MTP 2008 Old Testament Survey EXAM READINGS PLEASE INDICATE BELOW WHAT TEXTS WERE READ FOR THIS SESSION OF MTP (OT): 1. Required Text (Longman and Dillard, or equivalent): YES NO 2. The OT in the past year YES NO OTHER (Extra Credit)______________________________________________________ ESSAY QUESTIONS (3 categories) Please answer FOUR out of the following six essay questions (any combination). Most questions require at least about a full page (single spaced, font size 12) for a thorough answer. You should not find yourself wondering what to write—if you simply dedicate a paragraph or two to each of the sub-questions or individual topics mentioned in each question, then you may find yourself writing more than a full page for any given response. Even so, do not worry about length. Simply write what you believe answers the question persuasively and fully (that is, do not provide a weak and partial answer). Do not consider what I want to hear, but treat each question as a spiritual exercise or discipline, and hence an exploration of God’s ways filled with challenge, awe, and wonder. Pray before you respond in order to avoid seeing the exam as a purely academic exercise that “I have to pass.” Provide responses on this MS Word file and send it back to me via e-mail within TWO weeks (January 25, 2008). Erase the questions you will not answer and write your response under each question selected accordingly. If you need an alternate due-date arrangement, please contact me with details of your request (for those who have not already done so). You may look at the questions before answering them and you may use a Bible during the test-taking time, but no notes or outlines may be used as you answer the questions. Once you begin answering an individual essay question, you must finish doing so in a single sitting within 1 hour. You could, therefore, break it up into 2 two-hour sessions or into 4 one-hour sessions, etc. Just make sure you have a good idea about how you want to go about answering the question before you begin. SCRIPTURAL STUDY 1. The Exodus emerges numerous times throughout the Old Testament—why and how does it remain so powerful and influential? As part of this answer, (1) identify two other parts of the Old Testament in which the importance or centrality of the Exodus (or the exodus motif in general) is expounded. What do these passages demonstrate about the importance of the exodus for the situation/event under consideration in the passage? Also, (2) identify one writing or section of scripture in the New Testament in which the Exodus plays a prominent role. How do these writings underscore the importance of the Exodus for the present-day Church and for your spirituality? 2. Select a portion of scripture in the Old Testament (at least 10-12 verses long) and a portion of scripture in the New Testament of equal size that tackle the same theme, action, or concern Identify whether the passages share common characters (biblical persons), theological concern (sin, poverty, salvation, forgiveness, power, etc.), or some other theme or topic. How does one passage shed light on the other? (You may select a passage from the NT that quotes a passage from the OT. In that case, discuss how the passage formed in one historical context is used in another). WORSHIP/PRAYER 3. In terms of the spiritual life, the Psalms seem to cover three different seasons, each characterized by a specific outlook and way of addressing God--what are those seasons? Select a psalm for each season and provide an analysis of the text. Please include, at the least, commentary on emotional tone, movement or flow of text (from one emotion and/or form of speech to another), the main claims about God’s character and action, and the general intention/resolution of the psalm as a whole. 4. In Exodus and Leviticus, a substantial amount of material is devoted to the proper worship of God, with attention directed to the Tabernacle and its furnishings, the different types of offerings, and the priesthood. Please present a review of either (a) three different furnishings or items of worship in the Tabernacle or within the Tabernacle precincts, OR (b) three different types of offerings. What purpose does each of the selected items or offerings serve for worship and what does each of them teach about the proper worship of God in general? What have they taught you about yourself or God that will have an enduring influence on your Christian spiritual life? GENERAL 5. Explain the basic role and message of the prophets. How do their role and message specifically relate to the Abrahamic, Mosaic and Davidic covenants? Explain the general categories or issues with regard to which they condemned Israel. What lessons from the prophets are most important for the present church in North America? 6. In what ways does the coming and resurrection of Christ “fulfill” the life and covenant of Israel with YHWH? Specifically, provide arguments about how Christ’s life, death, and resurrection engages the topics of sin, human relationships (both one-on-one and as a collectivity/people), resource distribution (economics/possessions), and authority/leadership that emerge in the Old Covenant?