2006년 2학기 IMEN 281정보시스템기술 (Information System Technology) Instructor: Office: Phone: E-mail/Homepage: Class hours: Class room: Class homepage: 김병인 공학 4동 217호 279-2371 bkim@postech.ac.kr, http://www.postech.ac.kr/~bkim 화, 목 14:45 - 16:00 (금 13:15-14:15) 공학 4동 302호 (4동 305호) http://eclass.postech.ac.kr 강의목표 실제의 여러 가지 산업경영공학적인 문제들을 컴퓨터를 이용해서 해결해 본다. C++/JAVA 를 이용하여 객체지향언어개념과 자료구조 및 알고리즘에 관한 기초지식을 배우고 어떻게 전산화하는지 학습하고 최단경로문제, Bin Packing, 스켸쥴링, 물류시스템 문제들에 적용하여 본다. 강의선수/수강필수사항 CSED 101 전자계산입문(Introduction to Computing) * CSED 103 프로그래밍입문(Introduction to Programming), CSED 232 객체지향 프로그래밍(Object Oriented Programming), CSED 233 데이터 구조 및 알고리즘(Data Structure and Algorithms)를 수강했거나 이번 학기에 수강하는 학생들은 본 과목을 수강하지 말기를 권유함. 성적평가계획 Homework 40 % Mid Term Exam 20 % Final Exam 30 % Class Attendance & Participation 10% * Grading rate (A:30%, B:30%, C:30%, D:10%). This is subject to change. 강의교재 Sartaj Sahni, Data Structures, Algorithms, and Applications in C++ 2nd edition, Silicon Press, 2005 참고도서 C++, C++ Standard Library 관련서적 Visual C++, .NET 관련서적 Visual Basic 관련서적 강의진도계획 1. Object Oriented Programming (C++) 2. Data Structures 3. Algorithms 4. Applications 기타참조사항 1) Plagiarism An act or instance of plagiarizing (defined by webster.com) Plagiarizing: (1) to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own : use (another's production) without crediting the source, (2) to commit literary theft : present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source Tentative Course Schedule Topic Class Organization, Demos C++: Recursive functions, Class, Function Overloading,Constructor, Destructor, Copy constructor C++: Inheritance, Operator Overloading Template, Exception Handling C++ STL Complexity Analysis Asymptotic Notation, Performance Measurement HW1 (String Class) Due Linear List, Array, Minimum Spanning Trees 추석 Linked List Arrays Stacks HW2 (MST) Due Queues, Machine Shop Simulation Skip list & Hashing Mid Term Exam Binary Trees Priority Queues, Shortest Path Algorithm Tournament Trees HW3 (Machine Shop Simulation) Due Binary Search Trees, Balanced Search Trees INFORMS Graphs Chapter Week Date 1 9/5 9/7 1 2 1 2 3,4 3 9/12 9/14 9/19 9/21 9/26 9/28 1 4 5, 17 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13,14,15 6 7 8 9 10 10/19 10/24 10/26 10/31 11/2 11/7 11/9 16 11 Greedy Methods, TSP 17 12 Divide and Conquer HW#4 (SP) Due 18 13 Dynamic Programming 19 14 Web Service 등 open topics HW#5 (TSP) Due Final Exam 10/3 10/5 10/10 10/12 10/17 15 - 16 11/14 11/16 11/21 11/23 11/28 11/30 12/5 12/7 12/12 12/14 12/19 Homeworks 1. String class: constructor, destructor, copy constructor, operator overloading 2. Minimum Spanning Tree 3. Machine Simulation & Scheduling 4. Shortest Path Algorithms using different data structures 5. TSP: GUI, Greedy, 2-Opt, full enumeration Tentative Lab schedules No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Date 9/8 9/15 9/22 9/29 10/6 10/13 10/20 10/27 11/3 11/10 11/17 11/24 12/1 12/8 12/15 Task C++기초, helloWorld, recursive functions: factoral, permutation POSTECH & KAIST학생대제전 C++개념, information hiding, inheritance, polymorphism Visual C++, GUI, Graphic, Document & View 추석 Visual C++, Network 표현 중간고사 Visual C++, TSP C++ STL이용 Library 만들기, 이용 (Static, DLL) CPlex library 이용, Assignment Problem Visual Basic Visual Basic + Excel Web Service 기말고사 시작