Who developed the first personal computer called the altair

Computer Scavenger Hunt
Name: Kaitlynn Taylor
1. Who developed the first personal computer called the altair?
-Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems (MITS) developed the Altair 8800 In
2. Who invented the first apple computer?
-Steve Jobs and Wozniak invented the first apple computer and was sold in July 1976
3. What did Marcian "Ted" Hoff invent?
-Marcian Hoff is one of the inventors of the microprocessor
4. What are 3 things that Doug Engelbart has invented to help make computers easier
to use?
-3 things Doug Engelbart are The Computer Mouse, Windows, and the Hypermedia
5. What language did Tim Berners-Lee create in 1990?
- In 1990 Tim Berners-Lee invented the language HTML (Hyper Text Markup
6. At what age did Bill Gates become interested in computing?
-Bill Gates became interested in computing when he was 7
7. Who invented the typewriter?
8. What was the name of the first video game and when was it invented?
-The first video game was pong and it came out in 1975
9. Who invented CD's?
-James Russell invented the compact disc in 1965
10. Who invented the Internet?
-Multiple people invented the internet so here are a few, Leonard Kleinrock's (Idea),
J.C.R. Licklider (director), Robert Taylor (created the idea of the network) , and many
11. Who invented E-Mail and when did they invent it?
-Ray Tomlinson invented it in 1971
12. When was the World Wide Web introduced to the public?
-Sir Tim Berners-Lee officially introduced the World Wide Web to the world on
August 6, 1991
13. What was the first laptop, and when was it invented?
14. What was the first computer bug and when did computer viruses first appear?
-The very first "bug" wasn't a computer bug, as we know today,
it was a butterfly trapped inside the tower, hence the term "bug" and the first viruses
15. Who is considered the "Father of the Computer"? What was his invention called?
-He was the first one to build a computer
16. THINK ABOUT IT: Write a 5 sentence paragraph about who you think made the
greatest contribution to computing? support your answer. (Answers must be written in
complete sentences with proper spelling, grammar)