Middle School Earth Science and Math

Middle School Earth Science and Math
Keystone Academy 2012-2013
Mr. Martin
Welcome to Keystone Academy Middle School Science and Math program. This year
we focus in Science on the study of the earth and in subsequent years loop the Physical
Science and Life Science curriculum. In Math students have the opportunity to take PreAlgebra and Algebra A/B. Students in 6th grade will take Pre-Algebra and then advance to
Algebra 1A (Algebra covered in two years) or Algebra 1A/B (Algebra covered in one year).
With our small classes, I am able to adapt the course offerings to the needs and abilities of
each student.
Please refer to this syllabus for all your questions about behavior expectations and
course material. This syllabus and other information are available at my teacher website,
http://www.mrmartinweb.com/academy.html. Homework assignments can be found at
http://www.mrmartinweb.com/hw.htm. My email address is mmartin@keystoneschool.com.
General Behavior Expectations
Behave in a courteous and responsible manner at all times.
Treat others and their belongings with respect.
Behave in a manner that does not harm another person – verbally and physically.
Arrive at class on time each day and be prepared to actively learn.
In addition, no cell phones or smart phones are allowed during school hours. All assignments
must be handed in on the due date; no late work is accepted. Daily homework is due the
next day.
Math Expectations
1. Homework
a. Homework is given daily.
b. Homework should be written down in class but can also be accessed on the
Web at http://www.mrmartinweb.com/hw.htm.
c. Unless a separate sheet is given (for example, a practice test), homework must
be done in your math composition book.
d. Don’t skip pages. Don’t rip out pages. Use both sides of paper.
e. Use pencil.
f. Label the date at top of each assignment.
g. Label the full assignment with a title: “page 258, #s 2-18 evens.”
h. Show all work using the methods shown in class. Math is not just about
getting an answer. It includes justifying your work and communicating that
work to others. Showing your work also helps to avoid mistakes.
i. Attempt all problems.
2. Group Lessons and Class notes
If I am writing it on the board, you should write it in your notebook.
Do class work in your notebook. (See independent work below.)
Show all work as illustrated in class.
When I am instructing you or your group, pay attention and listen carefully.
3. Grading Homework
10 points total
1 point for date
1 point for assignment
3 points for showing work
3 points for attempting all problems
2 points for mainly right answers.
4. Quizzes
a. Quizzes can be given at any time, including the beginning of class.
b. Quizzes are timed.
c. If you miss a quiz because you are late, you will have to make an appointment
to do it after school.
5. Tests
a. A summative test will be given for each chapter.
b. A practice test will usually be given prior to assessments for review.
6. Independent Work During Class
a. When I am instructing others, you should be diligently working on the work
you have been assigned.
b. Do work in notebook. Put date and the assignment.
c. If you complete the work, let me know. If I cannot get to you right away,
please review or check you work.
d. If you have questions, let me know. I will get to you as soon as I can. Go
ahead and work on other problems until I can get to you.
e. You should not be talking unless I have said you may help or seek help from
another student. If you are allowed to work with another student, talk quietly
about the assigned work only. No other talking.
Middle School Math Content
In mathematics, California is moving to the California Common Core Standards. In
addition to the content standards, the Common Core Standards set forth “Mathematical
Practices” applied to all grades. The Mathematical Practices are:
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
4. Model with mathematics.
5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
6. Attend to precision.
7. Look for and make use of structure.
8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Therefore, in addition to specific mathematical skills at each grade levels, we are also
concerned about students acquiring the basic reasoning skills used in all levels of
mathematics. We are looking for critical thinkers who can communicate their reasoning to
others and recognize flaws in reasoning. We are building a framework in which to approach
mathematical problems in the future. Moreover, we are building logical thinking and
communication skills that extend beyond the discipline of mathematics to other disciplines
and situations in life. It is these logical thinking and communication skills which truly answer
the student question, “When will we ever use this?”!
The specific standards in grades 6 and 7 are pre-algebra concepts set forth in the
following categories:
Ratios and Proportional Relationships
The Number System
Expressions and Equations
Statistics and Probability
8th grade Algebra 1 under the Core Standards covers the concepts traditionally covered in a
rigorous high school level Algebra 1 course.
At Keystone Academy there are typically three courses, although advanced
coursework can be designed for exceptional students who have demonstrated a firm
foundation in each of the three courses below. The three courses are:
Pre-algebra – covering the 6th and 7th grade Core Standards. 6th grade students will
generally take this course. 7th grade students may also continue with this course if
needed to ensure a strong foundation before continuing to Algebra 1.
Algebra 1 A (Algebra 1 in two years) – This course is designed for 7th graders who
have successfully completed Pre-algebra. The focus is a rigorous presentation of
Algebra 1 at a pace which allows for an in-depth understanding and a firm foundation
for high school and college mathematics. The pace also allows review of pre-algebra
concepts where needed. Most students will continue in this course through 8th grade.
Algebra 1 A/B – This is a full year Algebra 1 course designed for 8th grade students.
Upon successful completion of this course, students will have a firm foundation for
high school Geometry and Algebra 2.
The course outlines are set forth below with abbreviations for the California Common
Core Standards addressed. The textbooks currently used are Prentice Hall, Pre-Algebra,
California Edition (2001), ISBN 0130504866, and Prentice Hall, Algebra 1, California
Edition (2001) ISBN 0130442631. One copy of the applicable text is available per student. If
you would like a copy to keep at home both texts are available used at Amazon and other
book sellers at a reasonable cost.
Fall Semester
1. Algebraic Expressions and Integers
(6.NS.5, 6.NS.5, 6NS.6, 6NS.6 (a), 6NS.6(c), 6NS.7a,b, 6EE1 and 2, 6EE.6, 6EE.7,
6EE.8, 7NS.1, 7NS.2b,c, 7EE.3, 7EE.4)
2. Solving One-Step Equations and Inequalities
(6NS.6, 6NS.6(c), 6NS.7, 6NS.7c,d, 6EE.2c, 6EE.3, 6.EE.4, 6EE.5, 6EE.6, 6EE.7,
6EE.8, 7NS.2c, 7EE.1, 7EE.3)
3. Decimals and Equations
(6.NS.2, 6.NS.3, 7EE.3, 7EE.4)
4. Factors, Fractions and Exponents
(6.NS.4, 7EE.3)
5. Fraction Operations (6RP, 6NS1, 7RP, 7NS.2, 7NS.2b,c, 7NS.3, 7EE.3)
6. Ratios, Proportions and Percents
(6RP, 7RP, 7EE.2, 7EE.3, 7G.1)
Spring Semester
7. Solving Multiple Step Equations and Inequalities
(6NS.1, 6NS.6, 6NS.6(b), 6NS.6(c), 6NS.7a,b, 7EE.4)
8. Linear Functions and Graphing
(6NS.6, 6NS.6(c), 6NS.7, 6NS.8, 6EE.9, 6G.3, 7RP.2c, 7RP.2d)
9. Geometry Introduction (7G.2, 7G.5, as well as 8G 1-5 of California 8 Algebra
Standards adopted from the Common Core Standards)
10. Area and Volume (6G, 7G.3, 7G.4, 7G.6,
11. Right Triangles in Algebra (Optional)
12. Probability and Statistics (6SP, 7SP.1-12)
Algebra A/B
Fall Semester
1. Algebraic Expressions and Properties (Chapter 1)
(A7, A15)
2. Integers and Rational Numbers (Chapter 2)
3. Equations (Chapter 3)
(A5, A14)
4. Inequalities (Chapter 4)
(A11, A13, A15)
5. Graphing Linear Equations (Chapter 7)
(A3,4, A5, A12, F2, F3, F8, F9, F10, G9)
6. Systems of Equations (Chapter 8)
(A6, A11, A17, A18, F4)
Spring Semester
7. Inequalities and Absolute Value (Chapter 9)
(A11, A13, A19, CVA 2.c)
8. Relations and Functions (Chapter 12)
(A11, A12, A18, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12, F13, CVA 2.c)
9. Exponents and Polynomials (Chapter 5)
(A1-2, A10)
10. Polynomials and Factoring (Chapter 6)
(A8, A9a, CVA 2.c)
11. Quadratic Equations (Chapter 13)
(A9b, A16, F11, F12, F12, CVA 2.c)
12. Classic Algebra Word Problems (parts of chapters 6 and 12)
(A12 and several others)
13. Rational Expressions and Equations (Chapter 10)
14. Radical Expressions and Equations (Chapter 11)
(RN1-4, F6-8)
(Note – the 8th Grade Algebra Standards – Geometry 1-5 will be covered in part from the
Pre-Algebra Unit 9. The Statistics and Probability standards will be covered in part from the
Pre-Algebra Unit 12. The Constructing Viable Arguments standards will be applied
throughout the year.)
Earth Science Expectations
The expectations in science are similar to those in math. We only meet every other
day, however. Also, we are all working on the same course. We do not necessarily have
homework everyday. You should at least expect weekly homework, however. We will also
usually have Friday work in Earth Science. We will be learning in a variety of different ways
including labs, discussions, readings and projects. I will be talking to you about behavior
during labs. We also have writing projects in both math and science which build on the
writing concepts the students are learning in language arts.
Earth Science Content
Middle school Earth Science deals with several different science disciplines including
geology, meteorology, climatology, oceanography, ecology and applied environmental
science. The text used is Holt, Earth Science California (2001) (ISBN: 0030556678). If you
would like to keep a copy at home you may purchase a used copy at Amazon or other book
seller at a reasonable cost. We will explore Earth Science in seven different units
corresponding to the seven sections of the California “Focus on Earth Sciences” standards.
The approximate order is set forth below.
Semester 1
Unit 1 – Introduction to Earth Science and the Scientific Method
 Students are introduced to the different earth science disciplines, the tools of earth
science and the scientific method. The tools and methods will be used throughout
the year.
o Standard 7 – Investigation and Experimentation
o Text chapters 1 (introduction to disciplines) and 2 (maps and models)
Unit 2 – Heat
 In this Physical Sciences branch of the Earth Science standards, students explore
thermal energy. We explore these concepts early in the year since they serve as
the basis for plate tectonics, ocean currents and weather.
o Standard 3 – Heat (Thermal Energy) (Physical Sciences)
o Text chapter 9 (heat and heat technology)
Unit 3 – Plate Tectonics and Earth’s Structure
 Students study this unifying theory of modern geology which explains
earthquakes, volcanoes and mountain building. Plate tectonics helps students
understand of the physical makeup of California. In this unit we also study
minerals and rocks.
o Standard 1 – Plate Tectonics and Earth’s Structure
o Text chapters 6 (plate tectonics), 7 (earthquakes), 8 (volcanoes), 3
(minerals) and 4 (rocks)
Unit 4 – Shaping Earth’s Surface
 Students explore how the earth’s surface is changed mainly by the moving of
water causing erosion, transportation and deposition.
o Standard 2 – Shaping Earth’s Surface
o Text chapters 10 (fresh water flow) and 11 (erosion and deposition)
Semester 2
Unit 5 – Energy in the Earth System
 The sun serves as the main energy source for ocean currents and weather both of
which are explored in this unit.
o Standard 4 – Energy in the Earth System
o Text chapters 15 (atmosphere), 16 (weather), 17 (climate), 18 (oceans –
part covered in other units), 19 (ocean currents)
Unit 6 – Ecology
 Students are introduced to discipline of ecology, the scientific study of
interactions among organisms and their physical environment.
o Standard 5 – Ecology (Life Sciences)
o Text chapter 12 (ecology)
Unit 7 – Resources
 Students explore the source, distribution, use and conservation of natural
o Standard 6 – Resources
o Chapter 5 (energy resources) and portions of chapters 4 (minerals), 5
(rocks) and 13 (oceans)