2nd Term
La Inmaculada Padres Franciscanos School
School Year 2014/ 2015
2nd Term
1. Reported Speech. Statements and questions.
2.Relative clauses. ( Oraciones subordinadas adjetivas de
3. Phrasal verbs. Prepositional verbs.
4. The noun. Countable and uncountable noun.
5. the plural of nouns.
6. HAVE something DONE.
1. Synonyms and opposites.
2. Preposition + noun.
Si al contar algo usamos las mismas palabras dichas por el interesado, empleamos el estilo
He told me: ´You are very pretty `.
Pero si en lugar de esto lo contamos con nuestras propias palabras, entonces estamos usando el estilo
He told me that I was very pretty.
Para pasar una oración de estilo directo a indirecto, lo primero que hay que tener en cuenta es el
tiempo de referencia; es decir, si lo contamos con perspectiva de presente o de pasado, ya que de
ello depende que haya que cambiar o no los tiempos de los verbos. Por ejemplo, la oración:
´I´m English`
puede pasarse a estilo indirecto de dos maneras distintas:
He says that he is English o He said that he was English.
Cuando el verbo introductor está en pasado hay que cambiar los tiempos verbales de la oración
indirecta y estos cambios son los siguientes:
Oración directa
Oración indirecta
present simple ------------------------------------------------- past simple
present continuous --------------------------------------------- past continuous
present perfect simple ------------------------------------------ past perfect
present perfect continuous ------------------------------------ past perfect continuous
past simple
---------------------------------------------------- past simple / past perfect
past continuous ------------------------------------------------- past continuous/past perfect continuous
-------------------------------------------------- conditional
-------------------------------------------------- could
-------------------------------------------------- would
-------------------------------------------------- should
-------------------------------------------------- had to
Otros cambios
Al pasar de estilo directo a indirecto no hay que olvidar hacer los cambios necesarios en los
pronombres demostrativos y adverbios para que las frases conserven su sentido exacto.
this / these
-------------------------------------------------- that / those
-------------------------------------------------- there
-------------------------------------------------- then
that day
that night
the next day
the following day
the day after
the previous day
the day before
next week / month / year ----------------------------------------
the following week/ month/ year
the week/ month/ year after
last week/ month / year ----------------------------------------
the previous week/ month / year
the week/ month/ year before
Statements ( Oraciones enunciativas)
Se cambian a estilo indirecto de la siguiente manera:
Oración introductoria + THAT + sujeto + verbo + complementos.
La conjunción THAT se puede omitir.
Se quitan los dos puntos y las comillas.
Como hemos dicho anteriormente, si la oración introductoria lleva el verbo en past simple hay que
cambiar los tiempos verbales y los verbos modales.
También cambian los adverbios, los pronombres demostrativos y los pronombres personales, ya sean
sujeto u objeto. Estos últimos cambian de la siguiente forma:
Estilo directo
Estilo indirecto
I ------------------------------------------------ he/ she
Me ----------------------------------------------- him/her
My ----------------------------------------------- his/her
Mine --------------------------------------------- his/ hers
We ----------------------------------------------- they
Us ----------------------------------------------- them
Our ---------------------------------------------- their
Ours --------------------------------------------- theirs
Este cuadro es una simple orientación. Así, por ejemplo, el sujeto I no puede cambiar a he cuando es
la misma persona la que repite sus propias palabras:
´I don´t like tea`, I said.
I said that I didn´t like tea.
En otras ocasiones es necesario introducir otras palabras para evitar la ambigüedad:
´He came in through the kitchen window`, Peter said.
Peter said that the man had come in through the kitchen window.
the burglar
En este caso, si decimos He said that he had come in through the kitchen window puede parecer que el
segundo he se refiere a la misma persona que el primer he.
Puede ocurrir también que no sea necesario el cambio de tiempo verbal, pues puede ser que se trate de
una verdad universal o de alguna afirmación aún válida en el momento de hablar.
´The earth is round `, he said.
He said that the earth is round.
Questions ( Oraciones interrogativas )
Hay que distinguir dos tipos de preguntas, las que empiezan por un verbo y las que empiezan por un
adverbio o pronombre interrogativo.
1. Las primeras se pasan a estilo indirecto con una oración encabezada por IF. El orden de la
oración quedaría de la siguiente manera:
Oración introductoria + IF + sujeto + verbo + complementos.
´ Have they arrived? `, she said to me.
She asked me if they had arrived.
2. Las segundas se pasan del siguiente modo:
Oración introductoria + adverbio o pronombre interrogativo + sujeto + verbo + comple.
He asked: ´ What are they doing? `
He asked what they were doing.
Hay que tener en cuenta todos los cambios señalados anteriormente.
El verbo introductor en este tipo de oraciones es ask, wonder o want to know.
El orden de un oración interrogativa indirecta es igual al de una afirmativa, primero el sujeto y
a continuación el verbo, y no al contrario.
De ninguna manera puede unirse la oración principal con la subordinada interrogativa indirecta con
They asked her that she would stay that night.
They asked her if she would stay that night.
REPORTED SPEECH __________________ Exercises
A. Change the following statements into reported speech.
1. ´You haven´t given me quite enough. The bill is for fourteen pounds and you´ve paid me only
thirteen pounds’, he said.
2. ´From one of the windows of my flat I can see the Eiffel Tower’, he said.
3. ´I´ll come with you as soon as I am ready ’, she replied.
4. ´We have a lift but very often it doesn´t work ’, they said.
5. ´If you let the iron get too hot, you will scorch your clothes’, I told her.
( scorch: quemar, chamuscar ).
6. ´I have a German lesson this afternoon and I haven´t done my homework yet ’, said the small
7. I´ll try by myself first,’ said Ann, ´and if I find that I can´t manage I´ll ask Tom to help me ’.
8. ´If you´d like to go on any of these tours, ’said the receptionist, ´ the hotel will arrange it ’.
´We´d like to go on them all ’, said the American couple.
9. ´They are supposed to be landing at London airport’, I said. ´ But if the fog gets any thicker,
the plane may be diverted ’.
10. ´I´ve missed my train’, said Bill. ´ Now I´ll be late for work and my boss will be furious’.
11. ´My new house is supposed to be haunted, but so far I haven´t seen any ghosts,’ she said.
12. ´I know the umbrella belongs to you, but I thought it would be all right if I borrowed it‘, said
my nephew, ´ because you aren´t going out tomorrow and I am ’.
13. ´This used to be a lovely quiet street ’, he said, ´but now it is impossible. When summer
comes, you´ll have to keep the windows shut all the time because of the noise’, he said.
14. ´If you want to smoke, you´ll have to go upstairs, ’the bus conductor said to me.
15. ´If you´re short of money, I can lend you 50 pounds, ’my aunt told me, ´and you can take your
time about paying it back.’
16. ´We wish we´d bought our guitars’, said the students. ´Then we could have offered to play in
the restaurant and perhaps they´d given us a free meal’.
17. ´I´ve just bought a car,’ said Peter, ´but it´s not insured yet so I can´t take you for a drive.‘
18. ´I hate getting up on dark mornings,’ said Peter.
19. ´It´s horrible,’ agreed his wife, ´but the mornings will be lighter soon and then it won´t be so
20. ´I bought this bag in Milan,’I said.
21. ´You shouldn´t have bought that colour, ‘said Peter. ´It doesn´t go with your coat.’
22. ´There´s been an accident and the road is blocked,‘said the policeman. It won´t be clear for
some time. You´d better go round the other way.’
Change the following questions into reported speech.
1. ´Will it be all right if I come in a little later tonight?’ asked the au pair girl.
2. ´How long have you been learning English?’, the examiner asked Paul.
3. ´Do you think you could live entirely on your own for six months,’ Tom asked me, ´or would
you get bored?’.
4. ´What are you going to do with your old car?’, I asked my mother.
5. ´Can you tell me why Paul left the university without taking his degree?’, Paul´s sister asked
6. ´What did you miss most when you were in prison?’, Mary asked the ex-convict.
7. ´Who do you want to speak to?’, the telephonist asked me.
8. ´Would you like a lift?‘, said Ann. ´Which way are you going?’, I said.
9. ´Do you grow your own vegetables?’, I asked him.
10. ´Have you got a work permit?’ the man asked Bill.
11. ´Is a return ticket cheaper than two singles?’, said my aunt.
12. ´What was she wearing when you saw her last?’, the policeman asked me.
13. ´Why do you think it may be dangerous?’, he asked her.
14. ´Does anyone want tickets for the boxing match?’, said Charles.
15. ´Do you mind working on the night shifts?’, he asked the woman.
16. ´Did they understand what you said to them?’, he asked me.
17. ´Where were you last night, Mr Jones?’, he said.
18. ´Do you know that the shoes you are wearing aren´t a pair?’, I asked him.
19. ´How far is it?‘, I said, ´and how long will it take me to get there?’.
20. ´Have you done this sort of work before?’said his new employer.
21. ´Will you have time to play regularly?’, the man asked Gerard.
22. ´Could you change a five-pound note? I´m afraid I haven´t got anything smaller’, said the
passenger to the conductor.
23. ´Who do you want to see?’, the receptionist asked Helen.
24. ´Did any of you actually see the accident happen?’, the policeman told them.
25. ´How much do you think it will cost?’, he said to his father.
26. ´Where are you going for your summer holidays?’, I asked them.
27. ´Have you ever seen a flying saucer?’, the man said to James.
28. ´Why aren´t you taking the exams?’, Paul asked me.
29. ´Would you like to come with us?’, Tom said to Linda.
30. ¨Who did you give the money to?’, Ann asked me.
Las oraciones subordinadas adjetivas de relativo son oraciones que, como indica su nombre,
desempeñan el papel de un adjetivo que califica a un nombre de la oración principal, el cual constituye
su antecedente.
This is the car that I bought last week.
Estas oraciones van introducidas por los pronombres de relativo:
WHO ---- que, quien, quienes, el cual, los cuales, la cual, las cuales.
WHOM – que, al que, a la que, a quien, a quienes, al cual, a los cuales, a la cual,
a las cuales.
WHOSE – cuyo, cuyos, cuya, cuyas.
WHICH – que, el cual, la cual, los cuales, las cuales, al cual, a los cuales, a la cual,
a las cuales.
THAT -- se traduce igual que WHO y WHICH.
WHAT --- lo que.
Su antecedente es una persona.
Es la misma forma para singular y plural, masculino, femenino. Tiene tres formas diferentes:
WHO ___________ sujeto
I know the man who is standing by the door.
WHOM _________ complemento directo, indirecto o detrás de preposición.
The girl whom I saw at the party is John´s sister.
WHOSE _________ para el caso posesivo.
Mary, whose mother is at hospital, lives in Madrid.
Se puede usar who en vez de whom. El antecedente de whose puede ser una persona o cosa.
Es invariable en género y número y tiene la misma forma para todas las funciones de la oración.
Su antecedente puede ser una cosa, un animal o una oración.
The book which I read was very funny.
He didn´t want to come here, which was very strange.
Con los nombres colectivos que se refieren a personas se usa which cuando se les considera como un
todo singular, un conjunto o unidad, y who cuando se tienen en mente a los individuos que forman el
The team, which played a wonderful game, won the match.
The team, who are having their shower now, won the match.
Es invariable en género, número y caso. Su antecedente puede ser una persona, cosa o animal.
En la mayoría de los casos es indiferente usar that en vez de who o which, pero se prefiere that en los
siguientes casos:
1. Después de un adjetivo en grado superlativo, incluyendo first y last.
It´s the first time that I have been here.
It´s the best play that I have ever seen.
2. Después de la mayoría de los pronombres indefinidos.
It´s something that makes me happy.
3. Cuando el antecedente son personas y cosas juntas.
Tell me about the films and actors that you like most.
El relativo that no puede ir nunca precedido de una preposición.
Significa lo que y su antecedente se sobrentiende la mayoría de las veces.
I know what I must do.
Tienen a veces valor de relativos los adverbios when (cuando), where (donde) y las conjunciones why
(por lo que), as (que) en frases comparativas y but (que no).
That was the day when they first met.
I like the town where I live.
That´s the reason why she went out.
They´ll do the same as you.
There was nobody but thought he was innocent.
Con el adverbio EVER y los relativos WHO, WHOM, WHICH, WHAT y los adverbios WHERE y
WHEN se forman los siguientes compuestos.
WHOEVER _________ quienquiera que.
WHOMEVER _______ a quienquiera que.
WHICHEVER _______ cualquiera que.
WHATEVER ________ lo que quiera que.
WHEREVER________ dondequiera que.
WHENEVER ________ siempre que.
Los pronombres de relativo concuerdan con su antecedente en número y persona, pero no en la
función que desempeñan en la oración. Antecedente y pronombre tienen cada uno su propia función en
su oración.
The man whom they saw yesterday was your uncle.
El pronombre de relativo se puede omitir en los siguientes casos:
1. Cuando actúa de complemento directo.
I know the man whom you saw yesterday.
I know the man you saw yesterday.
Los pronombres WHOSE y WHAT no pueden omitirse nunca.
2. Cuando va detrás de una preposición. En este caso al omitir el relativo la preposición se coloca
al final de su oración, siempre que no haya complemento circunstancial, en cuyo caso se coloca
delante del mismo.
I know the man about whom you are talking now.
I know the man you are talking about now.
3. Cuando el relativo es sujeto de una oración con el verbo en forma progresiva o con el verbo
TO BE y un complemento circunstancial. En este caso, además del relativo, se suprime el
verbo TO BE.
I saw the men who were lying in the sun.
I saw the men lying in the sun.
You know the girl who is at the counter.
You know the girl at the counter.
Pueden ser especificativas (defining) y explicativas (non-defining), según determinen o no a su
a. Determinan a su antecedente de tal manera que, sin ellas, el sentido de la oración principal
quedaría incompleto.
The boys who came earlier got the best seats.
b. Se escriben a continuación del antecedente sin separarlas por coma.
c. El relativo se puede omitir en los casos mencionados anteriormente siempre que no sea
a. Expresan una cualidad o circunstancia del antecedente a modo de paréntesis, de tal
manera que, aunque se suprimiera, el sentido de la oración principal seguiría siendo
Mr Brown, whom I first met in Italy, has sent me a postcard.
b. Se escriben separadas del antecedente por comas.
c. El antecedente del relativo en estas oraciones puede ser toda una oración.
He sent her a bunch of flowers, which was very kind of him.
d. El relativo en estas oraciones no puede omitirse nunca.
e. That no se puede usar en estas oraciones.
A. Join the following pairs of sentences by means of the relative pronouns WHO, WHOM, WHICH,
THAT or WHOSE making any necessary changes. The first sentence must be the first one. The
second sentence can be after the first one or inside it. Some relative sentences are defining and others
are non-defining.
1. I saw several houses. They were quite unsuitable.
2. I was sitting in a chair. It suddenly collapsed.
3. This is the story of a man. His wife suddenly loses her memory.
4. This is Mrs Jones. Her son won the championship last year.
5. The man was sitting at the desk. I had come to see this man.
6. His girlfriend turned out to be an enemy spy. He trusted her absolutely.
7. We´ll have to get across the frontier. This will be difficult.
8. He wanted to come at 2 a.m. This didn´t suit me at all.
9. A man brought in a small girl. Her hand had been cut by glass.
10.I missed the train. I usually catch this train.
11.I was waiting for a man. He didn´t turn up.
12.The Smiths were given rooms in the hotel. Their house had been destroyed in the explosion.
13.Tom came to the party in jeans. This surprised the other guests because they were wearing evening
14.I really enjoyed the book. I read it last week.
15.The girl told me to call back later. She answered the phone.
16.You shouldn´t believe those things. You read them in the newspapers.
17.We lit a fire. It soon dried out our clothes.
18.The meat was really horrible. We ate that meat.
19.What was the name of the tennis player? He won the match.
20.Have you found the wallet? You lost it.
B. Join the following pairs of sentences by means of the relative pronouns WHO, WHOM, or WHICH
making any necessary changes. The first sentence must be the first one. The second sentence can be
after the first one or inside it. Be careful because all of them have a preposition.
1. The flight was fully booked. We wanted to travel on it.
2. These are the people. James is referring to them.
3. I wasn´t interested in the things. They were talking about them.
4. The house was huge. We lived in it.
5. The party wasn´t very enjoyable. We went to it.
6. The bed was too soft. I slept in it.
7. I know the girl. You were with her last night.
8. She is the girl. I sang the song for her.
9. I didn´t get the job. I applied for it.
10.The car had bad brakes. We were in this car.
11 .I wanted to do the job. I had been training for it.
12..He was asking questions. There were no answers to them.
13.I last found the keys. I had been looking for them.
14.I always remember all those things. I don´t want to think about them any more.
15.This is the man. I married to him last October.
C. Complete the sentences with WHEN, WHERE, WHOSE, WHAT, WHICH and WHY.
1.There must be a reason _______________________ he is late.
2.Do you remember the time ________________________ we got lost?
3.Charles is the boy _______________________ desk is next to mine.
4.He didn´t believe _______________________ I said, ___________________ annoyed me very
5.They are building a new hospital in the street ________________________ we live.
6.She expects me to clean the room in half an hour, _____________________ is impossible.
7.Can you give me a good reason __________________________ I should help you.
8.A child ______________________ mother had left him was crying.
9.There had been a time ______________________ she hated him.
10. Would you know _____________________ to do if you were bitten by a snake?
11. That was the room ________________________ I did my homework.
12. I didn´t buy anything because I didn´t see _______________________ I wanted.
13. He didn´t know the language, _______________________ made it difficult for him to get a job.
14. There are several reasons _______________________ I can´t do that.
15. Is Peter the boy _______________________ car you borrowed?
D. Join the following pairs of sentences by means of WHERE or WHY making any necessary
changes. The first sentence must be the first one. The second sentence can be after the first one
or inside it.
Do you know the name of the church? James is getting married there.
The reason is that they haven´t got a passport. They can´t leave the country for this reason.
I don´t like the country. We spent our holidays there last summer.
I have lost my wallet in the restaurant. We had dinner in that restaurant.
The reason is that they can´t afford one. They haven´t got a car for this reason.
The reason is that it has a lot of places to visit. I like Viena for this reason.
The reason is that he is on holiday. He can´t come for this reason.
The reason is that Susan is very ill. We should visit her.
Son los verbos que llevan una partícula detrás ( preposición o adverbio). Ésta cambia parcial o
totalmente el significado original del verbo.
Los phrasal verbs se utilizan en el lenguaje informal y pueden tener varios significados.
Es conveniente distinguir entre transitivos e intransitivos. Algunos verbos son siempre transitivos (
bring up: criar, educar), otros son intransitivos ( be back: volver) y otros pueden ser transitivos e
intransitivos, teniendo en cada caso un significado distinto ( Take off (T): quitarse una prenda
( I ): despegar un avión ).
Estos verbos se dividen en cuatro grupos:
A) Verb+ Adverb. ( transitive) Son separables.
En estos verbos, el CD ( complemento directo) puede colocarse entre el verbo y el adverbio o
detrás de este, excepto cuando es un pronombre, en cuyo caso se coloca entre el verbo y el
Turn off the TV / Turn the TV off / Turn it off
B) Verb+ Adverb. ( intransitive)
The Plane took off
C) Verb+ Preposition ( transitive) ( prepositional verbs ). Son siempre inseparables.
En estos verbos, el CD tiene que colocarse siempre detrás de la preposición.
I´m looking for my keys / I´m looking for them
D) Verb + Adverb + preposition ( transitive) ( Two particles). Son siempre inseparables.
I´m looking forward to seeing you.
A+B) Verb + adverb
TO BREAK DOWN ( I ) ................................................. AVERIARSE, INTERRUMPIRSE .................
TO BREAK UP ( I ) ....................................................... SEPARARSE, TERMINAR, HACERSE PEDAZOS
TO BRING UP ( T ) ....................................................... CRIAR, EDUCAR, MENCIONAR,
VOMITAR .............................................................SEP.
TO CALL BACK ( I ) ....................................................VOLVER A LLAMAR POR TELÉFONO
TO CALL OFF ( T ) ...................................................... SUSPENDER, CANCELAR.................................SEP.
TO CALL ON ( T ) ........................................................ VISITAR (POR POCO TIEMPO), DARSE UNA
TO CARRY OUT ( T ) ................................................... LLEVAR A CABO, CUMPLIR ………............. ...SEP
TO CHECK IN ( I ) .......................................................FACTURAR EQUIPAJE, REGISTRARSE EN
TO COME APART ( I ) ................................................. HACERSE PEDAZOS
TO COME BACK ( I ) ................................................... REGRESAR, VOLVER
TO COME DOWN ( I ) .................................................. BAJAR, REBAJAR, DESCENDER
TO COME OFF ( I ) …....................................................DAR RESULTADO
TO COME ROUND ( I ) ................................................. PASARSE POR UN LUGAR, VOLVER EN SÍ.
TO FILL IN ( T ) ............................................................RELLENAR, COMPLETAR (blanks)…………….SEP
TO FILL OUT ( T ) ........................................................RELLENAR UN IMPRESO ( a form)…….............SEP
TO FIND OUT ( T ) ......................................................DESCUBRIR, AVERIGUAR ……….....................SEP
TO GET BACK ( I ) ...................................................... VOLVER, REGRESAR
( T ) ..................................................... RECUPERAR, RECOBRAR, DEVOLVER………..SEP
TO GET DOWN ( I ) …………………………………..BAJAR
( T ) .................................................... DEPRIMIR; DESANIMAR ......................SEP
TO GET IN ( I ) ............................................................ ENTRAR EN UN COCHE, METERSE EN
TO GET OFF ( I ) .......................................................... BAJAR DE UN TRANSPORTE PÚBLICO,
TO GET ON ( I ) ............................................................ SUBIR A UN TRANSPORTE PÚBLICO,
TO GET TOGETHER ( I ) ............................................. JUNTARSE, REUNIRSE
TO GET UP ( I ) ............................................................ LEVANTARSE
TO GIVE BACK ( T ) ......................................................DEVOLVER………………………………SEP
TO GIVE UP ( T ) ........................................................... DEJAR DE, ABANDONAR .......................SEP
( I ) ……………………………………… RENDIRSE, DESISTIR
TO GO AHEAD ( I ) ........................................................ADELANTAR, PROCEDER
TO GO BACK ( I ) ...........................................................REGRESAR , VOLVER, RETROCEDER
TO GO ON ( I ) .............................................................. CONTINUAR, SEGUIR
TO GO OUT ( I ) .............................................................. SALIR, APAGARSE, IRSE LA LUZ
TO GO UP ( I ) ................................................................. SUBIR, AUMENTAR
TO GROW UP ( I ) .......................................................... CRECER, HACERSE MAYOR, MADURAR
TO HANG UP ( T ) ........................................................... COLGAR………………… ....................SEP
( I ) ………………………………………COLGAR EL TELEFONO
TO HOLD UP ( T) …........................................................ SOPORTAR, SUJETAR, SOSTENER .….SEP
TO KEEP ON ( T ) .............................................................SEGUIR, PERSISTIR EN, INSISTIR….INSEP
TO KEEP OFF ( T ) .......................................................... NO PISAR, NO ENTRAR, MANTENERSE ALEJADO DE
TO LEAVE OUT ( T) ....................................................... OMITIR, MARGINAR, EXCLUIR, DEJAR FUERA....... SEP
TO LET DOWN ( T ) ......................................................... DEFRAUDAR, DECEPCIONAR…………...............SEP
TO LOOK OUT ( I ) .......................................................... TENER CUIDADO, ESTAR ATENTO
TO LOOK UP ( I ) ..............................................................LEVANTAR LA MIRADA
( T ) ............................................................. CONSULTAR …........................................................ SEP
TO MAKE UP ( T ) ............................................................MAQUILLAR, INVENTAR ……………..………….SEP
TO PAY BACK ( T ) ..........................................................DEVOLVER, REEMBOLSAR, VENGARSE..............SEP
TO PICK OUT ( T ) ..........................................................ESCOGER, DISTINGUIR (A ALGUIEN DE
TO PICK UP ( T ) ………………………………………..RECOGER ……………………………………………..SEP
TO PULL UP ( I ) ..............................................................PARAR, DETENERSE, FRENAR
TO PUT AWAY ( T ) ........................................................GUARDAR, APARTAR, ORDENAR.............................SEP
TO PUT DOWN ( T ) ......................................................... ANOTAR, APUNTAR .................................................SEP
TO PUT OFF ( T ) .............................................................. APLAZAR, POSPONER ……………..........................SEP
TO PUT ON ( T ) ............................................................... PONERSE UNA PRENDA, SIMULAR…....................SEP
TO PUT OUT ( T ) ............................................................. APAGAR (LUZ, FUEGO, CIGARRILLO) …………..SEP
TO RING UP ( T ) ...............................................................LLAMAR POR TELÉFONO.........................................SEP
TO RUN OVER ( T ) ......................................................... ATROPELLAR, ARROLLAR ...................................... SEP
TO SET OUT ( I ) ..............................................................ENCAMINARSE, PARTIR HACIA, SALIR DE VIAJE
( T ) ………………………………………..DISPONERSE A ( TO ) ……………………………… INSEP
TO SET UP ( T) .................................................................ESTABLECER, FUNDAR, MONTAR .............................SEP
TO SIT DOWN ( I ) ...........................................................SENTARSE
TO STAND OUT ( I ) ........................................................SOBRESALIR, DESTACAR
TO STAND UP ( I ) ...........................................................LEVANTARSE, PONERSE EN PIE
TO SWITCH ON ( T ) ........................................................ ENCENDER, CONECTAR, PONER…………………... SEP
TO SWITCH OFF ( T ) ....................................................... APAGAR, DESCONECTAR, QUITAR ……………….SEP
TO TAKE APART ( T ) .......................................................DESMONTAR .................................................................SEP
TO TAKE AWAY ( T ) ........................................................LLEVARSE, CONFISCAR ……………..........................SEP
TO TAKE BACK (T ) ..........................................................RECUPERAR, RECLAMAR ……………………...…....SEP
TO TAKE OFF ( I ) ............................................................. DESPEGAR ( UN AVIÓN )
( T ) ............................................................. QUITARSE UNA PRENDA ...........................................SEP
TO TAKE OUT ( T ) ……………………………………….SACAR, SALIR CON ALGUIEN ……………………..SEP
TO TAKE OVER ( T) ..........................................................TOMAR EL CONTROL DE .......................................INSEP
TO TAKE UP ( T) ................................................................EMPRENDER, OCUPAR ( TIEMPO),
EMPEZAR ( UNA OCUPACIÓN) .................................SEP
TO THROW OUT ( T ) ........................................................TIRAR, RECHAZAR ……………..................................SEP
TO TRY ON ( T ) ................................................................PROBARSE UNA PRENDA ………………....................SEP
TO TURN BACK ( I ) .........................................................VOLVER, DESHACER LO ANDADO
TO TURN DOWN ( T ).......................................................BAJAR (VOLUMEN, GAS), RECHAZAR…...................SEP
TO TURN ON ( T ) ............................................................ABRIR UN GRIFO, LA LLAVE DEL GAS,
ENCENDER LA LUZ………………………………...……SEP
APAGAR LA LUZ…………………………………….…..SEP
TO TURN UP ( I ) ..............................................................APARECER
TO WRITE DOWN ( T) ...................................................... ANOTAR, APUNTAR, PONER POR
ESCRITO, REGISTRAR ...................................................SEP
Accuse OF ______________________________________________ Acusar de.
Ask FOR ______________________________________________ Pedir.
Allow FOR ______________________________________________ Prever,tener en cuenta.
Apologise (TO someone) FOR something ______________________ Disculparse a alguien
por algo.
Apply FOR ______________________________________________ Solicitar.
Arrest FOR ______________________________________________ Arrestar por.
Believe IN ______________________________________________ Creer en, tener fe en.
Belong TO ______________________________________________ Pertenecer a.
Break INTO ______________________________________________ Entrar por la fuerza.
Care ABOUT _____________________________________________ Importar.
Care FOR _______________________________________________ Cuidar.
Apetecer, gustar.
Tener afecto a.
Carry ON _________________________________________________Seguir, continuar.
Come ACROSS ___________________________________________ Encontrarse con.
Complain (TO someone) ABOUT someone or something __________ Quejarse a alguien
por alguien o algo.
Concentrate ON ____________________________________________Concentrarse en.
Congratulate ON __________________________________________ Felicitar por.
Cope WITH _______________________________________________ Hacer frente a.
Consist OF ________________________________________________ Consistir en.
Deal WITH ________________________________________________Tratar con.
Depend ON _______________________________________________ Depender de.
You can omit ON before question words (how, what, where,etc.)
Die OF ___________________________________________________ Morir de.
Dream ABOUT ____________________________________________ Soñar con.
Dream OF ________________________________________________ Imaginar.
Fill WITH ________________________________________________ Llenar de.
Feel LIKE ________________________________________________ Apetecer.
Fight FOR ________________________________________________ Luchar por.
Fight AGAINST ___________________________________________ Luchar contra.
Go INTO _________________________________________________ Entrar.
Go ON _________________________________________________ Continuar, seguir.
Happen TO _______________________________________________ Suceder a.
Hint AT _________________________________________________ Hacer alusión a.
Hear ABOUT ______________________________________________ Enterarse de.
Hear OF __________________________________________________ Oir hablar de.
Hear FROM _______________________________________________ Tener noticias de.
Insist ON _________________________________________________ Insistir en.
Laugh AT _________________________________________________ Reirse de.
Listen TO _________________________________________________ Escuchar.
Live ON _________________________________________________ Vivir de.
Look AFTER ______________________________________________ Cuidar.
Look AT __________________________________________________ Mirar.
Look FOR _________________________________________________ Buscar.
Look INTO_________________________________________________ Investigar.
Look LIKE _________________________________________________ Parecerse a.
Pay FOR ___________________________________________________ Pagar.
( Excep. Pay a bill, a fine, 50 pounds, a fare, taxes)(without FOR)
Rely ON ___________________________________________________ Confiar en.
Retire FROM _______________________________________________ Retirarse de.
Refer TO __________________________________________________ Referirse a.
Run INTO _________________________________________________ Chocar con,
Tropezar con.
Search FOR ________________________________________________ Buscar, registrar.
Shout AT __________________________________________________ Gritar a alguien
con enfado.
Shout TO __________________________________________________ Gritar a alguien
para que te oiga.
Smile AT ________________________________________________ Sonreir a.
Speak TO ________________________________________________ Hablar con.
Stand FOR ________________________________________________ Representar.
Suffer FROM _______________________________________________ Sufrir, padecer.
Take AFTER _______________________________________________ Parecerse a.
Take CARE OF _____________________________________________ Cuidar.
Talk TO ____________________________________________________ Hablar con .
Think ABOUT ______________________________________________ Meditar,considerar,
concentar la mente en.
Think OF __________________________________________________ Pensar en.
(pedir y dar opinión)
Sometimes you can use ABOUT or OF.
My sister is thinking about/of going to Canada.
Turn INTO __________________________________________________ Convertir.
Wait FOR __________________________________________________ Esperar.
Write TO __________________________________________________ Escribir a.
Work ON __________________________________________________ Seguir trabajando.
The following verbs do not take a preposition:
Phone (telefonear)…………………….Did you PHONE your father yesterday?
Discuss (hablar) ………………………We DISCUSSED many things at the meeting.
Enter (entrar):::………………………. She felt nervous as she ENTERED the room.
C)Verb + Adverb + preposition
DO AWAY WITH ( T ) …………………………………………………SUPRIMIR, ELIMINAR
GET AWAY WITH ( T ) …...........................................................................LLEVARSE, ROBAR
GET ON WELL WITH ( T ) ...................................................LLEVARSE BIEN, CONGENIAR
KEEP AWAY FROM ( T ) .............................................EVITAR CONTACTO CON ALGUIEN
LOOK DOWN ON ( T ) ……………………….................................................MENOSPRECIAR
LOOK UP TO ( T ) ...................................................................................................ADMIRAR (A)
PUT UP WITH ( T ) …………………....................................................TOLERAR, SOPORTAR
RUN AWAY FROM ( I ) .........................................................................ESCAPAR DE, HUIR DE
RUN OUT OF ( T ) …………………………….....................................................QUEDARSE SIN
PHRASAL VERBS ………………………….. Exercises ( four types)
1. Put the right preposition or adverb of the following phrasal verbs.
1. Sorry I´m late. The car broke _________________ on the way here.
2. We have run ________________ sugar. Will you go and buy some?
3. The bus was full. We couldn´t get __________________.
4. I arranged to meet Jim after work last night but he didn´t turn _______________.
5. It was my first flight. I was very nervous as the plane took _______________.
6. He wanted to talk to me but I kept on _______________ and refused to listen.
7. Riding is getting too expensive. I´ll have to give it ________________.
8. Mrs Jones rang. She wants you to call _______________.
9. Do you think you could get ____________________ at Christmas?
10. I´ll put ______________ my visit to the museum till you can come with me.
11. Their tasks include taking _________________ and reassembling large bits of
12. I won´t put _______________ any bad behaviour in this house.
13. I´m looking _________________ seeing your new car.
14. Children should grow __________________ with a fond attitude towards all humanity.
15. You must give __________________ eating sweets if you want to get slim.
16. Once more they set ________________ to climb the mountain.
17. Our medicines have not done ____________________ disease.
18. A car stopped in front of the house and a smartly dressed lady got ______________.
19. I had to put the presents ____________________ in the bedroom, so that the children
wouldn´t find them.
20. The party went _____________ until midnight.
21. She didn´t give me a chance to explain. She just hung __________________.
22. Having finished reading the book I gave it _______________ to the library.
23. Don´t take your T-shirt ________________ now. You´ll get a cold.
24. The bank robbers got __________________ with fifty thousand pounds.
25. This kind of thing really gets me __________________.
26. She checked _________________ by 11 am.
27. The first experiments were carried ________________by Dr Preston McLendon.
28. Will anyone be able to pick me ______________ from the station ?
29. I get ___________ very well ____________ my mother-in-law.
30. I brought _______________ two children alone.
31. Excuse me, could you put _______________ your cigarette, please ?
32. The radio is a bit loud. Can you turn it ______________ a bit, please?
33. Can you pick _______________ the kids from school tonight?
34. They wanted an independent financial controller to look _______________ the city´s
35. I suddenly looked _________________ and saw Jim watching me.
36. The telephone communication system had broken ________________.
37. If I don´t get ______________ the first team this year, I´m not playing at all
38. Charlie has never let me __________________ yet.
39. When he arrived he got _______________ his bicycle.
40. I gave __________________ the ring Peter had bought for me.
41. The police want to speak to you. Your daughter has been run ______________ by a car.
42. The fire brigade put the fire ___________________.
43. ( A man into a car ) Look _______________! There is a man in the middle of the road.
44. I´ll call _______________ tomorrow.
45. They´re going to pay me ____________.
46. We have just run ___________________ petrol.
47. We ´ll have to put ___________________ him.
48. He went ____________ studying.
49. Could you fill _____________ this form?
50.Listening to classical music gets me _________________.
51. The thieves broke _____________ my house on Monday.
52. She got _____________ the bus at the wrong station.
53. The negotiations broke ____________________.
54. If you don´t know the meaning of a word, look it _____________ in the dictionary.
55. Write ______________ the prepositions you can hear.
56. The plane had already taken _______________ when they arrived.
57. They put ______________ the meeting.
58. When I bought the house, it was coming ________________.
59. Please keep _____________________ the grass.
60. They have gone to pick _________________ her engagement ring.
61. A piece of the chalk of the ceiling has come _____________________.
62. He took ________________ woodworking after inheriting his grandfather´s tools.
(woodworking: marquetería)
63. The thieves took ________________ every valuable thing.
64. If I don´t know anything about this painter, I´ll look ___________ the information in the
65. The town´s annual picnic was called ________________ due to rain.
2. Complete with the right preposition of the following prepositional verbs. If it is not
necessary, put X.
1. Are you hungry? Would you care _______________________ something to eat?
2. He loves complaining. He complains _______________________ everything.
3. Our neighbours complained _________________ us _________________ the noise that we
made last night.
4. He doesn´t care ______________________ the examination. He´s not worried whether he
passes or fails.
5. Please, let me borrow your camera. I promise I´ll take good care ______________it.
6. I don´t care ___________________ money. It´s not important to me.
7. Don´t worry about arranging our holiday. I´ll take care _______________ that.
8. ´Do you like this coat?‘ ´No, I don´t care __________________ the colour.‘
9. She hasn´t got a job. She depends _________________ her parents for money.
10. You were very rude to Tom. You should apologise ___________________ him.
11. Are you going to apologise __________________ what you did?
12. He decided to give up his job in order to concentrate _________________ his studies.
13. I don´t believe _________________ working hard. It´s not worth it.
14. A football team consists ______________________ eleven players.
15. It is terrible that some people are dying __________hunger while others eat too much.
16. Do you belong __________________ a political party?
17. I don´t know whether I´ll go out tonight. I depends _____________ how I feel.
18. She´s very old and can´t live alone. She needs someone to look _______________ her.
19. I haven´t seen Harry for ages. I wonder what´s happened ___________________ him.
20. You must listen ____________________ this record. You´ll love it.
21. When you went to the theatre with Paul, who paid _____________ the tickets?
22. It´s not a very good bus service. You can´t rely _________________ it.
23. What are you laughing ______________? I don´t understand what´s funny.
24. It´s a very cheap country. You can live _______________ very little money there.
25. ´Does this bag belong ________________ you?‘ ´No, it isn´t mine.‘
26. Don´t listen ______________ what he says. He is stupid.
27. What happened ____________________ the picture that used to be on that wall?
28. I dreamt __________________ Ann last night. We were dancing together at a party when she
suddenly hit me. Then I woke up.
29. Ken is still unemployed. He has applied ________________ several jobs but hasn´t had any
luck yet.
30. The accident was my fault, so I paid _______________ the damage.
31. I didn´t have enough money to pay __________________ the bill.
32. You know that you can always rely __________________ me if you need any help.
33. She doesn´t eat very much. She lives _________________ bread and eggs.
34. I often dream __________________ being rich.
35. ´Did you hear __________________ the accident last night?‘ ´Yes, Ann told me.‘
36. Jill used to write to me quite often but I haven´t heard ________________ her for a long time
37. ´Have you read any books by Henry Good?‘ ´Henry Good? I´ve never heard
38. ______________________ him.‘
39. Thank you for your letter. It was nice to hear _________________ you again.
40. ´Do you want to hear ________________ our holiday?‘ ´No, tell me later.‘
41. The town I come from is very small. You´ve probably never heard ______________it.
42. When I looked ________________ my watch, I couldn´t believe it was so late.
43. Who looked _______________ you when you were ill?
44. The police are still looking ________________ the seven-year-old boy who disappeared from
his home last week.
45. When we went out for the evening, a neighbour of ours looked _______________ the children.
46. The doctors are looking __________________ the new virus.
47. I´m looking ______________ Tom. Have you seen it anywhere?
48. If you smoke, there is a greater chance that you will die ______________ lung cancer.
49. I´ve searched everywhere _________________ John, but I haven´t been able to find him.
50. Ken gets very jealous. He doesn´t like his girlfriend talking _____________ other men.
51. I don´t want to go out yet. I´m waiting ________________ the post to arrive.
52. Please, don´t shout _______________ me. Be nice to me.
53. We passed Tom as we were driving along. I shouted ______________ him but he didn´t hear
54. Ann doesn´t write to her parents very often but she phones _________________ them at least
once a week.
55. Can I speak ________________ you a moment? There´s something I want to ask you.
56. Sally often suffers ________________ severe headaches.
57. The police have been searching the countryside _________________ the missing girl.
58. She is a bit lonely. She needs someone to talk __________________.
59. I don´t want to discuss _________________ what happened last night. I want to forget about it.
60. we´re going out for a meal tonight. I must phone _______________ the restaurant to reserve a
61. Before you make a final decision, think carefully __________________ what I said.
62. ´I´ve finished the book you lent me.‘ ´Oh, have you? What did you think
___________________ it? ‘
63. When he asked her to marry him, she said that she wanted to go away and think
___________________ it for a while.
64. I don´t know what to get Ann for her birthday. Can you think ________________ anything?
65. We´re thinking ______________ going out for a meal tonight. Would you like to come?
66. We discussed ________________ the problem but we didn´t reach a decision.
67. He got angry and shouted _____________________ me.
68. We waited _________________ Jim for half an hour but he never arrived.
69. The children stopped talking when the teacher entered ____________________ the room.
70. I phoned Tom ____________________ yesterday but there was no answer. He must have been
71. ´Are you playing tennis tomorrow?‘ ´I think so, but it depends _________________ the
3. Translate ( phrasal verbs)
1. No puedo llevar a cabo todo lo que me dices.
2. ¿ Volviste a llamar por teléfono a Pedro? No , no lo llamé, lo visité.
3. ¿ Dónde te educaron?
4. ¿ Has dejado ya de fumar? No, no lo he dejado todavía.
5. Ellos recuperaron el dinero que perdieron.
6. El autobús estaba lleno. Por consiguiente no pudimos subir.
7. Leer historias de amor le deprime.
8. ¡ Ten cuidado! El avión está a punto de despegar.
9. Los médicos están investigando el nuevo virus.
10. Debo telefonear al restaurante para reservar una mesa.
11. Puedes consultar la palabra en el diccionario.
Se denominan sustantivos contables aquellos que se pueden contra y que pueden formar el plural pos
sí mismos (car, book) y no contables los que no tienen plural y no se pueden contar (Money,sugar).
Sin embargo, muchas veces los sustantivos contables pueden funcionar como incontables y viceversa.
Cuando funcionan como contables se refieren en general a la unidad, pieza o tipo y cuando son
incontables se refieren a la cualidad, sustancia o materia.
Cake -------------------- Give me some cake ( I ) Dame pastel.
-------------------- Give me a cake ( T ) Dame un pastel.
Otros nombres pueden funcionar como contables o no contables con cambio de significado.
- Paper ----------------- ( C ) Periódico
---------------- ( I ) Papel
- Wood ----------------- ( C ) Bosque
---------------- ( I ) Madera
- Iron
----------------- ( C ) Plancha
----------------- ( I ) Hierro
- Country ------------- ( C ) País
------------- ( I ) Campo
- Glass
----------------- ( C ) Vaso
----------------- ( I ) Cristal o vidrio
- Time --------------- ( C ) Vez
--------------- ( I ) Tiempo
- Chocolate --------------- ( C ) Bombón
--------------- ( I ) Chocolate
Algunos nombres son siempre incontables en inglés:
- Accommodation ( alojamiento), advice ( consejo ), news ( noticia ), weather ( tiempo
atmosférico), trouble ( problemas), work ( trabajo) y scenery ( paisaje), entre otros.
1) No pueden ir precedidos del artículo indeterminado A/AN. Si se quieren singularizar, debemos
anteponerles una expresión con valor partitivo:
- a piece of ( un trozo de )
A piece of wood, cake, bread.
Ciertos nombres llevan siempre este partitivo para convertirlos en singular:
A piece of advice ( un consejo).
A piece of news ( una noticia).
A piece of furniture ( un mueble).
A piece of information ( una información ).
- a glass of water, milk.
- a pint of ( una pinta de ) A pint of beer, milk, water.
- a litre of oil.
- a pound of ( una libra de ) A pound of rice, flour.
- a kilo of.
- a ton of ( una tonelada de ) A ton of iron.
- a spoonful of ( una cucharadita de ) A spoonful of sugar.
- a tablespoon of ( una cucharada de ) A tablespoon of flour.
- a lump of sugar ( un terrón de azúcar).
- a bar of soap ( una pastilla de jabón), a bar of chocolate (una tableta o pastilla de chocolate),
- a loaf of bread ( una barra de pan).
- a slice of bread ( una rebanada de pan ), a slice of ham ( una loncha de jamón), a slice of
meat ( un filete de carne).
- a bit of ( un poco de ) A bit of chocolate.
- a pair of ( un par de ) A pair of trousers, shorts, scissors, glasses, jeans, pyjamas,
- a bolt of lightning ( un rayo).
- a flash of lightning ( un relámpago).
- a clap of thunder ( un trueno).
2) No tienen plural. Si queremos pasarlos a plural, tenemos que hacerlo en sus partitivos.
Three bottles of water
Two pieces of news
3) No pueden ir determinados por un número cardinal ni por many, few, these those, both, several y
another. Los determinates que pueden acompañar a estos nombres son much, little, some, any, plenty
of ( mucho, repleto de), a loto f, enough, all, the, this that.
I do not eat much bread
We have little money
4) Algunos nombres incontables tienen forma de plural y concuerdan con el nombre en singular:
Minutes ( acta )
News ( noticia )
THE NOUN. Practice
1. Add a partitive before the nouns.
- Cheese.
- Binoculars.
- Grass.
- Coffee.
- Flour.
- Thunder.
- Lead.
- Paper.
- Salt.
- Juice
- Rice
- Glasses.
- Advice.
- Furniture.
- News.
- Salami.
- Iron.
- Bread.
2. Relate the partitive expression with the corresponding noun.
1. a litre of
2. a jar of
3. a piece of
4. a plate of
5. a loaf of
6. a spoonful of
7. a pound of
8. a bunch of
9. a slice of
10.a tube of
11.a packet of
a. bread
c. toothpaste
d. jam
e. cigarettes
f. flowers
g. toast
h. spaguetti
i. butter
j. sugar
k. meat
3. Choose the right part.
1. Margaret has got very long black hair/ hairs.
2. She was very helpful. She gave me some very good advice/ advices.
3. We had a very good weather/ very good weather when we were on holiday.
4. I want something to read. I´m going to buy a/ some paper.
5. I want to write some letters. I need a/ some writing paper.
6. It is very difficult to find a work/job at the moment.
7. Bad news do not/ does not make people happy.
8. The flat is empty. We haven´t got any furniture/ furnitures yet.
9. I had to buy a/ some bread because I wanted to make some sandwiches.
Se forma añadiendo una –s al singular ( bird- birds), pero hay que distinguir los siguientes casos
1) Los nombres acabados en –s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -z o –x, añaden –es.
-------------- kisses
2) Los terminados en –o precedida de consonante también añaden –es.
potato ------------ potatoes
Son excepción algunas palabras de origen extranjero, algunas palabras abreviadas y las que
terminan en –o precedida de vocal:
piano --------------- pianos
photo --------------- photos
3) Los terminados en –y precedida de consonante cambian la –y por –i y añaden –es.
body ---------------- bodies
4) Los terminados en f o fe cambian éstas por –v y añaden –es.
half ----------------- halves
life ------------------ lives
Algunas excepciones son:
Cliff (acantilado)
Safe (caja fuerte)
Roof (tejado)
proof (prueba)
chief (jefe)
belief (creencia)
Estos forman el plural añadiendo –s.
Algunos nombres admiten los dos plurales:
Scarf (bufanda), hoof (pezuña), dwarf (duende, enano)
Son aquellos que no siguen las normas anteriores y pueden ser:
a. Saxon Plurals.
Man -------------- men
Woman ---------- women
Foot -------------- feet
Tooth ------------ teeth
Goose ----------- geese ( ganso )
Louse ------------ lice
Mouse ----------- mice
Child ------------ children
Ox --------------- oxen (buey)
Brother --------- brothers ( hermanos de sangre)
brethren ( hermanos de una cofradía, orden religiosa)
Penny --------- pennies ( peniques en monedas )
pence ( cantidad de dinero en peniques )
b. Non-saxon plurals
Se dan especialmente en el lenguaje científico y tienen plural original griego o latino.
i. Algunos sustantivos terminados en –us forman el plural en –i.
Bacillus ------------------ bacilli
ii. Otros cuyo singular termina en –um forman el plural en –a.
Datum ------------------ data
iii. Algunos que terminan en –a forman el plural en –ae.
Formula ----------------- formulae
d. Algunos terminados en –is forman el plural en –es
------------------ bases
e. Otros que terminan en –on forman el plural en -a
criterion ----------------- criteria
3) Unchanging plurals
Existen sustantivos que tienen la misma forma para el singular y para el plural:
sheep, deer, ( ciervo).
Los sustantivos de nacionalidad y que terminan en –es o –ss también tienen plural
invariable: Chinese, Swiss.
Los nombres que indican cantidad van en singular cuando van precedidios de un cardinal:
hundred, thousand, million y dozen.
Two hundred men
Special cases
1) Palabras que tienen forma plural y concuerdan con el verbo en plural: binoculars, trousers,
scissors, pyjamas, particulars (detalles),clothes, goods (productos, mercancías).
2) Palabras que terminan en –s y llevan el verbo en singular:
measles, billiards, dominoes, mathematics, physics, athletics, news.
3) Palabras que tienen forma plural y sirven tanto para el singular como para el plural. Barracks
(cuartel), crossroads (cruce), series (serie).
4) Palabras que tienen forma singular, pero son plurales.
People, police, cattle (ganado).
Concuerdan con el verbo en plural.
5) Los nombres colectivos (family, team, committee, government,
crowd) pueden concordar con el verbo en singular o plural según se refieran al grupo (
singular) o a los individuos o personas que forman el grupo (plural).
1. Choose the right form.
1. The trousers you bought for me doesn´t/ don´t fit me.
2. Physics was/were my best subject at school.
3. Fortunately the news wasn´t/weren´t as bad as we had expected.
4. The police wants/want to interview Fred about the robbery.
5. Where does/do your family live?
6. Does/Do the police know about the stolen money?
7. Can I borrow your scissors? Mine isn´t/aren´t sharp enough.
8. The children is/are getting ready for school.
9. The mice has/have eaten the cheese.
10. The crowd was/were getting impatient.
11. Linguistics is/are more interesting than physics.
12. Young people spends/spend a lot of money.
13. Gymnastics is/are my favourite sport.
2.Give the plural form of the following nouns.
1. loss.
2. butterfly.
3. roof.
4. sheep.
5. crisis.
6. penny.
7. Wolf.
8. volcano.
9. tax.
10. workman.
11. Japanese.
12. city.
13. coach.
14. tomato.
15. cliff.
16. basis.
17. goose.
18. buffalo.
19. bacillus.
20. safe.
( Teoría )
Empleamos esta estructura con un sentido pasivo para expresar que alguien hace algo para nosotros.
I´m going to have my car repaired. ( Voy a llevar el coche a reparar).
I´m going to get my car repaired.
Compárese con I´m going to repair my car.
( Voy a reparar el coche ).
Otros ejemplos:
Susan will have her hair cut next week. Susan se cortará el pelo la
semana que viene).
We´ve just had the children´s room decorated. ( Acaban de decorarnos
la habitación de los niños).
1. Rewrite these sentences using the structure have +something + done.
1. They´re going to cut his hair tomorrow.
He is going to have his hair cut tomorrow.
2. We asked the decorators to paint our house white.
3. John´s car was repaired at the garage yesterday.
4. Our computer is being fixed at the moment.
5. The manager will ask his secretary to prepare his documents.
6. His leg was broken in a car accident.
2. Complete the sentences using the words in brackets.
1.Your hair is too long. I think you should __________________ (it/cut)
2.How often ________________________________ (you/your car/service)?
3.“ What are those men doing in your garden? “
“ Oh, I ____________________________(a swimming pool / build)? “
4. Is it true that many years ago he _______________________________
( his portrait/ paint) by a famous artist?
5. Ann´s watch was broken, so she took it to a jeweller´s. Now it´s
working again. Ann ______________________________ (her watch/
1. Find the opposites of the words on the left.
……………………………………. lazy
……………………………………. mean
……………………………………. poor
……………………………………. smooth
……………………………………. sober
…………………………………….. boring
……………………………………. attractive
……………………………………. complicated
……………………………………. weak
……………………………………. careless
……………………………………. shallow
……………………………………. guilty
……………………………………. Blunt
1. Find the opposites of the words on the left.
To lend
……………………………………. purchase/ buy
To vanish
…………………………………… decrease
To remember …………………………………… defend
To hurry
…………………………………… deteriorate/ get worse
To detest
…………………………………… arrive
To insult
…………………………………… appear
To sell
…………………………………… take one´s time
To depart
…………………………………… discourage
To increase
…………………………………… oppose
To attack
…………………………………… reward
To encourage …………………………………… forget
To expand
…………………………………… borrow
To improve
…………………………………… praise
To punish
…………………………………… adore
To support
…………………………………… contract
2. Find the opposites of the words on the left.
To start
To go in
To find
To catch
To stop
To succeed
To raise
To buy
To depart
To spend
To love
To accept
To break
To construct
To remember
……………………………………… arrive
……………………………………… hate
……………………………………… come out
……………………………………… forget
……………………………………… fail
……………………………………… save
……………………………………… demolish
……………………………………… lose
……………………………………… mend
……………………………………… continue
……………………………………… drop
……………………………………… finish
……………………………………… lower
……………………………………… reject
……………………………………… sell
3. Find the opposites of the words on the left.
To stop
To start
To open
To come
To work
To bring
To learn
To lend
To turn on
To ask
To like
To sell
To pull
To sit down
To arrive
………………………………………… to take
………………………………………… to turn off
………………………………………… to dislike
………………………………………… to borrow
………………………………………… to depart
…………………………………………. to start
………………………………………… to answer
………………………………………… to push
………………………………………… to close
…………………………………………. to teach
………………………………………… to cry
………………………………………… to play
…………………………………………. to go
…………………………………………. to buy
…………………………………………. to stand up
4. Find the opposites of the words on the left.
To love
……………………………………………. To mend
To wake up …………………………………………… To feel well
To live
…………………………………………… To go to bed
To blow
…………………………………………… To take off
To get up …………………………………………… To find
To spend
…………………………………………… To hate
To break
…………………………………………… To lose
To shout
…………………………………………… To forget
To win
…………………………………………… To save
To feel ill …………………………………………… To sink
To lose
…………………………………………… To whisper
To show
…………………………………………… To fall sleep
To remember …………………………………………… To suck
To put on ……………………………………………. To hide
To float
……………………………………………. To die
To pay BY cheque ( but to pay IN cash or to pay cash).
To do something BY accident/ BY mistake/ By chance.
A play BY Shapespeare/ a painting BY Rembrandt/ a novel BY Tolstoy.
To be/ to fall IN love WITH someone.
IN (my ) opinion.
To be ON FIRE.
To be ON the telephone / ON the phone.
ON television/ ON the radio.
To be/ to go ON a diet.
To be/ to go ON strike.
To be/ to go ON holiday/ ON business/ ON a trip/ ON a tour/ ON an excursion /
On a cruise/ On an expedition.
You can also say ´go to a place FOR a holiday, FOR my holiday(s).
To go / to come FOR a walk/ FOR a swim/ FOR a drink.
( To have something) FOR breakfast / FOR lunch / FOR dinner.
1. Complete these sentences with the correct preposition.
After work we went to a café _____________________ a drink.
It´s difficult to contact Sue because she´s not __________________ the phone.
I won´t be at work next week. I´ll be __________________ holiday.
I feel lazy this evening. Is there anything worth watching ____________________ television?
I got up late this morning and had to rush. All I had _____________________ breakfast was a
cup of coffee.
6. I mustn´t eat too much. I´m supposed to be ____________________ a diet.
7. There was panic when people realized the building was _________________ fire.
8. The weather was terrible when we were ______________ holiday in Scotland
9. Do you know any songs _________________ The Rolling Stones?
10. The factory has closed because the workers have gone _______________ strike.
11. They fell _____________________ love with each other almost immediately and were married
in a few weeks.
12. It was an extremely hot day, so we went _________________ a swim in the river.
13. Where did you go _________________ your holidays last year?
14. I wouldn´t like to go ________________ a cruise. I think I´d get bored.
15. We´re going _________________ holiday with some friends of ours in September.
16. It was only _______________ accident that I found out who the man really was.
17. The shop assistant wouldn´t accept my cheque and insisted that I paid ______________ cash.
18. Ann reads a lot of books __________________ American women writers.
19. When we went to Rome, we went ________________ a tour around the city.
20. Ann liked the dress but ________________ my opinion it didn´t suit her.
21. Did you hear the news this morning _________________ the radio?
22. I wouldn´t like his job. He spends most of his time talking __________________ the
23. What´s that music? I can´t remember the title but I know it is ______________ Haydn.
24. When I was 14, I went ________________ a trip to Italy organized by my school.
25. I didn´t have any money on me, so I paid ____________________ cash.
26. Jim´s job involves a lot of travelling. He often goes to other towns _______________ business.
27. George has put on a lot of weight recently. I think he should go _________________ a diet.
28. I didn´t intend to take your umbrella. I took it ________________ mistake.
29. I think I need a bit of exercise. Shall we go ________________ a walk?
30. Hamlet and Macbeth are plays __________________ Shakespeare.
31. We hadn´t arranged to meet. We met ____________________ chance.
1. Link each of the words or expressions listed below with one word or expression in the column (as
numbered in the text) [1 mark]. Please copy the correct pair of words on your answer sheet,
e.g.‘common and ...’
manage to pay for
running away
huge (1) and …
wealth (2) and …
improvements (3) and …
fleeing (4) and …
afford (5) and …
2. Reading comprehension
2.1. Choose the best option [0.75 marks]. Please copy the complete correct option on your answer
have doubled in the past three years in Nairobi and the United States.
in Kenya have fallen almost 30% in the last three years.
in Kenya have increased by 30% in the last three years.
in Kenya have increased by 100% since 2007.
2.2. Choose the best option [0.75 marks]. Please copy the complete correct option on your answer
According to estate agents in Nairobi, most people can afford to buy homes.
Piracy is having no impact on ordinary people living in Nairobi.
Some Somali pirates are investing their money in buying properties.
Most Somali pirates are investing their money in buying laundries in Nairobi.
3. Complete the sentences using information from the text [2 marks]. It is important that phrases
from the text are not reproduced literally, unless this is unavoidable.
a) Security companies, lawyers and negotiators are …
b) House prices in Nairobi have risen …
c) The Nairobi property market is …
d) More and more middle class families are ...
4. Complete with one or more adequate words [1.5 marks]. Do not copy the complete text on your
sheet, only the letter – (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f) – followed by the word or words that you find
suitable for the gap. It is important that phrases from the text are not reproduced literally.
Pirates interviewed … (a) the BBC have been reluctant … (b) say exactly how … (c) money they make
from a successful hijacking, but reports indicate they make tens of thousands … (d) dollars rather
than millions.
This is because piracy has developed into … (e) mini-economy, employing hundreds … (f) people in
north-eastern and central Somalia.
5. From the information in the text, why is piracy so attractive to Somalis? (25-50 words) [2 marks]
You are expected to draw information from the text, but please use your own words.
6. Is there any way of stopping piracy in Somalia? (25-50 words) [2 marks]. Express your own idea
by using your own words.
Synonyms text Pirates affect Nairobi house prices
- Both…and (L.1) _________ not only…but also
- Nearby (L.1) ____________ neighbouring, surrounding.
- As (L. 1) _______________ since, because.
- Profits (L.2) ____________ benefits.
- Involvement (L.2)________ participation.
- Finding out (L.3)_________ discovering.
- First (L.3) ______________ in the first place, firstly.
- Second (L.4)____________ secondly, in the second place.
- Past (L.6)_______________ last.
- Just (L.7)______________ only.
- Because of (L.7) _________due to.
- Increasing (L.7)__________ rising.
- Far (L.8)_______________ much, a lot.
- Fallen (L.9) ____________ decreased, gone down, reduced, lowered.
- Almost (L.9)____________ nearly.
- Rise (L.12) _____________ increase
- Factor (L.14) ____________ cause
- Operating (L.15) _________ working.
- Generate (L.15) __________ produce.
- A year (L.16) ____________ every year, each year.
- Obvious (L.18)___________ clear.
- Concerned (L.19)_________ worried.
- Ordinary (L.20) __________ common.
Septiembre 2010
Opción B
Michael Jackson Signs Record Deal
Even in death, Michael Jackson is breaking new records.
The King of Pop's estate3 has signed the biggest recording deal (1) in history: a $200 million
guaranteed contract with Sony Music Entertainment for 10 projects over seven years. The
recordbreaking contract through 2017 could be worth up to $250 million if certain conditions are met.
One of the albums will be of never-before-released Jackson recordings that will come out in
Future projects may also include a video game, a DVD compilation of videos and a rerelease of Off
the Wall, Jackson's fifth studio album, which first came out in 1979, accompanied by some
unreleased (2) material. Before his sudden death in June 20090 at age 50, the pop star had wanted
to reissue the album.
One of the projects already counted in the contract was the two-disc album that accompanied This
Is It, the film based on the concert rehearsals for what was to have been Jackson's comeback at
London's O2 arena.
Including the more than 5 million copies of that special release, Jackson has sold some 31 million
albums since his death, about two-thirds of them outside the United States.
Jackson's deal is even more remarkable (3) because it does not include royalties from merchandise.
The contract shows the value of legacy artists. It also comes at a time of decline for the music
industry, with sales down about half from their peak (4) in 2000, mainly due to free file-swapping.
The money will go a long way toward settling Jackson's debts (5), estimated around $400 million
when he died. But the singer whose life was plagued with scandal has had a resurgence ipopularity
in death.
3 Herederos
1. Link each of the words or expressions listed below with one word or expression in the column (as
numbered in the text) [1 mark]. Please copy the correct pair of words on your answer sheet, e.g.
‘common and ...’
deal (1) and …
unreleased (2) and …
remarkable (3) and …
peak (4) and …
debts (5) and …
2. Reading comprehension
2.1. Choose the best option [0.75 marks]. Please copy the complete correct option on your answer
The monster seven-year contract is worth a guaranteed €200 million.
Jackson's estate has just signed a deal which could end up being worth as much as $250 million.
Jackson's estate has just signed a deal which could end up being worth as much as $200 million.
The monster seven-year contract is worth a guaranteed $250 million.
2.2. Choose the best option [0.75 marks]. Please copy the complete correct option on your answer
The new Jackson albums will consist only of new songs.
The new Jackson albums will also see previously released hits.
Future projects may not include a rerelease of Off the Wall.
Jackson never wanted to reissue Off the Wall.
3. Complete the sentences using information from the text [2 marks]. It is important that phrases
from the text are not reproduced literally, unless this is unavoidable.
a) The biggest recording deal in history has …
b) This new deal guarantees …
c) The deal will eventually clear all the debts …
c) Like so many other stars who died prematurely, Jackson …
4. Complete with one or more adequate words [1.5 marks]. Do not copy the complete text on your
sheet, only the letter – (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f) – followed by the word or words that you find
suitable for the gap. It is important that phrases from the text are not reproduced literally.
Michael Jackson just scored … (a) biggest contract … (b) music history and he's not even alive to see
it. His estate … (c) earn $200 million guaranteed for 10 projects in seven years. The landmark
contract extends through 2017.
One of … (d) albums will be of never-before-released Jackson recordings that will come … (e) in
November. Enough unreleased material may exist … (f) 2-3 albums.
5. From the information in the text, will Jackson’s estate be able to pay all Jackson’s debts? (25-50
words) [2 marks] You are expected to draw information from the text, but please use your own
6. What do so many people like Jackson’s music? (25-50 words) [2 marks]. Express your own ideas
by using your own words.
Synonyms text Michael Jackson Signs Record Deal
- Deal : contract, business.
- Biggest (L.2): largest.
- Over seven years (L.3): for seven years.
- Be worth (L.4): cost.
- Certain (L.4): some.
- Conditions (L.4) : circumstances.
- Released (L.5) : launched ( to release: lanzar) Release: lanzamiento.
- That (L.5): which. (L.5)
- Come out (L.5): appear.
- Compilation (L.6): collection.
- First ( L. 7): for the first time.
- Accompanied (L.7): went with.
- At age 50 (L.8): when he was 50.
- Reissue (L.9): publish again.
- Comeback (L.11): return.
- More than (L.13): over.
- Some (L.13): approximately, about, around, more or less, an estimate.
- Time (L.16): moment.
- Mainly (L.17): principally.
- Due to (L.17): because of.
- Resurgence (L.19): revival.
Vocabulary related to the text
- To inherit: heredar.
- Heir: heredero.
- Heiress: heredera.
- Combine/ mix: combinar.
- To ensure: asegurar.
- To owe: deber.
- To benefit: beneficiar.
- To guarantee/ warrant: garantizar.
- Guarantee/ warranty: garantía.
Opción A
The Chronicle of Coca Cola
In May 1886, Coca Cola was invented by John Pemberton, a pharmacist from Atlanta, who concocted
(1) the formula in a brass kettle in his backyard. The name was suggested by his bookkeeper (2),
Frank Robinson. Due to his excellent handwriting, it was he who first scripted Coca Cola into the
flowing letters which have become the famous logo of today.
The soft drink was first sold to the public at the soda fountain in Jacob's Pharmacy in Atlanta,
on May 8, 1886. About nine servings of the soft drink were sold each day. Sales for that first year
added up to a total of about $50. The funny thing was that it cost Pemberton over $70 to produce it,
so the first year of sales were a loss.
Until 1905, the soft drink, marketed as a tonic (3), contained extracts of cocaine as well as the
caffeine-rich kola nut.
In 1887, another Atlanta pharmacist and businessman, Asa Candler, bought the formula for
$2,300. By the late 1890s, Coca Cola was one of America's most popular fountain drinks, largely (4)
due to Candler's aggressive marketing of the product. With him, the Coca Cola Company increased
syrup sales by over 4000% between 1890 and 1900.
By the turn of the century, the drink was sold across the United States and Canada. Around
the same time, the company began selling syrup to independent bottling companies licensed (5) to
sell the drink. Even today, the US soft drink industry is organized on this principle.
1. Link each of the words/expressions below with a word/expression in the column (as
numbered in the text). Copy the correct pair of words on your answer sheet. [1 mark]
to a great extent
concocted and …
bookkeeper and …
tonic and …
largely and …
licensed and…
2. Reading comprehension
2.1. Choose the best option. Copy the complete correct option on your answer sheet. [0.75
a) John Pemberton, an Atlanta pharmacist, created and named Coca Cola.
b) John Pemberton’s bookkeeper helped him name the drink and design its logo.
c) The first Coca Cola bottle was available to the public on May 8, 1886.
d) $50 were the benefits for the first year of Coca Cola sales in Atlanta, Georgia.
2.2. Choose the best option. Copy the complete correct option on your answer sheet. [0.75
a) From 1890 to 1900, 4000 servings of Coca Cola were sold in Atlanta, Georgia.
b) Coca Cola is sold around the world, but it can only be bottled by US and Canadian licensed
c) It was not until the beginning of the 20th century that Coca Cola began to be sold in bottles.
d) Although Coca Cola was invented in the US, the first bottles were sold in Canada at the beginning
of the 20th century.
3. Complete the sentences using information from the text. Do not reproduce phrases from
the text literally, unless this is unavoidable. [2 marks]
a) Frank Robinson, who …
b) It was not until May 8, 1886 …
c) From 1886 to 1905, …
d) Because of Candler’s aggressive marketing, Coca Cola …
4. Complete each gap with one or more adequate words. Do not copy the complete text on
your sheet, only letters (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), and (f) followed by the word(s) that you find suitable
for the gap. [1.5 marks]
Death of the Soda Fountain and Rise of the Bottling Industry
___ the 1960s, everybody in the US enjoyed carbonated beverages ___ the local soda fountain or
icecream saloon. In the drug store, the soda fountain counter served ___ a meeting place for people
of ___ ages. The soda fountain declined in popularity as commercial ice cream, bottled soft drinks,
and fast food restaurants ___ popular. Today, Coca Cola products are consumed at the rate of ___
than one billion drinks per day.
5. Was the selling of Coca Cola very successful in its first year? You are expected to draw
information from the text, but please use your own words. (25-50 words) [2 marks]
6. Which is your favorite soft drink and in which occasions do you usually have it?
Express your own ideas and use your own words. (25-50 words) [2 marks]
Synonyms …………………………………. The Chronicle of Coca Cola
- Invented (L.1 ) : created
- Due to (L. 3): because of
- First ( L. 3/5): for the first time
- Soft drink (L.5): non-alcoholic beverage
- Each day (L.6): every day
- By the late 1890s (L.12): at the end of the 1890s
- By the turn of the century (L.15): at the end of the nineteenth century and at the beginning of the
twentieth century.
- Around (L.15): approximately
BACHILLERATO LOE Septiembre 2011
Opción A
Image consultants can change lives
You’ve probably seen image consultants on TV transform the looks (1) of people who struggle to
dress themselves suitably. You’ve seen the positive impact that a new image can have on people. And
you’ve seen that there is a demand for image consultants that can make a person’s outer body reflect
their beauty inside.
Good or bad, society these days focuses heavily on appearance. So many people get left
behind (2) because they have little or no idea of what they should wear. And when they continually
struggle to dress right, they give up (3) and don’t care anymore, which results in loss of
That’s why they need help from people like you, with a natural flair (4) for colors, shape, and
fashion. You can transform them from a blur in the background to a walking masterpiece. Here’s
some advice of what you can do to be a successful image consultant.
First of all, do your research. If you want to dress someone else, you must know a lot about
that person's profession, including what they need to wear and what styles and colors are acceptable.
Flip through (5) the monthly fashion magazines to keep up with trends and hot new labels.
Take notes and build a library. Write everything you did and didn't sell to a client, why you
chose it and how the client did with the purchase. Analyze the trends and develop your own ideas
about how they can be worked into a man's or a woman's wardrobe.
1. Link each of the words/expressions below with a word/expression in the column (as
numbered in the text). Copy the correct pair of words on your answer sheet. [1 mark]
(1) looks and …
(2) left behind and …
(3) give up and …
(4) flair and …
(5) flip through and…
2. Reading comprehension
2.1. Choose the best option. Copy the complete correct option on your answer sheet. [0.75
a) Image consultants can turn a physically unattractive person into a beautiful one.
b) It is usually people with low self-confidence who hire the services of image consultants.
c) Image consultants can help people with little time or little imagination to achieve their best looks.
d) People with low self-confidence don’t care about their looks and they tend to dress ungraciously.
2.2. Choose the best option. Copy the complete correct option on your answer sheet. [0.75
a) A good image consultant must know well what styles and colors are or are not suitable for a given
b) Image consultants must go to the library often to learn about the newest styles and labels.
c) Image consultants must persuade their clients to dress according to the hottest fashion styles.
d) Image consultants must convince their clients to substitute their old-fashioned clothes for more
colorful ones.
3. Complete the sentences using information from the text. Do not reproduce phrases from
the text literally, unless this is unavoidable. [2 marks]
a) Good image consultants can …
b) Nowadays, society gives …
c) In order to dress someone well, …
d) Image consultants should take notes …
4. Complete each gap with one or more adequate words. Do not copy the complete text on
your sheet, only letters (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), and (f) followed by the word(s) that you find suitable
for the gap. [1.5 marks]
Make the transition ___ (a) being a popular sales associate at a department store to being a personal
shopper. Show your bosses ___ (b) amount of money you've brought in over a year and your thick
address book of active ___ (c). Get written testimonials from your regulars about ___ (d) much they
value your services and trust your skills.
Get on the phone ___ (e) send e-mails. Your clients have hired you because they are busy.
It's ___ (f) to you to tell them all about the latest styles that complement their wardrobes.
5. How can image consultants help people change their looks? You are expected to draw
information from the text, but please use your own words. (25-50 words) [2 marks]
6. Would you like to be an image consultant? If your answer is “no”, what would you like
to be in the future? Express your own ideas and use your own words. (25-50 words) [2 marks]
Synonyms _____________ Image Consultants ….
- Probably (L.1) ____________ possibly, maybe, perhaps.
- Struggle (L.1) ____________ try hard
- Suitably (L. 2) _____________ in the proper way, in the appropiate way, right.
- Impact (L.2)_______________ effect, impression.
- Demand (L.3) _____________ request.
- Outer (L.3)________________ external
- These days (L.5) ___________ nowadays, today.
- Focuses ….on (L.5) _________ gives importance to, pays attention to.
- Heavily (L.5) ______________ a lot.
- Get left behind (L. 5-6)_______ are forgotten
- Wear (L.6) ________________ put on
- Continually (L.6) ___________ frequently, regularly, constantly.
- Don´t care (L.7) ____________ don´t mind.
- Anymore (L. 7) ____________ any longer.
- Results in (L.7) _____________ produces, causes.
- Research (L.12) ____________ investigation.
- Trends (L.14) _____________ tendency, fashion.
- Purchase (L.16 _____________ adquisition.
- Work (L. 17) ______________ function.
Septiembre 2011
Opción B
Mom Unplugged Teens for Six Months
For six months, Susan Maushart took away the Internet, TV, iPods, cell phones and video games.
The disturbing (1) glow of screens stopped lighting up the family room. Electronic devices no longer
chirped through the night like ‘evil crickets1.’ And she stopped carrying her iPhone into the bathroom.
The result of "The Experiment" was more OMG (Oh My God) than LOL (Lots of Laughs) —and
nothing less than an immersion in RL (Real Life).
Her son, a videogame and TV addict, filled his newfound spare time playing saxophone. The
boy says that The Experiment was merely a trigger and that he would have found his way back to
music eventually (2). Either way, he got so serious playing sax that he ended up selling his game
console and is now studying music in college.
Anni, 18 then, was less wired and more bookish (3) than the others, so her transition in and
out of The Experiment was the least dramatic. It was Sussi, the youngest daughter, who had the
hardest time. As Susan decided that use of the Internet, TV and other electronics was allowed (4)
outside the home, Sussy immediately moved in with her dad —Susan’s exhusband— for six weeks.
But the electronic deprivation had an impact anyway: Sussy’s grades improved substantially.
According to Susan, the kids "awoke slowly from their state of cognitus interruptus to become
more focused logical thinkers", and so she encourages (5) families to unplug periodically. "One way
to do it is having one screen-free day a week. Not as a punishment, but as a special thing. There isn’t
a kid on the planet who wouldn’t really rather be playing a board game than sitting at the computer."
A cricket is an insect that makes short, loud noises by rubbing its wings together.
1. Link each of the words/expressions below with a word/expression in the column (as
numbered in the text). Copy the correct pair of words on your answer sheet. [1 mark]
(1) disturbing and …
(2) eventually and …
(3) bookish and …
(4) allow and …
(5) encourage and …
sooner or later
2. Reading comprehension
2.1. Choose the best option. Copy the complete correct option on your answer sheet. [0.75
a) Susan Maushart unplugged her home because the glow of the screens annoyed her.
b) The Experiment changed Susan’s son’s addictions, from playing videogames to playing music.
c) Susan’s children did not take The Experiment seriously: it was a very funny experience.
d) Susan Maushart unplugged her home to stop crickets from going into the family room.
2.2. Choose the best option. Copy the complete correct option on your answer sheet. [0.75
a) Anni could not read books during The Experiment, and so she did not really enjoy the experience.
b) Susan believes today’s kids prefer computer games to traditional ones, such as board games.
c) In Susan’s view, The Experiment affected the academic development of her children in a positive
d) Susan recommends punishing children who get poor grades with a day of unplugging every week.
3. Complete the sentences using information from the text. Do not reproduce phrases from
the text literally, unless this is unavoidable. [2 marks]
a) At the Mausharts, all electronic devices …
b) Susan’s son’s favorite …
c) Sussy could use …
d) Periodic unplugging can …
4. Complete each gap with one or more adequate words. Do not copy the complete text on
your sheet, only letters (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), and (f) followed by the word(s) that you find suitable
for the gap. [1.5 marks]
Susan began The Experiment with a drastic measure: She turned ___ (a) the electricity completely
for a few weeks —candles instead of electric lights and ___ (b) hot showers. When it all ended, she
hoped that the "electricity is awesome!" reaction ___ (c) soften the kids' transition to life without
Google or cell phones.
After The Experiment, she made a major change in her ___ (d) life, moving with Sussy from
Australia to New York. Of course, the move only perpetuated her need to live in ___ (e) places at
once: She kept on working for an Australian newspaper and is "living on Skype" because her older
children stayed Down Under to ___ (f) university.
5. How has The Experiment changed the life of the Mausharts? You are expected to draw
information from the text, but please use your own words. (25-50 words) [2 marks]
6. What would you do without Internet access or without your cell phone for a whole
day? Express your own ideas and use your own words. (25-50 words) [2 marks]
Synonyms ____________ Mom unplugged …..
- Unplugged ( título) : switched off
- Devices (L.2) : gadgets
- No longer (L.2): any more
- Stopped (L.3): gave up
- Merely (L.7): simply
- Eventually (L.8): finally, in the end
- Either way (L.8): anyway
- Ended up (L.8): finished
- Hardest (L.12): most difficult
- Impact (L.14): effect
- Grades (L.14): marks
- Substantially (L.14): a lot
- So (L.16): therefore, consequently
- Periodically (L.16): now and then, from time to time
- Would rather (L.18): would prefer
Recent studies within the business community have provided some interesting, somewhat disturbing, but not terribly
surprising information.
- Fat people earn less than those who are slimmer.
- Tall people find it easier to gain promotions in the workplace.
- Good-looking people earn more than those of average looks, and those of average looks earn
more than those who are ugly.
Is all this fair? Obviously not, where did we get the idea that everything in life would be fair? In an ideal world, perhaps a
person´s compensation and advancement would be based solely on one´s competence and job performance, but we don´t
live in an ideal world. For example, the boss´s son may start at the bottom as a clerk in the stockroom, get promoted to
sales manager after three weeks and vice-president after six months; the lazy or incompetent worker may not always suffer
(1) the consequences of poor performance; there are others who appear to be just plain lucky: Examples abound.
But if you are short, or fat, or less attractive, what can you do? You can focus on those qualities you can control. You
can be carefully groomed (2) and tastefully dressed. You can work hard and take on extra responsibilities. You can develop
a positive attitude (3), work to improve your personality, build your knowledge of the job, become more competent (4),
make yourself indispensable to your employer. Every success will build your confidence, improve your luck and lead to
even greater success.
There are things we can control. We can´t change our genetic structure, our physical and mental limitations; we can´t
change our sex or our race. But we can decide to make the best possible use of those qualities we can influence or control.
The rest of us could also improve our opportunities by following (5) these guidelines.
1. Link each of the word or expressions listed below with one word or expression in the column (as numbered in the text). (
1 mark ). Please copy the correct pair of words on your answer sheet, e.g. “ devour and …”.
act according to
suffer (1) and
groomed (2) and
attitude (3) and
competent (4) and
follow (5) and
2. Reading comprehension.
2.1. Choose the best option (0.75 marks). Please copy the complete correct option on your answer sheet.
In an ideal world
a worker would get promotion for his efficiency.
a lazy person would get a proper job.
luck would be essential.
you would have to compete with the boss´s son.
2.2 Choose the best option (0.75 marks). Please copy the complete correct option on your answer sheet.
If you make yourself indispensable to your employer means:
- Both your employer and you will be necessary for the job.
- Your employer will feel essential to you.
- You will be needed by your employer.
- You may get more competent.
3. Complete the sentences using information from the text ( 2 marks ). It is important that phrases from the text are
not_reproduced literally unless this is unavoidable. ( 2 marks ).
a. Recent studies have showed _____________________________________________________________
b. We must control _____________________________________________________________________
c. The more successful you are _____________________________________________________________
d. If we follow the guidelines, _____________________________________________________________
4. Complete with one or more adequate words, using information from the text. It is not necessary fo the complete text to
be copied on your answer sheet; only the letter - (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f) - followed by the word or words that you find
suitable for the gaps. It is important that phrases from the text are not reproduced literally. ( 1´5 marks ).
Recent studies have ____________________(a) that fat people do not earn ____________________ (b) money as
people _________________ (c) are slimmer _______________ (d) they. ___________________ (e) it is much easier for
tall people to __________________ (f) promoted in the workplace.
5. What does the writer advise people to do? (25-50 words) You are expected to draw information from the text, but please,
use your own words. (25-50 words) ( 2 marks )
6. Do you think handicapped people should be given equal opportunities? Explain your reasons. Express your own ideas by
using your own words. ( 25-50 words) (2 marks).
- Within _____________ in
- Provided ____________ given, supplied
- Slimmer _____________ thinner
- Gain promotions _______ be promoted
- Average _____________ common
- Looks _______________ appearances
- Fair _________________legitimate
- Perhaps ______________ maybe
- Solely _______________ only, just, merely
- For example __________ for instance
- Sales ________________ selling
- Suffer _______________ be affected
- Consequences _________ results, effects
- Performance __________ practice
- Appear _______________ look, seem
- Plain _________________ simple
- Lucky ________________ fortunate
- Focus on ______________ give importance to
- Take on _______________ assume
- Develop ______________ amplify
- Improve _______________get better
- Lead __________________direct, guide
- Change ________________alter
Vocabulary related to the topic
- Capacity, ability, skill ______________________ capacidad, habilidad, destreza
- Discapacity, handicap ______________________ discapacidad, obstáculo
- Disabled, handicapped ______________________ discapacitado, con obstáculos
- Equal, the same ___________________________ igual, el mismo.
- To take advantage of ________________________ sacar partido de