The Book of Exodus Bible Survey 2009 Exodus 1: When Pharaoh felt threatened 1. Introduction and Review. Luke 22:14-19, Exodus 12:24-28 Why does a New Testament Christian need to understand the Book of Exodus? A book of prefigured truth -- doctrinally A book of key information -- historically A book of parallels – prophetically 2. Holocaust in Ancient Egypt Exodus 1:1-5 – Remind us who these people are and where did we first learn about them. o What did we say was significant about the number 70 here? (Hint: refers to a Jewish body of leaders and a NT evangelistic party) Exodus 1:6-7 – Keep in mind, the events of Exodus are 400 years after patriarchs came to Egypt Exodus 1:8-14 – What is the problem here? o What is Pharaoh’s solution to this problem? Does it seem to be working? Exodus 1:15-17 – What is happening here? What modern sin can this be compared to? Exodus 1:18-21 – What solution did the mid-wives come up with? Aren’t they disobeying the law of Pharaoh? Isn’t that wrong? How do we know that God approves the midwives’ disobedience of Pharaoh? Exodus 1:22 – compare to Revelation 12:1-5, 13, 17 and Matthew 2:16 Satan always wants to kill God’s people -- especially in their youth – especially the males – why is that? Genesis 3:14-15 Can you give some historical or modern examples of how this has been true? A male leader will emerge from this group of “saved” male children who will save the Israelites, preach judgment to Pharaoh and prefigure Jesus Christ – Can you guess who this will be? 3. Questions? Pastor Tim Moynihan The Potter’s House 760-477-3901 The Book of Exodus Bible Survey 2009 Exodus 2: Saved by Water 1. Introduction and Review. Luke 22:14-19, Exodus 12:24-28 Why does a New Testament Christian need to understand the Book of Exodus? Jacob was buried in Canaan. What instructions did Joseph leave as to his burial? Why? How many years passed from the time Jacob entered Egypt to the time of “the Pharaoh who did not know Joseph?” What was the essential gripe that Pharaoh had with the Hebrews? What two strategies did he employ to break down and reduce the Hebrews? Did they work? 2. Faith that resists evil Exodus 2:1 – One interesting detail here, how did the Hebrews maintain their tribal distinctions during 400 years in Egypt? Exodus 2:2-4 – Why did she hide him? What is ironic about his hiding place? What was his sister’s job? Exodus 2:5-7 – What is ironic about who finds the child? What do you think of Moses’ sister’s quick thinking? What can a Christian learn from this? Exodus 2:8-10 – so who ends up taking care of this baby? What Christian principle is working here? Romans 8:28 So the infant Moses escapes death by finding a refuge in Egypt. What other special baby also escaped death by finding a refuge in Egypt? Matthew 2:13-15 What advantages will this child have being raised by his own mother but as a Prince of Egypt? Exodus 2:11-12, 13-15 – What mistake did Moses make that we sometimes make? Proverbs 14:12, Zechariah 4:6 Where is the land of Midian? Why would Moses choose this place to go? Genesis 25:1-2, 6 – How would Moses have known this about Midian? Exodus 2:16-22 – What noble intentions does Moses seem to possess? Now he just needs to bring it all under the control of God! Exodus 2:23-25 – Why did they groan so badly AFTER this wicked Pharaoh died? How does God sometimes use difficult circumstances to get our attention? Psalm 119:67 But God does hear the prayer of the righteous and He will not let Egypt get away with any injustice against His special people: Genesis 12:2-3 3. Questions? Pastor Tim Moynihan The Potter’s House The Book of Exodus Bible Survey 2009 Exodus 3: The Life-changing Encounter 1. Introduction and Review. Luke 22:14-19, Exodus 12:24-28 Why the Book of Exodus so important to us today? 760-477-3901 Where was the infant Moses hid to avoid death? Who discovered him there? Who intervened and what arrangement did she recommend that ensured that Moses would be raised by his own mother? How did Moses take justice into his own hands to free his people? Where did Moses flee to and why? What did Moses do that caused the Midianite priest to take him in? 2. A World Changing Encounter with God Exodus 3:1 – Note the name of the mountain. This is significant. Exodus 3:2-3, 4-5, 6 – Why was the bush not consumed? Why does God reveal Himself to Moses as the God of “your father,” Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? Exodus 3:7 – Why is this significant to Christians? Matthew 28:20b, Hebrews 13:5 Exodus 3:8-10, 11-12 – What is Moses trying to do? Did God ever tell you to do something that you really did not want to do? How did you deal with that? Exodus 3:13-14 – Note Jesus’ words in John 8:56-59 Exodus 3:15-17, 18-20, 21-22 What reasonable request does God give for Moses to ask of Pharaoh? o How is this a relevant issue for us today? What does God say will happen when Moses requests that? How does God know? Why is God telling Moses what will happen? Why will the Egyptians give their “stuff” to the Israelites? o Why does God add this last provision? 3. Questions? Pastor Tim Moynihan The Potter’s House 760-477-3901 The Book of Exodus Bible Survey 2009 Exodus 4: Signs of Godly Authority 1. Introduction and Review. Luke 22:14-19, Exodus 12:24-28 Why does a New Testament Christian need to understand the Book of Exodus? What were the various names of the “Mountain of God?” What was interesting about the bush that Moses saw at the Mountain of God? What reasonable request did God tell Moses to ask of Pharaoh? How did Moses react to the call of God? Why did God tell Moses what would happen beforehand? 2. Signs and Wonders that confirm the Word of God and Godly Authority Exodus 4:1 – What do you think of Moses’ request? Exodus 4:2-5 – What do you think this sign means? Exodus 4:6-8 – What do you think this sign means? Exodus 4:9 – What does this sign mean? Does God use signs today to confirm His Word today? Mark 16:15-20 – Note the parallels to Moses’ three signs Exodus 4:10-12 – what is wrong with Moses’ logic? Consider 1 Corinthians 1:26-31 and guess where Moses’ is missing the point. Exodus 4:13-17 – So again, why is God angry with Moses? Aaron will prove to be a liability in the future – so is every crutch we use to “help” us do the Will of God. Exodus 4:18-20, 21-23 – Yes, God does really talk that way! Why? Remember the “reasonable request.” Exodus 4:24-26 – What is the problem here? Why is this an issue now? o Genesis 17:9-14 1 Timothy 3:1-5 Exodus 4:27-28, 29-31 3. Questions? Pastor Tim Moynihan The Potter’s House 760-477-3901 The Book of Exodus Bible Survey 2009 Exodus 5: Discouragement and Opposition 1. Introduction and Review. Luke 22:14-19, Exodus 12:24-28 Why does a New Testament Christian need to understand the Book of Exodus? What were the three signs of authority that Moses was supposed to display to convince people that he was really speaking for God? What is the parallel Christian scriptural confirmation? Hint: Mark 16 In Exodus chapter 4, God became angry with Moses over two issues. What were they? Discuss each. What is the lesson in that for the New Testament believer? Why did the Hebrews believe Moses at the end of Chapter 4? 2. Unexpected Results Exodus 5:1-2 – What is the reasonable request here? What do you think of Pharaoh’s answer? Exodus 5:3-5 – What argument appears to be failing here with Pharaoh? Does Pharaoh’s answer remind you of anything you’ve heard before? Do arguments usually change people’s minds? What more is needed? o Zechariah 4:6 Exodus 5:6-9 – Why might this Pharaoh think these Hebrews are insincere in their desire to worship and sacrifice to God? Exodus 5:10-14 – How did the situation just become worse for the Hebrews? How do you think these Hebrew “officers” will respond to this increased persecution? Exodus 5:15-19 – Who is causing the problem here for these Hebrew officers? Now watch how this plays out and who they eventually blame. Exodus 5:20-21 -- Do people ever blame the pastor when things go wrong in their life or don’t turn out as they expected? Who does Pastor Moses blame? Exodus 5:22-23 Does that blame game sound familiar? Where have you see it before? Genesis 3:9-13 -- “Blame” is the root of human pride! Moses thought that the Will of God was the way of ease. Have you ever made that mistake? Discuss -- Matthew 16:24-25 2 Timothy 3:12-14 How should a Christian respond to trials, setbacks and persecution? o James 1:2-4 Galatians 6:9 The safest thing to do in such circumstances is to learn to trust God even when it doesn’t seem to make sense: Proverbs 3:5-6 3. Questions? Pastor Tim Moynihan The Potter’s House 760-477-3901 The Book of Exodus Bible Survey 2009 Exodus 6: Uncertainty and Faith 1. Introduction and Review. Luke 22:14-19, Exodus 12:24-28 Why does a New Testament Christian need to understand the Book of Exodus? What is the reasonable request that God tells Moses to ask of Pharaoh? What are some of the reasons Pharaoh won’t grant it? How were the Hebrew officers “troubled?” Who did they blame? Who did Moses blame? 2. Questions and concerns in the Will of God Exodus 6:1 – What is God trying to assure Moses of here? Revelation 22:6 Exodus 6:2-5 – What is God reminding Moses of here? Hebrews 11:6 Exodus 6:6-9 – Why don’t the people believe Moses here? John 14:1 Exodus 6:10-13 – Moses is still arguing with God! What is God’s answer to this last argument? Unbelief is natural but it eventually becomes a sin. Exodus 6:14-19 – those pesky genealogies! Why are they in our Bible? Why do you think it was necessary to put one in here? Exodus 6:20-25, 26-27 Exodus 6:28-30 – Note Moses words. What do you think of the patience of God? Matthew 11:28-30 --Has God ever been patient with you in your unbelief? Remember from last week: What is the safest thing to do when things aren’t turning out as you expected or the way seems unclear? Proverbs 3:5-6 3. Questions? Pastor Tim Moynihan The Potter’s House 760-477-3901 The Book of Exodus Bible Survey 2009 Exodus 7: The Judgment of God Begins 1. Introduction and Review. Luke 22:14-19, Exodus 12:24-28 Describe the importance of the Book of Exodus to the New Testament believer. In Exodus 6, how does God show His patience with Moses? What is God’s final argument to convince Moses? God uses something to assure Moses that He, God, is in control of the situation. What was it? (Hint: God uses the same thing to reassure people today) Why do even the Israelites begin to disbelieve Moses? Why do we have a genealogy in Exodus 6? 2. Hard Hearts and Harder Heads Exodus 7:1-3 – You would expect God to soften Pharaoh’s heart. Think of two reasons why God would harden it instead. Revelation 22:11 Exodus 7:4-5 Exodus 7:6-7 – Note their ages! Exodus 7:8-10, 11 – Why can these Egyptians copy this sign? 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 Revelation 13:11-13 Exodus 7:12-13 – The superiority of God’s miracles! Note the hardening process in Pharaoh. Exodus 7:14-18 – Judgment on sin is one proof of God’s authority Exodus 7:19-21, 22-25 – Discuss the attitude of the Egyptians. Compare them to people today and to the scriptures in Revelation 16:3-4, Revelation 8:8-9 and Revelation 9:2021 3. Questions? Pastor Tim Moynihan The Potter’s House 760-477-3901 The Book of Exodus Bible Survey 2009 Exodus 8: A Plague of Pests 1. Introduction and Review. Luke 22:14-19, Exodus 12:24-28 Why should Christians study the book of Exodus? God told Moses that Pharaoh’s heart would be hardened. Why did God harden it instead of softening it? What did the waters of Egypt become? Did it cause the Egyptians to repent? What did they do that modern people do when faced by the judgments of God? 2. Frogs and Lice and Flies, oh my! Exodus 8:1-4 – What do you think of this plague? What would the threat of it make you do? Exodus 8:5-6 – There is a similar “frog-like” judgment prophesied in Revelation 16:12-14 – Discuss the link with a river in both texts: o These two rivers are a source of spiritual life to the empires of Egypt (Nile) and Babylon (Euphrates) but it is a false spiritual life. The Holy Spirit is the true source of all spiritual life: John 7:37-39 Note: These Revelation 16 frogs are spirits performing deceiving signs. The frogs of Exodus 8 are linked to deceiving signs also: Exodus 8:7 Exodus 8:8 – How is Pharaoh trying to trick Moses (and God) here? Exodus 8:9-15 – People frequently make “deals” with God when they are in the middle of a trial. But they have no intention of keeping them. This is a dangerous game of deceit and self-deceit. Exodus 8:16-19 – Who have Pharaoh’s spiritual advisors finally realized is behind all of these plagues? Could today’s experts also be missing God? In other words, could God be judging us but we are too proud to believe it is Him? Give examples. Exodus 8:20-24 – God makes a distinction between judgment on unbelieving sinners and judgment on His own people Exodus 8:25 – What is Pharaoh trying to do here? Exodus 8:26 – What does Moses mean by this question? Pharaoh’s offer of compromise is designed to get the Hebrews into more trouble than they were in before. Compromise always defeats the way of Godliness! Exodus 8:27-32 – From now on all of the judgments will affect only the Egyptians. God spares His people from His consuming wrath. So it will be in the Last Days at the end of the age: I Thessalonians 5:1-3, 9-11 3. Questions? Pastor Tim Moynihan The Potter’s House The Book of Exodus Bible Survey 2009 Exodus 9: Plagues of Pestilence, Boils and Hail 1. Introduction and Review. Luke 22:14-19, Exodus 12:24-28 What Exodus custom is portrayed in Luke 22? What other New Testament concepts appear in Exodus? What were the three plagues of Exodus 8? What did the frogs represent? How did Pharaoh try tricking Moses? 760-477-3901 What compromise did Pharaoh offer? How did God change the plagues so it would be obvious who was being judged? 2. The Parallel Plagues of Exodus and Revelation Exodus 9:1-5 – How is the Lord making it clear to the Egyptians that He is the One behind these plagues? This is a New Testament distinction as well: Romans 8:1 This distinction will be repeated in prophecy: Revelation 9:4 Exodus 9:6-7 – If animals die it’s bad but not too bad; if you want to get people’s attention, who should you target? Exodus 9:8-12 – We said that the plagues were directed against the idols of the Egyptians. What plagued is targeted here? Note the parallel plague in Revelation 16:1-2 What makes verse 12 different than what happened in the previous plagues? Exodus 8:15 Revelation 22:11 Exodus 9:13-17 – Who is in control here? Even when it seems like Pharaohs, Kings and Politicians are in control, they are under God’s power: Psalm 2:1-9 Proverbs 21:1 John 19:10-11 Exodus 9:18-21 – Just like Revelation 9:20-21 Note the parallel plague in Revelation 16:21 Exodus 9:22-26, 27-30, 31-35 3. Questions? Pastor Tim Moynihan The Potter’s House 760-477-3901 The Book of Exodus Bible Survey 2009 Exodus 10: Swarming and Smothering 1. Introduction and Review. Luke 22:14-19, Exodus 12:24-28 What Exodus custom is portrayed in Luke 22? What other New Testament concepts appear in Exodus? What were some of the plagues mentioned in Exodus 9 that also appear in Revelation? How does God distinguish between His people and the unbelieving Egyptians? In Exodus 9, who is in control and who thinks they are in control? o What does this reveal about human nature? 2. Bugs and Blackness Exodus 10:1-2 – Note the instruction in verse 2 – Why is this important? Exodus 10:3-6 – What does verse 3 suggest is the cause of Pharaoh’s unrepentant stubbornness? James 4:6 Locusts are a common picture of judgment in both the Old and New Testament: Joel 1:4 Revelation 9:3 Exodus 10:7-11 – What limitation is Pharaoh trying to put on them now? How is this restriction employed by the enemies of God today? Exodus 10:12-15 – Locusts represent demons and human invaders. Exodus 10:16-20 – Is the Pharaoh really repenting? How would you know? How is this like some people today who ask forgiveness but don’t repent? o Matthew 3:8 Hebrews 12:16-17 Exodus 10:21-23 – see also Revelation 16:10-11 – a sign of God’s displeasure and wrath such as the day of Christ’s crucifixion. Exodus 10:24-29 – Note again the compromise demanded of by Pharaoh. What is the problem here? Hebrews 9:22 Never compromise with the Devil – ever – call his bluff and trust God! 3. Questions? Pastor Tim Moynihan The Potter’s House 760-477-3901 The Book of Exodus Bible Survey 2009 Exodus 11: Favor, Fame and Pharaoh 1. Introduction and Review. Luke 22:14-19, Exodus 12:24-28 What Exodus custom is portrayed in Luke 22? Why do New Testament Christians need to study Exodus? Why is it that Pharaoh won’t repent? What do the locusts represent? Why does Pharaoh try to make a deal with Moses? What compromise does Pharaoh offer to Moses? What kind of problem would this compromise create? Hebrews 9:22 2. Famous with the Egyptians, infamous with their leader Exodus 11:1 – What could God mean by saying that Pharaoh “will surely drive you out of here altogether?” o How does this relate to our Christian experience? Matthew 10:22 Exodus 11:2 – Why would the Egyptians do this? Deuteronomy 8:18 Exodus 11:3 – Moses and the Israelites are “famous” now, how does that work into God’s plan? 1 Peter 2:12 Exodus 11:4-7 – God does judge the wicked and spare the righteous: I Thessalonians 5:1-4, 9 and Romans 8:1 Exodus 11:8 – Why does Moses tell Pharaoh his future here? Proverbs 21:1 Exodus 11:9-10 – Why did God harden Pharaoh’s heart? Revelation 22:11 3. Questions? Pastor Tim Moynihan The Potter’s House 760-477-3901 The Book of Exodus Bible Survey 2009 Exodus 12: Perpetual Reminder of God’s Deliverance 1. Introduction and Review. Luke 22:14-19, Exodus 12:24-28 What Exodus custom is portrayed in Luke 22? Why would this be a perpetual ordinance? Why do Christians need to be aware of these things in Exodus? 2. Passover – The Eternal Redemption Feast The Passover contains some of the most vivid Christian imagery of the Old Testament. Read Exodus 12:1-3, 4-6, 7-11 and consider the imagery here while answering the following questions – Why a lamb? What could be the significance to a Christian? 1 Peter 1:18-20 Genesis 22:8 John 1:29 Revelation 5:6 Revelation 17:14 Revelation 22:3 Note the blood on the door – Why is this important? What shape is made by the blood placed there? Why is the lamb eaten? Why MUST it be eaten? John 6:53-54 Exodus 12:12-14 – Why would a Jew be spared? IS God racist? What would happen to a Jewish family that chose not to use the blood? Exodus 12:15-17, 18-20, 21-23, 24-28 – Who is the destroyer? What does it tell you about the Blood of the Lamb? Why is this ordinance observed forever? Luke 22:14-19 Revelation 19:7-9 Exodus 12:29-30, 31-39, 40-42 – Note the Prophecy in Genesis 15:13-14 Exodus 12:43-49 – According to the Law, what must a foreigner do in order to partake of the Passover? Why this distinction between foreigner and Jew? 2 Corinthians 6:14-15 How does a New Testament Christian Gentile qualify to participate in the Passover? 1 Corinthians 7:19 Galatians 6:15 Philippians 3:3 Exodus 12:50-51 3. Questions? Pastor Tim Moynihan The Potter’s House 760-477-3901 The Book of Exodus Bible Survey 2009 Exodus 13: Details and Ordinances of Passover 1. Introduction and Review. Luke 22:14-19, Exodus 12:24-28 What Exodus custom is portrayed in Luke 22? Why would this be a perpetual ordinance? Why do Christians need to be aware of these things in Exodus? 2. For remembrance and direction Exodus 13:1-2 – Why the firstborn? Exodus 12:29 What does the firstborn represent? Genesis 43:33 Exodus 13:3 – Why unleavened bread? What does leaven represent? Exodus 13:4-10 – Is this something Jesus abolished, like the sacrificial and dietary laws of the Old Testament? Exodus 13:11-14 – What is the significance to a Christian that the firstborn is redeemed by a lamb? John 1:29 Exodus 13:15-16 – See also verse 9 – The Law is God’s written guide to the Jewish believer just as the Bible is to us today – Deuteronomy 6:4-9 Exodus 13:17-18 – Discuss the significance of this – both geographically and spiritually. Exodus 13:19 – Joseph had made that request 400 years earlier! How did he know they would actually return to the Promised Land? Exodus 13:20-22 – God personally leads the people with the Pillars of Fire and Smoke – What two supernatural things lead Christians today? John 14:26 2 Timothy 3:16-17 3. Questions? Pastor Tim Moynihan The Potter’s House 760-477-3901 The Book of Exodus Bible Survey 2009 Exodus 14: Salvation through the Sea 1. Introduction and Review. Luke 22:14-19, Exodus 12:24-28 Why do Christians need to be aware of these things in Exodus? What Exodus custom is portrayed in Luke 22? Explain the significance to a Christian of the following Passover symbols from Exodus chapter 13: o The Firstborn o Leaven o The Lamb Can you give one reason why the Hebrews did not take the most direct route from Egypt into the Promised Land? 2. Saved as if by water Exodus 14:1-4 – What is God doing here and why? Ezekiel 36:19-23 o Why does God have a right to do this? Exodus 14:5-9 – The real issue is repentance. Did Pharaoh really intend to repent or not after the death of the firstborn? How do we know? Do disasters cause people to repent? Revelation 9:20-21 Exodus 14:10-12 – What is happening now? Why? Can you relate? Do Christians do the same thing? Discuss Exodus 14:13-14 – Note Moses’ words, what is he doing? 1 Thessalonians 5:9-11 Is Moses’ heart in it? Exodus 14:15-18 Exodus 14:19-20 – Who is this Angel of the Lord? Do you remember what this is called? Who “goes ahead” of the Church today? Exodus 14:21-25 – Who is in control the entire time, no matter how things look? 2 Corinthians 5:7 Exodus 14:26-29, 30-31 – Is this a type of the Christian salvation experience? 1 Corinthians 10:1-6 Note how Paul uses this story to warn Christians. What is he warning them about? Do deliverance miracles cause people to learn to trust God always? 3. Questions? Pastor Tim Moynihan The Potter’s House 760-477-3901 The Book of Exodus Bible Survey 2009 Exodus 15: From Test to Test 1. Introduction and Review. Luke 22:14-19, Exodus 12:24-28 Why should a Christian study the Book of Exodus? Why does the scene in Luke 22:14-19 portray? How do you know? God led the Israelites into a place that appeared to be a trap: How did Pharaoh react? How did the Israelites react? How did Moses react? Why did God do it? What happened next? What happened to Pharaoh and his army? The New Testament compares the salvation of the Israelites from Pharaoh with what Christian experience? 2. Songs of Praise and Glory, and then some Whining Exodus 15:1-2 – Why are they praising God now? When should they have been praising Him? Philippians 4:4-7 Exodus 15:3 – Does this verse surprise you? How? 1 John 3:8 What does it mean when the word “lord” is spelled “LORD?” (all caps) Exodus 15:4-5, 6-10 – This resembles two other events, one near the beginning of the Bible and one near the end of the Bible, in which God judges man for his rebellion. Can you think of them? o Genesis 6:11-13, 17-18 and Revelation 19:11-15, 19-21 Exodus 15:11-13 – Why is this scripture ironic? Exodus 14: 10-12 o How is this like many believers today? Exodus 15:14-16, 17-19, 20-21 – Seems good so far, but where are they now? They haven’t entered the wilderness yet! Exodus 15:22-23, 24-26 – How long did it take for them to go from victory to despair? Luke 24:17-21 Galatians 3:1 Do you know what ‘Marah’ means? Why is this a problem? Hebrews 12:12-17 What does the tree represent? Matthew 16:21-24 o When we accept the reality of the cross, everything can tolerated! Exodus 15:27 – Notice the place of rest was ‘just around the corner!’ So it is with us as followers of Christ, bitterness can cause us to lose our joy, backslide and ruin our testimony when a blessing and a victory is just ahead! Jude 5, 16 3. Questions? Pastor Tim Moynihan The Potter’s House 760-477-3901 The Book of Exodus Bible Survey 2009-10 Exodus 16: Food and Whine in the Desert 1. Introduction and Review. Luke 22:14-19, Exodus 12:24-28 What does the scene in Luke 22:14-19 portray? What other events of Exodus portray important lessons for Christians? What event did the Israelites celebrate with song in Exodus 15? What was so ironic about their song of praise to God? What does “marah” mean? What does it refer to in Exodus 15? What turned the water sweet? What did it represent? How does this relate to our Christian walk? 2. Man’s Complaint, God’s Provision Exodus 16:1-3 – Do you know where this place of wandering is today? Look at the complaint in vs. 3, what is illogical about it? Some people always want to “fantasize” about how good the old life of sin was -- 1 Corinthians 10:1-12 Exodus 16:4-5 – Why twice as much on the 6th day? God provides! Philippians 4:19 Exodus 16:6-7 – What is Moses’ point? Exodus 16:8 – Why should Christians watch their whining? Jude 5, 16-18 Exodus 16:9-12, 13-14, 15-18 – Compare to James 4:1-3 What does this say about God’s provision? Does He give us everything we want? Exodus 16:19-21 – What could this be telling us about the blessings of God? Exodus 16:22-23, 24-26, 27-31—notice how God has to force them to honor the Sabbath! How might He do that to us today? Exodus 16:32-36 – What is God’s “portion” here? Recognize that one-tenth? God always wants to remind us about giving as well! 3. Questions? Pastor Tim Moynihan The Potter’s House 760-477-3901 The Book of Exodus Bible Survey 2009-10 Exodus 17: Temptation and Victory in the Desert 1. Introduction and Review. Luke 22:14-19, Exodus 12:24-28 What does the scene in Luke 22:14-19 portray? What events of Exodus give insight into the New Testament Book of Revelation? In what two ways did God provide for the Israelites in Exodus 16? What does the word “manna” mean? How many days of the week did manna appear on the ground? On which day did twice as much appear and why? What negative characteristic best describes these Israelites during this desert period and what warning does this give to the Christian today? 2. Going to the Rock, Lifting up the Lord Exodus 17:1 – uh, oh, where have we seen this before? Exodus 17:2-3 – What is so illogical about this complaint? Do Christians ever complain like this? 1 Peter 4:12-16 2 Peter 2:20 Exodus 17:4-6 – Why did God tell Moses to take some of the elders and his rod to the rock? What did the rock represent? 1 Corinthians 10:1-4 John 7:37-38 Exodus 17:7 -- What does it mean that God was tempted or tested by them? Who was really getting tested? Exodus 17:8-10 – Who is Amalek? What does Amalek represent? Deuteronomy 25:17-19 Who appears to be the military leader of the Israelites? What does the rod represent (again)? What does the hill represent? Exodus 17:11-13 -- What is Moses doing up on that hilltop? What are Aaron and Hur doing? 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13 What does the stone represent? 1 Peter 2:4-7 The entire scene remains one of Jesus’ words in John 3:14 Now note the rest of the scene and you will see why in Exodus 17:14-16 – God is our ____________________ (What?) How might this thought help us in our Christian walk? 3. Questions? Pastor Tim Moynihan The Potter’s House 760-477-3901 The Book of Exodus Bible Survey 2009-10 Exodus 18: Jethro’s Visitation 1. Introduction and Review. Luke 22:14-19, Exodus 12:24-28 Describe some New Testament doctrines or concepts that originate in the Book of Exodus. According to 1 Corinthians 10, what was the identity of the rock that Moses struck which provide water to the Israelites in Exodus 17? In Exodus we are discovering the awakening of the Hebrew people as a distinctive nation and religious group with its own unique laws, customs and capabilities. The period during the time in the wilderness of Sin was a unique preparation. Give an example of this, an emergent national capability that we first see in Exodus 17. Exodus 17:10-11, 13 Why was God so angry at the Amalekites? What does “Jehovah-Nissi” mean? How are we to “lift up the Lord” today? 2. A Father-in-Law of the Faith Exodus 18:1-6 – What was Moses’ family problem identified all the way back in Exodus 4:24-26? Consider in light of: Proverbs 22:6 1 Timothy 3:1-2, 4-5 Exodus 18:7-8, 9-12 – Jethro is a Midianite, can you remember how the Midianites were related to the Israelites? What does this explain about Jethro’s religious ideas? Exodus 18:13-16 – Moses’ has a couple of problems here, can you identify them? Exodus 18:17-20 – How is this like our Christian responsibility? Matthew 28:18-20 Exodus 18:21-23 – This is a leadership trait called ______________________. A similar problem arose in the First Century Church, do you know that story? Acts 6:1-7 Also note: Titus 1:5 Exodus 18:24-27 3. Questions? Pastor Tim Moynihan The Potter’s House 760-477-3901 The Book of Exodus Bible Survey 2009-10 Exodus 19: Preparing to Face God 1. Introduction and Review. Luke 22:14-19, Exodus 12:24-28 Describe some New Testament doctrines or concepts that originate in the Book of Exodus. Who was Jethro? What was his ethnic and religious background? What was the family problem/issue that confronted Moses in Exodus 18? What was Moses’ problem that led to this situation? What did Jethro like about what he saw in Moses and the Israelites? What did Jethro criticize Moses about? What was the solution? 2. Conditions of the Covenant Exodus 19:1-2 – Have we seen this mountain before? Exodus 3:1 This mountain is a spiritual reference point. Do you know what that means? Exodus 19:3-6 – How are the people like a kingdom of priests? Explain Are Christians also a “kingdom of priests?” 1 Peter 2:9-10 What are the conditions for this to come to pass? Exodus 19:7-10 – Why does God want to reveal himself now? Exodus 19:11-13 -- Why the need for “bounds” (boundaries)? Notice: Who enforces God’s boundaries? What method is used? Why? Exodus 19:14-15 – Why do they need to avoid their wives? 1 Corinthians 7:5 Exodus 19:16-17, 18-20, 21-22 – Why can’t people just “see God?” Exodus 33:20 Exodus 19:23 – How do you think God was testing Moses in vs. 21-23? Exodus 19:24-25 – Why does Aaron get to go? What was his “title?” From now on we will see more and more “laws” – these represent God’s covenant, His Holiness, His perfect will. 3. Questions? Pastor Tim Moynihan The Potter’s House 760-477-3901 The Book of Exodus Bible Survey 2009-10 Exodus 20: T he Commandments of God 1. Introduction and Review. Luke 22:14-19, Exodus 12:24-28 Describe some New Testament doctrines or concepts that originate in the Book of Exodus. In our last chapter, God chose to reveal Himself to the Israelites. Where did this take place? In what country is this located? A couple of facts – Galatians 4:25 reveals the real location of this mountain. It is Jabal al Lawz in Saudi Arabia. What prompted God to reveal more of Himself to these people? What were the rules related to the mountain? Why were boundaries necessary? Who did God instruct Moses to take with him? 2. The Introduction of the Law. Most of the Ten Commandments are repeated in the New Testament with the exception of the fourth. Why do you think they are repeated in the New Testament? (So much for “the law” being irrelevant to the New Testament Believer!) Exodus 20:1-3 – Acts 4:12, 1 Timothy 2:5 Exodus 20:4-6 – Romans 1:18-23 Exodus 20:7 – James 3:8-10, Matthew 7:21 Exodus 20:8-11 – Luke 13:14-16, Romans 14:5-6, Acts 20:7 The first four commandments pertain specifically to what? Why do you think the fourth commandment is not emphasized in the New Testament? Exodus 20:12 – Notice a pattern here? Why do you think this commandment came next? Ephesians 6:1-3 Exodus 20:13-17 – 1 Corinthians 5:9, 6:9-10, Matthew 5:21-22, 27-28 If you were raised Roman Catholic, share with us the difference between the Bible Ten Commandments and the Roman Catholic Ten Commandments. Why are they different? Exodus 20:18-21 – What is wrong with the logic of the people? Why do you think they ask Moses to have it this way? Exodus 20:22-26 – Notice the emphasis on “no idolatry.” Why “no tools” and “no steps” on the altar? All the Law and the Word of God flow from these Ten Commandments. They represent the beginning of Godly civilization for the whole world. They have not been carved in stone yet but will be later and we will study why in a future class. 3. Questions? Pastor Tim Moynihan The Potter’s House 760-477-3901 The Book of Exodus Bible Survey (Chap 1-20) and Wilderness Nuggets along the Way Exodus 21-23: A Few Found Nuggets 1. Introduction and Review. Luke 22:14-19, Exodus 12:24-28 Describe some New Testament doctrines or concepts that originate in the Book of Exodus. Last chapter we read for the first time the Ten Commandments. Were they written down at this time or spoken? The first four have to do with our relationship with who? Which commandment is not repeated in the New Testament? Why? Where is the real Mount Sinai located? How do we know? Why is an altar to be made without tools, of uncut stone and without steps? The Ten Commandments are the foundation of all the Mosaic Law. But which two commandments did Jesus say were the greatest? Matthew 22:36-40 Exodus Chapters 21-23 concern themselves with developing various aspects of the Law that were necessary for the nation’s civil order. We will note some interesting nuggets. 2. A few things along the way The Solution for Teenage Rebellion: Exodus 21:17 Revenge or Justice? – you decide: Exodus 21:23-25 Why we like guns: Exodus 22:2 The strong help the weak: Exodus 22:21-24 Read and consider those things in American society that God hates here: Exodus 22:18-20, Exodus 23:1-3, Exodus 23:7-8, Exodus 23:13, Exodus 23:19 3. God’s Guardian Angel Exodus 23:20-26 – What does this “Angel” remind us of? Who fulfills this function for the Church today? John 14:15-18, 26 Exodus 23:27-30, 31-33 – See also: Acts 1:8 4. Questions? Pastor Tim Moynihan The Potter’s House 760-477-3901 The Book of Exodus Bible Survey (Chap 1-20) and Wilderness Nuggets along the Way Exodus 24: Ratifying the Covenant 1. Introduction and Review. Luke 22:14-19, Exodus 12:24-28 Describe some New Testament doctrines or concepts that originate in the Book of Exodus. God gave the people the Ten Commandments. Which two commandments did Christ say were the greatest and why? Last week we studied some interesting nuances in the Mosaic Law. Consider the following questions: o Why is “eye for eye, tooth for tooth” just? o What does God think of rebellious children? o What other laws from last week’s study caught your attention? God sent an Angel to guide the people. Who has God sent to guide the Christian believer? 2. God in the Cloud and the Book of the Covenant Exodus 24:1-2 – Who were these seventy elders? Why is only Moses allowed to come near to the Lord? Exodus 20:18-21 Exodus 24:3 – What is the problem with the words of the people here? Matthew 15:7-8, John 14:15 Exodus 24:4 – These pillars still exist as rock piles at the base of Jabal al Lawz in Saudi Arabia. Where does the book Moses wrote exist? Exodus 24:5-8 – Note: The Book of the Covenant. Note the words of Moses here, do they sound familiar? Luke 22:20 Exodus 24:9-11 – This is imagery we will see again in the Book of Revelation. Why does God not lay His hand on the nobles? Acts 10:34-35, Numbers 16:1-2 Exodus 24:12-13 – Why do you think the people need the words “written in stone” in order to be taught? Exodus 24:14-15 – Note: Who does Moses delegate authority to here? Exodus 24:16-18 – A lot can happen to a person’s heart in 40 days. This is a key thought for an upcoming study. Ever hear that phrase, when the cat is away, the mice start to play? Think of what can happen to a person who is “out of fellowship” for 40 days… 3. Questions? Pastor Tim Moynihan The Potter’s House 760-477-3901 The Book of Exodus Bible Survey (Chap 1-20) and Wilderness Nuggets along the Way Exodus 25-31: The Elements of Worship 1. Introduction and Review. Luke 22:14-19, Exodus 12:24-28 What do we see depicted in those two scriptures? What other New Testament doctrines do we see depicted in Exodus? Last week we saw Moses disappear in the cloud atop Mt. Sinai (Jabal al Lawz in Saudi Arabia). What was he doing? How come the other people did not draw near to God in the same way? Before leaving, Moses sprinkled the people with blood, what did that mean? First the people said they would obey God, then they offered the sacrifice and then they were sprinkled with the sacrificial blood, what New Testament experience does that remind you of? Romans 10:10 Hebrews 9:22 Revelation 1:5 Why does Moses need the Law written in stone? Who is left in charge after Moses departs? 2. What God Instructed Moses on that Mountain – A survey of the worship elements given to Moses on Mt. Sinai in Exodus Chapters 25-31 Exodus 25:1-9 – Who is paying for the Tabernacle’s construction? Why was this righteous? (Hint: Who caused them to gain their wealth?) Exodus 25:10-11, 16, 17-21, 22 – What does this ark represent? (see picture) Exodus 25:23, 29-30 – What does the table of showbread represent? (see picture) Exodus 25:31-32, 37, 40 – What does the Lamp represent? (see picture) Exodus 26:1-3, 30, 33-36 – Can you see how they go together? (see picture) Exodus 27:1-3, 20-21, Exodus 28:1-4, 30, 33-38, 41-43 (see picture)– the High Priest, Aaron, is a type of our High Priest today who is? Exodus 29 contains the instructions to consecrate the priests, their garments, the altar and the sacrifices on the altar. Exodus 30 has an interesting section on the ransom: Exodus 30:11-13,16 What is a ransom? What was this ransom money used for? In the New Testament we are ransomed also, do you know that scripture? 1 Corinthians 6:20 Exodus 31:12-13, 16-18 – Who is supposed to keep the Sabbath? 3. Questions? Pastor Tim Moynihan The Potter’s House 760-477-3901 The Book of Exodus Bible Survey (Chap 1-20) and Wilderness Nuggets along the Way Exodus 32: The Golden Calf 1. Introduction and Review. Luke 22:14-19, Exodus 12:24-28 What was the Last Supper? What New Testament doctrines do we see depicted in Exodus? Moses disappeared in the cloud atop Mt. Sinai (Jabal al Lawz in Saudi Arabia) in Exodus 24. What information was he receiving from God? Describe some of the implements of Hebrew worship we studied last week. Who did God say was going to pay for these implements? What, essentially, was the Tabernacle? 2. The Backsliding of a People Exodus 32:1 – What is the motive here for “making a god?” What happens to people when they lack strong leadership or their leaders are not watching them? Judges 17:6, Colossians 3:22-24 Exodus 32:2-3 – Notice, while many people won’t give to God they have no problem giving to idols – give some contemporary examples. Exodus 32:4-6 – This represents the kind of religion many people prefer to the Truth. It’s called entertainment oriented ministry -- give some contemporary examples. This is an example of what we read in Jude 4-5, 12-13, 19 Exodus 32:7-9 – How does God know? Isn’t He with Moses? Why is God angry? Does God really get angry at sin? Hebrews 10:26-31 Exodus 32:11-14 – What prompts God to “change His mind?” Ezekiel 22:3031 Exodus 32:15-16, 17-18 – Why might it sound like “war?” Exodus 32:19-20 – Trivia Question: Who is the first person to break the Ten Commandments? Exodus 32:21-24 – What do you think of Aaron’s excuse? Do weak leaders make these kids of excuses today? How should Christians react when “the people” make ungodly demands? Exodus 32:25-29 – How is a Christian supposed to respond when people in the Church rebel against holiness and Godly authority? o Romans 16:17-18, 1 Corinthians 5:9-13, Revelation 2:20-23 How do you think God feels about compromised Christians today? o 1 Corinthians 10:1-7, 8-14, 19-20, 31 Exodus 32:30-35 – What does verse 33 mean? Does God still do that today? Revelation 3:5 3. Questions? Pastor Tim Moynihan The Potter’s House 760-477-3901 The Book of Exodus Bible Survey (Chap 1-20) and Wilderness Nuggets along the Way Exodus 33: The Presence of God 1. Introduction and Review. Luke 22:14-19, Exodus 12:24-28 What New Testament doctrines do we see depicted in Exodus? In Exodus 32, why did the people decide to build an idol of God? How long was Moses gone for? What reference point did the people use to make their image of God? How was the idol “paid for” and who paid for it? What does it mean that the people “rose up to play?” What “sound” was heard by Moses and Joshua? Who was the first person to “break the 10 Commandments?” Explain how. What was Aaron’s excuse for the making of the idol? How did the sons of Levi and the righteous deal with this sin? How did God? How did Moses intercede for the people? 2. God is with His people Exodus 33:1-3 – Sin has a direct correlation on our relationship with God, causing separation or driving us to despair. Read Ephesians 4:30. How can Christians “grieve the Holy Spirit?” (Hint: note the context) When people are struggling with sin, they sometimes think God has left them. Sin does get between us and God and we can quit on God. There can be terrible consequences when that happens but we must remain repentant and trust God: 1 John 1:9, 2:1, Hebrews 13:5 Exodus 33:5-6 – What do the ornaments represent? 2 Corinthians 10:7 Exodus 33:7 – Many people DO NOT seek the Lord when they are struggling with sin but run away or isolate themselves from Church. This is a grave error: 1John 1:7, 1 Peter 5:5-8 Exodus 33:8-11 – Note the faithfulness of Joshua! Exodus 33:12 – Actually God did reveal who should go up with Moses. Who is it and how was it revealed? Titus 1:5-9 Exodus 33:13-16 – Describe Moses’ faith problem here. We can have the same problem. Trust God’s Word: John 14:15-18. Exodus 33:17-23 – Sinful man can never see Jehovah, our Father God, face to face and live. How did God then so arrange it that we CAN see God face to face and live? John 14:8-9 Genesis 32:30 3. Questions? Pastor Tim Moynihan The Potter’s House 760-477-3901 The Book of Exodus Bible Survey (Chap 1-20) and Wilderness Nuggets along the Way Exodus 34: Moses in the Presence of God 1. Introduction and Review. Luke 22:14-19, Exodus 12:24-28 What New Testament doctrines do we see depicted in Exodus? After their sin with the Golden Calf, the people feared the presence of God, how does sin affect our relationship with God today? Moses erected a tabernacle outside the camp for the people to come to seek the Lord, what is that like today? Who chose to remain at that tabernacle at all times? God arranged so Moses could “see Him” yet no man can see God and live, what was the arrangement? 2. Encounter with God Exodus 34:1-4 – Who is going to write out the Ten Commandments? Has God written other things for man? How? 2 Timothy 3:16-17 Exodus 34:5-8 – Note how God describes Himself here, why is this important? Note: “LORD” = Yahweh (Jehovah) Why does Moses “make haste to bow his head” here? Philippians 2:9-11 Exodus 34:9 – Who is Moses interceding for and why? o Ezekiel 22:30 Hebrews 7:25 Exodus 34:10-12 – Notice God wants an exclusive covenant (contract) with us, not one to be shared with others, how is this like the covenant of marriage? Ephesians 5:22-27, 30-32 2 Corinthians 6:14 Exodus 34:13-17 – What is jealousy? Why is jealousy a sign of love? Who is trying to “steal us” away from God? Jealousy is not envy, how do they differ? Exodus 34:18 – What do Christians call this feast? Exodus 34:19-24, 25-28 – What does the “harvest” represent here? Acts 2:1 Exodus 34:29-30 – Ever see a Christian’s face shine? Sinners are ugly, God saves our face! Matthew 17:1-2 Exodus 34:31-32, 33-35 – People can tell when you have been with God, they can see it on your face. Matthew 5:16 3. Questions? Pastor Tim Moynihan The Potter’s House 760-477-3901 The Book of Exodus Bible Survey and Wilderness Nuggets along the Way Exodus 35: The Offering 1. Introduction and Review. Luke 22:14-19, Exodus 12:24-28 What Jewish “feast day” is emphasized over and over again in the Book of Exodus? What is the nickname for this feast day? What is the Christian nickname for this celebration? What did Jesus teach about this that was different than Moses’ teaching? When Moses went up the mountain the second time, how were the Ten Commandments given to him? Describe Did Moses see God “face to face?” Explain What happened to Moses’ face as a result of his encounter with God? How did the people react to that and what did Moses have to do? 2. The Tabernacle Building Project Exodus 35:1-3 – What is the purpose of the Sabbath as you understand it? This is important to consider for this story – The Sabbath is being re-emphasized so people don’t forget the priority: It’s not about the Tabernacle (the building); it’s about worshipping God in spirit and in truth! John 4:24 Exodus 35:4-9 – Note verse 5 and remember back to a previous study, how is an offering different than a pledge or a tithe? Explain 2 Chronicles 31:4-6 Acts 5:3-5 Exodus 35:10-11 – Note the use of both the tithed items and the talent. Can you give an example of how this is still practiced by the Church today? Note: We studied the items in verses 11-19 in a previous study Exodus 35:20, 21-23, 24-26, 27-29 -- Compare that to Acts 4:32-37 – Discuss three evidences of real revival contained in these two scriptures. Exodus 35:30-31, 32-33, 34, 35 – Where did these people get their talent from? For what purpose? Can you think of comparable examples from the New Testament or from your own church experience? Although technically we have buildings we call “churches”, what is the church and how does it differ from the Tabernacle of the Hebrews? 1 Corinthians 12:28 Ephesians 4:11-12 Consider your own calling for He has plans to use your life and to make your GOD-given talents prosper for His plans and purposes! Read and Discuss: 1 Corinthians 1:26-29 2 Peter 1:10 3. Questions? Pastor Tim Moynihan The Potter’s House 760-477-3901 The Book of Exodus Bible Survey and Wilderness Nuggets along the Way Exodus 36-39: A Good Start at the End of Exodus 1. Introduction and Review. Luke 22:14-19, Exodus 12:24-28 What Jewish “feast day” is emphasized over and over again in the Book of Exodus? What is the nickname for this feast day? What is the Christian nickname for this celebration? What did Jesus teach about this that was different than Moses’ teaching? In Exodus 35, the people were told to bring forth an offering to Moses. o What was it for? o How is an offering different from a tithe or a pledge? o What other thing were they supposed to “offer” to help build the Tabernacle? Where did the “offerings” and talents of the people actually come from? 2. An Unusual Problem Exodus 36:1 – What kind of talent does God put in the Church today? Give some examples. Read 1 Corinthians 12:28 – Explain each Exodus 36:2 – What is being stirred up in their heart? 2 Timothy 1:6 Exodus 36:3-5, 6-7 – Note their zeal to give. Where do we see this kind of zeal for giving in the New Testament? Acts 4:33-35, Luke 6:38 A little doctrinal consideration: o Tithes are always to be given -- a pre-determined sacrifice of all of our first fruits; as long as we receive, we tithe on it o Pledges (Vows) are to be paid in full; you vowed $X, you fulfill that vow and pay $X. o Offerings, on the other hand, are more open-ended, we give as long as there is a need, until the need is met or until God says to stop! 3. The Essential Elements of Worship Exodus 36:8, 14, 20, 31, 35 – The Outside Covering Exodus 37:1, 10, 17, 25, 29 – The Precious Implements Inside Exodus 38:1, 8, 9, 21, 24, 29 – The Altar and the Court Exodus 39:1, 2, 6, 8, 22, 30 -- The Priestly Garments Did you see the significance of the order of the implements above? Exodus 39:32, 42-43 4. Questions? Pastor Tim Moynihan The Potter’s House 760-477-3901 The Book of Exodus Bible Survey and Wilderness Nuggets along the Way Exodus 40: Building a People of Faith 1. Introduction and Review. Luke 22:14-19, Exodus 12:24-28 What was the Last Supper? Identify five doctrinal Christian concepts that are found in the Book of Exodus. God provides two kinds of gifts to his people to support and facilitate worship, what are they? Explain the difference between a tithe, a vow (pledge) and an offering. Why was it proper for Moses to stop the people from bringing more offerings for the Tabernacle? 2. Putting it all together Exodus 40:1-5 – What is the Ark of Testimony? Why is it behind the veil? Revelation 15:5 -- Discuss Exodus 40:6-8 – What does the incense represent? Revelation 5:8 Exodus 40:9-16 – What does the anointing oil represent—especially to the New Testament believer? Acts 10:38, 1 John 2:20, 27 What does it mean to “consecrate” something to God? Exodus 28:41 Exodus 40:17-21 – What is the Testimony that was placed in the Ark? Exodus 40:22-23 – What does the bread represent? Genesis 14:18 Exodus 40:24-25, 26-28 – What does the lamp stand and the altar of incense represent? Exodus 40:29 – Why does the altar of burnt offering need to be in front of the entrance to the tabernacle? Exodus 40:30-32 – What does this ceremonial washing represent? Can you think of a key New Testament story in which this ceremonial washing plays a key part? Exodus 40:33 – compare to John 19:30 and Matthew 18:20 – Discuss the relevance between this moment in Exodus 40 and these Christian scriptures The work of preparation is done, can you guess what will happen next? Exodus 40:34-38 – So it is that a nation of slaves became a nation led by God! 3. Questions? Pastor Tim Moynihan The Potter’s House 760-477-3901