African-American Books

Including the following topic areas:
 African American
 African/Somali
Asian American (includes Chinese, Hmong, and Japanese)
 Chicano, Hispanic, and Latin American
 Native American
 Various Other World Cultures
 PLUS - Teaching and Learning
(All for use in curriculum planning and general awareness.)
All materials listed are available for check out
by Minnesota residents from the
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Multicultural Bibliography
African-American Books
African-American Videotapes
African/Somali Books
Asian American, Hmong, and Japanese Books
Asian American, Hmong, and Japanese Videotapes
Chicano, Hispanic, and Latin American Books
Chicano, Hispanic, and Latin American Videotapes
Native American Books
Native American Videotapes
Various and Other World Culture Books
Various and Other World Culture Videotapes
Teaching and Learning Books
Teaching and Learning Videotapes
African-American Books
Adinkra [ game] : West African Symbols: 31 rubber stamps. (1998.) San Francisco,
CA:Chronicle Books
Adzenyah Abraham Kobena, Dusmisani Maraire and Judith Cook Tucker. (1997).
Let Your Voice Be Heard! : songs from Ghana and Zimbabwe. Danbury, Conn. :
World Music Press. (accompanying CD)
Angelou, Maya. (1991) All God’s Children Need Traveling Shoes. New York :
Vintage Books.
Angelou, Maya. (1993) The Heart of a Woman. New York : Bantam Books.
Bell, Bernard W. (1987). The Afro-American Novel and its Tradition. Amherst :
University of Massachusetts Press.
Bell-Scott, Patricia [et al.] (1991). Double Stitch : black women write about mothers and
daughters. New York: HarperPerennial.
Black Art Ancestral Legacy: the African impulse in African-American art. (1989).
Dallas, Tex. : Dallas Museum of Art ; New York: [Distributed by H.N Abrams].
Braxton, Joanne M. (1989). Black Women Writing Autobiography : a tradition within a
tradition. Philadelphia : Temple University Press.
Cameron, Dan [et al.]. (1998). Dancing at the Louvre : Faith Ringgold’s French Collection
and other story quilts. Berkeley, Calif. : University Of California Press.
Chafe, William H., ed. (2201) Remembering Jim Crow: African Americans tell about life in
the segregated south. New York: New Press. (Accompanying sound discs).
Driskell, David, David L. Lewis and Deborah Willis Ryan, comp. (1987) Harlem renaissance:
Art of Black America. New York: The Studio Museum in Harlem: Harry N. Abrams
Harrison, Paul Carter, Victor Leo Walker II and Gus Edwards, eds. (2002). Black Theatre:
Ritual performance in the African diaspora. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Jessup, Lynne. (1997) All Hands On! Danbury, CT: World Music Press. (Accompanying CD).
Joseph E. Holloway, ed. (1991) Africanisms in American Culture. Bloomington: Indiana
University Press.
Locke, Alain ed. (1992) The New Negro. New York: Atheneum; Toronto: Maxwell Macmillan
Canada; New York: Maxwell Macmillan International.
Long, Richard A. and Eugenia W. Collier, eds. (1985). Afro-American Writing: an anthology of
prose and poetry. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press.
McBride, James. (1996). The Color of Water: a Black man’s tribute to his white mother. New
York: Riverhead Books
(African-American books continued)
McMillan, Terry, ed. (1990). Breaking Ice: an anthology of contemporary African American
fiction. New York, N.Y., I.S.A :Penguin Books.
Naylor, Gloria, ed. (1995). Children of the Night: the best short stories by Black writers, 1967
to present. Boston: Little, Brown and Co.
Price, Sally and Richard. (1980). Afro-American Arts of the Suriname Rain Forest. Los
Angeles: Museum of Cultural History, University of California; Berkeley: University of
California Press.
Ringgold, Faith. (1987). Faith Ringgold: Change: painted story quilts. New York: The Gallery
Ringgold, Faith. (1991). Tar Beach. New York: Crown Publishers.
Ringgold, Faith. (1995). We Flew Over the Bridge: the memoirs of Faith Ringgold.
Boston: Little, Brown.
Rochelle, Belinda, comp. (2001). Words With Wings: a treasury of African American Poetry
and Art. [ New York] : HarperCollins / Amistad
Rowland, Della. (1990). Martin Luther King, Jr. : the dream of peaceful revolution.
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Silver Burdett Press.
Seeger, Pete. (1994). Abiyoyo: Based on a South African Lullaby and Folk story. New York:
Aladdin Books; Toronto: Maxwell Macmillian Canada, New York: Maxwell macmillian
Serwadda, W. Moses. (1987). Songs and Stories from Uganda. Danbury, CT: World Music
Press. (Accompanying CD).
Shockley, Ann Allen, ed. (1988). Afro-American Women Writers, 1746-1933 : an anthology
and critical guide. New York, N.Y. : New American Library.
Smead, Howard, ed. (1989). The Afro-Americans. New York : Chelsea House Publishers.
Tate, Claudia, ed. (1983). Black Women Writers at Work. New York : Continuum.
Washington, Mary Helen, ed. (1987). Invented Lives : narratives off black women, 1860-1960.
Garden City, N.Y. : Anchor Press.
Washington, Mary Helen ed. (1991). Memory of Kin: stories about family by black writers.
New York : Doubleday
Wheat, Ellen Harkins. 1986. Jacob Lawrence, American Painter. Seattle: University of
Washington Press in association with the Seattle Art Museum.
African-American Videotapes
A Great Day in Harlem (DOC 397)
Jazz Musicians
Africa, Between Myth and Reality: paintings and etchings of Betty LaDuke (VA 123)
Africa in art- Women artists
Against the Odds: the artists of the Harlem Renaissance (DOC 233)
African American art- Harlem Renaissance
Ailey Dances (DaI 96)
Alvin Ailey: memories and visions (DaI 83)
African American dance- 20th Century-History-Ballet
An African Dance Celebration (DaI 360)
Black Influence in the Recording Industry (DOC 305)
African American music- Sound recording industry
Black Music in Theater and Film (DOC 306)
African American music in theaters and shows
Blues: country to city (DOC 313)
African American music- Blues History and criticism
Dance Black America (DaI 52)
African American dance- History
Dance to the Music (DOC 314)
African American dance music
Dance Theater of Harlem (DaI 77)
African Americans in the performing arts
Diary (DOC 35)
African Americans-Minnesota
Early Jazz (DOC 315)
African American music-Jazz
Faith Ringgold: the last story quilt (VA 91)
African American women artists- Quiltmakers
(African-American videotapes continued)
From These Roots: a review of the “Harlem Renaissance” (DOC 232)
African American art- Harlem Renaissance
Goin’ to Chicago (DOC 118)
History of African Americans- 1877-1964- Social conditions- Migration
Gospel and Spirituals (DOC 307)
African Americans- Gospel Music and Spirituals
Graffiti Verit (VA 144)
Street Art- California- Los Angeles
Hip-Hop Habit (DaI 361)
Dance- Study and Teaching- Hip Hop
JVC Smithsonian Folkways Video Anthology of Music and Dance of Africa (DaI 297-299)
African Folk Dancing
Jazz (M 147-156)
History and criticism of jazz
Jazz Gets Blue (DOC 316)
African American jazz music
Jazz People (DOC 312)
African American music- History and criticism
Jazz Vocalists (DOC 308)
African American music- Jazz musicians and singers- United States
Repercussions: a celebration of African-American music (M 61-64)
African American music- History and criticism
Rhythm of Resistance: the black music of South Africa (M 104)
South African music popular- folk music
Rhythm and Blues (DOC 310)
African American rhythm and blues music
The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow (DOC 471-474)
African American social conditions- History- Race relations
(African-American videotapes continued)
Romare Bearden (VA 86)
Ramare Bearden, 1911-1988-African American artists.
Roots (DOC 402-407)
African Americans—Biography.
Roots of Resistance (DOC 217)
Slaves-North Carolina-Social Conditions.
Soul (DOC 309)
African American soul music.
Street Style with Dana Rizzo (Dal 365)
Dance-United States-Rap-Funk.
Understanding African Art (VA 240)
Art-African-20th Century-Africa.
West African Heritage (DOC 311)
African American music.
Wonders of the African World (DOC 468-470)
African Civilization and History.
African/Somali Books
Ahmed, Ali Jimale. (1996). Daybreak Is Near: Literature, Clans and the Nation-State in
Somalia. Lawrenceville, NJ : Red Sea Press.
Somali literature, political history and oral tradition.
An Anthology of Somali Poetry. (1993). Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Beykont, Zeynep F. ed. (2000). Lifting Every Voice: Pedagogy and Politics of Bilingualism.
Cambridge, MA : Harvard Education Pub. Group.
Includes bilingual experiences of Somali refugee students.
Beykont, Zeynep F. ed. (2002). The Power of Culture: Teaching across Language Difference.
Cambridge, MA : Harvard Education Pub. Group.
Various teachers share their experience working with bilingual Somali (and other) students.
Coming of Age: The Art of Growing Up. (1994). New York : Rosen Pub. Group. A collection of
fictional and non-fictional stories and essays by various authors dealing with the experience of
becoming an adult.
Diriye Abdullahi, Mohamed. (2001). Culture and Customs of Somalia. Westport, Connecticut :
Greenwood Press.
Information coverage on religion, literature, drama, dance, architecture, customs, gender roles,
and notes on the spelling of Somali names and words.
Hoffman, Mary. (2002). The Color of Home. New York : Phyllis Fogelman Books. Hassa,
newly-arrived in the United States and feeling homesick, paints a picture at school that shows his
old home in Somalia as well as the reason his family had to leave.
Hussein, Ikram ed. (1997). Teenage Refugees from Somalia Speak Out. New York: Rosen Pub.
Teenagers from Somalia describe the conditions in their war-torn and famine stricken country
and their experience since coming to live in the United States and Canada.
Asian American, Hmong, and Japanese Books
Asian Women United of California, eds. (1989). Making Waves : an anthology of writings by
and about Asian American women. Boston : Beacon Press.
Cha, Dia. (1996). Dia’s Story Cloth. New York : Lee & Low Books ; Denver : Denver Museum
of Natural History.
Fadiman, Anne. (1997). The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down : a Hmong child, her
American doctors, and the collision of two cultures. New York : Farrar, Straus, and Giroux.
Geok-Lin Lim, Maumi Tstakawa, Margarita Donnelly, eds. (1989). The Forbidden Stitch.
Corvallis, OR : Calyx Books.
Kadohata, Cynthia (1993). The Floating World. New York : Ballantine Books.
Livo, Norma J. and Dia Cha, comp. (1991). Folk stories of the Hmong: peoples of Laos,
Thailand, and Vietnam. Englewood, Color. : Libraries Unlimited.
Moua, Mai neng, ed. (2002). Bamboo Among the Oaks : contemporary writing by Hmong
Americans. St. Paul, MN : Minnesota Historical Society Press.
Mura, David. (1992). Turning Japanese. New York : Anchor Books.
Numrich, Charles H. (1985). Living Tapestries. Lima, Ohio : Fairway Press.
Nusbaum, Philip. (1993). Minnesota’s multi-cultural fold arts heritage [slide] : pilot
curriculum focus : community Hmong Pandau American Quilting.
Paek, Min. (1988). Aekyung’s Dream. San Francisco, Calif. : Children’s Book Press.
Say, Allen. (1996). Emma’s Rug. Boston : Houghton Mifflin Co.
Uchida, Yoshiko. (1991). The Invisible Thread. Englewood Cliffs, NJ : J. Messner.
Wantanable, Sylvia and Carol Bruchac, eds. (1990). Home to Stay : Asian American Women’s
Fiction. Greenfield Center, NY : Greenfield Review Press.
Young, Ed. (1996). Lon Po Po : a Red Riding Hood story from China. New York : PaperStar.
Asian American, Hmong, and Japanese Videotapes
The Art of Asia (VA 71)
East Asian and Southeast Asian art.
Earth, Fire, Sky : ancient Korean ceramic techniques (VA 241)
Korean pottery – Ceramics – History
East of Krakatoa (DaI 238)
Indonesia ethonology – Folk dancing.
The JVC Video Anthology – V.1-V.10 (DaI 112 – DaI 121)
Korea – China – Vietnam/Cambodia – Thailand/Burma
Malasia/Phillipines – Indonesia
Maxine Hong Kingston (L 50)
Chinese American author – Criticism and interpretation
Maya Lin : a strong clear vision (VA 168)
Vietnam Veterans’ Memorials – United States
Why Don’t My Eyes Refuse to See? (AHS 1)
Hmong American Women – Biography
Chicano, Hispanic, and Latin American Books
Agosin, Marjorie, ed. (1989). Landscapes of a New Land : fiction by Latin American women.
Buffalo, N.Y. : White Pine Press
Anaya, Rudolfo A. (1986). A Chicano in China. Albuquerque : University of New Mexico
Arroz con leche : popular songs and rhymes from Latin America. (1989). New York, [NY] :
Baddeley, Oriana and Valerie Fraser. (1989). Drawing the Line : art and cultural identity in
contemporary Latin America. London ; New York : Verso.
Benitez, Sandra. (2001). The Weight of All Things. New York : Hyperion.
Bergmann, Emilie [et al.]. (1990). Women, Culture, and Politics in Latin America. Berkeley :
University of California Press.
Cancel, Luis R… [et al.]. (1988). The Latin American Spirit : art and artists in the United
States. New York : Bronx Museum of the Arts in association with Harry N. Abrams.
Chapik, Dorothy. (2001). Latin American Arts and Cultures. Wocester, Mass. : Davis
Cisneros, Sandra. (2003). Caramelo, or, Puro cuento : a novel. New York : Vintage Books.
Cisneros, Sandra. (1991). The House on Mango Street. New York : Vintage Books.
Cisneros, Sandra. (1991). Woman Hollering Creek, and other stories. New York : Random
Cruz Martinez Alejandro. (1991). The Woman Who Outshone the Sun : the legend of Lucia
Zenteno = ma mujer que brillaba aun mas que el sol. San Francisco, Calif. : Children’s Book
De Sauza, James. (1989). Brother Anansi and the Cattle Ranch. San Francisco, Calif. :
Children’s Book Press.
De Zapata, Celia Correas, ed. (1990). Short Stories by Latin American Women : the magic and
the real. Houston, Texas : Arte Publico Press.
Druker, Malka. (1991). Frida Kahlo : torment and triumph in her life and art. New York :
(Chicano, Hispanic, and Latin American books continued)
Garfield, Evelyn Picon, ed. (1988). Women’s Fiction from Latin America : selections from
twelve contemporary authors. Detroit : Wayne State University Press.
Garfield, Evelyn Picon, ed. (1988). Women’s Voices from Latin America : inteview with six
contemporary authors. Detroit : Wayne State University Press.
Harpole, Patricia W. (1991). Los Mariachis! : an introduction to Mexican mariachi music.
Danbury, CT : World Music Press.
Manguel, Alberto, ed. (1986). Other Fires : short fiction by Latin American women. New
York : C.N. Jpotter : Distributed by Crown.
Martin, Gerald. (1989). Journeys through the Labyrinth : Latin American fiction in the
twentieth century. London, New York : Verso.
Roe, Eileen. (1991). Con mi hermano. New York : Bradbury Press ; Toronto : Collier
Macmillan Canada ; New York : Maxwell Macmillan International Pub. Group.
Palley, Julian, ed. (1989). Best New Chicano Literature 1989. Tempe, Arizona : Bilingual
Saldivar, Ramon. (1990). Chicano narrative : the dialectics of difference. Madison, Wis. :
University of Wisconsin Press.
Stanek, Muriel. (1989). I Speak English for My Mom. Niles, Ill. : A. Whitman.
Sullivan, Charles, ed. (1994). Here is My Kingdom : Hispanic-American literature and art for
young people. New York : H.N. Abrams.
Tatum, Charles M., ed. (1993). New Chicana/Chicano Writing : 3. Tucson : University of
Arizona Press.
Viramontes, Helena Maria. (2001). Under the Feet of Jesus. New York : Dutton.
Chicano, Hispanic, and Latin American Videotapes
Discovering the Music of Latin America (M 116)
Latin American music – Musical instruments – Folk dancing
El Caranguero (M 125)
Charango music – Argentina
Flamenco (DaI 76)
Flamenco music
Indian Pottery of San Ildefonso (VA 170)
Indian pottery – Pueblo pottery
JVC/Smithsonian Folkways Video Anthology of Music and Dance of the Americas
V.5-V.6 (DaI 238 and DaI 249)
Central and South America – Folk dancing
Masks of Mexico (VA 167)
Indian masks – Mexico
Sacred Games : ritual warfare in a Maya village (DaI 102)
Maya Indians of Mexico – Rites and ceremonies
Salsa (DaI 216)
Salsa music – ballroom dancing – study and teaching
Tex mex : Music of the Texas Mexican borderlands (M 103)
Mexican American music
Native American Books
Alexie, Sherman. (1994). The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven. New York :
Allen, Paula Gunn. (1986). The Sacred Hoop : recovering the feminine in American Indian
traditions. Boston : Beacon Press.
Anderson, Gary Clayton. (1986). Little Crow : spokesman for the Sioux. St. Paul, MN :
Minnesota Historical Society Press.
Anderson, Gary Clayton and Alan R. Woolworth. (1988). Through Dakota Eyes : narrative
accounts of the Minnesota Indian War of 1892. St Paul, MN : Minnesota Historical Society
Benton-Banai, Edward. (1988). The Mishomis Book : the voice of the Ojibway. St Paul, MN :
Little Red School House.
Bergstrom, Amy, Linda Miller Cleary, and Thomas Peacock. (2003). The Seventh Generation
: native students speak about finding the good path. Charleston, W. Va : ERIC.
Brown, Dee Alexander. (1993). Dee Brown’s folktales of the Native American, retold for our
times. New York : H. Holt.
Bruchac, Joseph. (1990). Return of the Sun : Native American tales from the Northeast
woodlands. Freedom, CA : Crossing Press.
Black Elk. (1932). Black Elk Speaks : being the life story of a holy man of the Oglala Sioux.
Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press.
Brody, J.J. (1990). The Ananzi : ancient Indian people of the American Southwest. New York
: Rizzoli.
Broker, Ignatia. (1983). Night Flying Woman : an Ojibway narrative. St Paul, MN : Minnesota
Historical Society Press
Caduto, Michael J. and Joseph Bruchac. (1988). Keepers of the Earth : Native American stories
and environmental activities for children. Golden, Color. : Fulcrum.
Coe, Ralph T. (1986). Lost and Found Traditions : native American art 1965 – 1985. Seattle :
University of Washington Press ; New York, New York
Crow Dog, Mary. (1991). Lakota Woman. New York, NY : HarperPerennial.
Densmore, Frances. (1979). Chippewa Customs. St. Paul : Minnesota Historical Society Press
(Native American books continued)
Eastman, Mary H. (1995). Dacotah, or, Life and legends of the Sioux around Fort Snelling.
Afton, MN : Afton Historical Society Press.
Erdoes, Richard and Alfonso Ortiz, eds. (1984). American Indian Myths and Legends. New
York : Pantheon Books.
Feest, Christian F. (1980). Native arts of North America. New York : Oxford University Press.
Fire, John. (1972). Lame Deer, seeker of visions. New York : Simon and Schuster.
Heth, Charlotte, ed. (1993). Native American Dance : ceremonies and social traditions.
Washington, D.C. : National Museum of the American Indian, Smithsonian Institution, with
Starwood Pub.
Highwater, Jamake. (1983). Arts of the Indian Americas : leaves from the sacred tree. New
York : Harper and Row.
Hilger, M. Inez. (1992). Chippewa Child Life and its Cultural Background. St Paul, MN :
Minnesota Historical Society Press.
Horse Capture, George P., Ann Vitart, and W. Richard West, eds. (1993). Robes of Splendor :
Native American painted buffalo hides. New York : New Press.
Jakca, Jerry D. (1988). Beyond Tradition : contemporary Indian art and its evolution.
Flagstaff, Ariz. : Northland Pub.
Lacapa, Michael. (1990). The Flute Player : an Apache folktale. Flagstaff, Ariz. : Northland
Lobb, Allan. (1990). Indian Baskets of the Bacific Northwest and Alaska. Portland, Or. :
Graphic Arts Center Publ. Co.
Maurer, Evan M. (1992). Visions of the People : a pictorial history of the Plains Indian Life.
Minneapolis, Minn : Minneapolis Institute of Arts ; Seattle, Wash. : Distributed by the
University of Washington Press.
Mojica, Monique and Ric Knowles, eds. (2003). Staging Coyote’s Dream : an anthology of
First Nations drama in English. Toronto : Playwrights Canada Press.
Morrison, George. (1998). Turning the Feather Around : my life in art. St Paul : Minnesota
Historical Society Press.
Nelson, Martinez. (1974). Maria Martinez. Minneapolis : Dillon Press.
(Native American books continued)
Paquin, Ron and Rober Doherty. (1992). Not First in Nobody’s Heart : the life story of a
contemporary Chippewa. Ames : Iowa State University Press.
Peacock, Thomas D. (2002). The Good Path : Ojibwe learning and activity book for kids.
Afton, Minn. : Afton Historical Society Press.
Peacock, Thomas D. (2002). Ojibwe Waasa Inaabidaa = We look in all directions. Afton,
Minn. : Afton Historical Society Press.
Roessel, Robert A. Jr. and Dillon Platero, eds. (1991). Coyote Stories of the Navajo People.
Chinle, Ariz. : Rough Rock Press.
Rubinstein, Charlotte Streifer. (1982). American Women Artists : from early Indian times to
the present. New York, NY : Avon ; Boston, Mass : G.K. Hall
Ruoff, A. LaVonne Brown. (1990). American Indian Literatures : an introduction,
bibliographic review, and selected bibliography. New York, NY : Modern Language
Association of America.
Schaef, Anne Wilson. (1995). Native Wisdom for White Minds : daily reflections inspired by
the native peoples of this world. New York : Ballantine.
Shearer, Tony. (1987). The Praying Flute : “Song of the Earth Mother”. Happy Camp, Calif
: Naturegraph Publishers.
Slapin, Beverly and Doris Seale, eds. (1992). Through Indian Eyes, the native experience in
books for children. Philadelphia, Pa. : New Society Publishers.
Strauss, Susan. (1991). Coyote Stories for Children : tales from native America. Hillsboro, OR :
Beyond Worlds Pub. Inc.
Terry, Michael Bad Hand. (1999). Daily Life in a Plains Indian Village, 1868. New York :
Clarion Books.
Tomkins, William. (1969). Universal Indian Sign Language of the Plains Indians of North
America. New York : Dover Publicationos.
Touchette, Charleen. (1995). Respecting Native American Art as World Art. Minn : Minnesota
Center for Arts Education.
Treur, Anton, ed. (2001). Living Our Language : Ojibwe tales and oral histories. St. Paul, MN
: Minnesota Historical Society Press.
(Native American books continued)
Utley, Robert Marshall. (1993). The Lance and the Shield: the life and times of Sitting Bull.
New York : Henry Holt.
Vizenor, Gerald Robert. (1990). Crossbloods : bone courts, bingo, and other reports.
Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press.
Vogel, Virgil J. (1990). American Indian Medicine. Norman : University of Oklahoma Press.
Wade, Edwin L., ed. (1986). The Arts of the North American Indian : Native Traditions in
Evolution. New York : Hudson Hills Press in association with Philbrook Art Center, Tulsa.
Weatherford, J. McIver. (1992). Indian Givers : How the Indians of the Americas
Transformed the World. New York : Fawcett Columbine.
Weatherford, Jack. (1992). Native Roots : How the Indians Enriched America. New York :
Fawcett Columbine.
Native American Videotapes
Beyond Tradition (VA 169)
Indian art—North America.
Daughters of Anasazi (VA 228)
Indian and Pueblo pottery.
The Drum is the Heart (Dal 14)
Siksika Indians—Social life and customs.
Fritz Scholder and Allan Houser (DOC 291)
Indian sculpture—North America.
The Hopi (DOC 15)
Hopi Indians—Social life and customs.
Live and Remember (DOC 34)
Dakota Indians—Social life and customs.
Loloma (DOC 292)
American Indian artist—Hopi jewelry.
Morrison’s Horizon : Minnesota Artist Exhibition Program at the Minneapolis Institute of
Arts (VA 242)
George Morrison—Artists—Minnesota.
The Native Americans (DOC 378-383)
Indians of North America—History.
Pablita Velarde, An Artist and Her People (VA 232)
Pueblo Indians—Pueblo Art—Biography
Views of a Vanishing Frontier (DOC 272)
Indians of North America—Great Plains
Visions Dance (D 82)
Indians of North America—Dance
Wiping the Tears of Seven Generations (Doc 271)
Dakota Indians—History—Wounded Knee Massacre
The Woodlands (Doc 359)
Ojibwa Indians—History
Woven by the Grandmothers: Navajo Textiles from the 19th Century (VA 226)
Navajo Indians—Social life and customs—Textile fabrics—Weavers
Various and Other World Culture Books
Braided Lives: an anthology of multicultural American writing. (1991). St. Paul, MN:
Minnesota Humanities Commission: Minnesota Council of Teachers of English
Dumas, Firoozeh (2003). Funny in Farsi: A Memoir of Growing up in Iranian in America.
New York: Villard.
Hadley, Eric and Tessa. (1983). Legends of the Sun and Moon. New York : Cambridge
University Press.
Joosee, Barbara M. (1991). Mama, do you love me? San Francisco : Chronicle Books.
Kadi, Joanna. (1994). Food for our Grandmothers: Writings by Arab-American and ArabCanadian feminists. Boston, MA : South End Press.
Keller, Holly. (1992). Island Baby. New York : Greenwillow Books.
Kohl, Mary Ann F. (1998). Global Art : activities, projects, and inventions from around the
world. Beltsville, MD : Gryphon House.
Kroeber, Theodora. (1973). Ishi, last of his tribe. New York : Bantam Books.
Luenn, Nancy. (1990). Nessa’s Fish. New York : Atheneum.
Moraga, Cherrie and Gloria Anzaludua, eds. (1981). This Bridge Called My Back : writing by
radical women of color. Watertown, Mass. : Persephone Books.
Paek, Min. (1988). Aekyung’s Dream. San Francisco, Calif. : Children’s Book Press :
Distributed to the book trade by the Talmon Co.
Roche Rico, Barbara, comp. (1995). American Mosaic : multicultural readings in context.
Boston : Houghton Mifflin.
Rohmer, Harriet, ed. (1999). Honoring our ancestors : stories and pictures by fourteen artists.
San Francisco, Calif. : Children’s Book Press ; [Emeryville, CA] : Distributed to the book trade
by Publishers Group West.
Simonson, Rock and Scott Walker. (1988). The Graywolf Annual Five : multi-cultural literacy.
Saint Paul, MN : Graywolf Press.
Steward, Edward C. (1991). American Cultural Patterns : a cross-cultural perspective.
Yarmouth, Me., USA : Intercultural Press.
Thomas, Joyce Carol, ed. (1992). A Gathering of Flowers : stories about being young in
America. New York : Harper Collins.
(Various and other world culture books continued)
Turner, Jessica Baron. (1995). Let’s Make Music! : multicultural songs and activities : an
Interactive Musical Trip Around the World : sing and play songs from around the world :
create your own instruments from 10 different countries using recycled materials. Milwaukee,
WI : H. Leonard Corp.
We the Children. New York : W.W. Norton & Co.
Walker, Scott ed. (1990). The Graywolf Annual Seven : stories from the American mosaic.
Saint Paul, MN : Graywolf Press.
Witzling, Mara. (1991). Voicing Our Visions : writings by women artists. New York :
Various and Other World Culture Videotapes
JVC Smithsonian Folkways Video Anthology of Music and Dance of the Americas
(DaI 244-249) Folk dancing and music – Canada and the United States – Carribean –
Central and South America
JVC Smithsonian Folkways Video Anthology of Music and Dance of Europe
(DaI 363-364) Folk dancing and music – Iceland – Denmark – Ireland – Scotland –
Wales – England – Czeck Republic – Hungary – Belgium – France – Spain – Italy –
Serbia – Romania
JVC Smithsonian Folkways Video Anthology of World Music and Dance (DaI 112141) Dance and music around the world in many cultures.
Jafar’s Blue Tiles (VA 225)
Iran – tradition.
Latcho Drom (Doc 425)
Dance and Music – Spain, India, Egypt, Turkey, Romania, Hungary, France, Slovakia
Sacred Games : ritual warfare in a Maya village (DaI 102)
Mayas – Religion and Mythology
Sherpa High Country (DaI 103)
Nepal social life and customs – Folk dancing
Walbiri Fire Ceremony (DaI 97)
Australian ethnology – Rites and ceremonies – Government relations.
Teaching and Learning Books
Abrash, Barbara and Catherine Egan, eds. (1992). Mediating history : the MAP guide to
independent video by and about African American, Asian American, Latino, and native
America people. New York : New York University Press.
Anderson, William M. and Patricia Shehan Campbell, eds. (1996). Multicultural Perspectives in
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(Teaching and Learning books continued)
Multicultural Voices in Literature. (1995). Golden Valley, MN : Minnesota Center for Arts
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Schuman, Jo Miles. (1981). Art from Many Hands : multicultural art projects for home and
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Teaching and Learning Videotapes
Many Voices : Creating a Multicultural Perspective in Your Classroom (PROF 74)
Multicultural Education.