into my dream company TCS..We got the initial selection process letter from TCS. I
am now a TCS associate and proudly say " EXPERIENCE CERTAINTY".
Following paper is provided by . Visit for more
Whole Testpaper Guru Nanak Institute Of Technology, Kolkata - 27
February 2008
HI Guys This is MANSOOR student of Electronics & Communication from Guru Nanak
Institute Of Tech ……….TCS came to our campus on 27/02/08….. I know u don’t
wanna know who I m…So Let me come straight to the point…..
The paper was divided into 3 sections…
3) LOGICAL REASONING -Puzzle part…..
It was an online test so u didn’t have the choice to choose a part in which u r comfortable
in,u have to start with English, then Quant and then Puzzle….
For ENGLISH see the ANTONYM given in (Barron,s Gre (12th edition) Chapter-6
Antonym Exercise) some of the words I can remember are 1) GAUCHE- lacking social
polish, 2)DISCREETNESS- prudence, 3)CHURLISH- rude
There were also couple of passages(where u have to fill the missing sentences) which
were a bit tricky so I will advice u guys to solve that first and den come to Synonyms and
Antonyms (which are 10 each in total)
For QUANT some of them were quite easy such as
1) Interchange “MEASUREMENTS” the first with 2nd letter, 3rd with 4th and so on.,
and den get the 12th letter from right
Ans :) E
2) There was a table where for certain values of X., there were some values of Y…
Ans :) y=log(x)
3) How many zeros are there in 100!
Ans ;) 24(get LCM of 100 and add the no.’s)
4) the sides are given which triangle is not possible……..
(A) (2,3,6) (B) (3,2,4) (C) (3,4,5) (D) (3,3,3) (E) (5,3,5)
Some other Q’s were:
5) Select the odd one out
a. Oracle b. Linux c. Ingress d. DB2
6) Select the odd one out
a. SMTP b. WAP c. SAP d. ARP
7) Select the odd man out.
a. Java b. Lisp c. Smalltalk d. Eiffel
Some of the other questions were exactly of the same pattern like previous years papers
(Data’s are changed of course)…
Say it finding the no.’s from one base to another as in NUMBER SYSTEM,
For PUZZLE part it was exactly from Barron,s Model Test papers (Data’s not
changed) was basically from model test papers.
Model test 1- Section 5: 1-4, 5-6, 8-12, 13-16, Section 6: 8-11, 12-18, 19-22
Model test 2-Section 1: 1-4, 12-18, 19-22, Section 6: 8-12, 13-16, 24-25
Model test 4- Section 5: 8-11, Section 6: 8-12
Model test 5- Section 3: 1-4, 8-11, 23-25, Section 7: 1-5, 6-9, 16-20, 21-25
When I cleared my aptitude I was quite relieved
Then I went for my interview at around 8.00pm HR and TECHNICAL was taken
together…first of all I was made to wait for around 7 min outside the room which was
quite nerve wrecking and then it started
Me:) Good Evening Sir
Interviewer) Nodded and asked me to sit
Interviewer) Tell me about urself
Me) Told with poised…
Interviewer) asked me about my favourite subject
Me) Digital Electronics
Interviewer) OK tell me the diff between a digital and analog signal
Me) explained with diagrams
Interviewer) What is the discrete value of a digital system
Me) 0 and 1 Sir
Interviewer) OK tell me where u do u see yourself in next five years
Me) Told
Interviewer) what kinds of transistors are there
Me) about to say but another sir came in and interrupted me and den he asked
Interviewer) What do you mean by AM and FM
Me) Explained
Interviewer) have u seen a radio and how we have to tune it…what exactly happens:
Me) explained with élan
Interviewer) Do you know about Mobile Communication
Me) A bit sir… but not in details as I will study this in the next semester
Interviewer) Do you know HLR or something
Me) I didn’t understand as it was from Mobile Communication but I told him about
CDMA technique coding, PCM etc So he got impressed and asked me
Interviewer) OK u know ur subject lets go into programming language… Which
language u know ?
Me) C
Interviewer) OK what is meant by local, global, static variable, what is static global
variable (everything abt storage class)
Me) explained thoroughly
Interviewer) Do u know pointers
Me) Yes sir
Interviewer) Take two pointers string and concatenate them
Me) I did it with strcat()
Interviewer) very smart
Interviewer) Do it without using functions
Me) I tried.. but couldn’t get it
Interviewer) then asked me to declare integer and assign an integer pointer and then print
the post increment of it and get the output
Me) done
Interviewer) do you why have we asked u to fill the languages column
Me) said because of some preferences and topographical restrains…
Interviewer) was satisfied and ……….shook hands
When the result was declared I felt like floating in the sky… it was an out of this world
kind of feeling
My advice will be to all aspirants is that back ur knowledge…ur ability and belief in
urself…try to get the first few lines in the interview to be perfect and rest u will sail
NOTE: For Non CSE students my advice is to know ur core subjects properly and hav
only sound knowledge of C, data structures etc.
Hope to meet in TCS…….Have a nice
Following paper is provided by . Visit for more
Whole Testpaper B.V.M. Engg Colg - 18 March 2008
Hi ,I am Hardik B Korat, a computer engg. student of BIRLA VISHWAKARMA
MAHAVIDHYALAYA, Vallabh Vidhya nagar… I would like to share my expereince
during TCS On-Campus Interview.
TCS written test is easy if u concentrate little on it.
· Read previous 10 paper and I m sure that u will clear written test……
· There is no negative markings, no upper cut off, no sectional cut off
· But there is sectional time cut off, as there is online test.
There are basically 3 parts in written
a) Verbal :
There prepare antonyms and synonyms from previous papers. After that two paragraphs
are given in that section. Totally 32 marks in this section. Concentrate little in this part
because this is some what difficult to answer depend much on luck.
b) Arithmetic ability:
This is the easiest section where we can get good score. It is enough to prepare previous
papers, they just change the digits and the model is same. There are some problems from
Bar and Pie Chart. If u score above 32 out of 38, I m damm sure that u will clear the
Few were like….
1. 58, 27, 12, __, 2 .
Sol. 27*2+4 = 58, 12*2+3 = 27, 5*2+2 = 12, 2*2+1 = 5, 1*2+0 = 2 ….ans = 5
2. How the given string how many Y’s are followed by L that are not followed by
YL and discard pairs of YLP ……..ans =4.
3. First & second, third and fourth, fifth and sixth letter of word SENSATIONALY are
interchanged find the 12th letter form right.
Sol. The interchanged word is ESSNTAIONALY. Now start counting frm Right the 12th
letter is E.
4. What is the largest prime number which can be stored in 6 bit register?
Sol. As the register is 6 bit long we can store max number 63 (if all bits are 1).But 63 is
not prime the largest prime number is 61.
Ans = 61.
5) Number of faces, vertices and edges of a cube
Ans. 6, 8, 12
6. If g(0) = 1, g(1) = -1 and g(n) = g(n-1)-g(n-2) then calculate g(6).
Sol. Start with g(2) = g(1) + g(0) = -1 - 1 = -2, g(3) = g(2) + g(1) = -2+1 = -1, g(4) = g(3)
+ g(2) = -1+1 = 0, g(5) = g(4) + g(3) = 0+1 = 1, g(6) = g(5) + g(4) = 1-0 = 1
ans = 1.
7. which of the following heaving highest standard deviation.
a. 9,0,9,0,9,0 b. 9,-9,0,9,0,-9 c. 9,-9,9,-9,9,-9 d. 9,9,9,9,9,9
Ans. C, standard deviation is 18(i.e. the difference between two consecutive terms is
8. Find the result of the following expression- M (737, 7) +R (3.4) +T (7. 7)-R (6.4) if, M
denotes modules operation, R denotes round-off, T denotes truncations?
Sol): 2+3+7-6 = 6
9. In a city, temperature at noon varies according to -t^2/6 + 4t + 12, where t is elapsed
time. Find the percentage change in temperature from 3pm. to 6 pm.
Sol): In equation first put t=3,
we will get 25.5........................... (1)
Now put t=6,
we will get 42.............................. (2)
So %change = ((42-25.5)/42)*100)
10. Find d Odd one out? a. Oracle b. Linux c. Ingress d. DB2
Ans. All other except Linux which is an operating system are Database Management
C) Critical Reasoning:
In this section there will be 3 passages and questions on it. So, we have to prepare the
GRE Barron’s book either 12th or 13th edition. All will come from that only.
Out of 250 students, 150 cleared written test…. So, all the best guys…..
Next I had Technical round on 19th march 2008.
Technical Round:
For this prepare well your academic subjects. They can ask on any one and u should able
to answer. I have prepared just C, C++, DS.
Take care that ur resume is the best if ur technical knowledge is not much good. Add
something in ur resume that attracts interviewer to ask u.
If u lead ur interview in the way u want, it would impress the interviewer…
We were having presentation of t.c.s. at 9.30 am. in morning. Please attend this
presentation. My turn came at 12.20pm.
I was first to be interviewed in my block. Be confident, they don’t see whether u are best
in technical or not. They will definitely select u, if u have positive approach and
The interviewer called me and started interview…
· Interviewer will judge u within a minute u enter the room. So be confident and show
them that u will fit best in their company.
· Please take care to wish the interviewer properly.
· tell me about urself ?
· 3 ques on dbms? (like dml, rdbms…).
· Strength, weakness? (explained all well).
· Explain Hacking? (que was asked as I had mentioned in my resume—explined for 6
· Ques on wi-fi tech, online file sharing, code ragging- all included in my resume.
(explained all well, thus spent 15 min).
· Be prepared for ques like- why tcs?, why should we select u?, which position in tcs?
· Please do ask a question at last if interviewer tells “do u have any question?”.
Blockwise results were declared, nd I got result at 2pm. Out of 150 students 70 cleared
technical round.
On same day at 2.30pm, I had filled a form and was called at hr interview. There were
more technical ques compared to hr. ques.
In this round u will get the same questions as have been asked till now e.g.
“tell me abt urself “
“ ur family background “
favourite subjects.
Ques from subjects other than fav. Subjects.
How current is produced?
How is flux produced?
What are registers?
“I was shocked by these ques…”
Sir-which work would u prefer in tcs?
Me- coding.
Sir- have u coded anything till now.
Me (not coded yet still) – ya sir, I have prepared a game of tic tac toe.
Sir- explain code for that?
I prepared code and explained it for 15 minutes.
Sir was definitely impressed.
Sir-“are u mobile?”
Me –“u can throw me anywhere in the world, I cud fit anywhere”.
I asked reasons why tcs firing 500 employees?
Sir-“they were not knowing basics of electronics”
Me-“sir u can not fire a person without hiring them”
Sir laughed .
Say thanks to sir while leaving.
Following paper is provided by . Visit for more
Whole Testpaper Silicon Institute of Technology, Bhubaneshwar - 25
March 2008
Bhubaneshwar. I am from ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS branch. TCS conducted
a recruitment drive in our campus on 25-26th March 2008 and recruited 145 students.
Now I am a TCS-ian!!!
PRE-PLACMENT TALKOn 25th we had a pre-placement talk. The TCS officials gave a presentation and told us
about their company and services. Listen to this talk carefully. I might help you in the
ONLINE TEST INSTRUCTIONSWe had an online test. The instructions will be given by the TCS officials. Listen VERY
CAREFULLY to the instructions. A silly mistake will prove very costly.
1. Open the internet explorer and type the address, given by TCS official, in the address
2. The site opens and asks you login id and password. Those will also be provided to you.
3. Once you login, you might get a page ‘SAMPLE TEST’. Ignore it and click ‘GO TO
MAIN TEST’ on that same page. Now your test starts.
4. The test has 3 sections of 20 mins, 30 mins and 40 mins. Test starts with section 1.
5. On the right top corner you will have a timer counting down and links to ques of that
section. From the timer you can see the time left for that section and through the ques
links you can move to any ques within that section only.
6. The ques links have 3 color codes- RED – NOT VISITED
7. There will be two buttons at the bottom of the page- EXIT and SUBMIT
8. After answering a ques click the SUBMIT button to register your answer. You can
always come back and change it within the stipulated time.
9. EXIT button takes you out of the section. So click it ONLY after you have attempted
all ques of a section.
10. After you finish all 3 sections CLICK EXIT. DON’T close the main window
WITHOUT clicking EXIT!
ONLINE TESTThe test is divided into 3 sections. There is NO negative marking and NO sectional cut
1. Verbal abilityThis has 26 ques (10 synonym 10 antonym and 2 passages). Time limit is 20 minutes. Go
through the following synonyms and antonyms
1. Physiognomy the practice of trying to judge character and mental qualities by
observation of bodily, esp. facial, features
2. Repudiate disinherit, banish, renounce; discard, oust.
3. Mitigate alleviate, reduce, diminish, lessen, weaken, attenuate
4. Inundate overwhelm, overpower, overburden, overflow, overrun
5. Bilk cheat, defraud, exploit, fleece, deceive, trick
6. Nettle irritates, provoke, try someone,s patience, annoy, incense
7. Impugn question, dispute, query, berate, criticize, denounce, censure
8. Mulch fertilize, fertilizer
9. Tenacity firmness, fastness, tightness, strength, force, forcefulness, power.
10. Sobriety soberness, seriousness, solemnest, solemnity, thoughtfulness, gravity,
graveness, earnestness, calmness,
11. Misanthrope a person who hates or distrusts all people
12. Waif stray, foundling, orphan.
13. Hamper obstruct, impede, hold back, inhibit, retard, slow down
14. Retrograde worsening, deteriorating, declining
15 Despondent hopeless, downcast, cast down, down, low, disheartened
16. Debacle downfall, collapse
17. Tarry delay, dawdle, dally, wait; linger loiter.
18. Incontinent. unrestrained, unbridled, unchecked, uncurbed, ungoverned,
19. Nebulous shapeless, unformed, amorphous, shadowy, dim, indistinct
20. Paradox mystery, enigma, ambiguity; puzzle
21. Hidebound narrow-minded, narrow, intolerant, conventional
22. Lacklustre bland, insipid, vapid, dull, flat, dry, prosaic
23. Moribund near death, near the end, breathing one,s last, fading fast
WHIMSICAL: unusual and not serious in a way that is either amusing or annoying.
CENSURE: criticism
OPTIMUM: the best possible
MISAPPREHENSION: wrong idea bout sth
CANDID: frank, saying wat u feel openly, not hiding ones thought
TERSE: using few words and often not seeming polite or friendly
CITE: to mention sth as a reason or eq to support wat u r saying
EFFUSIVE: showing too much of emotion, overenthusiastic
IRRADIATE: Radiate (darken)
TENACIOUS: firm, stubborn
VOLUBLE: talkative
BANAL: commonplace, trite, saying sth too often so that it becomes common
RUPTURE: a situation in which sth breaks
STANDING: status, existing or arranged permanently
NASCENT: emerging, budding
TRANSIENT: continuing fr a short time
CLUTCH: to hold sth tightly
GENERIC: general, (specific)
EMPIRICAL: based on exp n experiments rather than ideas
ANOMALY: abnormality, glitch
CIRCUITOUS: long n not direct
HAMPER: hinder
SURVEILLANCE: observation, watch
OBJECTIVE: purpose
RAUCOUS: harsh, rasping
VORACIOUS: greedy, hungry
PEDIGREE: ancestry, derivation
FIDELITY: loyalty, commitment
AUGMENT: to increase the amnt, value of sth
PRECARIOUS: not safe or certain, dangerous, uncertain (stable)
ALACRITY: great willingness or enthusiasm
DEROGATORY: insulting
ONUS: the responsibility fr sth
ANALOGUE: thing similar to another thing
EXPEDIENT: useful fr a particular purpose but not always fair or rite
ANALOGOUS similar in some way therefore able to be compared
ASSUAGE: to make un unpleasant feeling less severe
COMPLIANCE: practice or obeying rules or request made by the authority
DIFFIDENT: shy (bold)
PLAINTIVE: sounding sad, lamenting
INSINUATE: hint, intimate
MISDEMEANOR: an action that is bad or unacceptable but not serious
EXONERATE: to officially state that sb is not responsible fr sth they ve been blamed fr
GREGARIOUS: sociable
ANATHEMATIZE: curse (bless)
BENIGN: kind n gentle
ATTENUATE: to make sth weaker of less effective
SONOROUS: having a pleasant full deep sound
BOLSTER: to improve sth or make it more stronger
DIVERGENT: to go in a diff way..opinion
DECOLLATE: the top edge of womens dress etc
HETERODOX: not following the usual opinion (unorthodox)
RESTIVENESS: able to stay still
IGNONIMOUS: dishonor, deep disgrace
PLAGIARIZE: steal another,s ideas and pass them as one,s own
EFFIGY: a statue of famous person
TENACIOUS: determined, persistent
RETROGRADE: making a situation worse or returning to how sth was in past
SACROSANCT: that is considered to be too important to change or question
DANGLE: to hang or swing freely
CRYPTIC: with a meaning that is hidden or not easily understood
DEBILITATE: to make sth weak
DIVULGE: reveal. to give some info that is considered to be secret
SCEPTIC: a person that usually doubts claims that r true specially that others believe in
SPENDTHRIFT: who spends too much money
SPECULATE: to form opinion without knwing the details or facts
ERRONIUS: not correct
EQUIVOCATE: to talk bout sth in a way that is deliberately not clear in order to avoid or
hide the truth
MINION: servant
VERACITY: truthfulness, quality of telling truth
MITIGATE: to make sth less harmful or serious, alleviate
APEX: top or highest part of sth
APPAL: to shock sb very much
BRACKISH: salty in unpleasant way
COGENT strongly n clearly expressed in a way that influences wat people believe in
CONCEDE: to admit that sth is true, logical
CONCEIT: too much pride in urself n wat u do
CONCEAL: to hide sth
CONCEIVE: to form an idea in ur mind
LETHARGY: the state of not having energy to do things
TACITURN: tending not to say very much, in a way that seems unfriendly
Dwindle: to become less gradually.
Efface: to make sth disappear
Indignity: humiliation
Inept: acting or done with no skill
Infirmity: weakness or illness fr a long period of time
Harbinger forerunner, precursor, usher, announcer
Cacophony discord, dissonance, discordance, jarring, stridency
Divulge disclose, reveal, make known, tell, impart, communicate, publish
Clutch grasp, clasp, hold; grip
Prolific fertile, fruitful, fecund, luxuriant, abundant, profuse
Jaded fatigued, worn-out, wearied; bored, tired
Mite parasite, bug, tick; insect, vermin
Buxom obust, vigorous; healthy ,fat
Foray venture; attack , venture
Deponent witness
admonish : usurp
meager : scanty
alienate: estrange
merry : gay
brim: boarder
obstinate: stubborn
adhesive: tenacious
tranquil : serene
solicit: urge
furtive : stealthy
misery: distress
volume: quantity
hamper : obstruct
veer : diverge
belief: conviction
incentive: merit
inert: passive
concur: acquise
cargo: freight
dispel: scatter
caprice: whim
heap: to pile
covet: crave
emancipate: liberate
instigate: incite
latitude: scope
lethargy: stupor
divulge: discretion
hover: linger
embrace: effigy
baffle: frustate
stiffle: snithy
subside: wane
confiscate: appropriate
discretion: prudence
efface: deliberate
latent: potential
1. Depreciation: deflation, depression, devaluation, fall, slump
2. Deprecate: feel and express disapproval,
3. Incentive: thing one encourages one to do (stimulus)
4. Echelon: level of authority or responsibility
5. Innovation: make changes or introduce new things
6. Intermittent: externally stopping and then starting
7. Detrimental: harmful
8. Conciliation: make less angry or more friendly
9. Orthodox: conventional or traditional, superstitious
10. Fallible: liable to error
11. Volatile: ever changing
12. Manifest: clear and obvious
13. Connotation: suggest or implied meaning of expression
14. Reciprocal: reverse or opposite
15. Agrarian: related to agriculture
16. Vacillate: undecided or dilemma
17. Expedient: fitting proper, desirable
18. Simulate: produce artificially resembling an existing one.
19. Access: to approah
20. Compensation: salary
21. Truncate: shorten by cutting
22. Adherence: stick
23. Heterogeneous: non similar things
24. Surplus: excessive
25. Assess: determine the amount or value
26. Cognizance: knowledge
27. Retrospective: review
28. Naive: innocent, rustic
29. Equivocate: tallying on both sides, lie, mislead
30. Postulate: frame a theory
31. Latent: dormant, secret
32. Fluctuation: wavering,
33. Eliminate: to reduce
34. Affinity: strong liking
35. Expedite: hasten
36. Console: to show sympathy
37. Adversary: opposition
38. Affable: lovable or approachable
39. Decomposition: rotten
40. Egregious: apart from the crowd, especially bad
41. Conglomeration: group, collection
42. Aberration: deviation
43. Augury: prediction
44. Credibility: ability to common belief, quality of being credible
45. Coincident: incidentally
46. Constituent : accompanying
47. Differential : having or showing or making use of
48. Litigation : engaging in a law suit
49. Maratorium: legally or offficiallly determined period of dealy before fulfillment of
the agreement of paying of debts.
50. Negotiate: discuss or bargain
51. Preparation: act of preparing
52. Preponderant: superiority of power or quality
53. Relevance: quality of being relevant
54. Apparatus: appliances
55. Ignorance: blindness, in experience
56. Obsession: complex enthusiasm
57. Precipitate: speed,active
Pillage – steal , loot , plunder
Cleft - split , crack
Incesment –
Brazen - bold , shameless
Awry - skewed , twisted , crooked
Remiss – careless , negligent
Defection - desertion
Ensue - follow
Avid - keen , eager
Rupidiate Repudiate - reject,deny
Gauche - clumsy, vulgar
Intrinsic - essential
Gaudy – flashy , showy
Hidebound – narrow minded
Incognitent Intermittent – irregular,broken
Clastrophobia - fear
Contraband – illegal trade
Pagm concealed rapt
Voracious – avid,hunger,greedy
Seedy – sleazy,seamy
Omniscience – knowing all
Diatribe – attack,criticism
Felicitous – fortunate,luck
Relish – enjoy,savor
Aloofness – unfriendliness, remoteness
Ambiguity - unknown
Baleful – threatening, malevolent
Odium – hatred, disgust
Gambol - skip
High handed – dominant,imperious
Retrospection - perception
Genuflect – kneel,bow
coerce – force,compel
Indubitably – undoubtedly, certainly
Extraneous – irrelevant , unrelated
Corpulent – fat,pump
Transient – momentary
Spurious – false,fake
Whimsical - fancy
Braggadocio Chimerical
Callow – inexperience,naive
Menial – unskilled,boring
Indigenous – native,original
Foil – frustrate,halt
Censure - fault, criticize
Optimum- best, most favorable
Candid- frank, open, blunt, upfront, forth-right
Cite - quote, name, mention, refer to, allude to
Effusive - demonstrative, fussy, talkative, overenthusiastic,vociferous, extroverted
Voluble - articulate, vociferous, talkative
Banal - commonplace, trivial, predictable, trite, hackneyed
Standing - rank, permanent, position, duration, status, reputation, eminence
Nascent - budding, emerging, blossoming, embryonic
Clutch - grasp, grab, hold
Generic - general, basic, common
Empirical -experimental, pragmatic, practical
Anomaly - irregularity, glitch, difference
Circuitous - roundabout, twisty, meandering, indirect, winding, tortuous
Surveillance - observation, watch, shadowing
Objective - aim, impartial, real, purpose, goal
Raucous - rough, wild, hoarse, guttering
Voracious - insatiable, avid, hungry, big, rapacious, greedy
Pedigree - rare-breed, full-blooded, lineage
Fidelity - loyalty, reliability
Augment - supplement, boost, add to, bump up
Precarious - unstable, shaky, risky, uncertain
Derogatory - disparaging, critical, insulting, offensive
Onus - responsibility, burden, obligation, duty
Analogous - similar, akin, related
Expedient - measure, convenient, device, maneuver
Compliance - fulfillment, obedience
Diffident - shy, insecure, timid
Plaintive - mournful, sad, melancholic, nostalgic, lamenting
Insinuate - imply, suggest, make-out, ingratiate yourself
Misdemeanor - wrong, sin, crime, offense
Exonerate - clear, forgive, absolve
Gregarious - outgoing, extroverted, sociable, expressive, unreserved
Benign - kind, benevolent, compassionate
Attenuate - satisfy, calm, soothe, ease
Sonorous - loud, deep, resonant, echoing
Bolster - boost, strengthen, reinforce, encourage
Heterodox - unorthodox, dissenting, contrary to accepted belief,heretical, deviating
Restiveness - impatience, restlessness, nervousness
Effigy - image, statue, model
Retrograde - retrospective, traditional, conservative, nostalgic, forward-looking
Sacrosanct - sacred, holy, revered
Dangle - hang down, sway, droop, swing, suspend
Cryptic -mysterious, enigmatic, puzzling, hidden
Debilitate - incapacitate, weaken, hamper, encumber, hinder
Divulge - reveal, disclose
Spendthrift - wastrel, squanderer, compulsive shopper
Indigenous -native, original, local
Erroneous - mistaken, flawed, incorrect
Minion - follower, subordinate, underling, gofer
Veracity - reality, truth, sincerity.
(a) Arid (b) Hasty (c) Sociable (d) Quaint (e) Talkative
(a) Bury (b) Amuse (c) Relate (d) Frequent (e) Abandon
(a) Developing (b) Brief (c) Distant (d) Economical (e) Fantastic
(a) Opening (b) Pamphlet (c) Censor (d) Bureau (e) Pin
(a) Clamour (b) Disparity (c) Composure (d) Propensity (e) Indivisibility
(a) Liquid measure (b) Ship (c) Armada (d) Company (e) Printer’s proof
(a) Oppressive (b) Royal (c) Major (d) Basic (e) Entertain
(a) Stale (b) Necessary (c) Indifferent (d) Nonchalant (e) Vivid
(a) Pomposity (b) Bombast (c) Obeisance (d) Insult (e) Message
(a) Vague (b) Outspoken (c) Experience (d) Anxious (e) Sallow
(a) Turn over (b) Contradict (c) Mind (d) Explain (e) Swing
(a) Dessert (b) Illusion (c) Water (d) Mirror (e) Statement
(a) Acclaim (b) Dispute (c) Prohibit (d) Decide (e) Fret
(a) Insular (b) Complaisant (c) Grass (d) Wanton (e) Faults
(a) Humourist (b) Nuisance (c) Scholar (d) Bum (e) Thief
(a) Kill (b) Disgrace (c) Search (d) Collide (e) Deride
(a) Remember (b) Hypnotize (c) Delay (d) Bore (e) Analyze
(a) Unify (b) Immunize (c) Tranquilize (d) Stimulate (e) Injure
(a) momentary (b) Emotional (c) Suppressed (d) Proper (e) Unexpected
(a) belligerence (b) Tenacity (c) Renewal (d) Pity (e) Loathing
(a) Split (b) Waterfall (c) Assembly (d) Adherence (e) Surplus
(a) Feeling cold (b) Being isolated (c) Showing warm (d) Having uniformity (e) Creating
(a) Orderly (b) Meretricious (c) Reclaimed (d) Filtered (e) Proper
(a) Underhanded (b) Coy (c) Brilliant (d) Quick (e) Abortive
(a) Clamour (b) Disparity (c) Composure (d) Propensity (e) Indivisibility
(a) Exacerbate (b) Involve (c) Intimidate (d) Lacerate (e) Prevaricate
(a) Cold (b) Hot (c) Understood (d) Callow (e) Courageous
(a) Not capable (b) Not dangerous (c) Not eager (d) Not frank (e) Not peaceful
(a) Clear (b) Opaque (c) Movement (d) Efficient (e) Telepathy
(a) Careful (b) Salty (c) Chosen (d) Tough (e) Wet
(a) Hesitant (b) Neutrality (c) Admit (d) Polite (e) Incongruity
(a) Believe false (b) Treat as equal (c) Make more difficult (d) Underemphasize (e)
(a) Fast-running (b) Intention (c) Obnoxious (d) Holding fast (e) Irresolute
(a) Intricate (b) Devious (c) Posthumous (d) Dilatory (e) Contradictory
(a) Slow (b) Abstemious (c) Pragmatic (d) Benevolent (e) Grave
(a) Premonition (b) Hallucination (c) Escape (d) Commendation (e) Trepidation
(a) Prodigality (b) Avoidance (c) Credence (d) Calumny (e) Inception
(a) Power (b) Extravagance (c) Magnanimity (d) Conscience (e) Ignorance
(a) Cooperative (b) Cautious (c) Inaccurate (d) Formal (e) Simplistic
(a) Defy (b) Supplement (c) Postpone (d) Shorten (e) Design
(a) Not negotiable (b) not equivalent (c) Not ambitious (d) Not evident (e) Not relevant
Q No. 12 ABIDE
(a) Retract an offer (b) Refuse to endure (c) Shield from harm (d) Exonerate (e) Welcome
(a) Disengage (b) Impoverished (c) Refute thoroughly (d) Answer hypothetically (e)
Consider genuinely
(a) Postpone (b) Dissemble (c) Endanger (d) Prohibit (e) Justify
Q No. 15 CAVIL
(a) Discern (b) Disclose (c) Introduce (d) Flatter (e) Commend
(a) Juvenile (b) Well mannered (c) Weak minded (d) Unique (e) Concealed
(a) Qualitative (b) Unnatural (c) Deceptive (d) Supportive (e) Noncommittal
(a) Compose (b) Awake (c) Deaden (d) Praise (e) Secrete
(a) Apologetic (b) Independent (c) Laudatory (d) Questionable (e) Methodical
(a) Wane (b) Belie (c) Worsen (d) Intervene (e) Presume
(a) Simplify (b) Strive (c) Rebel (d) Unite (e) Appreciate
(a) Introversion (b) Deliberation (c) Anticipation (d) Gregariousness (e) Equivocation
(a) Fortuitous (b) Fortunate (c) Fortifield (d) Forbidden (e) Forestalled
(a) Intricate (b) Devious (c) posthumous (d) Dilatory (e) Contradictory
(a) Tangential (b) Rampant (c) Esoteric (d) Morose (e) Indolent
(a) Feed (b) Animate (c) Facilitate (d) Treat lightly (e) Caution tactfully
(a) Civic (b) Remote (c) Deceptive (d) Conventional (e) Naive
(a) Naive (b) Accurate (c) Hostile (d) Witty (e) Polite
(a) Incoherent (b) Advisable (c) Simplistic (d) Influential (e) Uncooperative
(a) Adjacent (b) Clandestine (c) Contentious (d) Unfavourable (e) Coy
2. Quantitative analysis:
All ques were repeated from previous years. Practice all previous years ques and you will
sail through by this section only. Prepare the following ques well:
1. Standard deviation problem
2. g(0)=1 g(1)= -1 g(6)=?
3. File transfer in bucket problem
4. Aero plane with latitude and longitude problem
5. River and power cable problem
6. Orthogonal pair problem
7. Power of 2/ power of 3 problem
8. x and y values are given. Relation between them
9. Edges, faces, vertices of a cube
10. Class mark final mark problem
11. Picking odd ones out from computer terms
12. Modular, truncation, round off problem
13. Division of physics terms and finding end unit
14. Word coding
15. Largest prime number to fit in a given bit memory
3. Critical reasoning:
Go through Barron’s 12th edition mock tests for reasoning. Go through all the reasoning
ques. IGNORE THEM AT YOUR OWN PERIL! Some important passages are:
Model test 1: Section5 - qns 1-4 (motorist), qns 13-16 (red and brown) Section6 - qns 1-4
(conservative,democratic), qns 8-11 (latin, sanskrit), qns 12-18 (joe,larry,ned), qns 19-22
(a causes b)
Model test 2: Section1 - qns 19-22 (wallachia and rumelia) ---i got this qn, but the names
were changed as london and paris , and a,b,c etc were changed as french, italian
etc.Section6 - qns 8-12 ( ashland , liverpool), qns 13-16 (spelunker) ---i got this qn, qns
17-22 (pesth) ---i got this one too
Model test 3: Section6 - qns 1-4 (all Gs are Hs)
Model test 4: Section5 - qns 8-11 (horizontal row), qns 19-22 (a,b,c cause d) Section6 qns 8-12 (spanish, italian), qns 13-16 (all As, Bs), qns 17-22 (progressive federal party)
Model test 5: Section3 - qns8-11 (museum), qns 19-22 (A is the father) Section7- qns 1-5
(prahtu, brahtu), qns 21-25 (scurvy)
INTERVIEWWe had just 1 combined tech and HR interview. You might have 2 rounds. For tech
interview my sincere advice is that BE THOROUGH WITH YOUR BRANCH
SUBJECTS! Out of the 4 computer subjects(c, c++, ds and rdbms) prepare any one
thoroughly and atleast the basics of other 3.
For HR interview prepare some general ques like:
1. Tell me about yourself
2. Strength and weakness
3. Why TCS
4. Why IT (for non-stream students)
5. Where you see yourself after 5 years
6. Hobbies and interests
7. Your idol and why
INTERVIEW TIPS1. Dress properly
2. ALWAYS have a smile on your face
3. Be confident and enthusiastic
4. ALWAYS be polite and humble
5. NEVER bluff. If you don’t know something tell them politely
6. ALWAYS try to lead the interview
7. During tech interview, ALWAYS explain them the concept. This will also show them
your communication skill.
8. NEVER EVER argue with the interviewer
Following paper is provided by . Visit for more
Whole Testpaper KIIT University,Bhubaneswar - 24 March 2008
Hello frnds,I am Samir Anand (MCA 4th sem),TCS recruitment team visited our campus
on 24th march, and selected 310 students.It was 2 day process,written test followed by
tech n hr interview (combined). nearly 560 turned up for written test, out of which 502
qualified for the next round, and finally 310 were selected......
I wud like to share my experience wid all of u .The paper as usual consisted of 3 sections1) VERBAL ( 32 questions )
2) APTITUDE (38 questions )
3) CRITICAL REASONING ( 12 questions )
in the verbal section there were 10 synonyms,10 antonyms,6 sentence completeion ques
and 6 ques on reading comprehension.for this u just follow GRE Barron 12th edition,each
n every ques comes from that particular book.
this is the exact ques that was in the paper:-(with ans) In a sense the university had failed.
It has stores great quantities of knowledge; it teaches more people; and despite its
failures, it teaches them better.__D___ . Of the great branches of knowledge- the sciences
the social sciences and humanities- the science are applied. Strenuous and occasionally
successful efforts are made to apply the social sciences, not almost never are the
humanities well applied. We do not use philosophy in defining our conduct. __E__. The
great task of the university in the next generation is to learn to use the knowledge we
have for the questions that come before us. __F___ The difference between a primary
and a secondary or even tertiary problem is that primary problems tend to be around for a
long time, whereas
the less important ones get solved.
One primary problem is that of interfering with biological development. ___A____.
Obviously, there are benefits both to individuals and to society from eliminating, or at
least improving, mentally and physically deformed persons. On the other hand, there
could be very serious consequences if this knowledge were used with premeditation to
produce superior and subordinate classes, each genetically prepared to carry out a
predetermined mission. __B___, Here we have a primary problem that will still exist
when we are all dead. Of course, the traditional faculty members would say. “__C____”.
And certainly they would not learn, but they would learn some other things.
A. The next generation, and perhaps this one, will be able to interfere chemically with the
actual development of an individual and perhaps biologically by interfering with an
individual’s genes.
B. This can be done, but what happens to free will and he rights of the individual
C. But the students won’t learn enough to go to graduate school
D. It is in the application of this knowledge that the failure has come.
E. We do not use literature as a source of real and vicarious experience.
F. The university should organize should organize courses around primary problems
G. The universities greatest shortcoming is not to help students see the relevance of
humanities to real problems.
H. It is difficult for modern students, accustomed to the minute of film, to appreciate
I. It is necessary students to require to include in their curricula liberal arts courses.
About aptitude, i wud just say no need 2 worry as it is the most easiest section,just
practice papers of last 2 or 3 years and u will be able to solve all of them on the day of
some ques were as follows:-Q1. Fill in the missing number in the sequence 5 7 11 ?? 35 67
(a) 24 (b) 33 (c) 19 (d) 18 (e) 25
Q2. In the following series, how many Ws are there such that each W is followed by an C
next to it if the C is not followed by a S next to it?
(a)3 (b) 5(c)6 (d)4 (e)7
Q3. If QMFBTF is coded as PLEASE how will HBJO be coded?
Q4. Suppose the first and second letters in the word CONSTITUTIONAL were
interchanged, also the third and fourth letters, the fifth and sixth etc. Print the letter that
would then be the tenth letter counting from the right.
(a) T (b) I (c) N (d) O (e) U
Q5. How would the decimal number 520 be represented in a base -7 number System?
(a) 1564 (b) 1234 (c) 1342 (d) 1562 (e) 1672
Q6. What is the largest prime number that can be stored in an 8-bit word computer?
(a) 199 (b) 251 (c) 201 (d) 233 (e) 257
Q7. If n = 10 x 18 x 22, which of the following is NOT an integer?
(a) n / 132 (b) n / 55 (c) n / 45
(d) n / 20 (e) n / 78
Q8. Which of the following is a power of 3?
a. 2672 b. 2898 c. 2735
d. 2187 e. 2413
Pick the odd one out
(d)DB2 (e) SYBASE
Q10. (a)SAP (b)HTTP (c)WAP (d)SMTP (e)ARP
Q11. The three numbers in brackets represent the length of the sides of a triangle. Which
of these does not represent a proper triangle?
(a)(2m,3m,4m) (b)(1m,2m,4m) (c) (3m,4m,5m) (d) (3m,3m,3m) (e) (5m,3m,5m)
Q12. The three numbers in brackets in each of the following options represents the
number of vertices, the number of edges and the number of faces respectively. Find out
which of these represents a solid planar cube?
(a) (4,8,12) (b) (8,12,6) (c) (8,6,12) (d) (8,8,8) (e) (12,6,8)
Q13. Which set of data exhibits a higher Standard Deviation?
(a) 7, 0, -7, 7, 0, -7 (b) -7, -7, -7, -7, -7, -7 (c) 7, -7, 7, -7, 7, -7
(d) 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7 (e) 7, 7, 7, 0, 7, 7
Q28. Of the four vectors A,B,C,D find out which pair forms an orthogonal set
A = i+j, B = 3i+2j, C = -7i+j, D = 2i-3j
(a)BD (b)AD (c)BC (d)AC (e)AB
Q29. Evaluate the expression
M (373,7) + R (5.8) + T (7.7) - R(3.4) where M stands for Modulo arithmetic, R stands
for Round-off operation and T stands for Truncation Operation
(a)13 (b)16 (c) 12 (d)19 (e)21
Q30. Three independent mechanisms A, B and C have been incorporated for fuel saving
in a car producing respectively 30%, 20% and 40% efficiency. Assuming that they
operate independently, what is the net fuel efficiency achieved?
(a)61 % (b) 64% (c) 62% (d) 66.4% (e) 69%
Q31. The scores in class exams and final exam of 2 students are given as below:
Class exam Final exam
3 1.4
3.5 1.65
Find the Class exam score of a student who has scored 6 in the Final exam.
(a)12.2 (b) 13 (c)10.1 (d)10.2 (e)12.5
for the analytical part again its GRE Barrons (12th edition).solve the questions given in
the 5 model test papers only...and it will be all..
some ques are:--Model test paper 1 : Section 5 : question 1-4
question 13-16
Section 6 : question 1-4
question 8-11
question 19-22
Model test paper 2 : Section 1 : question 1-4
question 8-11
question 19-22
section 6 : question 1-4
question 8-12
question 13-16
question 17-22
Model test paper 3 : Section 5 : question 1-4
question 13-16
question 17-22
Section 6 : question 8-11
question 19-22
Model test paper 4 : Section 5 : question1-4
question 12-18
question 19-22
Section 6 : question 1-4
question 8-12 ( may change to Indian languages as mine was d case .)
question 13-16
Model test paper 5 : Section 3 :
question 1-4
question 8-11
question 19-22
Section 7 : question 1-5
question 6-9
tech n HR interview:-As i am a MCA student so the HR asked me questions about computers only,but b ready
with some general definations
from ur core subject..
questions asked from me were--1)how r u?
2)how r u feeling right now?
3)tell me something about urself?(b confident in answering but never boast urself)
4)which is ur fav subject? i told DBMS & ,C,
then the swithced on to technical questions:-1)what is transaction,deadlock,methods to avoid deadlock.
2)M:N Mapping.
4)Volatile memory n cache memory.
5)Stack Operation--told me 2 write function for deletion operation in stack.
if u know the answer then its ok otherwise just tell them sorry.dont give wrong answer. at
times they will try to confuse u bt u have to b confident... finally d person asked WHY
TCS.......n that was all b confident n polite in answering..
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General - other NIT Durgapur - 26 March 2008
Hi guys, I am Debanjan from NIT Durgapur.I am from chemical engineering
department.Tcs came to campus on 26th march and picked up 202/352 students.But mind
you,guys......the whole process which we had to undergo during the 3 days was such we
never expected.TCS probably took the toughest selection procedure in recent times.some
of the students had technical interview as long as 1 and half was also quite
gruelling........and it was totally unpredictable......for some of them hr was taken along
with technical.....mine was 45 min hr+ tech interview....i am giving an excerpt
Me : Good evening sir,
I : good evening.......plz sit down
Me: Thanks a lot sir
I : you seem to be a cool dude
Me: (didnt expect) sir, its the same debanjan you r seeing who is with his friends
i: tell me abt urself
me : told
i: do you believe in god?
me :yes
i : define god
me : gave...was quite satisfied
i: state the zeroth ,first,second law of thernodyanamics
me :explained in a flash
i : ok..tell me the capital of estonia and peru
me : gave the ans
i : v good...what do you think of obama?
me : gave sume fundas abt obama and us presidential elections
i : you seem to have good general knowledge
me: thank you sir
i : draw a distillation column
me : drawn efficiently
i: who is dalailama....asked abt tibet vs china
me : fumbled.......but gave the ans
i : i am very impressed....but u ahve got low cgpa..
me : i was prepared for this....i gave an instant reply
i: satisfied....u r bengali right?
me : yes sir..
i : what is the percentage of bengali speaking peiople in the world
me : there was no way i cud have answered that...just said....i cannot reacll the number sir
i : he gave the ans....and then suddenly....why tcs
me : i thought it was a technical....but still gave the ans..
i : and then from no where..what is faradys law of electrolysis
me : somehow i managed...but not completely correct...
i : why should i take you as u dont know c and u r from core branch
me : gave a satisfactory and
i: are you feeling bored
me : i didnt say"not at all"....i just said i am tensed
i: why are u tensed....u have answered..teh ques
me: sir,,,this is a very important day of my life
i : why is it important?
me : sir it will be my first step towards being a proffessional..
i : he in a flash gave me a piece of paper...write 10 points now which a proffessional
should have...and list out which u have and dont have at this point
me : i took time intentionally....wrote the points...
i : r u mobile
me : sure sir.......i can adjust in any part of the world
i : that means u can adjust in alaska also
me : why not....if tcs opens a branch there?
i: very clever
me: no sir,very honest
i : laughed....ok do hv any ques?
me : sir what is this six sigma thing
i : explained very well
me: thank u very much was nice meeting yoy
i: u welcome
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Whole Testpaper NIT, KOLKATA - 28 February 2008
Hi, I am PRITHWISH BANERJEE,recently I have been recruited from NIT, Kolkata by
TCS.I am pursuing B.TECH with INFORMATION TECHNOLY(IT).Here I want to
share my preparation and experience with you all.
The entire recruitment process consisted of:
i) Initial screening(60% in 10th ,12th and B-Tech)(219 were eligible in this phase)
ii) Online Aptitude Test(190 cleared this test)
iii) Personal Interview (Both Technical and HR interview)(130 cleared and selected
The aptitude test was online.
1. Verbal-40 Q / Time- 20 mins.
2. Quantitative-38Q / Time- 40 mins.
3. Critical Reasoning-12Q / Time- 30 mins.
Total time for aptitude test was 90 mins. (No ngtv marking & no sectional cut off.)
This section consists of 10 synonyms, 20 antonyms, 5 fill in the blanks and 5 mcq type
questions from a passage.
For this section you have to prepare from
1. Barron?s GRE high frequency word list.
2. Barron?s GRE antonym questions.
3. Barron?s GRE sentence completion questions.
4. Barron?s GRE reading comprehension questions.
Prepare above all properly because they repeat questions from previous papers. They
exactly give the passage from Barron?s GRE (Mainly from 12th edition).Even they do
not change the values.
For this section initially u should start ur preparation with R.S.Agarwal or Taira(any
one,no need to follow both of them).Then go thru the old papers,just u hv to know the
methods to solve each question.
They change the numerical values and names only.
Also u need to practice Data Interpretation, Venn diagram and Pie Charts from Barron?s
3.Critical Reasoning:
Refer to GRE 12th edition (Go through these Questions given below???.In some
Questions names and data were changed)
Model Test Paper 1:
Section 5: Ques.1-4 (For a motorist?)
Ques.13-16(In a certain society?.)
Section 6: Ques.1-4 (In country X, conservative?..)
Ques.8-11 (Tom wishes??)
Model Test Paper 2:
Section 1: Ques.19-22 (Delegations from Wallachia ?.)
Section 6: Ques.13-16 (Spelunkers international??)
Model Test Paper 3:
Section 5: Ques. 13-16(Observance of memorial?..)
Ques.17-22(An airdale??.)
Section 6: Ques.8-11 (At a formal??)
Model Test Paper 4:
Section 5: Ques.19-22(A, B, C or W may cause
Section 6: Ques.13-16(All A?s, B?s,)
Ques.17-22(At a Congress??)
Model Test Paper 5 :
Section 6 : Ques.1-5 ( In a certain Society??)
These are the most common items for TCS. Some of my frnds got common from this
zone in our aptitude test.But I didn?t get common.So,I had to solve those on the spot.
Result of Aptitude Test was published at 2.45pm.Then I hd to wait a long time to get my
call for interview.It was 10.45pm,I was called for my personal interview.I was so tired
then.But I was still smiling. At first there were three persons in my panel. But at the end
of my intrvw that number became five. But all of them were very friendly?..
Person3: Ur name is Prithwish?My boss?s name is Prithwish. Its a sweet name.
Me: Thank u sir. (Then he said,plz take ur seat.I said Thank u,sir.and then said Good
evening sir??.)
Person3: Why there is a dffrnce in ur percentages in 10th and 12th (seeing my
imprsd with my 10th percentage.)
Me: Answered properly with clear analysis.
Person3: Share ur project experience with us.(Both postv and ngtv).
Me: Shared all my xperiences.
Person3: What is ur favourite subject?
Me: C.
Person3: C is not a subject.And C is very common.(not imprsd).OK.Who is inventor of
Me: Answered???.
Person3: Do u know what was the name of C at the time of invention?
Me: I knew it sir, but I can?t recall it right now. (B honest and smart.Dont try to pretend).
Person2: Why have u chosen IT as ur career option?
Me: I suggest everyone to prepare a convincing ans of this Q.I gave a very suitable ans.
Persons2 : Who is ur father?Where is he?
Me: Answered???
Person2: Who is ur mother?..
Me: Answered?..
Person2: How does IT help ur parents?
Me: Explained well?.
Person4: (He came suddenly and joined to my panel) U hv done a paper(Seeing my
CV).I m very intrstd to knw abt ur paper.Pls share ur xprnce of paper
Me: Shared everything in detail regarding my xperience of paper presentation in
Varanasi .?? (He was very imprssd..Appreciated me for achieving such a rare
Person1: (He was busy with a form. After completing that one he started to ask me Qs)
Why there is a dffrnce in ur percentages in 10th and 12th (seeing my C.V)?
Me: Gave same ans as previous?..
Person1: What?s ur class rank?
Me: TOP in 4th sem (As we hv registered in TCS upto 4th sem.Then our result of 5th
was published.)???.
Person1: So u r TOPPER in ur class?
Me: Yes sir (With a big smile.)
Person1: Then What?s the rank in 5th sem ?
Me: 5th or 6th.
Person1: In 4th sem U ranked TOP and in 5th sem U ranked 5th.Why so?
Me: After 4th sem I was involved in my project and paper.So I had to spend most of the
times with these works to finish them successfully.For this reason I couldn?t
concentrate fully in my semester subjects and that was why I ranked 5th and not
TOP?(They laughed and they saw my certificate of paper presentation).
Person3: Which one is ur favourite subject in 5th sem?
Me: OOP concept with core JAVA.
Person3: What is OOP? Tell me any 4 features of OOPs..
Me: Defined OOP very well and told 4 features of OOP---1.ABSTRACTION, 2.
Person3: Just think I am a LAYMAN.I hv no idea abt OOPs. U hv to make me undrstnd
what is Polymorphism with proper example.
Me: Explained the concept of Polymorphism very well.( He was satisfied with my
explanation and said I hv no Qs.)
Person4: What was ur rank in class 10th exam?
Me: 36th in WEST BENGAL. (Very impressed and asked me to show him my certificate
of 10th .)
Person4: What r ur hobbies,Prithwish?
Me: Writing poems and Listening to music.
Person5: So if U r selected then we will get a poet.(All of them laughed. )
Person4: Hv u any proof of ur writing?
Me: Yes sir,(I have shown them our clg magazine ?CONFLUENCE? as one of my
poems named ?RATRI? published over there.)
Person1: Your poem is abt night,why not abt day?And I think night is a ngtv thought,so
(from this) can I conclude that u r a ngtv minded person???
Me: No sir,not at all.Bcz in this poem I hv tried to depict the various forms of night.And
if u think postvly,night is a junction of 2 days.Night comes after ending of a day
and before begining of a day.Night is basically a platform for starting of new
dreams and aspirations.So it is a complete postv thought.Nothing is ngtv in it.(He
was convincd and very impressd with my ans.His face was glowing with
satisfaction.He said?I hv no Qs?)
Person4: Do u hv any query?
Me: Asked abt training session of TCS.
Person4: Explained ???.R u mobile?????????????
Me: Yes sir,absolutely?
Person4: Ok,I hv no Qs.
Person2: Tell me any other subject which u prefer except C.
Person2: (Surprised to hear this sbjct as one of my favourite sbjct .) Is this ur favrt sbjct?
Me: Yes sir.
Person2: OK. Tell me what is SDLC?
Me: Explained very well?
Person2: What r the steps in SDLC????? Explain???
Me: Explained properly???(He was very impressed and satisfied with my
Explaination and then said I hv no Qs..)
Me: Thnk u sir.
Me: Good night,sir???
It was 11.20pm..I was very satisfied with my performance?...Our result was published on
3rd March,2008( After 3 days of INTRVW)..I was very happy to see my name in the list
of the selected candidates?Lastly I want to say one thing----It is like a one day
game.Getting a job is a magic of GOD, needs a support of ur LUCK.
Things to remember:
1. Be cool and confident.
2. Be optimistic.
3. Basic concepts of every topic should b very clear.
4. Whatever the terms u will use in ur intrvw u should hv full cnfdnt on it.
5. Answers should be compact and relevant. Never try to pretend. Be smart and honest.
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Whole Testpaper SIT Institute ,Bhubaneswar , - 25 March 2008
hi...i am Purbasha Kar from SILICON INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY,
bhubaneswar.we were having on campus drive of TCS on 25 & 26 march 2008.All
together there were 282 students were there,270 cleared the written test and finally 145
got through the Campus,And I was one of them. All the aptitude QUestions were
repeated from previous year papers from TCS.For critical reasoning section go through
the GRE 12th edition,it is available on the net.Even if u r not able to solve that just mug
up the answers.But its my sencere request to u plz understand the funda behind each
questions .they are changing the names and sequence of the questions too. better if u
understand it.
.BUT NO NONSENSE QUERIES and make ur own ID.then they will give u the details
of online test.there is no sectional cut off ,attempt as much question frm aptitude
section,as most of them are repeated
There will be three section
1.English 32 ques 20min
2.Aptitude section 38ques 40 min.
3.critical reasoning 12ques 30min.
We had 10 synonyms and 10 antonyms
For each of the words in Capital letters, choose from among the answers, the word that is
closest in meaning:
(a) Arid (b) Hasty (c) Sociable (d) Quaint (e) Talkative
(a) Bury (b) Amuse (c) Relate (d) Frequent (e) Abandon
(a) Developing (b) Brief (c) Distant (d) Economical (e) Fantastic
(a) Opening (b) Pamphlet (c) Censor (d) Bureau (e) Pin
(a) Clamour (b) Disparity (c) Composure (d) Propensity (e) Indivisibility
(a) Liquid measure (b) Ship (c) Armada (d) Company (e) Printer’s proof
(a) Oppressive (b) Royal (c) Major (d) Basic (e) Entertain
(a) Stale (b) Necessary (c) Indifferent (d) Nonchalant (e) Vivid
(a) Pomposity (b) Bombast (c) Obeisance (d) Insult (e) Message
(a) Vague (b) Outspoken (c) Experience (d) Anxious (e) Sallow
For each of the words in capital letters, choose from among the answers, the closest word
that has the opposite meaning:
(a) Hesitant (b) Neutrality (c) Admit (d) Polite (e) Incongruity
(a) Believe false (b) Treat as equal (c) Make more difficult (d) Underemphasize (e)
(a) Fast-running (b) Intention (c) Obnoxious (d) Holding fast (e) Irresolute
(a) Intricate (b) Devious (c) Posthumous (d) Dilatory (e) Contradictory
(a) Slow (b) Abstemious (c) Pragmatic (d) Benevolent (e) Grave
(a) Premonition (b) Hallucination (c) Escape (d) Commendation (e) Trepidation
(a) Prodigality (b) Avoidance (c) Credence (d) Calumny (e) Inception
(a) Power (b) Extravagance (c) Magnanimity (d) Conscience (e) Ignorance
(a) Cooperative (b) Cautious (c) Inaccurate (d) Formal (e) Simplistic
(a) Defy (b) Supplement (c) Postpone (d) Shorten (e) Design
For each of the words in Capital letters, choose from among the answers, the word that is
closest in meaning :
(a) Turn over (b) Contradict (c) Mind (d) Explain (e) Swing
(a) Dessert (b) Illusion (c) Water (d) Mirror (e) Statement
(a) Acclaim (b) Dispute (c) Prohibit (d) Decide (e) Fret
(a) Insular (b) Complaisant (c) Grass (d) Wanton (e) Faults
(a) Humourist (b) Nuisance (c) Scholar (d) Bum (e) Thief
(a) Kill (b) Disgrace (c) Search (d) Collide (e) Deride
(a) Remember (b) Hypnotize (c) Delay (d) Bore (e) Analyze
(a) Unify (b) Immunize (c) Tranquilize (d) Stimulate (e) Injure
(a) momentary (b) Emotional (c) Suppressed (d) Proper (e) Unexpected
(a) belligerence (b) Tenacity (c) Renewal (d) Pity (e) Loathing
For each of the words in capital letters, choose from among the answers, the closest word
that has the opposite meaning:
(a) Not negotiable (b) not equivalent (c) Not ambitious (d) Not evident (e) Not relevant
Q No. 12 ABIDE
(a) Retract an offer (b) Refuse to endure (c) Shield from harm (d) Exonerate (e) Welcome
(a) Disengage (b) Impoverished (c) Refute thoroughly (d) Answer hypothetically (e)
Consider genuinely
(a) Postpone (b) Dissemble (c) Endanger (d) Prohibit (e) Justify
Q No. 15 CAVIL
(a) Discern (b) Disclose (c) Introduce (d) Flatter (e) Commend
(a) Juvenile (b) Well mannered (c) Weak minded (d) Unique (e) Concealed
(a) Qualitative (b) Unnatural (c) Deceptive (d) Supportive (e) Noncommittal
(a) Compose (b) Awake (c) Deaden (d) Praise (e) Secrete
(a) Apologetic (b) Independent (c) Laudatory (d) Questionable (e) Methodical
(a) Wane (b) Belie (c) Worsen (d) Intervene (e) Presume
For each of the words in Capital letters. Choose from among the answers, the word that is
closest in meaning :
(a) Split (b) Waterfall (c) Assembly (d) Adherence (e) Surplus
(a) Feeling cold (b) Being isolated (c) Showing warm (d) Having uniformity (e) Creating
(a) Orderly (b) Meretricious (c) Reclaimed (d) Filtered (e) Proper
(a) Underhanded (b) Coy (c) Brilliant (d) Quick (e) Abortive
(a) Clamour (b) Disparity (c) Composure (d) Propensity (e) Indivisibility
(a) Exacerbate (b) Involve (c) Intimidate (d) Lacerate (e) Prevaricate
(a) Cold (b) Hot (c) Understood (d) Callow (e) Courageous
(a) Not capable (b) Not dangerous (c) Not eager (d) Not frank (e) Not peaceful
(a) Clear (b) Opaque (c) Movement (d) Efficient (e) Telepathy
(a) Careful (b) Salty (c) Chosen (d) Tough (e) Wet
For each of the words in capital letters, choose from among the answers, the closest word
that has the opposite meaning:
(a) Simplify (b) Strive (c) Rebel (d) Unite (e) Appreciate
(a) Introversion (b) Deliberation (c) Anticipation (d) Gregariousness (e) Equivocation
(a) Fortuitous (b) Fortunate (c) Fortifield (d) Forbidden (e) Forestalled
(a) Intricate (b) Devious (c) posthumous (d) Dilatory (e) Contradictory
(a) Tangential (b) Rampant (c) Esoteric (d) Morose (e) Indolent
(a) Feed (b) Animate (c) Facilitate (d) Treat lightly (e) Caution tactfully
(a) Civic (b) Remote (c) Deceptive (d) Conventional (e) Naïve
(a) Naive (b) Accurate (c) Hostile (d) Witty (e) Polite
(a) Incoherent (b) Advisable (c) Simplistic (d) Influential (e) Uncooperative
(a) Adjacent (b) Clandestine (c) Contentious (d) Unfavourable (e) Coy
Observe the dilemma of the fungus; it is a plant, but possesses no chlorophyll. While all
other plants put the sun’s energy to work for them combining the nutrients of ground and
air into the body structure._____1______.Chlorophyll is found in these other plants
which, having received their energy free from the sun, relinquish it__2__.
In this search of energy, the fungus has become the earth’s major source of rot and decay.
Wherever you see mould forming on a piece of bread, or a pile of leaves turning to
compost, or a bloom down tree becoming pulp on the ground, _____3___.
With fungus action, the earth would be pooled high with_____4______.
In fact, certain plants which contain resins that are ____5_______. Specimen of the
redwood tree, for instance can still be found ______6________.
You are watching a fungus acting
Resting on the forest floor centuries after having been cut down
Responsible for decomposition of much plant life
Fungus must look elsewhere for an energy supply
Cannot produce their own store of energy
The dead plant life of past centuries
At some point in their cycle either to animal or to fungi
Fungus is vastly different from other plants
Toxic to fungi will last indefinitely.
1. Two pencils costs 8 cents, then 5 pencils cost how much
Sol: 2 pencils è 8 cents => 1 pencil è 4 cents
Therefore 5 pencils cost = 5 * 4 = 20 cents
2. A work is done by two people in 24 min. one of them can do this work a lonely in 40
min. how much time required to do the same work for the second person.
Sol: (A+B) can do the work in = 1/24 min.
A alone can do the same work in = 1/40 min.
B alone can do the same work in = (A+B)’s – A’s = 1/24 – 1/40 = 1/60
Therefore, b can do the same work in = 60 min
3.A car is filled with four and half gallons of oil for full round trip. Fuel is taken 1/4
gallon more in going than coming. What is the fuel consumed in coming up?
Sol Before the trip, car is filled with = 4 ½ gallon of oil
Let ‘X’ be the quantity of fuel consumed for the trip in one direction
The fuel consumed while going = X + ¼
The fuel consumed while coming = X
Therefore, the fuel consumed for the trip = (X + ¼) + X = 4 ½
ð 2X + ¼ = 4 ½ => 2X = 4 ½ - ¼ => 2X = 4 ¼ => X= 2. approx
Therefore the fuel consumed while coming = 2 gallon
4. Low temperature at the night in a city is 1/3 more than 1/2 high as higher temperature
in a day. Sum of the low temperature and highest temp. is 100 degrees. Then what is the
low temp?
Sol: 40 deg.
5. A person, who decided to go to weekend trip should not exceed 8 hours driving in a
day. Average speed of forward journey is 40 m/h. Due to traffic in Sundays, the return
journey average speed is 30 m/h. How far he can select a picnic spot?
a) 120 miles
b) Between 120 and 140 miles
c) 160 miles
Answer: 120 miles
6. A person was fined for exceeding the speed limit by 10mph. Another person was also
fined for exceeding the same speed limit by twice the same. If the second person was
traveling at a speed of 35 mph, find the speed limit.
Sol: Let ‘x’ be the speed limit
Person ‘A’ was fined for exceeding the speed limit by = 10mph
Person ‘B’ was fined for exceeding the speed limit by = twice of ‘A’
= 2*10mph=20mph given that the second person was traveling at the speed of 35mph =>
35mph – 20mph = 15mph
Therefore the speed limit is =15 mph
7.A bus started from bus stand at 8.00am, and after 30 minutes staying at destination, it
returned back to the bus stand. The destination is 27 miles from the bus stand. The speed
of the bus is 18mph. In return journey bus travels with 50% fast speed. At what time it
returns to the bus stand?
Sol: 11.00am
8.In a mixture, R is 2 parts S is 1 part. In order to make S to 25% of the mixture, how
much r is to be added?
Sol: One Part
9. Wind flows 160 miles in 330 min, for 80 miles how much time required.
10. With 4/5 full tank vehicle travels 12 miles, with 1/3 full tank how much distance
Sol: ( 5 miles )
11. A storm will move with a velocity of towards the center in hours, at the same rate
how much far will it move in hrs.
Sol: ( but the answer is 8/3 or 2 2/3 )
12. In a two-dimensional array, X (9, 7), with each element occupying 4 bytes of
memory, with the address of the first element X (1, 1) is 3000; find the address of X (8,
Ans: 3212
13. In the word ORGANISATIONAL, if the first and second, third and forth, forth and
fifth, fifth and sixth words are interchanged up to the last letter, what would be the tenth
letter from right?
14. What is the largest prime number that can be stored in an 8-bit memory? Ans : 251
15. Select the odd one out…..a. Java b. Lisp c. Smalltalk d. Eiffel.
16. Select the odd one out a. SMTP b. WAP c. SAP d. ARP
17. Select the odd one out a. Oracle b. Linux c. Ingress d. DB2
18. Select the odd one out a. WAP b. HTTP c. BAAN d. ARP
19. Select the odd one out a. LINUX b. UNIX c. SOLARIS d. SQL SEVER
20. Select the odd one out a. SQL b. DB2 c. SYBASE d. HTTP
21. The size of a program is N. And the memory occupied by the program is given by M
= square root of 100N. If the size of the program is increased by 1% then how much
memory now occupied?
Ans: 0.5%(SQRT 101N)
22. A man, a woman, and a child can do a piece of work in 6 days. Man only can do it in
24 days. Woman can do it in 16 days and in how many days child can do the same work?
Ans: 16
23. In which of the system, decimal number 184 is equal to 1234?
Ans: 5
24. Find the value of the 678 to the base-7.
Ans: 1656
25. Number of faces, vertices and edges of a cube
Ans: 6 8 12
26. Complete the series 2, 7, 24, 77,__
Ans: 238
27. Find the value of @@+25-++@16, where @ denotes "square" and + denotes "square
Ans: 621
28. Find the result of the following expression if, M denotes modulus operation, R
denotes round-off, T denotes truncation: M(373,5)+R(3.4)+T(7.7)+R(5.8)
29. If TAFJHH is coded as RBEKGI then RBDJK can be coded as?
Ans: qcckj
30. G(0)= -1, G(1)=1, G(N)=G(N-1) - G(N-2), G(5)= ?
Ans: - 2
31. What is the max possible 3 digit prime number?
Ans: 997
32. A power unit is there by the bank of the river of 750 meters width. A cable is made
from power unit to power plant opposite to that of the river and 1500mts away from the
power unit.The cost of the cable below water is Rs.15/- per meter and cost of cable on the
bank is Rs.12/-per meter. Find the total of laying the cable.
Ans : 1000 (24725-cost)
33. The size of a program is N. And the memory occupied by the program is given by M
= square root of 100N. If the size of the program is increased by 1% then how much
memory now occupied?
Ans:0.5%(SQRT 101N)
34. In Madras , temperature at noon varies according to -t^2/2 + 8t + 3, where t is elapsed
time. Find how much temperature more or less in 4pm to 9pm.
Ans: At 9pm 7.5 more
35. The size of the bucket is N kb. The bucket fills at the rate of 0.1 kb per millisecond. A
programmer sends a program to receiver. There it waits for 10 milliseconds. And
response will be back to programmer in 20 milliseconds. How much time the program
takes to get a response back to the programmer, after it is sent?
Ans: 30
36. A man, a woman, and a child can do a piece of work in 6 days. Man only can do it in
24 days. Woman can do it in 16 days and in how many days child can do the same work?
Ans: 16
37. Which of the following are orthogonal pairs?
a. 3i+2j b. i+j c. 2i-3j d. -7i+j
Ans: a, c
38. If VXUPLVH is written as SURMISE, what is SHDVD?
39. If A, B and C are the mechanisms used separately to reduce the wastage of fuel by
30%, 20% and 10%.What will be the fuel economy if they were used combined.
Ans: 20%
40. What is the power of 2? a. 2068 b.2048 c.2668
41. Complete the series. 3, 8, --, 24, --, 48, 63. Ans: 15.35
42. Complete the series. 4, -5, 11, -14, 22, -- Ans: -27
43. A, B and C are 8 bit no,s. They are as follows:
A -> 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1
B -> 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0
C -> 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1
Find ((A-B) u C)=? Hint: 109…. A-B is {A} - {A n B}
44. A Flight takes off at 2 A.M from northeast direction and travels for 11 hours to reach
the destination, which is in northwest direction. Given the latitude and longitude of
source and destination. Find the local time of destination when the flight reaches there?
Ans: 7 am
45. A can copy 50 papers in 10 hours while both A & B can copy 70 papers in 10 hours.
Then for how many hours required for B to copy 26 papers?
Ans: 13
46. A is twice efficient than B. A and B can both work together to complete a work in 7
days. Then find in how many days, A alone can complete the work?
Ans: 10.5
47. A finish the work in 10 days. B is 60% efficient than A. So how many days do B
takes to finish the work?
Ans :100/6
48. A finishes the work in 10 days & B in 8 days individually. If A works for only 6 days
then how many days should B work to complete A,s work?
Ans: 3.2 days
49. Given the length of the 3 sides of a triangle. Find the one that is impossible? (HINT:
sum of smaller 2 sides is greater than the other one, which is larger)
50. Find the singularity matrix from a given set of matrices? (Hint det(A)==0))
51. (Momentum*Velocity)/(Acceleration * distance). Find units.
Ans: mass
52. The number 362 in decimal system is given by (1362) x in the X System of numbers
find the value of X a} 5 b) 6 c) 7 d) 8 e) 9
53. Given $ means Tripling and % means change of sign then find the value of $%$6%$%6
54. My flight takes of at 2am from a place at 18N 10E and landed 10 Hrs later at a place
with coordinates 36N70W. What is the local time when my plane landed?
6:00 am b) 6:40am c) 7:40 d) 7:00 e) 8:00
(Hint: Every 1 deg longitude is equal to 4 minutes. If west to east add time else subtract
55. 7 8 9 11 13 ?? 19
Entirely from Barron’s 12th edition 5 Model Test Papers at the end. Those who don’t
have barrons, you can obtain it from the Internet and get the book in a pdf format. The
questions asked are from these…
Model test 1: Section5 - qns 1-4 (motorist), qns 13-16 (red and brown)
Section6 - qns 1-4 (conservative,democratic), qns 8-11 (latin, sanskrit), qns 12-18
(joe,larry,ned), qns 19-22 (a causes b)
Model test 2: Section1 - qns 19-22 (wallachia and rumelia) --Section6 - qns 8-12 ( ashland , liverpool), qns 13-16 (spelunker) --qns 17-22 (pesth) ---i got this one too
Model test 3: Section6 - qns 1-4 (all Gs are Hs)
Model test 4: Section5 - qns 8-11 (horizontal row), qns 19-22 (a,b,c cause d)
Section6 - qns 8-12 (spanish, italian), qns 13-16 (all As, Bs), qns 17-22 (progressive
federal party)
Model test 5: Section3 - qns8-11 (museum), qns 19-22 (A is the father)
Section7- qns 1-5 (prahtu, brahtu), qns 21-25 (scurvy)
I had both the interviews in one go
being from CS .
me and many of my friends were asked programming like:
*sortings:buble sort , insertion sort , bineary search , stack , queue ,linked list
prime numbers ,max min ,gcd ,lcm
they even asked about automata theory :
what is a turing machinenon deterministic autometon??
Have a clear view of all the normalization
i was asked to prepare a silicon DATABASE.
what is rdbms???
PIN diagrams of 8085 mainly.
diff beween 8086 and 8085??
diff between c and c++??
there were some panels were physics ,chemistry ,mechanics were even asked .the fundas
only newtons laws boyle,s law ,charles law plz have an over all idea .
if u are ANSWERING anything say with 200% confidence .u voice should reflect ur
introduce urself
WHY tcs??
my brother is in TCS so he asked me if i had made any channelization to get into TCS.?
Following paper is provided by . Visit for more
Whole Testpaper Integral UniversityLucknow - 11 March 2008
Hello friends .I m Ashok Maurya from INTEGRAL UNIVERSITY. my branch is ECE.i
appeared in the campus placements organized by TCS held at Integral University on 11th
& 12th march 08. There was no sectional cut off, no upper cut off, but what i felt was that
for critical reasoning u must have to do at least one passage consisting of 4 questions
correctly .
It was an online test which consisted of three sections: 1) Verbal. 2) Quantitative
Aptitude. 3) Critical Reasoning. VERBAL SECTION: It consisted of 10 antonyms, 10
synonyms and two passage in which you have to fill in the blanks with correct sentences.
For antonyms do only the 5 model test papers & for synonyms prepare the exercises in
the high freq. word list. Though I got only 4 antonyms & 2 synonyms in the paper but it
is enough & rest of all I marked option c. For passage the time left was very less. It’s a bit
difficult but don’t worry, u can get through even if u don know anything in verbal. Refer
barrons 12th edition only.
It consisted of 38 questions 40 mins. Very easy. All previous year questions were
repeated. Sometimes they don’t even change the data. I will suggest that go through all d
previous yrs papers.Some questions which I remember are given below:
1. Exact power of 2?
Ans: 4096 , Hint: 2^10=1024,2^12=1024*4=4096.
2 Find the result of the following expression if, M denotes modulus operation, R denotes
round-off, T denotes truncation: M(373,5)+R(3.4)+T(7.7)+R(5.8)
Ans: 19
3. What is the largest prime number that can be stored in a 9-bit memory?
Ans: 509
4. Find the physical quantity in units from the equation:
Ans: Ns2/m
5. Find the value of @@+25-++@16, where @ denotes "square" and + denotes "square
Ans: 621
6. If G(0) = -1 G(1)= 1 and G(N)=G(N-1) - G(N-2) then what is the value of G(6)?
Ans: -1 bcoz g(2)=g(1)-g(0)=1+1=2 g(3)=1 g(4)=-1 g(5)=-2 g(6)=-1
7. Convert the decimal number 310 to the base 6.
Ans: 1234
8. Find the missing number in the series: 2, 5, __ , 19 ,37, 75
Ans: 9
9. In a two-dimensional array, X(9,7), with each element occupying 8 bytes of memory,
with the address of the first element X(1,1) is 3000, find the address of X(8,5)?
10. What,s the answer for that if A, B and C are 8 bit no,s. They are as follows: A -> 1 1
0 0 0 1 0 1 B -> 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 C -> 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 ( - =minus, u=union) Find ((A - C) u
B) =?
Ans: 187, Hint: To find A-C, We will find 2,s compliment of C and them add it with A,
That will give us (A-C) 2,s compliment of C=1,s compliment of
C+1=11000101+1=11000110 A-C=11000101+11000110=10001001 Now (A-C) U B is
.OR. Logic operation on (A-C) & B 10001001 .OR . 00110011 The answer is =
10111011, Whose decimal equivalent is 187
11. Select the odd one out a. SMTP b.WAP c. SAP d. ARP
Ans: c
12. Select odd one- sql, db2, Sybase, http
Ans: http
13. Which of the following are orthogonal pairs? a. 3i+2j b.i+j c. 2i-3j d. -7i+j
Ans: a & c
14. Number of faces, vertices and edges of a solid planar cube. a. 12,8,6 b.4,6,8 c. 6,8,12
d. 6,12,8
Ans: c , Hint: faces=6, vertices=no. of points or corners where edges meets=8, edges=12
15. A file is transferred from one location to another in ,buckets,. The size of the bucket
is 10 kilobytes. Each bucket gets filled at the rate of 0.0001 kilobytes per millisecond.
The transmission time from sender to receiver is 10 milliseconds per bucket. After the
receipt of the bucket the receiver sends an acknowledgement that reaches sender in 100
milliseconds. Assuming no error during transmission, write a formula to calculate the
time taken in seconds to successfully complete the transfer of a file of size N kilobytes.
Ans: (N/1000)*(N/10)*10+(N/100).........(not sure)
16. Which of the following is a singular matrix.
Ans: Determinant must be zero.
17. If Rs.1260 is divided between between A, B and C in the ratio 2:3:4, what is C,s
Ans: Rs. 560
19. A graph was given. And equation of the curve was asked.
Ans: log 10x
20. In a city, temperature at noon varies according to -t^2/6 + 4t + 12, where t is elapsed
time. Find the percentage change in temperature from 3pm. to 6 pm
Ans: In equation first put t=3, we will get 25.5........................... (1) Now put t=6, we will
get 42.............................. (2) So %change = ((42-25.5)/42)*100) =39.3
21. SURFW Code is translated as SHEET…..these kind of questions were there…..
22. 2 students get 3 and 3.5 in their class exam and 1.4 and 1.65 in final exam
respectively. Wt might be the class marks of 3rd student who have got ‘0’ marks in final
23.find the value of the 678 to the base 7.
Ans: 1656
24.find the result of following expression if M denotes modulus operation,R denotes
round off,T-truncation: M(373,5)+R(3.4)+T(7.7)+R(5.8)
Ans: 3+3+7+6=19
25. If TAFJHH is coded as RBEKGI then RBDJK can be coded as?
26. Three companies are working independently and receiving the savings 20%, 30%,
40%. If the companies work combinely, what will be their net savings?
Ans: suppose total income is 100 so amount x is getting is 80 y is 70 z =60 total=210 but
total money is 300 300-210=90 so they are getting 90 rs less 90 is 30% of 300 so they r
getting 30% discount
27. If n=10*18*38 which of the following is not an integer? a. n/40 b. n/90 c. n/72 d. n/35
Ans: (10*18*38)/35 is not an integer so ans = d (n/35) 28. The program size is N, the
memory occupied by the program is 4000sqrt(N).if the program size is increased by
1%.then what is the percentage increase in memory,
Ans: 0.5%
29. which of the following has highest standard deviation? A)5,0,5,0,5,0. b)5,5,5,5,5,5
c)5,5,5,5,0,5 d)-5,5,-5,5,-5,5
Ans: the formula for finding std.deviation is squre root of summation (x-(x
bar))^2/n,where n is the no. of terms.
30. b,v,q,q,m,b,v,f,m,g,v,f ,f,v,f,m,b,v,f,b,g,d,v,f,a,m,v,f.v,f,f. How many v,s are such that
each v is followed by f next to it, if the f is not followed by f next to it?
31. A power unit is there by the bank of a river 900 mtr wide. a cable is made from unit
to power plant opposite to that of the river and 3000 mtr away from the power unit. the
cost of the cable below water rs 5/mtr.and cost of cable on the bank is rs 4/mtr.find the
point where cable cut thru river.
Ans: 2100
32. My flight takes of at 2 am from a place at 18N 40E and landed 10 HRS later at a
place with co-ordinates 36N 40W.WHAT IS THE LOCAL TIME WHEN MY PLANE
a) 2.50 pm,b)6.00 pm, c) 6.40 pm,d)8.00 pm
Ans: for every one degree from east to west or west to east there is time change by 4
minute.if we r going from east to west then subtract the time otherwise add. here plane is
going from 40 dgr east to 40 dgr west.therefore there is total change of 80 dgr i.e by
80*4=320 minutes or 5 hrs and 20 minutes.therefore time taken by plane is 2+8-5 hour
20 minutes i.e 6.40 pm.
33. Find d unit of given expression - (Force*Distance)/ (Velocity *Velocity)?
34. 1.SCOOTER --------- AUTOMOBILE--- A. PART OF
2.OXYGEN-----------WATER ------- B. A Type of
4. BUG --------------REPTILE------ D. A SUPERSET OF
Ans: 1)B 2)A 3)D 4)C
There were 3 questions on vein diagram: some speak French, some speak English…….&
3 questions on bar graph…..For these type of questions r.s.agrawal is best.
This section consisted of 3 passages and 4 questions each(total 12 question). It was for 30
mins. All the questions were from 12 edition Barron’s . They don even change the data
and the order of questions. They just cut copy paste from BARRONS 12 EDITION.
Since it was online test for us so everyone had different set of questions. For this section I
would suggest that do all the analytical passages, having 4 or more questions, from the 5
model test papers of Barron’s 12th edition. if u r not able to understand then just learn or
mug up the answers. The passages that I got were:
1. First question was red and brown marriage group……
2. Second was hotel Miramar.
3. Third was the Prahtu & Brahtu.
I had the technical & hr interview on the next day, in the afternoon just after lunch. My
first question was tell about ur self. I m from ECE branch & since I haven’t mentioned
any subject of interest so they started asking the basics of electronics…….Like
diode,rectifier(half wave,full wave,center tapped,bridge rectifier etc….),characteristics of
diode,zener diode,avalanche breakdown, BJT, FET, uses of pnp transistor,
configurations(common base, CE, CC), gain factor â etc……….. Then he started asking
from digital elex like multiplexer, demux, decoder, flip flops(types, logic diagram,
etc…..) , thyristors from power elex,some quest were from communications…….. then
he asked the basics of c++ & asked me to write a program for finding largest of 3 nos.
comparing a no. not more than twice, in one line.
Hint: a>b?(a>c?a:c):(b>c?b:c)
Then they asked general questions like: Why tcs? u r from elex background then why IT
sector? etc……… Please remember whether u r a IT or a non IT student they expect u to
have some basic idea about c or c++. He gave me some situations asked that what will u
do in that situation………..plz keep in mind that even if u don’t know the answer just
give a cute smile & be confident…….
I thought that my tech & hr were combined but after some time I got a call for hr . there
he asked the similar questions like tell abt ur self, why tcs,etc……..then he asked about
my father what he do & family background……then he asked about the TATA crucible (
a quiz) that I mentioned in my cv……asked my hobbies & asked that what I think on
India Vs Australia controversies……….DO prepare basic information about
tcs.(especially its vision mission n values……its CEO,chairman. pany’s status.recent
news about comPANY….etc… & listen the pre placement talk carefully). Finally they
asked me do u want 2 ask anything? DO prepare some qs 4 this……….What I
asked was that :what I m lacking & what u expect me to do to improve it , since I have
still 1 yr to spend at the college b4 joining, so it can benefit me as well as the company.
He smiled & answered.
My friends & my seniors helped me a lot…….i thanx to all of them…..the main thing is
that just be confident and have a smile on your face. That is the secret to get through
TCS. In the night the results were declared & I was one among the students to be
Following paper is provided by . Visit for more
General - Interview Silicon Institute Of Tech.,Bhubaneswar - 26 March
Hello Everybody I am Surya from Silicon Institute of Technology,Bhubaneswar and I am
giving some questions asked in TCS technical+HR interview. This interview is the
selection process(be prepared for branch subject).
I entered into the room and greeted the interviewer.
Interviewer: What is ur family back ground and ur educational back ground?
Me: told names and what r they doing.accordingly ,started my schoolling,then
intermediate then where u r pursuing now with branch ,sem.
Interviewer: ur fav. subject is transmission and distribution of power..say the various
losses in transmission line?.
Me: answered
Interviewer: He asked about what the prevention for that losses?
Me: Answered
Interviewer: asked about my paper presentation on"multilevel inverter"?
Me: answered
Interviewer: difference between structure & union
Me: answered
Interviewer: asked about binary search?
Me: answered with example
Interviewer: write the algorithm of binary search?
Me: Answered(but missed one step)
Interviewer: started asking whether u know SQL or not?
Me: answered yes ,
Interviewer: asked some queries
Me: answered
Interviewer: smiled and gave me to write the correct hierarchy between table, tablespace
and database
Me: answered
Interviewer: asked about my year gap?
Me: answered
Interviewer: smiled by looking my hobbies?
Me: i too smiled at him....
Interviewer: asked whether i have any moblity constraints ?
Me: answered NO
Interviewer: asked whether i sm aware about service bond with TCS not?
Me: answered Yes
Interviewer: then questioned back to " what is reactive power and how it could be
Me: answered
Interviewer: asked what is the difference between capacitor and diode?
Me: answered
Interviewer: asked any question for me?
Me: asking about the training programme provided by TCS?
Be thorough with your basics and be well prepared with C,C++ ,DS but important is
Even questions like Fibonacci series (both normally & using recursion were asked)
Quick sort, Merge sort, Selection Sort, Bubble Sort are the hot questionsFor EEE people
be ready for machine,TD,microprocessor ,DEC ,some r asked about
Following paper is provided by . Visit for more
General - Interview V.I.ET ,Dadri . - 9 March 2008
Hello Guys . This is Ashutosh Kumar Singh (B.Tech 3rd year CS ). TCS conducted a
recruitment Drive in my college (V.I.E.T , Ghzbd) on 9th March 2008 (for three days ). I
cleared the written exam (online) . For written exam , just go through the previous papers
& Barron’s 12 Edition . This will be sufficient . But, b careful not to press d ‘Exit’ button
. It’ll lock ur answers .
Interview was a three round process .
• Technical Round .
• HR Round .
• Mangerial Round .
Technical Round :
Firstly ,I entered the room for the technical interview .
I said “May I come in Sir” .
He said “Come in” .
I said “Good Morning” to both the interviewers (actually 1 was male & another female).
I said “May I sit” They said “Sure” .
The first question for me is “Tell me about yourself” .
Told .
Then they immediately shifted there focus to technical part . They read ( in my CV )
about my first Project .
He asked “Wht’s platform for dis”.
I said “Java Sir” .
He said “You know Java” .
I said “only Core Java” .
He asked “What is Multithreaded ?” . Told . ( Upto 5 mins he asked questions related to
Multithreading , I gave answer to all questions ) .
He asked “Wht is Inheritance ?” . Told .
He asked “Is dere any concept of Multiple Inheritance ?” .
I said “No” .
He asked “Then How can we achieve Multiple Inheritance ?”.
I said “We can use Interfaces”. He asked few questions on Interfaces .
He asked about RDBMS . (My favourite ). I told everything about RDBMS .
He asked “Wht is DDL & DML ?”.
Told .
They both asked a lot questions on RDBMS & answered all of them .
Finally the lady questioned “Do u know JDBC ?”
I said “Yes ! I used JDBC in my project” .
Then She said “Can u just write the code to connect Java with any Database ?”.
I wrote the whole code for connection . And then I came out of the room .
HR Round :
After 5 mins or so ,I got a call for Hr interview .
I entered the room “May I come in MAM ?” . There were two sweet females .
I said “Good morning Mam” .
They said “Good morning” .
They said “Tell me about yourself which is not mentioned in ur CV”.
I said “My hobbies r … , My strengths are …, My weakness are …” . In d weakness
section I said “Due to dedicated work my social Life gets affected” .
She said “Ashutosh ! U r very smart” . She repeated this sentence thrice .
But I repeatedly said “Mam whether u believe it or not it’s a fact” . I even mentioned
some of my instances where I actually suffered due to work .
She said “ Why TCS ?” . Told .
She said “If we place u somewhere like Trivandaram ?”
I said “No problem ! Mam”.
She told me about the Bond of Rs. 50000 , that if I’ll leave TCS b4 2 years ,then I’ll have
to pay this much of amount . “R u comfortable with the amount ?”
. I said “I’ll not leave TCS for my whole life .So, I don’t have to worry about this
After few more questions , I got out of the room .
MR round (Next Day) :
I entered the room saying “ May I come in Sir” . This time there was only 1 single guy .
He seems to b a very experienced man .
He said “Come in” .
He said “Tell me about yourself , Explain both ur projects (2) . This time only u’ll speak
& I’ll listen” .
I started off & ended up explaining my both two projects .
He asked few questions on my project ( especially from the second project ) .
Then he asked me some general questions .At last he asked me to solve 1 puzzle "There r
9 points & I was supposed to join dese points with only 4 lines " .
I did this .
Then he again gave another puzzle ,which was a bit tough for me . I wasn,t able to solve
dis 1 .
It,s like if u dont answer or able to crack dese baffles ,u dont need to b worry ,coz dese
things hardly matters . But ,If u,ll solve dem ,it,ll b an added advantage for u . Otherwise
,I think dat only d Technical interview is important .
It,s like 70% - Tech interview , 20% - Hr Interview & 10 % - Mr Interview .
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General - Interview K.I.I.T Bhubaneswar - 25 March 2008
Well guys !!!TCS recruited perhaps the highest number of students from our college i.e
KIIT and the figure is 310 to be precise..Around 500 had qualified for the interview (HR
and Tech combined) from 550 who were allowed to write the written test. And not to
mention I was one of the lot. Thanks to all the papers uploaded on this site by numerous
people .I am not uploading my written test paper because all the questions were same
.But u must be cautious while reading as they have changed the values .They have
prepared a same set of questions with values changed and the same questions are being
given all over india.So my suggestion for the written are simple. Just solve 2-3 papers
uploaded on this site and i believe u will be through the written test. For L.R section just
go through barron,s 12th edition .Same for the comprehension
Now comes the P.I. part. Luckily I had H.R and tech combined .In case u don,t no need to
worry ..Just go through the basics of whatever fav subjects u r going to mention.U never
no which panel u would get. In some panel they would only H.R and in some other only
Tech. So it all depends.They may not ask u form ur fav subjects and at the same time they
may ask about NEWTON,s laws of motion, gauss law ,faraday law etc.So u see u need to
know abt the basics and some indepth knowledge abt ur fav. subjects.It may happen that
they may not ask for for ur subjects.It depends.....
So I am only going to tell u abt my interview experience I gave my P.I to a lady and don,t
take her for granted ....
Lady:: so tell me abt urself which is not mentioned in ur resume.
me:: told abt my hostel life
Lady:: so what is the best part of hostel life?
me:: told something abt unity,to adapt
Lady: :if someone does a wrong thing( in a workplace) what would u do
me:: told
lady:: draw the architecture of 8085 mp
me:: did and explained too(u should)
lady: diff between c nd c++
me:: told
lady:: diff between linux and windows( i had done a project on linux)
me: :told
lady:: some more questions abt my project
lady:: name first 10 elements of periodic table(where did this come from)
me: could tell only first five but told sorry
lady:: tell me newton,s first law and 2nd law
me: :told both
lady:: who is the CEO of TCS
me:: mr s rama dorai
lady:: what do u know abt TCS
me:: told what i had gathered frm net(u must listen at the presentation)
lady::: some questions on hobbies what do u generally blog abt
me: :told
lady:: are u on orkut
me:: yes mam
lady:: how many hrs do u spent on orkut
me:: defended myself by saying that i visit only when any notification abt new scraps
come into my mail
lady:: seems satisfied
lady:: u can ask any question
me :: asked abt recession
end of the interview
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General - other N.I.S.T,Berhampur - 20 March 2008
Hi!!! Friends I am Sonu Agarwal of EEE branch.TCS visited our campus on 20th March.
The PPT started at 9.00am and went on for almost 2hrs.
They were very friendly and encouraged to ask questions. Listen carefully n if possible
take notes as they ask questions based on company details also. They emphasized that
they give more importance to fundamentals. So friends brush ur basics especially 12th
physics and maths.
Do go through its website carefully!!!
There were 2 rounds
1. Written (90 minutes)
2. Tech &H.R.
The written was for 90 minutes .It was divided into 3 sections English, Aptitude and
Reasoning .All from GRE Barons(12th Edition).English consisted of Antonyms,
Synonyms and completion of sentences.
The aptitude section consisted of all previous year paper questions
1.matrix 9,5 tell memlocation
2. wire problem Under river and on land
3. orthogonal pairs n probs on pie grarh n bar graph
4. pls go through prev papers all of them r d same
Reasoning consisted of GRE 12th Edition Model Papers. Some names or bits were
changed but the answers were all the same.
1. Democratic ,Justice party etc
2. Three ways 2 go to office. Over the road, tunnel, bridge.
3. penguin publication,books bought heron publication etc.
4. Celtic, and other languages.
5 Big University and Small University problem……
Most of us easily cleared the written easily and were called in to fill the forms almost
immediately. So please be ready with your resumes ,photographs ,passport no ,pan no (if
any) beforehand.Fill in the form only as per the instructions .
Then the H.R. round began. It was around 2.30pm.I waited 4 my turn. It started with CSE
students. I was called for interview at 10.30pm.Folks u need 2 have patience and do
dressup smartly. There were 2 people ,one of them had given the PPT in the morning.
I wished both of them .One of them stared speaking French .I had mentioned a summer
course in French.So beware whatever u mention be thorough with it.
We talked in French then he asked my fav subject
Ans: I told C++
He asked why not electronics subject??
Ans: I said I was comfortable with electronics also
He asked me to define a class of type bottle(There was a mineral bottle on his table)
I told that length,breadth,material would be its data members.he asked me what are
methods?difference between methods n functions? Class bottle could have what methods
and why??
He asked if an object con be referenced to another class object? Explain function
overloading? Difference between malloc n calloc? Qustions from physics.
In which direction does magnetic needle point ?why does it fluctuate ? what is
buoyancy,upthrust,flotation, archmedies principle,newtons laws of motion.
They asked questions from almost all chapters of physics. They shifted to RDBMS.
Asked difference between union and equi join. Queries 2 join 2 tables and get the details
of all employees of a particular department ,to get details of a particular employees from
a table etc.Basic computer architecture questions like bits ,bytes RAM,ROM etc
He asked what id ibdef.buf. a buffer type file used in all systems.there were many more
questions.Both of them were asking with equal of them who new French talked
some more in French.I asked them 2 explain the 6-sigma method.
They explained elaborately and shook hands with me .I thanked them and returned.
All through d interview I was confident n smilling.I said no when I didn’t know an
answer exactly but tried 2 give some reasoning on that.
Next day in the evening the results were out and by Gods grace n wishes of my frens
,seniors n all I was selected.Special Thanks to all those who contributed 2 yuvajobs and
yuvajobs itself 4 being so cooperative
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General - Interview Lit College,Alvar - 2 March 2008
aptitude consisted of the same pattern ie verbal, quantitative and logical.test was
online.practice vocab from barron,s gre.technical interview:
sir: goodmorning,please take ur seat.
me: thank u.
sir: u r from indore,wat is the another name of the same?
me: ahilyabai nagari.
sir: name any industrial centre near to it?
me :pithampur.
sir: draw two sine waves of two different frequencies,and which will travel faster and
me :told.
sir: have u seen a capacitor,how does it look like?
me: told.
sir: have u seen inductor,--------like?
me: told.
sir: why dsp is ur area of interest and its applications?
me: told.
sir: if i charge a capacitor and hold will i get current?
me: explained.
sir: gave a blackbox and told to implement with a circuit.
me :tried....i think it should be so.
sir: asked about virtual functions,abstract classes from java
me: explained.
sir: difference between c++and java.
me: explained.
sir: thank u.
me :thank u sir. immediatedly i was called for hr.they will test ur stress levels and
management skills. be confident and relaxed.
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Whole Testpaper Krupajal Engg College,Bhubaneswar - 17 March 2008
hi...i am Akhilesh thakur from KRUPAJAL ENGG COLLEGE, bhubaneswar.we were
having on campus drive of TCS on 17 & 18 march 2008.All together there were 230
students were there,184 cleared the written test and finally 78 got through the
Campus,And I was one of them. All the aptitude questions were repeated from previous
year papers from TCS.For critical reasoning section go through the GRE 12th edition,it is
available on the net.Even if u r not able to solve that just mug up the answers.
First there will be PPT frm TCS then they will give u the details of online test.there is no
sectional cut off ,attempt as much question frm aptitude section,as most of them are
There will be three section
1.English 32 ques 20min
2.Aptitude section 38ques 40 min.
3.critical reasoning 12ques 30min.
1. Two pencils costs 8 cents, then 5 pencils cost how much
Sol: 2 pencils è 8 cents => 1 pencil è 4 cents
Therefore 5 pencils cost = 5 * 4 = 20 cents
2. A work is done by two people in 24 min. one of them can do this work a lonely in 40
min. how much time required to do the same work for the second person.
Sol: (A+B) can do the work in = 1/24 min.
A alone can do the same work in = 1/40 min.
B alone can do the same work in = (A+B)’s – A’s = 1/24 – 1/40 = 1/60
Therefore, b can do the same work in = 60 min
3.A car is filled with four and half gallons of oil for full round trip. Fuel is taken 1/4
gallon more in going than coming. What is the fuel consumed in coming up?
Sol Before the trip, car is filled with = 4 ½ gallon of oil
Let ‘X’ be the quantity of fuel consumed for the trip in one direction
The fuel consumed while going = X + ¼
The fuel consumed while coming = X
Therefore, the fuel consumed for the trip = (X + ¼) + X = 4 ½
ð 2X + ¼ = 4 ½ => 2X = 4 ½ - ¼ => 2X = 4 ¼ => X= 2. approx
Therefore the fuel consumed while coming = 2 gallon
4. Low temperature at the night in a city is 1/3 more than 1/2 high as higher temperature
in a day. Sum of the low temperature and highest temp. is 100 degrees. Then what is the
low temp?
Sol: 40 deg.
5. A person, who decided to go to weekend trip should not exceed 8 hours driving in a
day. Average speed of forward journey is 40 m/h. Due to traffic in Sundays, the return
journey average speed is 30 m/h. How far he can select a picnic spot?
a) 120 miles
b) Between 120 and 140 miles
c) 160 miles
Answer: 120 miles
5. A person was fined for exceeding the speed limit by 10mph. Another person was also
fined for exceeding the same speed limit by twice the same. If the second person was
traveling at a speed of 35 mph, find the speed limit.
Sol: Let ‘x’ be the speed limit
Person ‘A’ was fined for exceeding the speed limit by = 10mph
Person ‘B’ was fined for exceeding the speed limit by = twice of ‘A’
= 2*10mph=20mph given that the second person was traveling at the speed of 35mph =>
35mph – 20mph = 15mph
Therefore the speed limit is =15 mph
6.A bus started from bus stand at 8.00am, and after 30 minutes staying at destination, it
returned back to the bus stand. The destination is 27 miles from the bus stand. The speed
of the bus is 18mph. In return journey bus travels with 50% fast speed. At what time it
returns to the bus stand?
Sol: 11.00am
7.In a mixture, R is 2 parts S is 1 part. In order to make S to 25% of the mixture, how
much r is to be added?
Sol: One Part
8. Wind flows 160 miles in 330 min, for 80 miles how much time required.
9. With 4/5 full tank vehicle travels 12 miles, with 1/3 full tank how much distance
Sol: ( 5 miles )
10. A storm will move with a velocity of towards the center in hours, at the same rate
how much far will it move in hrs.
Sol: ( but the answer is 8/3 or 2 2/3 )
11. In a two-dimensional array, X (9, 7), with each element occupying 4 bytes of
memory, with the address of the first element X (1, 1) is 3000; find the address of X (8,
Ans: 3212
12. In the word ORGANISATIONAL, if the first and second, third and forth, forth and
fifth, fifth and sixth words are interchanged up to the last letter, what would be the tenth
letter from right?
13. What is the largest prime number that can be stored in an 8-bit memory? Ans : 251
14. Select the odd one out…..a. Java b. Lisp c. Smalltalk d. Eiffel.
15. Select the odd one out a. SMTP b. WAP c. SAP d. ARP
16. Select the odd one out a. Oracle b. Linux c. Ingress d. DB2
17. Select the odd one out a. WAP b. HTTP c. BAAN d. ARP
18. Select the odd one out a. LINUX b. UNIX c. SOLARIS d. SQL SEVER
19. Select the odd one out a. SQL b. DB2 c. SYBASE d. HTTP
20. The size of a program is N. And the memory occupied by the program is given by M
= square root of 100N. If the size of the program is increased by 1% then how much
memory now occupied?
Ans: 0.5%(SQRT 101N)
21. A man, a woman, and a child can do a piece of work in 6 days. Man only can do it in
24 days. Woman can do it in 16 days and in how many days child can do the same work?
Ans: 16
22. In which of the system, decimal number 184 is equal to 1234?
Ans: 5
23. Find the value of the 678 to the base-7.
Ans: 1656
24. Number of faces, vertices and edges of a cube
Ans: 6 8 12
25. Complete the series 2, 7, 24, 77,__
Ans: 238
26. Find the value of @@+25-++@16, where @ denotes "square" and + denotes "square
Ans: 621
27. Find the result of the following expression if, M denotes modulus operation, R
denotes round-off, T denotes truncation: M(373,5)+R(3.4)+T(7.7)+R(5.8)
28. If TAFJHH is coded as RBEKGI then RBDJK can be coded as?
Ans: qcckj
29. G(0)= -1, G(1)=1, G(N)=G(N-1) - G(N-2), G(5)= ?
Ans: - 2
30. What is the max possible 3 digit prime number?
Ans: 997
31. A power unit is there by the bank of the river of 750 meters width. A cable is made
from power unit to power plant opposite to that of the river and 1500mts away from the
power unit.The cost of the cable below water is Rs.15/- per meter and cost of cable on the
bank is Rs.12/-per meter. Find the total of laying the cable.
Ans : 1000 (24725-cost)
32. The size of a program is N. And the memory occupied by the program is given by M
= square root of 100N. If the size of the program is increased by 1% then how much
memory now occupied?
Ans:0.5%(SQRT 101N)
33. In Madras , temperature at noon varies according to -t^2/2 + 8t + 3, where t is elapsed
time. Find how much temperature more or less in 4pm to 9pm.
Ans: At 9pm 7.5 more
34. The size of the bucket is N kb. The bucket fills at the rate of 0.1 kb per millisecond. A
programmer sends a program to receiver. There it waits for 10 milliseconds. And
response will be back to programmer in 20 milliseconds. How much time the program
takes to get a response back to the programmer, after it is sent?
Ans: 30
35. A man, a woman, and a child can do a piece of work in 6 days. Man only can do it in
24 days. Woman can do it in 16 days and in how many days child can do the same work?
Ans: 16
36. Which of the following are orthogonal pairs?
a. 3i+2j b. i+j c. 2i-3j d. -7i+j
Ans: a, c
37. If VXUPLVH is written as SURMISE, what is SHDVD?
38. If A, B and C are the mechanisms used separately to reduce the wastage of fuel by
30%, 20% and 10%.What will be the fuel economy if they were used combined.
Ans: 20%
39. What is the power of 2? a. 2068 b.2048 c.2668
40. Complete the series. 3, 8, --, 24, --, 48, 63. Ans: 15.35
41. Complete the series. 4, -5, 11, -14, 22, -- Ans: -27
42. A, B and C are 8 bit no,s. They are as follows:
A -> 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1
B -> 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0
C -> 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1
Find ((A-B) u C)=? Hint: 109…. A-B is {A} - {A n B}
43. A Flight takes off at 2 A.M from northeast direction and travels for 11 hours to reach
the destination, which is in northwest direction. Given the latitude and longitude of
source and destination. Find the local time of destination when the flight reaches there?
Ans: 7 am
44. A can copy 50 papers in 10 hours while both A & B can copy 70 papers in 10 hours.
Then for how many hours required for B to copy 26 papers?
Ans: 13
45. A is twice efficient than B. A and B can both work together to complete a work in 7
days. Then find in how many days, A alone can complete the work?
Ans: 10.5
46. A finish the work in 10 days. B is 60% efficient than A. So how many days do B
takes to finish the work?
Ans :100/6
47. A finishes the work in 10 days & B in 8 days individually. If A works for only 6 days
then how many days should B work to complete A,s work?
Ans: 3.2 days
48. Given the length of the 3 sides of a triangle. Find the one that is impossible? (HINT:
sum of smaller 2 sides is greater than the other one, which is larger)
49. Find the singularity matrix from a given set of matrices? (Hint det(A)==0))
50. (Momentum*Velocity)/(Acceleration * distance). Find units.
Ans: mass
51. The number 362 in decimal system is given by (1362) x in the X System of numbers
find the value of X a} 5 b) 6 c) 7 d) 8 e) 9
52. Given $ means Tripling and % means change of sign then find the value of $%$6%$%6
53. My flight takes of at 2am from a place at 18N 10E and landed 10 Hrs later at a place
with coordinates 36N70W. What is the local time when my plane landed?
6:00 am b) 6:40am c) 7:40 d) 7:00 e) 8:00
(Hint: Every 1 deg longitude is equal to 4 minutes. If west to east add time else subtract
Entirely from Barron’s 12th edition 5 Model Test Papers at the end. Those who don’t
have barrons, you can obtain it from the Internet and get the book in a pdf format. The
questions asked are from these…
Model test 1: Section5 - qns 1-4 (motorist), qns 13-16 (red and brown)
Section6 - qns 1-4 (conservative,democratic), qns 8-11 (latin, sanskrit), qns 12-18
(joe,larry,ned), qns 19-22 (a causes b)
Model test 2: Section1 - qns 19-22 (wallachia and rumelia) --Section6 - qns 8-12 ( ashland , liverpool), qns 13-16 (spelunker) --qns 17-22 (pesth) ---i got this one too
Model test 3: Section6 - qns 1-4 (all Gs are Hs)
Model test 4: Section5 - qns 8-11 (horizontal row), qns 19-22 (a,b,c cause d)
Section6 - qns 8-12 (spanish, italian), qns 13-16 (all As, Bs), qns 17-22 (progressive
federal party)
Model test 5: Section3 - qns8-11 (museum), qns 19-22 (A is the father)
Section7- qns 1-5 (prahtu, brahtu), qns 21-25 (scurvy)
For technical round, get well dressed in formal outfits . Bring the file with ur certificates
and Resumes. Don’t bluff in the resumes, as they check your resume and ask questions
related to it.
INT: Get in
ME : Good morning,Sir.
INT: So u r akhilesh kumar Thakur,so tell me the meaning of ur name.
ME : answered.
INT: (then they asked) which is ur favourite subject ?
ME : i told digital electronics and analog communication technique.
INT: what is sampling and how it is done ?
ME : answered.
INT: r u comfortable in C.
ME : yes sir.
INT: what is the difference between function and procedure ?
ME : answered.
INT: any ques frm us ?
ME : what else i have to study for the company ?
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General - Interview C.V.Raman College of Engg. Bhubaneswar - 15
March 2008
Hello Frendz !! I am Omkar Dash from CVRCE (I.T), Bhubaneswar. I was one of the
lucky 130 students who got through campus recruitment procedure of TCS with success.
This is just to provide you an insight into what sort of qns can be asked in TCS interview
. My friend Mukul from electrical branch had already uploaded the complete test paper of
qubex(TCS testing software is called qubex).The online exam was held on 14.03.08
followed by pi on 15.03.08 and the results were declared on 00:02 hrs of 16.03.08
The PI was TECH+HR at a time. There were 15 panels each containing 2 people.
Interviewers were reasonably cool but that dint promise good times to many during
interviews. What i summed up from the interview was that the Pi round was totally
attitude-centered. What they checked was attitude. And i have sound reasons to say so.
Many people who were very good in tech dint qualify because the only lacunae they
could have possibly have was lack of positive attitude and confidence.Well,
communication skills were fine enough for many.
Let me now give a gist of my interview. Mine was the last interview of panel 5 in Slot 3
and it was basically a stress interview. It lasted for 35+ minutes and i was asked about all
topics except C, C++, Data Structure, RDBMS, OS, or Computer Networks. (These were
my core papers as my branch is IT). Now one would wonder what was asked. Well, I had
a well tailored CV and even the HR made a great remark on my CV as “one of the best
CVs that I have seen in recent times “. But that remark was the sole cause of the stress I
was put into. In my CV, I had 6 bulleted points of Awards and Achievements out of
which 3 were first prizes in Paper presentations (Human Area networking, Deep Web,
Web 2.0).
My interview went like this:
(Member 1 : Tech- Male, member 2: HR-Female. I, accompanied by volunteer entered
the interview room. Wished them. I was offered a seat)
Mem1: So Omkar, nice name.
Mem2: Tell us what do you do daily? (I never expected this; all my friends were asked
tell me about yourself. So paused for a while and then begun with confidence)
Me: I make my today better than my yesterday and strive for a better tomorrow!! I am
eager for improving myself both personally and professionally. I try to be a better person
with every passing day.
Mem2: Witty answer Omkar, but one could possibly infer that you are a bad person and
just trying to be good.
Me: Mam, I think there always a scope for improving ourselves.
Mem1: Okay tell what all technical knowledge you have.
Me: Sir I know C, C++, Data Structures, and RDBMS.
Mem2 :( cutting me short) what else?
Me: OS, CN
Mem1: But we expect you to know something else, something more?
Me: Sir I know basics of HTML, JavaScript and CSS.
Mem2: What is normalization?
(I was about to begin but I was cut short again)
Mem1: What is DKNF? (again cut short)
Mem1: What is a OORDMS?
Me: Sir, OORDBMS is Object Oriented DBMS.
Mem1: Okay tell me what two tier architecture is.
Me: I answered. e.g.: Client Server Architecture.
Mem1: Now, take is paper and explain me three tier architecture.
Me: Tried to explain. (But he interrupted)
Mem1: Ok, Omkar. Many of your friends will ask you what questions we have asked
you. Its up to you what you tell them. But let me give you an example of three tier arch.
That you should share with everyone sitting outside. (And he explained until he cleared
all my doubts)
Mem2: Ok Omkar you have a Gmail Id , Tell me what Gmail uses ?
Mem1: What is AJAX?
Me: Asynchronous JavaScript and XML?
Mem1: What that XML?
Me: Sir XML stands for Extensible Markup Language.
Mem1: What is the best feature of XML?
Me: Sorry Sir.
Mem2: You don’t know anything.
Mem1: Okay explain me your 1st seminar.
Me: I explained. (Then I was cross questioned on that)
Mem1: What is Web 2.0 omkar? (Web 2.0 was my seminar topic)
Me: Explained.
Mem2: Is it like a new www replacing the old?
Me: No sir, Not exactly, but adding new features to the old one for making it more user
friendly.. etc etc
Mem1: What is Deep Web?
Me: Explained.
Mem1: How can you search in deep web?
Me: explained
Mem1: Ok tell me what an SQL query does?
Me: Sir, It’s a 4GL language. So it has to be converted into machine readable code for
serving its purpose. Then I explained query processor
Mem1: Tell me about differences between Google query and SQL query?
Me: explained
Mem1: You have Data Structure in Syllabus na?
Me: Yes Sir.
Mem1: Explain me Hashing.
Me: Sorry sir. / I don’t know.
Mem2: Omkar you know all these useless things but you are not clear with basics.
Mem1: (To mem2) we are looking for smart guy, isn’t it? This guy knows good things
but will he sustain in Industry without basics?
Mem2: TCS is not the right place for him.
Mem1: Ya, You are right.
Mem1: Omkar are you clear with basics, your comment on yourself?
Me: Sir, you have seen me what I am today. But as I said before I strive for constant
improvement. I can guarantee that when I join the company I shall be thorough with
basics. And wherever the flaw still existed, the training would clear it off. Because I have
heard that TCS training is best in the world.
Mem2: Let’s see.
Mem1: Omkar explain me B+ trees.
Me: (started explained correctly and I was interrupted)
Mem2: Omkar tell me what is Indexing in Database?
Me: (Tried to explain)
Mem2: Dint I say you are simply bluffing. You are good for nothing. Why are you
wasting your time here?
Mem1: I am sure you don’t know anything.
Me: Sir May be I don’t know all these hashing and indexing but I have learnability and I
can learn it in no time. If you could kindly explain me that and ask few questions may be
I could answer it.
Mem1: So, am I here to teach you?
Me: No sir. I just try to make every experience a learning one. So I still request you to
explain me
Mem1 :( he explained)
Mem2: Omkar you seem fat? If you could not maintain you body how can you maintain a
Me: I am trying to reduce since past three months, and I have already shred away 7 kgs.
Given more time, I will definitely shape up myself.
(Mem1 drew two tables and asked me to pick up the normalized one and I did so)
Mem1: What is paging?
Me: explained paging.
Mem1: what is an IVT?
Me: sir, IVT means Interrupt Vector table
Mem2: No. Its not that, you don’t know anything. You are just bluffing.
Mem1:Ya, you are bluffing..(then he kept on quizzing me for another 5 minutes)
Frendz, this interview may not be repeated with anyone. But this was a guideline for
answering such type of interviews. I just kept my cool , answered with smile on my face
and confidence on my words. And I was through.
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Whole Testpaper Integral University Lucknow - 11 March 2008
Hi friends i am RAHUL from INTEGRAL UNIVERSITY . ..i have got placed with TCS
, thru campus placements......out of 207 .students 98 cleared written and finally 32
selected. n i am thankful to each one of u for being so informative thru this group n
specially to all those who provided me with info abt TCS in last few days... thr selection
1. u need to hv first class throughtout(10th,12th,grad)
2. engineering student then 60% n above
3.if post grad(MCA) 60% n above
Paper pattern
1- set has three sections
a> English(10 antonyms n 10 syno..)...( 32 marks 20 mins)
b> Reading comprehension passages and comleting sentence(6 + 6)marks
2nd section is Quantitative...(40 mins 32 ques)..
3rd section is Critical reasoning..(30 mins 12 ques..)
just go through the barrons 12 edition .but i think thats too much so its better not to
worried about the antonyms and synonyms .they are too tough and dont waste ur time in
that becoz the time alloted for this section is just 20 minutes.......and you have to
complete the reading comprehension and sentence completion as well..............
REMEMBER- there is no sectional cut off and no upper or lower cut off neither any type
of negative attempt all the question.....
they are just repeating these section every time some of the questions are TCS PAPER
ON 19th JANUARY 2008
1) If log 0.317=0.3332 and log 0.318=0.3364 then find log 0.319 ?
Sol) log 0.317=0.3332 and log 0.318=0.3364, then
log 0.319=log0.318+(log(0.318-0.317)) = 0.3396
2) A box of 150 packets consists of 1kg packets and 2kg packets. Total weight of box is
264kg. How many 2kg packets are there ?
Sol) x= 2 kg Packs
y= 1 kg packs
x + y = 150 .......... Eqn 1
2x + y = 264 .......... Eqn 2
Solve the Simultaneous equation; x = 114
so, y = 36
ANS : Number of 2 kg Packs = 114.
3) My flight takes of at 2am from a place at 18N 10E and landed 10 Hrs later at a place
with coordinates 36N70W. What is the local time when my plane landed?
6:00 am b) 6:40am c) 7:40 d) 7:00 e) 8:00
Sol) The destination place is 80 degree west to the starting place. Hence the time
difference between these two places is 5 hour 20 min. (=24hr*80/360).
When the flight landed, the time at the starting place is 12 noon (2 AM + 10 hours).
Hence, the time at the destination place is 12 noon - 5:20 hours = 6: 40 AM
4) A plane moves from 9°N40°E to 9°N40°W. If the plane starts at 10 am and takes 8
hours to reach the destination, find the local arrival time ?
Sol) Since it is moving from east to west longitide we need to add both
multiply the ans by 4
convert this min to hours ie, 5hrs 20min
It takes 8hrs totally . So 8-5hr 20 min=2hr 40min
So the ans is 10am+2hr 30 min
=>ans is 12:30 it will reach
5) The size of the bucket is N kb. The bucket fills at the rate of 0.1 kb per millisecond. A
programmer sends a program to receiver. There it waits for 10 milliseconds. And
response will be back to programmer in 20 milliseconds. How much time the program
takes to get a response back to the programmer, after it is sent? Please tell me the answer
with explanation. Very urgent.
Sol) see it doesn,t matter that wat the time is being taken to fill the bucket.after reaching
program it waits there for 10ms and back to the programmer in 20 ms.then total time to
get the response is 20ms +10,s so simple....
6) A file is transferred from one location to another in ,buckets,. The size of the bucket is
10 kilobytes. Each bucket gets filled at the rate of 0.0001 kilobytes per millisecond. The
transmission time from sender to receiver is 10 milliseconds per bucket. After the receipt
of the bucket the receiver sends an acknowledgement that reaches sender in 100
milliseconds. Assuming no error during transmission, write a formula to calculate the
time taken in seconds to successfully complete the transfer of a file of size N kilobytes.
(n/1000)*(n/10)*10+(n/100) i hv calculated...~~!not 100% sure
7) A fisherman,s day is rated as good if he catches 9 fishes, fair if 7 fishes and bad if 5
fishes. He catches 53 fishes in a week n had all good, fair n bad days in the week. So how
many good, fair n bad days did the fisher man had in the week
Ans:4 good, 1 fair n 2 bad days
Sol) Go to river catch fish
take what is given 53
good days means --- 9 fishes so 53/9=4(remainder=17) if u assume 5 then there is no
chance for bad days.
fair days means ----- 7 fishes so remaining 17 --- 17/7=1(remainder=10) if u assume 2
then there is no chance for bad days.
bad days means -------5 fishes so remaining 10---10/5=2days.
Ans: 4 good, 1 fair, 2bad. ==== total 7 days.
x+y+z=7--------- eq1
9*x+7*y+5*z=53 -------eq2
multiply eq 1 by 9,
9*x+9*y+9*z=35 -------------eq3
from eq2 and eq3
since all x,y and z are integer i sud put a integer value of y such that z sud be integer in eq
4 .....and ther will be two value y=1 or 3 then z = 2 or 1 from eq 4
for first y=1,z=2 then from eq1 x= 4
so 9*4+1*7+2*5=53.... satisfied
now for second y=3 z=1 then from eq1 x=3
so 9*3+3*7+1*5=53 ......satisfied
so finally there are two solution of this question
(x,y,z)=(4,1,2) and (3,3,1)...
8) Y catches 5 times more fishes than X. If total number of fishes caught by X and Y is
42, then number of fishes caught by X?
Sol) Let no. of fish x catches=p
no. caught by y =r
then p=7,r=35
9) Three companies are working independently and receiving the savings 20%, 30%,
40%. If the companies work combinely, what will be their net savings?
suppose total income is 100
so amount x is getting is 80
y is 70
z =60
but total money is 300
so they are getting 90 rs less
90 is 30% of 300 so they r getting 30% discount
10) The ratio of incomes of C and D is 3:4.the ratio of their expenditures is 4:5. Find the
ratio of their savings if the savings of C is one fourths of his income?
Sol) incomes:3:4
11) If G(0) = -1 G(1)= 1 and G(N)=G(N-1) - G(N-2) then what is the value of G(6)?
ans: -1
bcoz g(2)=g(1)-g(0)=1+1=2
12) If A can copy 50 pages in 10 hours and A and B together can copy 70 pages in 10
hours, how much time does B takes to copy 26 pages?
Sol) A can copy 50 pages in 10 hrs.
A can copy 5 pages in 1hr.(50/10)
now A & B can copy 70 pages in 10hrs.
thus, B can copy 90 pages in 10 hrs.[eqn. is (50+x)/2=70, where x--> no. of pages B can
copy in 10 hrs.]
so, B can copy 9 pages in 1hr.
therefore, to copy 26 pages B will need almost 3hrs.
since in 3hrs B can copy 27 pages.
13) what,s the answer for that :
A, B and C are 8 bit no,s. They are as follows:
A -> 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1
B -> 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
C -> 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 ( - =minus, u=union)
Find ((A - C) u B) =?
To find A-C, We will find 2,s compliment of C and them add it with A,
That will give us (A-C)
2,s compliment of C=1,s compliment of C+1
Now (A-C) U B is .OR. logic operation on (A-C) and B
10001001 .OR . 00110011
The answer is = 10111011,
Whose decimal equivalent is 187.
14) One circular array is given(means memory allocation tales place in circular fashion)
diamension(9X7) and sarting add. is 3000, What is the address of (2,3)........
Sol) it,s a 9x7 int array so it reqiure a 126 bytes for storing.b,ze integer value need 2 byes
of memory allocation. and starting add is 3000
so starting add of 2x3 will be 3012.
15) In a two-dimensional array, X (9, 7), with each element occupying 4 bytes of
memory, with the address of the first element X (1, 1) is 3000, find the address of X (8,
Sol) initial x (1,1) = 3000 u hav to find from x(8,1)so u have x(1,1),x(1,2) ... x(7,7) = so u
have totally 7 * 7 = 49 elementsu need to find for x(8,5) ? here we have 5 elements each
element have 4 bytes : (49 + 5 -1) * 4 = 212 -----( -1 is to deduct the 1 element ) 3000 +
212 = 3212
16) Which of the following is power of 3 a) 2345 b) 9875 c) 6504 d) 9833
17) The size of a program is N. And the memory occupied by the program is given by M
= square root of 100N. If the size of the program is increased by 1% then how much
memory now occupied ?
Sol) M=sqrt(100N)
N is increased by 1%
therefore new value of N=N + (N/100)
M=sqrt(100 * (101N/100) )
Hence, we get M=sqrt(101 * N)
18) 1)SCOOTER --------- AUTOMOBILE--- A. PART OF
2.OXYGEN----------- WATER ------- B. A Type of
4. BUG -------------REPTILE------ D. A SUPERSET OF
1)B 2)A 3)D 4)C
19) A bus started from bustand at 8.00a m and after 30 min staying at destination, it
returned back to the bustand. the destination is 27 miles from the bustand. the speed of
the bus 50 percent fast speed. at what time it returns to the bustand this is the step by step
a bus cover 27 mile with 18 mph in =27/18= 1 hour 30 min. and it wait at stand =30 min.
after this speed of return increase by 50% so 50%of 18 mph=9mph
Total speed of returnig=18+9=27
Then in return it take 27/27=1 hour
then total time in joureny=1+1:30+00:30 =3 hour
so it will come at 8+3 hour=11 a.m.
So Ans==11 a.m
20) In two dimensional array X(7,9) each element occupies 2 bytes of memory.If the
address of first element X(1,1)is 1258 then what will be the address of the element X(5,8)
Sol) Here, the address of first element x[1][1] is 1258 and also 2 byte of memory is
given. now, we have to solve the address of element x[5][8], therefore, 1258+ 5*8*2 =
1258+80 = 1338 so the answer is 1338.
21) The temperature at Mumbai is given by the function: -t2/6+4t+12 where t is the
elapsed time since midnight. What is the percentage rise (or fall) in temperature between
5.00PM and 8.00PM?
22) Low temperature at the night in a city is 1/3 more than 1/2 high as higher temperature
in a day. Sum of the low temperature and highest temp. is 100 degrees. Then what is the
low temp?
Sol) Let highest temp be x
so low temp=1/3 of x of 1/2 of x plus x/2 i.e. x/6+x/2
total temp=x+x/6+x/2=100
therefore, x=60
Lowest temp is 40
23) In Madras, temperature at noon varies according to -t^2/2 + 8t + 3, where t is elapsed
time. Find how much temperature more or less in 4pm to 9pm. Ans. At 9pm 7.5 more
Sol) In equestion first put t=9,
we will get 34.5...........................(1)
now put t=4,
we will get 27..............................(2)
so ans=34.5-27
24) A person had to multiply two numbers. Instead of multiplying by 35, he multiplied by
53 and the product went up by 540. What was the raised product?
a) 780 b) 1040 c) 1590 d) 1720
Sol) x*53-x*35=540=> x=30 therefore, 53*30=1590 Ans
25) How many positive integer solutions does the equation 2x+3y = 100 have?
a) 50 b) 33 c) 16 d) 35
Sol) There is a simple way to answer this kind of Q,s given 2x+3y=100, take l.c.m of ,x,
coeff and ,y, coeff i.e. l.c.m of 2,3 ==6then divide 100 with 6 , which turns out 16 hence
answer is 16short cut formula--- constant / ( of x coeff and y coeff)
26) The total expense of a boarding house are partly fixed and partly variable with the
number of boarders. The charge is Rs.70 per head when there are 25 boarders and Rs.60
when there are 50 boarders. Find the charge per head when there are 100 boarders.
a) 65 b) 55 c) 50 d) 45
Let a = fixed cost and k = variable cost and n = number of boarders
total cost when 25 boarders c = 25*70 = 1750 i.e. 1750 = a + 25k
total cost when 50 boarders c = 50*60 = 3000 i.e. 3000 = a + 50k
solving above 2 eqns, 3000-1750 = 25k i.e. 1250 = 25k i.e. k = 50
therefore, substituting this value of k in either of above 2 eqns we get
a = 500 (a = 3000-50*50 = 500 or a = 1750 - 25*50 = 500)
so total cost when 100 boarders = c = a + 100k = 500 + 100*50 = 5500
so cost per head = 5500/100 = 55
27) Amal bought 5 pens, 7 pencils and 4 erasers. Rajan bought 6 pens, 8 erasers and 14
pencils for an amount which was half more than what Amal had paid. What % of the total
amount paid by Amal was paid for pens?
a) 37.5% b) 62.5% c) 50% d) None of these
Let, 5 pens + 7 pencils + 4 erasers = x rupees
so 10 pens + 14 pencils + 8 erasers = 2*x rupees
also mentioned, 6 pens + 14 pencils + 8 erarsers = 1.5*x rupees
so (10-6) = 4 pens = (2-1.5)x rupees
so 4 pens = 0.5x rupees => 8 pens = x rupees
so 5 pens = 5x/8 rupees = 5/8 of total (note x rupees is total amt paid byamal)
i.e 5/8 = 500/8% = 62.5% is the answer
28) I lost Rs.68 in two races. My second race loss is Rs.6 more than the first race. My
friend lost Rs.4 more than me in the second race. What is the amount lost by my friend in
the second race?
x + x+6 = rs 68
2x + 6 = 68
2x = 68-6
2x = 62
x is the amt lost in I race
x+ 6 = 31+6=37 is lost in second race
then my friend lost 37 + 4 = 41 Rs
29) Ten boxes are there. Each ball weighs 100 gms. One ball is weighing 90 gms. i) If
there are 3 balls (n=3) in each box, how many times will it take to find 90 gms ball? ii)
Same question with n=10 iii) Same question with n=9
to me the chances are
when n=3
(i) nC1= 3C1 =3 for 10 boxes .. 10*3=30
(ii) 10C1=10 for 10 boxes ....10*10=100
(iii)9C1=9 for 10 boxes .....10*9=90
30) (1-1/6) (1-1/7).... (1- (1/ (n+4))) (1-(1/ (n+5))) = ?
leaving the first numerater and last denominater, all the numerater and denominater will
cancelled out one another. Ans. 5/(n+5)
31) A face of the clock is divided into three parts. First part hours total is equal to the sum
of the second and third part. What is the total of hours in the bigger part?
Sol) the clock normally has 12 hr
three parts x,y,z
so the largest part is 6 hrs
32) With 4/5 full tank vehicle travels 12 miles, with 1/3 full tank how much distance
Sol) 4/5 full tank= 12 mile
1 full tank= 12/(4/5)
1/3 full tank= 12/(4/5)*(1/3)= 5 miles
33) wind blows 160 miles in 330min.for 80 miles how much time required
Sol) 160 miles= 330 min
1 mile = 330/160
80 miles=(330*80)/160=165 min.
34) A person was fined for exceeding the speed limit by 10mph.another person was also
fined for exceeding the same speed limit by twice the same if the second person was
travelling at a speed of 35 mph. find the speed limit
Sol) (x+10)=(x+35)/2
solving the eqn we get x=15
35) A sales person multiplied a number and get the answer is 3 instead of that number
divided by 3. what is the answer he actually has to get.
Sol) Assume 1
1* 3 = 3
so he has to got 1/3
this is the exact answer
36) A person who decided to go weekend trip should not exceed 8 hours driving in a day
average speed of forward journey is 40 mph due to traffic in Sundays the return journey
average speed is 30 mph. How far he can select a picnic spot.
37) Low temperature at the night in a city is 1/3 more than 1/2 hinge as higher
temperature in a day. Sum of the low temp and high temp is 100 c. then what is the low
ans is 40 c.
Sol) let x be the highest temp. then,
therefore, x=60 which is the highest temp
and 100-x=40 which is the lowest temp.
38) car is filled with four and half gallons of oil for full round trip. Fuel is taken 1/4
gallons more times in going than coming. What is the fuel consumed in coming up.
Sol) let feul consumed in coming up is x. thus equation is: x+1.25x=4.5ans:2gallons
39) A work is done by the people in 24 min. One of them can do this work alone in 40
min. How much time required to do the same work for the second person
Sol) Two people work together in 24 mins.
So, their one day work is
One man can complete the work in 40mins
one man,s one day work (1/B)= (1/40)
So, A can complete the work in 60 mins.
40) In a company 30% are supervisors and 40% employees are male if 60% of
supervisors are male. What is the probability? That a randomly chosen employee is a
male or female?
Sol) 40% employees are male if 60% of supervisors are male so for 100% is 26.4%so the
probability is 0.264
41) In 80 coins one coin is counterfeit what is minimum number of weighing to find out
counterfeit coin
Sol) the minimum number of wieghtings needed is just shown below
(1) 80->30-30
(2) 15-15
(3) 7-7
(4) 3-3
(5) 1-1
42) 2 oranges, 3 bananas and 4 apples cost Rs.15. 3 oranges, 2 bananas, and 1 apple costs
Rs 10. What is the cost of 3 oranges, 3 bananas and 3 apples?
3x+2y+z=10 adding
x+y+z=5 that is for 1 orange, 1 bannana and 1 apple requires 5Rs.
so for 3 orange, 3 bannana and 3 apple requires 15Rs.
i.e. 3x+3y+3z=15
43) In 8*8 chess board what is the total number of squares refers
Sol) odele discovered that there are 204 squares on the board We found that you would
add the different squares - 1 + 4 + 9 + 16+ 25 + 36 + 49 + 64.
Also in 3*3 tic tac toe board what is the total no of squares
Ans 14 ie 9+4(bigger ones)+1 (biggest one)
If you ger 100*100 board just use the formula
the formula for the sum of the first n perfect squares is
n x (n + 1) x (2n + 1)
if in this formula if you put n=8 you get your answer 204
44) One fast typist type some matter in 2hr and another slow typist type the same matter
in 3hr. If both do combinely in how much time they will finish.
Sol) Faster one can do 1/2 of work in one hourslower one can do 1/3 of work in one
hourboth they do (1/2+1/3=5/6) th work in one work will b finished in 6/5=1.2
hour i e 1 hour 12 min.
45) If Rs20/- is available to pay for typing a research report & typist A produces 42 pages
and typist B produces 28 pages. How much should typist A receive?
Here is the answer Find of 42 % of 20 rs with respect to 70 (i.e 28 + 42) ==> (42 * 20
)/70 ==> 12 Rs
46) An officer kept files on his table at various times in the order 1,2,3,4,5,6. Typist can
take file from top whenever she has time and type it.What order she cann t type.?
47) In some game 139 members have participated every time one fellow will get bye
what is the number of matches to choose the champion to be held?
the answer is 138 matches
Sol) since one player gets a bye in each round,he will reach the finals of the tournament
without playing a match. http://
therefore 137 matches should be played to detemine the second finalist from the
remaining 138 players(excluding the 1st player)
therefore to determine the winner 138 matches shd be played.
48) One rectangular plate with length 8inches, breadth 11 inches and 2 inches thickness is
there. What is the length of the circular rod with diameter 8 inches and equal to volume
of rectangular plate?
Sol) Vol. of rect. plate= 8*11*2=176
area of rod=(22/7)*(8/2)*(8/2)=(352/7)
vol. of rod=area*length=vol. of plate
so length of rod= vol of plate/area=176/(352/7)=3.5
49) One tank will fill in 6 minutes at the rate of 3cu ft /min, length of tank is 4 ft and the
width is 1/2 of length, what is the depth of the tank?
3 ft 7.5 inches
50) A man has to get air-mail. He starts to go to airport on his motorbike. Plane comes
early and the mail is sent by a horse-cart. The man meets the cart in the middle after half
an hour. He takes the mail and returns back, by doing so, he saves twenty minutes. How
early did the plane arrive?
ans:10min:::assume he started at 1:00,so at 1:30 he met cart. He returned home at
it took him 1 hour for the total doing this he saved 20 the actual time if
the plane is not late is 1 hour and 20 the actual time of plane is at 1:40.The cart
travelled a time of 10 min before it met the plane is 10 min early.
51) Ram singh goes to his office in the city every day from his suburban house. His
driver Mangaram drops him at the railway station in the morning and picks him up in the
evening. Every evening Ram singh reaches the station at 5 o,clock. Mangaram also
reaches at the same time. One day Ram singh started early from his office and came to
the station at 4 o,clock. Not wanting to wait for the car he starts walking home.
Mangaram starts at normal time, picks him up on the way and takes him back house, half
an hour early. How much time did Ram singh walked?
52) 2 trees are there. One grows at 3/5 of the other. In 4 years total growth of the trees is
8 ft. what growth will smaller tree have in 2 years.
ans: 1.5 mt 4 (x+(3/5)x)=88x/5=2x=5/4 after 2 years x=(3/5)*(5/4)*2 =1.5
53) There is a six digit code. Its first two digits, multiplied by 3 gives all ones. And the
next two digits multiplied by 6 give all twos. Remaining two digits multiplied by 9 gives
all threes. Then what is the code?
sol) Assume the digit xx xx xx (six digits)
First Two digit xx * 3=111
( first two digits of 1 is not divisible by 3 so we can use 111)
Second Two digit xx*6=222
( first two digits of 2 is not divisible by 6 so we can use 222)
Thrid Two digit xx*9=333
( first two digits of 3 is not divisible by 9 so we can use 333)
54) There are 4 balls and 4 boxes of colours yellow, pink, red and green. Red ball is in a
box whose colour is same as that of the ball in a yellow box. Red box has green ball. In
which box you find the yellow ball?
ans is green...
Sol) Yellow box can have either of pink/yellow balls.
if we put a yellow ball in "yellow" box then it wud imply that "yellow" is also the colour
of the box which has the red ball(becoz acordin 2 d question,d box of the red ball n the
ball in the yellow box have same colour)
thus this possibility is ruled out...
therefore the ball in yellow box must be pink,hence the colour of box containin red ball is
also pink....
=>the box colour left out is "green",,,which is alloted to the only box left,,,the one which
has yellow ball..
55) A bag contains 20 yellow balls, 10 green balls, 5 white balls, 8 black balls, and 1 red
ball. How many minimum balls one should pick out so that to make sure the he gets at
least 2 balls of same color.
Ans:he should pick 6 ball totally.
Sol) Suppose he picks 5 balls of all different colours then when he picks up the sixth one,
it must match any on of the previously drawn ball colour. thus he must pick 6 balls
56) What is the number of zeros at the end of the product of the numbers from 1 to 100
Sol) For every 5 in unit palce one zero is added Ch eta naS
so between 1 to 100 there are 10 nos like 5,15,25,..,95 which has 5 in unit place.
Similarly for every no divisible by 10 one zero is added in the answer so between 1 to
100 11 zeros are added
for 25,50,75 3 extra zeros are added so total no of zeros are 10+11+3=24
57) 10 Digit number has its first digit equals to the numbers of 1,s, second digit equals to
the numbers of 2,s, 3rd digit equals to the numbers of 3,s .4th equals number of 4,s..till
9th digit equals to the numbers of 9,s and 10th digit equals to the number of 0,s. what is
the number?.(6marks)
2---shows that two 1,s in the ans
1---shows that one 2 in ans
0---shows no 3 in the ans
0---shows no 4 in the ans
0---shows no 5 in the ans
1---shows one 6 in the ans
0---shows no 7 in the ans
0---shows no 8 in the ans
0---shows no 9 in the ans
6---shows six 0,s in the ans
58) There are two numbers in the ratio 8:9. if the smaller of the two numbers is increased
by 12 and the larger number is reduced by 19 thee the ratio of the two numbers is 5:9.
Find the larger number?
sol) 8x:9x initialy
8x+ 12 : 9x - 19 = 5x:9x
8x+12 = 5x
-> x = 4
9x = 36 not sure about the answer ..
59) There are three different boxes A, B and C. Difference between weights of A and B is
3 kgs. And between B and C is 5 kgs. Then what is the maximum sum of the differences
of all possible combinations when two boxes are taken each time
A-B = 3
B-c = 5
a-c = 8
so sum of diff = 8+3+5 = 16 kgs
60) A and B are shooters and having their exam. A and B fall short of 10 and 2 shots
respectively to the qualifying mark. If each of them fired atleast one shot and even by
adding their total score together, they fall short of the qualifying mark, what is the
qualifying mark?
ans is 11
coz each had atleast 1 shot done so 10 + 1 = 11
n 9 + 2 = 11
so d ans is 11
61) A, B, C, and D tells the following times by looking at their watches. A tells it is 3 to
12. B tells it is 3 past 12. C tells it is 12:2. D tells it is half a dozen too soon to 12. No two
watches show the same time. The difference between the watches is 2,3,4,5 respectively.
Whose watch shows maximum time?
sol) A shows 11:57, B shows 12:03, C shows 12:02, and D shows 11:06 therefore, max
time is for B
62) Falling height is proportional to square of the time. One object falls 64cm in 2sec
than in 6sec from how much height the object will fall.
Sol) The falling height is proportional to the squere of the time.
Now, the falling height is 64cm at 2sec
so, the proportional constant is=64/(2*2)=16;
so, at 6sec the object fall maximum (16*6*6)cm=576cm;
Now, the object may be situated at any where.
if it is>576 only that time the object falling 576cm within 6sec .Otherwise if it is situated
63) Gavaskar average in first 50 innings was 50. After the 51st innings his average was
51 how many runs he made in the 51st innings
Ans) first 50 ings.- run= 50*50=2500
51st ings.- avg 51. so total run =51*51=2601.
so run scored in that ings=2601-2500=101 runs.
64) Anand finishes a work in 7 days, Bittu finishes the same job in 8 days and Chandu in
6 days. They take turns to finish the work. Anand on the first day, Bittu on the second
and Chandu on the third day and then Anand again and so on. On which day will the
work get over?
a) 3rd b) 6th c) 9th d) 7th
Ans is d) 7th day
Sol) In d 1st day Anand does 1/7th of total work
Bithu does 1/8th work in d 2nd day
hence at d end of 3 days, work done = 1/7+1/8+1/6=73/168
remaining work = (168-73)/168 = 95/168
again after 6 days of work, remaining work is = (95-73)/168 = 22/168 and hence Anand
completes the work on 7th day.(hope u understood.)
65) A man, a women and a child can do a piece of work in 6 days,man can do it in 14
days, women can do it 16 days, and in how many days child can do the same work?
The child does it in 24 days
66) A: 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1
B: 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0
C: 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1
Find ( (A-B) u C )==?
Hint : 109
A-B is {A} - {A n B}
A: 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1
B: 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0
by binary sub. a-b = 01100001 (1-0=1, 1-1=0,0-0=0, n for the 1st 3 digits 110-011=011)
now (a-b)uc= 01100001
or 01101101
gives 1101101... convert to decimal equals 10
this section is very important there are 12 question and u have to solve it in 30 minutes..
for critical reasoning ....go thru the barrons 5 model test paper....just mug up all the
answer but beware .....they can change the character names so be careful..............
after clearing my written they called us for interview on 12th march
after waiting for more than seven hours they called me for the interview .look just be
confident and have eye contact with them .......actually in the starting i was very much
confident and answered all his question but after some time dont knw wat he asked to me
and and my mind was just blocked.....dont knw y......even this is not the end ...when i
finished my tech interview and came out of the hall .....i forgot my file
there.....[:d].......well after few minutes i called for the H.R.
same things ...introduce urself, strengths weakness,future plan,where do u see urself after
5 years.....i told them that i am interested in embedded ..they asked if we send u u.s. will
u go?.....and some more h.r. question..
i advice u guys dont even try to make them fool ...if u dont knw any answer ....just tell
them ,u dont knw,
same h.r. questions introduce urself......wagerah wagerah finally result announced and
thank god! i was one of the guys who have selected....yeppiieeeeeeee
Following paper is provided by . Visit for more
Whole Testpaper C.V.Raman College of Engineering , Bhubaneswar - 14
March 2008
Hi everyone! I am Mukul and I got thru TCS in an on campus drive in my college where
they recruited 130 students . I am from Electrical Branch. Package was 3.15 L for
and 3.35 L for MCA and 2 yrs Bond. It was a two day process in my college Written Test
was conducted on 14th ......out of 340 eligible candidates 248 were selected for Interview
round. A combined Technical plus HR interview was conducted on 15th ..........130 out of
248 were finally selected.
I wud like to share my experience wid all of u .The paper as usual consisted of 3 sections1) VERBAL ( 20 minutes – 32 questions )
2) APTITUDE ( 40 minutes – 35 questions )
3) CRITICAL REASONING ( 30 minutes – 12 questions )
In this section there were 10 SYNONYMS, 10 ANTONYMS. Also,A long para was
given with some blanks n options were given to fill the blanks(abt 7-8 blanks)
Prepare this section frm BARRON,S 12th edition.
Only 333 high frequency words , antonyms chapter , all model test paper antonyms and
750 words from Wordlist is sufficient.
In this almost all the ques. were frm previous yrs. papers. Ques. pattern was the same just
the DATA gets changed.If u solve ques. frm old papers of TCS u can do this section with
ques r frm :
Work and time , singularity matrix , word coding , row major n column major , odd one
out , base conversion , series completion , flight problems , orthogonal pairs , general
curves , matching pairs venn diagram , pie charts , bar charts , average n many more
questions from previous year papers……….
1.What is the largest prime number stored in a—
a) 6 bit pattern (ANS~2^6=64,So no is 61)
b) 7 bit pattern (ANS~2^7=128, So no is 127)
c) 8 bit pattern (ANS~2^8=256, So no is 251)
d) 9 bit pattern (ANS~2^9=512, So no is 503
2.If G(0)= -1, G(1)=1, G(N)=G(N-1)-G(N-2), then finda) G(2)=? b) G(3)=? c) G(4)=? d) G(5)=? e) G(6)=?
3.Which is not a TRIANGLE—
# a) (2m,3m,4m) b) (3m,4m,7m) c) (3m,5m,9m)
# a) (30’,60’,80’) b) (40’,60’,50’) c) (60’,30’,90’)
4.Which is the exact power of 2 —
Choice : a)2048 b)2068 c)2668 d)2408
6.Interchange 1st & 2nd ,3rd & 4th , and so on, of the words “UNIMPRESSIVE” & then
find 10th letter a)to the left b)from the left
7.Select odd one out—
a)SQL Server,Ingress,Oracle,DB2,Java [ ANS=Java ]
c)Sybase,Windows NT,Linux,mvs,Java [ ANS=Java ]
d)Smalltalk,Eiffel,Lisp,Java [ ANS= ]
g)Oracle,Linux,Ingress,DB2 [ ANS=LINUX ]
h)Linux,Unix,Solaries,SQL Server [ ANS=SQL Server ]
8.Find the value of—
a) @@+25-++@16, where @ denotes ”square” & + denotes “square root”.
b) $%$6-%$%6, where $ means “tripling” & % means “change of sign”.
c) % # % 6 + # %# 6, % means “doubling” & # means “reciprocal”.
9.In a two-dimensional array, X (9, 7), with each element occupying 4 bytes of memory,
with the address of the first element X (1, 1) is 3000, find the address of X (8, 5). [ ANS=
3212 ] [ HINT~ Formula=Base Add + Byte reqd{N(i-1)+(j-1)}
where, Base Add=3000; Byte reqd=4; N=no of coulumns in array=7; i=8; j=5;
10. My flight takes of at 2am from a place at 18N 10E and landed 10 Hrs later at a place
with coordinates 36N70W. What is the local time when my plane landed.
11. The size of a program is N. And the memory occupied by the program is given by M
= square root of 100N. If the size of the program is increased by 1% then how much
memory now occupied?
12.A man, a woman, and a child can do a piece of work in 6 days. Man only can do it in
16 days. Woman can do it in 24 days and in how many days child can do the same work?
13.Number of faces, vertices and edges of a cube ANS:6,8,12
14. Find the result of the following _expression if, M denotes modulus operation, R
denotes round-off, T denotes truncation:
M(373,5)+R(3.4)+T(7.7)+R(5.8) ANS:19
15. A power unit is there by the bank of the river of 750 meters width. A cable is made
from power unit to power a plant opposite to that of the river and 1500mts away from the
power unit. The cost of the cable below water is Rs. 15/- per meter and cost of cable on
the bank is Rs.12/- per meter. Find the total of laying the cable.
16. In Madras , temperature at noon varies according to -t^2/2 + 8t + 3, where t is elapsed
time. Find how much temperature more or less in 4pm to 9pm
17.The size of the bucket is N kb. The bucket fills at the rate of 0.1 kb per millisecond. A
programmer sends a program to receiver. There it waits for 10 milliseconds. And
response will be back to programmer in 20 milliseconds. How much time the program
takes to get a response back to the programmer, after it is sent?
18. If A, B and C are the mechanisms used separately to reduce the wastage of fuel by
30%, 20% and 10%. What will be the fuel economy if they were used combined.
19. Which of the following are orthogonal pairs? a. 3i+2j b. i+j c. 2i-3j d. -7i+j
20.A is twice efficient than B. A and B can both work together to complete a work in 7
days. Then find in how many days A alone can complete the work?
21. Find the singularity matrix from a given set of matrices?(Hint det(A)=0)
22. A=11010101
find the decimal value of (AU(b-c))
23.there was one pi chart and 4 qs are baised on it...easy one
24. there was one bar graph and 4 qs are baised on it...
25. find units: (Momentum*Velocity)/(Acceleration * distance )
26. Which of the following set of numbers has the highest Standard deviation?
27. What curve best suits the following data:
0.99 0.00001
10.04 1.02
99.98 1.997
1000 3.0
9990 4.004
(a) y = logn x (b) y = log10 x (c) y = ex (d) y = -log10 x (e) y = - ex
28. Of the four straight lines A, B, C, D find out which pair forms an orthogonal set
A: 5x+4y-7 = 0, B: y = -x , C: y = 7x+3, D: 4x = 5y+5
(a)AD (b) AC (c) BC (d) BD (e)AB
29. Three independent mechanisms A, B and C have been incorporated for power saving
in a plant producing respectively 30%, 40% and 10% efficiency. Assuming that they
operate independently, what is the net power efficiency achieved.
(a) 62.2% (b) 68% (c) 61% (d) 64% (e) 56%
30.COUNTERFEIT in 80 coins one coin is counterfiet what is minimum number of
weighings to find out counterfiet coin
31.Match the following:
1. Male - Boy ---> a. A type of
2. Square - Polygon ---> b. A part of
3. Roof - Building ---> c. Not a type of
4. Mushroom - Vegetables ---> d. A superset of
32.. One year ago Pandit was three times his sister,s age. He will be only twice her age
next year. How old will Pandit be after five years?
a) 8 b) 12 c) 11 d) 13
Model test paper 1 : Section 5 : question 1-4
question 13-16
Section 6 : question 1-4
question 8-11
question 19-22
Model test paper 2 : Section 1 : question 1-4
question 8-11
question 19-22
section 6 : question 1-4
question 8-12
question 13-16
question 17-22
Model test paper 3 : Section 5 : question 1-4
question 13-16
question 17-22
Section 6 : question 8-11
question 19-22
Model test paper 4 : Section 5 : question1-4
question 12-18
question 19-22
Section 6 : question 1-4
question 8-12 ( may change to Indian languages as mine was d case .)
question 13-16
Model test paper 5 : Section 3 :
question 1-4
question 8-11
question 19-22
Section 7 : question 1-5
question 6-9
Technical + HR interview
My questions were :
1) Did u take ur lunch ?
2) What did u take….was it enough 4 u ?
3) Tell me abt urself .
4) Which subjects do u know ?
5) Any languages ?
6) What r d differences between C and C++ ?
7) Programs on string reversal and prime number.
8) Program on bubble sort.
9) Abt operator overloading.
10) What is d principle of a dc generator ?
11) Difference between a 5V battery and a capacitor of 5V .
12) Principle of motor used in a ceiling fan .
13) Advantages of HVDC and EHV transmission lines.
14) Explain thevenin theorem.
15) Why IT being Electrical ?
16) Why tcs ?
17) About my achievements.
18) Anything not mentioned in CV .
19) Why I shall I take u ?
20) U know only c,c+ so how can u exist in software field ?
21) About my hometown.
22) Any question u want to ask ?
Few Tips :
1) Be clear with everything in ur CV.
2) Be calm,humble and cheerful throughout ur intrvw ( show no sign of stress ).
3) Don’t bluff , they r very smart, they will catch u.
4) Try to support ur answers with examples , they’ll b impressed.
5) Try not 2 get argumentative.
Following paper is provided by . Visit for more
Whole Testpaper BBDNITM Lucknow. - 8 March 2008
Hi friends, I m YUSUF KHAN (MCA 2006-09)from BBDNITM LKO. I was appeared in
TCS recruitment process on 8th march 2008 at BBDNITM lko. There were three roundswritten test (online), TI (technical interview) and
HR round.
Basically TCS recruitment process starts with the online exam.
Online exam pattern:: It basically consist three sections- VERBAL,QUANT APTITUDE
and CRITICAl reasoning.There was no sectional cut off. Tcs has fixed cutoff for whole
written test it is not based on the high scorers. So as u complete the test ,the result will be
displayed immediately and if u r selected then u r eligible for other rounds.
:it consists of 10 Antonyms,10 synonyms and abt 10 to 12 ques based on passage reading.
(Actually these are the words which I got in my test paper, but I would advise not to
waste ur time in learning English first coz no one can get more than two or three words,
so don’t worry for that just see all the words from previous papers.)
1) If log 0.317=0.3332 and log 0.318=0.3364 then find log 0.319 ?
Sol) log 0.317=0.3332 and log 0.318=0.3364, then log 0.319=log0.318+(log(0.3180.317)) = 0.3396
2)My flight takes of at 2am from a place at 18N 10E and landed 10 Hrs later at a place
with coordinates 36N70W. What is the local time when my plane landed?
6:00 am b) 6:40am c) 7:40 d) 7:00 e) 8:00
Sol) The destination place is 80 degree west to the starting place. Hence the time
difference between these two places is 5 hour 20 min. (=24hr*80/360). When the flight
landed, the time at the starting place is 12 noon (2 AM + 10 hours). Hence, the time at the
destination place is 12 noon - 5:20 hours = 6: 40 AM
3) what,s the answer for that : A, B and C are 8 bit no,s. They are as follows:
A -> 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1
B -> 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
C -> 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 ( - =minus, u=union)
Find ((A - C) u B) =? To find A-C, We will find 2,s compliment of C and them add it
with A, That will give us (A-C) 2,s compliment of C=1,s compliment of C+1
=11000101+1=11000110 A-C=11000101+11000110 =10001001
Now (A-C) U B is .OR. logic operation on (A-C) and B 10001001 .OR . 00110011 The
answer is = 10111011,
Whose decimal equivalent is 187.
4) In a two-dimensional array, X (9, 7), with each element occupying 4 bytes of memory,
with the address of the first element X (1, 1) is 3000, find the address of X (8, 5)
Sol) initial x (1,1) = 3000 u hav to find from x(8,1)so u have x(1,1),x(1,2) ... x(7,7) = so u
have totally 7 * 7 = 49 elementsu need to find for x(8,5) ? here we have 5 elements each
element have 4 bytes : (49 + 5 -1) * 4 = 212 -----( -1 is to deduct the 1 element ) 3000 +
212 = 3212
5)The size of a program is N. And the memory occupied by the program is given by M =
square root of 100N. If the size of the program is increased by 1% then how much
memory now occupied ?
Sol) M=sqrt(100N) N is increased by 1% therefore new value of N=N + (N/100)
M=sqrt(100 * (101N/100) )
Hence, we get M=sqrt(101 * N)
6)In two dimensional array X(7,9) each element occupies 2 bytes of memory.If the
address of first element X(1,1)is 1258 then what will be the address of the element X(5,8)
Sol) Here, the address of first element x[1][1] is 1258 and also 2 byte of memory is
given. now, we have to solve the address of element x[5][8], therefore, 1258+ 5*8*2 =
1258+80 = 1338 so the answer is 1338.
7) The temperature at Mumbai is given by the function: -t2/6+4t+12 where t is the
elapsed time since midnight. What is the percentage rise (or fall) in temperature between
5.00PM and 8.00PM?
8)If g (0)=g (1)=1
And g (n)= g (n-1) + g (n –2) find g (6);
9)Find the physical quantity represented by MOMENTUM *VELOCITY] / [LENGTH *
10).Which is the largest prime number that can be stored in a 6-bit register?
11) In a two-dimensional array, X (9, 7), with each element occupying 4 bytes of
memory, with the address of the first element X (1, 1) is 3000, find the address of X (8,
ANS: 3212
12)Select the odd one out a. Oracle b. Linux c. Ingress d. DB2
13)In which of the system, decimal number 194 is equal to 1234?
14) Number of faces, vertices and edges of a cube
15) Find the result of the following _expression if, M denotes modulus operation, R
denotes round-off, T denotes truncation:
M(373,5)+R(3.4)+T(7.7)+R(5.8) ANS:19
16)If TAFJHH is coded as RBEKGI then RBDJK can be coded as --------ANS: PCCKJ
17) Which of the following are orthogonal pairs?
a. 3i+2j b. i+j
c. 2i-3j d. -7i+j
ANS: (A)& (C).
18) What is the power of 2? a. 2068 b.2048 c.2668
ANS: (B). 2048
19)Which of the following set of numbers has the highest Standard deviation?
20). Match the following:
1. Male - Boy --->
a. A type of
2. Square - Polygon --->
b. A part of
3. Roof - Building --->
c. Not a type of
(All questions are repeated so learn the answers of all ques from previous year paper, so
plz go through all prev year questions)
Actually this is the most important, scoring and deciding section of the test.
All the questions are from GRE BARON (strictly 12th edition) so go through all 5 model
test paper’s analytical section (1 to 5) given at last in Baron. No need to waste ur time
and money in buying other books for TCS just go through Baron only ,all questions are
from this book.
Be prepared for the technical interview. Mostly its on the same day after one
hour.Prepare few of ur subjects very well like C,C++,DS,DBMS(specially
queries),OS,COMP Networks,OOPs concepts etc.Hey friends don’t be afraid, thay wil
not ask u anything in depth they just check ur awareness and ask only some basic
conceptual questions. They may ask abt ur fav subjects bt still they ask u abt DBMS n
other subjects that u hv studied in earlier sem, so don’t tell them the names of the subjects
in which u don’t hv good command. If u don’t know anything abt the ques asked by them
then don’t try to make false stories or guesses, just simply deny that u don’t know, and
always try to divert them towards ur fav subjects. They will ask u abt ur project ,if u hv
done any, so be prepared for it, it’s E R diagram, SRS,front end, back end,DFD,and
overview of the project etc.Don’t BE quiet, be talkative nd don’t get embarrassed if u
don’t know the confident.i m attaching few most important ques of
DBMS,SQL,C,C++ etc for TI , just go through them if u don’t hv much time, it will be
enough.So u people can download it or if u don’t hv it just ask me on my email(
The key elements for this ROUND according to me are-CCT i.e. be Calm,be
Confident(not over confident) and be Talkative. Basically they ask u all those ques that
are typically asked in all interviews so be prepared for it ,readymade answers.Normally
they check ur confident level, English speaking, and wat efforts u hv done before coming
to face HR interview. Just go through the home page of TCS website and collect in
formations abt them like::
Who is chairman, CEO, CFO, COO of TCS, BOARD of directors, Company’s MISSION
, VISION and VALUES, Target achieved by company during last few yrs, position of
company in IT field etc.
Questions for HR (be prepared for atleast these ques)
1. Describe yourself??
2. ur hobbies(be prepared for this ques coz they will ask u much abt that ,if u say singing
be prepare for a song,if u say joking be prepared to tell them a joke etc.)
3. Why u want to join TCS??
4. Where would u think urself after five years in TCS?
5. Why should I hire u??
6. they may ask u something abt tcs?its statistics, CEo,CFO etc.
7. whats ur fav time pass??
8. ur strength ,ur weakness (don’t tel them any grt weaknes of urs like if u hv less
communication skills, etc)
9. Do u have any role model?? Describe his/her achievements?
10. Finally they will ask u do u want to ask something from them? So if u hv some
genuine ques to ask u may ask.
Overall 580 students appeared for written test.
Qualified for round 2::360
Qualified for round 3::195
Finally selected:90 students
B-Tech 86 from all branches and MCA’s only four (coz only 17 appeared for written)
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Whole Testpaper LIET, Alwar - 3 March 2008
TCS recruitment procedure basically include 4 rounds:
1) Online Aptitude Test
2) Technical
3) HR
4) MR
But in my case it was a bit different, after clearing the Aptitude test, i had 3 interviews in
each of which i had to face all the three (technical, HR, MR) kind of questions.
I,ll try to separate out the questions into the 3 categories.
Although I am a CSE student, I was questioned mostly on Electronics subjects. So do
take care about brushing up Electronics and Physics also.
01. NAND Gate
02. Ways to connect a computer in India and another in Switzerland (only 1 or 2 won,t
do, they wanted wayS)
03. Modulation-Demodulation
04. Working of a modem
05. Program for logic gates
06. Difference between MS Access and Oracle
07. RDBMS product in market
08. Why make queries and use SQL when u have MS Excel
09. Reflection, Refraction, Total Internal Reflection
10. Optical Fibre
11. Bit, byte, kilobyte, memory, etc in c, c++ and Java
12. Microwave
01. Tell me something about urself
02. Why should we hire u?
03. What r ur weaknesses?
04. What is special about today? (Ans.: 3rd March is celebrated as Tata Day(Mr. Jamshed
Tata,s B,day))
05. What would u do if u are walking on a highway all alone with no means of
communication and you witness an accident in which a motorcyclist is badly injured?
There is no other vehicle to seek help from.
06. Why should we hire you?
07. Tell us about E-Major and E-Minor chords in guitar (my hobby)
08. Speak for 2 minutes on "Americas war on Iraq"
09. Difference between a Joint and Nuclear family
10. Where do u see urself 5yrs dowm the line
11. What would u like to do 24 hrs in a day
12. Why T.C.S.?
13. If microsoft or some other company pays u more than us, u,ll leave us?
14. What would ur reaction be if u do not find ur name on the selection list and wat
would u do?
15. What r the 2 changes u would want to make in the TCS recruitment procedure?
16. What 2 improvements would u like to make in urself?
17. Founder of TCS?
A no. of more such questions were asked, these are the major ones. Each interview was
of 25-30 minutes
They also take ur STRESS Test. For example, although I have more than 8.5 percentile,
he scolded me for bad grades. He said that it was poor performance and i needed to study
The basic trick is to keep ur cool and a smile on ur face. Pls do not try to fool them, if u
dont know something, accept it then and there.
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Whole Testpaper Mody Institute Of Technology And Science - 2 March
Hey Everybody... TCS conducts an online test which comprises of three sections.
Section 1: ENGLISH(40 Questions,20 Minutes)
Section 2:QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE(32 Questions,40 Minutes)
Section 3:CRITICAL REASONING(3 Paragraphs,30 Minutes)
This section comprises of 10 synonyms,10 antonymns and 2 comprehensions.
For synonymns and antonyms,refer GRE BARRON,S 12TH EDITION.Also refer to the
antonym questions of part two and high frequency word list in any GRE,S edition.
Some of them which i got were:
For comprehensions,just properly attempt any one of the two.And the other one could be
done away with guess work.
1.) Find the result of the following expression- M (737, 7) +R (3.4) +T (7. 7)-R (6.4) if,
M denotes modules operation, R denotes round-off, T denotes truncations?
Sol. 2+3+7-6 = 6
2.)In a city, temperature at noon varies according to -t^2/6 + 4t + 12, where t is elapsed
time. Find the percentage change in temperature from 3pm. to 6 pm.
Sol.In equation first put t=3,
we will get 25.5........................... (1)
Now put t=6,
we will get 42.............................. (2)
So %change = ((42-25.5)/42)*100)
3.)If g(0) = 1, g(1) = -1 and g(n) = g(n-1)-g(n-2) then calculate g(5).
Sol. Start with g(2) = g(1) - g(0) = -1 - 1 = -2, g(3) = g(2) - g(1) = -2+1 = -1, g(4) = g(3)g(2) = -1+2 = 1, g(5) = g(4)-g(3) = 1+1 = 2.
4.)Which shape will be obtained by using these values of X & Y?
0 0.00001
10 1.02
100 1.72
1000 3.00
9999 4.72
Sol): Y= log10(X)
5.)Find d unit of given expression - (Force*Distance)/ (Velocity *Velocity)?
6.)A can copy 20 pages in 4 hours and A and B can copy 70 pages in 10 hours. How
much time B will take to copy 26 pages?
Sol. A’s 1 hour work =20/4=5 pages , A+B’s 1 hour work = 7 pages So B’s 1 hour work
=7-5=2 pages. Time taken by B to copy 26 pages =26/2=13 hours.
7.) . A, B and C are the mechanisms used separately to reduce the wastage of fuel by
20%, 30% and 10%. What will be the fuel economy if they were used combined?
Sol.Method is (80/100*70/100*90/100)*100 = 50.4
So, economy = 100-50.4 = 49.6
8.)What is the largest prime number which can be stored in 6 bit register?
Sol.61....[(2^n)-1],it gives 64 but the nearest prime no is 61.
9.)How the given string how many Y’s are followed by L that are not followed by
discard pairs of YLP.ans would be 4 in this case.
10.) Find d singular matrix from a given set of matrices?
a) 2 3 b) 4 16 c) 0 5 d) 9 8
Sol....b)[det (A) = 0 i.e. ((a11+a22)-(a12+a21)]
11.) Which of the following are orthogonal pairs? a. 3i+2j b. i+j c. 2i-3j d. -7i+j ?
Sol. The product of slope(y/x) of two equations should be -1.Therefore ans is a and c.
12.) My flight takes of at 2am from a place at 18N 10E and landed 8 Hrs later at a place
with coordinates 36N 80W. What is the local time when my plane landed?
Sol. Every1 deg longitude=4 minutes . If west to east add time else subtract time and
measure the longitude form GMT.Since 90 degree=90*4=360minutes=6 hours. Don’t
take into account the value of N and S if any. So the local time of landing = 2+8-6=4am.
13.)In two dimensional array X(6,9) each element occupies 4 bytes of memory. If the
address of first element X(1,1)is 3000 then what will be the address of the last element
X(2,3) ?
Sol.X(J,K)=Base+w[N(J-1)+(K-1)].This is what i read in DSA where M=6 and N=9.
14.)A power unit is there by the bank of the river of 900 mtr width. a cable is made from
power unit to power a plant opposite to that of the river and 3000 mtr away from the
power unit. The cost of the cable bellows water Rs5 / mtr and cost of cable on the bank is
Rs 4/ mtr. Find the pt where the cable cut through the river.
a.2800 b. 3000 c. 2100 b.3900
Sol. Just use simple trigonometry
Ans: 2100(3000-900)
15.) Find d Odd one out? JAVA b. LISP c. Small talk d. Eiffel
Sol. All other except LISP are object oriented programming languages.
16.) Match the following
1. Male – Boy a. A type of
2. Square - Polygon b. A part of
3. Roof - Building c. Not a type of
4. Mushroom – Vegetables d. A superset of
Sol. 1- d, 2- a, 3- b, 4- c
17.)Which of the following heaving highest standard deviation?
a. 9,0,9,0,9,0 b. 9,-9,0,9,0,-9 c. 9,-9,9,-9,9,-9 d. 9,9,9,9,9,9
Sol.C, standard deviation is 18(i.e. the difference between two consecutive terms is
And some questions from bar diagrams and pie charts.
For this section go through the model test papers of GRE BARRON,S 12TH
EDITION.Please do them.Without them it would be difficult to solve them during the
I had three rounds of interview.The 1st one was technical,the second and third comprised
of HR and MR questions.Yoir interview depends on the panel you have got.So a little bit
of luck also plays its part in the interview.But remember to be confident,not
overconfident.If you don,t know something,tell them that u have read it somewhere but
can,t remember right at that moment or say sorry i have not read about it.Don,t show your
arrogance and don,t interrupt the interviewer.Try to be humble to the most and try thinkin
before answering.Take your time and then answer but don,t fumble while trying to
answere at once.And also show them time and again how TCS has always been your
Dream Company.
I am happy to be a part of such a prestigious company.If you believe in yourself and have
faith in,ll definitely be a part of TCS too.So wishing ALL THE BEST to the
aspiring ones.
Following paper is provided by . Visit for more
General - other LIET Eng. College ,Alwar(RAJASTHAN) - 2 March 2008
Hi friends by GOD,S grace ,blessings of my parents n due to freshers world now i m
(LAKSHMANGARH). my branch is computer science n engineering.our package is 3.15
lacs P.A.TCS had invited our coll, at LIET,ALWAR out of 211 194 r selected in apti, (as
ques were all frm the previous test papers on freshers world)finally 129 got selected.....
the events r as follows:
1. PPT
3 TI
4 HR
5 MR
some students have 2 interviews,some have 3 very few have 4 int.... i had 3 int.(guys
beware as der is a rejection panel in TCS )
1PPT ..... do listen carefully as in hr they may ask ques frm ppt also ...... mine ques was
OFF) in VERBAL , der r 10 synonyms n 12 antonyms(go through high frequency
words(BARRON,S GRE ABNY EDITION) as most r frm this but der r diff words also so
it all depends on ur voc. der r 2 comprehension passages...(20 MINUTES) in QUANT
ques. r from previous paper from this site only (DO ANUJ GUPTA,S PAPER HE HAS
COVERED ALL D QUES.)but guys dont mug up d ans as some times digits r changed
der is one ques. frm DI(RS aggarwal) n frm venn diag(like they will give u d diag n ask
ques frm data shown in d diag.) in CRITICAL REASONING go through BARRON,s
12th edition (ANALYTICAL ABILITY), especially go through d ques specified in
ANUJ GUPTA,S PAPER (mug all d answers but b prepare for other ques also in my case
der is one quest frm barron n 2 other ques r not repeated but these ques r easy n u can do
it by urself if u had practiced 2-3 ques) test paper was online after every ans click on d
subbmit button u ccan change ur option if u r in d same section take care of ur time n if
der is less time do mark d ques. as der is no negative marking..........
3.TI as i ,m cs student he asked ques. frm c++,java n software engineering in c++ CALL
DIS SER.1+25+100.....(upto 100th term) in java also asked to write code for overloading
n overriding ask abt my project(go through ur project u shld know d dfds, code n lang
which u have used) y TCS???(dis ques. is asked in both my ti as well as in my hr do
prepare dis ques...n it shld not b stereotyped) total revenue of TCS, any recent news abt
tcs, current rankin, , no. of employees,etc
4 HR as i,m frm MP n studin in RAJ (ques abt d diff bte 2 places ,wht u will do in 2
months b4 joinin, TCS,y TCS,y shld we select u?? ceo ,cfo,coo of tcs,color of website of
tcs, chairman of tcs, founder of tcs...
5.MR ask abt my home town for wht it is famous for, abt ur family, y we shld select u,
ask abt my variation in marks frm 12 to the current CGPA dey also asked the G.K like
PM of India, vice president of india, president, agriculture minister, governor of ur
respective state(so plz go through this also NOTE:for interview go thru tcs website
thoroughly n mug up all d relevant facts.........
Following paper is provided by . Visit for more
Whole Testpaper Asansol Engineeribg College, Asansol - 19 February
Hi friends i m going to supply each and every information about TCS selection
procedure, which i faced recently. If u have any query u can even call me at
09932906372, i will b always there to guide i know & understand the value of
proper guidance in case of TCS.
Firstly there will b a PPT(Pre Placement Talk) by TCS executives ,pay full attention at
PPT & write down the important facts & figures about TCS as it will b help full in HR,
then the aptitude test will start.
Exam Pattern ::1>Aptitude Test
2>Technical Test
3>HR Test
My aptitude test was online. Ther is no need to panic ,its very simple. There was no
sectional cut off & no negative marking. Time was fixed for particular section, once the
time for one section is over u can not return back to it or change the answers for that
section’s can change the answers in a particular section in the time limit provided for that
section, for example u can change the answers of English section in the time provided
,first 20 minutes but after that u can not, as after that quantitative section will come
It has 3 sections:1>English -(time-20 minutes)-(10 synonyms + 10 antonyms + 8 fill in the blanks + 1
2>Quantitative -(time-40 minutes)-(38 questions)
3>Critical Reasoning -(30 minutes)-(3 reasoning passage)
In case of English, the paper was very very standard. Most of the antonyms & synonyms
were really new ,i mugged many but it didn’t helped me allot, but i will also suggest that
go through different paper like mine one. U have to use ur IQ to solve most of them, i
will suggest don’t waste extra energy on mugging up anto. & syno., but ya mug up the
common ones.
# Synonyms & synonyms:Most of the words were new, so i don’t remember, but still what i remember i will write,
do both antonym & synonym of the word ...
I really don’t remember……….
i have a list of most frequent asked words , if u want , I can give it to u by mailing it to ur
# fill in the blanks It was really tough, i really don’t remember, but don’t worry much as
there r many set of paper, u may get a easy one, as told by friends that few of them got
easy ones.
# Passage
It was a psychological type passage,(but NOT psychological paper) i read all the passage
of Barron but it was not from that, so b prepared.
ENOUGH, NO NEED TO GO THROUGH ANY BOOK. Dont waste time for this
section preparation, just go throgh the papers, this is the most scoring section of all 3
1> Match the following:
1. Male - Boy ---> a. A type of
2. Hexagon- Polygon ---> b. A part of
3. Roof - Building ---> c. Not a type of
4. Mushroom - Vegetables ---> d. A superset of
Ans. 1- d, 2- a, 3- b, 4- c
2> G(0)= -1, G(1)=1, G(N)=G(N-1) + G(N-2), find G(6)= ?
3>Which set of data exhibits a higher Standard Deviation?
(a) 7, 0, -7, 7, 0, -7 (b) 7, 7, 7, 0, 7, 7 (c) -7, -7, -7, -7, -7, -7 (d) 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7 (e) 7, -7, 7,
-7, 7, -7
Ans: e
4> In Chennai , temperature at noon varies according to -t^2/2 + 8t + 3, where t is elapsed
time. Find how much temperature more or less in 4pm to 9pm.
Ans. put value 9 and 4 in the eqn. -t^2/2+8t+3, then subtract the lower value from higher
one thet is the answer.
5>Number of faces, vertices and edges of a cube
Ans. 6, 12, 8
6>Largest prime nos in n-bits register(n from 5 to 9)
Ans: Largest prime no in 9-bit register—509
Largest prime no in 8-bit register—251
Largest prime no in 7-bit register—127
Largest prime no in 6-bit register—61
Largest prime no in 5-bit register—31
Largest prime no in 3-bit register--7
7> 2questions were on identifying the nature of the graph .
y=logx...... practice this type equations only.
8> The size of a program is N. And the memory occupied by the program is given by M
= square root of 1000N. If the size of the program is increased by 1% then how much
more memory now occupied?
Ans: 0.5 %
9>Evaluate the expression
M(843,11) + R(5.8) + T(7.7) - R(3.4) where M stands for Modulo arithmetic, R stands
for Round-off operation and T stands for Truncation Operation
Ans: 7+6+7-3=17
10> Find the value of @@+25 - ++@ 16 where @ denotes "square" and + denotes
"square root".
Ans.625-4= 621
11>A power cable is run by the bank of the river of 900 meters width. A cable is made
from power unit to power a plant opposite to that of the river and 3000mts away from the
power unit. The cost of the cable below water is Rs. 5/- per meter and cost of cable on the
bank is Rs.4/- per meter. Find the point downstream where the cable is to cut across the
Ans: 2100m, (900*5 + {3000-900)*4) , please check i m not sure.
12> Find the singularity matrix from a given set of matrices?
90 78 23 09
89 , 34 , 23 , 45
Ans. 23
23, as Det(A)=0
13>(Momentum*Velocity)/(Acceleration * distance ) find units.
Ans. Mass
14>A man, a woman, and a child can do a piece of work in 6 days. Man only can do it in
24 days. Woman can do it in 16 days and in how many days child can do the same work?
Ans. 8 days (please confirm it once)
15>In a two-dimensional array, X(9,7), with each element occupying 2 bytes of memory,
with the address of the element X(0,0) is 3000,
find the address of X(8,5)?
Ans: 3106
16>Series completion
17>Three independent mechanisms A, B and C have been incorporated for power saving
in a plant producing respectively 30%, 40% and 10% efficiency. Assuming that they
operate independently, what is the net power efficiency achieved?
(a) 62.2% (b) 68% (c) 61% (d) 64% (e) 56%
Ans:(a) 62.2% (please confirm once)
18>Find the value of A or B or C.....practice few more like this.
19>An aircraft takes off from A (89o N Lat , 20o E ) at 6.00 AM local time to B (50o S ,
40o W ). If the flying time is 10 hours what is the local time of landing at B?
Don’t worry for N,S.E & W it does not matters .
1o change == 4mins
Here 20 o+40 o=60 o
So 60*4=240 mins……4hrs
If time change not considered ,then after 10 hrs it will reach at the same palce after
Going frm east to west so subtract 4hrs frm 4:00pm…
(if plane is going frm west to east then then Add those hrs)
20>11. Select the odd one out
a. SMTP b.WAP c. SAP d.ARP
ans : (c) SAP
21>Select the odd one out.
a. Java b.Lisp c. Smalltalk d.Eiffel
Ans: (b) Lisp
22>Which of the following are orthogonal pairs?
a. 3i+2j b.i+j c. 2i-3j d.-7i+j
Ans: a & c (dot product = 0)
23>select odd one- sql, db2, sybase, http
24>select odd one-sybase, db2, oracle, unix
25-27>Venn diagram is given specifying that some people know Math, some know
Physics, etc . so prepare for venn diagrams of 3 circles 3 Q’s will b there on the venn
diagram.(u can prepare this part from R.S.Agarwal)
28-30> 3 Questions on Data interpretation
it can b asked from: BAR GRAPH
(u can prepare it from RS Agrawal)
31> 534 in decimal system is 1362 in certain system. find base of that.
(Trial & error )
32> A can copy 50 papers in 10 hrs while A &B together can copy 70 papers in 10 many hrs will be required for B to copy 26 papers?
Ans: 13hrs
33>Find eqn of line having intercepts (0,3) & (-2,0)
Ans Y=(3/2)X + 3
Formula x/a + y/b = 1
34>if n=105*28*51 which one is not int?
a) n/210 b) n/70 c) n/161 d)n/255
Ans: (c)
35> which one is the power of 3
a> 2312 b> 6762 c> 6074 d> 1701 e> 1831
ans d
36> If VXUPLVH is written as SURMISE, what is COVER?
So friends this section is almost same every time, only the figures r different,. i think this
was the section in which in which i was most sure & confident.
Just go through Barron’s 12th edition, most of the reasoning were from that book. In that
book at last 5 model test paper r given , solve reasoning from it , its enough, if u can’t
understand the reasoning just mug up the answers
My Technical & HR was combined, as i m from Electronics & Communication
department so i prepared two of my subjects firstly Digital electronics and the second one
as Tele communication. In computer field i did C & Data Structure only.
Then i was called...............
I opened the door and took permission to come in..............
ME> Sir, may i come in?
HR>come in.
HR> sit down
ME> thank u Sir
Then i forwarded my file
HR>what is this?
ME>Sir my CV. (it will be better if u say "Sir my CV and my academic and achievement
HR>ok tell something about your self, which is not mentioned in the CV.
ME> Good morning Sir , i m Kumar Saurav from Dhanbad ,as u know thats the coal
capital of India .. i m from this college.........,know i would like to talk about my positive
qualities.......................i have a lot of interest
in...........................achievements...................extracurricular activities.
HR>tell some thing about your family?
ME> told................
HR>ok,u r from electronics & communication?
ME> yes Sir.
HR>which subject u r most comfortable?
ME>Digital electronics.
HR>can u draw a JK flip flop?
ME>yes Sir ....(then drawn)
HR>write its truth table?
HR>Explain it?
HR>can u draw Integrator Op-amp?
ME>(drawn but not fully correct)
HR>its wrong
ME>yes Sir i can not remember know
HR>can u write bubble sort program?
ME>Sir i can explain the logic but cant write the program
HR>explain call by value & call by reference?
ME> (explained)
HR>explain switch-case
ME> explained
HR> can u write ur name in reverse order & check whether its palindrome or not…??
ME>tried , explained…..but can not satisfy them ,then I asked that Sir can I explain u the
logic of Number palindrome….
HR> can u explain it …..explain
ME> explained ……(I put my total effort to explain)
HR>now tell me something about TCS.
ME> told…(plz b prepared)
HR> why TCS ..??
ME> told
HR> at what position u want to see ur self after 10 years…??
ME> told
Then they asked me few more common questions.
At last they told me Thank You Saurav
I also told them Thank You Sir & left the room.
So this was my personal experience, and the next day I got the news that I have been
selected, I was really very Happy then…………
if u have any query u can call me as I have given my no. above……
Following paper is provided by . Visit for more
Whole Testpaper R.C.C InstituteOf Information Technology
TCS PAPER the all the qstins given below.....u will get 80% common from these...all of we
got....TCS always repeat same qstins...Just do these first..... It is proved by everyone
that..these qstins are repeated in each year...
1. Two pencils costs 8 cents, then 5 pencils cost how much
Sol: 2 pencils è 8 cents => 1 pencil è 4 cents
Therefore 5 pencils cost = 5 * 4 = 20 cents
2. A work is done by two people in 24 min. one of them can do this work a lonely in 40
min. how much time required to do the same work for the second person.
Sol: (A+B) can do the work in = 1/24 min.
A alone can do the same work in = 1/40 min.
B alone can do the same work in = (A+B)’s – A’s = 1/24 – 1/40 = 1/60
Therefore, b can do the same work in = 60 min
3.A car is filled with four and half gallons of oil for full round trip. Fuel is taken 1/4
gallon more in going than coming. What is the fuel consumed in coming up?
Sol Before the trip, car is filled with = 4 ½ gallon of oil
Let ‘X’ be the quantity of fuel consumed for the trip in one direction
The fuel consumed while going = X + ¼
The fuel consumed while coming = X
Therefore, the fuel consumed for the trip = (X + ¼) + X = 4 ½
ð 2X + ¼ = 4 ½ => 2X = 4 ½ - ¼ => 2X = 4 ¼ => X= 2. approx
Therefore the fuel consumed while coming = 2 gallon
4. Low temperature at the night in a city is 1/3 more than 1/2 high as higher temperature
in a day. Sum of the low temperature and highest temp. is 100 degrees. Then what is the
low temp?
Sol: 40 deg.
5. A person, who decided to go to weekend trip should not exceed 8 hours driving in a
day. Average speed of forward journey is 40 m/h. Due to traffic in Sundays, the return
journey average speed is 30 m/h. How far he can select a picnic spot?
a) 120 miles
b) Between 120 and 140 miles
c) 160 miles
Answer: 120 miles
6. A salesperson multiplied a number and got the answer 3, instead of that number
divided by 3.What is the answer he actually has to get?
Sol: (1/3) *1 * 3 = 3, so number = 1
Divided by 3
Answer: 1/3.
7. A ship started from port and moving with I miles per hour and another ship started
from L and moving with H miles per hour. At which place these two ships meet?
port G H I J K L
Sol: Answer is between I and J and close to J or (L*I*H)/(H+I)
8. A building with height D shadow up to G. A neighbor building with what height
shadows C feet.
Sol: B Ft. or CD/G
9. A person was fined for exceeding the speed limit by 10mph. Another person was also
fined for exceeding the same speed limit by twice the same. If the second person was
traveling at a speed of 35 mph, find the speed limit.
Sol: Let ‘x’ be the speed limit
Person ‘A’ was fined for exceeding the speed limit by = 10mph
Person ‘B’ was fined for exceeding the speed limit by = twice of ‘A’
= 2*10mph=20mph
given that the second person was traveling at the speed of 35mph => 35mph – 20mph =
Therefore the speed limit is =15 mph
10.A bus started from bus stand at 8.00am, and after 30 minutes staying at destination, it
returned back to the bus stand. The destination is 27 miles from the bus stand. The speed
of the bus is 18mph. In return journey bus travels with 50% fast speed. At what time it
returns to the bus stand?
Sol: 11.00am
11.In a mixture, R is 2 parts S is 1 part. In order to make S to 25% of the mixture, how
much r is to be added?
Sol: One Part
12. Wind flows 160 miles in 330 min, for 80 miles how much time required.
13. With 4/5 full tank vehicle travels 12 miles, with 1/3 full tank how much distance
Sol: ( 5 miles )
14. Two trees are there. One grows at 3/5 of the other in 4 years, total growth of trees is 8
ft. what growth will smaller tree will have in 2 years
Sol: ( < 2 ft. )
15. A storm will move with a velocity of towards the center in hours, at the same rate
how much far will it move in hrs.
Sol: ( but the answer is 8/3 or 2 2/3 )
1. In a two-dimensional array, X (9, 7), with each element occupying 4 bytes of memory,
with the address of the first element X (1, 1) is 3000; find the address of X (8, 5).
Ans: 3212
2. In the word ORGANISATIONAL, if the first and second, third and forth, forth and
fifth, fifth and sixth words are interchanged up to the last letter, what would be the tenth
letter from right?
3. What is the largest prime number that can be stored in an 8-bit memory? Ans : 251
4. Select the odd one out…..a. Java b. Lisp c. Smalltalk d. Eiffel.
5. Select the odd one out a. SMTP b. WAP c. SAP d. ARP
6. Select the odd one out a. Oracle b. Linux c. Ingress d. DB2
7. Select the odd one out a. WAP b. HTTP c. BAAN d. ARP
8. Select the odd one out a. LINUX b. UNIX c. SOLARIS d. SQL SEVER
9. Select the odd one out a. SQL b. DB2 c. SYBASE d. HTTP
10. The size of a program is N. And the memory occupied by the program is given by M
= square root of 100N. If the size of the program is increased by 1% then how much
memory now occupied?
Ans: 0.5%(SQRT 101N)
11. A man, a woman, and a child can do a piece of work in 6 days. Man only can do it in
24 days. Woman can do it in 16 days and in how many days child can do the same work?
Ans: 16
12. In which of the system, decimal number 184 is equal to 1234?
Ans: 5
13. Find the value of the 678 to the base-7.
Ans: 1656
14. Number of faces, vertices and edges of a cube
Ans: 6 8 12
15. Complete the series 2, 7, 24, 77,__
Ans: 238
16. Find the value of @@+25-++@16, where @ denotes "square" and + denotes "square
Ans: 621
17. Find the result of the following expression if, M denotes modulus operation, R
denotes round-off, T denotes truncation: M(373,5)+R(3.4)+T(7.7)+R(5.8)
18. If TAFJHH is coded as RBEKGI then RBDJK can be coded as?
Ans: qcckj
19. G(0)= -1, G(1)=1, G(N)=G(N-1) - G(N-2), G(5)= ?
Ans: - 2
20. What is the max possible 3 digit prime number?
Ans: 997
21. A power unit is there by the bank of the river of 750 meters width. A cable is made
from power unit to power plant opposite to that of the river and 1500mts away from the
power unit.The cost of the cable below water is Rs.15/- per meter and cost of cable on the
bank is Rs.12/-per meter. Find the total of laying the cable.
Ans : 1000 (24725-cost)
22. The size of a program is N. And the memory occupied by the program is given by M
= square root of 100N. If the size of the program is increased by 1% then how much
memory now occupied?
Ans:0.5%(SQRT 101N)
23. In Madras , temperature at noon varies according to -t^2/2 + 8t + 3, where t is elapsed
time. Find how much temperature more or less in 4pm to 9pm.
Ans: At 9pm 7.5 more
24. The size of the bucket is N kb. The bucket fills at the rate of 0.1 kb per millisecond. A
programmer sends a program to receiver. There it waits for 10 milliseconds. And
response will be back to programmer in 20 milliseconds. How much time the program
takes to get a response back to the programmer, after it is sent?
Ans: 30
25. A man, a woman, and a child can do a piece of work in 6 days. Man only can do it in
24 days. Woman can do it in 16 days and in how many days child can do the same work?
Ans: 16
26. If the vertex (5,7) is placed in the memory. First vertex (1,1) `s address is 1245 and
then address of (5,7) is ---------Ans: 1279
27. Which of the following are orthogonal pairs?
a. 3i+2j b. i+j c. 2i-3j d. -7i+j
Ans: a, c
28. If VXUPLVH is written as SURMISE, what is SHDVD?
29. If A, B and C are the mechanisms used separately to reduce the wastage of fuel by
30%, 20% and 10%.What will be the fuel economy if they were used combined.
Ans: 20%
30. What is the power of 2? a. 2068 b.2048 c.2668
31. Complete the series. 3, 8, --, 24, --, 48, 63. Ans: 15.35
32. Complete the series. 4, -5, 11, -14, 22, -- Ans: -27
33. A, B and C are 8 bit no,s. They are as follows:
A -> 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1
B -> 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0
C -> 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1
Find ((A-B) u C)=? Hint: 109…. A-B is {A} - {A n B}
34. A Flight takes off at 2 A.M from northeast direction and travels for 11 hours to reach
the destination, which is in northwest direction. Given the latitude and longitude of
source and destination. Find the local time of destination when the flight reaches there?
Ans: 7 am
35. A can copy 50 papers in 10 hours while both A & B can copy 70 papers in 10 hours.
Then for how many hours required for B to copy 26 papers?
Ans: 13
36. A is twice efficient than B. A and B can both work together to complete a work in 7
days. Then find in how many days, A alone can complete the work?
Ans: 10.5
37. A finish the work in 10 days. B is 60% efficient than A. So how many days do B
takes to finish the work?
Ans :100/6
38. A finishes the work in 10 days & B in 8 days individually. If A works for only 6 days
then how many days should B work to complete A,s work?
Ans: 3.2 days
39. Given the length of the 3 sides of a triangle. Find the one that is impossible? (HINT:
sum of smaller 2 sides is greater than the other one, which is larger)
40. Find the singularity matrix from a given set of matrices? (Hint det(A)==0))
41. A 2D array is declared as A[9,7] and each element requires 2 byte. If A [1,1] is stored
in 3000. Find the memory of A[8,5] ?
Ans: 3106
42. Sum of slopes of 2 perpendicular st.lines is given. Find the pair of lines from the
given set of options, which satisfy the above condition?
43. (a) 2+3i (b)1+i (c) 3-2i (d) 1-7i .Find which of the above is orthogonal.
Ans : a,c
44. (Momentum*Velocity)/(Acceleration * distance). Find units.
Ans: mass
45. The number 362 in decimal system is given by (1362) x in the X System of numbers
find the value of X a} 5 b) 6 c) 7 d) 8 e) 9
46. Given $ means Tripling and % means change of sign then find the value of $%$6%$%6
47. My flight takes of at 2am from a place at 18N 10E and landed 10 Hrs later at a place
with coordinates 36N70W. What is the local time when my plane landed?
6:00 am b) 6:40am c) 7:40 d) 7:00 e) 8:00
(Hint: Every 1 deg longitude is equal to 4 minutes. If west to east add time else subtract
48. Find the highest prime number that can be stored in an 8 bit Computer?
49. Which of the following set of numbers has the highest Standard deviation?
a)1,0,1,0,1,0 b) -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1
c)1,1,1,1,1,1 d) 1,1,0, -1,0, -1
1)Last year pandit was thrice his sister,s age.Next year he is only twice her age.After 5
years what is pandit,s age.
a)2 b)12 c)11 d)14
2) Jalia is twice older than qurban . If jalia was 4 years younger, qurban was 3 years older
ther diff. between their ages is 12 years
what is the sum of thier ages a)67 b)57 c)36 d)none
ans: b
3) Fathers age is 5 times his son,s age. 4 years back the father was 9 times older than
son.Find the fathers, present age.
Ans. 40 years
4)Joe,s father will be twice his age 6 years from now. His mother was twice his age 2
years before. If Joe will be 24 two years from now, what is the difference between his
father,s and mother,s age? a) 4 b) 6 c) 8 d) 10
1).In a mixture, R is 2 parts, S is 1 part. In aoder to make S to 25% of the mixture,
howmuch R is to be added?
1) gavaskar average in first 50 innings was 50 . after the 51st innings his average was 51
how many runs he made in the 51st innings
2) Hansie made the following amounts in seven games of cricket in India: Rs.10, Rs.15,
Rs.21, Rs.12, Rs.18, Rs.19 and Rs.17(all figures in crores of course).Find his average
Ans. Rs.16 crore
3)Average of 5 number is -10 sum of 3 numbers is 16,what is the average of other two
answer -33
5)If A, B and C are the mechanisms used separately to reduce the wastage of fuel by
30%, 20% and 10%. What will be the fuel economy if they were used combined. Ans
1) If a man can swim downstream at 6kmph and upstream at 2kmph, his speed in still
water is:a. 4kmph b. 2kmph c. 3kmph d. 2.5kmph
1)A car is filled with four and half gallons of oil for full round trip. Fuel is taken 1/4
gallon more in going than coming. What is the fuel consumed in coming up?
Sol Before the trip, car is filled with = 4 ½ gallon of oil
Let ‘X’ be the quantity of fuel consumed for the trip in one direction
The fuel consumed while going = X + ¼
The fuel consumed while coming = X
Therefore, the fuel consumed for the trip = (X + ¼) + X = 4 ½
ð 2X + ¼ = 4 ½ => 2X = 4 ½ - ¼ => 2X = 4 ¼ => X= 2 gallons approx
1)A can copy 50 papers in 10 hours while both A & B can copy 70 papers in 10 hours.
Then for how many hours required for B to copy 26 papers? 13
1) in 8*8 chess board what is the total number of squares refer odel ans:204
2)If TAFJHH is coded as RBEKGI then RBDJK can be coded as --------ans qcckj
3)a series of letters are given how many Ws r followed by F and preceded by T.
12.SURFW Code is translated as SHEET…..these kinda ques r there…..
4)Code Interchanging, A word is given…. Letters are reversed..u r asked to find the nth
letter from right or left…. Eg.DESTABILIZATION Ans-T
Y W R U D D Y W Z ...............
7) If VXUPLVH is written as SURMISE, what is SHDVD ?
Ans. PEASA (hint: in the first word, the alphabets of the jumbled one is three alphabets
after the corresponding alphabet in the word SURMISE. S = V-3, similarly find the one
for SHDVD)
8) If DDMUQZM is coded as CENTRAL then RBDJK can be coded as ----Ans. QCEIL (hint: Write both the jumbled and the coded word as a table, find the relation
between the corresponding words, i.e C= D-1, N=M+1 & so on
9) In the word ECONOMETRICS, if the first and second , third and forth ,forth and fifth,
fifth and sixth words are interchanged up to the last letter, what would be the tenth letter
from right?
Ans. word is CENOMOTEIRSC tenth word is R
10)If D_MUQZM is coded as CENTRAL then RBDJK can be coded as
11)In a certain format TUBUJPO is coded as STATION. The code of which string is
12) What is the code formed by reversing the First and second letters, the third and fourth
letters and son on of the string SIMULTANEOUSLY?
13)In the word ORGANISATIONAL, if the first and second, third and forth, forth and
fifth, fifth and sixth words are interchanged up to the last letter, what would be the tenth
letter from right?
1)A power unit is there by the bank of the river of 750 meters width. A cable is made
from power unit to power a plant opposite to that of the river and 1500mts away from the
power unit. The cost of the cable below water is Rs. 15/- per meter and cost of cable on
the bank is Rs.12/- per meter. Find the total of laying the cable.
Ans 1000 (24725 - cost) 20250 Ans. Rs. 22,500 (hint: the plant is on the other side of the
plant i.e. it is not on the same side as the river)
2) The cost of one pencil, two pens and four erasers is Rs.22 while the cost of five
pencils, four pens and two erasers is Rs.32.How much will three pencils, three pens and
three erasers cost?
Ans. 27
3)2 oranges,3 bananas and 4 apples cost Rs.15 . 3 ornages 2 bananas 1 apple costs Rs 10.
what is the cost of 3 oranges, 3 bananas and 3 apples
Ans Rs 15.
4) A shopkeeper bought a watch for Rs.400 and sold it for Rs.500.What is his profit
Ans. 25%
5) What percent of 60 is 12?
Ans. 20%
6)Three men goes to a hotel to stay ,the clerk says $30 per room/day so all the three plans
to stay in one room so each pays $10.After some time the clerk realises that he made a
mistake of collecting $30 but the room cost only $25,there fore he decides to return $5 to
them so he calls the roomboy and gives him $5 asking him to return.The roomboy keeps
$2 with him and he returns only $3($1 for each).Now Totally all have paid $9
each($27)+rommboy $2 which is equal to $27.where did $1 go,who has made the
7) two pencils cost 8 cents. then 5 pencils cost? (20 cents)
8)A box of 150 packets consists of 1kg packets and 2kg packets. Total weight of box is
264kg. How many 2kg packets are there
a) 96 b)67 c)100 d)114
9)Which is more economical of the following
a)2kg -- 30/- b)8kg -- 160/- c)5kg -- 80/-
10)Satish earns 240 weekly.12% of big amount + earning weekly = 540 what is the big
a)3200 b)3600 c)2500 d)1000
ans: c
11) Bhanu spends 30% of his income on petrol on scooter. ¼ of the remaining on house
rent and the balance on food. If he spends Rs.300 on petrol then what is the expenditure
on house rent? a) Rs.525 b) Rs.1000 c) Rs.675 d) Rs.175
12) A sporting goods store ordered an equal number of white and yellow balls. The tennis
ball company delivered 45 extra white balls, making the ratio of white balls to yellow
balls 1/5 : 1/6. How many white tennis balls did the store originally order for?
a) 450 b) 270 c) 225 d)None of these
13) There is a circular pizza with negligible thickness that is cut into ,x, pieces by 4
straight line cuts. What is the maximum and minimum value of ,x, respectively?
a) 12,6 b) 11,6 c) 12,5 d) 11,5
14) The total expense of a boarding house are partly fixed and partly variable with the
number of boarders. The charge is Rs.70 per head when there are 25 boarders and Rs.60
when there are 50 boarders. Find the charge per head when there are 100 boarders.
a) 65 b) 55 c) 50 d) 45
1)in 80 coins one coin is counterfiet what is minimum number of weighings to find out
counterfiet coin
1)vertices edges and surfaces of a cube Ans-8,12,6
2)curve was given & in option equation was given , you have to mark the correct
equation(curve and equation was of general logx,ex ,sinx,cosx,tanx,x curves)
3)values of x &f(x) was given (like x=1000&f(x)=3) and equations was given
0 0.00001
10 1.02
100 1.72
1000 3.00
9999 4.72
2)Given a Bar Chart showing the sales of a company. (In Figure) The sales in years as
shown in the figure are (in crores) 1998-1999 - 130,
1997-1998 - 90, 1996-1997 - 90, 1995-1996 - 70
1. The highest growth rate was for the year Ans. 1998-1999
2. The net increase in sales of the company in the year span of 1995-1999
Ans. 60 crores.
3. The lowest growth rate was for the year Ans. 1997
4.Year 95 96 97 9899 Members 1001701050
i ) Which year has maximum members growth?
M 100
M 70
B 60
E 50
R Year
S 95 96 97 98
i ) Which year has maximum members growth?
27(deg) 6, 43.15"
45(deg) 31, 4.3"
1)A Flight takes off at 2 A.M from northeast direction and travels for 11 hours to reach
the destination which is in north west direction. Given the latitude and longitude of
source and destination. Find the local time of destination when the flight reaches there?
7 AM or 1.00 PM
2) My flight takes of at 2am from a place at 18N 10E and landed 10 Hrs later at a place
with coordinates 36N70W. What is the local time when my plane landed.
a) 6:00 am b) 6:40am c)7:40 d)7:00 e)8:00 (Hint : Every 1 deg longitude is equal to 4
minutes . If west to east add time else subtract time) Ans 8:00
3)A moves 3 kms east from his starting point . He then travels 5 kms north. From that
point he moves 8 kms to the east.How far is A from his starting point?
Ans. 13 kms
4)Aeroplane is flying at a particular angle and latitude,after some time another latitude is
given..(8 hrs later), u r asked to find the local time of the place.
6)A plane moves from 9°N40°E to 9°N40°W. If the plane starts at 10 am and takes 8
hours to reach the destination, find the local arrival time.
1)In a well of 20feet depth, a frog jumps 5feet up in the morning and comes 4feet down
in the evening,on which day the frog gets out of the well.
1) in some game 139 members have participated every time one fellow will get bye what
is the number of matches to choose the champion to be held?
ans: 138
2)A & B are playing a game .There are 8 oranges in a row on the Player can
take 1-4 oranges in a pick (a maximum of 4),one who picks the last orange wins the
game.,A, plays first How many oranges should he pick first time inorder to win the game.
answer 3.
1) LCM of x and y is 36 and HCF of x and y is 4. If x = 4 then which of the following is
definitely not true?
a)Y is divisible by 3 b)Y is divisible by 6 c)Y is divisible by 9 d) X+Y is divisible by
1) log .342==..., log . 343==.... then log .341==????? etc...
2)value of log3.142& log3.143 was given and log3,141 was asked so you have to only
see on answer and mark
3)If log 0.317=……… and log 0.318=………. Then find the value of log 0.319.
Following paper is provided by . Visit for more
Whole Testpaper Guru Nanak Institute Of Technology,Kolkata - 27
February 2008
(KOLKATA) from E.C.E.
TCS campussing was done in our college in two stages:
1) Aptitude test
2) Technical and HR round
We were asked to be present at the seminar hall at 8.30am sharp. After the ppt which was
given at around 9.30am; the aptitude started. We were divided into two batches. The first
batch started their apti at around 11am and the second batch at 1pm.
Aptitude part:
It consisted of 3 sections:A) Verbal
It consisted of about 10 synonyms, 10 antonyms, followed by some questions on
comprehension. For the synonyms and antonyms its better to go through Barron’s 12th
edition book.
B) Quantitative
It consisted of problems from the following topics: Time & distance, time & work,
permutation & combinations, probability, numbers, equations, average, simple &
compound interest, ratio & proportions, Venn diagrams, allegation of mixtures, etc For
this part I would suggest all of you to go through the book by R.S. Agarwal’s
Quantitative Aptitude. You must also go through previous years question papers to get
problems of similar types.
C) Critical Reasoning
It consisted of passages from Baron’s 12th editions model test papers. My passages were:
Model Test 1, Sec 6, Q8-11
Model Test 3, Sec 5, Q1-4
Model Test 4, Sec 6, Q8-12
Out of 216 students who appeared for the aptitude 170 students were selected for the
Technical and HR:
We were asked to fill in the blue form and then we were called one by one for
interview.My turn came at about 9.40pm. I entered the administrative block room. There
were 10 panels each having 2 interviewers. I was led to panel no 5. There were 2 young
persons sitting. I asked them “May I come in”. They nodded. Then I asked them “May I
sit”. They told yes. I thanked them. Then started my interview.
MR: Have u studied Microprocessor in ur sem?
Me: Yes sir.
MR: Tell me how many pins are there in total?
Me: 40 pins.
MR: U r a student of electronics and communication engineering, so define
Me: Communication is the process of conveying or transferring messages from one point
to another. MR: Draw a circular Linked list?
Me: Drawn.
MR: Why TCS?
Me: Answered.
MR: What if I don’t hire u?
Me: Answered.
MR: What r ur strengths?
Me: Answered.
MR: What r the qualities of a good leader?
Me: Answered.
MR: He gave me a situation where I was the captain of a ship which was beginning to
sink in the middle of the sea. H e then asked me what I would do if there were not as
many lifeboats to accommodate all the passengers.
Me: Answered.
MR: Do u have any questions?
Me: Yes sir what r the programming languages that I need to learn before joining TCS.
MR: He asked me in which field I wanted to go?
Me: I answered Java.
MR: So he told me to learn Advanced Java & J2EE.
Then he shook hands with me. I wished them “Good Night”. It was a brief 20mins
interview and ended at 10pm. The whole interview of our college ended at 11.30pm. We
were all feeling very hungry so we went to our homes as early as possible.
The results were declared on 3rd Mar at about 4 pm.Of the 170 students 90 were selected.
I had my name at no 48. It was a big moment of relief. Lots of congratulations were
coming from both the friends and teachers. My parents were overjoyed.
One last tip I want to give to all of u: If you r having a good academic background and is
a good communicator in English, u r bound to get selected. And always be confident of
what u are saying and practice apti well.
Following paper is provided by . Visit for more
General - other Bhilai - 8 February 2008
Hi TCS came to my college in feb and I m glad that now I m a part of TCS. I m giving
here some important tips to prepare for TCS.
As u might know that there are three rounds
Again Written contains following sections:1.Verbal:
10 Antonyms
10 Synonyms
For Antonyms refer barron’s 12th edition Antonyms chapter pg no.126 and all the
antonyms ques given in model test papers.
I got all the ques from these only.
For Synonyms refer the exercise given after the GRE high frequency word list.
Reading Comprehension & Sentence Completion:-For this prepare all passages given in
the chapter for RC in barron n all passages from the model test paper.
I got the dilemma of fungus for sentence completion n “the works of dozens of women
writers” n the passage abt “Du Bois” for rc
2.Qunatitaive Aptitude:
Prepare the previous year ques most of them are same.Here I m giving only those ques
which I felt where diff
1. The same matrix one in which u have to find the address of given element but in
column wise manner.
2. if f(n)=f(n-1)*n and f(0)=1.find f(4)
Then there were ques on venn diag which same as previous year ques but I don’t
3.Critical Reasoning:
For this section just mug up all the ques given in the model test papers of barron 12th
edtion. After clearing the written test u r called for tech interview. Friends the trick to
clear tech n hr is to be confident n always have a smiling face no matter how long u r
waiting for chance
My tech was as follows:
1st they asked me tell abt urself.Then they asked microprocessors I have studied as I m
from cs I had 8085 in my course.They asked me how many pins r there in 8085 n to draw
its pin diag.As I was drawing it they interrupted me asked to draw the block diag of
8085.Then they asked some basic ques on it like what is sp(stack ptr)etc.Then they asked
me to wap in assembly lang to swap data stored in two reg.
Then they asked me to wap two perform bubble sort n asked some basic ques frm that
prog written in c.
They asked abt my training.There ques on dbms,os they asked me what we had studied in
these subjs n asked ques according to my ans.
After this very soon I was called for hr round.
There was one sir one mam
1st of all mam asked me are u nervous?i said no.To this sir said she is nervous.Well then
Sir asked me to tell me abt urself then mam asked to tell abt my family background.
Then sir asked my strengths then asked ques on it.
He gave me situations to judge my sterngths n confidence.
Then he asked me basic qualities for a person to be successful.
He asked me the most important problem of my state n I was cm of my state how will I
over come it.
Then he said he will ask one last ques from tech n asked abt data encapsulation.
He again asked me if m nervous.
Then mam asked me if I m ready to work anywhere
And then abt the bond n any ques if I want to ask.
So this was my experience.Friends just be confident n always keeping praying bcoz God
always listens n luck also matters a lot.I always thank god for my selection.
Following paper is provided by . Visit for more
Whole Testpaper JMIT, RADAUR - 28 February 2008
Hi, I am Sakshi Kohli from JMIT, Radaur (3rd yr Instrumentation & Control).TCS
visited our campus on 28-29 feb 2008.I wud like 2 share my experience wid u.There were
around 450 students out of which 57 were selected . 290 had cleared the written test by
God’s grace I was one them. There are four rounds :
1.WRITTEN TESTThis was an online test 90 questions ,90 minutes. The test comprised of three sections in
the online test you have to go in serial order for three sections. Within the section you
may revert back to any question within that section. Time is limited for each section.
SECTION A – verbal section 32 questions,20 minutes. 10 antonyms 10 synonyms, 1
sentence complition , 1 read comprehension . it is very difficult to manage time in this
section. Prepare GRE barrons high frequency word list (330 words) for this section from
12th addition.Also words given in five model test papers you may not be able to score
much in this section .
SECTION B- Quantitative aptitude
Q-1 In a two dimensional array X(9,7) ) with each element occupying 8 bytes of memory
with the first element X(1,1) z 3000.find address of X(8,5)? ( ans: X(m,n)=X(9,7)
;(i,j)=(8,5) FORMULA ((n*(i-1)-j-1) *memory bytes )+base address where base address
is 3000 memory bytes=8 )
Q-2 A long word may b given such as ORGANISATIONAL u hv 2 interchange d 1st and
2nd,3rd and 4th,5th and sixth words so on.what will be d 9th or 10th word from d right?
Q-3 Largest prime no in 8-bit memory.
Q-4 Select the odd one out a. SMTP b. WAP c. SAP d. ARP ANS: SAP (rest of dem are
Q-5 The size of a program is N. And the memory occupied by the program is given by M
= square root of 4000N. If the size of the program is increased by 1% then how much
memory now occupied? (ans : 0.5%)
Q-6 simple questions on time and A andB can do a work in x days.Acn do it in
y days.In how many days will B do it?’or’if A works for z days in how many days will b
funish the remaining work?
Q-7 simple questions on number In which of the system, decimal number
194 is equal to 1234? ANS:5
Q-8 Find the value of the 678 to the base 7. ANS:1656
Q-9 Number of faces, vertices and edges of a cube ANS:6,8,12
Q-10 A question like %#%x+#%#y.where x and y may be some values stands for change
in sign ,# stands for reciprocal.find d value for d above expression.
Q-11 Find the result of the following _expression if, M modulus operation(remainder), R
denotes round-off, T denotes truncation(to shorten):
M(373,5)+R(3.4)+T(7.7)+R(5.8) ANS:19
Q-12 G(0)=-1, G(1)=1, G(N)=G(N-1) - G(N-2), G(5)= ? ANS:-2
Q-13 Coding –decoding (2 questions) practice these 4m verbal, non-verbal.
Q-14 A power unit is there by the bank of the river of 750 meters width. A cable is made
from power unit to power a plant opposite to that of the river and 3000mts away from the
power unit. The cost of the cable below water is Rs. 15/- per meter and cost of cable on
the bank is Rs.12/- per meter. Find the total of laying the cable. (ans: 38250)
Q-15 Which of the following are orthogonal pairs? a. 7i+6j b. i+j c. 6i-7j d. -7i+j ANS:
(A)& (C).
Q-16 temperature varies according to -t^2/2 + 8t + 3, where t is elapsed time. Find how
much temperature more or less in 3pm to 6pm.
Q-17 A, B and C are the mechanisms used separately to reduce the wastage of fuel by
30%, 20% and 40%. What will be the fuel economy if they were used combined.
Q-18 Powerof 3.options will be given.
Q-19 A, B and C are 8 bit no?s. They are as follows:
Find ( (A-B) u C )=? (ans: 1st find 2’s compliment of B add it to perform OR
operation of d result wid C).
Q-20 A is thrice as efficient as B.A and B can do a work in xdays.In how many days will
B alone do it?
Q-21Which of the following are possible sides of a triangle: (a) (3,3,3) (b) (4,5 9) (c)
(3,5,7) (d) (9,7,8)? (ans: sum of smaller 2 sides is greater than the other one which is
Q-22 Find the singularity matrix from a given set of matrices?(ans: determitant(A)=0)
Q-23 My flight takes of at 2am from a place at 18N 10E and landed 10 Hrs later at a
place with coordinates 36N70W. What is the local time when my plane landed?
6:00 am b) 6:40am c) 7:40 d) 7:00 e) 8:00.(I got a question similar to this for which I got
dans 5.40).
Q-24 standard deviation: which of d following has highest standard deviation: (a)
0,5,5,0,5,5 (b) 5,5,5,5,5,5 (c) 5,-5,5,-5,5,-5 (d) 0,5,0,5,0,5(ans: (c))
Q-25 A curve is given u hv to identify which curve is it : tan x, y=log x curves.
Q-26 On units like ( momentum * velocity)/ (force * time).some thing like dis my ans I
got was velocity.
Q-27 The size of the bucket is N kb. The bucket fills at the rate of 0.1 kb per millisecond.
A programmer sends a program to receiver. There it waits for 10 milliseconds. And
response will be back to programmer in 20 milliseconds. How much time the program
takes to get a response back to the programmer, after it is sent?(ans: 30 milliseconds)
Q-28 A file is transferred from one location to another in ,buckets,. The size of the bucket
is 10 kilobytes. Each bucket gets filled at the rate of 0.0001 kilobytes per millisecond.
The transmission time from sender to receiver is 10 milliseconds per bucket. After the
receipt of the bucket the receiver sends an acknowledgement that reaches sender in 100
milliseconds. Assuming no error during transmission, write a formula to calculate the
time taken in seconds to successfully complete the transfer of a file of size N kilobytes.
(ans:(n/1000)*(n/10)*10+(n/100). May be dis is ans u can mug it up.i cud not write dis
ans dere).
Q-29 If log 0.317=0.3332 and log 0.318=0.3364 then find log 0.319 ?
Sol) log 0.317=0.3332 and log 0.318=0.3364, then
log 0.319=log0.318+(log(0.318-0.317)) = 0.3396. (a question matching to this . not same
dis is just an idea).
Q-30 A box of 150 packets consists of 1kg packets and 2kg packets. Total weight of box
is 264kg or 260 kg. How many 2kg packets are there ?(ans: 114 for 264 and 40 for 260).
Q-31 Three companies working independently receive the savings of 20%,30%,40%.if d
companies work in combine ,what will be there net savings? (ans: suppose total income 4
each company be 100,
Amount for x: 80 (100-20); y:70 ;z:60
x+y+z =210 .total income for 3 companies,300-210=90.
Q-32 With 4/5 full tank vehicle travels 12 miles, with 1/3 full tank how much distance
travels?(ans:4/5 full tank= 12 mile
1 full tank= 12/(4/5)
1/3 full tank= 12/(4/5)*(1/3)= 5 miles)
Q-33 Wind blows 160 miles in 330min.for 80 miles how much time required
(ans: 160 miles= 330 min
1 mile = 330/160
80 miles=(330*80)/160=165 min).
Q-33 A person was fined for exceeding the speed limit by 10mph.another person was
also fined for exceeding the same speed limit by twice the same if the second person was
travelling at a speed of 35 mph. find the speed limit?(ans: 15mph)
Q-34 A sales person multiplied a number and get the answer is 3 instead of that number
divided by 3. what is the answer he actually has to get? (ans: 1/3).
Q-35 In 8*8 chess board what is the total number of squares? (ans:204)
Q-35 what is d number of zeroes at d end of product of numbers from 1 to 100? (ans:24)
Q-36 Gavaskar’s average in 1st 50 innings was 50.after the 51st innngs his average was
51.How many runs did he score in 51st innings?(ans: (x1 +x2+….+x50)/50 =50;
(x1+x2…….+x50+x51)/51= 51; (x1+x2+……+x50)=2500
(x1+x2+ ….+x51)=2601; x51=2601-2500;x51=101).
Q-37 Question like how many B’s are followed by F’s dat are not followed by U. series
like: A B F U S A B F F D B F F F G B F U D B F C
Q-38 match d following :
(a) ----------- 1.a type of
(b) ------------ 2. a part of
(c) bug-reptile 3.not atype of
(d) -------------- 4. a superset of
Q-39 Question on venn diagram wid 3 English, Bengali,Hindi….
Q-40 question on data interpretation (bar graph) 3 sub-parts.simple
This section is very simple if u hv prepared previous papers properly.These are availiable
on dis site.Almost all questions are 4m previous papers.The figures may be changed.Do
data interpretation 4m r.s.aggarwal (quant), venn diagrams 4m r.s.aggarwal (verbal, nonverbal).
Prepare all 5 model test papers 4m GRE-Barrons (strictly 12th edition) critical reasoning
part.Questions are cut, copy,paste 4m dere.prepare dis part very well.its MUST.
2.TECHNICAL (T.R.):To I&C students its my suggestion prepare atleast 1 subject really
well.I prepared micro processors.They asked me to explain 8085 block diagram and also
abt programming while performing practicals. Prepare C and C++ as per ur resume.they
asked me differences between C and C++. Also I was asked to write a program on
3.H.R.:Here situations were given to me like on customer satisfaction.Basically they are
checking ur confidence.why TCS ? why TCS should hire you? Strengths, weakness.
1. Prepare ur resume wid utmost care.
2. Refer to papers on this site .These are really very beneficial.
3. Greet them well when u go for inter-view.
4. Keep smiling.
5. Eye-contact is very important.
6. Do not argue.Remember they know much more than u do.Be polite.
7. They will be very nice and will try keep u calm.
8. Do not give excuses.just BE CONFIDENT when u answer.Confidence is most
important .Also be careful wid ur mobile phones.TCS looks 4 discipline.
Following paper is provided by . Visit for more
Whole Testpaper Mallabhum Institute of Technology - 21 February 2008
Hello friends. I am Abhishek Naskar from ECE department of Mallabhum Institute of
Technology, Bishnupur, going to share my journey through the selection procedure of the
no. 1 IT industry in Asia—TCS………..
Firstly you must know that the aptitude test of TCS, believe me, is very easy. But you
should follow the correct procedure. It was an online aptitude test in my college. Please
don’t be afraid.
Aptitude Test [21st February] : There are three sections of aptitude test. Each question
has 5 options. You have to tick the correct one. But there are no sectional cutoff and
negative marking.………………
1. Verbal: [32 Questions, 20 Mins]
It consists of 10 synonyms, 10 antonyms and 2 lengthy paragraphs. Go through the
wordlist of GRE BARRON’S. There are 333 high frequency words and 750 words in
reviewing vocabulary wordlist. It is very difficult to remember all those words but try to
remember in such a way so that you can recall after seeing the given options.
2. Quantitative: [38 Questions, 40 Mins]
It is very easy part. The problems are about ages, time & dist., time & work, numbers,
average, temperature, data interpretation ( R.S.Agarwal ), ratio, probability etc. You can
find various set of quantitative test papers in yuvajobs’s website.
3. Critical Reasoning: [12 Questions, 30Mins]
Apparently you can realize that it is very touch section. But the problems in this section
come from the Logical Reasoning chapter of GRE BARRON’S 12th edition. You must
solve also the logical reasoning parts from 5 test papers in that book. Practice this
reasoning part in such a way you can solve the problem just after seeing it.
There are 3 passages each of which contains 4 questions. Sometimes you can see that the
passages are common. There were 5/6 questions in the book. But you are given only 4
questions. Be careful when answering………………….
The most frequently logical reasoning questions are 1. Baseball players(
G,H,J,K,L,M,N,O), 2. Wallachia & Rumelia, 3. Byram and Adoniram, 4. Ashland, 5. Mr.
Pesth, 6. On Sunday December 23 four ships....., 7. Airdale, Boxer, Collie, Doberman, 8.
All G’s are H’s, 9. Hotel Miramar, 10. Homer Museum, 11. Prahtu & Brihtu marriage,
12. Motorist, 13. Project consolided……. 14. In country X…… 15. Joe, Lary, Ned,
Technical + HR [22nd February]: I am going to give you the most valuable, interesting
and precious experience of my life……… first interview. There were 5 panels. Mine
was panel no.3. I thought it would be for 45 mins to 1 hr. But, trust me, it was just for 20
mins. I faced with only one interviewer.
Me: (knocking the door) May I come in sir?
Interviewer: yes.
Me: thank you sir.
Interviewer: be seated.
Me: thank you sir.
Interviewer: introduce yourself.
Me: gave my introduction.
Interviewer: so you are from electronics department. Do you know what is FET?
Me: answered.
Interviewer: what is the practical application of FET?
Me: answered.
Interviewer: do you know microprocessor?
Me: It was in my sem. But I can’t answer very well from this subject.
Interviewer: give your file.
Me: yes sir.
Interviewer: well, dou you know computer?
Me: yes sir. I know c language.
Interviewer: write a program in c which can reverse a string.
Me: (it was common) sir, done.
Interviewer: there is a problem. Can u find it out?
Me: (checking) sir I think I am write.
Interviewer: ok I’ll explain you later. Now write down a program to find out the
summation of digits up to 100 which are divisible by 4.
Me: done.
Interviewer: can we get the desired output by this program.
Me: yes sir.
Interviewer: Being a electronics student you don’t know microprocessor?
Me: sir, I know this subject. But I’ve not prepared this very well for the campusing.
Interviewer: do you digital electronics?
Me: yes sir.
Interviewer: write down the truth table of XOR gate.
I’ve done that.
Interviewer: are you correct?
Me: yes sir.
Interviewer: draw its logic diagram.
It was very easy.
Interviewer: I don’t think you are right………well………..draw the truth table of OR
Me: answered.
Interviewer: you have done wrong.
Me: no sir, I am sure that I am right.
Interviewer: are you confident?
Me: very much sir……..then I explained totally both the gates……………
Interviewer: ok you may go now.
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Whole Testpaper Mallabhum Institute of Technology, Bishnupur - 21
February 2008
Hello friends. I am Abhishek Naskar from ECE department of Mallabhum Institute of
Technology, Bishnupur, going to share my journey through the selection procedure of the
no. 1 IT industry in Asia—TCS………..
Firstly you must know that the aptitude test of TCS, believe me, is very easy. But you
should follow the correct procedure. It was an online aptitude test in my college. Please
don’t be afraid.
Aptitude Test [21st February] : There are three sections of aptitude test. Each question
has 5 options. You have to tick the correct one. But there are no sectional cutoff and
negative marking.………………
1. Verbal: [32 Questions, 20 Mins]
It consists of 10 synonyms, 10 antonyms and 2 lengthy paragraphs. Go through the
wordlist of GRE BARRON’S (any edition). There are 333 high frequency words and 750
words in reviewing vocabulary wordlist. It is very difficult to remember all those words
but try to remember in such a way so that you can recall after seeing the given options.
2. Quantitative: [38 Questions, 40 Mins]
It is very easy part. The problems are about ages, time & dist., time & work, numbers,
average, temperature, data interpretation ( R.S.Agarwal ), ratio, probability etc. You can
find various set of quantitative test papers in yuvajobs’s website.
3. Critical Reasoning: [12 Questions, 30Mins]
Apparently you can realize that it is very tough section. But the problems in this section
come from the Logical Reasoning chapter of GRE BARRON’S 12th edition. You must
solve also the logical reasoning parts from 5 test papers in that book. Practice this
reasoning part in such a way you can solve the problem just after seeing it. There are 3
passages each of which contains 4 questions. Sometimes you can see that the passages
are common. There were 5/6 questions in the book. But you are given only 4 questions in
the aptitute test. Be careful when answering………………
The most frequently logical reasoning questions are 1. Baseball players(
G,H,J,K,L,M,N,O), 2. Wallachia & Rumelia, 3. Byram and Adoniram, 4. Ashland, 5. Mr.
Pesth, 6. On Sunday December 23 four ships....., 7. Airdale, Boxer, Collie, Doberman, 8.
All G’s are H’s, 9. Hotel Miramar, 10. Homer Museum, 11. Prahtu & Brihtu marriage,
12. Motorist, 13. Project consolided……. 14. In country X…… 15. Joe, Lary, Ned,
Technical + HR [22nd February]: I am going to give you the most valuable, interesting
and precious experience of my life……… first interview. There were 5 panels. Mine
was panel no.3. I thought it would be for 45 mins to 1 hr. But, trust me, it was just for 20
mins. I faced with only one interviewer.
Me: (knocking the door) May I come in sir?
Interviewer: yes.
Me: thank you sir.
Interviewer: be seated.
Me: thank you sir.
Interviewer: introduce yourself.
Me: gave my introduction.
Interviewer: so you are from electronics department. Do you know what is FET?
Me: answered.
Interviewer: what is the practical application of FET?
Me: answered.
Interviewer: do you know microprocessor?
Me: It was in my sem. But I can’t answer very well from this subject.
Interviewer: give your file.
Me: yes sir.
Interviewer: well, dou you know computer?
Me: yes sir. I know c language.
Interviewer: write a program in c which can reverse a string.
Me: (it was common) sir, done.
Interviewer: there is a problem. Can u find it out?
Me: (checking) sir I think I am write.
Interviewer: ok I’ll explain you later. Now write down a program to find out the
summation of digits up to 100 which are divisible by 4.
Me: done.
Interviewer: can we get the desired output by this program.
Me: yes sir.
Interviewer: Being a electronics student you don’t know microprocessor?
Me: sir, I know this subject. But I’ve not prepared this very well for the campusing.
Interviewer: do you digital electronics?
Me: yes sir.
Interviewer: write down the truth table of XOR gate.
I’ve done that.
Interviewer: are you correct?
Me: yes sir.
Interviewer: draw its logic diagram.
It was very easy.
Interviewer: I don’t think you are right………well………..draw the truth table of OR
Me: answered.
Interviewer: you have done wrong.
Me: no sir, I am sure that I am right.Interviewer: are you confident?
Me: very much sir……..then I explained totally both the gates……………
Interviewer: ok you may go now.
Me: thank you sir.
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General - Interview SRMCEM, LUCKNOW - 3 March 2008
Hello Friends its Abhinandan Asthana I have been selected for TCS in our college. I am
Electronics and Communication Student
First thing which i like to say all aspiring for TCS is that go through previous paper for
quantative aptitude and GRE Barrons 12 th edition for critical reasoning and verbal part I
can tell u all the passages are same as in barons in critical reasoning go through model
test paper all 5 its enough and u definitely clear written exam same with me after seeing
congrats on screen and after filling form the technical round has started i have been get
call at 8:20 in night i was the last person to go for technical on that day bcoz i m in batch
1 the interview was lie that first
he asked: Abhinandan u r looking very tired
I replied no sir its bcoz i hav not taken my breakfast
then he said u hav taken ur lunch i replied no sir i was givin my written at that time
then he asked about my hometown Varanasi
I replied
after that he asked about my hostel life
i replied
about 15 min passed and i was thinking it i hr or technical then he asked u hear radio city
i replied yes
then he started asking wat is FM?
i replied
registers of 8085 microprocessor?
i replied
flags of 8085?
i replied
wat is flip flop?
i replied
difference b/w calloc melloc realloc function?
i replied
wat is pmos nmos cmos?
after that he started asking about my training which i have done from IIT Kanpur in
i replied
after that he asked me to ask something abt them he told me abt their training procedure
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General - Interview Gurunanak Institute Of Technology - 27 February
we had TCS on 27 th feb 2008 on our campuss
the entire selection was mainly done in two section
aptitude mainly consist of 3 section
some general SYNONYMS+ANTONYMS see the last year papers well I remember few
then it had some paragraph which u need to read and “fill in the blank”
this is the section which u need to concentrate more becoz its easy to get hold of
1 series sums
2 longitude latitude sums My flight takes of at 2am from a place at 18N 10E and landed
10 Hrs later at a place with coordinates 36N70W. What is the local time when my plane
6:00 am b) 6:40am c) 7:40 d) 7:00 e) 8:00
3)The size of the bucket is N kb. The bucket fills at the rate of 0.1 kb per millisecond. A
programmer sends a program to receiver. There it waits for 10 milliseconds. And
response will be back to programmer in 20 milliseconds. How much time the program
takes to get a response back to the programmer, after it is sent?
4)Three companies are working independently and receiving the savings 20%, 30%,
40%. If the companies work combinely, what will be their net savings?
5)If G(0) = -1 G(1)= 1 and G(N)=G(N-1) - G(N-2) then what is the value of G(6)?
6)One circular array is given(means memory allocation tales place in circular fashion)
diamension(9X7) and sarting add. is 3000,What is the address od (2,3)........
7)What is the highest prime number that can be stored in a 9-bit microprocessor?
8)The size of a program is N. And the memory occupied by the program is given by M =
square root of 100N. If the size of the program is increased by 1% then how much
memory now occupied ?
9)In madras,temperature at noon varies according to -t^2/2 + 8t+3, where t is elapsed
time.Find how much temperature more or less in 4pm to 9pm
10)Find the fourth row, having the bit pattern as an integer in an 8-bit computer, and
express the answer in its decimal value.
(AU(B-C)) ?
this is what I remember ...go through last year papers u will get “common”
my hr and technical interview was bit long 45 min ts us take interviewer 1 as
MR. A and second as MR.B
me=may I come in sir?
MR. A =Yes come in
me=good evening sir
MR. A =have a seat
me=thank u sir
MR. A =so u r Mr Suvabrata Chatterjee right?
me=Yes sir
MR. A =so tell me about ur good qualities
me=explained...them I used the “dynamic” as one of them
MR. A =DYNAMIC ...what is dynamic
me: explained it
MR. A =so what r u bad qualities?
me=Sir I happened to believe lot of people which might end up in problems so I am
looking forward to fix it
MR. A= ya I see, so u r an instrumentation student? Right?
me=yes sir.
MR. A=So why are u coming to IT sectors?
me=well sir I am an instrumentation engg so I have a graet knowledge in
MICROPROCESSOR so with this knowledge I can serve IT sector better...most software
run on a desired hard ware so with the good knowledge I can make things better
MR. A=ok....then tell me why should TCS hire u??
me=well as I said before I have a great knowledge in MICROPROCESSOR and good
knowledge in PROGRAMMING moreover I am interested in REVERSE
ENGINEERING(always put some unique thing)
me=well this is a method by which we can reverse the code ie the EXE file can be broken
down to make the CODE visible
MR. A=how can it advantageous?
me=well I a group of programmer get detached from company or doesnt work
anymore...with this method I can reverse to create the entire code he has generated in his
mind it might be a useful f or this cases...
MR. A=is there any other way to get help?
me==might be but it seems to be more efficient...rather less resource consuming..
MR. A=good
me=well this can be considered as a HACKING but in an ETHICAL way
MR. A=so what r the basics u need to make a software rather how u r going to serve us.
me= firstly we need a good concept in programming...we need to make the “TIME
COMPLEXITY” less and also the”SPACE COMPLEXITY” moreover we need to make
the benchmarking for each test then add up the module to make the complete stuff...rather
we also need to make ANTI-TAMPERING protection
MR. A=well well...
MR. B=well what programming u know
me= sir I am confident in C language
MR. B= any other like C++ etc
me=no sir we dont have it in Sylbs but I am looking forwiord to it
MR. B=what the need of these other language
me=well its mostly PLATFORM INDEPENDENT eg might run in all system
MR. B= can u draw a ANALOG and a DIGITAL signal
me= I did one is SINE wave another is PULSE
MR. B=which one is better?
me=DIGITAL signal
MR. B=why?
me=sir its lossless transmission
MR. B=what is lossless transmission
me=when we transmit any data it might be voice signal also...we transmit via analog or
digital signal
me=well when we transmitt any data it might be voice signal also we need a CARRIER
rather putting it in laymans language what we get from from the microphones output is
much less rather we cannot transmitt using induction coil generating electromagnetic
so we need a high source called carrier which is punched with the message signal
if the AMPLITUDE of the carrier gets changed with the message signal it called
AMPLITUDE MODULATION and if the frequency gets changed its called FREQUECY
MR. B=which one do u think is better?
me=it depends on where we are transmitting.....if we need to transmitt a long dist we need
amplitude modulation but for crystality and clarity we need FREQUENCY modulation...
MR. B=well do u use MOBILE?
me=yes sir I do...
MR. B=so what the principle out there in MOBILE transmission?
me=MOBILE uses a MICROWAVE transmitting device and receiving device..
MR. B=well explain a bit...u had MOBILE COMMUNICATION right?
Me= no sir not yet I guess its in 7 th semester...well mobile uses a set of protocols like a
GENRAL web page he stopped me) MR.B=what is a microproceesor
MR. B=what is interrupt?
MR. B=what is flipflop?
me=one bit memory device in electronics concept multivibrator
MR. B=good..what is RS/KJ MASTER slave flip flop
me=explained all
MR. B=okay which part of C ur mostly dealing with?(//this is the tric part always say the
srtrong area//)
MR. B=well what is an ARRAY
MR. B=what is the limitation of array
MR. B=so how do we overcome it
me=explain the advantages of link list too
MR. B=can u reverse link list
me==(thinking a bit...although it was the weirdest question I have ever been asked) well
there is a SYSTEM function I know over there rather it can ACTIVATE the dos
command behind C . .more clearly it link the C with DOS COMMAND
what if we write the DOS parameter over there I might delete the file we are executing....
MR. MR.A anthing else...
MR. A= okay mr Suvabrata nice talking to u ..
me=THANK U SIR....
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General - Interview SIT College Of Eng,Siliguri 17 February 2008
hi frends, This is Olivia from Siliguri Institute Of Technology.We had our TCS
campussing on the 15 th and 17th of February,2008.The campussing was done in two
rounds .The first was the aptitude exam round which was an online examination
process.Its instructions were clearly given by the invigilators present there . I request my
fellow friends to kindly listen to the instructions n clear out any doubt there itself. The
examination was of 90 mins with a stipulated time period for each section.The english
was tough but those who have mastered Barron,s 12th and 13th edition wont find it very
difficult.For Quantitative section practise the prevoius years paper thoroughly, you are
likey to get a lot commom from there and for the rest R.S Agarwal is more than enough.
The thing wich is most important there is time management and an efficiency in
answering questions.Dont be tensed and be calm.All the best.
Once you have qualified the aptitude you will be called for your interview and before that
you will have to fill in a blue form with your personal details.Instructions will be given
On the 17th of February we had to face our interviews. There was only one round where
both questions from Technical field as well as HR questions were asked.
My interview went something like this:
Me: gud evening sir.
Interviewer: So u r olivia.
Me : Yes sir. (with a smile)
Interviewer: Tell me somethin about urself.
Me answered.
Interviewer : write a program to reverse a string using pointers in c.
Me: done.
Interviewer: what is a getch() used for?
Me: amswered
Interviewer: what r the different ways of cpu scheduling?
Me: answered
Interviewer: u seem to hav been scjp certified at a vry young age,how did u get it? (going
through my certificates)
Me: yes sir,(told the process of certification)
Intervierwer: wat r ur weak points?
Me :answered
Interviewer: wat r ur strenghths?
Me: answered.
Interviewer wat do u mean by a project?
Me: answered. (gave me a smile 4 my answer)
Interviewer: wat r the qualities of a leader?
Me: answered
Interviewer: wat are the diff betn oop and pop?
Me: answered
Interviewer: Why do u want to get into tcs?
Me: answered.
Interviewer: thank u olivia.
Me: thank u ,sir.
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General - other Kalyani Government Engineering College - 26 February
Hi friendz myself Koushik Karmakar,3rd year ,ECE dept frm KGEC.I wanna share my
1st interveiw experience with u....
TCS did campus recruitment for 2 days,25th & 26th feb.On 25th TCS came at 11am and
PPT happend for 2 hours.....then online aptitude test started at 1 pm..
online test was very easy. ther were 3 sections
1)verbal{32 questions==20 min}
2)quantitative{38 questions==40 min}
3)analytical{12 questions==30min}
10 synonym & 10 antonyms were there.........some of them I can remember they r-------SYNNONYMS===
(2) FOIL
and 2 passegas were there ....1st one for fill in the blanks & 2nd one for unseen..........
for quanti questions I did most of the recent previous papers frm yuvajobs ............and I
got everything common all the questions were very practice data
interpretation questions frm AGGARWAL.......
do practice all the 40 questions frm GRE BARRON,S 13th solve all the
passages having 4 or more than 4 questions.......avoid passages havig 1-3 questions...all
questions r common frm BARRON,S 12th edition.......
on 25th only aptitude happend 233 appeared & 210 cleared............
next day interview started frm 10.30am ........9 pannels were there......1st CSE 2nd ECE
3rd IT & at last ME,s interveiw happend...
My interveiw started frm 2.10 to approx 2.50pm......
HR & TECHNICAL happened togather
the questions I had been asked were............
1)wat is POINTER?.......I explained that with example.....
2)wat is LINK LIST?how deletion & insertions can be done(only process no algo)?........I
3)do Quick Sort of a given list........I did
4)do Binary search of a given list..........I did
5)wat is B-TREE?....I couldn,t answer clearly
6)wat is Hashing? .........
7)do HEAP sort of a given list.......
8)draw the diagram of a DEMULTIPLEXER & DECODER?..........I did
9)Types of COUNTER?how to design syncronous counter?......I did
10)wat is OP-AMP?........I did
1)Tell me something about urself?.........make this answer very well....
2)Why TCS?
3)Are u ready to go TIMBAKTU??...for this question be always positive.and say that --I,m ready to go anywhere for TCS
4)Why did u take ECE?.....try to prove that it,s the best dept.....
5)R u eager to do Higher studies?
6)wat kind of jobs TCS does???.......... visit tcs for this kind of questions
7)wat is OUTSOURCEING??...........
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General - other Narula Institute Of Technology,Kolkata - 28 February
Hi! Frnds.....This is Priyansh, E.C.E. from Narula Institute of Tech. Kolkata. We had our
first campus drive on February,28th in the form of TCS. This was the first campus for
2009 pass-out batch and post-graduate students. We had to report at 8:30 sharp on the
day. As the day had lot of surprise and mystery involved in it...we all wished that each of
our friends get the job.
The recruiters arrived by 9,o clock. We had a Pre Placement Talk which lasted for about
2 hours. About 219 students sat for the test and 189 of us could finally crack the aptitude
Friends! It was an online exam and the question paper was average if u have groomed ur
preparation as per the postings of students in Freshersworld.
There were 3 sections:
B>Quantitave < 38 questions 40 mins>
C>Comprehension and critical reasoning
Verbal portion consisted of 10 synonyms 12 antonyms and 10 questions from RC (small
paragraphs) It,s better to leave the preparation of synonyms and antonyms as they r
always a tuf-nut. Give a wild guess to them.
Regarding Quantitave portion, i would say most of them were repeated and some had
figures changed, but there were 90% common questions.Go through Fresherworlds site
For the Comprehension portion , Barrons 12th edition can be considered as
"GEETA".Mug up all the answers of Model Test 1-5,they will be just a repetition in the
paper. At places some names r just changed. "U can take my words for it"
Now regarding mah interview....It was a (technical+HR) round...My turn came at 8:30PM
I: Come in .
Me: Good Evning panel members(there were 2 of them)
Me: May i have a seat please?
I: Yes,please!
I: So, Priyansh! where r u from?
Me: Answered..
I: O! dat,s a lovely place ,isn,t it?
Me: Indeed,it is.
I: Describe urself.
Me: Answered
I: Which portion u r more prepared with..
Me: Comm. and Microprocessor(8085)and C
I: Asked all sorts of applied parts of Analog Electronics(AM,FM,Shannon
Hartley,application based 10 questions)
Me: Answered about 60% satisfactorily,say whatever u feel to say..confidently..they
watch u every moment..
I: What is ur +ve point?
Me: Answered.
I: Asked some C questions...I answered
(He showed as if i was a duffer and knew nothing..but don,t go by dat..that,s also a test)
Hr: Describe a situation where u faced a challange in ur life?
Me: Answered.
Hr: Are u a team player?what about working in isolation ?
Me: Answered in the best possible way.
Hr: U r given a job which u won,t be able to do alone but then u hav to do it all by
urself;what will be your approach?
Me: Answered
Hr: Are u mobile?
Me: Yes.
ok! thank u ..u may leave..I said thanks! and then left off!
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WIPRO Placement Paper at Kolkata on 7th March
Category (Placement Paper or Interview Experience): Placement Paper
Date Conducted: 7 Mar 2007
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii guys & gals !
I think I,m very lucky bcoz I got selected in my dream company WIPRO.The selection
procedure consisted of three rounds
In APTITUDE there were 15questions on VERBAL, 15 questions on QUANTITATIVE
ABILITY, 20 questions on TECHNICAL. Every section has separate cut off.U have to
correct 8,8,10 respectively. The aptitude was not very easy.I did not know all of the
answers but as there was no negative marking so I guessed the unknown answers.
Ican remember roughly some papers.
1.There were 6 locks for which there were 6 keys each fits one of the locks.In how many
ways u can open all the locks.
2.In a church all the villagers used to come on Sundays.Mr X who used to sit in the left
row decided to sit one day in the right row there were equal no of villagers sitting on both
the sides.But when Mr Y who used sit in the right row decided to sit in the left row then
the persons in the left row is twice the no of persons in the right row.Find the total no of
3.There r 2 types of thermometers.36 degree in the 1st is equal to 72 degree in the 2nd. 42
degree in the 1st is equal to 133 degree in the 2nd. Find the temp when both show same
4. 2 men & 4 women can do a piece of work in 8 days. 4 men & 12 boys can do it in 10
days. 5 boys & 8 women can do it in 12 days. In how many days 1 boy can do the whole
In TECHNICAL I met a very affable person.He asked me only on basic mathematics.He
appreciated me a lot for my knowledge on maths.
In HR there was a lady of about 27 years old.The conversation is like
MAM>Hello Amrita!
ME>Hello Mam!
MAM>Tell me about ourself.
ME>bla.........bla.......ALWAYS B CONFIDENT & KEEP SMILING.
MAM>Have u taken any special training on dancing ?
MAM>Did u appear in previous recruitment drives?
MAM>What happened there?
ME>It was only my 2nd interview.As the previous one was not my dream so I did not try
heart & soul 4 that.
ME>Why not wipro?its my dream company.My college is in sector 5.on the first day
when i was coming in my college i saw the bright colourful sunflower & below that
WIPRO .from that day i was just crazy about WIPRO.
MAM>Tomorrow U can see our result.
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Whole test paper - TCS 8th March 2008
Category (Placement Paper or Interview Experience): Placement Paper
Date Conducted: 8 Mar 2008
Hi friends, I m YUSUF KHAN (MCA 2006-09)from BBDNITM LKO.
I was appeared in TCS recruitment process on 8th march 2008 at BBDNITM lko.
There were three rounds- written test (online), TI (technical interview) and
HR round.
Basically TCS recruitment process starts with the online exam.
Online exam pattern::
It basically consist three sections- VERBAL,QUANT APTITUDE and CRITICAl
reasoning.There was no sectional cut off. Tcs has fixed cutoff for whole written test it is
not based on the high scorers. So as u complete the test ,the result will be displayed
immediately and if u r selected then u r eligible for other rounds.
VERBAl SECTION::it consists of 10 Antonyms,10 synonyms and abt 10 to 12 ques
based on passage reading.
(Actually these are the words which I got in my test paper, but I would advise not to
waste ur time in learning English first coz no one can get more than two or three words,
so don’t worry for that just see all the words from previous papers.)
1) If log 0.317=0.3332 and log 0.318=0.3364 then find log 0.319 ?
Sol) log 0.317=0.3332 and log 0.318=0.3364, then
log 0.319=log0.318+(log(0.318-0.317)) = 0.3396
2)My flight takes of at 2am from a place at 18N 10E and landed 10 Hrs later at a place
with coordinates 36N70W. What is the local time when my plane landed?
6:00 am b) 6:40am c) 7:40 d) 7:00 e) 8:00
Sol) The destination place is 80 degree west to the starting place. Hence the time
difference between these two places is 5 hour 20 min. (=24hr*80/360).
When the flight landed, the time at the starting place is 12 noon (2 AM + 10 hours).
Hence, the time at the destination place is 12 noon - 5:20 hours = 6: 40 AM
3) what,s the answer for that :
A, B and C are 8 bit no,s. They are as follows:
A -> 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1
B -> 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
C -> 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 ( - =minus, u=union)
Find ((A - C) u B) =?
To find A-C, We will find 2,s compliment of C and them add it with A,
That will give us (A-C)
2,s compliment of C=1,s compliment of C+1
Now (A-C) U B is .OR. logic operation on (A-C) and B
10001001 .OR . 00110011
The answer is = 10111011,
Whose decimal equivalent is 187.
4) In a two-dimensional array, X (9, 7), with each element occupying 4 bytes of memory,
with the address of the first element X (1, 1) is 3000, find the address of X (8, 5).
Sol) initial x (1,1) = 3000 u hav to find from x(8,1)so u have x(1,1),x(1,2) ... x(7,7) = so u
have totally 7 * 7 = 49 elementsu need to find for x(8,5) ? here we have 5 elements each
element have 4 bytes : (49 + 5 -1) * 4 = 212 -----( -1 is to deduct the 1 element ) 3000 +
212 = 3212
5)The size of a program is N. And the memory occupied by the program is given by M =
square root of 100N. If the size of the program is increased by 1% then how much
memory now occupied ?
Sol) M=sqrt(100N)
N is increased by 1%
therefore new value of N=N + (N/100)
M=sqrt(100 * (101N/100) )
Hence, we get M=sqrt(101 * N)
6)In two dimensional array X(7,9) each element occupies 2 bytes of memory.If the
address of first element X(1,1)is 1258 then what will be the address of the element X(5,8)
Sol) Here, the address of first element x[1][1] is 1258 and also 2 byte of memory is
given. now, we have to solve the address of element x[5][8], therefore, 1258+ 5*8*2 =
1258+80 = 1338 so the answer is 1338.
7) The temperature at Mumbai is given by the function: -t2/6+4t+12 where t is the
elapsed time since midnight. What is the percentage rise (or fall) in temperature between
5.00PM and 8.00PM?
8)If g (0)=g (1)=1
And g (n)= g (n-1) + g (n –2) find g (6);
9)Find the physical quantity represented by MOMENTUM *VELOCITY] / [LENGTH *
10).Which is the largest prime number that can be stored in a 6-bit register?
11) In a two-dimensional array, X (9, 7), with each element occupying 4 bytes of
memory, with the address of the first element X (1, 1) is 3000, find the address of X (8,
ANS: 3212
12)Select the odd one out a. Oracle b. Linux c. Ingress d. DB2
13)In which of the system, decimal number 194 is equal to 1234?
14) Number of faces, vertices and edges of a cube
15) Find the result of the following _expression if, M denotes modulus operation, R
denotes round-off, T denotes truncation:
M(373,5)+R(3.4)+T(7.7)+R(5.8) ANS:19
16)If TAFJHH is coded as RBEKGI then RBDJK can be coded as --------ANS:PCCKJ
17) Which of the following are orthogonal pairs?
a. 3i+2j b. i+j
c. 2i-3j d. -7i+j
ANS: (A)& (C).
18) What is the power of 2? a. 2068 b.2048 c.2668
ANS: (B). 2048
19)Which of the following set of numbers has the highest Standard deviation?
20). Match the following:
1. Male - Boy --->
a. A type of
2. Square - Polygon --->
b. A part of
3. Roof - Building --->
c. Not a
type of
(All questions are repeated so learn the answers of all ques from previous year paper, so
plz go through all prev year questions)
Actually this is the most important, scoring and deciding section of the test.
All the questions are from GRE BARON (strictly 12th edition) so go through all 5 model
test paper’s analytical section (1 to 5) given at last in Baron. No need to waste ur time
and money in buying other books for TCS just go through Baron only ,all questions are
from this book.
Be prepared for the technical interview. Mostly its on the same day after one
hour.Prepare few of ur subjects very well like C,C++,DS,DBMS(specially
queries),OS,COMP Networks,OOPs concepts etc.Hey friends don’t be afraid, thay wil
not ask u anything in depth they just check ur awareness and ask only some basic
conceptual questions. They may ask abt ur fav subjects bt still they ask u abt DBMS n
other subjects that u hv studied in earlier sem, so don’t tell them the names of the subjects
in which u don’t hv good command. If u don’t know anything abt the ques asked by them
then don’t try to make false stories or guesses, just simply deny that u don’t know, and
always try to divert them towards ur fav subjects. They will ask u abt ur project ,if u hv
done any, so be prepared for it, it’s E R diagram, SRS,front end, back end,DFD,and
overview of the project etc.Don’t BE quiet, be talkative nd don’t get embarrassed if u
don’t know the confident.i m attaching few most important ques of
DBMS,SQL,C,C++ etc for TI , just go through them if u don’t hv much time, it will be
enough.So u people can download it or if u don’t hv it just ask me on my email(
The key elements for this ROUND according to me are-CCT i.e. be Calm,be
Confident(not over confident) and be Talkative. Basically they ask u all those ques that
are typically asked in all interviews so be prepared for it ,readymade answers.Normally
they check ur confident level, English speaking, and wat efforts u hv done before coming
to face HR interview. Just go through the home page of TCS website and collect in
formations abt them like::
Who is chairman, CEO, CFO, COO of TCS, BOARD of directors, Company’s MISSION
, VISION and VALUES, Target achieved by company during last few yrs, position of
company in IT field etc.
Questions for HR(be prepared for atleast these ques)
1. Describe yourself??
2. ur hobbies(be prepared for this ques coz they will ask u much abt that ,if u say singing
be prepare for a song,if u say joking be prepared to tell them a joke etc.)
3. Why u want to join TCS??
4. Where would u think urself after five years in TCS?
5. Why should I hire u??
6. they may ask u something abt tcs?its statistics, CEo,CFO etc.
7. whats ur fav time pass??
8. ur strength ,ur weakness (don’t tel them any grt weaknes of urs like if u hv less
communication skills, etc)
9. Do u have any role model?? Describe his/her achievements?
10. Finally they will ask u do u want to ask something from them? So if u hv some
genuine ques to ask u may ask.
Overall 580 students appeared for written test.
Qualified for round 2::360
Qualified for round 3::195
Finally selected:90 students
B-Tech 86 from all branches and MCA’s only four (coz only 17 appeared for written)
Finally result was announced on 11th march 08 at 12:30 a.m. and I was selected.
So all the best n meet u in TCS.
Following paper is provided by . Visit for more
Category (Placement Paper or Interview Experience): Interview Experience
Date Conducted: 27 Feb 2008
TCS campussing was done in our college in two stages:
1) Aptitude test
2) Technical and HR round
We were asked to be present at the seminar hall at 8.30am sharp. After the ppt which was
given at around 9.30am; the aptitude started. We were divided into two batches. The first
batch started their apti at around 11am and the second batch at 1pm.
Aptitude part:
It consisted of 3 sections:A) Verbal
It consisted of about 10 synonyms, 10 antonyms, followed by some questions on
comprehension. For the synonyms and antonyms its better to go through Barron’s 12th
edition book.
B) Quantitative
It consisted of problems from the following topics: Time & distance, time & work,
permutation & combinations, probability, numbers, equations, average, simple &
compound interest, ratio & proportions, Venn diagrams, allegation of mixtures, etc For
this part I would suggest all of you to go through the book by R.S. Agarwal’s
Quantitative Aptitude. You must also go through previous years question papers to get
problems of similar types.
C) Critical Reasoning
It consisted of passages from Baron’s 12th editions model test papers. My passages were:
Model Test 1, Sec 6, Q8-11
Model Test 3, Sec 5, Q1-4
Model Test 4, Sec 6, Q8-12
Out of 216 students who appeared for the aptitude 170 students were selected for the
Technical and HR:
We were asked to fill in the blue form and then we were called one by one for
interview.My turn came at about 9.40pm. I entered the administrative block room. There
were 10 panels each having 2 interviewers. I was led to panel no 5. There were 2 young
persons sitting. I asked them “May I come in”. They nodded. Then I asked them “May I
sit”. They told yes. I thanked them. Then started my interview.
MR: Have u studied Microprocessor in ur sem?
Me: Yes sir.
MR: Tell me how many pins are there in total?
Me: 40 pins.
MR: U r a student of electronics and communication engineering, so define
Me: Communication is the process of conveying or transferring messages from one point
to another. MR: Draw a circular Linked list?
Me: Drawn.
MR: Why TCS?
Me: Answered.
MR: What if I don’t hire u?
Me: Answered.
MR: What r ur strengths?
Me: Answered.
MR: What r the qualities of a good leader?
Me: Answered.
MR: He gave me a situation where I was the captain of a ship which was beginning to
sink in the middle of the sea. H e then asked me what I would do if there were not as
many lifeboats to accommodate all the passengers.
Me: Answered.
MR: Do u have any questions?
Me: Yes sir what r the programming languages that I need to learn before joining TCS.
MR: He asked me in which field I wanted to go?
Me: I answered Java.
MR: So he told me to learn Advanced Java & J2EE.
Then he shook hands with me. I wished them “Good Night”. It was a brief 20mins
interview and ended at 10pm. The whole interview of our college ended at 11.30pm. We
were all feeling very hungry so we went to our homes as early as possible.
The results were declared on 3rd Mar at about 4 pm.Of the 170 students 90 were selected.
I had my name at no 48. It was a big moment of relief. Lots of congratulations were
coming from both the friends and teachers. My parents were overjoyed.
One last tip I want to give to all of u: If you r having a good academic background and is
a good communicator in English, u r bound to get selected. And always be confident of
what u are saying and practice apti well.
Following paper is provided by . Visit for more
TCS Placement Paper - IPS - January 2008
Category (Placement Paper or Interview Experience): Placement Paper
Date Conducted: 25 Jan 2008
TCS came to the campus (IPS) on 24th jan 2008. I was sent to the college to t.c of the
students of my college.
As you must know that the paper of TCS is always online they install a server and then it
generates the questions randomly. The section wise division is not same (it changes from
campus to campus drive).
Basically it’s divided in three sections…
1) Verbal
2) Aptitude
3) Critical reasoning(there may or may not b sectional cut-off).
I wud like to tell you that I don’t remember the questions exactly….but there are sum
basic questions. Also the questions are always repeated.(isliye plz solve all the papers).
And also solve all the papers in GRE baron’s (12 and 13 edition).
Critical reasoning
Everything in this section is from GRE baron’s had se had naam change kar dete hain
bas.Solve the entire Baron’s critical or analytical reasoning questions. Not 1 will b out of
it and also since the questions are very big they are impossible to remember.
1. In a two-dimensional array, X (9, 7), with each element occupying 4 bytes of memory,
with the address of the first element X (1, 1) is 3000; find the address of X (8, 5).
2. In the word ORGANISATIONAL, if the first and second, third and forth, forth and
fifth, fifth and sixth words are interchanged up to the last letter, what would be the tenth
letter from right?
3. What is the largest prime number that can be stored in an 8-bit memory?
4. Select the odd one out…..a java b. Lisp c. Smalltalk d. Eiffel.
5. Select the odd one out a. SMTP b. WAP c. SAP d. ARP
6. Select the odd one out a. Oracle b.linux c. Ingress d. DB2
7. Select the odd one out a. WAP b. HTTP c. BAAN d. ARP
8. Select the odd one out a. LINUX b. UNIX c. SOLARIS d. SQLSERVER
9. Select the odd one out a. SQL b. DB2 c. SYBASE d. HTTP
10. The size of a program is N. And the memory occupied by the program is given by M
= square root of 100N. If the size of the program is increased by 1% then how much
memory now occupied?
11. A man, a woman, and a child can do a piece of work in 6 days. Man only can do it in
24 days. Woman can do it in 16 days and in how many days child can do the same work?
12. In which of the system, decimal number 184 is equal to 1234?
13. Find the value of the 678 to the base-7.
14. Number of faces, vertices and edges of a cube
15. Complete the series 2, 7, 24, 77,__
16. Find the value of @@+25-++@16, where @ denotes "square" and + denotes "square
17. Find the result of the following expression if, M denotes modulus operation, R
denotes round-off, T denotes truncation: M(373,5)+R(3.4)+T(7.7)+R(5.8)
18. If TAFJHH is coded as RBEKGI then RBDJK can be coded as?
19. G(0)= -1, G(1)=1, G(N)=G(N-1) - G(N-2), G(5)= ?
20. What is the max possible 3 digit prime number?
21. A power unit is there by the bank of the river of 750 meters width. A cable is made
from power unit to power plant opposite to that of the river and 1500mts away from the
power unit.The cost of the cable below water is Rs.15/- per meter and cost of cable on the
bank is Rs.12/-per meter. Find the total of laying the cable.
22. The size of a program is N. And the memory occupied by the program is given by M
= square root of 100N. If the size of the program is increased by 1% then how much
memory now occupied?
23. In Madras, temperature at noon varies according to -t^2/2 + 8t + 3, where t is elapsed
time. Find how much temperature more or less in 4pm to 9pm.
24. The size of the bucket is N kb. The bucket fills at the rate of 0.1 kb per millisecond. A
programmer sends a program to receiver. There it waits for 10 milliseconds. And
response will be back to programmer in 20 milliseconds. How much time the program
takes to get a response back to the programmer, after it is sent?
25. A man, a woman, and a child can do a piece of work in 6 days. Man only can do it in
24 days. Woman can do it in 16 days and in how many days child can do the same work?
26. If the vertex (5,7) is placed in the memory. First vertex (1,1) `s address is 1245 and
then address of (5,7) is ---------27. Which of the following are orthogonal pairs?
a. 3i+2j b. i+j c. 2i-3j d. -7i+j
28. If VXUPLVH is written as SURMISE, what is SHDVD?
29. If A, B and C are the mechanisms used separately to reduce the wastage of fuel by
30%, 20% and 10%.What will be the fuel economy if they were used combined.
30. What is the power of 2? a. 2068 b.2048 c.2668
31. Complete the series. 3, 8, --, 24, --, 48, 63.
32. Complete the series. 4, -5, 11, -14, 22, -33. A, B and C are 8 bit no,s. They are as follows:
A -> 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1
B -> 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0
C -> 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 Find ((A-B) u C)=?
34. A Flight takes off at 2 A.M from northeast direction and travels for 11 hours to reach
the destination, which is in northwest direction. Given the latitude and longitude of
source and destination. Find the local time of destination when the flight reaches there?
35. A can copy 50 papers in 10 hours while both A & B can copy 70 papers in 10 hours.
Then for how many hours required for B to copy 26 papers?
36. A is twice efficient than B. A and B can both work together to complete a work in 7
days. Then find in how many days, A alone can complete the work?
37. A finish the work in 10 days. B is 60% efficient than A. So how many days do B
takes to finish the work?
38. A finishes the work in 10 days & B in 8 days individually. If A works for only 6 days
then how many days should B work to complete A,s work? Ans: 3.2 days
39. Given the length of the 3 sides of a triangle. Find the one that is impossible? (HINT:
sum of smaller 2 sides is greater than the other one, which is larger)
40. Find the singularity matrix from a given set of matrices?
41. A 2D array is declared as A[9,7] and each element requires 2 byte. If A [1,1] is stored
in 3000. Find the memory of A[8,5] ?
42. Sum of slopes of 2 perpendicular st.lines is given. Find the pair of lines from the
given set of options, which satisfy the above condition?
43. (a) 2+3i (b)1+i (c) 3-2i (d) 1-7i .Find which of the above is orthogonal.
44. (Momentum*Velocity)/(Acceleration * distance). Find units.
45. The number 362 in decimal system is given by (1362) x in the X system of numbers
find the value of X a} 5 b) 6 c) 7 d) 8 e) 9
46. Given $ means Tripling and % means change of sign then find the value of $%$6%$%6
47. My flight takes of at 2am from a place at 18N 10E and landed 10 Hrs later at a place
with coordinates 36N70W. What is the local time when my plane landed?
6:00 am b) 6:40am c) 7:40 d) 7:00 e) 8:00
48. Find the highest prime number that can be stored in an 8 bit Computer?
49. Which of the following set of numbers has the highest Standard deviation?
a)1,0,1,0,1,0 b) -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 c)1,1,1,1,1,1 d) 1,1,0, -1,0, -1
different set
I don’t remember all the questions but here are some…
1)Which of the following highest Standard deviation
a.5,0,5,0,5,0 b) 5,5,5,5,5,5 c) 5,5,5,5,0,5 d) -5, 5, -5, 5,-5, 5
2)g(0)= 1, G(1)=-1 ,G(N) = G(N-1)+G(N-2) , g(6)=? 1. -2 2. 3 3. 1 4.0
3)A power unit is there by the bank of the river of 900 mtr width. a cable is made from
power unit to power a plant opposite to that of the river and 3000 mtr away from the
power unit. The cost of the cable bellows water Rs5 / mtr and cost of cable on the bank is
Rs 4/ mtr. Find the pt where the cable cut through the river.
1.2800 2. 3000 3. 2100 4.3900 Ans: 2100
4)Which of the following are orthogonal pairs a) 5i+3j=7 b) i=-jc) 2i-j=3 d) 3i=5j+6
1.a&d 2.a&c 3.c&d 4.b&d
5) My flight takes of at 2am from a place at 18N 10E and landed 10 Hrs later at a place
with coordinates 36N70W. What is the local time when my plane landed?
6:00 am b) 6:40am c) 7:40 d) 7:00 e) 8:00
Sol) The destination place is 80 degree west to the starting place. Hence the time
difference between these two places is 5 hour 20 min. (=24hr*80/360).
6) Which of the following is power of 3 a) 2345 b) 9875 c) 6504 d) 9833
0 0.00001
10 1.02
100 1.72
1000 3.00
9999 4.72
Ans: Y= log10(X)
8)Number of edges,faces, vertices and of a cube
1.12,6,8 2.6,8,12 3.4 ,6, 8 4.8,12,6
9)2 student get 3 and 3.5 in their class exam And 1.4 and 1.65 in final exam respectively .
What might be the class marks of
3rd student who have got 0 marks in final exam? (not exactly same values)
10)Pick the odd one out
11)Find the result of the following expression if , M denotes modules operation, R
denotes round-off, T denotes truncations
M(363,5)+R(5.8) +T(7,7)-R(3.8)
12)If A, B, C are the mechanisms used separately to reduce the wastage of fuel by 25%,
20%, 10%. What will be the fuel economy if they were used combine?
13)Match the following:
1. Mammal, cow ---> a. A type of
2. Snake reptile ---> b. A part of
3. Roof - Building ---> c. Not a type of
4. Mushroom - Vegetables ---> d. A superset of
14)b v f q q m b v f m g v f f v f m b v f b g d v f a m v f v f f
How many v ,s are such that each v is followed by f next to it, if the f is not followed by f
next to it.
15)Bucket size is takes 0.0001 KB/milisec to fill bucket.the bucket takes 100 or
1000 milisec to reach to takes 100 milisec to pass acknowledgement from
dest to calculate how much time will it take to pass N KB ,asked to write
formula for that.
16.)What is the unit of the following?
(Power*time) / (velocity*velocity)
17.)What is the largest prime no that will fit in 7 bit memory?
2*7= 128
Ans 127
18.)Problem on a Venn diagram:
Ex: a Venn diagram on no. of people who know only English, only French, only German,
both English and French, French and German, German and English, know all the three.
->How many know English more than French?
->What % people speak all the three languages?
->What % people speak German but not English?
19.)Odd one out:
a. JAVA b. LISP c. Small talk d. Eiffel ans: LISP
a. HTTP b. ARP c. SMTP d. SAP ans: SAP
a. Linux NT c. SQL server d. Unix ans: SQL server
a. SAP b. ARP c. WAP d.TCP IP ans:SAP
a. Oracle b. Linux c. Ingress d. DB2 ans:Linux
a. SMTP b. WAP c. SAP d. ARP Ans: SAP
a. WAP b. HTTP c. BAAN d. ARP ans:BAAN
a. SQL b. DB2 c. SYBASE d. HTTP Ans: HTTP
VERBAl: (mostly antomyms and synomys are asked,along with sum passages all from
baron’s 14th edition)
Censure - fault, criticize
Optimum- best, most favorable
Candid- frank, open, blunt, upfront, forth-right
Cite - quote, name, mention, refer to, allude to
Effusive - demonstrative, fussy, talkative, overenthusiastic,vociferous, extroverted
Voluble - articulate, vociferous, talkative
Banal - commonplace, trivial, predictable, trite, hackneyed
Standing - rank, permanent, position, duration, status, reputation,eminence
Nascent - budding, emerging, blossoming, embryonic
Clutch - grasp, grab, hold
Generic - general, basic, common
Empirical -experimental, pragmatic, practical
Anomaly - irregularity, glitch, difference
Circuitous - roundabout, twisty, meandering, indirect, winding, tortuous
Surveillance - observation, watch, shadowing
Objective - aim, impartial, real, purpose, goal
Raucous - rough, wild, hoarse, guttering
Voracious - insatiable, avid, hungry, big, rapacious, greedy
Pedigree - rare-breed, full-blooded, lineage
Fidelity - loyalty, reliability
Augment - supplement, boost, add to, bump up
Precarious - unstable, shaky, risky, uncertain
Derogatory - disparaging, critical, insulting, offensive
Onus - responsibility, burden, obligation, duty
Analogous - similar, akin, related
Expedient - measure, convenient, device, maneuver
Compliance - fulfillment, obedience
Diffident - shy, insecure, timid
Plaintive - mournful, sad, melancholic, nostalgic, lamenting
Insinuate - imply, suggest, make-out, ingratiate yourself
Misdemeanor - wrong, sin, crime, offense
Exonerate - clear, forgive, absolve
Gregarious - outgoing, extroverted, sociable, expressive, unreserved
Benign - kind, benevolent, compassionate
Attenuate - satisfy, calm, soothe, ease
Sonorous - loud, deep, resonant, echoing
Bolster - boost, strengthen, reinforce, encourage
Heterodox - unorthodox, dissenting, contrary to accepted belief,heretical, deviating
Restiveness - impatience, restlessness, nervousness
Effigy - image, statue, model
Retrograde - retrospective, traditional, conservative,nostalgic,forward-looking(antonym)
Sacrosanct - sacred, holy, revered
Dangle - hang down, sway, droop, swing, suspend
Cryptic - mysterious, enigmatic, puzzling, hidden
Debilitate - incapacitate, weaken, hamper, encumber, hinder
Divulge - reveal, disclose
Spendthrift - wastrel, squanderer, compulsive shopper
Indigenous - native, original, local
Erroneous - mistaken, flawed, incorrect
Minion - follower, subordinate, underling, gofer
Veracity - reality, truth, sincerity.
Following paper is provided by . Visit for more
TCS Placement Paper on 19th March 2007
Category (Placement Paper or Interview Experience): Placement Paper
Date Conducted: 19 Mar 2007
1. In a two-dimensional array, X (9, 7), with each element occupying 4 bytes of memory,
with the address of the first element X (1, 1) is 3000, find the address of X (8, 5).
2. In the word ORGANIZATIONAL, if the first and second, third and forth, forth and
fifth, fifth and sixth words are interchanged up to the last letter, what would be the tenth
letter from right
3. What is the largest prime number that can be stored in an 8-bit memory?
4. Select the odd one out. a. Java b. Lisp c. Smalltalk d. Eiffel.
5. Select the odd one out a. SMTP b. WAP c. SAP d. ARP
6. Select the odd one out a. Oracle b. Linux c. Ingress d. DB2
7. Select the odd one out a. WAP b. HTTP c. BAAN d. ARP
8. Select the odd one out a. LINUX b. UNIX c. SOLARIS d. SQL SEVER
9. Select the odd one out a. SQL b. DB2 c. SYBASE d. HTTP
10. The size of a program is N. And the memory occupied by the program is given by M
= square root of 100N. If the size of the program is increased by 1% then how much
memory now occupied?
11. A man, a woman, and a child can do a piece of work in 6 days. Man only can do it in
24 days. Woman can do it in 16 days and in how many days child can do the same work?
12. In which of the system, decimal number 384 is equal to 1234?
13. Find the value of the 678 to the base 7.
14. Number of faces, vertices and edges of a cube
15. Complete the series 2, 7, 24, 77,__
16. Find the value of @@+25-++@16, where @ denotes "square" and + denotes "square
17. Find the result of the following expression if, M denotes modulus operation, R
denotes round-off, T denotes truncation: M(373,5)+R(3.4)+T(7.7)+R(5.Cool
18. If TAFJHH is coded as RBEKGI then RBDJK can be coded as --------19. G(0)=-1, G(1)=1, G(N)=G(N-1) - G(N-2), G(5)= ?
20. What is the max possible 3 digit prime number?
21. A power unit is there by the bank of the river of 750 meters width. A cable is made
from power unit to power a plant opposite to that of the river and 1500mts away from the
power unit. The cost of the cable below water is Rs. 15/- per meter and cost of cable on
the bank is Rs.12/- per meter. Find the total of laying the cable.
22. The size of a program is N. And the memory occupied by the program is given by M
= square root of 100N. If the size of the program is increased by 1% then how much
memory now occupied?
23. In Madras, temperature at noon varies according to -t^2/2 + 8t + 3, where t is elapsed
time. Find how much temperature more or less in 4pm to 9pm .
24. The size of the bucket is N kb. The bucket fills at the rate of 0.1 kb per millisecond. A
programmer sends a program to receiver. There it waits for 10 milliseconds. And
response will be back to programmer in 20 milliseconds. How much time the program
takes to get a response back to the programmer, after it is sent?
25. A man, a woman, and a child can do a piece of work in 6 days. Man only can do it in
24 days. Woman can do it in 16 days and in how many days child can do the same work?
26. If the vertex (5,7) is placed in the memory. First vertex (1,1) ?s address is 1245 and
then address of (5,7) is ---------27. Which of the following are orthogonal pairs? a. 3i+2j b. i+j c. 2i-3j d. -7i+j
28. If VXUPLVH is written as SURMISE, what is SHDVD?
29. If A, B and C are the mechanisms used separately to reduce the wastage of fuel by
30%, 20% and 10%. What will be the fuel economy if they were used combined.
30. What is the power of 2? a. 2068 b.2048 c.2668
31. Complete the series. 3, 8, --, 24, --, 48, 63
32. Complete the series. 4, -5, 11, -14, 22, --33. A, B and C are 8 bit no?s. They are as follows:
Find ( (A-B) u C )=?
Hint : A-B is {A} ? {A n B}
34. A Flight takes off at 2 A.M from northeast direction and travels for 11 hours to reach
the destination which is in north west direction. Given the latitude and longitude of
source and destination. Find the local time of destination when the
flight reaches there?
35. A can copy 50 papers in 10 hours while both A & B can copy 70 papers in 10 hours.
Then for how many hours required for B to copy 26 papers?
36. A is twice efficient than B. A and B can both work together to complete a work in 7
days. Then find in how many days A alone can complete the work?
37. A finish the work in 10 days. B is 60% efficient than A. So how days does B take to
finish the work?
38. A finishes the work in 10 days & B in 8 days individually. If A works for only 6 days
then how many days should B work to complete A?s work?
39. Given the length of the 3 sides of a triangle. Find the one that is impossible? (HINT :
sum of smaller 2 sides is greater than the other one which is larger)
40. Find the singularity matrix from a given set of matrices?(Hint det(A)==0)
41. A 2D array is declared as A[9,7] and each element requires 2 byte. If A[ 1,1 ] is
stored in 3000. Find the memory of A[8,5] ?
42. Sum of slopes of 2 perpendicular st. lines is given. Find the pair of lines from the
given set of options which satisfy the above condition?
43. (a) 2+3i (b)1+i (c) 3-2i (d) 1-7i .Find which of the above is orthogonal.
44. (Momentum*Velocity)/(Acceleration * distance ) find units.
45. The number 362 in decimal system is given by (1362)x in the X system of numbers
find the value of X a}5 b) 6 c) 7 d) 8 e) 9
46. Given $ means Tripling and % means change of sign then find the value of $%$6%$%6
47. My flight takes of at 2am from a place at 18N 10E and landed 10 Hrs later at a place
with coordinates 36N70W. What is the local time when my plane landed.
a) 6:00 am b) 6:40am c) 7:40 d) 7:00 e) 8:00 (Hint : Every 1 deg longitude is equal to 4
minutes . If west to east add time else subtract time)
48. Find the highest prime number that can be stored in an 8bit computer.
49. Which of the following set of numbers has the highest Standard deviation?
50. Match the following:
1. Male - Boy ---> a. A type of
2. Square - Polygon ---> b. A part of
3. Roof - Building ---> c. Not a type of
4. Mushroom - Vegetables ---> d. A superset of
Ans: 1- d, 2- a, 3- b, 4- c
51. Match the following.
1. brother ? sister ---> a. Part of
2. Alsatian ? dog ---> b. Sibling
3. sentence ? paragraph ---> c. Type of
4. car - steering ---> d. Not a type of
Ans. 1-b, 2-c, 3-a, 4-d
Remaining Questions were from Graph, pie charts, Bar chart and Venn diagram which
were very easy.
c) MAX
e) LAD
4) LAD
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TCS Placement Paper at Bangalore on 18th March 2007
Category (Placement Paper or Interview Experience): Placement Paper
Date Conducted: 18 Mar 2007
hi this sunny and TCS hd taken the off campus on 18 march.
i would like 2 share sme experience of written test with u. there are 4 sets of papers
x,y,z,w. this paper is x set:there r 3 sections:
3>Critical Reasoning.
If u want 2 clear the TCS paper only just go through last years papers for aptitude. no
question beyond that will be asked. this part is damm easy and u mostly ques are repeated
just the values are changed. practice all similar question for aptitude.
For English part 10 synonyms and 10 antonyms
cargo=luggaeg, miserable, caprice,
concur=similar, merry, tranquil,
antonyms:tantamount=not equivalent, parsimonious, incongruous, tenuous, transient boorish,
unscathed, ungainly, harbinger.
for all these ant. and syno. go through Barons 12 edition book. u will find all answers in
for reading comprehend(RC)=just do model test papers of barons.they don,t even hanger
the options of that. American war related and denial........... related frm model test paper.
for Critical reasong there r 10 ques frm 3 word statements
1->3 ways 2 go city which u prefer. based on ths 4 ques r asked.frm model test paper.
2->there are 4 peoples a,b,c,d.a can speak a Spanish and English.
b can speak Hindi and .........................,based on these again 3 questions.from model test
3->red and brown family group frm model test paper.
question related to 1>6 floor in a building and 2 apartments each.
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TCS Placement Paper at Bangalore on 19th March 2007
Category (Placement Paper or Interview Experience): Placement Paper
Date Conducted: 19 Mar 2007
Hi Friends!!!!!!!!!!
Here is my written test experience.
as u all know paper consists of 3 sections .
Critical reasoning
first section consists of synonyms, antonyms, sentence completion, reading
RC passage will be repeated. so please go through previous papers and also GRE
BARRONS. They will not change even the order of questions.
synonyms and antonyms- u need to mug up high frequency words from GRE
BARRONS. any edition of GRE barrons will help u alot 4 this section.
second section is general aptitude test.
Friends don,t worry all the questions were repeated. plz go through previous papers. they
will help u a lot.Try to solve all the questions.If at all u are unable to solve any question
plz at least mug up the answer. practice these papers well, so that u get enough time 4
other section.
Third section is of critical reasoning.
there are 3 reasoning passages given,4 questions under each
Even these are repeated ones from GRE BARONS 12th edition.(from 5 model test papers
1.first question was on and brown groups............easy one
2. second is like............all g,s are h......easy one don,t worry
3 third one on .......there are 3 cities A,B,C.different ways to go to these cities..........quiet
easy one.
thats all with this round. Friends u can get through this round very easily if u study gre
barons n previous papers.if u are prefect with this then the test is just like a piece of
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TCS Placement Paper on 20th March 2007
Category (Placement Paper or Interview Experience): Placement Paper
Date Conducted: 20 Mar 2007
hi ,friends its ,vineet mishra.
TCS Test Pattern
Test Consists of 3 Sections…
1. Test on Synonyms and Antonyms (40 questions, 20 minutes: Also Q’s on Sentence
2. Aptitude Test (32 questions(may vary), 40 minutes: General Questions on
3. Critical Reasoning (30 Minutes: 3 Analysis Paragraphs and 12 questions Relating them
Written Test pattern
This is on line test paper. There were three sections. plz prepare last papers too &
BARRONS Properly
some of antonyms are
Admonish= usurp
Adhesive = tenacious, sticky, glue, gum, bonding agent
Alienate = estrange
Bileaf = big screen, big shot, big success
Belief = conviction
Baffle = puzzle
Brim = edge
Covet = to desire
Caprice = whim
Concur = similar, acquiesce
Confiscate = appropriate, to take charge, to annex
Cargo = load, luggage
Dispel = scatter
Divulge = reveal, make known, disclose
Discretion = prudence
Emancipate = liberate
Efface = obliterate
Embrace = hug, hold, cuddle
Furtive = stealthy
Heap = to gather
Hamper = obstruct
Heap = to pile
Hover = linger
Incentive = spur
Instigate = incite
Inert = passive
Latitude = scope
Lethargy = stupor
Lamont = lakes, lamentable
Lament = wail
Latent = potential
Merry = Enjoy
Meager = small, little, scanty
Misery = distress
Momentary = for small time
Merit = to deserve
Miserable = unhappy, sad
Obstinate = stubborn
Overt = obvious, clear, explicit, evident
Pretentious = ostentatious
Potential = ability
Rinaile = rigorous
Renounce= reject
Solicit = Humble, urge
Subside = wane
Stifle = snits
Tranquil = calm, silent, serene
To merit- to deserve
Volume = quantity
Veer = diverge
Wethargy = well wisher
2. General Aptitude
For this section it is more than enough to solve all the previous papers available in this
site. Then for some concepts refer R.S Agarwal aptitude book. Most of the problems will
be repeated only with the numbers changed. But u will have the same model.
I could not able to recollect all the questions in my test, but I’m just giving you the
models for few questions, what I have in my mind.
1.If g (0)=1,g (1)=1 and g (n)= g (n-1) + g (n –2). Find g (6).
a) 9 b) 13 c) 21 d) 7
3. Select the odd one out.
a) Java b) Lisp c) Smalltalk d) Eiffel.
a) Lisp. b) Java. c) Eiffel. d) Smalltalk.
4. Select the odd one out
a) Linux b) Oracle c) DB2 d) Ingress.
5. Number of faces, vertices,s and edges of a cube
a) 6,8,12 b) 8,12,8 c) 8,6,12 d) 12,8,6
6 in a two dimensional array X(9,7) which each element occupying 8 bytes of memory
with address of the first element X(1,1) is 1072, find the address of X(8,5).
7Which of the following highest Standard deviation
5, -5,5,-5, 5,-5 b) 5,5,5,5,5,5 c) -5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5 d) -5,5,-5,5,-5,5
Critical Reasoning.
questions were on one passage "politicians attending a party. They are seated in some
way". 4 questions were on the passage "Red and Brown group in a community and
conditions for their marriage". .
Technical & HR Round
in technical question bassically on java &c++
in hr They asked me abt my family background They asked me to tell abt it. They asked
whether I am ready to sign a bond for 2yrs. I said OK. They asked my strengths, why
shud I select u?
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Latest TCS paper at GRIET College Engg, Hyderabad on 27th May, 2007
Category (Placement Paper or Interview Experience): Placement Paper
Date Conducted: 27 May 2007
The test was conducted online and it consisted of three sections:
I. Verbal: ( Duration : 30 minutes, No. Of questions: 32)
There were 10 questions each on antonyms and synonyms; some were on comprehension
and sentence completion. Some words I can remember are: melee, veracity, abeyance,
prevaricate, felicitous.
Section II : Aptitude ( Duration : 40 minutes, No. Of questions: 38)
Most of the questions were repeated from previous year’s paper.
Section III : Critical Reasoning ( Duration : 30 minutes, No. Of questions: 12)
Most of the questions in this section were lifted from GRE Barrons 12th edition.
Technical round:
This is the most important part of selection process. In the beginning, they asked personal
detail and family detail. They asked the candidate about the programming languages he
knows. When he told JAVA and C, they gave him a program to write in JAVA and C.
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Latest TCS paper at RVR & JC College Of Engg, Guntur on 28th May,
Category (Placement Paper or Interview Experience): Placement Paper
Date Conducted: 28 May 2007
The written test comprised if 3 sections:
Section I : Verbal ( Duration : 30 minutes, No. Of questions: 32)
There were 10 questions each on antonyms and synonyms; some were on comprehension
and fill in the blanks.
Section II : Quantitative ( Duration : 40 minutes, No. Of questions: 38)
Most of the questions were repeated from previous year’s paper.
Section III : Critical Reasoning ( Duration : 30 minutes, No. Of questions: 12)
This was quite a tough section. There were 3 paragraphs with 4 questions on each. They
were taken straight from GRE 12th edition model test paper 1-5.
Technical Interview:
The interview went for 45 minutes. Questions were asked about topics related to
candidate’s branch chemical engg. Like distillation, catalysis, heat transfer,
thermodynamics etc. Next, they asked about C language in depth.
MR Round :
In this round, simple questions were asked like “will you leave TCS after 2 years when
you get a better offer?” A common question for non CS student was “Why do you want
to leave your branch and enter in software field?”
HR Round :
In this round, they focus on communication skills and confidence level. There were some
small group discussions too.
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Latest TCS paper at JNTU, Kakinada on 3rd June, 2007
Category (Placement Paper or Interview Experience): Placement Paper
Date Conducted: 3 Jun 2007
There were three sections in the test paper:
I. Aptitude:
It consisted of following questions:
1. There were questions on coding and decoding.
2. Some questions were related to arrays.
3. One question was on bucket problem.
4. Finding the odd one out.
5. Some questions were on Venn diagram and some were related to data interpretation.
II. Verbal:
This paper mainly consisted of questions on antonyms, synonyms and comprehensions.
III. Analytical:
This was quite tough section. Most of the questions were taken from model papers in the
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Latest TCS paper at IET, Lucknow on 6th June, 2007
Category (Placement Paper or Interview Experience): Placement Paper
Date Conducted: 6 Jun 2007
The candidate appeared for TCS interview. There were 2 members in the panel. They
started by asking personal details and areas of interest. When the candidate told data
structure, they asked him to write sorting algorithm in a paper. A lot of questions were on
data structures. Later, they asked him the difference between FAT32 and NTFS? They
finished the interview by asking about DBMS and referential integrity.
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Latest TCS paper at VIT, Vellore on 7th June, 2007
Category (Placement Paper or Interview Experience): Placement Paper
Date Conducted: 7 Jun 2007
TCS conducted online test which comprised of three sections:
I. Verbal:
There were 10 questions related to synonyms, 10 questions related to antynonyms, 6
questions related to reading comprehension, 10 questions related to sentence completion.
GRE book is quite helpful for this. Some of the words, which I can remember, are:
chide,dotlish,protract,mawkish,disgeneous,repugance,vouchsafe and so on.
II. Aptitude Test:
Some of the questions are listed below:
(1) Find out the largest prime no. that can be stored in 8-bit memory.{Ans 2^8=256,prime no less then 256 i.e 251}
(2) Find the odd one out :
java,lisp,smalltalk,eiffel{ans- lisp)
(3) Calculate the value of the 678 to the base 7.{ans-1656}
(4) Calculate the result of following expression if M denotes modulus operation,R
denotes round off,T-truncation: M(373,5)+R(3.4)+T(7.7)+R(5.Cool { Ans- 3+3+7+6=19
(5) If TAFJHH is coded as RBEKGI then what will be the code for RBDJK? {ansPCCKJ}
(6) In Madras, temperature at noon varies according to t^2/2+8t+3, where t is time
elapsed. Calculate the percentage change in temp .from 4 pm to 9 pm.?
(7) if g(0)=1,g(1)=-1,g(n)=g(n-1)+g(n-2), calculate g(5)?
ans- g(2)=g(1)-g(0)=-1-1=-2 g(3)=g(2)-g(1)=-2-(-1)=-1....and so on.
(Cool If the program size is N and the program occupies a memory of 4000sqrt (N),
calculate percentage increase in memory when the program size is increased by 1%. {
ans- 0.5%}
(9) Which of the list below represents number of edges, faces, vertices of a cube?
a) 12,6,8 b) 6,8,12 c)4,6,8 d)8,12,6. { ans-a}
(10) b,v,q,q,m,b,v,f,m,g,v,f ,f,v,f,m,b,v,f,b,g,d,v,f,a,m,v,f.v,f,f. Find out how many v,s are
such that each v is followed by f next to it, if the f is not followed by f next to it
(11) There is a power unit on the bank of a river which 900 meter wide. A cable is drawn
from unit to power plant opposite to that of the river and 3000 meter away from the
power unit. If the cost of the cable below water is Rs. 5/meter.and cost of cable on the
bank is Rs. 4/meter, find the point where cable cut through the river. { ans-2100 }
(12) If my flight takes off at 2 am from a place at 18N 40E and lands 10 hour later at a
place with co-ordinates 36N 40W, Find out the local time when my plane landed?
a) 2.50 pm, b)6.00 pm, c) 6.40 pm, d)8.00 pm
(13) if A,B,C are three mechanisms used separately to reduce the wastage of fuel by
25%,20%,10%, what will be the fuel economy if they are used together?
(14) Find the orthogonal pair?
a) 5i+3j b)i-2c c)2i-j=3d d)3i=5j+6
Apart from these, there were three questions on Venn diagrams and three questions on
bar graph.
III. Critical Reasoning:
There were 12 questions and all were difficult. They were mostly taken from GRE 12th
The interview went for almost 20 minutes. They started by asking personal details, about
individual strengths and weaknesses, technical skills possessed etc. There were some
technical questions too. They gave a tough puzzle to solve. That was the end of interview.
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Latest TCS Placement Paper - March 2007
Category (Placement Paper or Interview Experience): Placement Paper
Date Conducted: 8 Mar 2007
There were three rounds...
1. online test
2. Technical Interview
3. MR interview
(i) Verbal 32 questions..
10 synonyms,
10 antonyms,
12 Comprehension questions..
(ii) Aptitude
(iii) Critical Reasoning(but they didnt ask questions from critical.. all r from analytical
part... GRE barrons 12th edition(only model test papers))
In verbal, i got so many questions which are not in GRE... So prepare well... i think in
verbal i got below 15..
In apti i got the answers for many questions... only 5 will be wrong..
Of course all the questions are from old papers only.. but this time they changed the
names, numbers... also in some problems i felt that they changed the analysing ways...
but it is so easy to clear the apti round.... i forget the number of questions.. i think its
more than 32- 40...
some of the questions...
1.For temperature a function is given according to time t^2 / 6 + 4 t + 12.Wat is the temp
ris eor fall between 4 Am to 9 Am .----------------2.21. ODD one out
Select the odd one out…..a. Java b. Lisp c. Smalltalk d. Eiffel. Ans: lisp
Select the odd one out a. SMTP b. WAP c. SAP d. ARP. Ans: SAP
Select the odd one out a. Oracle b. Linux c. Ingress d. DB2 Ans: Linux
Select the odd one out a. WAP b. HTTP c. BAAN d. ARP Ans: BANN
Select the odd one out a. LINUX b. UNIX c. SOLARIS d. SQL SEVER Ans: d
Select the odd one out a. SQL b. DB2 c. SYBASE d. HTTP Ans: HTTP
The size of a program is N. And the memory occupied by the program is given by M =
square root of 100N. If the size of the program is increased by 1% then how much
memory now occupied?
Ans: 0.5 % ( sqrt( 101 N ) )
Wat is the value of % # % (5) + # % # ( 2 )wher % is doubling,# means reciprocal
The size of the bucket is N kb.The bucket fills at the rate of 0.1 kb per millisec.A
programmer sends a program to receiver.There it waits for 10 millisec and response wil
be back to programmer in 20 millisec.Hw much time the program takes to get a response
back to the programmer after it is sent??? ans 30 millisec
The following is not a triangle:
A) (60o, 80o, 20o) B) (90o, 60o, 30o) C) (54o, 66o, 60o) D) (69o, 51o, 60o)
Ans: A (since sum of the angles in a triangle = 180o.)
The following is a planar cube (E, V, F):
A) (12, 8, 6) B) (12, 6, Cool C) (6, 6, Cool D) (6, 8, 6)
E - no. of edges V - no. of vertices F - no. of faces
Ans: A
The greatest prime number among the following which can be stored in a 9-bit word
computer is:
Calc. A-(B C) and represent the resulting 8-bit word in decimal form.
A-(B C)
(I might have interchanged the values of A, B & C but still try this.)
Fit a suitable curve with the given data.
1000 3
A) y = log x B) y = log 10x C) y = -10log x D) y = ex
How many B,s are followed by G,s which are not followed by S,s in the following series:
Ans: 4 (Another Q on the same logic was also asked.)
M(373,5) + R(3.4) + T(7.7) - R(5.Cool = ___
M - Modulo R - Round-off T - Truncate
Match the following:
A) Female - Girl i) A type of
B) Bug - Reptile ii) A superset of
C) Beagle - Dog iii) A part of
D) Piston - Engine iv) Not a part of
There is a matrix X of order 7 9 whose elements will be filled column-wise. The address
of the first element X(1,1) is 1258. Each element occupies 4 bytes of memory. Then the
address of the element X(5,Cool is 1473.
The line equation of the following curve is
A) y = ex B) y = tan x C) y = cos x D) x + y = 0
A & B can do a piece of work in 12 days. A is capable of doing twice the work as B. In
how many days A alone can complete the work?
If the first/second, third/fourth, fifth/sixth etc. letters of the word PSYCHIATRIST are
interchanged, then the letter which is 8th from right is I .
If DCPRY is coded as CBOQX then SPEND can be coded as RODMC.
The following is not a triangle:
A) (2,3,4) B) (3,4,5) C) (5,5,5) D) (1,3,5)
(Momentum*Velocity)/(Acceleration * distance). Find units/Mass
Which of the following set of numbers has the highest Standard deviation?
a)1,0,1,0,1,0 b) -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1
c)1,1,1,1,1,1 d) 1,1,0, -1,0, -1
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Another Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) - March 2007 - Latest
Placement Paper
Category (Placement Paper or Interview Experience): Placement Paper
Date Conducted: 7 Mar 2007
This is a TCS PAPER which tool place ON 7th MARCH, 2007
1.What is the largest prime number stored in a—
a) 6 bit pattern (ANS~2^6=64,So no is 61)
b) 7 bit pattern (ANS~2^7=128, So no is 127)
c) 8 bit pattern (ANS~2^8=256, So no is 251)
d) 9 bit pattern (ANS~2^9=512, So no is 503)
2.What is the max 3 digit Prime no? (ANS=997)
3.If G(0)= -1, G(1)=1, G(N)=G(N-1)-G(N-2), then finda) G(2)=? (ANS= 2)
b) G(3)=? (ANS= 1)
c) G(4)=? (ANS= -1)
d) G(5)=? (ANS= -2)
e) G(6)=? (ANS= -1)
4.If g(1)= -1 & g(0)=1 & g(n)=(3*g(n-1))+(2*g(n-2)) then find g(4)?
5.Which is not a TRIANGLE—
# a) (2m,3m,4m) b) (3m,4m,7m) c) (3m,5m,9m)
# a) (30’,60’,80’) b) (40’,60’,50’) c) (60’,30’,90’)
6.Which is the exact power of—
#Two - Choice : a)2048 b)2068 c)2668 d)2408 [ ANS=2048 ]
# Three - Choice : a)2768 b)2678 c)2187 d)none of these [ ANS=2187 ]
# Four - Choice : a)4192 b)2340 c)4096 [ ANS=4096 ]
7.Complete the series—
a)3,8,a,24,b,48,63 [ ANS~ a=15, b=35 ]
[ HINT~DIFFERENCE IS 5,7,9,11,13,15 ]
b)26,19,17,13,11, ,8,7 [ ANS=9]
[ HINT~26,17,11,8 DECREASING LIKE 9,6,3 & 19,13,9,7 DECREASING
LIKE 6,4,2 ]
c)9,10,11,13,15, ,21,28 [ ANS=19 ]
[ HINT~9,11,15,21 INCREASING LIKE 2,4,6 & 10,13,19,28 INCRESING
LIKE 3,6,9]
e) 4, -5, 11, -14, 22, --- [ ANS= -27 ]
9.Interchange 1st & 2nd ,3rd & 4th , and so on, of the words “UNIMPRESSIVE” & then
find 10th letter a)to the left b)from the left [ ANS= a) M, b) S ]
10.How many V’s are there under the condition that, S should be followed by V & should
not be followed by F.Sequence is=>VSFTWELBVSLLKSMSVFLSDI…like that
11.Select odd one out—
a)SQL Server,Ingress,Oracle,DB2,Java [ ANS=Java ]
c)Sybase,Windows NT,Linux,mvs,Java [ ANS=Java ]
d)Smalltalk,Eiffel,Lisp,Java [ ANS=Java(NOT SURE) ]
g)Oracle,Linux,Ingress,DB2 [ ANS=LINUX ]
h)Linux,Unix,Solaries,SQL Server [ ANS=SQL Server ]
12.Find the value of—
a) @@+25-++@16, where @ denotes ”square” & + denotes “square root”. [ANS=621]
b) $%$6-%$%6, where $ means “tripling” & % means “change of sign”. [ANS= -72]
c) % # % 6 + # %# 6, % means “doubling” & # means “reciprocal”.
13.a)The no 362 in decimal system is given by 1362 in the X system of numbers.Find
X=? [ ANS=6 ]
b)In which base of system,decimal no 194 is equal to 1234?
OR (194)10=(1234)X Find X=? [ ANS=BASE 5 ]
[ HINT= X3*1+X2*2+X1*3+X0*4=194, or X3+2X2+3X=190, or X=5 ]
14.In a two-dimensional array, X (9, 7), with each element occupying 4 bytes of memory,
with the address of the first element X (1, 1) is 3000, find the address of X (8, 5). [ ANS=
3212 ] [ HINT~ Formula=Base Add + Byte reqd{N(i-1)+(j-1)}
where, Base Add=3000; Byte reqd=4; N=no of coulumns in array=7; i=8; j=5;
16.A Flight takes off at 2 A.M from northeast direction and travels for 11 hours to reach
the destination which is in north west direction.Given the latitude and longitude of source
and destination. Find the local time of destination when the
flight reaches there? [ ANS: 1:00 P.M ] [ HINT~THIS PROB CAN NOT BE SOLVED
AS THE latitude and longitude ARE NOT GIVEN.SO ANS IS LIKE ( 2 A.M. +11 hr) ]
17. My flight takes of at 2am from a place at 18N 10E and landed 10 Hrs later at a place
with coordinates 36N70W. What is the local time when my plane landed.
a) 6:00 am b) 6:40am c) 7:40 d) 7:00 e) 8:00 (Hint : Every 1 deg longitude is equal to 4
minutes . If west to east add time else subtract time) ANS: (E) 8:00
18. The size of a program is N. And the memory occupied by the program is given by M
= square root of 100N. If the size of the program is increased by 1% then how much
memory now occupied?
19.A man, a woman, and a child can do a piece of work in 6 days. Man only can do it in
24 days. Woman can do it in 16 days and in how many days child can do the same work?
20.Number of faces, vertices and edges of a cube ANS:6,8,12
21. Find the result of the following _expression if, M denotes modulus operation, R
denotes round-off, T denotes truncation:
M(373,5)+R(3.4)+T(7.7)+R(5.Cool ANS:19
22. A power unit is there by the bank of the river of 750 meters width. A cable is made
from power unit to power a plant opposite to that of the river and 1500mts away from the
power unit. The cost of the cable below water is Rs. 15/- per meter and cost of cable on
the bank is Rs.12/- per meter. Find the total of laying the cable.
23. In Madras , temperature at noon varies according to -t^2/2 + 8t + 3, where t is elapsed
time. Find how much temperature more or less in 4pm to 9pm. ANS: 385.8(DB)
24.The size of the bucket is N kb. The bucket fills at the rate of 0.1 kb per millisecond. A
programmer sends a program to receiver. There it waits for 10 milliseconds. And
response will be back to programmer in 20 milliseconds. How much time the program
takes to get a response back to the programmer, after it is sent? ANS: 30MILISECOND
25. A man, a woman, and a child can do a piece of work in 6 days. Man only can do it in
24 days. Woman can do it in 16 days and in how many days child can do the same work?
26. If A, B and C are the mechanisms used separately to reduce the wastage of fuel by
30%, 20% and 10%. What will be the fuel economy if they were used combined. ANS:
27. Which of the following are orthogonal pairs? a. 3i+2j b. i+j c. 2i-3j d. -7i+j ANS:
(A)& (C).
28. A can copy 50 papers in 10 hours while both A & B can copy 70 papers in 10 hours.
Then for how many hours required for B to copy 26 papers? ANS: 13
29.A is twice efficient than B. A and B can both work together to complete a work in 7
days. Then find in how many days A alone can complete the work? ANS: 10.5
30.A finish the work in 10 days. B is 60% efficient than A. So hoW days does B take to
finish the work?ANS : 4DAYS.
31.A finishes the work in 10 days & B in 8 days individually. If A works for only 6 days
then how many days should B work to complete A?s work? ANS : 3.2 DAYS(4)
32. Find the singularity matrix from a given set of matrices?(Hint det(A)=0)
33.Sum of slopes of 2 perpendicular st. lines is given. Find the pair of lines from the
given set of options which satisfy the above condition?
Section 3.Critical Reasoning.
1.The players G,H,J,K,L,M,N,O are to be felicitated of representing the county team in
Baseball Out of these H,M,O also are in the Football team and K,N are there in the
Basket ball team . These players are to be seated on a table and no
two players who has represented the county in more than one game are to sit together.
1.Which one of the orders can they be seated in
2. Which of the orders is not possible
3. If N is seated in the middle then which of the following pairs cannot be seated near
him .
4. If M is seated then which of the following pairs can be seated next to him.
Choices are given for all the questions
2.There are 2 groups named Brown and red. They can?t marry in the same group. If the
husband or wife dies then the person will convert to their own group. If a person is
married then the husband will have to change his group to his wife?s
group. The child will own the mothers group. From these a set of 4 questions were given
.Solve them
1.Brown?s daughter is red (False)
2. If a person is red. Then his/her mother?s brother belong to which group if he is married
3.7 people - a,b,c,d,e,f,g Need to make a seating arrangement for them.
1)A should be at the center
2) B,F should be at the right extreme
3)C,E always in pair
4)D,G as far as possible
Questions from the above were asked?
Eg: Which of the following pairs were not possible?
Others questions were similar to the above. More questions were from Barrons
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TCS Placement Papers 2006TCS Test PAPER ON 01 AUG 2006
TCS Placement Papers 2006
Hi everyone, I am Lakshmi Narayana in Computer Science Branch. We had TCS
on-campus recruitment at Vijayanagar Engineering College, Bellary on 1st
August 2006 and i got selected. Below is the test pattern we had.
First we had on line test. A total of 160 students from both B.E and M.C.A appeared for it. They divided us into two
batches of 90 and 70 and conducted the test for the two one after other.
They said they may conduct GD depending upon number of students passing online test.
The test had 3 sections. Verbal ability in which 10 questions were synonyms, 10 were Antonyms, 5 questions for Passage
and 5 sentence completion. The time for this was 20 minutes. I knew answer for only one questions in this. Aptitude
session appeared immediately after 20 minutes. This session had 35 questions, almost all questions were from previous
tests conducted in Ranchi, Coimbatore… The questions were fully basic. I have practiced R.S. Agarval book much but
didn’t get any questions from it. This session was for 30 minutes. The third session was Critical Reasoning in which two
questions, each contained 8 and 4 questions, respectively. I was unable to answer first question, but second was easy.
Those who were selected for 2nd round had all got Psychometric session after the Critical Reasoning, but the officers said
not to answer the questions. Those who didn’t get Psychometric session were not called. I think who scored well only got
Their target was to select 50 but 41 crossed 1st round. So they combined Technical and HR rounds. On 1st day only 11
students were interviewed. The rest were said to come on the next day.
All questions were from Barron’s GRE book. One of my friend remembered 800 words but got none of them. So I suggest
to remember words based on Prefix, Root and Suffix method.
Bit operation…
A: 10011010
B: 11011011
C: 01011010
Find (AUB)nC
Find the odd one out: Three were DBMSs and one was OS
Find the odd one out: I can’t recall the question.
5 questions were based on Data Interpretation. The question was something related to number of
members in a club in 5 successive years. One of the questions was to calculate %age rise in
members between three years. Better refer Data Interpretation part in R.S. Agarwal book.
What is the largest prime number stored in 6 bits.
Convert some number in Hexadecimal to Decimal
Given g(0)=1, g(1)=-1 and g(n)=g(n-1)+g(n-2), find g(6).
Question based on coding a word.
5, 8, 14, x, 35, 50… Find x. Answer: 23
Question base on program size and memory occupied. Find %age change when size of program is
In Chennai, temperature at noon varies by (T^2)/6 + 12T + 12 where T is the time elapsed from noon.
Find %age change in temperature between 3PM and 6PM
A 2D array is declared as A[9, 7], each element occupies 4 bytes. The array starts at the location
3000. Find the location of A[8, 5]
Three questions based on Venn diagram, related to Football, Tennis and Cricket players.
Recognize equation of a given curve.
What is the number of Vertices, Edges and Faces of a cube.
Question related to work and time.
Find the value of M(363, 5)+R(3.4)+T(7.8)-R(3.8) where M is modulus, R is round-off, T is truncate.
Answer: 9
Question related to data transmission time.
Which are orthogonal pairs?
If A, B, C are the mechanisms used to reduce fuel consumption rate by 25%, 20% and 10%
respectively. Find the total fuel economy if they were used individually.
Set of values for X, Y were given and asked to find the equation.
# represents double and $ represents change in sign. Find the value of some expression
Which is the power of 4? 1024, 4048. … Answer: 4048 (All options were divisible by 4 but only 4048
is a power of 4)
Question on flight takes off at some place given by the latitude and longitude at 1AM and lands on
some other location after 13 hours. Find the time at destination.
A power unit is there by the bank of the river of 900 meters width. A cable is made from power unit to
Power a plant opposite to that of the river and 3000mts away from the power unit. The cost of the
cable below water is Rs.15/- per meter and cost of cable on the bank is Rs.5/- per meter. Find the
length where the cable is to be cut. ANS: 2100m.
Find the singular matrix.
Which of the number series has highest standard deviation?
Match the following.
Some alphabet series were given and asked to find number of occurrences satisfying given condition.
Critical Reasoning.
8 questions were on one passage "7 politicians attending a party. They are seated in some way". 4 questions were on the
passage "Red and Brown group in a community and conditions for their marriage". Almost all of those who answer at least
one passage may be called for 2nd round.
Technical + HR Round
Out of 41 they asked 11 of us to remain for this round and others were told to come the next day. We were 8 from CSE, 2
from EEE and 1 from ISE. Others were from other branches including ISE. I was called after 6 students. Everyone was
having tension but I used to tell them be free. When my name was called, I also got tensed.
I got in, Mr. Ramanujam, HR personnel, welcomed me. He was very friendly and so I got relaxed. The questions were like
How do you feel about the test?
I said " It is good. But I think you should make the aptitude test little hard". He said " See Mr. Narayan, now itself
only 41 cleared the test. If we make the test still harder then only 10 may cross and we have to go back with 6
or 7. We can’t do this because ours is a big company and we have a large requirements. Any way good, good".
Tell me about you, your family.
What are your strength and weaknesses?
He explained me the problem I may encounter with my weakness.
So what steps are you taking to overcome that?
So you are the branch 3rd topper last year. Very good.
Which is your favorite subject?
What is the difference between Malloc and Calloc?
What are different types of DBMS?
Till then this question was asked to everyone. All said only two: Relational and Hierarchical. I said: "In the early days they
were using Hierarchical and Network DBMS".
What about them now?
I answered "They are still used but nowadays, Relational, Object, and Object-Relational DBMS are widely used"
Very good. What are the stages in SE?
Where do you want to work?
If you get selected for TCS, what you want to be in next 5 years?
He said "OK Mr. Narayan, I think I have finished. No more interviews, you can come tomorrow 9AM and wait for the result.
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TCS Placement Papers 3rd Sept. 2006 AT CHENNAI
TCS Placement Papers 2006
Dear friends,
The paper actually consisted of three sections namely,
1) Verbal Section.
2) Aptitude Section.
3) Critical Reasoning.
No Psychometric Test.
1) Frugality
1) Harbinger
2) Convene
2) Adherent
3) Balmy
3) Supernal
4) Degraded
4) Ungainly
5) Intractable
5) Unscathed
6) Deluge
6) Boorish
7) Intrepid
7) Transient
8) Musty
8) Tenuous
9) Repudiate
9) Incongruous
10) Plagiarism
10) Parsimonious
A passage was given which consisted of 10 blanks and we need to read the passage first and
then fill the blanks with appropriate statements, which was given at the bottom of the page. (We
have to be very fast in this section b’coz passage reading takes a lot of time.)
References: GRE Book from Barron’s (12th or 13th) is sufficient for both the Synonyms and Antonyms.
1.If g (0)=1,g (1)=1 and g (n)= g (n-1) + g (n –2). Find g (6).
a) 9
b) 13
c) 21
d) 7
2.A plane moves from 9°N60°E to 9°N60°W. If the plane starts at 2 AM and takes 10 hours to reach the destination, find
the local arrival time.
a) 4.30 AM
b) 6.00 AM
c) 4.00 AM
3. Select the odd one out. a) Java
a) Lisp.
b) Java.
b) Lisp
c) Eiffel.
c) Smalltalk
d) Eiffel.
d) Smalltalk.
4. Select the odd one out a) Oracle
a) Linux
d) 10.00AM
b) Linux
c) Ingress
d) DB2
b) Oracle c) DB2 d) Ingress.
5. Number of faces, vertices and edges of a cube
a) 6,8,12 b) 8,12,8 c) 8,6,12 d) 12,8,6
6. If M denotes modulus operation, R denotes round-off, T denotes truncation Find the value of the following expression
:(373,5)+R (3.4)+T (7.7)+R (5.8)
a) 21 b) 16 c) 19 d) 13
7. Which of the following are orthogonal pairs?
a) 5i+3j b) i+j c) 3i-5j d) -7i+j
A) (a)& (c). B) (b)&(d). C) (a)&(d). D) (c)&(d).
8. Given the length of the 3 sides of a triangle. Find the one that is impossible?
a) (5,5,11) b)(6,4,9) c)(4,3,8) d)(5,5,5)
9. Find the singularity matrix from a given set of matrices? (Hint det (A)==0)
a) 2 0
b) 5 -3
c) 4 6
d) 3
3 5
-5 3
3 7
a) c
b) a
10.Match the following
c) b
d) d
a) Sentence Paragraph 1) Not a type of
b) Basmati Wheat 2) Siblings
c) Brother Sister 3) A type of
d) Cow Mammal 4) A part of
11. Which of the following set of numbers has the highest Standard deviation?
a) 1,0,1,0,1,0 b) -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 c) 1,1,1,1,1,1 d) 1,1,0, -1,0, -1
12. A building with height D shadows up to G. A neighbour building with what height shadows C feet.
a) C/D*G b) C+D/G c) C-D*G d) (C*D)/G
13. A bus started from the bus stand at 8 AM and after staying 30 minutes at a destination returns back to the bus stand.
The Destination is 27 miles from the bus stand. The Speed of the bus is 18mph. In the return journey the bus travels with
50% fast speed.
At what time it is returns to the bus stand.
a) 1 PM b) 12 PM c) 11 AM d) 10.30 AM
14.Complete the series. 5,9,11,15, __, 21,23
a) 18 b) 19 c) 24 d) 17
15. Which shape will be obtained by using these values of x, y?
0 0.00001
10 1.02
100 1.72
1000 3.00
(Sorry, I don’t remember the answer.)
16. If DPYGP is coded as BRAIN then EMXCT is coded as ____________?
17. A can copy 50 papers in 10 hours while both A & B can copy 70 papers in 10 hours. Then for how many hours
required for B to copy 26 papers?
a) 13 hrs b) 18hrs c) 12hrs d) 15hrs.
18. The size of a program is N and the memory occupied by the program is given by M = 4000sqr_root(N). If the size of
the program is increased by 1% then how much % increase is there in the memory?
a) 0.22% b) 0.5% c) 0.8% d) 0.35%
19. One year ago Pandit was three times his sister,s age. He will be only twice her age next year. How old will Pandit be
after five years?
a) 8
b) 12
c) 11
d) 13
20. A car is filled with four and half gallons of fuel for a round trip. If the amount of fuel taken while going is 1/4 more than
the amount taken for coming, what is the amount of fuel consumed while coming back?
a) Less than 2 gallons b) 2 gallons c) 2 1/2 gallons d) More than 3 gallons
3 Questions based on Data Interpretations were asked. Among which
A Venn diagram Problem.
A Bar Chart Problem.
A Pie Chart Problem and each one of them had 3 to 4 questions.
References: For Aptitude section it is enough if we are thorough with all types of problems from R.S.Agarwal and refer
previous question papers.
1) b 2) c 3) c 4) a 5) a
6) c 7) a 8) d 9) c 10) a
11) b 12) d 13) c 14) d 15)--
16) c 17) a 18) b 19) c 20) b
Three Questions were given I don’t remember the exact questions. So I would like to only mention the type of questions,
which I had.
1) There were 3 cities namely A, B, C (California). Distance to each and the expense for taking each route was given.
Costs were given in terms of dollars and cents (Relation b/w dollars and cents should be known.100cents=1$).
Four Questions based on this was asked such as which is the shortest route, less expensive etc.
2) There is a big University and a small college beside. Professors from University were M Senior Prof for Mathematics, J
HOD of English Dept, L who knows Urdu and Professors from college were N who knows English well, D HOD of Latin
Dept, and Y Senior Prof for Mathematics. There was a function to be conducted together by both the colleges and hence
some conditions like
Two Professors from the University has to be chosen.
There cannot be Professors related to the same stream.
Team should consist of three members.
Four Questions based on the above part was given.
3) Six children are selected for the chorus line in the school play: Andrea, Beatrice, Consuelo, Denise, Eve, and Florence.
There are six positions in the line; numbered 1 to 6 from left to right. The order of the children in the chorus line is
determined by the following rules:
Florence cannot stand in position number 6
Denise must stand immediately to the right of Consuelo
Andrea cannot stand next to Beatrice
Four Questions were based on their arrangements.
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Sentence completion
It was on fungus-chlorophyll from Barrons 13 edition
Passage from Barrons, it is on some characters from chatholics church .search from
Apt same as others papers
Critical reasoning from barrons 13 edition and its more than enough and go through all
1 red and brown related to marriage
2 toll gate problem between cities
3 persons speaking different languages and their possible arrangement like those
speaking spanish and French etc.
Y series
Notrotic-having unfortunate
Critical reasoning
1 red and brown
2 all a,s b,s ...........are q,s
3 tamil,hindi ,telugu lang based
Z series
Meausem prob
Tamil,Malayalam,orriya ..
Red brown
Don,t put everything k there is upper cut off
Put max 65-67 out of 82
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Paper consisted of three sections.They are as .
So the total exam is for 50mins and not 60 mins as it had been told by most of the
passouts who got through..For online test there is a specific time cut-out based on the
qubex software they have used but for the written there is no time scheduling you can
start anywhere you like..
Cut off for written was 50 and for online it was 42 and not 38 as told by the others..
Now the questions that came.
Verbal: Synonyms:
Antonyms (This came mostly from GRE Barron,s Antonyms exercise)
Complete the series 2, 7, 24, 77, ----? Ans: 238
find value ##+25-++# 16 , where # denotes double and + denotes square root
Ans: 621
in a two dimensional array X(9,7) which each element occupying 4 bytes of memory with
address of the first element X(1,1) is 3000, find the address of X(8,5).
Ans: 3212
In the word ORGANISATIONAL if the first and second, third and fourth, fourth and
fifth, fifth and sixth words are interchanged up to the last letter, what would be the tenth
letter from right?
What is the largest Prime Number that can be stored in 8-bit memory?
Select odd one out Java, LISP, SMALLTALK, EIFFEL Ans: effiel
Select odd one out sql, DB2, SYBASE, HTTP Ans:HTTP
The size of program is n. and the memory occupied by the program is given by M=
square root of 4000n.if the size of the program is increased by 1% then how much
memory now occupied? Ans:0.5%(SQRT 101N)
A and B do a work in 7 days. If A does double as B the how many days take A to do?
Ans: 10.5
Find the value of the 678 to the base 7. Ans: 1656
Which of the following highest Standard deviation
7, - 7, 7,-7, 7,-7 b) 7, 7, 7,7,7,7 c) -7, - 7, -7,-7,-7,-7 d) -7, 7, -7, 7,-7, 7 Ans: d)
Which of the following is power of 3 a) 2345 b) 9875 c) 6504 d) 9833
Ans: c)
Which of the following is integer? a) 451/45 b) 8765676/17 c) 34567/76 d)
567845/19 Ans: b)
find the result of the following expression if , M denotes modules operation, R denotes
round-off, T denotes truncations M(373,5)+R(3.4) +T(7,7)+R(5,8)
Ans: 19
If TAFJHH is coded as RBEKGI then RBDJK can be coded as?
Ans: qcckj
16.g(0)= -1, G(1)=1 ,G(N) = G(N-1)-G(N-2) , g(6)=? Ans: -2
A power unit is there by the bank of the river of 900 mtr width. a cable is made from
power unit to power a plant opposite to that of the river and 3000 mtr away from the
power unit. The cost of the cable bellows water Rs5 / mtr and cost of cable on the bank is
Rs 4/ mtr. Find the total of laying the cable.
Ans: 12900
In madras, temperature at noon varies according to -t^2/2 + 8t + 3, where t is elapsed
time. Find how much tem more or less in 4 pm to 9 pm.
Ans: At 9pm 7.5 more careerenclave /ana-jobs
The size of the bucket is N kb. The bucket fills at the rate of 0.1 kb per millisecond. A
programmer sends a program to receiver. There it waits for 10 milliseconds / and
response will be back to programmer in 20 millisecond. How many much time the
program takes to get a response back to programmer, after it is sent?
Ans: 30 millisecond
Which of the following do not form triangle? a)5,5,5 b) 3,4,7, c) 3,5,9 d) 81,8,5
Ans: c) options are not right
Which of the following are orthogonal pairs a) 3i+2j b) i+j c) 2i-3j d) 7i+j
Ans: a) + c)
If A, B, C are the mechanisms used separately to reduce the wastage of fuel by 30%,
20%, 10%. What will be the fuel economy if they were used combine?
Ans: 49.6
What is the max possible 3 digit prime number?
Ans: 997
If the vertex (5,7) is placed in the memory. First vertex (1,1) s address is 1245 and then
address of (5,7) is ---------Ans: 1279
A can copy 50 papers in 10 hours while both A & B can copy 70 papers in 10 hours.
Then for how many hours required for B to copy 26 papers?
Ans: 13 hours
My flight takes of at 2am from a place at 18N 10E and landed 10 Hrs later at a place with
coordinates 36N70W. What is the local time when my plane landed?
Ans: 6.40 am
The number 384 in decimal system is given by (1234) x in the X System of numbers find
the value of X a} 5 b) 6 c) 7 d) 8 e) 9
Ans: a)
A man, a woman, and a child can do a piece of work in 6 days. Man only can do it in 24
days. Woman can do it in 16 days and in how many days child can do the same work?
Ans: 16
Complete the series. 3, 8, --, 24, --, 48, 63. Ans: 15,35
Ans: Y= log10(X)
34. Number of faces, vertices and edges of a cube Ans: 6,8 , 12
35. A, B and C are 8 bit no,s. They are as follows:
A -> 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1
B -> 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0
C -> 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 (n=intersection, u=union)
Find ((A n B) u C) =? Ans: 29…. A-B is {A} - {A n B}
36. A finishes the work in 10 days & B in 8 days individually. If A works for only 6 days
then how many days should B work to complete A,s work? Ans: 3.2 days
And few questions from venn diagram..
1> Puzzle of a motorist going for the shortest route from city A to city C..
2> Puzzle of the two marriage group in a community,i.e Red and Green..
3> Puzzle that all K,s are J,s..
All the three are repeated from the model testpaper 1 from GRE Barron,s 12th edition.
Regarding the aptitude please go through the GRE barron,s antonym exercise and model
test papers.This will also do for critical reasoning. Other that this for logical or quatitative
go through the past papers you will get through..
There was only one person in my panel.But he was more that enough..
Person:Intoduce yourself?
Me:bla bla..
Person:So you r from electrical,and subjest of interest is digital?
Me yes
Person:But how about machine?
Me: I know the basics.
Person:Draw the torque slip grap for single and 3 phase induction motor?
Me: Drawn and explained
Person:Convert the number 32 to octal and hexadecimal?
Me:Done with no problem.
Person:Do you know corona in power system?
Me:Yes,sir and I explained it to him.
Person:How to reduce them?
Me:I explained the various method of reducing corona.
Person:Why do we use octal number system?
Me:To get the tedious long binary data into small memory of the digital circuits.
Person:How in microprossecor 8085 the instructions are executed?
Me:Explained the whole working of 8085 microprocessor
Person:What is stack in data structure and its repective operation?
Me:Explained it and its push pop algorithms explined properly
Person:What do you know in ,C,?
Me:Just the Basics
Person:Write a programe using structure to draw the result for a class?
Me:Written it with no trouble..
At this he was very much impressed and asked me if I am feeling comfortable as I was
smiling at his every word. I said I am all right. He bid me best of luck and recommended
me to HR.
HR Interview:
As I have given ,HANDWRITING ANALYSIS, as my hobby so the two HR person kept
on writing pages after pages and gave me to analyse,as I was strong in this groun so I hit
the bulls eye and I was selected..To get success through HR write a peculiar hobby and
grow interest for it and you are sure to clear it with no doubts..e.g- stock market,finding
information about super computers..
Things to remember:
**plz don,t visit the companies site the day before campussing for collecting
information.You will get the latest update through preplacement talk.
**Practice GRE barron,s more than the question papers.
**Be confident in what ever you are saying.
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TCS test is having three sections as
1. Vocabulary section
2. Quantitative section
3. analytical reasoning section
The test is either Online or Offline, if it is online then paper is somewhat easy but u have
time limit to solve any of the section though u can scroll through ques. in that section.
that is u have to complete 1st section in time limit given to u. this results in that the last
section is somewhat easy and completes in less time but u cant solve ur ques. remaining
in 1st section. thios is disadvantage of it. but if test is Offline then paper is hard whole
paper(all three sections) is given to you and u have to solve it in 90 minutes no matter
that u are scrolling through sections or not.
1st section consist of 10 synonyms and 10 antonyms, paragraph complition and ques.
from given para..
the words are bit hard and meerly 1 or 2 are from privious TCS paper (remember this coz
we generally depend on it)
I recall in my paper only two words i. e. ,rubbish, and ,controvert, were from previous
paper and words like ,Mirrage, etc. were asked for 1st time.
For these words go through GRE Barrons word list. u will get it easy if u are gone
through book , word power made easy , by Norman Lewis.
2nd section consists of very less aptitude ques. from R.S. Agrawal and maximum ques.
are based on 10 and 12 std. maths i.e. ques. on parabola ellipes, matrices etc.but this
section is easy and u can easily crack it with some basic knowledge of maths.
3rd section is analytical reasoning in which ques. on puzzles, logical diagrams, etc. are
included. its is most easy section.
ur result is displayed on screen as u complete test in Online test.
as u shortlist in test u have to undergo technical intervierw 1st and after passing it u have
to go for HR.
technical interview is not so difficult only u should be confident in it. as u passed aptitude
test its very easy to get in TCS though u are not so strong in technical only the fact is u
should be confident and fluent in english. also remember that HR is also elimination
round in TCS so be prepared for it. answer with care in HR, generally the ques. like
1 Why should I hire u TCS ?
2 why do u want to join TCS?
3 what u are having different than others that I select u?
also qus. like ur achievements in past, ur goal in life.
In my college 290 students were eligible for TCS out of which 37 were shortlisted for T.I.
and from this 18 were for HR and finally they select 15 students.
Following paper is provided by . Visit for more
So the total exam is for 50mins and not 60 mins as it had been told by most of the
passouts who got through..For online test there is a specific time cut-out based on the
qubex software they have used but for the written there is no time scheduling you can
start anywhere you like..
Cut off for written was 50 and for online it was 42 and not 38 as told by the others..
Now the questions that came.
Verbal: Synonyms:
Antonyms (This came mostly from GRE Barron,s Antonyms exercise)
Complete the series 2, 7, 24, 77, ----? Ans: 238
find value ##+25-++# 16 , where # denotes double and + denotes square root
Ans: 621
in a two dimensional array X(9,7) which each element occupying 4 bytes of memory with
address of the first element X(1,1) is 3000, find the address of X(8,5).
Ans: 3212
In the word ORGANISATIONAL if the first and second, third and fourth, fourth and
fifth, fifth and sixth words are interchanged up to the last letter, what would be the tenth
letter from right?
What is the largest Prime Number that can be stored in 8-bit memory?
Select odd one out Java, LISP, SMALLTALK, EIFFEL Ans: effiel
Select odd one out sql, DB2, SYBASE, HTTP Ans:HTTP
The size of program is n. and the memory occupied by the program is given by M=
square root of 4000n.if the size of the program is increased by 1% then how much
memory now occupied? Ans:0.5%(SQRT 101N)
A and B do a work in 7 days. If A does double as B the how many days take A to do?
Ans: 10.5
Find the value of the 678 to the base 7. Ans: 1656
Which of the following highest Standard deviation
7, - 7, 7,-7, 7,-7 b) 7, 7, 7,7,7,7 c) -7, - 7, -7,-7,-7,-7 d) -7, 7, -7, 7,-7, 7 Ans: d)
Which of the following is power of 3 a) 2345 b) 9875 c) 6504 d) 9833
Ans: c)
Which of the following is integer? a) 451/45 b) 8765676/17 c) 34567/76 d)
567845/19 Ans: b)
find the result of the following expression if , M denotes modules operation, R denotes
round-off, T denotes truncations M(373,5)+R(3.4) +T(7,7)+R(5,8)
Ans: 19
If TAFJHH is coded as RBEKGI then RBDJK can be coded as?
Ans: qcckj
16.g(0)= -1, G(1)=1 ,G(N) = G(N-1)-G(N-2) , g(6)=? Ans: -2
A power unit is there by the bank of the river of 900 mtr width. a cable is made from
power unit to power a plant opposite to that of the river and 3000 mtr away from the
power unit. The cost of the cable bellows water Rs5 / mtr and cost of cable on the bank is
Rs 4/ mtr. Find the total of laying the cable.
Ans: 12900
In madras, temperature at noon varies according to -t^2/2 + 8t + 3, where t is elapsed
time. Find how much tem more or less in 4 pm to 9 pm.
Ans: At 9pm 7.5 more
The size of the bucket is N kb. The bucket fills at the rate of 0.1 kb per millisecond. A
programmer sends a program to receiver. There it waits for 10 milliseconds / and
response will be back to programmer in 20 millisecond. How many much time the
program takes to get a response back to programmer, after it is sent?
Ans: 30 millisecond
Which of the following do not form triangle? a)5,5,5 b) 3,4,7, c) 3,5,9 d) 81,8,5
Ans: c) options are not right
Which of the following are orthogonal pairs a) 3i+2j b) i+j c) 2i-3j d) 7i+j
Ans: a) + c)
If A, B, C are the mechanisms used separately to reduce the wastage of fuel by 30%,
20%, 10%. What will be the fuel economy if they were used combine?
Ans: 49.6
What is the max possible 3 digit prime number?
Ans: 997
If the vertex (5,7) is placed in the memory. First vertex (1,1) s address is 1245 and then
address of (5,7) is ---------Ans: 1279
A can copy 50 papers in 10 hours while both A & B can copy 70 papers in 10 hours.
Then for how many hours required for B to copy 26 papers?
Ans: 13 hours
My flight takes of at 2am from a place at 18N 10E and landed 10 Hrs later at a place with
coordinates 36N70W. What is the local time when my plane landed?
Ans: 6.40 am
The number 384 in decimal system is given by (1234) x in the X System of numbers find
the value of X a} 5 b) 6 c) 7 d) 8 e) 9
Ans: a)
A man, a woman, and a child can do a piece of work in 6 days. Man only can do it in 24
days. Woman can do it in 16 days and in how many days child can do the same work?
Ans: 16
Complete the series. 3, 8, --, 24, --, 48, 63. Ans: 15,35
Ans: Y= log10(X)
34. Number of faces, vertices and edges of a cube Ans: 6,8 , 12
35. A, B and C are 8 bit no,s. They are as follows:
A -> 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1
B -> 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0
C -> 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 (n=intersection, u=union)
Find ((A n B) u C) =? Ans: 29…. A-B is {A} - {A n B}
36. A finishes the work in 10 days & B in 8 days individually. If A works for only 6 days
then how many days should B work to complete A,s work? Ans: 3.2 days
And few questions from venn diagram..
1> Puzzle of a motorist going for the shortest route from city A to city C..
2> Puzzle of the two marriage group in a community,i.e Red and Green..
3> Puzzle that all K,s are J,s..
All the three are repeated from the model testpaper 1 from GRE Barron,s 12th edition.
Regarding the aptitude please go through the GRE barron,s antonym exercise and model
test papers.This will also do for critical reasoning. Other that this for logical or quatitative
go through the past papers you will get through..
There was only one person in my panel.But he was more that enough..
Person:Intoduce yourself?
Me:bla bla..
Person:So you r from electrical,and subjest of interest is digital?
Me yes
Person:But how about machine?
Me: I know the basics.
Person:Draw the torque slip grap for single and 3 phase induction motor?
Me: Drawn and explained
Person:Convert the number 32 to octal and hexadecimal?
Me:Done with no problem.
Person:Do you know corona in power system?
Me:Yes,sir and I explained it to him.
Person:How to reduce them?
Me:I explained the various method of reducing corona.
Person:Why do we use octal number system?
Me:To get the tedious long binary data into small memory of the digital circuits.
Person:How in microprossecor 8085 the instructions are executed?
Me:Explained the whole working of 8085 microprocessor
Person:What is stack in data structure and its repective operation?
Me:Explained it and its push pop algorithms explined properly
Person:What do you know in ,C,?
Me:Just the Basics
Person:Write a programe using structure to draw the result for a class?
Me:Written it with no trouble..
At this he was very much impressed and asked me if I am feeling comfortable as I was
smiling at his every word. I said I am all right. He bid me best of luck and recommended
me to HR.
HR Interview:
As I have given ,HANDWRITING ANALYSIS, as my hobby so the two HR person kept
on writing pages after pages and gave me to analyse,as I was strong in this groun so I hit
the bulls eye and I was selected..To get success through HR write a peculiar hobby and
grow interest for it and you are sure to clear it with no doubts..e.g- stock market,finding
information about super computers..
Things to remember:
**plz don,t visit the companies site the day before campussing for collecting
information.You will get the latest update through preplacement talk.
**Practice GRE barron,s more than the question papers.
**Be confident in what ever you are saying.
Following paper is provided by . Visit for more
Sentence completion
It was on fungus-chlorophyll from Barrons 13 edition
Passage from Barrons, it is on some characters from chatholics church .search from
Apt same as others papers
Critical reasoning from barrons 13 edition and its more than enough and go through all
1 red and brown related to marriage
2 toll gate problem between cities
3 persons speaking different languages and their possible arrangement like those
speaking spanish and French etc.
Y series
Notrotic-having unfortunate
Critical reasoning
1 red and brown
2 all a,s b,s ...........are q,s
3 tamil,hindi ,telugu lang based
Z series
Meausem prob
Tamil,Malayalam,orriya ..
Red brown
Don,t put everything k there is upper cut off
Put max 65-67 out of 82