Patrick: An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry 3/e Chapter 6: Proteins as drug targets – receptor structure and signal transduction Answers 1) The diagram in the question shows two important hydrogen bond interactions where ATP acts as a hydrogen bond acceptr and a hydrogen bond donor. empty pocket HN Thr766 H2NOC Gln767 H N O O Leu768 H3C H3C H H3C O N HBD H O N S H HBA N Met769 1 H N 6 N H N O O N O O O H H-bond interaction P H H OH H OH O O P O O O P O O 'ribose' pocket Structure I contains the following groups which could act as HBD's or HBA's. Note that none of the three nitrogens are likely to be good hydrogen bond acceptors since in each case their lone pair of electrons interacts with a -system. HBD H N HBA O N O HBA N H H HBD HBD Based on the binding interaction of ATP we are looking for a portion of structure I that contains both a HBD and an HBA. This is the phthalimide ring system 'at the OXFORD © Oxford University Press, 2006. All rights reserved. Higher Education Patrick: An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry 3/e Chapter 6: Proteins as drug targets – receptor structure and signal transduction top'. The molecule could be fitted into the binding site as shown. Note that an extra hydrogen bonding interaction might be possible to Thr766, and that one of aniline rings might be positioned correctly for the 'ribose' pocket. However, there is no way one can say this for certain and molecular modelling experiments would have to be done to see whether this is feasible. empty pocket HN Gln767 Thr766 H2NOC H N O H Leu768 H3C Met769 S H O O N H H3C O O N H N NH O H3C HN O H-bond interaction 'ribose' pocket 2) In an -helix, the NH and C=O of each peptide link forms hydrogen bonds within the centre of the helix such that these groups do not have to interact with the hydrophobic centre of the cell membrane. The -helix also positions the side chains (which are mostly hydrophobic) to the exterior of the helix where they can interact with the hydrophobic centre of the cell membrane (see also 3.2). 3) It is worth considering the interactions of oestradiol and raloxifene with the oestrogen receptor (Box 6.2) in order to answer this question. OXFORD © Oxford University Press, 2006. All rights reserved. Higher Education Patrick: An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry 3/e Chapter 6: Proteins as drug targets – receptor structure and signal transduction His 524 Me OH H H H N Side chain H Glu353 Asp351 H H His 524 O Glu353 O OH O H Hydrophic skeleton H2O O S Arg394 Oestradiol Arg394 Raloxifene Both oestradiol and raloxifene contain functional groups that can interact through hydrogen bonding to the amino acids Glu353, Arg394 and His524. Both molecule have hydrophobic skeletons that position these groups correctly and match the hydrophobic nature of the binding site. Oestradiol is an agonist whereas raloxifene is an antagonist. This is due to the extra interaction with Asp351 that is possible for raloxifene. Turning now to tamoxifen, this molecule is also hydrophobic and of a similar size to the above, allowing it to fit the hydrophoic binding site. It does not have the phenol or alcohol functional groups present in oestradiol or raloxifene, but it does have a group that can interact with Asp351 in the same way as raloxifene, resulting in it acting as an antagonist. Asp351 H Me2N O Tamoxifen 4) Although tamoxifen itself is an antagonist, its metabolite is an agonist. This is because it has lost the group that is so crucial for antagonist activity (the side chain containing the amine). It also contains a phenol group which can mimic the phenolic group of oestradiol (see above question 3). OXFORD © Oxford University Press, 2006. All rights reserved. Higher Education Patrick: An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry 3/e Chapter 6: Proteins as drug targets – receptor structure and signal transduction Asp351 Asp351 H Me2N HO O Glu353 Glu353 Tamoxifen Arg394 H O Metabolite Arg394 5) When the Ras protein is activated, it has an autocatalytic property which means that it has a catalytic property which leads to its own deactivation without the need for any external influence. If the autocatalytic property was lost, the Ras protein would remain permanantly activated and this would have serious consequences on cell chemistry since the Ras protein initiates processes such as cell growth and cell division. Many cancers have been linked to defective Ras proteins which have lost the ability to deactivate themselves (see also section 18.6.1). 6) Ras is synthesised in the cytoplasm of the cell and has to become attached to the cell membrane in order to function properly. The attachment of a long hydrophobic chain means that the alkyl group can penetrate into the hydrophobic cell membrane and act as a hydrophobic anchor, holding the Ras protein to the inside surface of the membrane. If the enzyme was inhibited, the anchor would not be attached to the ras protein, and the protein would not become attached to the membrane. as a result, it could no longer act as a signal protein and any signal transduction processes involving the Ras protein would be interrupted (see also section 18.6.1). 7) Signal amplification takes place at the following stages: a) One adrenaline molecule activating a receptor results in several s subunits being generated. b) A single s subunit activating adenylate cyclase is responsible for generating several cyclic AMP molecules. c) A single cyclic AMP molecule releases the catalytic subunit of PKA which catalyses i) the activation of several inhibitors, ii) the deactivation of several OXFORD © Oxford University Press, 2006. All rights reserved. Higher Education Patrick: An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry 3/e Chapter 6: Proteins as drug targets – receptor structure and signal transduction glycogen synthase enzymes and c) the activation of several Phosphorylase kinase enzymes. d) Each activated phosphorylase kinase enzyme activates several phosphorylase b enzymes. e) Each phosphorylase a enzymes catalyses the breakdown of several glycogen molecules. Adrenaline s -Adrenoceptor ATP Glycogen synthase (active) s Adenylate cyclase cAMP Protein kinase A C Inhibitor (inactive) Catalytic subunit of PKA Inhibitor- P (active) Glycogen synthase- P (inactive) Phosphorylase kinase (inactive) Phosphatase (inhibited) Phosphorylase kinase- P (active) Phosphorylase b (inactive) Phosphorylase a (active) Glycogen Glucose-1-phosphate 8) An inhibitor of cAMP phosphodiesterase would prevent cyclic AMP being hydrolysed. As a result, cyclic AMP would have a longer lifetime leading to increased activity of PKA. This in turn would lead to increased breakdown of glycogen 9) The natural enzyme is activated by a serine-threonine kinase which catalyses the phosphorylation of serine and threonine side chains. Thus the side chain alcohol of serine would be phosphorylated as shown. OXFORD © Oxford University Press, 2006. All rights reserved. Higher Education Patrick: An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry 3/e Chapter 6: Proteins as drug targets – receptor structure and signal transduction H H N O Protein kinase A H H N O ATP OH Serine O O P O O This can have a profound effect on tertiary structure. The alcohol of serine participates in hydrogen bonding with other hydrogen bonding groups. Phosphorylation introduces an ionic groups which will form ionic bonds with other ionic groups in the protein leading to a change in conformation and activation of the enzyme. Deactivation occurs when the phosphate groups are hydrolysed to give back the original alcohol groups. the enzyme then returns to its original inactive conformation. In the genetically engineered enzyme, the serine residues are replaced with glutamate residues (-CH2CH2CO2-). The carboxylate groups are ionised and as a result the molecule does not need to become phosphorylated to become active. The glutamate residues form the same ionic interactions as the phosphate groups and the enzymes is inherently active. Moreover, there is no way of removing the charge and the the enzyme is permanantly active. 10) Tyrosine kinases catalyse the phosphorylation of the phenol group of tyrosine, but not the alcohol groups of serine and threonine. This suggests that the active site for a tyrosine kinase contains a hydrophobic region that can interact with the aromatic ring of tyrosine through van der Waals interactions. Since the side chains of serine and threonine do not contain an aromatic ring, they are not bound so effectively, and as a result do not act as substrates. OXFORD © Oxford University Press, 2006. All rights reserved. Higher Education Patrick: An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry 3/e Chapter 6: Proteins as drug targets – receptor structure and signal transduction H N H Protein N N O O O H H O N N HO O Tyrosine residue H OH OH Mg Tyrosine kinas e H N N O H ATP H Protein HN O O P O P O P O N N O O N O O H H Protein O H H OH OH ADP Protein HN O P O P O O O O O P O O Phosphorylated ty ros ine res idue 11) The activation of growth factor receptors involves dimerisation. Antibodies are Y-shaped molecules where the tip of each arm of the Y binds to a particular target. As a result, an antibody can act as a bidentate ligand. Cosequently, one antibody could bind to two different receptors, resulting in the dimerisation and activation of the growth factor receptor. OXFORD © Oxford University Press, 2006. All rights reserved. Higher Education