MAY 2011
Rev. John Cook
Tel. Home: email:
020 8303 7814
Church Address :
Bexley United Reformed Church
500 Hurst Road, Bexley, Kent
Church Website :
Church Secretary:
Kathy Shaw
Tel: 01322 557656
Church Treasurer:
Peter Roberts
Tel: 01322 559803
Hall Letting Officer:
Sylvia Poulten
Tel: 01322 521649
Junior Church
Tony Ball
Tel: 020 8303 0851
Printing and
Ann Markey
Tel: 020 83042659
Deadline for the next Newsletter will be Sunday, 22nd May
NO: 104
Minister's Pastoral Letter
May 2011
Now that we are beyond Easter I want to consider what has
happened in that event, and indeed during Jesus' ministry and
what it might teach us.
I believe that we all view death as the last great 'barrier' we
must cross. What we think happens after that may well vary according to our
beliefs, the depth of our faith, or even lack of faith. For many who do not espouse
any faith death is a final event with nothing beyond it. As Christians we believe
that there is life beyond death - a glorious hope that Christ has opened up to us
through his death and now his glorious resurrection. The problem is we may still
entertain our doubts, asking, how I can prove it.
The story that brought it into focus· for me can be found in the main Gospel for this
year, that of Matthew, chap 828 to 91• Here Jesus is portrayed as crossing the lake 'to
the other side'. In other words he is crossing barriers. He is going east into the
Hellenistic area of the 'ten towns', the Decapolis, which is not Jewish territory.
Here he not only meets people who are unclean, he meets them in an unclean place
- the graveyard - and meets with people possessed by 'spirits' they are described as
demoniacs. Jesus crosses barrier after barrier in order to show that he is crossing to
the other side. He chooses to engage those who live in the place of the dead.
But that's not the end of the story. The demoniacs recognize Jesus for who he is, the
Son of God, and cry out against him. They only do that because they know he is
more powerful and that they will have to give way to him. So they submit to Jesus
and rush to their death over a cliff - albeit in the pigs, another unclean element in
the story. The result is that those living as if dead, in the place of the death, are
given their lives back and have a future.
The story, of course does not end so happily; the residents are not happy because
their livestock - representing substantial sum of money - is destroyed in the lake.
They refuse to recognize that Jesus has something far more valuable to offer. It
took a personal message from Jesus for Thomas to believe that Christ
had risen (John 2024ff). Thomas' affirmation of faith in Jesus following this
revelation prompted Jesus to say how happy will be those who have not seen but
yet still believe in the risen Christ. We will have seen Christ at work in and through
others, felt him at work in our own lives, and have read of all he had done over the
years. I hope that leads us on into the glorious future that Christ has opened for
each one who believes in him.
Now is the time to realize that joy we share and to give thanks for it, renew our
prayer that Jesus comes and works through us for the life of the kingdom, and to
enjoy the Easter season until Ascension, Pentecost and Trinity that all fall next
Once again, Happy Easter! God bless you all.
John Cook
Isn't it a strange contrast that we're always told not to
our lives away, yet as Christians we're always
Minister's Blog wish
looking to the future? We find ourselves looking
forward to celebrating the next festival, or taking part
May 2011
in the next major event. Having just celebrated Easter
- whoops, there I go falling into another trap - we're told not to keep looking back!
But there's no way round it ... we must confront what Easter means. As Christ
conquers death and sin so he places us back into a right and loving relationship with
God the Father. This opens up to us the glorious hope for a future life in the
kingdom of God after we die. How's about that for looking forward?!! Yes, I know
too far for some, too close for others. But surrounded by the love of Christians
travelling the same road we can find and offer support and encouragement to each
other for the here and now as we keep our eyes firmly fixed on that future goal.
That's what church is about, keeping each other, neighbours both near and far,
safe for the future. Come and help and I'll see you in church.
John Cook
Letter from a serving Elder
"Each one, as a good manager of God's different gifts, must use for
the good of others the special gift he has received from God" 1 Peter
A community is only a community when the maJonty of its
members is making the transition from "community for myself' to "myself for the
community" when each person's heart is opening to all others without any
In Philippians 2: 3-4, it is written "Don't do anything from selfish ambition, but be
humble towards one another, always considering others than you. And look out for
one another's interest, not just your own.
Recently, I witnessed an accident right in front of me when I was returning home
early morning after local shopping. A young school girl was crossing the road to a
bus stop where most of her school friends had gathered, when she was knocked
down by an oncoming vehicle.
A young boy of about the same age was the first to reach out for her school bag,
looked for her father's telephone number, and called him from his mobile. He then
called the ambulance service and then strangely handed over his phone to me. I
engaged in conversation with the ambulance team but when I finished, the young
boy had disappeared.
It was early morning and I was getting late for other duties, however I could not
hand over the mobile phone to just anybody. Finally, I gave the phone to another
girl who claimed to know the young boy. The girl and her friend left the scene,
leaving me wondering if I had done the right thing by handing over the phone to a
third person.
The Head Teacher of Erith School who knows me well arrived when the
Ambulance team were treating the injured girl. At that point I decided to go home
with my shopping, and then I met the boy coming with the Deputy Head Teacher.
To my relief, he had received his mobile phone.
A week after, I met the same boy on his way to school, and I asked him if he knew
me when he handed over his mobile phone to me on the day of the accident but he
gave me a negative answer. When we introduced ourselves, Joshua as he is called,
was very happy to meet me. This incident happened, when a few days ago; another
school boy from one of the schools had been knifed for his mobile phone.
Joshua told me that the school gave him Award. This was confirmed by the Head
and her Deputy when I went to the school to join them in celebration of their
Academy Status. This boy did all he could to save life. He did not care about
himself or one of the items his peers value most - MOBILE PHONES. Joshua is a
boy one would like to have in one's school and in the community.
A few days later after the accident I met a Policeman in Bexleyheath who told me
about how he and his team had to control over 200 unruly school children who
caused panic at the shopping centre.
From Death to Resurrection, it is the Easter, the Passover of our Lord. It is also the
passing from a land of slavery to a promised land, the land of interior freed. As
Christians, this is the time our faith will be tested to the full. We cannot heal all the
sick or relieve all the poor. We cannot comfort all in distress nor be father or
mother to all orphans. We cannot deliver many from their misfortunes or teach
them to find comfort in God. Let us renew our faith in Christ's sufferings on the
Cross for us, and do all we can to pray for the relief and happiness of all those in
distress, and May the light that shines from the Cross guide us in all we do in the
name of Christ.
Edward Boateng
Services for April 2011
Sunday 1 st May 10.30am
Preacher: John Cook
Sunday 8th May 10.30am
Preacher: Martin Ferris
Sunday 15th May 10.30am
Preacher: John Cook
Holy Communion *
United Service for Christian Aid week
Sunday 22nd May 10.30am
Preacher: Ann Cook
Sunday 29th May 10.30am
Preacher: Jack Beeson
*Donations to the communion fund may be made in the box at the back of the
church. Communion takes place on the third Sunday morning.
Duty Elder and Door Steward
1 st
15 Ann
22nd Jean
29th Mavis
22nd Angela and Tony
29th Lucy
Pause for Thought
15 Junior Church
22nd Kathleen
29th Jean
Church Meetings
1 st 11ay
Elders Meetings
10th 11ay
5th July
3rd July
"Geoff's Quotes"
o Lord, make us not like porridge - thick and difficult to stir; but more like
cornflakes - crisp and ready for anything. Anon
Activities of the Church
Every Monday
1 O.OOam to 11.00am in the hall. Gentle
for the over 50s. Numbers limited, names
2.00pm - 4.00pm Cream Teas, tea and biscuits,
toasted teacakes and a chat with friends every
110nday afternoon in the back of the church.
Every Monday evening
from 7.30pm onwards Badminton Club
meets in the Church Hall.
2nd Tuesday of the month
Tea Dance at the Church Hall - the
next dance is on 9th May at
2.00pm - 4.00pm. Do come along and enjoy
yourself. You do not have to have a partner,
you do not have to dance, just come and
enjoy the music, the company and the tea. All
Every Wednesday Morning "11eeting Place" 1 O.OOam at St. John Fisher.
Open for coffees and lunches. This is a
United Churches event.
Bible Study
Bible Study discussions are held at 2.30pm 3.30pm. Further information from 11avis Wilson.
Every Thursday
10.00am to 11.00am in the Hall.
exercises for the over 50s.
Every Friday
lOam-12.30pm Coffee Bar in the Ruxley Room.
1 st Saturday each Month
lO.OOam Coffee and cakes sale in the
Church Hall. Next Coffee and Cake Sale
1h May
Sunday Mornings
lO.05am. Prayer Group in Side Classroom.
All welcome. Please give prayer requests to
Mavis Wilson or Diana Rose.
Craft Afternoon
The Craft and Friendship Group of ladies
takes place on the third Thursday of each
month at Mavis' house - next meeting
Thursday 19th May at 2.00pm
Family News - We should continue to remember in our prayers John and Mary
Everest, Patricia Linder, Cyril Harris, Margot Nicholls.
Best birthday wishes to our young people with birthdays in May:
26th Matthew Benson
From Stewart Hunt
Dear Friends
Having recently completed a grueling 7Yz weeks course of Radiotherapy at St.
Thomas Hospital, London I am writing to express my sincere thanks to our
minister, our elders and fellow church members for their support and prayers
during this very testing time, which have been very much appreciated.
The treatment has left me feeling very, very tired and although visits to hospital
have ceased the treatment continues on a diminishing basis for the next two to three
I will be given the results when I am next seen in Clinic in July.
Our thanks to you all once again
Margaret and Stewart Hunt
Prayer Calendar
1st May
Suzanne Foster
Grahame Fox & Family
8th May
Geoff & Hazel Birch
Lila and Roly Fitch
Church announcements to leave you smiling!
The pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of the Congregation would lend him
their electric girdles for the pancake breakfast next Sunday.
Church/Regeneration Events - For your diary
Saturday 21 st May
Sunday 22nd May
7.00pm Call My Bluff £7.00
3.00pm Concert - Ann Gardener
Please support as many events as you can this year not only will you be made
welcome you will enjoy yourself and meet new people. You will also be helping
the church to raise funds to build a closer relationship with people in Bexley so that
they too can enjoy the facilities we are able to offer and find a welcome and
Educators Required
Under the local banner of TBB [Transform Bexley Borough] and in partnership
with HOPE UK there is a move to start an exciting new programme to resource the
Borough's young people.
The aim is to provide, from amongst the churches of the Borough, a group of Drug
Educators that will help our young people make drug-free choices for their lives.
The idea has sprung from public concerns expressed in response to an initiative
launched some time ago. That initiative - Care About the Borough was an attempt
to find out the main concerns in our area. Alcohol abuse and violence in town
centres was one - it is being addressed by Street Pastors. Another was internet
concerns - that is being addressed by a computer awareness course. A third concern
was substance abuse - and that is now being addressed by asking for people to
come and volunteer to become Drug Educators within the Borough. Training will
be necessary and offered free to church folk.
This is marvellous opportunity for anyone who believes they have a little time
and the ability to connect with young people in schools and help them make drugfree choices for their lives. If that person is you then please come and speak to John
Thank you.
Our Musical Extravaganza. Has
Bexley V.R.C. Got Talent?
On Sunday 21 st August we are intending to showcase the talent in our church and
the talent of friends of the church instead of the worthy semi-professional people
who normally provide our monthly concerts. So if you can wrestle a python or
stand on your head without the aid of a Zimmer frame you will be most welcome.
Better still if you can sing, play an instrument or tell a story you will be even more
The audience is generally quite docile and it is a long time since they threw eggs or
tomatoes and even longer since an artiste was struck by a walking stick. If you are
willing to take part please let either Mavis or Barbara know as soon as possible. I
am afraid that we no longer have vacancies for exotic dancers!
John Johnstone
Discussion Group
The next discussion group is planned for Wednesday 4th May at 7.30pm in the
Community Room (Side Classroom). The topic will be: "Britain is a Secular
Society: religion has no place in law". On this occasion we will try a different
format. After a brief introduction, the discussion will be open to anyone who
wishes to make a contribution. Everyone is welcome to attend, whether you wish to
express an opinion or not.
The following have been suggested as possible topics for the future:
"Is Democracy something that comes out of a gun barrel?"
"Is our colonial past a disaster?"
If you have any suggestion for a future discussion please let me know.
John Johnstone
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Orchard Theatre
I have been trying for the last six weeks to get a booking for us all to go and see
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. At last I have been successful.
This year the stars are Craig Revel Horwood and Ann Widdecombe. The
pantomime is only running from 9th December to 31 st December, this meant we
were not able to take up our usual booking of the fIrst Friday in the New Year. The
Group bookings were only available for the 2.00pm and 7.00pm performance from
Monday 12 December to Friday 16 December. I discussed my problem with a few
of my regular supporters and they agreed that I should try for an evening
performance at the end of the above week. I went to the booking office at the
beginning of March and was told there were no seats available for group bookings
in the numbers I wanted (90 seats).
Then much to my surprise I got a letter from them today (20th April) to tell me that
they had a limited number of seats now available for group bookings. I got in touch
with the Orchard and they were pleased to reserve 90 seats for me, not in one block
but all over the stalls, for Thursday 15th December 7.00pm performance. The cost
per ticket will be £16 each (as long as I sell 50 tickets), I will need to have the
money by the beginning of September.
I will shortly be around with my little book to take your name and the number of
tickets you require to be reserved for you.
First Saturday each month
10.00am - 11.15am
In Church Hall
A warm welcome awaits you
Drop in and see us
Diamonds and Squares
Have you had a chance yet to fill in any of the diamonds or squares on the chart at
the back of the church?
Designed to represent the large stained glass window at the back of the church,
which is to be renovated and made to stop all the heating escaping from the church
during the winter months.
The chart has been made to encourage donations at £ 1 or £2 a time towards the
cost of the £17,000 required. All our regeneration events are now to be used for
this purpose and £300 has already been raised and we thank you in anticipation of
your further support.
Bible Study
This month is a month of re- focusing. Easter has come and gone and the disciples
are struggling to get a grip on what it means to see Jesus again having seen him die
on the cross. The story is told through several readings, but we'll only look at a
In 1 Peter 1: 17-23 and Luke 24: 13-35 are two stories of the early friends of Jesus
finding out what it means to know Jesus after his death. Peter uses a familiar image
to those alive at the time - the image of slavery. He likens those now baptised and
freed through Christ's death and resurrection to those who were formerly slaves, but
who are now set free by those who kept them.
Through Christ's death and split blood and now in his risen life that shows we are
reconciled to God the Father, we can see that we are freed from slavery and an
empty life with no future. It brings to mind images of the story of the Exodus from
Egypt [see the book of Exodus]. We are drawn into a new life that can give
freedom to the soul to live with God - if we but protect it while we are able. We are
no longer exiles in a foreign land, instead are children at home.
The other story in Luke's Gospel tells of a growing understanding of what has been
experienced, what can be realized through an open mind and what can be revealed
through familiar actions - the sharing of food. The story, up until the sharing of
food, is still negative; there's no hint of change in those listening to this new Jesus
walking alongside them - whom they fail to recognize! The two
disciples are too focused on their own feeling of emptiness after Jesus' death to
realize he is there with them. They have no conception of the power of God to
change and overcome all things, even death. They are trapped in a world view that
is here and now, and achievable by what we can do. They harboured a false hope
that Jesus would change things by force of arms and human endeavour.
Not so. Jesus came to change not just Israel, but the whole world. Jesus opens up a
new possibility of eternal life - life after death in a way that he is briefly showing
them. That's why we need each other too, to show the way, to do familiar things, to
open our eyes to the possibilities of God here and now in our lives.
What we are led to understand is that through familiar actions and words, the
everyday things, we can discover God as he reveals himself to us. Even the
impossible becomes possible with God, we can look for life everlasting through the
risen Jesus. After all God made the world and declared it all good [see the book of
Genesis chap. 1]. We can then take it that everything we see has a holy element to
it - we just need to see or reveal it. Try walking round the garden, the local street,
the Borough and praying for everything you see - from people, to birds and trees,
the emergency services in action, the schools, the pubs, ... you name them all, and
see how God responds to you, what changes he makes in you as you really connect
with him where he has placed you.
May God bless you in your own journey of discovery.
Prayer page
Loving God,
make this church/home/school* a safe place
where we can listen to one another.
Loving God,
make this church/home/school a safe place
where we can care for each other.
Loving God,
make this church/home/school a safe place
where Jesus Christ is Lord.
*Use whichever is appropriate to your situation.
Creator God,
source of life and giver of love,
we praise you for all that you are.
You have brought us
from the places that would enslave us
into your holy place,
where we can grow and flourish.
We come to you with thanksgiving,
for when we were laid low
we turned to you
and you did not reject us
but reached out with salvation.
With all creation we praise you,
the one who gives us life.
With all creation we sing your song,
the song of hope and celebration.
With all creation we wait on your word,
the word of grace and transformation.
Open us now to all you are.
Strengthen us now to hear and see your wisdom.
Bless us now with your grace and mercy,
that as your people in the world,
we can proclaim your marvellous deeds and
declare your goodness in all creation. Amen.
May God's blessing be with you:
a blessing from the one who calls all people together; a
blessing from the one who calls you to care;
a blessing from the one who never deserts you;
a blessing for all life in all times and all places;
a blessing from our gracious risen Saviour God.
Junction Bexley High Street and Hurst Road
Available for Weddings, Dances, Socials and Private Parties.
Facilities include a Stage and a Fitted Kitchen.
Reasonable rates include Heating and Lighting.
Inquiries to: Mrs Poulten
Tel: 01322 521649
Hiker's Heaven
The long road stretches far ahead - a silver ribbon winding,
The view around, above, below, enchantingly spellbinding,
The open sky, the lonely moor, the village in the hollow,
These are the ways my wandering footsteps always love to
Through every season, green or gold, cold Winter's
mantle white,
The countryside in all its moods breathes wonder and delight; I
count my blessings every day that I have eyes to see
The wealth of beauty heaven bestowed for humble folk like me.
Georgina Hall
(Taken from "The Friendship Book 1986'')
My house
The beds are made, the kitchen gleams, The
hall is shiny bright;
The windows sparkle as they should To
let in all the light.
There's not a single magazine Left
lying anywhere,
No sewing basket on the floor, No
knitting on the chair.
I wish my friends would visit me,
They would be most impressed And
say that as a housewife I'm a cut
above the rest.
But when the place is in a mess
And nothing's straight at all,
Then that's the day my friends will choose
To pay a social call!
(Takenfrom "The Friendship Book 1986")