1 Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Business & Law, Multimedia University 7545 Melaka, Malaysia &
President, Humanity Bangladesh, Tel: 06-252 3493, Fax: 06-2322 764, H/P: 0162504687, Email: noormu2007@gmail.com
Abstract- The educational background in Malaysia and Bangladesh are notable and diversified culturally rich nations in the global family based on the British colonial systems and achieved their independence in 1957 and 1971 respectively. After the independence, some educational development initiatives have been made in their own context. Malaysia is quite rich in environmental friendly technological education in all sectors such as food and industry, poultry, water, informatics etc; compared to
Bangladesh. Some courses such as technological industrialization, agricultural governance and tourism technological education, technological education; ethical education, water governance, etc; have been taught in the different public and private universities in these countries. In terms of environmental friendly quality technological education, the
Governments of Malaysia and Bangladesh firmly determine in ensuring the quality education in connection with first world countries. Recently, some bold steps for environmental friendly education in higher studies have been initiated. The Government believes that this education system may play a critical role in developing human capital and can crucial part in sharing the economy towards the environmental technology based education. With a view to achieving this, the Governments of Malaysia and Bangladesh passed several laws and policies such as the National Council on Higher Education Bill
1996, the Private Higher Education Institutions Bill 1996 and the National Accreditation
Board Bill 1996; the Dr. Qudrat-e-Khuda Education Commission 1972 etc; respectively.
Moreover, in order to make effective of the higher education, the Government of
Malaysia has adopted some strategies under the Nine Master Plan 2006-2010 for ensuring quality with world-class education. The environment is also one of the top priority issues of the government for greening the society. To order to conserve and develop the environmental friendly greening education is a prerequisite. As a part of it, both the governments has already passed some important environmental friendly laws including
‘the Environment Quality Regulations 1989; the Environmental Quality Order 1989
Telecommunications Act and Regulations; the Broadcasting Act and Regulations; the
Bangladesh Environment Conservation Act 1995; the Bangladesh Environment
Conservation Rules 1992; the Environment Policy 1992; and the Environment
Conservation Act 2000 respectively etc; and also approved some other international environmental laws in this regard. These educations as environmental friendly modes are also taught in the different universities in Malaysia and Bangladesh. Presently, around 20 and 30 public universities and 18 and 52 private universities working in Malaysia and
Bangladesh respectively. Some faculties in the public and private universities in Malaysia and Bangladesh such as the Environmental Engineering Education, the Economics and
Administration, Life Sciences etc; Environmental Legal Education, Information
Technology and Laws consisting of several departments where the environmental friendly education such as the environmental management, water resources, environmental health, environmental impact assessment etc; with international environmental education have been teaching to the undergraduate and postgraduate levels with research for sustainable environment and development in the country. This study will examine the present
discourse on the environmental friendly technological education in higher studies in
Malaysia and Bangladesh based on the primary and secondary sources. A case study may be done under the environmental engineering education faculty in the University of
Malaya, Malaysia.
Keywords : Environmental Friendly Technological Education, Higher Studies, Sustainable
In order to explain this paper, we need to explain the several aspects of the environmental friendly education in Malaysia and Bangladesh. It quite depends some factors such as educational technology, State policies, regulations and universities outlook on the environmental friendly technology systems etc. Let us discuss on ‘the freedom of the information law’ in
Malaysia with its impacts on the government.
Due to the fact that the information is power and it is storehouse of knowledge that may bear a substantial impacts on the governmental functions and its environmental aspects.
However, freedom of information may be called the oxygen of democracy (.Munir & Siti, 2010a).
In fact, it is an essential part of a good government. The right to information is crucial to accountability and good governance. It facilitates the greater participation. On the other hand, secrecy is a breeding ground for corruption and abuse of power and mismanagement. It allows inefficiency and corruption to thrive. A bad government needs secrecy to survive. Once
Amartya Sen, the Nobel Prize-Winning economist has observed, there has never been a substantial famine in a country with a democratic form of government and relatively free press.
According to J.L. Nehru ‘‘Never do anything in secret or anything that you would wish to hide.
For the desire to hide anything means that you are afraid, and fear is a bad thing and unworthy of you.’’ According to the Resolution adopted in
2003 of the organization of America States:
Access to public information is a requisite for the very functioning of democracy, greater transparency and good governance (.Munir &
Siti, 2010b) The government of India acknowledges that ‘‘it is now widely recognised that the openness and accessibility of people to information about the government’s functioning is a vital component of democracy.’’ Many preamble of the Freedom of Information Law gives emphasis as ‘democracy enhancing rationale.’ According to the Aarhas Convention
1998, a leading environmental friendly international instrument reads as ‘‘access to information will contribute to strengthening democracy in the region of the United Nations
Economic Commission for Europe.’’ According to Ireland Freedom of Information Act 1997 discusses that ‘‘the decisions of the public bodies should be more open to public scrutiny. The citizens as shareholders in public bodies should have the right to examine and review the deliberations and process of public bodies.’’
According to the Japan’s Information Disclosure
Law reads that it is the core principles of democracy. It contributes to the promotion of a fair and democratic administration subject to the proper understanding and criticism of the people.’ Some case laws treat as to the functioning of a democratic society.’’ According to the US Court in NLRB vs. Rabbins Tire &
Rubber Co (1978) held that the basic purpose of the United State’s Freedom of Information Act is to ensure the information as to the functioning of a democratic society, needs to check against corruption and to hold the governors accountable to the governed.’’ According to the Federal access to Information Act 1985, Justice
LaForest, the Supreme Court of Canada stated as: It facilitates democracy. It ensures the people for participating in the democratic process. They can contribute to the decision making process and to the formation of policy levels and the legislations. The government of Malaysia is very healthy to the information law and policy for strengthening the democratic practices. Still, there are some gaps in it. For example, the judiciary in Malaya needs to be more reformed attitudes with the informational and technology for its more effective to the proper services of the
people of Malaysia and the mankind as well. It means that more investment on the ICT is essential for this purpose (.Munir & Siti, 2010c).
There are also some institutional weaknesses where the ICT education and literary may be given priorities. It is also noted that the knowledge on the Senior Officials are also essential which needs to be updated. Investors need to come forward to co-operate the judiciary.
Lack of stakeholders and training are also observed in it. However, the former chief Justice of Singapore Yong Peng How puts it as: A first class judiciary should lose no time in upgrading its business and trial adjudication models and its human resources to drive justice in the new digital environment… In terms of Media role, it may play a very important role on the environmental problems and importance in the different areas of the environment in Malaysia. It promotes green ethics, morality, brotherhood etc; on our environmental development in our daily lives. Similar fashion is also observed in the context of Bangladesh (Serajul, 2006).
This study has focused on the present state of the environmental engineering education in
Malaysia and Bangladesh based on the websites of the universities. It is noted here that there is hardly found research work on these issues.
Similarly, Malaysia is quite a modern technology based country based on the British
Colonial authorities with a long history (Wan
Portiab Hamzab, 2001). It is going ahead to the development of the environmental friendly technology education in the higher education systems in the country. In terms of the present state of the environmental Friendly Technology
Education in Malaysia, we can discuss as follows: Malaysia is quite rich in the environmental friendly education policy and laws in Malaysia (History of Malaysia, 2010.).
It has been gradually developing in the higher education and also healthy compared to
Bangladesh along with other some developing countries of the global family. Education industries have been playing significant role for environmental friendly atmosphere in Malaysia.
At present, many public and private universities in Malaysia have been dealing the environmental friendly technology education. Among the higher education institutions, the University of
Putra Malaysia is the leading (UPM official
Website, 2010). The Universiti Putra Malaysia is notable for environmental friendly technology education due to the fact that there are 16 schools such as the agriculture, forestry, economics, education, science, food, human ecology, communication, design, health, computer, biotechnology, and environmental studies have been teaching and doing research on the different issues on the environment. Particularly, the environmental studies faculty is very rich covering the journal of Agricultural Economics and the Water and Environmental Journal. The faculty has been doing research on the environmental sciences and environmental management issues (UPM Research Cluster,
2010). As to the role of the Uinversiti Sains
Malaysia, there are 26 schools such as communication,, housing, biology, materials, and minerals health etc; are notable in the environmental friendly technology context
(USM 2010). The Journal of Tropical Life
Sciences Research and the Journal of
Construction in Developing Countries have been playing important role in this area (USM
Publication 2010). Regarding the role of the
Universiti Malaya, the faculty of the Built
Environment and Civil Engineering is playing critical role in promoting the environmental technological education in Malaysia. The
Bachelor of Engineering is very critical on the technological education (UM Academics 2010).
The main objective of this programme is to produce the students that can solve and settle down the technical problems that related to water, air and solid waste management.
Solutions to these problems need a complete integration system and effective expenditure that closely related to human interaction and complex ecosystem (Research Cluster 2010). About the role of the International Islamic University of
Malaysia, the Department of Economics and
Management Sciences and the Faculty of
Architecture and Environmental Design have been dealing with the environmental technological education along with the engineering journal. The Natural Medicinal
Product Center is also working with the issues.
Their engineering journal is important for this purpose (IIUM Academic Programs
). The University of Technical Malaysia: It is quite a science-based university. It composes 13 schools. The Faculty of Built Environment, the
Faculty of Natural Resources and Chemical
Engineering, the Faculty of Biosciences and
Bioengineering and Civil Engineering,
Department of Environmental Engineering,
Department of Structural and Materials, the
Institute of Environmental and Water Resource
Management etc; are notable for environmental technological issues (UTM Schools, 2010). The
Journal of Chemical and Natural Resources
Engineering is also working in this area. The department is also highly dynamic in research and consultancy especially in the field of water quality management, water and wastewater treatment, membrane technology and waste management. The Department trains students to become research professionals, well versed in the latest technologies, in tandem with the Faculty’s motto to be Always Ahead. The University of
Technology Petronus: This University offers a wide range of engineering and technology programmes at undergraduate and postgraduate levels complemented with a strong focus on
Research and Development. The programmes are designed with high industry relevance to provide a dynamic learning environment. This university is leading on the environmental engineering and many research works have been done on the different issues on the environment (UiTM
School, 2010). The University of Technology
Mara: It is a leading institution for the environmental technology education. Its several faculties have been dealing with the environmental issues. It has several journals in this regard (UiTM Journals). The Universiti
Malaysia Perlis: It is an engineering environmental based education. The School of
Environmental Engineering also offers environmental Engineering programme leading to the degree of Bachelor of Engineering
Environmental Engineering. It focuses on the different issues relating to environmental use etc.
The School of Environmental Engineering consists of as follows: Bachelor Engineering in Environmental Engineering, Bachelor
Engineering in Building Engineering, Master of
Science in Environmental Engineering and the
Doctor of Philosophy (UNIMAP Academics,
2010). The Multi Media University: The Faculty of Engineering and Technology is quite rich for the environmental technological education. It deals with the dynamic challenging and manufacturing environment. It is information and technology based university that may impacts on the environmental engineering and technology management and development
(MMU Website, 2010). The Faculty of
Engineering, the National Defense University of
Malaysia teaches on the maritime technology, environment and safety in navigation, environment impact assessment and protection
(NDUM Portal, 2010). The Faculty of Civil and
Environmental Engineering, Universiti Tun
Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM Website, 2010) combines the two departments that are the Civil
Engineering Department from Faculty of
Engineering and Department of Construction and
Environmental Technology Engineering from the
Faculty of Technology Engineering. This faculty offers academic program to students in diploma, bachelor degree, and postgraduate studies. Its vision is to explore construction application that is environmental friendly for the benefits of nation. Its mission is to produce and train professional who environmental friendly is, creative, innovative, competent and responsible through world-class program. It consists of five
Departments, namely, Department of
Construction and Building Engineering,
Department of Material and Structure
Engineering, Department of Water and
Environment Engineering, Department of
Transport and Geotechnique Engineering and
Department of Civil Engineering. The main objectives of the Faculty are as follows: To conduct three bachelor degree in civil engineering with honors and three diploma programs and also Master and PhD degree, to produce at least 5% of graduate diploma and engineering bachelor degree with a CPA of 3.5 and above every year., to produce 30% of academic staff with PhD in their own respective fields by the year 2010, and also 30% of the instructor to become professional engineer who is recognized by Institute of Engineer Malaysia or equivalent bodies by the year 2010, to publish one journal paper/magazine in referred national or international journal/magazine averagely by an academic staff in a year and To ensure 50% of the academic staff involve in research and development by the year 2010.
To ensure every staff is provided with opportunity to attend self-development course at least once per year. There are some fields of research such as Material Engineering, Civil
Engineering, Water Resources Engineering,
Structure Engineering, Traffic Engineering,
Transport Engineering, Geotechnique and
Geology Engineering Geomatic Engineering.
There are also some group of research focus was formed since 2003 with the aim to support ongoing research. The research focus group are divided into six sectors, there are, Material and
Structure Engineering, Water Resources
Engineering, Environmental Engineering,
Geotechnique and Geology Engineering, Traffic,
Transport and Highway Engineering and
Building and Construction Engineering. In terms of policy and legislations (DOE, 2010), it is observed that around 10 policies on the different issues such as the forestry, agriculture, mineral, biodiversity, coastal etc; around 50 national legislations and 15 international legislations with many institutional developments and initiatives have been taught in the different universities in
Malaysia that is a critical on the environmental friendly technology issues. But it regrets that these laws and policies are not implemented friendly due to many constraints such as non coordination, insignificant penal provision etc
(Azmi Sharom, 2002). Moreover, most of the universities have the science and engineering faculty where the Engineering Law, Information,
Communications and Technology law, Media and Remedies, Legal Studies, Cyber Laws, Data
Protection Laws; Malaysian government’s legislations and policies on the ICT and related laws and policies; the environmental laws and policies; Computer Crimes, Real Estate Laws; international legal systems on these issues etc; have been taught. The national ICT Council was formed in under the 6th Malaysian Plan (1990-
1995); the Vision 2020 policy that sees Malaysia as a fully developed nation in 2020 in her own mould. To drive the transformation, Malaysia
Multimedia Super Corridor was established in
1996. Modeled to be a world-class hub for development and nurturing of the Nation's ICT industry, the MSC provides first-world knowledge and infrastructure, at developingnation costs in line with the country’s information and communication technology master plan two and Vision 2020 etc.
Regarding the role of the Higher Education
Ministry, (Malaysian Higher Education,
2010) , if we look at the functions of the
Higher Education Bill Act 1996, we can say that a significant role may be done by the concerned authorities as follows:
Functions of Council
Theere are some functions of the Council as follows:
To plan, formulate and determine national policies and strategies for the development of higher education
To co-ordinate the development of higher education
To promote and facilitate the orderly growth of institutions of higher education
To determine policies and set criteria for the allocation of funds to higher educational institutions
To determine policies relating to the entry of students to higher educational institutions
To determine policies and set guidelines on matters .
The council is enough capable of introducing any environemntal development programs for the environmental development of the country as a whole upon the functions as mentioned in the
Bill. The similar functions may be done under the Universities and University Colleges established under the Universities and University
Colleges Act 1971.
As to the Role of the Malaysian Qualifications
Agency, the Malaysian Qualifications Agency
(MQA, 2010) is empowered to look into the academic programs including the lines with the environmental technological education programs under the Malaysian Qualifications Act 2007 given by educational institutions in Malaysia and also empowered to recognize the qualifications.
Its main aims is to implement the Malaysian
Qualifications Framework as a basis for quality assurance of higher education and as the reference point for the criteria and standards for national qualifications based on some specific functions as follows:
To implement the Malaysian
Qualification Framework as a reference point for Malaysian qualifications
To develop standards and credits and all other relevant instruments as national references for the conferment of awards with the cooperation of stakeholders
To quality assure higher education institutions and programmes
To accredit courses that fulfill the set criteria and standards
To facilitate the recognition and articulation of qualifications
To maintain the
Qualifications Register
This agency also evaluates foreign qualifications and assesses it for equivalency with Malaysian secondary school and university preparatory qualifications. This agency easily control and take necessary steps in this regard.
About the Role of the Ministry of Higher
Education, the Ministry of Higher Education
(Malaysian Education Ministry, 2010) is a government ministry that is responsible for determining the policies and direction of higher education in Malaysia. The functions of the
Ministry of Higher Education was originally within the purview of the Ministry of Education until the departments and agencies responsible for higher education were separated from the
Ministry of Education on March 27, 2004 and established as a full ministry under a Federal
Minister. Its visions are to turn Malaysia into a center of excellence for higher education. Its mission is to develop and put in place a higher education environment that encourages the growth of premier knowledge centers and individuals who are competent, innovated with high moral values in order to meet national and international needs.
Some Departments and Agencies
Institutes of Higher Education
Management Department
Polytechnic and Community College
Management Department
Malaysian Qualifications Agency
Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi
Tunku Abdul Rahman Foundation
Public Universities
Under these jurisdiction, the Ministry is enough capable of giving directions including the environmental friendly technological education in higher education in Malaysia.
If we look at the history and development of the environmental technological education in the higher studies in Bangladesh (Wikipedia 2010), we can see that there are many stages and initiatives that have been done in this regard. The higher education intuitions such as the universities have been dealing with the many environmental friendly technology for our healthy and sustainable environment to the people of Bangladesh. At this moment, the government has declared that they are going to see Bangladesh as digital one (Digital
Bangladesh, 2010) in the global families. They are doing and influencing the higher education systems to use the technology in an environmental safety mode for our own generations and existence on this beautiful earth.
However, in order to assess the State of the
Environmental Friendly Technology Education in Bangladesh, we need to discuss the issues.
First of all, we need observe on the University’s website based information. However, it is known to us that Dhaka University (Brief History, 2010) is the most pioneer institute for higher learning seat in Bangladesh. In our topic, this study finds that the Department of the Geography &
Environment, Department of Geology,
Bangladesh-Australia Center for Environmental
Research, has been teaching and doing research on various issues with some courses related to environmental friendly technology under the
Faculty of Science, Research Centers, renewable
Energy Research Center, etc; university of
Dhaka. The Institute of Environmental Sciences,
Biological Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, university of Rajshahi has been teaching on the environmental technology education (Faculties,
Institutions & Centres, 2010). The Institute of
Forestry & Environmental Science, the Institute of Marine Science and Fisheries, Fisheries
Department and also faculty of science,
Chittagong University also dealing with the environmental technology aspects (Institutes,
2010). Some courses on environmental technology under the Faculty of Science and
Geography & Environment, Jahangirnagar
University has been teaching this education
(University Website, 2010). The Department of
Urban and Rural Planning discipline is also dealing with some aspects. The Department of
Water Resources Engineering, Department of
Urban and Regional Planning, Bangladesh
University of Engineering and Technology have been teaching on the technology education
(BUET, 2010. The Department of Forestry and
Environmental Science, Department of Civil and
Environmental Engineering, Department of
Geography and Environment, Shah Jalal
University of Science and Technology dealing
with the environmental technology education. It is a very rich in environmental technology education in Bangladesh (SUST, 2010). It was established with an objective of keeping pioneering role to mitigate the environmental problems of Bangladesh especially in the northeastern region of the country
The School of Environmental Science with 9 courses and the
Environmental Engineering with 4 courses,
Asian University for Woman have been teaching on various aspects of the environmental friendly technology education (AUW, 2010). It creates a center for excellence in education and research in environmental science and engineering and in the management of natural resources for sustainable development. Some Departments such as Environmental Engineering Education, the Islamic University of Technology etc; are taught. The Department of Civil and
Environmental Engineering provides high quality of education through its appropriate curriculum and courses for Civil and
Environmental Engineers. It is expected that the department's staff will provide quality teaching, research and consultancy with utmost sincerity and hard work. Civil and Environmental engineers contribute to the health, safety, and quality of life through the design, construction, and operation of public and private infrastructure. The mission of the Civil and
Environmental Engineering is to educate students in fundamental concepts, critical thinking, technical skills, and principles as applied to engineering analysis and sustainable design Provide continuing educational opportunities, technical assistance, and intellectual resources to the local, national, and international arena. Serve the engineering profession and society through innovative research, To strengthen educational cooperation and expertise within the OIC member states in the field of Civil and Environmental Engineering
(IUT, 2010).
The School of the Environmental Science and
Management, the Independent University of
Bangladesh (IUB, 2010) and the North South
University Bangladesh has been dealing many aspects of the environmental engineering education in Bangladesh. The Department of
Environmental Science, BES, the Department of
Environmental Science and Resource
Management has been teaching on some courses
(NSU, 2010). The Schools of the Engineering and Technology, Civil Engineering, Electrical and Electrical Engineering, the Khuna, Rajshahi,
Chittagong, Dhaka; universities of Science and
Technology have been teaching and doing research on the different issues on the environmental engineering education in
Bangladesh (KUET, RUET, CUET, 2010). The
Ahsanullah University of Science and
Technology has been teaching on some course of environmental engineering education (University
Website, 2010).
From the legal point of view, there are some laws that ensure the citizen’s rights and the environmental rights including the information.
The Right to Information Act 2009 is one of them. Due to the fact that, the Right to
Information Act 2009 is a very important tool for ensuring the citizen’s rights and empowerment globally. It may play a critical role as an environmental friendly catalyst by providing environmental information to the stakeholders.
This information may be treated as vital for keeping the environment free from corruption and hazardous situations. But with regard to the implementation of this Act, it needs to change the mentality of the staffs, high range of punishment, political commitment, introduce the complain box opened by high powered committee, independent human rights commission, anti corruption commission, ombudsman etc. Other the information law cannot be a successful one. The author is very confident about the good result of this Act. It needs to work as per the provision of the Aarhus
Convention 1998. As part of the environment friendly education procedure, around 200 environmental legal based one very technical in nature covering the biodiversities; ecosystems, pollution, measures and other necessary equipments have been taught in the different universities in Bangladesh. (DOE, 2010b).
Twelve new science and technology universities based on the technical education etc; have been teaching and doing research in the different aspects on the environmental friendly technology education in Bangladesh. It may also includes some legal frameworks such as the Telegraph
Act of 1985, the Pacific Bangladesh Telephone
Ltd, 1989; the Bangladesh Telecom 1989; the
Grameen Phone 1996 and Telephone Malaysia
International Bangladesh 1996, the Copy Right
Law 2000 the National Information and
Communication Technology Policy 2002 and the
Bangladesh National ICT Policy 2008
(Proposed) along with the ICT Policy, Cyber
Law, Electronic Transaction Act etc.; that are also taught in the universities in Bangladesh. The role of civil society such as the different nongovernmental organizations, voluntary organizations, press and media etc; have been providing and serving the nations through the technical and legal education based on the ICT expertise may also play critical role on the environmental friendly technology education.
Regarding some environmental friendly technology policy issues, in order to tackle the environmental pollution for sustainable development, we need to use environmental friendly technology and should be taught in the higher education (Ministry of Tele
Communication, 2010). The government of
Bangladesh is quite aware about the policy formulation as stated in the objectives of the environmental policy 1992. Its policy focus that that we need to attain ecological balance, ensure environmentally sound environment, utilize the natural resources etc. These policies are made under the 15 heads (DOE, 2010c). The Science,
Technology and Research are one of them. The policy outlines as:
Incorporate environmental pollution supervision and control measures in to national science technology policy
Encourage necessary research and evolve technology to ensure long term, sustainable and environmentally sound utilization of all resources for conservation and improvement of environment.
Incorporate environmental consideration as an integral part of priority areas for research and development within the framework of
National Science and Technology
Policy 1986.
Consideration of environment issues in all research activities by research and development institutions.
The concerned departments and agencies are empowered to work for environmental friendly technology instruments. These agencies are also empowered to carry out research for the environmental conservation and development fields in Bangladesh. These policies are taught in the different higher education institutions such as universities in Bangladesh. If we look at the
Environment Action Plan 1992, we find that many initiatives have been made in order to implement the environmental technology policies as set in 1992. The Science, Technology and Research action plans are as follows:
Counseling will be made available on management and control of environment and control of environmental pollution keeping in view environmentally sound and sustainable technology.
Research and Technology innovation on environmental protection, development and proper utilization of resources will be strengthened.
Environmental considerations should be integrated in all priority areas highlighted in the National Policy on
Science and Technology, 1986.
All research and development institution will specifically consider programmes and revise them if needed.
In order to implement these action plans, some implementing authorities have been made as follows: a) Science and Technology Division, b)
Science and Technology related Research
Institutions, a) Concerned Ministries, b) Various
Research Institutions,, b) Other Ministries and
Division Concerning Science and Technology, b)
All related Ministries and Divisions, c) All
Research Institutions concerning science and technology. But unfortunately, it is observed that still there are some lacking in policies and programs for tackling the environmental problems due to some causes such as the institutional failures, poor governance, inadequate resources, weak monitoring and enforcement etc. Some environmental technological plans and policies are also observed in the different year’s plans of the government. But it regrets that the necessary infrastructure facilities have not been yet done.
Some issues on the environmental technology have also been discussed in the different educational commissions and programs in
Some international legal mechanisms may also be critical to the environmental friendly technology education. The Aarhus Convention
1998 is notable (Soft and Hard Law Policy,
2010) which has been securing citizen’s rights through access to information, public participation and access to justice for a healthy environment. The access to information is treated as the heart of the sound environmental protection and sustainable development.
Supported by the Framework Convention on
Climate Change (Art. 4(1)(i); the Biodiversity
Convention (Arts 13, 17), the Framework
Convention on Climate Change, The Helsinki
Convention on the Protection and Use of Tran boundary Watercourses and International Lakes
(Art. 16); The Espoo Convention on
Environmental Impact Assessment in a Tran boundary Context [(Art. 3(8)]; the Paris
Convention on the North East Atlantic (Art. 9).
The Regional Human Rights Laws and international human rights laws and policies are also dealing with the environmental rights such as the European Convention on Human Rights art. 10 guarantees that the freedom to receive information in general.
At the government level, the government has been doing much for engineering education including environmental education in Malaysia.
Most of the universities are technology based.
The different faculties of the universities have been doing research and teaching on these issues but so far no new innovative finds such Robot, etc; have not yet been made. On the other hand, some electronic mechanisms and devices have been developed with the help of the invitee partners. The environmental friendly technological educations have not yet been developed as Japan along with the first world countries. But they have been trying. But the environmental friendly technological education cannot be compared seriously to Japan,
Singapore, USA etc. They have adequate linking with the industries and concerned environment.
Their systems are to some extent different from
Malaysia. Human Rights based education linking to the environmental friendly technology based education is essential. It is crying need to have respect to all in a proper manner which needs to be done.
From the above study, it is observed that many initiatives as mentioned in the abstract of this work in Malaysia and Bangladesh are really positive for the higher education development in these two countries, although these two countries education systems are basically based on the
British Colonial Authorities. The study finds that the Malaysian Universities are going towards the sustainable education and environment due to the fact that their education is quite engineering based with modern technology. On the other hand, the Bangladesh universities are going ahead to the quality education with the theme of the digital Bangladesh. It takes time to complete this issue. The Malaysian education is also freedom national politics and observed with the modern technologies. That’s why; their education is quite health and friendly to the academic environment. The Government of
Bangladesh should ban the students and teacher’s politics for the greater interest of the nation immediately. The universities of
Bangladesh need more research oriented with fully equipped modern environmental friendly technologies and facilities and work for international ranking like Malaysia, Singapore,
Hong Kong etc. The universities teachers are highly quality but to need free from dirty polities with research load. All types of academic corruption and injustice including hidden policies should be eliminated in order to ensure environmental friendly quality education in these countries. In order to do this work, a highpowered commission from the outside of the universities should be made and will work with continuous efforts.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the concerned authors in science direct, google scholars, web sites in the different universities in
Malaysia and Bangladesh including the AIEM etc; for giving me the chance to present this paper.
Dr. Noor Mohammad is a Senior Lecturer,
Faculty of Business & Law, Multi Media
University, Malaysia and obtained his PhD on the topic entitled ‘‘Environmental Law and
Policy: A Study on Agriculture and Fisheries in
Bangladesh at the Institute of Bangladesh
Studies, an Advance Research Institute,
University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh.’ He has also achieved research grants from the Social Science
Research Council, SSRC, Planning Commission,
Ministry of Planning, Government of
Bangladesh for his research works. He served as an Associate Professor & Head in the several universities in Bangladesh. He also served as
Visiting Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Law,
University of Malaya. He is closely working with many professional bodies such as the CEL,
CEC, CESSP, IUCN, TIM, Amnesty Int, and
ASIAN ACADEMY etc. He is also one of the members of the Jhenidah Bar Association,
Bangladesh. He has already produced around 30 articles including Books with proceedings on the different issue on the Environmental Law and
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