FALL 08 SANTIAGO CANYON COLLEGE DEPARTMENT OF ART Course Instruction Syllabus Packet Tkt #610013 Intro to Art Concepts #100 Instructor: Nanci Schrieber-Smith, M.F.A. Home phone (call before 10 p.m. and after 6 am)>(714)529-7131 Use telephone number above if urgent >>>> NEVER LEAVE MESSAGES AT SCHOOL Professor Schrieber-Smith’s mission statement: “My mission as an arts educator is to share my knowledge in the field of art and art history as well as my enthusiasm for the diversity in the world at large. My goal is to empower each student to recognize the importance of art in their life and in society. My role as an educator is to inspire each individual's life-long quest for learning about all aspects of the world in which we live. The more knowledgeable an individual becomes, the more that individual will treasure both his/her local AND global society. I truly believe that a sound, well rounded education can not separate intellectual development from moral development.” General Summary Of This Instructor’s Classes 1. WITHDRAWALS?? Should you need to withdraw (drop) from this class, it is YOUR responsibility as an enrolled student to make sure you have successfully withdrawn. To drop from class without receiving a “W” you must do so by September 5th. To drop with a “W” grade you must do so by November 14th. Follow the course withdrawal procedures as written in the school catalog. A student who never attends or who has excessive absence hours in excess of 20% of the total scheduled hours of the class may be dropped by the instructor. A student who stops attending a course for which she/he is officially registered without following accepted procedures will receive an “F” grade in that course. (College catalog) 2. ACADEMIC HONESTY?? Students will complete their own work. Plagiarism and work done by someone else will be considered cheating and the cheating student/students will fail the course. It is the student's responsibility to know the Academic honesty policy of this college. (College catalog) 3. DISABILITIES?? Students with verifiable disabilities who want to request academic accommodations are responsible for notifying their instructor and Disabled Students Programs and Services center as early as possible in the semester. To arrange for accommodations, contact DSPS at (714) 628-4860, (714)639-9742 (TTY) or stop by the center in room E-105. 4. DRESS CODE??? Students should wear clothing appropriate for art studio conditions that often contain paint, ink, dust and other substances that can stain clothing. Neither the instructor nor the Art Department is responsible for cleaning, repairing or replacing any damaged clothing or book bags. Clothing which is too revealing or indecent due to showing underwear or lack of underwear AND/OR clothing which voices vulgarity are discouraged because they do not show self respect or respect for others and it furthermore can adversely affect the learning environment. 5. OFFICE HOURS??? I will be available for conference ¼ hour before and ¼ hour after each class meeting. If additional time is needed or this time is not convenient, we will work out a meeting time and place per situation. 6. EMERGENCY RESPONSE??? Please take note of the safety features in and close to your classroom, as well as study the posted evacuation route. The most direct route of egress may not be the safest because of the existence of roofing tiles or other potentially hazardous conditions. Similarly, running out of the building can also be dangerous during severe earthquakes. During strong quakes the recommended response is to duck-cover-and hold until the shaking stops. Follow the guidance of your instructor in evacuating the building as soon as it is safe to do so. You are asked to go to the designated assembly area. Please assist rescue personnel by making sure that your instructor knows that you left the building; your instructor has been asked to report this information to the building supervisor/dean or directly to the information officer at the Emergency Operations Center. Your cooperation during emergencies can minimize the possibility of injury to yourself and to emergency personnel. 7. This entire Course Instruction Packet including the General Summary and Syllabus needs to be read, retained and periodically reviewed by the student throughout the semester. 1 FALL 08 ART 110 Introduction to Art 7:15pm – 10:25 pm THURSDAY EVENINGS 3 UNITS Professor: Nanci Schrieber-Smith, MFA SYLLABUS/COURSE OUTLINE SEMESTER OBJECTIVE: This lecture/discussion styled class is designed to introduce the periods, processes and personae of the past and present art world including a brief survey of architecture, painting, and sculpture. By exposing the student to a diversity of art forms from all aspects of the world of art, the student's aesthetic perceptions will be developed based on both the formal Principals of Design and Elements of Form. This course is directed to the non-art major and to the prospective art major. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES “SLO’s” Upon completion of the course the student will be able to do the following: 1. Identify common themes and purposes that underlie the art of all cultures. 2. Identify formal elements in a work of art and explain how they function. 3. Distinguish between representational, abstract, and non-representational art. 4. Identify techniques and materials used to create various art forms. 5. Identify selected artists, styles, and works of art within the history of art. During the process of this class, the student will learn to recognize the relationship of the Visual Arts to: all aspect of everyday life in the world at large. Classroom instruction will consist of lectures, slide presentations, PowerPoint presentations, video tapes and class discussion. ************************************************************************************************* REQUIRED TEXT: Prebles’ Artforms by Patrick Frank (9th Edition published by Pearson). This book and your class notes are your study tools. The book is REQUIRED. REQUIRED SUPPLIES: use this checklist 1) _____ Seven (7) SCANTRON FORM #882 (ONLY)_____and a #2 pencil 2) _____ A notebook for taking notes. You may use your laptop to take notes. 3) _____ A folder to turn in your Required Museum Reports and any Extra Credit Projects you have chosen to do. Purchase the above supplies by The Second Class Meeting and come to EACH class prepared with scantrons, pencil and notebook. Because....You never know when there will be a pop quiz!! SYLLABUS CONTINUED...... 2 FALL 08 GRADING POLICY: Grades are not given - they must be earned! YOUR GRADE WILL BE DETERMINED BY THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: 1. ATTENDANCE/PARTICIPATION: As a member of this class I require that you be on time and stay for the entire class. (Three (3) tardies will be calculated as one absence). If you have acquired (3)THREE OR MORE ABSENCES during the semester your grade will be lowered by one grade point. A make-up project will be assigned by me AT YOUR REQUEST in order to keep absences from affecting your grade. The project you will be assigned will require an equivalent amount of time to your absences. 2. TESTING: A maximum total of 355 Testing/quizzing points is achievable for the semester. Each of the three exams will be valued at 85 points, plus a total of 100 points will be given in "pop" quizzes. <This equals 355 points. (The GRADE SCALE is: 355-320=A, 319-285=B, 284-250=C, 249-215=D). All exams will be objective: multiple choice, true & false and slide recognition. Borderline grades will be influenced up or down by optional extra credit projects and museum reports (see #3 & #4 below). YOUR GOAL IS TO EARN AS MANY OF THE 355 POINTS AS YOU CAN FOR THIS SEMESTER -- IT’S YOU AGAINST THE POINTS AND NOT YOU AGAINST YOUR FELLOW STUDENT. 3. MUSEUM REPORTS (ONE is REQUIRED) A maximum submission of two museum reports for the semester. (Visiting 2 separate museums) IMPORTANT: ONE OF THESE 2 REPORTS IS REQUIRED the other is for extra credit. If I do not receive the required 1 museum report from you, I will deduct 30 points from your total semester points. Each individual museum report is valued at 30 points. A How to Write a Museum Report format (yellow paper) will be given out on first day of class. This format MUST be followed when writing your report. Keep copies as Museum Reports will NOT be returned to you. 4. EXTRA CREDIT HANDS-ON PROJECTS: (optional--Not required) Some hands-on projects are offered for outside of class. These projects are designed to enhance your awareness of the indispensable affect of art in society. They are not required. They are simply extra credit. Extra credit projects and their point values will only be announced during the course of my regular lectures. I offer between 5 to 7 extra credit projects during the semester and the total point value of all the extra credit projects ranges between 50-70 points. Extra credit projects can influence your grade dramatically so it is a good idea to do them. Keep copies as Extra Credit Projects will NOT be returned to you. DUE DATE* FOR MUSEUM REPORTS AND EXTRA CREDIT ALL MUSEUM REPORTS AND EXTRA CREDIT PROJECTS ARE DUE ON THE SECOND TO LAST CLASS OF THE SEMESTER (THAT'S THE CLASS BEFORE THE FINAL >> see attached Course Calendar) THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS. *Everything should be submitted in file folder - with your name on the folder. SYLLABUS CONTINUED...... 3 FALL 08 HOMEWORK >>homework for this class consists of: 1. WEEKLY READING FROM THE REQUIRED TEXTBOOK. A semester calendar is attached at the end of this syllabus for your weekly reading responsibilities. Chapters 1 and 20 are to be read by second class meeting. 2. STUDYING FOR UPCOMING EXAMS. A semester calendar is attached at the end of this syllabus for your exam studying responsibilities. 3. KEEPING UP WITH END OF SEMESTER SUBMISSIONS (i.e. Required Museum Report, Extra Credit Projects see page 3 > #3 & 4 ) NOTE TAKING Notes should be taken during all class experiences (lectures as well as during audio visual presentations.) Keeping a good set of notes is to your advantage. These notes and your textbook should be used as your study tools. I strongly recommend that you obtain phone numbers of two or more fellow students for purposes of comparing/sharing notes or for purposes of forming a study group. YOU ARE WELCOME TO BREING A LAPTOP TO CLASS FOR THE PURPOSES OF NOTE TAKING. EXAM/READING TOPIC ASSIGNMENTS: Exams dates are also on the attached calendar. Exam I : Chapters 1- 4 & 20 Art is../The Language of Visual Experience/Late 18th and 19th Exam II: Chapters 6, 7, 8, 11 & 12 (Includes pgs 430,442-4) Two-Dimensional Arts & Three-Dimensional Arts Exam III: Chapters 13 & 16 Architecture & Renaissance/Baroque ****MAKE UP TESTS: must be taken within two class meetings of the original test date and they are 100% your responsibility. If you need to make up a test either call me or see me as soon as possible to arrange your make-up. After the first 2 weeks, you have forfeited your make up opportunity. There will be no possibility of making up missed quizzes except through extra credit projects. END OF SYLLABUS As a courtesy to everyone in the class, please turn off your cell phone when entering the lecture room. 4 FALL 08 SYLLABUS CALENDAR (Fall semester 2008) This is a proposed* calendar of lectures/reading assignments for this course. In order to EARN an honorable grade, it is extremely important that you stay current with your reading. MONDAY EVENINGS 7:15-10:25 Week 1 Aug 25 Week 2 Sept1 Week 3 Sep 8 Week 4 Sep 15 "Intro to Intro” review syllabus Receive Exam 1 Study Guide Lecture Chapter 1 Purposes & Functions of Art NO CLASS - LABOR DAY A good time to go to a museum!!!! Lecture Chapter 20 The Age of Enlightenment & Age of Reason Lecture Chapter 2 Untrained Artists vs Folk Artists / Differences between Representational, Non-Representational & Abstract Art Week 5 Sep 22 Week 6 Sep 29 Chapter 3 VISUAL ELEMENTS (up to color) Lecture on COLOR & on Chapter 4 Principles of Design Know your vocabulary? from Exam 1 Study Guide Week 7 Oct 6 EXAM #1 on Chapters 1-4 and 20. (1hour 10 min.) Week 8 Oct 13 Lecture finish Chapter 6 & 7 Drawing & Painting Receive Study Guide for Exam #2 ***EXTRA CREDIT (Week 8)- TODAY ONLY Show me proof that you have been to an art museum by this date in the semester & receive 10 extra points. TODAY ONLY Week 9 Oct 20 Week 10 Oct 27 Week 11 Nov 3 Week 12 Nov 10 Week 13 Nov 17 Week 14 Nov 24 Week 15 Dec 1 Week 16 Dec 8 Lecture Chapter 8 Printmaking Lecture on Chapters 11 & 12 Sculpture & Crafts Know your vocabulary? on Exam 2 study Guide EXAM #2 on Chapter 6, 7, 8, 11 & 12 NO CLASS - VETERANS DAY A good time to go to a museum!!!! Lecture on Chapter 13 Architecture Receive Study Guide for Final Exam #3 Lecture continued on Chapter 13 Architecture Know your vocabulary? from the Exam 3 study guide ALL MUSEUM REPORTS and EXTRA CREDIT PROJECTS DUE TODAY ONLY!! NO EXCEPTIONS! Lecture on Chapter 16 Renaissance toRococco FINAL EXAM #3 MANDATORY on Chapter 13 &16 *Barring any unforeseen technical problems, or acts of God. Any deviations will be announced in class. Keep this handy to make changes if announced. 5 FALL 08 ANY QUESTIONS ????? (don’t wait till after first day of class to ask me, because there are at least 5 other fellow students that would like to have an answer to your question too!) **** If you have no further questions, please fill out the front and back of the next page and turn in to your instructor* * What is her name? 6 FALL 08 Please answer questions on both sides of this page before submitting >>> If you have no further questions, please complete both sides of this sheet >> sign below and turn it in : I have received a copy of the Course Instruction Packet including General Summary and Syllabus for ____________________________________ (course name and number) in the Spring Semester/ Fall Semester/ Summer Semester (Circle One) 20____(Year). I have read the syllabus and have been offered an opportunity to ask questions about it. I understand and agree to the requirements of this course’s General Summary, and Syllabus. Signature __________________________________Student #__________________ Print Name ________________________________________Date___________________________ 7 FALL 08 Please answer questions on both sides of this page before submitting >>> “GETTING TO KNOW YOU…” Please answer the following three questions in conversational English. THIS WILL NOT BE GRADED. It is just to let me know something about who is enrolled in this class. ********************************************************************************************* 1. Why are YOU attending college at this point in YOUR life? __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 2. In what way is (ART) now a part of YOUR daily life? (Be specific) Or is it? __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 3. What are the names of the fellow students sitting closest to you today? ___________________________________________________ 8 FALL 08 ___________________________________________________ 9