Sequential Search seqsearch( A: array; x: data_type, n: int) : integer // Return position of x, or 0 if x not in A i1 while( i n and x A[ i ]) ii+1 if (i n) then return(i) else return(0) Best case: Worst case: Determining TA(n): Case 1: x is on the list Average Case Sequential Search (continued) Case 2: x may not be on the list. Problem variants You are doing a sequential search on a list with the following characteristics: The item you’re looking for is on the list and the probability it is in the first half of the list is twice the probability it is in the second half. Binary Search binsearch(var A: array; x: data_type, n: int) // array A is sorted in increasing order i 1 // left endpoint of search interval j n // right endpoint of search interval while (i j) (1) m (i + j)/2 (2) if (A[m] < x) then i m + 1 (3) elseif (x < A[m]) then j m - 1 else return(m) return(NOT_FOUND) Analysis: Basis case: n=2 sequential binary n = 210 n = 220 complexity Maximum subsequence sum problem (References: CACM 27 (Sept. 1984), 865 - 870 and orithmDesignTechniques.pdf) Definition. Given the real vector x[ n], compute the maximum sum found in any contiguous subvector. Example 1: - 6 -4 2 3 - 5 7 2 - 8 9 1 Example 2: -2 9 -7 4 3 8 -6 1 4 Algorithm 1: The Cubic Algorithm // A is an array that holds input vector of length N (1) MaxSoFar 0; Low 0; High 0 (2) for L 1 to N do (3) for U L to N do begin (4) Sum 0 (5) for i L to U do (6) Sum Sum + Ai (7) if (Sum > MaxSoFar) then begin (8) MaxSoFar Sum (9) Low L (10) High U end end return(MaxSoFar, Low, High) Algorithm 2a: First Quadratic Algorithm Basic idea: // A is an array that holds input vector of length N MaxSoFar 0; Low 0; High 0 for L 1 to N do Sum 0 for U L to N do begin Sum Sum + AU // Sum contains AL + …+ AU if (Sum > MaxSoFar) then begin MaxSoFar Sum Low L High U end end return(MaxSoFar, Low, High) Algorithm 2b: Another Quadratic Algorithm Basic Idea: CumArray[ 0 ] 0; Low 0; High 0 for i 1 to N do CumArray[ i ] CumArray[i-1] + Ai MaxSoFar 0 for L 1 to N do for U L to N do Sum CumArray[U] - CumArray[L-1] if (Sum > MaxSoFar) then begin MaxSoFar Sum Low L High U end return(MaxSoFar, Low, High) A Divide and Conquer Algorithm Basic Idea: Algorithm 3 (Recursive) Function MaxSum(L, U) if (L = U) then if (AL > 0) then return(AL) else return(0) M (L + U)/2 // Left is AL…AM, Right is AM+1…AU ML MaxSum(L, M) MR MaxSum(M + 1, U) Sum 0; MaxToLeft 0 for i M downto L do begin Sum Sum + Ai MaxToLeft max(MaxToLeft, Sum) end Sum 0; MaxToRight 0 for i M + 1 to U do begin Sum Sum + Ai MaxToRight max( MaxToRight, Sum) end MC MaxToLeft + MaxToRight return( max(MC, ML, MR) ) Algorithm 4 Basic idea: MaxSoFar 0 MaxEndingHere 0 for i 1 to N do begin MaxEndingHere max(0, MaxEndingHere + Ai) MaxSoFar max(MaxSoFar, MaxEnding Here) end return(MaxSoFar) Table is from Programming Pearls, Copyright 2000, Lucent Technologies