LINCOLN-SUDBURY LACROSSE DEFENSIVE CONCEPTS AND SKILLS K-12 Identifying man to cover, calling number, and staying with that man Staying in front of man, and between man and cage Being aware of both the ball and the man while covering man off ball Using a poke check and body check to challenge feeds and shots Not chasing man when he is far from the cage- bungee cord Attacking the ball when your man receives pass, then returning to hole Ball-You-Man Triangle when off-ball (2 looks to man, 1 look to ball) Packing in the Defense and keeping sticks up in the passing lanes Recognizing when a dodger beats his man and sliding to help (adjacent) Communicating with teammates prior to slide (Help right, help left) Communicating with goalie and teammate to execute second slide Protecting middle of the field, forcing dodgers from top down the side Playing top side against dodgers from behind cage, forcing underneath Using poke and drop step behind, and V-hold, wrap and chop at GLE Recognizing ‘two hands a threat’ and using lift check to create turnover Using crease slide to help teammate: timing slide, playing angles After shot, sprinting upfield for outlet and using banana cuts down low Locating Goalie for help after picking up ground ball near cage Finding space with ball, curling from pressure, looking to redirect ball In 2 v 1- body to man, stick up and to ball side, delaying: “slow to go” In 3 v 2- playing ball aggressively, following stick back to ball In 4 v 3- playing adjacents aggressively with sticks in lanes, rotating In Fast Breaks- identifying point, delaying slide, holding triangle In 5 v 4, establishing box, recognizing when to initiate rotation In EMD, keeping tight box, locking crease, keeping sticks up In EMD, understanding role in 4 man rotation, with coma slide In EMD, shutting off attacker for passes or time during penalty Using aggressive checks wisely to create turnovers Understanding responsibilities during rides: hard, soft, and 10 man Recognizing spacing and system of dead ball and sideline clears Recognizing picks, communicating ‘switch’ or ‘stay’ or doubling K-3 X X X X X X LINCOLN-SUDBURY LACROSSE DEFENSIVE DRILLS K-12 K-3 Keep Away- stay with man, apply pressure GB Clearing drill- have 1 v 1 gb behind cage- scoop, pass to goalie, break upfield Alley races: 1 v1-work on staying in front of opponent- can’t go out of alley 2 v 2s- Have coach as open man- O gets open, D stays with Monkey in the Middle- Keep stick up to knock down/intercept passes 4-6 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 7-8 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X HS X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 4-6 Poke check shuffle- maintain base, avoid lunging! up on the toes! Partner drill in alley- run with hips forward + shoulders turned using pokecheck-add lift 1 v1 Dodging- staying in front, using checks, applying bodychecks. 3 v 3’s Identify “help right, help left- get ready to slide-dodge at will 4 v 4’s Add second slide-emphasize communication, and involve goalie 2 v 1 Ground Balls- get ball to goalie, and both players break out 2 v 1’s with dodger- slow to go, keep stick up 3 v 2 Triangle drill- sticks up: out to ball, back to hole with stick up 4 v 3 Box- pressure ball, recognize adjacents, sticks up and rotating Quarterback drill- Coach shoots, Two lines break out upfield, OFF RAILS, catch over the shoulder Skeleton Breakouts- all 6 defenders sprint to spots- increase # of passes 7+ 8 Individual: Agilities: Behind Cage: backpedal/dropstep/shuffle to topside Man-Down Bucket Drill- out to ball (have players at cones) arrive w check,back to bucket Dodges from behind: Topside 1) no stick, just feet 2) add stick, use V hold or Chop/Wrap Find It- out to ball, arrive with check, FIND IT, LIFT IT- smell the pits Angled Line Dropstep and poke (everyone steps forward) Alley Drill- run along side- C check to lift strong side, rake check to lift weak side Ground Balls: 1 v 3 with 2 balls- find the open man-constant motion 2 v 1 man ball-emphasize communication and body check 1 v1 with trailer- emphasize back hand Back to Back Box out (with ball underneath butts-first hands, then sticks) Stick Skills: Over the Shoulder Box Passing: Catch inside, throw outside Shuffle-Line Passing: develop soft hands, emphasize on toes and low when shuffling Bad Passes Drill- handle bad passes, also look to intercept Partner Passing- restraining to restraining, hitch step, curl from pressure... Clearing: 2 Man Breakouts- Coach Shoots, 2 Defensemen break out either side and redirect 32 Drill- Add two riders to 2 Man breakout...vary ride (shut off GK, offside, etc...) 6 Man Breakouts- after shot, everyone gets a touch, swing to backside X Box- Corner to Corner, down the side, corner to corner Team: 4 Cone Drill- D must get out on hands, then bust back in to pick off pass from opposite Riding 1 v 1’s- D gets outlet, attackman rides, must hit upfield teammate 3 Man GB Clears- 2 go to ball, 1 opposite- play ball and redirect Situational Drill- Recover Ball with less than 1 minute- practice doubling angles Have Defensemen handle ball during full field transition drill! 6 or 7 v 4 Man Down- Keep the rotation tight and loud! Drill Name: Alley Drill Drill Skill: Moving up the field and redirect on pressure Objective: Run the ball up the alley roll away from pressure and long pass Steps: 1. Player 1 carries the ball up the alley rolls to the outside and redirect to player 2 2. Player 2 carries to opposite alley rolls to the outside and redirects back 3. Pass back to line 1 and restart Pass 2 Carry Carry Pass 1 Line 2 Pass 3 Line 1 Drill Name: Alley Drill #2 Drill Skill: Moving up the field and redirect on pressure Objective: Run the ball up the alley roll away from pressure and long pass to opposite clear Steps: 1. Player 1 carries the ball up the alley rolls to the outside and redirect to GK 2. GK catches and redirects to opposite alley 3. Player 3 runs the alley for clearing pass Pass 1 Run for clear pass Pass 2 Carry Line 2 GK Line 1 Drill Name: Slide Recognition Drill Skill: Recognition and Communication Objective: Identify and Communicate Slide Responsibilities Steps: 1. Have 6 offensive players move with ball moving in a standard offensive set 2. All 7 defenders must communicate ball location and slide responsibilities which change with each pass 3. When coach blows whistle the on-ball defender takes a knee 4. All 5 defensemen must slide and adjust to dodge 5. All defenders must work to press the ball and recover backside M1 M3 D1 “Help Right” D2 D3 “Help Left” M2 D4 D5 GK D6 A1 A2 A3 Drill Name: 2 Man Breakout Drill Skill: Clearing, Curling from pressure Objective: Complete a sequence of cross field passes Steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. Coach takes a ¾ speed shot GK yells “Clear” and both defensemen “Banana” cut 2-4 yds below GLE GK chooses side and hits defenseman with pass GK yells “Redirect” – defenseman with ball curls from pressure and redirects ball to opposite defenseman 5. Defenseman catches ball curls from pressure and redirects once more C D2 GK D1 Drill Skill: GB’s and Clearing Drill Name: 3 Man Ground Ball Clears Objective: Win contested ground ball, get to space, and redirect Steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. D1, D2, & D3 Begin on crease Coach sends ball to one corner, D2 and ball side defenseman chase to ball Players fight for ground ball with winner of GB gets to space and free hands Defenseman without ball rides on the ball Player with ball then passes to either GK or opposite defenseman Ball should be redirected twice after initial ground ball C D1 D2 GK D3 Drill Name: 32 Drill Skill: Clearing and Riding Objective: Throw Under Pressure and Spot Open Man Steps: 1. Two Defensemen Banana Below GLE 7. One Rider Jumps Ball, Opposite Rider Splits the Two Defensemen 8. Goalie must pick side after shot 9. Invite Redirect by playing loose on second defensemen 10. Ball carrier must handle ball under pressure, read the ride, and find open teammate C R R D2 GK D1 Drill Name: 3 v 2 Triangle Drill Drill Skill: Emphasize Key Man Down D Concepts Objective: Attack Ball, Then Follow Stick Back to the Hole Steps: 1. Attack at the three stationary cones and must stay within 1 yd of cone. D begin stacked in an I 2. As A1 passes to A2, D2 who is responsible for covering both A2 and A3, sprints to check A2’s gloves and shouting “BALL” 3. D1, who was covering A1 sprints to the hole with his stick in the air, shouting “I GOT TWO” 4. As attack attempts to draw and dump, the D must use Get Out and Get In movement necessary for Man Down Defense 5. Useful reaction drill for attack, They can shoot at will but ball is dead when it hits the ground A1 “I Got 2” D1 D2 “Ball” A3 A2 6. Ball moves back to A1, D1 goes to ball, D2 to 2 7. Ball moves to A3 D2 goes to Ball and D1 to 2 8. Continue Drill Name: 4 Cone Drill Drill Skill: On and Off Ball Defense Objective: Attack Ball, Then Follow Stick Back to the Hole Steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. D starts at cone in “THE HOLE” , A1 starts with the ball As A1 passes to M1, D sprints to ball and arrives with a check on the gloves of M1 M1 curls from pressure and passes to M2 D sprints back to the hole with stick in the air M2 passes back to A1 while D attempts to intercept pass M2 M1 D1 A1 Drill Name: Find It Drill Drill Skill: Arriving and Checking Objective: Defender Attempts to Beat the Ball to the Man Steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. D1 starts in THE HOLE As coach passes to A1, D1 sprints out to A1 D1 chops down on A1’s hands, then stays with the check and lifts up D1 attempts to dislodge the ball by lifting bottom hand of A1 Emphasize keeping the check on the hands of A1 C D1 A1 Drill Name: Man Down Bucket Drill Skill: Man Down Defense Objective: Sprint to the Ball, Sprint Back to Hole Steps: 1. Arrange Cones in Various Extra Man Offensive Formations 2. Have players rotate through cones, holding sticks out 3. Defenseman sprints to cone 1 with stick up, arrives with a check on the stick of the player at the cone 4. Defenseman then pivots, turning his stick to the inside so that it is in the passing lane, and sprints back to the hole 5. Defenseman then throws a “Check Sticks” check on the bucket, then sprints to the next cone 6. Emphasize arriving with the check and following the stick back to the middle D1 Drill Name: Drop Step and Poke Drill Skill: Agility and Checking Technique Objective: Move Backwards while Checking Forwards Steps: 1. All Defenders make a staggered line, where each player lines up 2 steps ahead and 2 steps over with his stick away from him in front of his body 2. As D6 moves down the line, he drop steps with his hips open 3. While drop stepping, he uses his pokecheck and tries to hit each player’s stick 4. Ensure that defenders do not lunge! 5. Defenders should be low to the ground and on the balls of their feet. D6 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 Drill Name: Vrabel Drill Drill Skill: Anticipate and Intercept Objective: Stick up and in passing lane, catch ball in defensive posture Steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. D1 reads A2 and moves to greet ball With his stick up and away from his body, D1 sprints to intercept pass As D1 intercepts pass, A1 breaks upfield while A2 pursues D1 D1 can carry, pass to A1, or curl from pressure and hit goalie A1 D1 GK A2 Drill Name: Over the Shoulder Box Drill Drill Skill: Medium Clear Pass Catching over the shoulder Objective: Catch Ball Inside and Throw Outside Steps: 1. Begin with players in all four corners of the box 2. D1 starts with the ball and carries to bid point of box 3. D4 sprints away along end line 4. With head and shoulders forward and stick on the inside, D4 catches the ball over his shoulder 5. Once D4 catches the ball over his inside shoulder, he will switch his stick to his outside hand and hit D3 sprinting up alley line 6. Players should choke up to catch over the shoulder and use the whole stick and arms extended to throw 7. Drill should be done in both directions to work both hands 8. After passing players moves towards corner he just passed to D1 D2 D4 D3 Drill Name: X Box Drill Skill: Long Passes Objective: Corner to Corner Passes Steps: 1. Players in lines at corners of end line and mid line 2. First pass is cross field pass 3. Next is low corner to opposite high 4. Pass 3 is cross field 5. Pass 4 is high corner to opposite low corner then reverse path with pass 5