four basic communication styles

A. EMOTIVE STYLE: High sociability and high dominance
1. Displays action-oriented behavior, i.e. constantly on the go, talks rapidly,
expresses views with vigorous hand gestures.
2. Likes informality, i.e. operates on first-name basis, shares personal points
of view soon after meeting you.
3. Possesses a natural persuasiveness, i.e. finds it easy to express point of
view dramatically and forcefully.
OTHER DESCRIPTIVE TERMS: Outspoken, enthusiastic, stimulating, animated,
laughs at themselves.
B. DIRECTOR STYLE: High dominance and low sociability
1. Projects a serious attitude, i.e. no-nonsense, gives impression that they
cannot have fun.
2. Expresses strong opinions, i.e. firm gestures, tone of voice that
communicates determination, projects image of someone who wants to
take control.
3. May project indifference, i.e. not easy to have warm, caring attitude, finds
it hard to abandon formal approach to dealing with people.
OTHER DESCRIPTIVE TERMS: Frank, assertive, very determined.
C. REFLECTIVE STYLE: Low dominance and low sociability
1. Expresses opinions in a formal, deliberate manner, i.e. not in a hurry,
expresses measured opinions , emotional control.
2. Seems preoccupied, i.e. quiet, thinking about other matters, aloof, difficult
to get to know.
3. Prefers orderliness, i.e. orderly work environment, appreciates an agenda,
enjoys reviewing details and making decisions slowly.
OTHER DESCRIPTIVE TERMS: Enjoys spending time alone, does not make a
decision quickly.
D. SUPPORTIVE STYLE: Low dominance and high sociability
1. Listens attentively, i.e. gives them a unique advantage in many
occupational settings, talent comes naturally.
2. Avoids the use of power, i.e. more likely to rely on friendly persuasion
than power when dealing with people, display warmth in speech and
written communication.
3. Makes and expresses decisions in a thoughtful, deliberate manner, i.e.
low-key in decision-making.
OTHER DESCRIPTIVE TERMS: Cooperative, patient, attentive, avoids
attention-seeking behavior.
*Adapted from: Reece, Barry and Brandt, Rhonda, (2005). Effective human relations: Personal
and organizational applications (9th ed.). pp.65-71. Boston: Houghton Mifflin