Minutes Welding 05 11 10 (new window)

Welding Team Meeting
Minutes of the meeting held on Friday 05 November 2010 at 08:30 in 1.107
Peter Wood
Kevin Dunn
Carol Hockworth
Andrew Ballott
Maurice Williams
Barry Corkin
Carolyn Moore
05 11 10
Item 1 – Apologies
David Johnson
Item 2 – Assessment Board First Review
Peter Wood indicated that the External Verifier is in college on
Thursday 11 November 2010 for the ECITB ensure that all
portfolios’ are in place for then.
Peter Wood indicated that the C&G External Verifier will visit in
January 2011 for 2251.
Item 3 – Registration
Carol Hockworth indicated that Level 1’s are ongoing
C Hockworth
Carol Hockworth indicated that Level 3’s are completed.
Kevin Dunn indicated that Level 2’s are completed.
Peter Wood indicated that 3268 for 16 – 18 year olds only are
to be done and he will forward the list to the team.
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Peter Wood
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Peter Wood indicated that 3268 for 19+ can still do this but they
have to pay for themselves.
Peter Wood informed the meeting that the prisoners are
registered for their eligible courses.
Peter Wood indicated that the two apprentices can do the 3268
as part of their assignments and this registration is also
Item 4 – Monitoring Attendance
Carol Hockworth has withdrawn one Level 1 and one Level 3 for
lack of attendance.
C Hockworth
Carol Hockworth is concerned about Matthew Williams due to a
lack of attendance.
Andrew Ballott has some issues with punctuality which needs
K Dunn
addressing. Kevin Dunn to attend to other concerns for the
Level 2’s
Debate ensued on where the issues are and staff to send major
concerns to Peter Wood.
Item 5 – Key Skills, Basic Skills, Functional Skills
Chair informed the meeting that all of welding have been
refined but sometimes behaviour can be an issue but some
improvement has been noted by Joy Taylor.
Item 6 – Assessment Planning
Peter Wood indicated all assessment planning has been done
for Level 1 but some Level 2, 3 and 3268 still to do.
Item 7 – Internal Verification / Moderation Planning
Discussed in item 6
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Item8 – Student Reports
All completed and some appointments made.
Item 9 – At Risk Students
Nathan Palmer has cognitive deficiency and there are major
concerns with him. Andrew Ballott believes he can do it but you
have to sit with him which is time consuming. Kevin Dunn
agreed to sit with him in his class.
Peter Wood indicated he had words with two of the school
learners to improve their commitment to their programme.
Item 10 – Additional Support
Additional Learning Support is available in the work shop due to
the volume of learners.
Item 11 – Review Pre-entry, Admissions and Induction
Peter Wood informed the meeting that the first interviews have
taken place.
Carol Hockworth indicated that only four out of five turned up
but they were good interviews.
Next interviews are with Peter Wood and Kevin Dunn on
Wednesday 24 November 2010 which is parents evening so
Kevin Dunn
Kevin Dunn to try and put this back.
Item 12 – Equality and Diversity
Peter Wood indicated that staff have done all courses and are
aware of Equality and Diversity issues.
Item 13 – Safeguarding Children and Young and Vulnerable
Barry Corkin and Dave Johnson to go.
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Item 14 – Student Representative: Issues Arising
At this stage welding do not have one.
Item 15 – Any Other Urgent Business
Barry Corkin has concerns about Mr. Simpson and especially
his poor behaviour and Health and Safety issues. Barry Corkin
needs support for this group.
Barry Corkin indicated that there is a plasma issue.
Andrew Ballott enquired when the EMA was going to be cut but
no one was sure.
Peter Wood requested that all paper work be ready for the
Health Check.
Kevin Dunn suggested staff go for a preparation for observation
early bird or twilight session.
Maurice Williams recommends that the Risk Assessments are
Barry Corkin questioned the issue of transport to TTE which is
Kevin Dunn
still not sorted out. Kevin Dunn to look into.
Residential booked for 31 January 2011 at Stainton Camp.
Item 16 – Date of Next Meeting
Friday 07 January 2011
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 09:40
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