Teaching Guide - IRIS Early Intervention in Psychosis

Manchester Mental Health & Social Trust - Early Interventions Training
Unit 4 - Navigating Mental Health Services
Trainers Guide
Putting the Session into Context:
This session is essential in enabling trainees to understand how mental
health services are organised and how clients and their carers can access
services. The session includes a description of all professionals who might
be involved in first onset psychosis. The session goes on to explain how
the CPA works and how specialist mental health services are currently
being developed to address the needs of young people with a first onset of
a psychotic illness. The Mental Health Act and how it affects clients is also
presented alongside the proposed changes to this act. Group exercises
allow trainees to use their own experiences to consider what they would
require from mental health services.
 Teaching materials required:
A flipchart /pens
Large sheets of paper for group work, pens and adhesive putty.
Handouts of overheads
Group work exercises
Lap top and projector or acetates and OHP
Reflective workbook
Evaluation Sheets
 Training Outcomes:
After completion of this unit participants will be expected to:
 To have gained an understanding of how services are organised
and the people involved in the delivery of mental health care.
 To be aware of the Mental Health Act and it’s implications for both
clients and carers.
 To have a basic understanding of the process of the CPA.
 References.
Charman, S. (2003) Mental health services for children & young people:
the past, present and future of service development and policy. Mental
health Review, 9, (2) 6 - 14
McGlynn C (2003) Caring for mind and body: Medical monitoring and
lifestyle training key to good health for people with schizophrenia [Website]
Available from<: http://www.camh.net/publications> [Accessed July 2005]
Phillips SD, Burns BJ, Edgar E.R. et al. (2001). Moving Assertive
Community Treatment into Standard Practice Psychiatric Services, 52:
771- 719.
Manchester Mental Health & Social Trust - Early Interventions Training
Rethink (2004) Care Programme Approach and Care Management.
Available from < http://www.rethink.org/information > [Accessed July
Royal College of Psychiatry (2004) The Care Programme Approach
Available from< www.rcpsych.ac.uk/publications > [Accessed July 2005]
Sim, K., R. Mahendran and S. A. Chong (2005). "Health-related quality of
life and psychiatric comorbidity in first episode psychosis." Comprehensive
Psychiatry 46(4): 278-283.
The Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health (2003) A Window of Opportunity:
A practical guide for developing early intervention in psychosis services,
London: The Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health
 Further Reading :
Burns, T., Knapp, M., Catty, J.,Heal, A., Henderson, J., Watt, H. and
Wright, C
( 2001). Home Treatment for mental health problems : a systematic
review. Health Technology Assessment , 5 ( 15) .
Department of Health (1999). National service framework for mental
health: modern standards and service models. London: Department of
Department of Health (2001) Mental Health Policy Implementation Guide.
London: Department for Health
Irvine, B. and Morley, D. (2001). Children’s mental health: creating
comprehensive services in a climate of change. YoungMinds 51, 20-21
Harrison J., Marshall S., Marshall P., Marshall J. and Creed F. (2003)
Day hospital vs home treatment--a comparison of illness severity and
Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol.38 (10):541-6.
Kurtz, Z., Thornes, R. and Wolkind, S. (1994). Services for the Mental
Health of Children and Young People in England: A National Review.
London: Department of Public Health, South Thames (West) RHA
Lang, M.A., Davidson, L., Bailey, P. and Levine, M.S. (1999).Clinicians'
and Clients' Perspectives on the Impact of Assertive Community
Treatment', Psychiatric Services, 50 (10), 1331-1340.
National Institute for Clinical Excellence (2002) Schizophrenia :Core
interventions in the treatment and management of schizophrenia in
Manchester Mental Health & Social Trust - Early Interventions Training
primary and secondary care , London: National Institute for Clinical
Marder SR, Essock SM, and Covell N et al (2004) Physical health
monitoring of patients with schizophrenia. Am J Psychiatry.161(8)1334 49
McGorry,P.D. and Jackson(eds) (1999) The recognition and management
of Early Psychosis . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
McGrew, J.H., Bond, G.R., (1995) Critical Ingredients of Assertive
Community Treatment: Judgements of the Experts, The Journal of Mental
Health Administration, 22 (2), 113-125.
Skeate,A.,Jackson,C and Birchwood,M (2002) Duration of untreated
psychosis and pathways to care in first episode psychosis. British Journal
of Psychiatry, 181 (43) 573 – 577.