4th grade UNIT OF STUDY: Vocal Music CLASS: 4th Grade CONCEPTS: RHYTHM OBJECTIVES: PRODUCTION/ACTIVITIES SKILLS OR CONCEPTS TO LEARN 1. Review of 3rd grade RESOURCES/EVALUATION 1. Review known rhythmic values - ta, ti-ti, rest, ta-o, half rest, ta-o-ah 1. Echo clapping rhythmic values 2. Identify rhythmic values in known songs 1. MENC 5 2. Add ta-o-ah-o and whole rest 1. Learn to write and clap new rhythmic value 2. Echo-clap rhythmic patterns using ta-o-ah-o and whole rest 3. Rhythmic dictation 1. Writing different rhythmic values 2. Repeating what was heard 3. Learning that one sound can last 4 beats 4. Music’s relationship to math 1. 2. 3. 4. MENC 5, 6, 8 Rhythmic dictation Drawing symbols correctly Note math 3. Meter 1. Identify different time signatures 2. Draw in beats and barlines for songs in different time signatures 3. Conduct patterns in different time signatures 4. Count note values in number rhythmic patterns 1. Vocabulary: time signature, measure, barline 2. Music is divided into equal groups 3. The same amount is in each group 1. MENC 5 2. Evaluate ability to make music into equal measures 3. Evaluate ability to count rhythms correctly 4. Continue learning the difference between beat and rhythm 1. Write ‘beat dots’ under note values 2. Pat steady beat while singing melody 3. Tap steady beat while clapping rhythm 1. Same as 3rd grade 1. MENC 1, 5, 6 2. Written work writing rhythmic values and/or ‘beat dots’ Revised: Spring 2010 By: Ashley Hellerich 1 4th grade CONCEPTS: MELODY OBJECTIVES: PRODUCTION/ACTIVITIES SKILLS OR CONCEPTS TO LEARN 1. Repeat what was heard RESOURCES/EVALUATION 1. Continue work on matching pitches 1. Learn new songs by rote and reading music 2. Echo-sing parts of songs 3. Sing individually and as a group 2. Review known solfedge notes - Do, Re, Mi, So, La, high Do 1. Sing known songs on solfedge 2. Continue writing these notes on the staff 1. Review of 3rd grade 1. MENC 1, 5 2. Writing assignments of putting notes on staff 3. Treble clef note names 1. Learn A-G note names for lines and spaces of the treble clef 2. Be able to identify treble clef notes on sight 3. Sing songs on note names 4. Play instruments, identifying note names 1. Pattern of treble clef note names 2. Letter note names are constant; Do, Re, Mi etc. can be moved to any line or space 1. MENC 1, 2, 5 2. Evaluate ability to identify treble clef notes 3. Note name flash cards 4. Play recorders 1. Play simple melodies on the recorder 2. Learn fingerings for treble clef notes on recorder 3. Learn to produce a good tone on recorder 4. Learn to care for recorders 5. Compose short melodies for recorder on given notes 1. Pattern of finger movement relates to how notes move on staff 2. Be able to read notes on staff and play written note on recorder 3. Be able to write notes on staff for recorder 1. MENC 2, 4, 5, 7 2. Evaluate ability to identify correct fingerings 3. Evaluate ability to correctly play recorder 4. Evaluate ability to correctly place notes on staff Revised: Spring 2010 By: Ashley Hellerich 2 1. MENC 1 2. Solo singing grades 4th grade CONCEPTS: EXPRESSION (Tone Color, Tempo, Dynamics) OBJECTIVES: PRODUCTION/ACTIVITIES SKILLS OR CONCEPTS TO LEARN 1. Review how tempo affects the mood of a piece RESOURCES/EVALUATION 1. Review different tempi 1. Sing known songs at different tempi - discuss what tempo songs should be sung/played 2. Sing songs that accelerate and slow down 3. Change tempo within one piece 2. Learn names and families of band instruments 1. Identify families of band instruments by sound, construction, and playing technique 2. Identify characteristics of each family 3. Identify individual instruments and their place in each family (high, middle, low) 4. Discuss band history 1. How families of instruments are related 2. How instruments within one family are similar and different 3. How instruments size affects tone produced 1. MENC 6, 9 2. Evaluate knowledge of different families 3. Evaluate ability to distinguish between instrumental sounds 3. Orchestral Instruments 1. Identify families of orchestral instruments 2. Identify individual orchestral instruments 3. Discuss orchestra history 1. Differences between orchestra and band 2. How families of instruments are related 1. MENC 6, 9 2. On-line Guide to the Orchestra Revised: Spring 2010 By: Ashley Hellerich 3 1. MENC 1, 3, 5 4th grade CONCEPTS: FORM AND STYLE OBJECTIVES: PRODUCTION/ACTIVITIES SKILLS OR CONCEPTS TO LEARN 1. Vocabulary: phrase 2. Phrases are like sentences RESOURCES/EVALUATION 1. Phrases 1. Identify beginning and end of phrases 2. Sing songs with phrases of equal and unequal length 2. Multiple phrase sections 1. Identify sections comprised of multiple phrases 2. Sing songs with multiple phrases 1. A section made up of multiple phrases is like a paragraph 1. MENC 1, 5, 8 3. Call and response form 1. Identify songs in call and response form 2. Discuss difference between echo and response 3. Learn responses for several songs 4. Discuss cultural connections in many call and response songs 1. Vocabulary: call and response 2. Identifying question and answer sections 1. MENC 1, 5, 6 Revised: Spring 2010 By: Ashley Hellerich 4 1. MENC 1, 5, 8 4th grade CONCEPTS: HARMONY AND TEXTURE OBJECTIVES: PRODUCTION/ACTIVITIES SKILLS OR CONCEPTS TO LEARN 1. Develop inner hearing to maintain own part 2. Be able to identify more than one part when listening to a performance 1. Perform songs with increasingly complex parts 1. Perform more complex rounds 2. Maintain own part with another group performs a separate part 3. Perform recorder pieces with multiple parts 2. Perform songs containing a variety of textures 1. Perform songs containing both instrumental and singing sections 2. Perform known singing songs with recorder accompaniment 1. Identify different techniques used when singing and playing 2. Read notation for individual parts 3. Understand how different parts performed simultaneously “line up” 1. MENC 1, 2, 5 2. Evaluate ability to perform own part 3. Evaluate ability to understand how part fits with other parts 3. Identify melody and accompaniment 1. Perform melody lines singing and playing recorders 2. Perform accompaniment lines playing recorders 3. Improvise accompaniments for given melodies 1. Vocabulary: accompaniment 2. Balance between melody and accompaniment 3. Selecting accompaniments 1. MENC 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 2. Evaluate ability to distinguish melody from accompaniment Revised: Spring 2010 By: Ashley Hellerich 5 RESOURCES/EVALUATION 1. MENC 1, 2, 6 2. Evaluate ability to maintain own part