Psyc 2301 Final Exam Review

Psychology 2301 Final Exam Review
Use this as a guideline along with your text and notes in preparation for the final exam
Chapter 1
What is the best definition of psychology?
What is a hypothesis?
What is the difference between Population and Sample?
What is the goal of correlational research? How can you determine if the correlation is “strong?”
What type of research seeks to prove causation? How can it prove causation?
What is the difference between Independent Variable and Dependent Variable?
What biases exist in research? What is the solution to these biases?
What are the basic beliefs of the following perspectives of psychology:
What can the following psychology professionals do:
Psychologist (Applied Psychologist)
Licensed Professional Counselor
Chapter 2
Central Nervous System (CNS)
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
Psychology 2301 Final Exam Review
Use this as a guideline along with your text and notes in preparation for the final exam
4 Lobes of the brain
Frontal Lobe
Parietal Lobe
Temporal Lobe
Occipital Lobe
What is the Corpus Callosum?
What is the neuron’s purpose?
Parts of neuron
Myelin Sheath
What is a Neurotransmitter?
What are the functions of the following NTs?
Chapter 4
What is the definition of Sensation?
Absolute threshold
Sensory adaptation
Psychology 2301 Final Exam Review
Use this as a guideline along with your text and notes in preparation for the final exam
Difference threshold
Chapter 5
Define Circadian Rhythm
Sleep Stages/Cycle:
Lighter Sleep = Stage 1
Stage 2
Deepest Sleep = Stages 3 & 4 (Delta Sleep)
Rapid Eye Movement (REM) Sleep
Sleep disorders (explain symptoms and potential causes)
Sleep Apnea
Define the following terms:
Chapter 6
What is the definition of Learning
Define Classical Conditioning:
Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS)
Psychology 2301 Final Exam Review
Use this as a guideline along with your text and notes in preparation for the final exam
Unconditioned Response (UCR)
Conditioned Stimulus (CS)
Conditioned Response (CR)
Explain steps of Systematic Desensitization
Define Operant Conditioning:
What is Reinforcement?
Explain the 2 types of reinforcement?
What is Punishment?
Explain Albert Bandura’s Bobo Doll experiment and Observational Learning Theory
Chapter 7
Define the 3 memory features:
Explain the length and “job” of the following types of storage
Sensory Memory
Short Term Memory
Long Term Memory
Psychology 2301 Final Exam Review
Use this as a guideline along with your text and notes in preparation for the final exam
Explain the difference between:
What is Repression?
Explain the following types of amnesia:
Retrograde Amnesia
Anterograde Amnesia
Dissociative Amnesia
Define the following types of memory:
Declarative memory
Semantic memory
Procedural memory
Chapter 8
What is average IQ?
Explain Sternberg’s triarchic theory of intelligence
Explain Gardner’s multiple intelligences theory
What is a heuristic?
What is an algorithm?
What is functional fixedness?
Psychology 2301 Final Exam Review
Use this as a guideline along with your text and notes in preparation for the final exam
What is mental set?
What are the criteria for intellectual disability (formerly mental retardation)?
Explain Inductive Reasoning
Deductive Reasoning
Chapter 9
What is a Zygote
What was the main idea of Erik Erikson’s psychosocial theory of development?
What are the 8 stages of Erikson’s theory/ what is going on at each stage?
Psychology 2301 Final Exam Review
Use this as a guideline along with your text and notes in preparation for the final exam
Chapter 10
Explain the Drive reduction theory and Goal of it
Explain the difference between
-Intrinsic Motivation
-Extrinsic Motivation
Explain Maslow’s hierarchy of basic needs (order of the needs)
Explain the Optimal Level of Arousal Theory
Describe the stages of Human Sexual Response Pattern
Explain the symptoms of:
Anorexia Nervosa
Define Emotion (4 part process)
Identify the basic, universal emotions?
Chapter 3
Explain Type A behavior pattern
Type B behavior pattern
Psychology 2301 Final Exam Review
Use this as a guideline along with your text and notes in preparation for the final exam
Explain the General Adaptation Syndrome and the 3 steps
Explain Fight or Flight response to stressors
Define Catharsis
Chapter 11
Define Personality
Explain Freud’s Psychosexual Stages of development (in order)
Explain Carl Jung’s archetypes (define)
Collective Unconscious
Explain the identified qualities a therapist needs according to Carl Rogers
What is the goal of Psychoanalysis?
Describe the 3 commonly used personality tests
Psychology 2301 Final Exam Review
Use this as a guideline along with your text and notes in preparation for the final exam
Explain Freud’s 3 parts of personality (Id, Superego, and Ego)
Explain different ego defense mechanisms
What does the DSM stand for and what is it used for?
Define Hallucination
Define Delusion
Explain symptoms of OCD
Define: Obsession
What are the main mood disorders you learned about and symptoms within them?
What are the main anxiety disorders you learned about and symptoms within them?
Psychology 2301 Final Exam Review
Use this as a guideline along with your text and notes in preparation for the final exam
What are the main definitions of Schizophrenia?
Chapter 13
Cognitive Therapy
Client-Centered therapy
Health Psychology