MICHAEL J. MEULEMANS (608)213-9141 vmmeule@tds.net EDUCATION University of Wisconsin-Green Bay University of Wisconsin-Whitewater LICENSE Wisconsin Life and Health Insurance Sales DEGREE FIELD OF STUDY MS Public Policy Analysis BA Political Science/ Journalism Since 2000 FULL-TIME PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE January 2002 – Present. Senior Policy Analyst, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Waisman Center contracted to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services. Lead Medicaid Purchase Plan Policy Analyst creating policy alternatives for long-term care financing to enhance retirement potential of persons with disabilities through access to long-term care insurance and other alternatives. Develop white papers related to Wisconsin Medicaid Buy-in program (Medicaid Purchase Plan), Long-term Care Reform, and other health insurance and work incentive programs for persons with disabilities. Coordinate development of outreach to employers statewide including an employer disability resource center – WorkSource Wisconsin, www.worksourcewi.com providing employers with tools to increase employment of people with disabilities through information on workplace accommodations, employment law and human resource management practices. December 2000- January 2002. Finance Coordinator, Wisconsin Conservation Corps. Monitored agency budget, proposed budget and spending alternatives following 50% legislative budget cuts. Monitored all agency financial transactions and negotiated equipment contracts for work crew equipment. December 1999- December 2000. Government Programs Compliance and Marketing Supervisor, Dean Health Plan. Supervised and coordinated the marketing and sale of Dean’s Medicare Supplement Plans throughout 16 county service area in south-central Wisconsin. Coordinated the state and federal compliance of all marketing materials, forms, and processes to assure compliance with all applicable state and federal regulations. May 1999- December 1999. Medicaid Policy Analyst, Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services. Analyzed dental, family planning, and services for individuals with AIDS/ HIV under state Medicaid program including program analysis, benefits covered, and budget monitoring. Developed and implemented new dental rate structure for 2000-2001 state budget cycle and managed department relationship with the Wisconsin Dental Association. May 1998- May 1999. Insurance Program Coordinator, Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services. Coordinated insurance premium subsidy program for individuals with AIDS/ HIV infection including premium payments, customer service, and liaison with insurance companies. Enrollment increased by over 400% during my tenure, implemented program changes allowing coverage of HIRSP, enrolled 185 new clients in HIRSP insurance policies. May 1997- May 1998. Contract and Compliance Analyst. American Medical Security, Analyzed federal and state insurance legislation for impact upon health insurance managed care products sold in Alabama, North Carolina, and Iowa. Drafted insurance product forms submitted to state insurance commissioners for review/ approval. Ensured compliance with HIPAA regulations of each state. Led team of company-wide department representatives on complete review and revision of dental insurance products. September 1995- May 1997. Medical Claims Analyst. American Medical Security, Analyzed and processed medical insurance claims for a caseload of 2,500 medical lives. Conducted pre-existing condition medical history reviews to assure proper payment of claims. Owner, Write Resources, LLC (Health Insurance Consulting Firm) Member- Wisconsin Office of Commissioner of Insurance, Health Advisory Committee. Appointed July 2008. Consulting Contracts: America’s Health Insurance Plans, Washington, D.C. Fall 2008, Project Manager/ editor for “Introduction to Supplemental Health Insurance” text. Coordinate industry expert reviews, editing and publication of text including chapters on alternative healthcare benefits, dental, vision, Medicare supplements, TRICARE supplements, and others. Spring/Summer 2008, Project Manager/ Editor for Individual Medical Underwriting course text implementation. Managing editing process through use of numerous industry experts, created course exam and managed publication process. Winter 2007, Developed chapter on TRICARE health insurance supplement plans. Summer/Fall 2007, Revised 72-page study guide for 3rd edition Healthcare Fraud and Abuse textbook for AHIP continuing education course. Developed 150-question course exam. Winter/Spring 2007, Developed 220-page study guide for AHIP continuing education insurance course to accompany Dental Managed Care Benefits text for use by corporate professionals and insurance agents. Developed 250-question course exam. Wisconsin Council on Development Disabilities, Madison, WI Summer 2007, Developed white paper recommending options for state of Wisconsin to pursue in increasing access to oral healthcare for people with disabilities through its Medicaid program. CEU.com (Continuing Education University) Old Saybrook, CT, Fall 2006, Developed “Health Savings Account” continuing education 15 credit course for CEU.com to be used by health and life insurance agents nationwide. The course provides a detailed study of health savings accounts and other consumer-directed health plans and their expanding role in the insurance marketplace. The course became available online in March 2007. Authored handbook entitled, “Health Insurance in Transition: The essential tools to navigate the Wisconsin health insurance landscape for children with disabilities.” The handbook will aid young adults and their parents in obtaining and maintaining access to public and private health insurance while they transition from high school to employment or college. Publication date: May, 2009. Insure.com, Darien, IL. June 2003-2006. Researched, updated and edited insurance articles for Insure.com website on a wide variety of insurance subjects including healthcare, long-term care, auto, home, workers compensation, and others. Authored original articles on these and other topics: Hurricane Katrina, Medicare Part D, Consumer-directed health plans, Stoughton, WI tornados, etc. COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP ACTIVITIES: April 2003-April 2005. Alderman, City of Monona, WI Chair, Mass Transit Authority. Chair, Zoning Board of Appeals. Member, Community Development Authority. May 1999 to May 2007. Court Appointed Special Advocate, Assisted four Dane County families in meeting court orders to maintain custody of their abused/ neglected children and assure strong, cohesive and functional families.