currículo integrado - Our bilingual project


C.E.I.P. Los Manantiales

Alhaurín de la Torre


CURSO 2009-2010.


C. del Medio

1 Los seres vivos. Las plantas

2 Los animales


6. Trees and forest

2. The animal kingdom

Lengua Española

La carta. Miguel Delibes

El cuento (semillas). Los diálogos.

Descripción oral. Los jardines chinos.

El relato. La entrevista. Julio Verne

Educación Plástica

3 Alimentación y digestión

4 Respiración, circulación y excreción

5 La función de relación 1. In my free time.

La biografía. Galileo Galilei.

6 El universo y el sistema solar

7 La materia y sus propiedades

8 La energía y los cambios

9 La superficie terrestre

10 Las aguas del planeta

11 La atmósfera y el clima

12 Vivimos en sociedad

3. Around the world

4. Spies and codes

5. In the city

13 La organización de España

14 La historia y su estudio. La


7. When I was young

15 La Edad Antigua y la Edad Media 8. Sherlock Holmes

El cuento. Ciencia-ficción. Carmen

Martín Gaite.

Los seres fantásticos. El cine.

La mitología. El diario. El poema. Lope de Vega. Obras de arte.

La leyenda. Un héroe irlandés. Recetas de cocina.

El relato histórico. Las expediciones polares. El anuncio. El verso. Luis


La fábula. Describir un animal. La noticia.

Etiquetas. Versos. F. G. Lorca.

Proyecto noticia.

El humor en los cuentos. G. Rodari.

Presentar un acto. Programa musical.

Texto sobre Roma.

El retrato. Miguel Hernández

Caballeros medievales. experiencias. Los anuncios.


Carlomagno. La reclamación. Gerardo


C.E.I.P. Los Manantiales

Alhaurín de la Torre


Cell, tissues, organs, system.

Parts of the tree: leaves, branches, trunk, roots, seed. Support, absorb, sunlight.

Mosses and ferns (fronds)

Photosynthesis: soil, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water and minerals: sap. Breath, excrete residues, circulate.

Forests: tropical, deciduous, coniferous

Trees: sequoia, olive, oak, fir


Science and art activities

Labelling Flower game

Use the story board to explain how insects help with the pollination of flowering plants.

Listen to information from the SM CD and answer the questions.

Art and craft:

Bulletin board: What microorganisms can do?

Posters: respect and protect the forest




Flashcards, magazines, teacher magazine, worksheets, paintings,

Macmillan resources

Worksheet , dices


- Power point: Quiz about plants



C.E.I.P. Los Manantiales

Alhaurín de la Torre


1. To refine knowledge of the concept of vital functions.

2. To identify and classify living things according to their nutritional needs.

3. To learn how the bodies of living things are organized: cells, tissues, organs and systems. To define single-cell and multi-cellular organisms.

4. To describe the key features of the vital functions of plants, identifying the parts of the plant that are involved.

5. To learn and describe the nutrition process of plants in detail.

6. To develop curiosity to learn and study living beings.

7. To describe the parts of the tree.

8. To classify trees according to their leaves.

9. To develop techniques to memorize, organize and relate the information, and to self assess learning.


1.1. Names and defines vital functions.

2.1. Identifies and classifies living things according to the type of nutrition they require.

3.1. Names animal tissues, organs and body systems and clearly describes the function that each performs.

3.2. Defines single-cell and multi-cellular organisms and names examples of organisms in each group.

4.1. Classifies living things through basic key elements.

5.1. Identifies and names the parts of a typical plant and describes how plants are organized.

6.1. Describes the following plant processes: absorption, photosynthesis, breathing and elimination of waste, and the exchange of gases between plants and their environment.

7.1. Identifies and names the parts of a tree.

8.1. Classifies trees according to their leaves.

C.E.I.P. Los Manantiales

Alhaurín de la Torre


Vertebrates: mammals, amphibians, fish, reptiles, birds. Invertebrates: annelids

(worms), molluscs (squid, snail, muscle, octopus,...), arthropods (arachnids, insects, crustaceans (crab)) , polyps and

jellyfish, echinoderms (starfish, sea urchin,...)

Food chains

Biological life cycles

The nutrition and interaction functions: lungs, gills, tracheas, skin,...


Science and art activities

AB Anaya p.11

Unit outline Anaya p. 124

Help sheet: Describing animals

Big book: groups of 3. Vertebrates and invertebrates. Atlas Anaya 110-113.

Science and art p.10-11

Art and craft:

Foil fish (p.37 Art projects)

Snake in a plate

Our key: 6 minibeasts Y/N questions. P.15


Flashcards, magazines, paintings, Worksheets.

Science on Display,

Art projects,





- Look for information about animals in the sites we recommend in our wiki: “Our bilingual project”.



C.E.I.P. Los Manantiales

Alhaurín de la Torre


1. Identify and talk about animals.

2. Understand and use the classroom language appropriately.

3. Participate in communicative games, asking and answering questions about animals.

4. Read and act out small dialogues.

5. Read and understand informative texts about what animals eat.

6. Write a simple text about your favourite animal.

7. Evaluate the work done in the unit.

8. To learn how to classify vertebrate and invertebrate animals.

9. To identify the processes of animal nutrition and the systems involved in nutrition.

10. To identify organs and systems involved in animal sensory perception and nutrition.

11. To name, identify and compare organs of the digestive system and respiratory system in animals.

12. To define stimuli and sense organs and to learn the different types of animal sense and effector organs.

13. To recognize the large variety of organs necessary for animal’s vital functions.

14. To develop techniques to memorize, organize and relate the information, and to self assess learning.



Direct observation.

Participation in the classroom activities.

Students' books revision.

Register the facts.

Tests unit 2

Self-evaluation worksheet


Knows the different groups of vertebrate and invertebrate animals.

Classifies animals by using simple key elements.

Names the processes involved in nutrition and the systems involved.

Names organs and systems involved in animal nutrition and sensory perception.

Names, identifies and compares organs of the digestive system and respiratory system.

Defines stimuli and sensory organs and knows the different types of sense and effector organs.

C.E.I.P. Los Manantiales

Alhaurín de la Torre

Shows interest and curiosity about the structure and features of the organs involved in vital functions.

Develops techniques to memorize, organize and relate information, and to self assess learning.

Understands and uses the classroom language.

Knows how to talk about animals.

Is able to recognise previously worked vocabulary.

Acts out previously read dialogues.

Is able to understand informative texts with different content.

Knows how to write a text about his/her favourite animal.

Is able to evaluate his/her own work in the unit.

C.E.I.P. Los Manantiales

Alhaurín de la Torre


It´s a … crocodile penguin butterfly spider octopus squid crab starfish


It´s a /an … vertebrate: mammal reptile bird fish amphibian




(insect, arachnid, crustacean)

Annelids (Worm)



Polyps & jellyfish



… big small


Colour Features Nutrition Movement Habitat

It´s … grey white black brown green yellow

It´s got … long short big small tail neck legs whiskers mouth teeth ears body

Feathers, beak, wings scales, fins, gills hair smooth/rough skin limbs

It breathes through its lungs/tracheas// gills/ skin.

It eats … meat fish plants other animals

It´s a... herbivore carnivore omnivore





It can … walk run jump fly swim crawl

It lives in the… jungle sea grasslands forest pond town dessert
