Biology Assignment Sheet: Chapter 4 Classwork Csik 2012/2013 Homework Thur/Fri 10/4-10/5 Chapter 2/3 Exam Cut out pieces for carbohydrate modeling Finish cutting out glucose pieces for carb modeling, and pre-read Inv 4.4 Tues/Wed 10/9-10/10 Intro to Ch 4 Day NOVA Unknown World Video Start Paper Carbohydrate Modeling (Inv. 4.4) Finish Paper Carbohydrate Modeling Thurs/Fri 10/11-10/12 pH and Buffers Day Lecture: Parts of an Atom, Acids and Bases {Acid Rain Powerpoint} Video: Basic Chem. for Bio Students (11 min) Inv. 4.1 Organisms and pH pgs. 87-89 Add acids and bases to the following: Tap Water, Buffer, Tissue from Organisms Get Class Data, Start 6 Graphs using red for acid and blue for base Complete Inv. 4.1 (pH) (Discussion and Conclusion) Mon/Tues 10/15-10/16 Carbohydrates Day {Inv. 4.1 Quiz, turn in lab} Lecture and Video (4 min): Carbohydrates Lab 4.4 Carbohydrates (Handout) Parts A, B, C (Carb. Testing old lab “10”) Read pgs. 75-78 Copy G.P. pg. 75, Do CR #1-5 pg. 78 Work on Ch. 4 Vocabulary Sheet Wed/Thurs 10/17-10/18 Enzymes Day Discuss Lab 4.4 (Carohydrates) Lecture and Video (2 min): Proteins & Enzymes Lab 4.5 Enzyme Action (the “Spit” lab) Set up Part C, do Parts a & B, check Part C Video: Chemistry for the Biologist Complete Lab 4.4(Carbohydrates) Handout, Observations, Data Tables, Questions, Analysis, Yellow Molecules (glued to binder paper) Complete Lab 4.5 (Spit Lab): Data, Questions, Extending Your Investigation Fri/Mon 10/19-10/22 Lab Quiz: Lab 4.4 Part C (testing for carbs) and Lab 4.5 (testing for enzyme action on carbs) Discuss Enzyme Lab Notes: Biochemistry Review of photosynthesis, cellular respiration and ATP Oxygen Bubbles mini-lab Read and take notes pg. 78-84 Tues/Wed 10/23-10/24 Begin Review Day Video: Miracle Mouse Modeling Molecules of Life (ODYSSEY) Start Biological Molecules Review Sheet Finish Biological Molecules Review Sheet Thurs/Fri 10/25-10/26 Nucleic acids day Lecture and Video: Nucleic Acids Modeling Molecules of Life (ODYSSEY) {finish} DNA paper activity Read and take notes pgs. 84-87 Finish DNA paper activity with partner Biology Assignment Sheet: Chapter 4 Mon/Tues 10/29-10/30 DNA Day Discuss and turn in DNA paper activity Inv. 4.3 Enzyme Activity (Liver) pg. 91-94 Parts A & B – Graph Data for 1/4, 2/4, 3,4, 4/4 Part C: Effect of Temp. Part D: Effect of pH Wed/Thurs 10/31-11/1 Odds and Ends/Review Day Graph data from Inv. 4.3 Parts C,D Lecture and Video (3 min): Lipids or Fats (30) Discuss atherosclerosis (Fig. 15.14) and heart disease risk factors (Table 15.2) Review Taboo (30) Assemble Packets (10) Fri/Mon 11/2-11/5 Test – Chapter 4 Ch 4 Packet Due Intro to the Cell (Cell Parts Lecture) Csik 2012/2013 Work on Inv. 4.3: Disc. Qs #1,2 pg. 94: Graph Data for 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 4/4 concentrations of H2O2 Do Green Crossword Puzzle Finish all parts of Inv. 4.3: Graph data for parts C & D and finish Disc. Qs #6,7,8 pg. 94. Application Questions #1,2,7 pg. 94 Prep for Test: Finish Vocabulary Sheet {do Biological Molecules Review Sheet for extra practice} Make a plant or animal cell model out of any material that interests you – Use pg. 104-105 and your class notes as a guide!