Types of Rock: IGNEOUS ROCK: rock formed by the solidification of

Types of Rock:
IGNEOUS ROCK: rock formed by the solidification of molten magma.
MAGMA: Hot fluid or semi fluid material below or within the earth's crust from
which lava and other igneous rock is formed by cooling
MOLTEN: materials with a high melting point, such as metal and glass) Liquefied
by heat
LAVA: Hot molten or semi fluid rock erupted from a volcano or fissure, or solid
rock resulting from cooling of this.
METAMORPHOSIS: The process of transformation from an immature form to an
adult form in two or more distinct stages
SEDIMENT: Matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid
ALIGN: Place or arrange (things) in a straight line
ERODE: of wind, water, or other natural agents) gradually wear away (soil, rock,
or land).
1. Forms from Lava.
2. The oldest rock
3. Formed deep inside
the earth.
Metamorphic rocks
are rocks that have
changed from one
form to another.
These rocks form
deep in the earth
where it is very hot
and there is a lot of
If a rock is heated
and squeezed for
millions of years, it
can turn into a new
kind of rock.
Sedimentary rocks
are made from
Sediments are small
pieces of other rocks.
They turn into
pebbles, gravel, sand
and clay.
Rocks are always
being broken into
smaller pieces called
sediments and worn
away (eroded) by
wind and water.
The Rock Cycle
IGNEOUS: Having solidified from lava or magma
SEDIMENTARY: of rock) that has formed from sediment deposited by water
or air
METAMORPHIC: Denoting rock that has undergone transformation by heat,
pressure, or other natural agencies.
MAGMA: Hot fluid or semi fluid material below or within the earth's
crust from which lava and other igneous rock is formed by cooling
ROCK CYCLE: An idealized cycle of processes undergone by rocks in the
earth's crust
The rock cycle is the
continuous succession
of rock formation,
erosion and
reformation. Its
forces have shaped
Earth's surface for
Earth's first rocks
(igneous) cooled
from a melt,
forming two
general rock
types: basalt and
4.5 billion years.
The Earth's
crust has
been altered,
reformed and
eroded to
Granite is a less
dense, silicaterich rock
comprising the
Basalt is a
dense, ironrich rock and
forms the
ocean floors
The dynamic
earth allows
for its
which there
would be no
plants or any
other life.
WEATHERING: of rock or other material) Be worn away or altered by such processes:
"specimens that weather away quickly".
SEDIMENTS: Matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid; dregs
SEDIMENTARY ROCKS: Sedimentary rock is a type of rock that is formed by
sedimentation of material at the Earth's surface and within bodies of water
MECHANICAL WEATHERING: Weathering is the breaking down of Earth's rocks, soils
and minerals through direct contact with the planet's atmosphere
CHEMICAL WEATHERING: Chemical reactions that act on rocks exposed to water and
the atmosphere so as to change their unstable mineral components to more stable forms.
Oxidation, hydrolysis, carbonation, and direct solution are the most common reactions
CARBONIC ACID: A very weak acid, H2CO3, formed in solution when carbon dioxide
dissolves in water.
EROSION: The process of eroding or being eroded by wind,
water, or other natural agents.
WEATHERING: (of rock or other material) be worn away or
altered by such processes: "specimens that weather away
RIVER DELTA: A delta is a landform that is created at the
mouth of a river where that river flows into an ocean, sea,
estuary, lake, reservoir, flat arid area, or another river. Deltas
are formed from the deposition of the sediment carried by
the river as the flow leaves the mouth of the river.
CANYONS: A deep gorge, typically one with a river flowing
through it, as found in North America.
GLACIER: A slowly moving mass or river of ice formed by
the accumulation and compaction of snow on mountains or
near the poles GLACIAL EROSION: The wearing down of the
Earth's surface by glaciers. Rock debris at the bottom of a
glacier scrapes and erodes the surface over which the
Weathered Cliffs
Dunespiece of
glacier flows
like a giant
sand paper
Mountain pass
Rock falls
Mineral Identification:
MINERAL: A solid inorganic substance of natural occurrence.
TRAIT: A distinguishing quality or characteristic.
HARDNESS: the property of being rigid and resistant to pressure; not easily scratched; measured on
Mohs scale.
MOHS SCALE: A scale of hardness used in classifying minerals.
LUSTER: A gentle sheen or soft glow, esp. that of a partly reflective surface.
STREAK (NOUN): The streak of a mineral refers to the color left on a streak plate after rubbing a
mineral across its surface.
CLEAVAGE: A sharp division; a split.
FRACTURE (NOUN): The cracking or breaking of a hard object or material.
Soft glowing
Not fragile