COMMISION.INTERNATIONALE DES.GRANDS.BARRAGES VINGT.TROISIEME CONGRES DES.GRADS.BARRAGES Brasilia. MAY 2009. ANALYSYS OF THE PERFORMANCE OF INTAKE AND CHECK STRUCTURES IN QAZVIN, IRAN IRRIGATION PROJECT AND PROVIDING ALTERNATIVE METHODES Saeed Kazemi Mohsen Abadi PH.D. Student, Islamic Azad University of Khuzestan, Iran, Amin Zaker Fathi Supervising Engineer in Mahab Ghods Company, Iran, 1. INTRODUCTION Construction of different water structures for suitable water conveyance and distribution for agricultural use is often costly and the increases the final cost allocated water for the irrigation of agricultural fields. In addition, the low level at the total irrigation efficiency generally stems from ineffective operation management and seepage losses in the conveyance and distribution network and the irrigation losses in the field. This causes remarkable increase in the dimensions and physical sizes of hydraulic structure used in the network and considerable increase in the allocated discharge of water resources. Management for optimization of water distribution and consumption in the networks plays an effective role in the improvement of irrigation efficiency. Therefore it is necessary for hydraulic structures to be selected method, designed and constructed and operated in a way to optimize the efficiency and perform an effective water conveyance in to the fields. 1 2. STUDIES ACOMMPISHED BY OTHERS In spite of presenting different criteria collection by irrigation network designers to select and design the control structures and impoundment in each country of the world, but there are limited information and procedure reports of these structures in actual situation, applied design criteria and also procedure of modification and reconstruction them. United Nation Office of Technical Cooperation (1973) has done researches in the field of intakes procedure, on the basis of the results, it was specified that suspended material in water and their combination, changing and vacillating the water level in water supply reservoir and expected accuracy degree of sensitivity of intakes are effective for choosing intake types. Ghamarnia (1992) after research on several irrigation network of Iran concerning the selection method of intake structures suggested that “due to the lack of reliable power resources and also the changeable scales for operating of equipment, it is recommended to use a durable system with least need for recording, maintaining and operating skill instead of an automatic system. By surveying Qazvin irrigation network, Bouchali Safiee (1992) found that because of full automatic and semi automatic performance of water distribution at network with amil gates, it will be probable with putting additional weight and other obstacles these gates will exit in initial adjusting situation and is changed in crossing discharge. Razavi Nabavi (1995) at his research of investigating coefficients on Neyrpic gates in irrigation network of Qazvin plain, presented following results: a- It is recommended applying Neyrpic modules in under construction irrigation networks. b- More contributions of observed errors are related to manufacturing methods and changing hydraulic coefficient. c- Flow approaching situation to gates or gates located rather than sides wall and this matter that if it’s located in middle or the sides, will effect on outlet flow hydraulic. d- It is recommended that in all irrigation networks which are equipped with Neyrpic modules, before starting the operation and then every couple of years (for some 5years) existing modules should be water proofed. Salemi (1997), in basis of his studies regarding hydraulic performance assessment and operation of flow control structure in irrigation networks of 2 Zayandehrood River –Esfahan and Dorodzan River-Fars province has suggested that agricultural organizations could play an effective role than regional water authorities in relation to operation management of irrigation networks, to improve water distribution efficiency. Also specifying plants water requirement, cultivation pattern and lands integration management will optimize consumption and irrigation efficiency. As the result of this research, using of Neyrpic type module gates is recommended because of a better control on networks, especially for regions that farmers have the higher awareness. Pilpayeh (2003) accomplished a comparison with nominal and measured discharges. Results of his study are consisted of: 1) Neyrpic type module gates are established at the beginning of third grade irrigation network in Moghan should act as free downstream and in case of gates drawing; the excessive error spoils their efficiency. 2) Most of second grade network of Parsabad region irrigation, Neyrpic type module gates doesn’t have required hydraulic mechanical accuracy. 3) Because of the poor reinforcement, the Neyrpic module gates always are disturbed and rubbed by farmers and strangers. Montazer and Kouchakzadeh (2001) have surveyed different relations of hydraulic sensitivity for Neyrpic gates and prepared characteristic discharge_height curves in basis of field data, for sensitivity study during the operating period. They expressed that hydraulic sensitivity is more in these gates type at local situation than presented typical curves. They also came to the result that between all different kind of single mask and double mask gates in local and theoretical situation, X1 type gates have most hydraulic sensitivity to water level changes while C1, C2 type gates sensitivity is in the same situation 4.7 and 11.8 times less of X1 type. Montazer and Kouchakzadeh (2001) reported that the double mask gates bed loss is 2.7 times more than single mask. Field observations has showed difference in gates hydraulic sensitivities related to their situations, so that the middle established gates have more hydraulic sensitivity than sides gates established. They found that the designed and measured discharge in mask gate aren’t same, therefore to specify real hydraulic sensitivity of gates, it is necessary to calibrate gates after installation. 3 3. RESEARCH METHOD We studied the available design drawings of different components of network for this research. In regard to investigating the performance of intake gates, we measured discharge and depth of the water at downstream to find the sinking condition. We measured water depth for determining head loss at upstream with curves related to single and double baffle modules, the expected discharge of gates was determined and was compared with measured discharge at downstream and nominal discharge that should be crossed in gate. After that in regard to investigate performance of control gates according to crossing flow head loss from these structures, in suitable sections of upstream and downstream of gates in there, current flow turbulence in flow was lower. We measured depth and water velocity and also difference of bed levels in two sections and we calculated available head loss in maintenance situation by energy equation and we compared them with anticipated head loss in design stage. It is interesting that you know, derivation of head loss that the designer had anticipated for each gate was a hard work. It must be mentioned that in order to performance evaluation of amil and intake gates, I chose 43 intake gates and 10 amil sluices, in this study. 4. 4.1. DISCUTION AND CONCLUSION Surveying the intakes gates procedure Considering the measurements done, the measured depth on weir crest, in most gates is more than the depth that includes the range of maximum +10 percent discharges. After the performing surveys and the negotiations with the authorities, experts, irrigators and the farmers of the location, we know that the increase of the water depth in upstream intakes and the nominal depth are closely interconnected because of reasons such as the increase of the canal roughness coefficient, the canal side erosion due to passing of time, a lot of sediment inside the intake canal 4 and behind the intake gate, lack of adjustment of amil sluice since the construction of the network and its initial adjustment, disturbing amil gates to obtain more water by exploiters and others. In spite of depth increase behind the intake gate, it was observed that in most evaluated cases; the amount of measured discharge was less than the calculated discharged determined by the chart. According our residential surveys and investigations, showed that in all these gates, the flow overtopped them and this matter decreased the passing discharge in comparison to the calculated discharge that passed from gates. The other main reasons that we observed, in difference between the measured discharge and the calculated discharge in module typical Neyrpic gates, cases such as overtopping water from the intake gate, because of disturbing amil gates to get more water, overtopping water gates due to the increasing of water depth in gate upstream because of increase of roughness coefficient, disturbing the intakes by farmers, leakage of water from the closed gates behind, water escape from the sides of gate, leakage of water of from under mask. 4.1.1. Drawing the new charts for module gates type Neyrpic, used by Qazvin irrigation network, Iran. After measuring by establishing relation between depth and the calculation discharge of the evaluated gates, for the gates XX 1 , XX 2 , L1 , C1 , we drew new charts and point out some of them below (Figure 1 to 9). In addition, expected discharge is between Q1 and Q2 . In these figures, Q1 is measurement discharge plus 10 percent instrument error, Q2 is measurement discharge minus 10 percent instrument error, Qn is nominal discharge, H m is measured depth on the weir and H n is nominal depth on the weir. 5 1.20 Q1 Q2 Poly. (Q1) Poly. (Q2) 1.15 1.10 Q1/Qn & Q2/Qn 1.05 1.00 0.95 0.90 0.85 0.80 0.75 0.70 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45 Hm / Hn Fig.1 Free dimension graph in gates type of XX 1 and depth on the weir between 26 to 37.5 (Centimeter) 1.25 1.20 1.15 Q1/Qn & Q2/Qn 1.10 1.05 1.00 0.95 0.90 Q1 Q2 Poly. (Q1) Poly. (Q2) 0.85 0.80 0.75 1.40 1.45 1.50 1.55 1.60 1.65 1.70 Hm / Hn Fig.2 Free dimension graph in gates type of XX 1 and depth on the weir between 38 to 45 (Centimeter) 6 1.4 1.3 Q1/Qn & Q2/Qn 1.2 1.1 1.0 Q1 Q2 Poly. (Q1) Poly. (Q2) 0.9 0.8 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.80 1.85 1.90 1.95 Hm / Hn Fig.3 Free dimension graph in gates type of XX 1 and depth on the weir between 45.5 to 51.5 (Centimeter) 1.5 Q1 Q2 Poly. (Q1) Poly. (Q2) 1.4 1.3 Q1 / Qn & Q2 / Qn 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Hm / Hn Fig.4 Free dimension graph in gates type of XX 2 7 1.6 1.7 1.20 1.15 Q1/Qn&Q2/Qn 1.10 1.05 1.00 Q1 Q2 Poly. (Q1) Poly. (Q2) 0.95 0.90 1.08 1.10 1.12 1.14 1.16 1.18 1.20 1.22 1.24 1.26 1.28 Hm / Hn Fig.5 Free dimension graph in gates type of L1 and depth on the weir between 54.5 to 63 (Centimeter) 1.5 1.4 Q1/Qn&Q2/Qn 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 Q1 Q2 Poly. (Q1) Poly. (Q2) 0.9 0.8 1.25 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.50 1.55 1.60 Hm / Hn Fig.6 Free dimension graph in gates type of L1 and depth on the weir between 64 to 80 (Centimeter) 8 1.65 1.3 1.2 Q1/Qn&Q2/Qn 1.1 1.0 Q1 Q2 Poly. (Q1) Poly. (Q2) 0.9 0.8 0.7 1.30 1.32 1.34 1.36 1.38 1.40 1.42 1.44 1.46 1.48 1.50 Hm / Hn Fig.7 Free dimension graph in gates type of C1 1.40 1.30 Q1/Qn & Q2/Qn 1.20 1.10 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.95 1.05 1.15 1.25 1.35 1.45 1.55 1.65 1.75 Hm / Hn Poly. (Q1&26<Hm<37.5) Poly. (Q2&26<Hm<37.5) Poly. (Q1&38<Hm<45) Poly. (Q2&38<Hm<45) Poly. (Q1&45.5<Hm<51.5) Poly. (Q2&45.5<Hm<51.5) Fig.8 Free dimension general graph in gates type of XX 1 9 1.85 1.95 1.50 1.40 Q1/Qn & Q2/Qn 1.30 1.20 1.10 1.00 0.90 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.50 1.55 1.60 1.65 Hm/Hn Poly. (Q1&54.5<Hm<63) Poly. (Q2&54.5<Hm<63) Poly. (Q1&64<Hm<80) Poly. (Q2&64<Hm<80) Fig.9 Free dimension general graph in gates type of L1 4.1.2. Calculation of new relations for module gates Neyrpic type to be used in irrigation network of Qazvin, Iran. After drawing the above charts, we found that it was better to derivate relations from the mentioned chart that makes use of them simpler. Relations those to be suggested for use of module gates Neyrpic type in the irrigation network of Qazvin plain are as table1. 10 Table 1 Suggestive relations for Neyrpic type module gates Type module Range of height changes Free dimension formula of depth over the module spillway and passing discharge 2 H q1 8.0749 m qn Hn H 19.229 m Hn H q2 7.8992 m qn Hn H 18.81 m Hn R2 10.276 0.974 10.052 0.974 36.358 0.875 35.567 0.875 7.8491 0.957 7.6783 0.957 26 H m 37.5 XX 1 38 H m 45 45.5 H m 51.5 XX 2 27 H m 46 2 2 H q1 15.586 m qn Hn H 47.059 m Hn H q2 15.246 m qn Hn H 46.035 m Hn 2 2 H q1 1.5138 m qn Hn H 7.7116 m Hn H q2 1.4809 m qn Hn H 7.5438 m Hn 2 3 H q1 8.3233 m qn Hn H 38.096 m Hn H q2 8.1422 m qn Hn H 37.267 m Hn 3 11 2 H 56.605 m Hn 2 H 55.374 m Hn 28.08 0.907 27.469 0.907 Continuation of Table 1 Type module Range of height changes Free dimension formula of depth over the module spillway and passing discharge 2 H q1 16.248 m qn Hn H 37.732 m Hn H q2 15.894 m qn Hn H 36.911 m Hn H q1 8.137 m qn Hn H 24.301 m Hn H q2 7.9599 m qn Hn H 23.772 m Hn H q1 62.978 m qn Hn H 175.32 m Hn H q2 61.607 m qn Hn H 171.51 m Hn R2 22.874 0.847 22.376 0.847 16.771 0.962 16.406 0.962 122.75 1 120.08 1 54.5 H m 63 2 L1 64 H m 80 C1 99 H m 117 4.2. 2 2 2 2 AMIL GATES According table 2, it’s considered in all cases passing discharge is lower than designed discharge amount. This matter has originated from channel discharge decrease, because of water requirement decline. Nominal loss and design loss amounts in fifth and sixth column related to loss of passing and designing 12 discharges on basis of presented graph by manufacturer companies of these gates types. Although loss amounts in last column have been done on basis of local test measurements (Formula 1 to 3). v12 v2 y 2 2 z h f 2g 2g 1 v2 v2 h f y1 1 y 2 2 z 2g 2g 2 h f E1 E 2 z 3 y1 Which in the above equations, y1 = depth of water in the upstream gate, y 2 = depth of water in the downstream gate, v1 = velocity in the upstream gate, v2 = velocity in the downstream gate, z =difference of upstream and downstream for bed height, E1 = Specific energy for upstream, E2 = Specific energy for downstream. Table 2 shows that loss amounts of amil gates in exploiting situation are more than nominal amounts. It has been specified that sediments, lack of proper adjustment and disturbing them by farmers due to that subject. It is observed that measured loss is lower than designed loss in some gates and this reason is related to lower discharge than designing discharge. So regarding above subjects, it is predicted that load loss of passing discharge from under the gate increase. This act increases the water level depth in upstream of gate and raise of passing discharge from intake gates. 13 Table2 Amounts of measured loss the amil gates and other specification in irrigation network of Qazvin plain. Gate Name Gate type Designing Discharge Passing Discharge Nominal loss Designing loss Measured loss (cms) (LPS) (cm) (cm) (cm) L32-S2-CH D180 1.05 515 10 8 18.7 L3-S5 D315 3.00 1072 9 22 36.9 L3-S6 D315 2.80 756 8 34 24.6 L3-S'2-CH D280 1.74 567 5 10 25.8 L4A-S4-CH D180 0.70 586 4 10 16.5 L6-S3 D315 2.40 1538 5 11 10.6 L6-S4-CH D280 2.30 1181 9 10 24.2 L6-S5 D280 2.30 786 9 16 14.4 L6-S'5 D220 1.34 352 8 15 11.1 L7-S2-CH D315 2.50 1278 7 12 16.4 14 5. 1. RESULT OF THIS RESEARCH Water overtopping from the gate (due to lack of adjustment amil gates or disturbing them by farmers) causes increases discharge delivery to farmers in some gates and decreases the rest of discharge in canal for downstream intakes. 2. Oldness and erosion of gates, especially xx1 type gates made the inefficient and some of them must be replaced. Gate oldness lets water to leak from closed gates sill and increases the delivered discharge. 3. Water passing through the gates mask causes that passing discharge under the gate, be more than the nominal discharge or delivered discharge. 4. Over drown in downstream of some intakes that acts a wall prevent the water flow, has decreased the passing discharge through them. 5. As it was expected, the single mask gates are more sensitive than double mask gates. 6. The lack of amils adjustment makes water overtop intake gate and also water passing the sides of the gate. 7. Sediment behind the intake and amil gates decreases the coarseness coefficient of flow and this has decreased passing discharge in some gates. 8. Being a lot of sediment in intake canal makes many problems. 9. During the time and regarding the canal erosion, their roughness coefficient increases, and it adds the depth of water behind the intake gates, therefore increases the water discharge for non-submerged gates. 10. Neyrpic type modules with operating as weir; are too sensitive to change of upstream head. Therefore should create a condition to convert the gates from a weir to an opening. This condition will be created, if amil adjustment and dredge of intake canal is done properly. 15 6. SUGESSTIONS 1- By adjusting the amil gates, water is distributed accurately. Adjustment is better to be done in the full water and low water for canals. 2- By training the farmers and adequate supervision by the M&O Company for the irrigation network, most of the problems can be solved. 3- It seems more supervision on water selling is required. Because some farmers believed that a certain amount of water was sold to several persons. 4- Using new lands for water farming and increasing water demand have made farmers to break canals. To avoid facing to this event, it is necessary to construct new gates. 5- Removing the rust, painting and repairing the gates in most intake-gates and especially intake type xx1 will have a positive effect in their procedure. 6- Amil gates lack of adjustment and unsuitable maintenance of them, make efficiency lower and drop increasing than nominal position of gates. 7- Sediments behind the gates and amil gates decrease the coarseness coefficient of flow and therefore decrease discharge rate through them. 8- After adjusting the amils we should insert a clear sign of adjusted depth behind the gate, so that in case of the gate change, we can adjust the gate easier. 9- Repairing the destroyed points of the canal networks, and dredge of canals sediment lead to increasing the efficiency of distribution and conveyance. 10- Exact studies on culture, traditions, customs, the way of irrigation and the regions that we consider to construct network have paramount importance. Because the mode of exploiting the network is very important. It is advised without a suitable situation of maintenance and exploitation instead of Amil automatic adjustment structures, to use the radial gates types. Because we can have control on this structures. Also we can use the kinds of stable spillways in different situations. 11- We suggest establishing a centre to improve the accuracy for test of gates that are constructed domestically and the hydraulic tests on these gates before setting to calibration. 16 References [1]. United Nation Office of Technical Cooperation, 1973, Design of herd Hydraulic Structure Water Resource Series no, 45 New York. [2]. Ghamarnia,Houshang. (1992), Hydraulic Survey of Water Measurement Structures and Their Performance in Irrigation Networks, Iran. M.A Thesis, Irrigation Department, University of Tehran, Iran. [3]. Bouchali Safiee. (1992), Controller Systems of Water Flow and Their Performance in Irrigation Networks, Iran. M.A Thesis, Irrigation Department, University of Tehran, Iran. [4]. Razavi Nabavi,Mojtaba. (1995), Empirical Coefficients in Neyrpic Module Gates. M.A Thesis, Irrigation Department, University of Tarbiat Modarres, Iran. [5]. Salemi, HamidReza. (1997). Evaluation of Hydraulic Performance and Exploitation of Flow Check Structures in Zayandehrood River – Esfahan and Doroudzan River-Fars Irrigation and Drainage Network, Iran. Research, Education and Agricultural Promotion Organization, Pub 46. [6]. Pilpayeh AliReza. (2003), Evaluation of Hydraulic Performance and Exploitation of Flow Measurement Structures in 3 Degree Intakes of Moghan Irrigation and Drainage Network, Iran. M.A Thesis, Irrigation Department, Islamic Azad University of Olum Tahghighat, Iran. [7]. Bos,M.G.(1990),Discharge Measurement Structures, ILRI publication 20. [8]. Field Measurement of Soil Erosion and Runoff. FAO. [9]. Montazar, Ali Asghar. Kouchakzadeh, Salah. Liaghat, Abdolmajid. Assessment of Delivery flow Behavior on Baffle Modules Using Hydraulic Sensitivity Analysis Model. Journal Applied Irrigation Science. No 41, oct 2001. [10]. Sturm, T.W. (2001), Open Channel Hydraulic.,McGraw-Hill. [11]. Unal, H.B., Asik, S., Avci, M., Yasar, S. and Akkuzu, E. 2004. Performance of water delivery system at tertiary canal level: a case study of the Menement Left Bank Irrigation System, Gediz Basin, Turkey. Agriculture Water Management, 65:155-171. [12]. USBR (1983). Design of Small Canal Structures, Denver, Colorado, USA. [13]. Water Resources Research Laboratory. 2001. Water Measurement Manual. 17 SUMMARY The shortage of rainfall, non–uniform distribution and, generally, the deficiency of water resources in Iran, dictates the optimal of water resources. In this regard, irrigation networks are constructed to provide an effective use of water conveyance and distribution. However, due to the lack of suitable use and maintenance, the mean irrigation efficiency in irrigation network in Iran in about 30 – 35 percent. For this purpose recognition of effective factors in low irrigation efficiency, performance of check structures and turnout gates in Qazvin irrigation network were evaluated. In this study, turnout and check gates use were considered in both viewpoints, hydraulically and operation and maintenance conditions. Hydraulic assessment includes discharge and head loss. In this research, function of 42 Neyrpic – turnout gates and 10 amil automated check gates were evaluated. It is clear that impoundment of canals were confronted many difficulties by reason of turnout and check gates touches by operators, lack of proper management for amil adjustment and sediments empty in canals, so that, some turnout gates have discharge more than nominal and computational discharge, that cause to water shortage in final gates. It is observed that some turnout gates delivery water to downstream canals less than nominal and computational discharge by reason of gates submergence and retouching. Lack of suitable services by network supervisors and accumulation of sediment and rubbish in back of check gates cause to produce head loss more than nominal head loss in water way. The results showed that better management for Qazvin irrigation network. Also the results indicated that Neyrpic–modules gates will have satisfied accuracy of water delivery if check structures is controlled, although it is necessary to create proper instruction for control of home-made turnout gates. Finally, radial gates, slide gates and or fixed weirs are used for water level adjustment is recommended if irrigation network operation is not good. Key Words: irrigation, Neyrpic, amil, sediment, checks gates. 18