INDEX - 2006 A AGREEMENTS, CONTRACTS, LEASES BOCES Authorizing contract with the Otsego-Northern Catskill Board of Cooperative Education Services for payment of one-third of tuition costs for practical nursing students - Res. 720060104 9 CHEMICAL DEPENDENCIES CLINIC Authorizing Chairman to execute contract with registered nurse for services at the Chemical Dependencies Clinic (Christine Mitchell) - Res. 9-20060104 Authorizing the Chairman of the Board to execute contract with Otsego-Northern Catskill BOCES for substance abuse preventive services - Res. 21-20060104 Approving execution of contract for the rendering of alcoholism services in Otsego County (LEAF) - Res. 2220060104 Authorizing agreement with Wildata Systems Group for annual technical support for software at the Mental Health Clinic and Chemical Dependencies Clinic - Res. 9220060301 Authorizing Chairman to execute contract with physician for services at Mental Health Clinic and Chemical Dependencies Clinic (Margaret Blackburn) - Res. 143-20060405 11 23 24 98 154 CODE ENFORCEMENT Authorizing the Chairman of the Board to execute legal services agreement for the Code Enforcement Office (Stephen F. Baker) - Res. 10-20060104 Authorizing Chairman of the Board to contract for demolition of structure (Williams Excavating) - Res.114-20060301 12 116 COOPERATIVE EXTENSION ASSOCIATION Authorizing the Chairman of the Board to execute an agreement with Cornell Cooperative Extension of Otsego County - Res. 11-20060104 CORONERS 13 Authorizing Chairman to enter into contract designating Dr. Edwin Y. Ko as a coroner's physician - Res. 12-20060104 14 COUNTY BUILDINGS Authorizing County Auditor to purchase upgrade for County's Central Telephone System (Ronco) - Res. 8-20060104 Awarding fuel products contracts for County of Otsego - Res. 196-20060607 Authorizing Chairman of the Board to contract for roof replacement at Public Safety Building (WCA Roofing & Sheet Metal Co.) - Res. 205-20060621 10 235 245 COUNTY CLERK Authorizing the Chairman of the Board to execute grant acceptance form, comply with all reporting requirements, and to enter into agreements and any other documents required by the State to obtain Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund Grant (Inventory Needs Assessment) - Res. 212-20060705 275 DISTRICT ATTORNEY Authorizing Chairman of the Board to execute agreement with State of New York, Division of Criminal Justices Services for receipt of grant funds for District Attorney's Office (Assistant District Attorney) - Res. 264-20060920 340 E911/COMMUNICATIONS Authorizing Chairman of the Board to execute agreement with State of New York to receive Local Wireless 911 reimbursement - Res. 64-20060201 69 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Authorizing amendment to TRC Enterprises' loan schedule Res. 147-20060405 Authorizing amendment to Custom Electronics' Loan and Development agreement - Res. 166-20060503 Authorizing loan from Otsego County Job Development Loan Program (GrafiQa Graphic Design/Christopher Quereau) Res. 204-20060621 Authorizing loan from Otsego County Micro-Enterprise Loan Program (Three Mile Design) - Res. 231-20060802 Authorizing loan from Otsego County Micro-Enterprise Loan Program (Gunstig! Inc. d/b/a Cooperstown Cookie Company Patricia Drumm Grady) - Res. 241-20060906 157 179 244 296 309 EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING Authorization to extend the current contract between the Chenango, Delaware, Otsego Workforce Investment Board (CDO WIB) and the Office of Employment and Training for the provision of youth services - Res. 242-20060906 310 HEALTH (DEPARTMENT OF) Amending Resolution No. 72-2005 - Authorizing the Chairman of the Board to execute amended contract for increased IAP Grant Funds - Res. 138-20060405 Authorizing Chairman of the Board to contract with MedImpact Healthcare Systems, Inc. - Res. 157-20060503 Approving dental care service to Otsego County residents (American Mobile Dental, Inc.) - Res. 197-20060607 Authorizing Chairman of the Board to contract with State of New York Department of Health to receive grant funds (Lead Poisoning & Prevention Grant) - Res. 229-20060802 Authorizing Chairman of the Board to execute agreement with Health Research, Inc. to receive grant funds for public health preparedness and response to Bioterrorism Plan - Res. 28920061004 150 171 237 295 368 HIGHWAY Authorizing Chairman of the Board to enter into agreements for professional engineering services for various county roads for the year 2006 - Res. 28-20060104 Authorizing Chairman to enter into contract and lease agreement with Kenneth Williams - Res. 130-20060315 Authorizing Superintendent of Highways to contract for purchases of certain equipment, services and materials (Compactor, Road Painting, Sand, Stone & Gravel) - Res. 156-20060503 Authorizing Superintendent of Highways to extend agreements for services and materials (Cold In-Place Recycling, Bridge Deck Sealing, Shotcrete) - Res. 167-20060503 Authorizing Superintendent of Highways to contract for purchase of certain materials, supplies and services (Liquid Asphalt, Culvert Pipe & Structural Steel, Guide Rail, Asphalt Concrete) - Res. 178-20060607 Authorizing Chairman of the Board to contract for purchase of certain services (Bridge Replacement over Susquehanna River, BIN 3354550) - Res. 206-20060621 Authorizing Chairman of the Board to contract for purchase of certain services (Resurfacing CR #31 & CR #45) - Res. 21720060705 Authorizing Superintendent of Highways to contract for purchase of certain services (Resurfacing CR #22) - Res. 262-20060906 29 140 169 180 217 246 278 336 Authorizing Chairman of the Board to execute agreement with engineers for design and construction inspection of County Route 11 Bridge (BIN 3353890) and County Route 11D Bridge (BIN 353900) (Shumaker Consulting) - Res. 26920060920 Authorizing Chairman of the Board to execute agreement for Emergency Flood Repair Work for Highway Department (Krol Engineering) - Res. 297-20061101 Authorizing Chairman of the Board to execute agreement for emergency flood repair work for Highway Department (Ken Ross Excavating) - Res. 311-20061206 Authorizing Chairman of the Board to execute agreement with engineers for bridge construction inspection of the Susquehanna Avenue Bridge of the Susquehanna River (BIN 3354550) (Barton & Loguidice) - Res. 312-20061206 Authorizing the implementation, and funding in the first instance 100% of the Federal Aid-eligible costs, of a transportation Federal-Aid Emergency Relief Project, to fully fund the local share of the Federal-Aid eligible and ineligible project costs, and appropriating funds therefor - Res. 31520061206 345 393 423 423 425 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES Authorizing the Chairman of the Board to contract with Synergy Global Solutions for professional network consulting services - Res. 115-20060301 Authorizing the Chairman of the Board to contract with R. L. Nelson and Associates, Inc. for accounting software and implementation/training - Res. 218-20060705 Authorizing the Chairman of the Board to contract with R. L. Nelson and Associates, Inc. for accounting software and implementation/training - Res. 295-20061018 117 279 377 INSURANCE Authorizing agreement with Ernst & Young for consulting services in considering present and alternative medical benefits programs for the county - Res. 126-20060301 135 MENTAL HEALTH Authorizing Chairman to execute contract with A. O. Fox Memorial Hospital for psychiatric nurse practitioner at the Community Services Clinic - Res. 13-20060104 Authorizing Chairman to execute contract with psychiatric consultant for services at the Community Services Clinic (Robert A. Mitchell) - Res. 14-20060104 Authorizing Chairman to execute contract with psychiatric consultant for services at the Community Services Clinic (Samuel Press) - Res. 15-20060104 15 16 17 Authorizing Chairman to execute agreement with psychology intern for services at Mental Health Clinic (Louise Ferry) Res. 16-20060104 Authorizing the Chairman of the Board to execute contract with the Otsego County Chapter of the New York State Association for Retarded Citizens for sheltered employment Res. 17-20060104 Authorizing contract for Rehabilitation Support Services (Case Management and Psychosocial Rehabilitation Programs) Res. 18-20060104 Authorizing Chairman of the Board to execute a contract with the Harbour Program of MHA in Ulster Co., Inc. (Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner) - Res. 19-20060104 Approving contract with Catholic Charities of Delaware and Otsego counties for the development of intensive preventive services for adolescents - Res. 20-20060104 Authorizing Chairman of the Board to contract with Family Resource Network, Inc. (CCSI Parent Partner Program) Res. 23-20060104 Authorizing agreement with Wildata Systems Group for annual technical support for software at the Mental Health Clinic and Chemical Dependencies Clinic - Res. 9220060301 Amending Resolution No. 23-2006 - Authorizing the Chairman of the Board to execute amended contract with Family Resource Network, Inc. (CCSI Parent Partner Program) - Res. 142-20060405 Authorizing Chairman to execute contract with physician for services at Mental Health Clinic and Chemical Dependencies Clinic (Margaret Blackburn) - Res. 143-20060405 Amending Resolution No. 13-2006 - Authorizing Chairman to execute an amended contract with A. O. Fox Memorial Hospital for Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner at the Community Services Clinic - Res. 194-20060607 Authorizing Chairman to execute agreement with psychology intern for services at Mental Health Clinic (Shari Weyenberg) - Res. 227-20060802 Amending Resolution No. 19 of 2006 - Approving amended contract with Harbour Program of MHA in Ulster Co., Inc. (Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner) - Res. 245-20060906 Amending Resolution No. 18 of 2006 - Approving amended contract with Rehabilitation Support Services, Inc. - Res. 246-20060906 Amending Resolution No. 21 of 2006 - Approving amended contract with Otsego-Northern Catskill BOCES - Res. 24720060906 Approving contract with Mental Health Association in Ulster County for the development of Intensive Preventive Services for Adolescents (Case Management and Psychosocial Rehabilitation Programs) - Res. 313-20061206 18 19 20 21 22 25 98 153 154 233 293 312 313 314 531 NUTRITION PROGRAM Authorizing the retaining of a consultant dietician by the Office for the Aging - Res. 331-20061220 Amending Resolution No. 279 of 2005 - Authorizing Chairman to enter into contract with Prestige Services, Inc. for operation of the Nutrition Program for the Elderly - Res. 332-20061220 533 534 OFFICE FOR THE AGING Authorizing Chairman of the Board to execute a contract and renewal contracts to provide supportive services for elderly residents of Otsego County utilizing Expanded In-home Services for the Elderly funding - Res. 94-20060301 100 OTSEGO MANOR Authorizing Chairman to execute agreement with physical therapist to provide services at Otsego Manor (Diane P. Fedor) - Res. 29-20060104 Authorizing Chairman to execute agreement with social work consultant to provide services at Otsego Manor (Beth E. Cain) - Res. 30-20060104 Authorizing Chairman to execute agreement with nurse consultant to provide services at Otsego Manor (Sandra DeRosa) - Res. 31 (Tabled) Authorizing Chairman of the Board to contract with Health System Services, LTD., for the purchase of urologic and wound care supplies - Res. 116-20060301 Authorizing Chairman of the Board to contract for food and dietary services at Otsego Manor (Sodexho) - Res. 11720060301 Authorizing Chairman to execute an agreement for occupational therapy services at Otsego Manor (Cynthia Kelleher) - Res. 128-20060301 Authorizing Chairman to execute agreement with nurse consultant to provide services at Otsego Manor (Sandra DeRosa) - Res. 31-20060104 Authorizing Chairman to contract for nursing services at Otsego Manor (Eleanor Lantvet) - Res. 140-20060405 Amending Resolution No. 306-2005 - Authorizing Chairman of the Board to execute amended contract for auditing services at Otsego Manor (Bryans & Gramuglia) - Res. 14120060405 Authorizing Chairman to enter into contract with Bassett Healthcare for physician services, medical records consultant and two (2) nurse practitioners - Res. 180-20060607 Authorizing Chairman of the Board to enter into contract with AISS (Advanced Institutional Support Services, LLC) for education and training services at Otsego Manor – 243- 31 31 32 118 119 136 138 151 152 220 311 20060906 Authorizing Chairman of the Board to enter into contract with Royal Care Pharmacy for providing pharmacy products to residents of Otsego Manor – 244-20060906 Authorizing Chairman to contract for supervisory nursing services at Otsego Manor (Eleanor Lantvet) - Res. 33320061220 Authorizing Chairman to execute agreement with physical therapist to provide services at Otsego Manor (Diane P. Fedor) - Res. 334-20061220 Authorizing Chairman to execute agreement with nurse consultant to provide services at Otsego Manor (Sandra DeRosa) - Res. 335-20061220 Authorizing Chairman to execute an agreement for occupational therapy services at Otsego Manor (Cynthia Kelleher) - Res. 336-20061220 312 535 536 536 537 OTSEGO MANOR PROJECT Authorizing Chairman of the Board to contract for paving of Phoenix Mills Cross Road (Hanson Aggregates) - Res. 24020060802 304 PERSONNEL Authorizing Chairman of the Board to execute a contract between Hancock & Estabrook, LLP and the County of Otsego (Labor Negotiations) - Res. 179-20060607 219 PLANNING Authorizing payment to contractors for flood related debris removal - Res. 256-20060906 322 PURCHASING Authorizing the Chairman to enter into municipal cooperation agreement with the City of Oneonta and the Oneonta City School District - Res. 65-20060201 Authorizing Chairman of the Board to contract for the purchase of office supplies (Hummel's Office Plus) - Res. 326-20061206 70 532 SOCIAL SERVICES Authorizing the Commissioner of Social Services to contract with Berkshire Farm Center and Services for Youth, Inc. to provide the Stepping Stones Program - Res. 48-20060118 Authorizing Commissioner of Social Services to contract with Cornell Cooperative Extension of Otsego County to provide programming for the youth engagement services program - 52 Res. 95-20060301 Authorizing Commissioner of Social Services to contract with Birnie Bus Services, Inc. to provide transportation to participants in the Youth Engagement Services Program Res. 96-20060301 Authorizing Otsego County Commissioner of Social Services to contract with Aurelia Fox Memorial Hospital (Sr. Social Welfare Examiner) - Res. 97-20060301 Authorizing Otsego County Commissioner of Social Services to contract with Bassett Healthcare (Sr. Social Welfare Examiner) - Res. 98-20060301 Authorizing Chairman of the Board to accept the Medicaid 621 Reconciliation Settlement offered by New York State Res. 110-20060301 Authorizing the Commissioner of Social Services to contract with Catholic Charities of Delaware and Otsego Counties for two case managers to service the Drug Courts - Res. 12320060301 Amending Resolution No. 376-2005 - Authorizing Otsego County Commissioner of Social Services to contract with the Otsego County Probation Department (PINS Diversion Program) - Res. 158-20060503 Approval to contract with Catholic Charities of Delaware and Otsego Counties for child day care registration - Res. 18120060607 Authorizing Otsego County Commissioner of Social Services to contract with Opportunities for Otsego, Inc. to provide emergency housing at the OFO homeless shelter - Res. 18220060607 Authorizing Commissioner of Social Services to contract with Otsego County Office of Employment and Training to provide summer youth employment programming to Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) eligibles Res. 199-20060621 Authorizing Commissioner of Social Services to contract with several Otsego County programs to provide services to Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) eligibles (OFO, FSA) - Res. 248-20060906 Authorizing Commissioner of Social Services to execute an agreement with New York State Office for the Aging to receive funding for operation of a Point of Entry for long term care services - Res. 265-20060920 Authorizing Commissioner of Social Services and the Director of Office for the Aging to execute an agreement for operation of a Point of Entry for long term care services - Res. 26620060920 Authorizing Commissioner of Social Services to contract with Opportunities for Otsego, Inc. to provide Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) for non-public assistance households - Res. 271-20061004 Authorizing Commissioner of Social Services to contract with 101 102 103 104 112 123 173 221 222 240 315 341 342 352 353 Community Maternity Services to provide services to Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) eligibles through Community Maternity Services – 272-20061004 Authorizing Commissioner of Social Services to contract with Delaware Opportunities Inc. to provide mentoring services to youth through the Big Buddy Program - Res. 273-20061004 Authorizing Commissioner of Social Services to contract with Otsego County Mental Health Clinic (Mental Health Social Workers) - Res. 274-20061004 Authorizing Commissioner of Social Services to contract with Cornell Cooperative Extension of Otsego County to provide nutrition education to Food Stamp eligibles - Res. 29120061018 Authorizing Commissioner of Social Services to contract with AMI Imaging, LLC for systems service and support - Res. 298-20061101 Authorizing Commissioner of Social Services to contract with Opportunities for Otsego to provide Weatherization, Referral and Packaging (WRAP) Program services to HEAP eligible households - Res. 314-20061206 354 355 372 297 424 SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT Authorizing the Chairman of the Board to execute an agreement with the Otsego County Soil and Water Conservation District - Res. 24-20060104 26 SOLID WASTE Authorizing Chairman of the Board to enter into contract with Care Environmental Corp. for a household hazardous, agricultural pesticide and CESQG collection day - Res. 6620060201 Authorizing the filing of an application for state assistance from the Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) State Assistance Program and signing of the associated state contract under the appropriate laws of New York State - Res. 159-20060503 Authorizing payment to contractors for flood related debris removal - Res. 256-20060906 Authorizing the Chairman of the Board to execute a subsidization agreement with MOSA - Res. 328-20061206 Authorizing Chairman to contract for the collection, loading, hauling and processing of recyclables (WRE) - Res. 32920061206 71 174 322 505 507 TOURISM Authorizing Chairman of the Board to enter into agreement for professional services regarding creative design of tourism program advertising (Ad Workshop) - Res. 67-20060201 72 Authorizing Chairman of the Board to execute contract with the Upper Catskill Community Council of the Arts, Inc. (Art Initiative Program) - Res. 68-20060201 Authorizing Chairman of the Board to execute contract with the Foothill Performing Arts Center (Tourism Promotion) Res. 69-20060201 73 74 TRANSPORTATION Authorizing the county's commitment to pay 10% local share for the purchase of additional buses and authorizing commencement of application process for funding - Res. 7020060201 Resolution for continuing agreement for Section 5311 Operating Assistance - Res. 71-20060201 Authorizing Chairman to execute amended contract with Birnie Bus Company for payment of STOA funds - Res. 22820060802 Authorizing Chairman to execute amended contract with Birnie Bus Company for payment of STOA Funds for marketing activities - Res. 260-20060906 75 76 294 334 TREASURER Authorizing Chairman of the Board to contract with CFO for Hire, LLC to maintain the municipal accounting systems used by the Treasurer's Office - Res. 125-20060301 Authorizing Chairman to execute agreement with Empire Abstract Corp. for title searches in tax sale proceedings Res. 160-20060503 134 173 UNALLOCATED INSURANCE Authorizing Chairman of the Board to execute agreement with Southern New York Claim Service (Insurance Claim Adjusting Services) - Res. 93-20060301 98 AGRICULTURE Authorizing the filing of state funding application for Farmland Protection Implementation Project - Res. 18920060607 Approving additions to certified agricultural districts within Otsego County (Agricultural District Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 11) - Res. 230-20060802 ALTERNATIVES TO INCARCERATION Approving service update plan for Alternatives to 228 295 Incarceration Program for 2006 - Res. 91-20060301 Amending Resolution No. 91 of 2006 - Approving service plan update for Alternatives to Incarceration Program - Res. 29020061018 97 371 APPOINTMENTS Appointing County Auditor and Clerk of the Board of Representatives (Laura A. Child) - Res. 1-20060104 Appointing County Attorney (Rodney Klafehn) - Res. 220060104 Appointing Director of Information Technologies (Brian Pokorny) - Res. 3-20060104 Appointing Public Defender (Richard Rothermel) - Res. 420060104 Appointing Director of Veterans Service Agency (Tex Seamon) - Res. 5-20060104 Appointing Purchasing Agent (Nancy J. Morton) - Res. 620060104 Appointing Risk Manager (Rodney Klafehn) - Res. 3620060118 Appointing members to the Local Early Intervention Coordinating Council - Res. 37-20060118 Appointing members to Professional Advisory Committee to the Otsego County Public Health Nursing Service and the Long Term Home Health Care Program - Res. 38-20060118 Appointing members to Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement Committee to the Otsego County Public Health Nursing Service and the Long Term Home Health Care Program - Res. 39-20060118 Approving appointment of members to Office for the Aging Advisory Council - Res. 40-20060118 Appointing members to the Otsego County Deferred Compensation Committee - Res. 41-20060118 Approving appointment of members to Fish and Wildlife Management Board - Res. 42-20060118 Approving member to County Jury Board - Res. 43-20060118 Appointing member to serve upon the Board of the Montgomery, Otsego, Schoharie Solid Waste Management Authority - Res. 44-20060118 Appointing Directors of Soil and Water Conservation District Res. 45-20060118 Approving appointment of member to the Workforce Investment Board for Chenango, Delaware and Otsego Counties - Res. 46-20060118 Appointing members to the Otsego County Placement Advisory Board - Res. 51-20060118 Approving appointment of member to Otsego County Solid Waste User Fee Appeals Board - Res. 52-20060118 Appointing HIPAA Officers - Res. 53-20060118 6 7 7 8 8 9 39 39 41 43 44 47 48 49 49 50 51 54 56 56 Appointing Deputy Coordinators for the Office of Emergency Services for the year 2006 - Res. 54-20060118 Appointing members to the Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council - Res. 55-20060118 Appointing members to the Otsego County Fire Advisory Board - Res. 56-20060118 Approving appointment of member to Agricultural and Farmland Protection Board - Res. 57-20060118 Appointing members to the Alternatives to Incarceration Advisory Board - Res. 58-20060118 Appointing members to Community Services Board - Res. 5920060118 Appointing individuals to serve on Mental Health Subcommittee of the Otsego County Community Services Board - Res. 60-20060118 Appointing individuals to serve on Alcohol Subcommittee of the Otsego County Community Services Board - Res. 6120060118 Appointing part-time Personnel Officer (Nancy J. Morton) Res. 89-20060201 Appointing Purchasing Agent (Nancy J. Morton) - Res. 9020060201 Appointing member to the Alternatives to Incarceration Advisory Board - Res. 99-20060301 Appointing member to serve upon the Board of the Montgomery, Otsego, Schoharie Solid Waste Management Authority - Res. 100 (Withdrawn) Appointing member to County of Otsego Industrial Development Agency (Gregory Relic) - Res. 131-20060315 Appointing member to serve upon the Board of the Montgomery, Otsego, Schoharie Solid Waste Management Authority - Res. 132-20060315 Appointing Purchasing Agent (Dorothy Hunter) - Res. 14420060405 Appointing Director of Soil and Water Conservation District Res. 145-20060405 Appointing Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinator for Otsego County (Rodney Klafehn) - Res. 161-20060503 Amending Resolution No. 39 of 1973 - Equal Opportunity Employer (Rodney Klafehn) - Res. 162-20060503 Approving appointment of members to Agricultural and Farmland Protection Board - Res. 163-20060503 Approving appointment of member to Office for the Aging Advisory Council - Res. 183-20060607 Appointing member to County of Otsego Industrial Development Agency - Res. 184-20060607 Approving appointment of member to Agricultural and Farmland Protection Board - Res. 200-20060621 Approving appointment of members to the Workforce Investment Board for Chenango, Delaware and Otsego Counties - Res. 216-20060705 57 58 59 60 61 61 62 63 92 93 105 106 142 142 155 155 176 176 177 223 223 241 278 Appointing Economic Developer (Carolyn Lewis) - Res. 22120060719 Appointment of member to fill vacancy on Otsego County Board of Representatives (Margery Merzig) - Res. 22620060719 Appointing members to Traffic Safety Board - Res. 24920060906 Appointing Probation Director I (Colleen Thorn) - Res. 26720060920 Appointing Personnel Officer (Jeanette Eitapence) - Res. 27520061004 Appointing additional members to the Otsego County Long Term Care Council - Res. 321-20061206 Appointing Republican Commissioner of Elections (Charlotte Koniuto) - Res. 337-20061220 Appointing members to Otsego County Youth Advisory Board - Res. 345-20061220 Appointing Emergency Services Coordinator (Lyle W. Jones) Res. 347-20061220 286 290 316 343 356 431 538 562 566 B BOARD OF ELECTIONS Approving 5% matching funds in order to access federal HAVA (Help America Vote Act of 2002) monies - Res. 21520060705 Urging the Commissioners of the Otsego County Board of Elections to promptly certify an optical scan voting system for procurement by the County Board of Elections and urging said commissioners to select an optical scan system as the new voting technology in the County of Otsego - Res. 330-20061206 Appointing Republican Commissioner of Elections (Charlotte Koniuto) - Res. 337-20061220 277 508 538 BUDGET Otsego County Mutual Self Insurance (Workers’ Comp) Plan Budget (20061004) Fixing date and location of Public Hearing on 2007 Otsego County Budget - Res. 299-20061101 Authorizing Otsego County Treasurer to establish two (2) reserve funds for the county budget - Res. 306-20061101 Adopting Otsego County Budget for 2007 - Res. 32420061206 Making appropriations for conduct of county government for the year 2007 - Res. 325-20061206 350 394 406 437 504 BUILDINGS (COUNTY) Authorizing County Auditor to purchase upgrade for county's central telephone system - Res. 8-20060104 Authorizing Acting Director of Building Services to fill vacant position (Cleaner) - Res. 72-20060201 To purchase certain non-durable supplies for Otsego Manor, Public Health Nursing, Public Safety Building and County Office Building (Building Services Department) - Res. 14620060405 Creating position in Building Services (Cleaner - part time) Res. 164-20060503 Authorizing Chairman of the Board to approve change order for roof replacement at the Public Safety Building - Res. 268-20060920 10 77 156 177 344 C CHEMICAL DEPENDENCIES Creating position at Chemical Dependencies Clinic (Account Clerk) - Res. 213-20060705 Abolishing position at Chemical Dependencies Clinic (Account Clerk-Typist) - Res. 214-20060705 276 276 CODE ENFORCEMENT Waiving permit fees for flood victims for construction, renovation and repairs - Res. 250-20060906 Authorizing public notice and publication of resolution waiving permit fees - Res. 251-20060906 317 318 CORONERS Establishing fee schedule for the transport of bodies - Res. 222-20060719 287 COUNTY ATTORNEY Appointing County Attorney (Rodney Klafehn) - Res. 220060104 Appointing Risk Manager (Rodney Klafehn) - Res. 3620060118 Resolution of Appreciation for James E. Konstanty - Res. 4720060118 Appointing Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinator for 7 38 51 176 Otsego County (Rodney Klafehn) - Res. 161-20060503 Amending Resolution No. 39 of 1973 - Equal Opportunity Employer (Rodney Klafehn) - Res. 162-20060503 176 COUNTY AUDITOR Appointing County Auditor and Clerk of the Board of Representatives (Laura A. Child) - Res. 1-20060104 6 COUNTY CLERK Requesting the State of New York for state legislation to impose a mortgage recording tax in Otsego County - Res. 129 (Lost) Amending Resolution No. 56 of 1980 - Decreasing amount of petty cash fund in Oneonta Motor Vehicle Office - Res. 18520060607 137 224 E E911/COMMUNICATIONS Approving E911/Communications Department expenditure for certain equipment (Base Stations) - Res. 252-20060906 319 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Approving Economic Development Department expenditures for annual dues (MVEDD) - Res. 77-20060201 Authorizing Program Income Plan for Small Cities Loan Programs - Res. 165-20060503 Temporarily increasing salary for Economic Development Specialist – Res. 172-20060503 Resolution of appreciation for Lynn R. W. Bass - Res. 177 Designating Otsego County Economic Development applicant and operator of the New York State Matching Funds Program - Res. 198-20060621 Committing to cash and in-kind services from the county for participation in the Empire Zone Program - Res. 20720060705 Appointing Economic Developer (Carolyn Lewis) - Res. 22120060719 Amending Resolution No. 207 of 2006 - Committing to cash and in-kind services from the county for participation in the Empire Zone Program - Res. 307-20061101 81 178 188 211 239 251 286 407 EMERGENCY SERVICES Approving Office of Emergency Services' expenditure for motor vehicle - Res. 101-20060301 Resolution of appreciation and thanks to the professional and volunteer firefighters and emergency squad members of the County of Otsego - Res. 220-20060705 Adopting the National Incident Management System - Res. 294-20061018 Appointing Emergency Services Coordinator (Lyle W. Jones) Res. 347-20061220 106 281 375 566 G GENERAL Recognition of Charlotte McKane - Res. 122-20060301 Designating County of Otsego as lead agency for preparing and submitting application(s) for funding from FEMA/SEMO for dredging and related flood relief measures at Canadarago Lake - Res. 263-20060906 123 337 H HEALTH (DEPARTMENT OF) Approving expenditure for 2006 vaccines - Res. 118-20060301 Establishing petty cash fund for the Otsego County Department of Health - Res. 119-20060301 Authorizing Director of Public Health to pay annual maintenance for E-911 System (Emergitech) - Res. 20120060621 Authorizing Director of Public Health to pay annual maintenance for E-911 CAD System (Emergitech) - Res. 234-20060802 Approving E-911/Communications Department expenditure for certain equipment (Base Stations) - Res. 252-20060906 120 120 242 299 319 HIGHWAY Approving Highway Department expenditures for material, supplies and services under state contract - Res. 3220060104 Approving Highway Department expenditures for material (Sand) - Res. 33-20060104 Approving Highway Department expenditures for equipment (Brush Chipper, Fork Lift Truck, Dump Trucks) - Res. 78- 33 34 81 20060201 Authorizing Superintendent of Highways to contract for purchase of equipment (Force Feed Loader) - Res. 13920060405 Authorizing Superintendent of Highways to contract for purchases of certain equipment, services and materials (Compactor, Road Painting, Sand, Stone & Gravel) - Res. 156-20060503 Authorizing Superintendent of Highways to extend agreements for services and materials (Cold In-Place Recycling, Bridge Deck Sealing, Shotcrete) - Res. 167-20060503 Authorizing Superintendent of Highways to contract for purchase of certain materials, supplies and services (Liquid Asphalt, Culvert Pipe & Structural Steel, Guide Rail, Asphalt Concrete) - Res. 178-20060607 Authorizing Superintendent of Highways to contract for purchase of certain materials (Concrete Bridge Beams) - Res. 296-20061101 Authorizing purchase of temporary bridge structure for emergency access by residents on Leonard Road over the Schenevus Creek in Town of Maryland - Res. 300-20061101 Authorizing payment for culvert pipe by Superintendent of Highways (Otsego Iron & Metal) - Res. 301-20061101 Creating position in the Highway Department (Working Supervisor) - Res. 316-20061206 Abolishing position in the Highway Department (Working Supervisor Construction) - Res. 317-20061206 150 169 180 217 392 395 396 427 428 I INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES Appointing Director of Information Technologies (Brian Pokorny) - Res. 3-20060104 Authorizing Director of Information Technologies to purchase computer equipment (Dell Computers) - Res. 120-20060301 Adopting Cyber Security Citizens' Notification Policy - Res. 135-20060315 7 121 145 INSURANCE Authorizing renewal of various insurance policies - Res. 34620061220 L 563 LEGISLATION Requesting the State of New York for state legislation authorizing Terry Clapper to receive retirement service credit - Res. 127-20060301 Requesting the State of New York for state legislation to impose a mortgage recording tax in Otsego County - Res. 129-20060301 (Lost) Approving Home Rule request for authorizing Terry Clapper to receive retirement service credit – Res. 173-20060503 Requesting New York State Legislature to amend Section 1202-j Tax Law - Hotel or Motel Taxes in Otsego County Res. 322-20061206 136 137 188 433 LOCAL LAWS Local Law No. 2 of 2006 - A Local Law to increase the limits for Alternative Veterans' Real Property Tax Exemptions pursuant to New York State Real Property Tax Law Section 458-A (20060301) Adopting a Local Law for the Year 2006 (A Local Law to increase the limits for Alternative Veterans' Real Property Tax Exemptions pursuant to New York State Real Property Tax Law Section 458-A) - Res. 133-20060315 Local Law No. 3 of 2006 - Amending Local Law No. 3 of 2005 - A Local Law imposing a tax on the occupancy of certain hotel, motel and similar rooms in Otsego County (20060503) Adopting a Local Law for the Year 2006 (A Local Law amending Local Law No. 3 0f 2005 - A Local Law imposing a tax on the occupancy of certain hotel, motel and similar rooms in Otsego County - Res. 186-20060607 Local Law No. 4 of 2006 - Amending Local Law No. 3 of 2006 - A Local Law imposing a tax on the occupancy of certain hotel, motel and similar rooms in Otsego County (20060705) Adopting a Local Law for the Year 2006 (A Local Law amending Local Law No. 3 of 2006 - A Local Law imposing a tax on the occupancy of certain hotel, motel and similar rooms in Otsego County) - Res. 223-20060719 Local Law No. 1 of 2007 - A Local Law establishing the salaries of County Clerk, County Treasurer, Commissioner of Social Services Group I, Superintendent of Highways, Director of Real Property Tax Services II, Elections Commissioner (D), Auditor and Clerk of the Board, Public Defender, County Attorney, Director of Information Technologies and Director of Veterans Service Agency for the Year 2007 (20061101) Adopting a Local Law for the Year 2007 (A Local Law establishing the salaries of County Clerk, County Treasurer, 124 143 192 225 255 287 404 Commissioner of Social Services Group I, Superintendent of Highways, Director of Real Property Tax Services II, Election Commissioner (D), Auditor and Clerk of the Board, Public Defender, County Attorney, Director of Information Technologies and Director of Veterans Service Agency for the Year 2007) - Res. 308-20061115 411 M MANAGERIAL/CONFIDENTIAL EMPLOYEES Adopting revised Manual for Administrative and Confidential Employees - Res. 280-20061004 360 MENTAL HEALTH Creating position in Mental Health Department (Staff Social Worker) - Res. 74-20060201 Establishing checking account for Otsego County Community Services - Res. 148-20060405 Creating position at Community Services (Keyboard Specialist) - Res. 232-20060802 Abolishing position in Community Services (Account ClerkTypist) - Res. 233-20060802 Recognizing and supporting A.O. Fox Memorial Hospital's efforts to establish and maintain an out-patient mental health clinic - Res. 270-20060920 78 158 297 298 346 N NEWSPAPERS Designating official newspapers (Daily Star and Freeman's Journal) - Res. 25-20060104 27 O OFFICE FOR THE AGING Amending Resolution No. 215-2005 - Increasing hours worked by Senior Aging Services Aide - Res. 79-20060201 Amending Resolution Nos. 86 and 156 of 1987 - Approving goals, objectives and organizational plan for Otsego County Placement Coordinator (Hereafter known as NY Connects of Otsego County: Choices for Long Term Care) and establishing the Otsego County Placement Coordinator 83 430 Advisory Board and appointing members (Hereafter known as the Long Term Care Council) - Res. 320-20061206 OTSEGO MANOR Authorizing Chairman of the Board to contract with Health System Services, LTD., for the purchase of urologic and wound care supplies - Res. 116-20060301 Authorization to change the name of the Public Health Nursing Long Term Home Health Care Program to the Otsego Manor Long Term Home Health Care Program - Res. 134-20060315 To purchase certain non-durable supplies for Otsego Manor, Public Health Nursing, Public Safety Building and County Office Building (Building Services Department) - Res. 14620060405 Creating positions at Otsego Manor (Part-time Home Health Assistant) - Res. 187-20060607 Authorizing change of signature on Key Bank checking accounts for Otsego Manor - Res. 188-20060607 Creating position at Otsego Manor (Part-time Universal Worker II) - Res. 208-20060705 Abolishing position at Otsego Manor (Part-time Universal Worker I) - Res. 209-20060705 Creating positions at Otsego Manor (Universal Worker II) Res. 235-20060802 Abolishing positions at Otsego Manor (Universal Worker I & Universal Aide) - Res. 236-20060802 Creating positions at Otsego Manor (Part-time Universal Workers II & Neighborhood Manager) - Res. 276-20061004 Abolishing positions at Otsego Manor (Part-time Universal Worker I & Part-time Universal Aides) - Res. 277-20061004 Disclosure of Interest (Jeff Emhof) Creating positions at Otsego Manor (Supervising Community Health Nurse & Universal Worker II) - Res. 318-20061206 Abolishing positions at Otsego Manor ( Registered Professional Nurse, Universal Aide & Universal Worker II) Res. 319-20061206 Creating positions at Otsego Manor (Neighborhood Managers & Universal Workers II) - Res. 348-20061220 Abolishing positions at Otsego Manor (Universal Aides) - Res. 349-20061220 P PERSONNEL Amending Resolution No. 262 of 2002 - Filling vacant positions of the county (whether funded or unfunded) - Res. 118 144 156 226 226 252 253 299 300 357 358 410 428 429 567 567 85-20060201 Resolution of appreciation for Nancy J. Morton - Res. 8720060201 Creating position in Personnel Department (Part-time Personnel Officer) - Res. 88-20060201 Appointing part-time Personnel Officer (Nancy J. Morton) Res. 89-20060201 Concerning residency requirements for employment with Otsego County - Res. 121-20060301 Adopting Bullying/Intimidation/Harassment Policy - Res. 16820060503 Creating position in Personnel Department (Deputy Personnel Officer) - Res. 176-20060503 Creating position in the Personnel Department (Account Clerk Typist) - Res. 202-20060621 Amending Resolution No. 176 of 2006 - Creating position in Personnel Department (Deputy Personnel Officer) - Res. 237-20060802 Amending Resolution No. 237 of 2006 - Creating position in Personnel Department (Deputy Personnel Officer) - Res. 278-20061004 Resolution of appreciation for John Insetta - Res. 30920061115 89 91 92 92 122 182 210 242 301 358 413 PETITIONS Consolidated Health District – Laurens Consolidated Health District – Milford Consolidated Health District – Morris Consolidated Health District – Otego 417 418 419 419 PLACEMENT COORDINATOR (See Office for the Aging) PLANNING Authorization to submit application for Disaster Relief Funding - Res. 238-20060802 Authorization to submit application for county Strategic Planning Project funding - Res. 253--20060906 Amending Resolution No. 238 - 2006 - Authorization to sign any and all certifications and/or grant agreements for Disaster Relief Funding - Res. 279-20061004 Authorization to submit application for Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Phase I - Res. 287-20061004 POLICIES (COUNTY) 302 320 279 367 Amending Otsego County Purchasing Policy and Procedures Res. 80-20060201 Amending Mileage Reimbursement (Driving) Policy - Res. 8120060201 Amending Resolution No. 262 of 2002 - Filling vacant positions of the county (whether funded or unfunded) - Res. 85-20060201 Concerning residency requirements for employment with Otsego County - Res. 121-20060301 Adopting Cyber Security Citizens' Notification Policy - Res. 135-20060301 Amending Otsego County Purchasing Policy and Procedures Res. 149-20060405 Adopting Bullying/Intimidation/Harassment Policy - Res. 16820060503 Amending Resolutions No. 101 of 1986 and No. 189 of 1994 Establishing Revised Investment Policy and redesignating depositories for the County of Otsego - Res. 304-20061101 84 85 89 145 148 182 400 PROBATION Authorizing out of title work in the Probation Department Res. 35-20060104 Creating position in Probation Department (Probation Officer I) - Res. 106-20060301 To terminate Roy Spina from his employment as Probation Director I for the County of Otsego - Res. 136-20060315 Approval to advertise for Director of Probation I position Res. 137-20060315 Appointing Probation Director I (Colleen Thorn) - Res. 26720060920 35 110 146 147 343 PROCLAMATIONS Proclaiming the Week of April 3 - 9, 2006 as Public Health Week in the County of Otsego - Res. 150-20060405 Proclaiming April as Alcohol Awareness Month - Res. 15120060405 Proclaiming the Week of May 14 - 20, 2006 as Emergency Medical Services Week - Res. 169-20060503 Designating May as Older Americans Month and May 7 - 13 as Homes for the Aging Week - Res. 170-20060503 Designating the month of May 2006 as Foster Family Recognition Month - Res. 171-20060503 Proclaiming May as Mental Health Awareness Month - Res. 175-20060503 Designating September 16, 2006 as Fall for the Arts Day in Otsego County - Res. 257-20060906 Proclaiming October 1 - 7, 2006 as Cornell Cooperative 159 160 184 185 186 191 330 361 Extension Week and National 4-H Week in Otsego County Res. 281-20061004 Proclaiming October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month - Res. 282-20061004 Supporting the congressional cancer promise and designating the month of October 2006 as Breast Cancer Awareness Month - Res. 292-20061018 362 373 PROPERTY (COUNTY OWNED) Granting tree clearing easement to New York State Electric & Gas Corporation (Town of Otego) - Res. 34-20060104 Authorizing sale of County owned property (Tax Sales) - Res. 256-20060906 Authorizing Chairman of the Board to sign an oil and gas lease for exploration and drilling of oil and gas on certain countyowned property in the Town of Middlefield - Res. 310 (Withdrawn) 34 323 413 PUBLIC DEFENDER Appointing Public Defender (Richard Rothermel) - Res. 420060104 Amending Resolution No. 247 of 2004 - Approving eligibility guidelines to be used by courts within the County of Otsego for assigning legal counsel in criminal and related proceedings - Res. 190-20060607 8 229 PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING SERVICE Authorization to change the name of the Public Health Nursing Long Term Home Health Care Program to the Otsego Manor Long Term Home Health Care Program - Res. 13420060315 To purchase certain non-durable supplies for Otsego Manor, Public Health Nursing, Public Safety Building and County Office Building (Building Services Department) - Res. 14620060405 144 156 PUBLIC HEARINGS Public Hearing on a Local Law to increase the limits for Alternative Veterans' Real Property Tax Exemption pursuant to New York State Real Property Tax Law Section 458-A Public Hearing on inclusion of land into certified agricultural districts Public Hearing on a Local Law amending Local Law No. 3 of 139 212 213 2005 - A Local Law imposing a tax on the occupancy of certain hotel, motel and similar rooms in Otsego County Public Hearing on a Local Law amending Local Law No. 3 of 2006 - A Local Law imposing a tax on the occupancy of certain hotel, motel and similar rooms in Otsego County Public Hearing on a Local Law establishing the salaries of County Clerk, County Treasurer, Commissioner of Social Services Group I, Superintendent of Highways, Director of Real Property Tax Services II, Election Commissioner (D), Auditor and Clerk of the Board, Public Defender, County Attorney, Director of Information Technologies and Director of Veterans Service Agency for the Year 2007 Public Hearing on the 2007 tentative Otsego County Budget 283 409 414 PURCHASING Appointing Purchasing Agent (Nancy J. Morton) - Res. 620060104 Amending Otsego County Purchasing Policy and Procedures Res. 80-20060201 Appointing Purchasing Agent (Nancy J. Morton) - Res. 9020060201 Appointing Purchasing Agent (Dorothy Hunter) - Res. 14420060405 Amending Otsego County Purchasing Policy and Procedures Res. 149-20060405 9 84 93 155 148 R REAL PROPERTY TAX SERVICE Creating position in Real Property Tax Services (Deputy Director of Real Property Tax Services II) - Res. 10320060301 Abolishing position in Real Property Tax Services (Assessment Manager) - Res. 104-20060301 Opposing proposed increase to the state's RPS license fees Res. 302-20061101 108 108 397 REPORTS Dog License Report Mortgage Tax Distribution Otsego County Mutual Self-Insurance (Workers’ Comp) Plan Budget - 2007 Town and County Tax Base for 2007 Tax Roll Inside and Outside Valuations for 2007 Tax Roll 4 167 350 382 384 Special Valuations for 2007 Tax Roll County Equalization Rates for 2007 Tax Roll True Value for 2007 Tax Roll Tax Roll Expense for 2007 Election Expense Mortgage Tax Distribution Omitted Taxes Refunds Uncollectible Taxes Tax Sale Cancellations Unpaid Solid Waste User Fees and Penalties Unpaid Village Taxes Unpaid Special District Fees Unpaid School Taxes County Tax Apportioned for 2007 Tax Roll Town and County Accounts for 2007 Tax Roll Tax Rates for 2007 Tax Roll Authorizing the Clerk of the Board of Representatives to cause to be printed a summary or abstract of the town budgets Res. 339-20061220 385 388 389 420 421 510 512 512 513 513 514 515 516 516 517 518 522 542 REPRESENTATIVES, BOARD OF Representatives, Board of (Members) Standing Committees of the Board Appointing County Auditor and Clerk of the Board of Representatives (Laura A. Child) - Res. 1-20060104 Adopting Rules of Order as amended in 2006 - Res. 10220060301 Resolution of appreciation for Roberta E. Puritz-Hayes - Res. 210-20060705 Appointment of member to fill vacancy on Otsego County Board of Representatives ( Margery Merzig) - Res. 22620060719 Resolution of respect for Deane G. Winsor - Res. 25420060906 Adopting Rules of Order as amended in 2006 - Res. 28320061004 Setting date for organizational meeting of the Board of Representatives - Res. 342-20061220 Resolution of appreciation for Margery Merzig - Res. 34320061220 S SALARIES 1 36, 247, 293 6 107 254 290 321 363 560 560 Amending Resolution No. 392 of 2005 (Managerial/Confidential Salaries) (Legal Secretary DSS) Res. 105-20060301 Amending Resolution No. 392 of 2005 (Managerial/Confidential Salaries) (Personnel Clerk) - Res. 152-20060405 Amending Resolution No. 392 of 2005 (Managerial/Confidential Salaries) (Deputy Clerk of the Board/County Auditor) - Res. 153-20060405 Temporarily increasing salary for Economic Development Specialist - Res. 172-20060503 Amending Resolution No. 392 of 2005 Managerial/Confidential Salaries) (Legal Secretary DA) Res. 191-20060607 Amending Resolution No. 152 of 2006 (Personnel Clerk Salary) - Res. 203-20060621 Amending Resolution No. 392-2005 (Managerial/Confidential Salaries) (Economic Development Specialist) - Res. 28820061004 Establishing salaries for Managerial/Confidential and elected officials for the year 2007 - Res. 338-20061220 109 161 162 188 231 243 368 538 SHERIFF Authorizing Sheriff to fill vacant positions (Corrections Lieutenant, Corrections Sergeant, Corrections Officer) - Res. 50-20060118 Creating positions in County Jail (Correction Officer) - Res. 73-20060201 To purchase certain non-durable supplies for the Public Safety Building - Res. 82-20060201 Approving Sheriff's expenditure for motor vehicle - Res. 10720060301 Requesting the State of New York for state legislation authorizing Terry Clapper to receive retirement service credit - Res. 127-20060301 To purchase certain non-durable supplies for Otsego Manor, Public Health Nursing, Public Safety Building and County Office Building (Building Services Department) - Res. 14620060405 Approving Home Rule request for authorizing Terry Clapper to receive retirement service credit – Res. 173-20060503 To purchase certain non-durable supplies for the Public Safety Building - Res. 224-20060719 Resolution of appreciation for Donald R. Mundy, Sr. - Res. 344-20061220 SOCIAL SERVICES 53 78 86 110 136 156 188 288 561 Authorizing Commissioner of Social Services to fill vacant funded position (Account Clerk Typist) - Res. 49-20060118 Creating positions in Department of Social Services (Caseworker, Social Welfare Examiner, Welfare Employment Representative) - Res. 75-20060201 Approving Department of Social Services expenditure for motor vehicle - Res. 86-20060201 Authorizing Commissioner of Social Services to accept grant award for Child Advocacy Center - Res. 108-20060301 Authorizing Commissioner of Social Services to accept grant award for Youth Engagement Services Program - Res. 10920060301 Creating positions in Department of Social Services (Community Services Aide) - Res. 111-20060301 Establishing new family foster care maintenance and care rates - Res. 154-20060405 Creating position in Department of Social Services (Caseworker) - Res. 195-20060607 Authorizing the expenditure of county funds for individual and family emergency disaster relief - Res. 219-20060705 Creating position in Department of Social Services (Sr. Caseworker) - Res. 284-20061004 Abolishing position in Department of Social Services (Case Supervisor) - Res. 285-20061004 53 79 90 111 112 162 234 280 364 364 SOLID WASTE Authorizing temporary hire in Solid Waste Department (Clerk) - Res. 76-20060201 Establishing Otsego County Solid Waste Unit charge for 2007 - Res. 327-20061206 80 505 STOP DWI PROGRAM Approving STOP DWI Program's expenditure for motor vehicle - Res. 112-20060301 114 T TAXES Awarding bed tax monies for fiscal year 2006 - Res. 6220060118 Amending Resolution No. 309 of 2003 - Adopting the revised "Otsego County Tourism Bed Tax Application Guidelines" and its official policy for the application review and award of bed tax monies - Res. 305-20061101 64 403 Requesting New York State Legislature to amend Section 1202-j Tax Law - Hotel or Motel Taxes in Otsego County Res. 322-20061206 Levying taxes and assessments required for purposes of annual budget of the city and towns of Otsego County - Res. 340-20061220 Approving tax rolls and directing issuance of warrants - Res. 341-20061220 433 558 559 TOURISM Awarding bed tax monies for fiscal year 2006 - Res. 6220060118 Authorizing payment for Otsego County Tourism Advertising - Res. 83-20060201 Resolution of support for the U.S. Route 20 Tourism Booth Grant Application to NYSDOT for TEP Funding - Res. 192-20060607 Adopting the "Otsego County Tourism Compensation Grant Guidelines" - Res. 258-20060906 Supporting concept of regional film commission - Res. 26120060906 Amending Resolution No. 309 of 2003 - Adopting the revised "Otsego County Tourism Bed Tax Application Guidelines" as its official policy for the application review and award of bed tax monies - Res. 305-20061101 Designating Otsego County Economic Development applicant and operator of the New York State Matching Funds Program - Res. 198-20060621 64 87 231 331 335 403 239 TRANSFERS Transferring funds in various departments (2006) - Res. 8420060201 Transferring funds in various departments (2006) - Res. 11320060301 Transferring funds in various departments (2005) - Res. 12420060301 Transferring funds in various departments (2006) - Res. 15520060405 Transferring funds in various departments (2006) - Res. 17420060503 Transferring funds in various departments (2006) - Res. 19320060607 Transferring funds in various departments (2006) - Res. 21120060705 Transferring funds in Department of Information Technologies (2006) - Res. 225-20060719 Transferring funds in various departments (2006) - Res. 239- 88 115 126 163 189 232 273 289 302 20060802 Transferring 20060906 Transferring 20061004 Transferring 20061018 Transferring 20061101 Transferring 20061203 funds in various departments - Res. 259332 funds in various departments - Res. 286365 funds in various departments - Res. 293374 funds in various departments - Res. 303398 funds in various departments - Res. 323434 TREASURER (COUNTY) Authorizing Otsego County Treasurer to fill vacant funded positions and authorizing temporary hire (Deputy County Treasurers, Account Clerk Typists) - Res. 26-20060104 (Deputy County Treasurer position Tabled) Abolishing Account Clerk Typist position in County Treasurer's Department - Res. 27 (Tabled) Authorizing temporary hire in the Treasurer's Office (Account Clerk Typist) - Res. 63-20060118 Amending Resolutions No. 101 of 1986 and No. 189 of 1994 Establishing Revised Investment Policy and redesignating depositories for the County of Otsego - Res. 304-20061101 28 29 66 400 V VETERANS Appointing Director of Veterans Service Agency (Tex Seamon) - Res. 5-20060104 8 W WORKERS’ COMPENSATION Otsego County Mutual Self Insurance (Workers’ Comp) Plan Budget (20061004) 350 Y YOUTH BUREAU Appointing members to Otsego County Youth Advisory Board - Res. 345-20061220 562