NEW SOUTH WALES COMBINED HIGH SCHOOLS SPORTS ASSOCIATION STATE TEAM INFORMATION PACKAGE RUGBY UNION 2013 Contained in this package is the following information:- 1. Congratulations and information regarding your selection. 2. Team Levy Information 3. Calendar of events 4. The CHS Code of Behaviour and the expectations of CHS representatives 5. Representative Team Consent Form and Permission to play Rugby Union Form 6. Team Selection advice to your School Principal and C.H.S. Fundraising Sheet 7. Team Levy/Apparel Order forms Please return all the required information to your Team Manager by: Friday 31st June 2013 attendance at the 1st training session TEAM MANAGEMENT DETAILS Under 16's TEAM MANAGER: TEAM COACH: Paul Kipp Kanahooka High School Andrew Curnow Blaxland High School The information that needs to be returned must be returned by 31st June 2013 at the first Training run and should be directed to the Team Management: NSW CHSSA – LOCKED BAG 1530, BANKSTOWN, NSW, 2200 PH (02) 97076916 FAX (02) 97076937 E mail- 106765563 NEW SOUTH WALES COMBINED HIGH SCHOOLS SPORTS ASSOCIATION Dear team member, On behalf of the Executive and General Council of the New South Wales Combined High Schools Sports Association, congratulations on your selection as a State team member. Listed on the front cover are the Team Management responsible for your team. The Team Management will notify you of all details, other than those listed below, regarding your team commitment. Attached is the necessary team documentation that is required to be completed prior to your C.H.S. participation. 1. Team Selection advice to your School Principal This sheet is to be handed to your school Principal immediately you return to school after your team selection. 2. The C.H.S. Fundraising Sheet Please hand this sheet to your school Principal also, along with your Team Selection advice sheet. 3. Ordering of Apparel and Payment of Team Levy The Team Levy/Apparel Sheet enclosed should be completed and returned to the team manager as required, for the ordering of apparel. Please attach your levy cheque to this form. For accounting purposes it is extremely important that your levy cheque is attached to this sheet and returned to your Team Manager at the first Training session on the 31st June 2013. 4. Representative Team Consent Form Could all sections be completed and returned to the Team Manager on the first training day, Friday 31st May 2013. Please note that you will need to attach a copy of your birth certificate, a current medical certificate, (stating that you are fit to participate in the NSWCHS Rugby Representation Program) and your levy cheque. 5. The CHS Code of Behaviour and the expectations of CHS Representatives Team members are expected to behave appropriately at all times, as per the Combined High Schools "Code of Behaviour". If the "Code of Behaviour" is violated by a team member, and disciplinary action has to be taken, this could result in the team member being sent home at his or her expense. If team members require any clarification of any aspects of the "Code of Behaviour" they should contact team management prior to the Sporting Program. 6. Team Commitments The commitment to the state team commences at the time of assembly, immediately prior to the championships. Where teams are travelling to championships, it is association policy that all team members must travel to the event as per the travel arrangements organised by the NSWCHSSA. Please consider carefully your availability for team selection with regard to other commitments you may have. Your team manager will inform you of assembly details and travel arrangements at the time of your 106765563 selection. Where locality is a factor, travel exemption may be granted. In this instance team members must meet their team management at a pre arranged venue at the specified arrival time. Team members who are being privately accommodated, will also be required to meet the team at this time. If you require any further information, please consult your team manager. IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS REGARDING TEAM DOCUMENTATION The following documentation must be returned to your Team Manager: the NSWCHS Rugby Representation Program Consent Form, the Permission to play Rugby Union Form, the copy of your BIRTH CERTIFICATE, the MEDICAL CERTIFICATE the LEVY CHEQUE attached to the Team Levy/Apparel Sheet the NSWSRU Player Profile form as per the return date listed on the front cover of this package. Once again, congratulations on your selection. If any further information is required please feel free to call the team management. Yours Sincerely, JACKY PATRICK (REL) Executive Officer- NSW CHS 106765563 Message from the CHS Rugby Convenor Dear Player Congratulations on your selection in the NSWCHS Rugby squad for 2013. This is a great honour you have earned; hopefully it will lead to further representation at higher levels and will help you develop as a player both now and in the future. The program of commitment is attached along with relevant information. Please read it carefully. There may be some unforeseen changes so check with your coach/manager at all times. You will need to complete all the relevant items in your player’s package and give it to your Team Manager on the first Training day. First Training day / payment of levy / gear distribution Date: Friday 31st June 2013 Venue: Endeavour Sports High School, Taren Pt Rd & The Boulevarde, Caringbah NSW 2229, Meet time: TBC Details: Arrive at venue ready for training. Bring with you the following documentation: the NSWCHS Rugby Representation Program Consent Form, the Permission to play Rugby Union Form, the copy of your BIRTH CERTIFICATE, the MEDICAL CERTIFICATE the LEVY CHEQUE attached to the Team Levy/Apparel Sheet the NSWSRU Player Profile form 2013 LEVY Thanks to sponsorship and a grant from NSWRU the Levy for 2013 is $350 (which includes the items in players kit). Cheques should be made payable to "NSWCHS Rugby" and given to your Team Manager attached to the Team Levy/Apparel Sheet at the first training session. NSWCHS Rugby has a very fine tradition and a proud record of discipline both on and off the field to be maintained. Take it upon yourself to take pride in the team and maintain that high standard, so that future teams are offered the opportunities you have been given. Remember you are representing NSWCHS Rugby, your team, your school, yourself, your parents and the team management. Make a commitment to your team, always be neat and correctly attired, behave and play your Rugby by the laws of the game in a manner that will bring nothing but the highest of credit to all of the above mentioned. Play hard, play fair and strive for a place in a NSW Schools Squads. Players Levy (players kit). The levy includes the following: CHS Tie, CHS Polo Shirt, CHS Tracksuit, 106765563 CHS Gear Bag, CHS Jersey, Shorts, Socks, CHS Training Jacket Team Photo, Medical, Training, transport etc CHS Training Camp (5th and 6th June) Dress Code. Number 1 dress code: when attending games and functions: White dress shirt (tucked in) top button done up, CHS tie, CHS Tracksuit top, grey slacks (no jeans), clean black or brown leather shoes (no joggers). No caps. Number 2 dress code: NSWCHS track suit, polo shirt, joggers. Players must supply their own strapping tape. Take pride in yourself, your parents, your school, your team and CHS Rugby. All players are to be in full correct attire at all times both on and off the field. Do not forget to stay in regular contact with your Team manager. Arrival times on Match days. On Match days 2nd XV players are to report 1 hour prior to the game or as directed by your coach. 1st XV players please be at ground prior to 2nd XV kick off. Your support will be invaluable. ALL PLAYERS ARE TO STAND BY AS RESERVES FOR NEXT GAME and ALL PLAYERS ARE REQUESTED TO STAY FOR OFFICIAL FUNCTIONS. THE QUALITIES OF A TRUE RUGBY PLAYER The Qualities of a "True Rugby Player" 1. Plays the game for the games sake. 2. Plays for his side not for himself. 3. Is a good winner and a good loser, modest in victory and generous in defeat. 4. Accepts all decisions in the proper spirit. 5. Is chivalrous towards a defeated opponent. 6. Is unselfish and always ready to help others to become proficient. 7. As a spectator and a player applauds good play from both sides. 8. Never interferes with the referee or touch judge no matter what the decision. 9. Never brings the team or the game into disrepute. Once again congratulations on your selection Paul Ridgway Albion Park High School NSWCHSSA Convener May 2013 106765563 NSWCHS Rugby Union Under 16 Representative Fixtures Calendar 2013 Event Date NSWCHS Training Day and gear Friday Distribution @ Endeavour SHS May 31 Matches Status Training only 1st, 2nds and 16's NSWCHS Training ISA v CCC v CHS (3 way trial) AICES v Country NSWSRU U16’s Practice Matches NSWCHS Training Day and gear Distribution @ Endeavour SHS Sunday June 16 NSWSRU U16 CHAMPIONSHIPS @ Knox Grammar Saturday June 22 NSWSRU U16 CHAMPIONSHIPS @ Knox Grammar NSWSRU U16 CHAMPIONSHIPS @ Knox Grammar NSWSRU U16 CHAMPIONSHIPS @ Knox Grammar Sunday June 23 NSWSRU U16 CHAMPIONSHIPS @ Knox Grammar NSWSRU U16 CHAMPIONSHIPS @ Knox Grammar Wednesday August 28 Waratah Shield, Arthur Buchan Shield, Richard Shaw Shield, 15's Girls Shield, Bryan Palmer Shield NSWCHS Fixture NSWCHSSA Rugby Union State Knockout finals 106765563 NEW SOUTH WALES COMBINED HIGH SCHOOLS SPORTS ASSOCIATION (NSW ALL SCHOOLS) TEAM SELECTION ADVICE Dear Principal, On behalf of the New South Wales Combined High Schools Sports Association may I take this opportunity to congratulate the student listed below on their selection as a NSW All Schools Team Member in the sport listed below. New South Wales Combined High Schools representation is the highest honour a student in New South Wales can attain. In achieving this representation they have become part of a great tradition. All information regarding their team selection and the ensuing program they will be involved in, will be forwarded to the team member by the Team Management. Each team member has been issued with a sheet to advise on fund raising and if your school is able to provide some assistance to help this student with their representation this would also be very much appreciated. Could I also request that this selection is acknowledged at an appropriate time. Many thanks for your anticipated co-operation. JACKY PATRICK (REL) Executive Officer THIS INFORMATION TO BE COMPLETED BY THE TEAM MEMBER AND HANDED TO YOUR SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Name: .................................................................... School: ..................................................................... Sport: RUGBY UNION Date and Venue: VARIOUS VENUES. DATES: Friday 31ST May, Sunday 2nd June, Sunday 16th June, Saturday 22nd June and Sunday 23rd June 106765563 NEW SOUTH WALES COMBINED HIGH SCHOOLS SPORTS ASSOCIATION FUNDING OF STATE REPRESENTATIVES The Combined High Schools Sports Association provides a varied range of sporting activities for children throughout the State. These activities range from school, to zone, region and State level. The ultimate achievement is the selection in the New South Wales team for an Interstate or, on rare occasions, International Exchange. Both the student and the school should be proud of this achievement. In some cases difficulties are found in raising the necessary finance to pay the required levy, which is used to meet costs of transport, playing and travelling apparel for the child. If your school is able to assist this would be appreciated. Some suggestions for your school to assist with the levy are: a) Direct Grant from P and C or School Council. b) Appeals to local sporting clubs, organisations or private firms. c) Use of competitions, street stalls, or collections within the school and community. d) Activities such as barbecues, cake or toffee days, social dances, etc., could be 8rganized on a school basis. By using these activities, the school and community can share in the students achievement of becoming a State representative. For our Association to continue to assist in the sporting, educational and social development of children throughout the State we need the assistance of teachers, school and communities. Therefore, in anticipation we wish to thank you for any assistance you are able to provide. THE COUNCIL OF THE NSW CHSSA 106765563 CHS TEAM LEVY/ APPAREL FORM (NUMBER…......) OFFICE USE ONLY PLEASE ATTACH YOUR CHEQUE TO THIS FORM AND RETURN TO YOUR TEAM MANAGER NAME: SPORT: Rugby Union VENUE OF CHAMPIONSHIP: See calendar DATES: See calendar AIRLINE (FORWARD) AIRLINE (RETURN) N/A N/A Players Kit COST INC. GST Tracksuit 135.00 Dress Polo Shirt 40.00 Tie # 20 Sports Bag # Jersey, shorts and socks Wet Weather Training Jacket # (if toured in 2013) Team Photo 40 SIZE/ NUMBER ORDERED TOTAL COST 65 50 40 PLEASE NOTE THAT BOLD ITEMS ARE COMPULSORY Items marked with # are optional if players have 2012 or 2013 tour gear. TOTAL LEVY PLEASE NOTE: IF YOU ALREADY HAVE ANY ITEMS PLEASE INDICATE IN SIZE/NUMBER ORDERED COLUMN THAT YOU DO NOT REQUIRE AND ADJUST TOTAL AMOUNT AS REQUIRED. TOTAL COST OF LEVY AS PER ATTACHED CHEQUE PLEASE ATTACH YOUR CHEQUE HERE 106765563 REPRESENTATIVE CONSENT FORM 1. SPORT: __________________________________________________________ DATE: __________________________________________________________ VENUE: __________________________________________________________ Student Details (Please print clearly) Student Full Name:________________________________________________________________________ Parents/Caregiver Full Name: _______________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________ Postcode: ______________ Date of Birth: ______________________ School: ______________________________________________ Phone: (Home)___________________ (Work) ____________________ (Mobile) __________________ Is the student of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin? Yes, Aboriginal 2. Yes, Torres Strait Islander No Yes, both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Medical Details Medicare Number: ____________________________________________Exp Date___________________ The date of my child’s last tetanus injection was: ________________________________________________ My child is allergic to: _____________________________________________________________________ Any medical details or special needs which the team manager might need to know: ______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Important Information: In the event of injury, no personal injury insurance cover is provided by the NSW Department of Education and Training for students in relation to school sporting activities, physical education lessons or any other school activity. Parents and caregivers are advised to assess the level and extent of their child’s involvement in the sport program offered by the school, school sport zone, area and state school sport associations when deciding whether additional insurance cover is required. Personal accident insurance cover is available through normal retail insurance outlets. Parents who have private ambulance cover also may want to check whether that cover extends to interstate travel and make additional arrangements as considered appropriate. NSWDEC has ambulance coverage for NSW Public School students and reciprocal arrangements exist in all Australian states and territories EXCEPT South Australia and Queensland. The NSW Supplementary Sporting Injury Benefits Scheme, funded by the NSW Government, provides limited cover for serious injury resulting in the permanent loss of a prescribed faculty or the use of some prescribed part of the body. Further information can be obtained from 3. Billeting Details Tick ( ) the appropriate box. My child WILL require a billet. My child WILL NOT require a billet and will be staying with the person listed below at the given address. Mr / Mrs ___________________________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________ Post Code: ______________________ Telephone No.: _____________________________ Relationship to Student:______________________________________________________________ I understand that the responsibility for the welfare and conduct of students not being billeted (outside of school hours) rests with the nominated person. 106765563 4. Travel Details Tick ( ) the appropriate box. Please note: Where travel arrangements are organised, all team members must travel with the Official Team to the Carnival. My child WILL travel with the official team to and from the Carnival. Boarding at ________________________________ Returning to _________________________ My child WILL travel with the official team to the Carnival boarding at _______________________ _______________________ but return from the Carnival with _____________________________ My child WILL travel privately with ________________________________ to and from the Carnival. 5. Privacy Notice The personal information provided on this permission note, will be used by the Department of Education and Training for general administration and communication and other matters of welfare relating to your child at this event. The provision of this information is voluntary but your child may not be able to participate if it is not provided. This information will be stored securely and may be amended at any time by contacting the team management. Please be aware that the media exposure at this event may result in your child’s name, school details and/or photograph appearing in a newspaper, on television or on websites including the School Sport Unit website at If you have a concern with this occurring, please contact the team management or Regional Sports Organiser immediately. 6. Principal’s Declaration I certify that the student whose details appear on this form is enrolled at this school. I have verified that the date of birth as stated on this form is correct. He/she has the school authority to represent on this occasion. A copy of this consent form will be retained by my school. SIGNED: ___________________________________________ (Principal) 7. _________________________ (Date) NOTED BY: _________________________________________ (School Sports Organiser) Parental Consent I have read the information issued and I hereby consent to my child participating in this event. I understand that my child will be under the supervision of Team Manager/s and will not be allowed to visit friends or relatives without my written permission and that of the Team Managers. I have sighted the enclosed Code of Behaviour and agree that if my child/ward seriously contravenes behavioural expectations, he/she may be immediately excluded from the team. Should this eventuate, I accept full responsibility for my child/ward upon notification of his/her exclusion by the team manager including the cost of return transport and accommodation. I understand in having a child/ward represent this Association, I may be asked to billet a visiting student in the future. In the event of any accident or illness, I authorise the obtaining, on my behalf, an ambulance and any such medical assistance that my child may require. I accept full responsibility for all expenses incurred. NSWDEC has ambulance coverage for NSW Public School students and reciprocal arrangements exist in all Australian states and territories EXCEPT South Australia and Queensland. To assist team management at the Carnival and to the best of my knowledge, my child has no medical condition or injury that places them at risk in participating in this sport activity. SIGNED: ___________________________________________ (Parent/Guardian) 106765563 _____________________________ (Da New South Wales Combined High Schools Sports Association CODE OF BEHAVIOUR GENERAL NOTE:You have achieved the honour of being selected in a Representative Team of this Association. As such you will be acting as an Ambassador for not only this Association, but also for your Region School Sport Association, School and your family. As a responsible team member you are required to abide by the Code of Behaviour as outlined. Your behaviour will determine the opinions that people hold of the New South Wales Combined High Schools. The Combined High Schools Sports Association, and all School Sports Associations have a proud record – strive to uphold it at all times both on and off the sporting arena. EXPECTATIONS OF COMBINED HIGH SCHOOLS REPRESENTATIVES a) Team members are expected to behave appropriately at all times, as per the Combined High Schools “Code of Behaviour.” If the Code of Behaviour is violated by a team member and disciplinary action has to be taken, this could result in the team member being sent home at his or her expense or being referred to the CHS Disciplinary Committee. If team members are found to have damaged their rooms, they will be charged for any repairs that have to be undertaken b) If team members require any clarification of the “Code of Behaviour” they should consult with team management. 106765563 CODE OF BEHAVIOUR AS A TEAM MEMBER a) At all times co-operate with your coach, team mates, and opponents - without them you do not have a competition. b) Work equally hard for yourself and your team - your teams performance will benefit and so will your own. c) Compete by the rules and always abide by the referees/umpires or judges decision. e) Be a good sport. Encourage fellow team members. f) Control your temper. Make no criticism either by word or gesture. IN ACCOMMODATION a) Remember at all times you are representing NSW. You will be expected to follow the instructions of Team Management at all times. b) Observe common courtesies by making your own bed, keeping your room clean and tidy and assisting where required. c) Obeying the instructions of the accommodation management. c) Maintain a neat and tidy appearance at all times. d) Report any room damage immediately to Team Management PLEASE NOTE The consumption of alcohol, cigarettes and illegal or performance enhancing drugs will not be tolerated. They are not accepted in the normal school environment and therefore will not be accepted at any time throughout your period of representation. Any team member who displays inappropriate behaviour on or off the playing field, or who fails to abide by this “code” may be referred to the Disciplinary Committee, which may take action, which could include suspension from all school sport programs. 106765563 NEW SOUTH WALES COMBINED HIGH SCHOOLS SPORTS ASSOCIATION STATE TEAM INFORMATION PACKAGE RUGBY UNION 2013 Contained in this package is the following information:- 1. Congratulations and information regarding your selection. 2. Team Levy Information 3. Calendar of events 4. The CHS Code of Behaviour and the expectations of CHS representatives 5. Representative Team Consent Form and Permission to play Rugby Union Form 6. Team Selection advice to your School Principal and C.H.S. Fundraising Sheet 7. Team Levy/Apparel Order forms Please return all the required information to your Team Manager by: Friday 31st June 2013 attendance at the 1st training session TEAM MANAGEMENT DETAILS TEAM MANAGER: TEAM COACH: 1st XV Ron Ashby Warilla High School 2nd XV Craig Howe Grafton high School Andrew Fitzgerald Cherrybrook Technology High School Ross Dummett Sarah Redfern High School Under 16's Paul Kipp Kanahooka High School Andrew Curnow Blaxland High School The information that needs to be returned must be returned by 31st June 2013 at the first Training run and should be directed to the Team Management: NSW CHSSA – LOCKED BAG 1530, BANKSTOWN, NSW, 2200 PH (02) 97076916 FAX (02) 97076937 E mail- 106765563 NEW SOUTH WALES COMBINED HIGH SCHOOLS SPORTS ASSOCIATION Dear team member, On behalf of the Executive and General Council of the New South Wales Combined High Schools Sports Association, congratulations on your selection as a State team member. Listed on the front cover are the Team Management responsible for your team. The Team Management will notify you of all details, other than those listed below, regarding your team commitment. Attached is the necessary team documentation that is required to be completed prior to your C.H.S. participation. 1. Team Selection advice to your School Principal This sheet is to be handed to your school Principal immediately you return to school after your team selection. 2. The C.H.S. Fundraising Sheet Please hand this sheet to your school Principal also, along with your Team Selection advice sheet. 3. Ordering of Apparel and Payment of Team Levy The Team Levy/Apparel Sheet enclosed should be completed and returned to the team manager as required, for the ordering of apparel. Please attach your levy cheque to this form. For accounting purposes it is extremely important that your levy cheque is attached to this sheet and returned to your Team Manager at the first Training session on the 31st June 2013. 4. Representative Team Consent Form Could all sections be completed and returned to the Team Manager on the first training day, Friday 31st May 2013. Please note that you will need to attach a copy of your birth certificate, a current medical certificate, (stating that you are fit to participate in the NSWCHS Rugby Representation Program) and your levy cheque. 5. The CHS Code of Behaviour and the expectations of CHS Representatives Team members are expected to behave appropriately at all times, as per the Combined High Schools "Code of Behaviour". If the "Code of Behaviour" is violated by a team member, and disciplinary action has to be taken, this could result in the team member being sent home at his or her expense. If team members require any clarification of any aspects of the "Code of Behaviour" they should contact team management prior to the Sporting Program. 6. Team Commitments The commitment to the state team commences at the time of assembly, immediately prior to the championships. Where teams are travelling to championships, it is association policy that all team members must travel to the event as per the travel arrangements organised by the NSWCHSSA. Please consider carefully your availability for team selection with regard to other commitments you may have. Your team manager will inform you of assembly details and travel arrangements at the time of your selection. 106765563 Where locality is a factor, travel exemption may be granted. In this instance team members must meet their team management at a pre arranged venue at the specified arrival time. Team members who are being privately accommodated, will also be required to meet the team at this time. If you require any further information, please consult your team manager. IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS REGARDING TEAM DOCUMENTATION The following documentation must be returned to your Team Manager: the NSWCHS Rugby Representation Program Consent Form, the Permission to play Rugby Union Form, the copy of your BIRTH CERTIFICATE, the MEDICAL CERTIFICATE the LEVY CHEQUE attached to the Team Levy/Apparel Sheet the NSWSRU Player Profile form as per the return date listed on the front cover of this package. Once again, congratulations on your selection. If any further information is required please feel free to call the team management. Yours Sincerely, JACKY PATRICK (REL) Executive Officer- NSW CHS 106765563 Message from the CHS Rugby Convenor Dear Player Congratulations on your selection in the NSWCHS Rugby squad for 2013. This is a great honour you have earned; hopefully it will lead to further representation at higher levels and will help you develop as a player both now and in the future. The program of commitment is attached along with relevant information. Please read it carefully. There may be some unforeseen changes so check with your coach/manager at all times. You will need to complete all the relevant items in your player’s package and give it to your Team Manager on the first Training day. First Training day / payment of levy / gear distribution Date: Friday 31st June 2013 Venue: Endeavour Sports High School, Taren Pt Rd & The Boulevarde, Caringbah NSW 2229, Meet time: TBC Details: Arrive at venue ready for training. Bring with you the following documentation: the NSWCHS Rugby Representation Program Consent Form, the Permission to play Rugby Union Form, the copy of your BIRTH CERTIFICATE, the MEDICAL CERTIFICATE the LEVY CHEQUE attached to the Team Levy/Apparel Sheet the NSWSRU Player Profile form 2013 LEVY Thanks to sponsorship and a grant from NSWRU the Levy for 2013 is $460 (which includes the items in players kit). Cheques should be made payable to "NSWCHS Rugby" and given to your Team Manager attached to the Team Levy/Apparel Sheet at the first training session. NSWCHS Rugby has a very fine tradition and a proud record of discipline both on and off the field to be maintained. Take it upon yourself to take pride in the team and maintain that high standard, so that future teams are offered the opportunities you have been given. Remember you are representing NSWCHS Rugby, your team, your school, yourself, your parents and the team management. Make a commitment to your team, always be neat and correctly attired, behave and play your Rugby by the laws of the game in a manner that will bring nothing but the highest of credit to all of the above mentioned. Play hard, play fair and strive for a place in a NSW Schools Squads. Players Levy (players kit). The levy includes the following: CHS Tie, CHS Polo Shirt, 106765563 CHS Tracksuit, CHS Gear Bag, CHS Jersey, Shorts, Socks, CHS Training Jacket Team Photo, Medical, Training, transport etc CHS Training Camp (5th and 6th June) Dress Code. Number 1 dress code: when attending games and functions: White dress shirt (tucked in) top button done up, CHS tie, CHS Tracksuit top, grey slacks (no jeans), clean black or brown leather shoes (no joggers). No caps. Number 2 dress code: NSWCHS track suit, polo shirt, joggers. Players must supply their own strapping tape. Take pride in yourself, your parents, your school, your team and CHS Rugby. All players are to be in full correct attire at all times both on and off the field. Do not forget to stay in regular contact with your Team manager. Arrival times on Match days. On Match days 2nd XV players are to report 1 hour prior to the game or as directed by your coach. 1st XV players please be at ground prior to 2nd XV kick off. Your support will be invaluable. ALL PLAYERS ARE TO STAND BY AS RESERVES FOR NEXT GAME and ALL PLAYERS ARE REQUESTED TO STAY FOR OFFICIAL FUNCTIONS. THE QUALITIES OF A TRUE RUGBY PLAYER The Qualities of a "True Rugby Player" 1. Plays the game for the games sake. 2. Plays for his side not for himself. 3. Is a good winner and a good loser, modest in victory and generous in defeat. 4. Accepts all decisions in the proper spirit. 5. Is chivalrous towards a defeated opponent. 6. Is unselfish and always ready to help others to become proficient. 7. As a spectator and a player applauds good play from both sides. 8. Never interferes with the referee or touch judge no matter what the decision. 9. Never brings the team or the game into disrepute. Once again congratulations on your selection Paul Ridgway Albion Park High School NSWCHSSA Convener May 2013 106765563 NSWCHS Rugby Union Representative Fixtures Calendar 2013 Event Date NSWCHS Training Day and gear Distribution@TBC Friday May 31 NSWSRU U18s Trials CHS v CCC @TBC Sunday June 2 NSWCHS Training Camp 1st and 2nd @SBHS Rowing complex Wednesday June 5 Training only 1st & 2nd NSWCHS Training CHS/CAS Dinner @SBHS Rowing Complex Wednesday June 5 N/A Social Evening NSWSRU U18s Trials CAS v CHS @ Cranbrook Thursday June 6 CAS I v CHS I CAS II v CHS II NSWSRU U18s Affiliates Fixture NSWSRU U18s Trials @ Pittwater Rugby Park Sunday June 16 NSWSRU U18s Trials @ Knox Grammar Friday June 21 ARSFU U18 CHAMPIONSHIPS @ TBC TBC NSWCHSSA Rugby Union State Knockout finals Wednesday August 28 106765563 Matches Training only 1st, 2nds and 16's CHS I v CCC CHS II v AICES CHS 16 A and B v CCC16 v AICES 16(4 way trial) ISA I v CHS I Country v CHS II ISA II v CCC CHS I v GPS I CAS I v ISA I GPS II v CHS II CAS II v ISA II GPS III v CCC Country v AICES ARSFU U 18 CHAMPIONSHIPS @ TBC Waratah Shield, Arthur Buchan Shield, Richard Shaw Shield, 15's Girls Shield, Bryan Palmer Shield Status NSWCHS Training NSWSRU U18s and 16’s Affiliates Fixtures Official NSWSRU U18’s Selection Trials Official NSWSRU U18’s Selection Trials ARSFU U18 CHAMPIONSHIPS @ TBC NSWCHS Fixture NEW SOUTH WALES COMBINED HIGH SCHOOLS SPORTS ASSOCIATION (NSW ALL SCHOOLS) TEAM SELECTION ADVICE Dear Principal, On behalf of the New South Wales Combined High Schools Sports Association may I take this opportunity to congratulate the student listed below on their selection as a NSW All Schools Team Member in the sport listed below. New South Wales Combined High Schools representation is the highest honour a student in New South Wales can attain. In achieving this representation they have become part of a great tradition. All information regarding their team selection and the ensuing program they will be involved in, will be forwarded to the team member by the Team Management. Each team member has been issued with a sheet to advise on fund raising and if your school is able to provide some assistance to help this student with their representation this would also be very much appreciated. Could I also request that this selection is acknowledged at an appropriate time. Many thanks for your anticipated co-operation. JACKY PATRICK (REL) Executive Officer THIS INFORMATION TO BE COMPLETED BY THE TEAM MEMBER AND HANDED TO YOUR SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Name: .................................................................... School: ..................................................................... Sport: RUGBY UNION Date and Venue: VARIOUS VENUES. DATES: Friday 31ST May, Sunday 2nd June, Thursday 6TH June, Sunday 16th June, Friday 21st June. 106765563 NEW SOUTH WALES COMBINED HIGH SCHOOLS SPORTS ASSOCIATION FUNDING OF STATE REPRESENTATIVES The Combined High Schools Sports Association provides a varied range of sporting activities for children throughout the State. These activities range from school, to zone, region and State level. The ultimate achievement is the selection in the New South Wales team for an Interstate or, on rare occasions, International Exchange. Both the student and the school should be proud of this achievement. In some cases difficulties are found in raising the necessary finance to pay the required levy, which is used to meet costs of transport, playing and travelling apparel for the child. If your school is able to assist this would be appreciated. Some suggestions for your school to assist with the levy are: g) Direct Grant from P and C or School Council. h) Appeals to local sporting clubs, organisations or private firms. i) Use of competitions, street stalls, or collections within the school and community. j) Activities such as barbecues, cake or toffee days, social dances, etc., could be 21rganized on a school basis. By using these activities, the school and community can share in the students achievement of becoming a State representative. For our Association to continue to assist in the sporting, educational and social development of children throughout the State we need the assistance of teachers, school and communities. Therefore, in anticipation we wish to thank you for any assistance you are able to provide. THE COUNCIL OF THE NSW CHSSA 106765563 CHS TEAM LEVY/ APPAREL FORM (NUMBER…......) OFFICE USE ONLY PLEASE ATTACH YOUR CHEQUE TO THIS FORM AND RETURN TO YOUR TEAM MANAGER NAME: SPORT: Rugby Union VENUE OF CHAMPIONSHIP: See calendar DATES: See calendar AIRLINE (FORWARD) AIRLINE (RETURN) N/A N/A Players Kit COST INC. GST Tracksuit 135.00 Dress Polo Shirt 40.00 Tie # 20 Sports Bag # Jersey, shorts and socks Wet Weather Training Jacket # (if toured in 2013) Training Camp 40 Team Photo 40 SIZE/ NUMBER ORDERED TOTAL COST 65 50 70 PLEASE NOTE THAT BOLD ITEMS ARE COMPULSORY Items marked with # are optional if players have 2012 or 2013 tour gear. TOTAL LEVY PLEASE NOTE: IF YOU ALREADY HAVE ANY ITEMS PLEASE INDICATE IN SIZE/NUMBER ORDERED COLUMN THAT YOU DO NOT REQUIRE AND ADJUST TOTAL AMOUNT AS REQUIRED. TOTAL COST OF LEVY AS PER ATTACHED CHEQUE PLEASE ATTACH YOUR CHEQUE HERE 106765563 REPRESENTATIVE CONSENT FORM 8. SPORT: __________________________________________________________ DATE: __________________________________________________________ VENUE: __________________________________________________________ Student Details (Please print clearly) Student Full Name:________________________________________________________________________ Parents/Caregiver Full Name: _______________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________ Postcode: ______________ Date of Birth: ______________________ School: ______________________________________________ Phone: (Home)___________________ (Work) ____________________ (Mobile) __________________ Is the student of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin? Yes, Aboriginal 9. Yes, Torres Strait Islander No Yes, both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Medical Details Medicare Number: ____________________________________________Exp Date___________________ The date of my child’s last tetanus injection was: ________________________________________________ My child is allergic to: _____________________________________________________________________ Any medical details or special needs which the team manager might need to know: ______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Important Information: In the event of injury, no personal injury insurance cover is provided by the NSW Department of Education and Training for students in relation to school sporting activities, physical education lessons or any other school activity. Parents and caregivers are advised to assess the level and extent of their child’s involvement in the sport program offered by the school, school sport zone, area and state school sport associations when deciding whether additional insurance cover is required. Personal accident insurance cover is available through normal retail insurance outlets. Parents who have private ambulance cover also may want to check whether that cover extends to interstate travel and make additional arrangements as considered appropriate. NSWDEC has ambulance coverage for NSW Public School students and reciprocal arrangements exist in all Australian states and territories EXCEPT South Australia and Queensland. The NSW Supplementary Sporting Injury Benefits Scheme, funded by the NSW Government, provides limited cover for serious injury resulting in the permanent loss of a prescribed faculty or the use of some prescribed part of the body. Further information can be obtained from 10. Billeting Details Tick ( ) the appropriate box. My child WILL require a billet. My child WILL NOT require a billet and will be staying with the person listed below at the given address. Mr / Mrs ___________________________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ Post Code: ______________________ 106765563 Telephone No.: _________________________________ Relationship to Student:__________________________________________________________________ I understand that the responsibility for the welfare and conduct of students not being billeted (outside of school hours) rests with the nominated person. Travel Details Tick ( ) the appropriate box. Please note: Where travel arrangements are organised, all team members must travel with the Official Team to the Carnival. My child WILL travel with the official team to and from the Carnival. Boarding at ________________________________ Returning to _________________________ My child WILL travel with the official team to the Carnival boarding at _______________________ _______________________ but return from the Carnival with _____________________________ My child WILL travel privately with ________________________________ to and from the Carnival. 11. Privacy Notice The personal information provided on this permission note, will be used by the Department of Education and Training for general administration and communication and other matters of welfare relating to your child at this event. The provision of this information is voluntary but your child may not be able to participate if it is not provided. This information will be stored securely and may be amended at any time by contacting the team management. Please be aware that the media exposure at this event may result in your child’s name, school details and/or photograph appearing in a newspaper, on television or on websites including the School Sport Unit website at If you have a concern with this occurring, please contact the team management or Regional Sports Organiser immediately. 12. Principal’s Declaration I certify that the student whose details appear on this form is enrolled at this school. I have verified that the date of birth as stated on this form is correct. He/she has the school authority to represent on this occasion. A copy of this consent form will be retained by my school. SIGNED: ___________________________________________ (Principal) _________________________ (Date) NOTED BY: _________________________________________ (School Sports Organiser) 13. Parental Consent I have read the information issued and I hereby consent to my child participating in this event. I understand that my child will be under the supervision of Team Manager/s and will not be allowed to visit friends or relatives without my written permission and that of the Team Managers. I have sighted the enclosed Code of Behaviour and agree that if my child/ward seriously contravenes behavioural expectations, he/she may be immediately excluded from the team. Should this eventuate, I accept full responsibility for my child/ward upon notification of his/her exclusion by the team manager including the cost of return transport and accommodation. I understand in having a child/ward represent this Association, I may be asked to billet a visiting student in the future. In the event of any accident or illness, I authorise the obtaining, on my behalf, an ambulance and any such medical assistance that my child may require. I accept full responsibility for all expenses incurred. NSWDEC has ambulance coverage for NSW Public School students and reciprocal arrangements exist in all Australian states and territories EXCEPT South Australia and Queensland. To assist team management at the Carnival and to the best of my knowledge, my child has no medical condition or injury that places them at risk in participating in this sport activity. SIGNED: ___________________________________________ (Parent/Guardian) 106765563 _____________________________ (Date New South Wales Combined High Schools Sports Association CODE OF BEHAVIOUR GENERAL NOTE:You have achieved the honour of being selected in a Representative Team of this Association. As such you will be acting as an Ambassador for not only this Association, but also for your Region School Sport Association, School and your family. As a responsible team member you are required to abide by the Code of Behaviour as outlined. Your behaviour will determine the opinions that people hold of the New South Wales Combined High Schools. The Combined High Schools Sports Association, and all School Sports Associations have a proud record – strive to uphold it at all times both on and off the sporting arena. EXPECTATIONS OF COMBINED HIGH SCHOOLS REPRESENTATIVES a) Team members are expected to behave appropriately at all times, as per the Combined High Schools “Code of Behaviour.” If the Code of Behaviour is violated by a team member and disciplinary action has to be taken, this could result in the team member being sent home at his or her expense or being referred to the CHS Disciplinary Committee. If team members are found to have damaged their rooms, they will be charged for any repairs that have to be undertaken b) If team members require any clarification of the “Code of Behaviour” they should consult with team management. 25 CODE OF BEHAVIOUR AS A TEAM MEMBER a) At all times co-operate with your coach, team mates, and opponents - without them you do not have a competition. b) Work equally hard for yourself and your team - your teams performance will benefit and so will your own. c) Compete by the rules and always abide by the referees/umpires or judges decision. k) Be a good sport. Encourage fellow team members. l) Control your temper. Make no criticism either by word or gesture. IN ACCOMMODATION a) Remember at all times you are representing NSW. You will be expected to follow the instructions of Team Management at all times. b) Observe common courtesies by making your own bed, keeping your room clean and tidy and assisting where required. c) Obeying the instructions of the accommodation management. c) Maintain a neat and tidy appearance at all times. d) Report any room damage immediately to Team Management PLEASE NOTE The consumption of alcohol, cigarettes and illegal or performance enhancing drugs will not be tolerated. They are not accepted in the normal school environment and therefore will not be accepted at any time throughout your period of representation. Any team member who displays inappropriate behaviour on or off the playing field, or who fails to abide by this “code” may be referred to the Disciplinary Committee, which may take action, which could include suspension from all school sport programs. 26