POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY: THE SCIENCE OF HAPPINESS FALL 2009 INSTRUCTOR: OFFICE: EMAIL: PHONE: OFFICE HOURS: Dr. Ryan Duffy PSYC 218 rduf@ufl.edu 352-392-7985 Tuesdays 2:00-3:30 GRADUATE TA: OFFICE: EMAIL: OFFICE HOURS: Clarissa Edge PSYC 236 edgec@ufl.edu Thursdays 1:00-3:00 COURSE DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this course is to examine the fundamentals positive psychology. The course begins with an exploration of the history of positive psychology and its basic tenants. Next we will explore positive relationships and many of the subtopics of positive psychology, such as life meaning, religion/spirituality, career development, and positive psychology interventions. COURSE OBJECTIVES: Understand the basic principles of positive psychology. Understand the major areas within positive psychology that have received a considerable amount of attention in the literature. Understand the role of relationships in achieving a happy life. Understand how to use positive psychology techniques in your own life. Understand the strengths and positive life experiences of other class members. REQUIRED TEXTS: Lopez & Snyder (2009): Oxford Handbook of Positive Psychology INSTRUCTIONAL METHOD: Class time will be devoted primarily to lecture and class discussion. EVALUATION CRITERIA: The course is graded A to F. A late paper will be lowered 5% for every day they are late, including weekends. Computer problems under any circumstances will NOT excuse a late paper or assignment. Papers are only accepted in hard copy, not as attachments through email. There are no makeup exams and missed tests must be accompanied with written verification for why the exam was missed (e.g., doctors note). In addition to expecting regular class attendance and informed class participation, course grades will be based on the following: Grading Scale: (a) (b) (c) (d) Exam I Exam II Strength assignment Gratitude assignment 40% 40% 10% 10% A B C D 90-100 80-89.99 70-79.99 60-69.99 A grade of “I” (incomplete) is assigned only for work which has been of a passing quality through the academic term but which, for good reason and with approval of the instructor, cannot be completed within the time frame of the semester. Students for whom special circumstances may warrant an “I” must discuss this matter with the instructor before the last day of class. (a) Exams: Two exams will be given over the course of the semester, and they will include ONLY multiple choice questions. Tests will be based on classroom, book, article, and discussion material. The final is NOT cumulative. Approximately 1/2 of the questions come from lecture. (b) Strength Assignment: 1. Prior to class on 9/15/2009, students will complete the VIA SURVEY OF CHARACTER STRENGTHS 2. http://www.authentichappiness.sas.upenn.edu/ 3. Students will print out their results and bring them to class on 9/15/2009 4. During class on 9/15/2009, students will be assigned to interview another class member for 30 minutes and then be interviewed themselves by a class member for 30 minutes. 5. During these interviews, the goal will be to understand what is “best” about the other student, which in positive psychology language is labeled signature strengths. 6. The specific questions to ask during this interview will be developed by the class before the interview occurs. 7. Students will give a print out of their signature strength questionnaire results to the student that interviewed them. 8. Based on their interview of another class member, as well as that student’s signature strength questionnaire, students will complete a paper of NO MORE THAN 1 PAGE, 12 point font, double spaced, Times New Roman lettering, 1 inch margins, in black ink. This paper will describe what is best about this student. This paper is due on 9/22/2009 9. On 9/22/2009, students will briefly present to the entire class what is best about the student they interviewed. 10. You will be graded out of 10 points on proper completion of the paper, proper formatting and grammar, and being present to make the class presentation. (b) Gratitude Assignment: 1. Think of someone who has done something important and wonderful for you, yet who has not been properly thanked. 2. Reflect on the benefits you received from this person and write him or her a letter expressing your gratitude for all he or she did for you. 3. This letter should be no more than 1 typed page in length. 4. Arrange to deliver the letter to him or her personally. You will arrange this visit in advance, not telling the person exactly why you are coming, but making sure it is just a one-on-one visit. You will read your letter aloud to them and spend some time with him or her talking about what you wrote. 5. You will write a one page paper about this experience. This is to be NO MORE THAN 1 PAGE, 12 point font, double spaced, Times New Roman lettering, 1 inch margins, in black ink. Anything differing from this will be graded harshly. 6. You will briefly present to the class your experiences with the assignment (approximately 3 minute presentation) on 12/8/2009. 7. You will turn into me your one page gratitude letter and your one page description of the experience, stapled together, on 12/8/2009. 8. You will be graded out of 10 points on proper completion of the assignment and on proper formatting and grammar, NOT on the content of the letter or experience. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: You are expected to be familiar with the University policy on academic dishonesty, as this policy applies to our class as well as to others. Failure to comply with academic integrity policies may result in failing the course and progression through standard university procedures. ACADEMIC ACCOMMODATIONS FOR PERSONS WITH UNIQUE NEEDS: In compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), I will work with accomodations that are needed If you have a documented disability and wish to discuss academic accommodations, please contact me. Schedule Class Date Topic Part I: Positive Psychology Basics 1. 8.25 What is positive psychology? What is negative psychology? 2. 9.1 Who is happy? 3. 9.8 Being positive 4. 9.15 Signature strengths/interviews 5. 9.22 STRENGTH PRESENTATIONS Part II: Positive Relationships 6. 9.29 The formation of relationships 7. 10.6 Who does well in relationships…and who doesn’t 8. 10.13 Maintaining satisfactory relationships 9. 10.20 MIDTERM/INDIVIDUAL MEETINGS Part III: Actively Seek Happiness 10. 10.27 Life purpose, meaning, and goals 11. 11.3 Altruism and forgiveness 12. 13. 11.10 Religion and spirituality 11.17 Gratitude 14. 15. 11.24 Career development and working 12.1 PP interventions/GRATITUDE PRESENTATIONS 12.8 FINAL/GRATITUDE PRESENTATIONS 16. Readings 1, 2, 7 (Diener et al., 2006) 17, 63 (Diener, 1999; Myers, 2000) 3, 19, 28, 29, (Fredrickson, 2001) 4, (Dahlsgaard, 2005) (Baumeister & Leary, 1995; 42, (Myers, 2000) 43, (Lucas, 2003) 64, (Ryan & Deci, 2001) 37, 39, 40 58, (Hill & Pargament, 2003) 41 55, (Halpern, 2005) 5, Seligman (2005)