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Seigel, Peggy Brase. “SHE WENT TO WAR: INDIANA WOMEN NURSES IN THE CIVIL WAR.” Indiana Magazine of History 1990 86(1): 1-27. Sellman, James Clyde. “SOCIAL MOVEMENTS AND THE SYMBOLISM OF PUBLIC DEMONSTRATIONS: THE 1874 WOMEN'S CRUSADE AND GERMAN RESISTANCE IN RICHMOND, INDIANA.” Journal of Social History 1999 32(3): 557-588. Sewell, May Wright. A report on the position of women in industry and education in the state of Indiana. [n.p., Carlon & Hollenbeck, printers] 1885. New Haven, Conn., Research Publications, 1977. 1 reel. 35 mm. (History of women, Reel 943, no. 8521) Prepared for the Indiana Department of the New Orleans Exposition, by May Wright Sewall, at the request of the Commissioners for Indiana]. OCLC: 15724908. Shumaker, Arthur W. A History of Indiana Literature: with emphasis on the authors of imaginative works who commenced writing prior to World War II. Indianapolis, IN: Indiana Historical Society. 1962. Simpson, Oriel Claude. Women in industry in Indiana. 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The Indiana State Soldiers Home, Lafayette, Indiana, 1878-1980: soldiers, widows of soldiers & women in the US armed services that resided in this home: veterans that served in wars Civil, Mexican, Spanish American, Philippines; men & women that served in WW I & II. Danville, IN: C.J. Stultz, 1996. Note(s): Cover title. "The women that served are listed among the 'Widows of soldiers' in Part II."/ "Compiled January 1996." OCLC: 41976186. Szopa, Anne. Images of Women in Muncie Newspapers: 1895-1915. DAI 1987 47(10): 3857-A. DA8703643. Ball State U. 1986. 244 pp. Thornbrough, Emma Lou. Indiana in the Civil War Era: 1850-1880. Indianapolis, IN: Indiana Historical Bureau and Indiana Historical Society. 1965. Visher, Stephen Sargent. Indiana Scientists: A biographical Directory and an Analysis. Indianapolis, In: Indiana Academy of Science. 1951. Who's who. Indiana Federation of Colored Women's Clubs. [S.l.] : The Federation, 1955. OCLC: 18429537. 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