Client Education/Nutrition Care Manual

©2006 American Dietetic Association
Disorders of Lipid Metabolism Toolkit
Executive Summary Client Education
The Nutrition Care Manual is a publication of the American Dietetic Association. It is the preeminent Web-based source of nutrition information and is the revised version of the Manual of
Clinical Dietetics, 6th edition. The Nutrition Care Manual includes the standardized Nutrition
Care Process and client education. The Nutrition Care Process encompasses Nutrition
Assessment, Nutrition Diagnosis, Nutrition Intervention and Nutrition Monitoring and Evaluation
tools. The client education materials are suited to a wide audience and are adaptable to any
facility. These educational materials are intended to be a take home reference for the client after
Medical Nutrition Therapy, but can be used by the registered dietitian as a guide for structuring a
Medical Nutrition Therapy program.
The client education section of the Nutrition Care Manual is comprehensive in its offerings.
Disease specific educational materials include US and metric versions as well as basic survival
skills and detailed handouts in both regular and large print. The survival skills handouts are
intended to give general directions until the client can see a registered dietitian (RD) or dietetic
technician, registered (DTR). The detailed client education materials require individualization by
a dietitian after completing a nutrition assessment and determining the nutrition diagnosis. Much
of the client education materials found in the Nutrition Care Manual have been derived from
information found in the ADA Evidence Analysis Library. Information contained in the Nutrition
Care Manual compliments and supports the Evidence-Based Nutrition Practice Guidelines and
Toolkits developed by ADA. Each can be used separately but may be most effective if used
together. Information and subscriptions for the Nutrition Care Manual can be found at
Client Education Resources from ADA Nutrition Care Manual
Related to Disorders of Lipid Metabolism
Therapeutic Lifestyle Change Diet
Be Heart Smart (lowering saturated fat and cholesterol for African-American audience)
- Hypercholesterolemia Nutrition Therapy-Label Reading
- Shopping Tips
- Cooking Tips
- Live Healthier, Live Longer-information on cholesterol lowering
- Aim for a Healthy Weight
- Embrace Your Health, Lose Weight if you are Overweight (African-American)
- Want to Watch Calories when Dining Out? (National Restaurant Association’s
- Dietitian’s advice)
- Delicious Decisions (American Heart Association’s tips on meal planning,
- shopping and cooking)
- (variety of government resources)
- The Healthy Heart Handbook for Women
- Tobacco Information and Prevention Source
Hypertriglyceridemia Nutrition Therapy
©2006 American Dietetic Association
Disorders of Lipid Metabolism Toolkit
Nutrition Guidelines for a Healthy Heart
Therapeutic Lifestyle Change Diet
Tips: Label Reading, Shopping Tips, Cooking Tips
- Embrace Your Health, Lose Weight if you are Overweight (for AfricanAmerican audience)
Metabolic Syndrome
Calorie Controlled Diet Made Easy
- Using Nutrition Labels: Carbohydrates
- Using Nutrition Labels: Fats
Hypertension: Detailed
DASH Eating Plan
Potassium Rich Foods
Two-Gram Sodium Diet
- Enhancing Food Flavor with Herbs and Spices
- Flavoring Tips for Low Sodium
- Label Reading, Shopping Tips, Cooking Tips
- Maintaining a Healthy Weight
- Your Guide to Lowering Your Blood Pressure
Overweight & Obesity
Calorie Controlled Diet Made Easy
Exchange Lists for Weight Management
Food and Activity Log - For client to record goals, food intake, and activity for 1 week
Food Record Sheet - This sheet has brief directions and spaces to record date/time, place, food or
beverage, amount, and comments
Modifying Behavior
Real Solutions Weight Loss Workbook
Sample Contract
Weight Management Chart
1,200 Calorie Sample 5-Day Menu
1,600 Calorie Sample 5-Day Menu
1,800 Calorie Sample 5-Day Menu
©2006 American Dietetic Association
Disorders of Lipid Metabolism Toolkit
Agreement for Care
You have been referred to a dietitian for Medical Nutrition Therapy to help with the
management of ____________________. This agreement outlines the goals and
responsibilities of each party.
Time Commitment
It is expected that ______ visits will be necessary to complete this course of
Medical Nutrition Therapy. The visits will be arranged as follows (list how often
visits will occur and how long they will take):
Goals of the Client
The client will be able to make diet and lifestyle changes that will improve the
management of ___________________________.
Responsibilities of the Client
The success of Medical Nutrition Therapy is dependent upon active participation
in sessions and adoption of the changes by you.
1. Attend all sessions. If this is not possible, call ahead to reschedule
your appointment.
2. Work with the dietitian during the session with a positive attitude.
3. Complete agreed upon tasks required between sessions (e.g. food
4. Bring questions to subsequent sessions.
©2006 American Dietetic Association
Disorders of Lipid Metabolism Toolkit
Goal of the Dietitian
To maximize the chance that the client will achieve his or her goal.
Responsibilities of the Dietitian
1. To provide up-to-date instruction on the principles of Medical
Nutrition Therapy to manage ____________________.
2. To coach the client and track progress.
3. To provide useful tools and written materials to compliment the oral
Expected Outcomes (Circle the expected clinical or behavioral outcomes, refer to
Summary Form for specific examples)
(outcomes listed here)
If client circumstances lead to changes in Expected Outcomes, a revised list of Expected
Outcomes will be provided by the dietitian and attached to this Agreement.
Client:__________________________________ Date:___________
Dietitian:________________________________ Date:___________