Advanced Placement United States History

Advanced Placement United States History 2014-2015
Mrs. Schachter
Mr. Hess
Please feel free to email us with questions over the summer. We might not check email
every day, but we will get back to you.
Summer Work
Reading is fundamental for passing this course. Read everything including, charts, maps,
picture captions, etc.
PAST!!!! The AP EXAM for US History has been rewritten.
The summer assignment has changed from years past. Please do what this sheet tells you
to do, not what others say you should do. Your grade could be hurt if you do not follow
the directions carefully!
Part 1
Read Chapters 1-3 of the American Pageant. Consider taking notes/outlining the
chapters while you read. Complete the identifications for each chapter, they are attached
to this packet and can also be found on our webpages. List the who, what, where, when,
and why of each id. Also make sure to analyze each id. This means explain the
importance of the id to U.S. history. Ids are to be hand written. They may NOT be
typed. You may use index cards or notebook paper.
Chapter 1-New World Beginnings
Chapter 2- The Planting of English America
Chapter 3- Settling the Northern Colonies
Be prepared for an ID test the second day of school.
Part 2
Choose a book from the list that can be found attached to this packet or on our
webpages. You will need to have your book approved by Mr. Hess or Mrs. Schachter.
You will need to turn in your book choice sheet, attached to this packet, by June 20,
2014. All prospective 10th graders should turn their paper into Mr. Hess and all
prospective 11th graders should turn their paper into Mrs. Schachter. This is the first
assignment for AP US History, make a good impression. Your book must be related to
U.S. history. It can be fiction or non-fiction.
After your book has been approved, read it and then complete the book review.
The directions for the book review are on the following page.
Continue to next page
Make sure to include the following information in your review:
1. Brief summary of the plot or topic
2. A description of the historical period and issues which the book deals with, either
directly or indirectly.
3. A summary and an assessment of the author’s arguments and/or themes.
a. Did the author achieve his or her purpose?
b. What were the author’s qualifications to write about the subject?
4. Whether you thought the book was helpful in learning about history? Explain the
reasons why or why not.
a. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the book
5. What is your overall response to the book?
a. Did you find it interesting, moving, dull?
b. Is the writing effective, powerful, difficult, beautiful?
c. Would you recommend it to others? Why or why not?
The book review should be written in essay format.
(Typed, double-space, Times New Roman 12pt, 1 inch margins)
A rubric for the book review can be found on our webpages.
Due Dates for the Summer Assignment:
Book Review- August 25, 2014 (Note this is a week before school starts.) Book reviews
are to be submitted to If you are a prospective 10th grader, please check
with Mr. Hess for your information. Prospective 11th graders your class id is
8113702. The password is APUSH. We will not be collecting a hard copy. If you do not
have a account, make one!
Chapter Ids- September 2, 2014 this is the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL