Department of Culture - European Stability Initiative

Department of Culture
Kosova is a country with a very rich treasure of cultural civilization. It can be listed
among richer countries with autochthonous, original values of cultural and artistic
With notion culture we understand all the human values (material and spiritual): heritage,
tradition, knowledge, arts, moral, belief, language, literature, rarities, cultural
phenomenon, civilization, special and universal values back to (prehistory), IllyrianDardan period, up to the current true and human creativity.
Cultural communication within a nation, between nations and international cultural
communication is and will be a permanent approach of protection, preservation,
presentation, advance and strategic development of culture in Kosova.
Department of Culture in direct cooperation and coordination with its 31 cultural
institutions, with municipal institutions, with local and foreign associations/organizations,
has presented strategy tasks, with which and through policies and programs and with
methodology in contemporary standards will protect, preserve and present monuments of
culture, museum, archives, library values, establish needed institutions, professional staff
capacity building and completion for research, excavation, restoration, conservation,
juridical and professional protection of the identified and recognized archaeological and
architectonic treasure. To publish scientific/cultural results, environmental values to use
in cultural activities.
There is a support and will continue to be supported the cultural values of performing,
music, visual arts, publications, libraries, cultural amateurism, the development and
presentation of all social levels in entire territory of Kosova.
Cultural and civilization identity and the collective and individual dignity will be
developed and affirmed by creating a sustainable pace for physical, professional, juridical
and authorial protection. Creation of legal regulations will stimulate real creativity and at
the same time will put in margins the anti-value, pseudo-value, kitsch, and piracy/
negative phobia of society, the collective and individual freedom.
Implementation of legislation and principles from the international conventions is a part
of policies and programs of culture in Kosova. Cooperation with Council of Europe, with
UNESCO, with other governmental and non-governmental organizations, has already
started and we are excepting increase of this cooperation, of professional, technical and
financial help.
Department of culture is maximally engaged for the realization of the Strategy for
development of culture, for the implementation of legislation, for compilation of new
legislation, for better organization, coordination, managing of governmental projects and
programs, but also in partnerity with other governmental institutions, with NGO-s,
experts etc.
For the cultural activity in Kosova, we would like to strengthen our deep conviction that
there is a need for bigger budgetary support from the Government.
Cultural heritage is focused in the activity and support of values; in the importance of
finding the treasure inherit during centuries. Policies and programs are focused in favor to
the institutional advancing of activity for preservation, protection and presentation of the
cultural heritage in entire territory of Kosova.
In Kosova, in thousand years old history, the Albanian nation has created and builds
much more then is inherit today. By using natural wealth, local artists and masters created
culture since the ancient prehistory periods, then continuing with rich art of culture and
civilization. Tradition of antique masteries continues in middle age and further, always in
reciprocity with parallel neighbor’s culture, but with specific local identity. In this
ground, very often in a lopped breathing from various occupations, was created the
cultural identity of Kosova.
During the last fifty years, in the period of socialist occupation there was a lack of
programs and funds for trainings in cultural heritage based on real scientific criteria and
concepts. Methodological principle for a complete training, were the studies, researches,
conservations, restorations and publications, surprisingly in subjective criteria, mainly
focused in orthodox religious objects. In this context, valuation and protection of cultural
historical monuments was far away from the kosovar reality, in this way the term
monument suffered an unreal contraction. Thousands-years old material culture with a
very large spread was left in the mercy of time and, in many cases was treated in a
denigrate methodology.
Being subject of attack, during the last war, is the clearest index of the situation in the
architectonic, archaeological, environmental and archival heritage.
Still, in the past, the dedication for a serous work, of limited number of intellectuals and
specialists, under the very difficult conditions and with no decision-making power has
given partial results in preservation, protection and presentation of the
comprehensiveness of cultural heritage in Kosova. Activities were mainly in studies,
scientific research and publications, but not in restorations. There were forbidden
restorations, investment and planning in urbanism and constructions, especially in
protection of archaeological localities.
In opposition with uncivilized treatment in the past and current facts, cultural heritage is
still included and integrated in our life, but in an amortized and jeopardized physical
The value
Cultural heritage is: immovable build heritage and movable, material and spiritual
Recognition and treatment of the values of cultural heritage in Kosova and more,
increases the tolerance and respect for parallel cultures in the country, Europe and further
by comprising the union of cultures in a inexhaustible mosaic of values, called culture of
mankind. Cultural wealth of Kosova presents with truthfulness the identity and
development of our society. This contribution will be a tangible help in the treasure of the
world culture from a society, which during centuries has created and preserved
independently the cultural heritage, by overcoming big difficulties.
Kosovar society, more then ever needs a balance between new and old
The situation
In the phase of reconstruction after the war, these four years with all appeals the wealth
inherit during centuries, didn’t have suitable priority and support for the budgetary and
professional planning. This is a consequence of previous regimes, and the last war. As a
result even in these days we still have inherited:
 Thousands objects and cultural historical sites amortized and destroyed;
 A system, budget and mechanism with a very limited specialized staff and
 Very lopped documentation for the real values;
 Legislation with old conception and acceptable for the requirements of time and
 Institutions with limited budgetary and technical capacity and possibilities.;
 Development of different programs with unprofessional concepts and
methodology, without prior institutional coordination and approval, which have
endangered a big number of the cultural heritage;
 The request from institutions for the realization of projects addressed to the
International Funds, which are refused due to very old viewpoint and conceptual
 Many projects from institutions and other actors for conservation/restoration
works, for researches, publications, studies, rehabilitations of the buildings of
institutions, construction of archives etc.;
 Foundation and consolidation of existing and of new institutions (Institute for
Protection of Monuments in Peja and Institute of Archeology in Prishtine);
 Awareness in international plan for the situation in cultural heritage of Kosova;
 Development of many programs with reciprocity for diagnosis for the situation,
problems and requirements for technical, specialist and budgetary assistance
UNESCO; CoE; CHwB; and from many countries.
In the last two years were developed and coordinated many activities and projects with
local and international support, focusing the aim in: identifications, conservations,
restorations, research, publications and presentations of the cultural heritage of Kosova
with results, as follows:
Compilation of the strategy and policies for the cultural heritage (MCYS,
Finalization of the Documentation for inventory of cultural heritage with
architectural and movable, in a contemporary unique system (1.000 objects and
cultural historical sites in entire territory of Kosova);
Identification of the situation of cultural heritage;
Documentation – inventory of funds in the Museum of Kosova;
Archaeological excavations with rescue character, in 8 localities: in Bardhosh, in
Vlashnje, in Lubozhdë, në Korishë, in Qifllak, in Grashticë, in Artanë/Novobërd,
in Keqëkollë;
Regulation of the museum Complex “Albanian League of Prizren” in Prizren;
Regulation of the Archaeological park “KRK Xhamija” in Prizren (DoC and
Starting the preparation of the Project for regional socio-economical development,
based in the cultural heritage treasure for the municipality of Prizren (Prizren,
DoC+ CoE);
Compilation of the action planning – Strategy for the cultural heritage;
Compilation of criteria for conservation and restoration;
Systematic work for the reformation of legislation and institutional reappointment
in the field of cultural heritage;
Foundation of the Pilot-Project “Regional Development” in 5 municipalities
(Pejë, Gjakovë, Klinë, Istog, Deçan), based on the values of Cultural and Natural
Heritage (in the begining) (CoE);
Compilation of the Projects for the restoration and conservation of the worship
objects – monuments of culture (Mosques: “Sinan Pasha” in Prizren, of “Fatih” in
Prishtinë, “Red Mosque “ in Pejë (all three supported from our M. of Culture and
from MoC of Turkey); and the Old Mosque in Deçan, destroyed on l999
(supported by MoC and Municipality);
Coordination and compilation of projects and studies for restoration of the
objects: cultural historical monuments: Complex of Kullas of Isa Boletini in
Mitorivce. Works already started; Cultural-Historical Monument, House of
Shtjefën Gjecovi in Janjevë/ Lypjan. Preparations for the beginning of works
(supported by the MoC); Object- monument “Mill of Haxhi Zeka” in Pejë;
Coordination for the compilation of the project for reconstruction of folkloric
house “ Konaku i Jashar Pashës” in Pejë;
Coordination for studies of the project for restoration and arrangement of the
cultural-historical complex “Sulltan Murati”;
Restoration and conservation of the cultural-historical objects: Mosque of
Qarshisë in Pejë, (from the Italian government, Central Institute of Roma), 5
Kullas in Dukagjini Area (from EAR+CHwB+SIDA – Sweden), “Tower Clock“
in Prishtinë ,(UNMIK+CMIK–France), restoration of the Ethnological Complex
“Emin Gjiku”, in Prishtinë, (from EAR), restoration of the object monument
“Kosova Institute for Protection of Monuments“ Prishtinë;
Reconstruction of the object of Institute for Protection of Monuments in Gjakovë,
ruined in 1999, (supported by USID+MoC);
Renovation of the Museum of Kosova (partially) (by MoC);
From the Cultural Heritage are organized these exhibitions: “Kullas – restoration,
conservation”, Thematic Exhibition “Maryrs of UÇK-KLA”, Ethnographical
exhibition “Pearls of Prizren”, in Prizren and Prishtinë; Exhibition “Monuments
of ALP”;
Trainings, work meetings and publications:
 “Restoration of kullas” (DoC+CHwB);
 “Integrated Conservation” (DoC+CHwB);
 “Preservation of the city of Prizren” (DoC+Kolping
 “ Conservation of wood” (DoC+IKD-Italy);
 “Session for archeology” – Albania;
 “Training of archivists of Kosova”, Publication of
Guideline for Archives, Publication of “Annual Book”
 Publishing the book
“Antique Kosova” authorE.Shukriu;
 Public discussion of draft-law on cultural heritage
(DoC+CoE) .
Compilation of the analytical-technical and inventing documentation in many
sites and objects with cultural historical values;
Realization of a working visit of the Delegation-Commission from UNESCO in
Kosova and the Appeal for its presence in Kosova;
Trainings, presentations and instructions from the contemporary international
practice, methodology, technology and management; by the distinguished
Nomination of the City of Prizren in the list of WMF;
Identification of the role of cultural heritage in the social-economical
development and cultural-tourism (DoC+CoE);
Archaeological researches with recognition character;
Inclusion of the cultural heritage in urban planning (DoC in all municipal
instances and MESP), etc.
Abovementioned activities were developed in cooperation with local institutions; Kosovo
Heritage Project-America; CoE, CHwB-Sweden; INTERSOS-Italy; Institute of
Monuments-Tiranë; Museum of London; European Agency for Reconstruction (EAR);
Ministry of Culture of Turkey; Central Institute for Restoration-Roma; University of
Bari-Italy; HQ-KFOR; ICROM-Roma;CIMIC- France; ARIA-Switzerland; OSABudapest, and many individuals and specialists, both local and international.
Results from these achievements have created the basement for advance and progress, in
partial consolidation of the cultural heritage, especially those with architectonic and
Kosova is moving with mechanisms of a country in transition, therefore support from the
practices and models of various of countries where “state is responsible for creating
mechanisms, respectivally for protection of the cultural", shows that the “Government
and Administration of Kosova is responsible for supporting the creation of
mechanisms for Preservation and Protection of the Wealth inherit from centuries in
the territory of Kosova, in all aspects where appears this Multiplan responsibility''
First of all, this implies obligatorily the system for treating the cultural heritage in
the national priorities of the Government, and also the creation of financial conditions
for developing the activities and tasks of 18 institutions in this field in accordance with
the contemporary local and international methodology and concepts.
This obligatory specialist and multidisciplinary mission is ongoing and will be realized
with a support from local institutions together with local and international specialists.
Based on identified facts of the existing situation, in relation to the cultural heritage, in
January 2003, were compiled policies and programs along with budgetary planning – the
platform which directs activities in this field. Basement for compiling it, were the results
from the previous year, programs compiled from institutions, consultations,
recommendations and conclusions from international specialists and practice. This
platform includes complex and voluminous activities with the aim stopping the current
obstacles that threats the obliteration of the cultural heritage. Program is divided in three
chapters – five policies and programs, as follows:
A. Heritage with material values
Pol.1. .... Movable.......implementer.............................................….....Museum of Kosova
Pol.2.....Immovable….implementer....…... Kosova Institute for Protection of Monuments
and its network + 4 IPM-s.
Institute of Archaeology with experts and institutions
Pol.3..... Archive treasure..... implementer .....................…...…..Archives of Kosova and
6 Regional Archives.
B. Heritage with spiritual/immaterial values
Pol.4...... Traditional Culture... Museum of Kosova, with Department of Ethnology at
University of Prishtine.
C. Heritage with environmental values
Pol.5..... Integrated conservation... DTK, Municipality of Peje and Prizren.
Partner for the implementation of programs are 18 institutions, 30 municipalities and
other actors with relevant potential for contributing in this field.
Policies and programs, very complex and ambitious, for trainings in cultural heritage,
have available a budget in a very limited amount.
It should be stressed out the fact that with the investments and support up to date, from
the existing budget, with well-known value, cannot be realized the policies and programs.
Realizations of the policies and programs with a Multiplan, complex and voluminous
activity, are directly dependant regardless the budget of Kosova. .
Officials of cultural heritage are giving efforts for systematization and urging the
potentials for supporting trainings in cultural heritage as a priority plan for local and
international development. Effective efforts are getting an understanding at the
international institutions. This presentation is aiming, to make aware the Government and
other relevant bodies and at the same time to appeal for budgetary support in a worthy
Development of performing, music and visual arts depends on:
 Cultural Infrastructure;
 Human and intellectual Potential and,
 Financial support.
Through development of culture is aimed:
 Increase of the socio-cultural level of society;
 Awareness of the society, especially youngsters.
By creating sustainable values will eliminate the kitsch, anti-values the piracy.
Department of Culture is trying to create preconditions for a normal development of
performing, music and visual arts.
Current situation:
Current situation of culture in Kosova is very difficult. This situation shows these factors:
 Lack of staff for compiling and processing the projects of cultural fields;
 Lack of suitable objects for artistic programs: museums of contemporary art,
galleries, theatres, house of opera and ballet, concert halls, building of
Kosovafilmi, technical modern equipment, contemporary communications, etc.
 Lack of Arts Center, which will serve for activities in culture, for our audience;
 Lack of colonies of figurative artists; i.e. Colony of Deçan, of Batllava,
Grozhnjani etc;
 Lack of Institute of Arts, as an institution for developing the visual, performing
and music arts.
 Lack of Faculty of Arts, especially of Music and other artistic branches;
 Lack of the Institute for Cultural Studies;
 Lack of House of Opera and Ballet;
 Lack of young managerial creative staff, capable to be incorporated in cultural
 Lack of budget for supporting the production of new feature films in Kosova.
 Lack of infrastructure and very slow reforms in legislation;
 Lack of promotion of our culture in other countries of the region, Europe and
Based on policies and programs, in the field of performing, music and visual arts, we
have achieved to advance the management of institutional activity in the realization of
artistic projects and programs.
We would like to emphasis:
* Selection and reelection of the leading and managerial staff in the cultural institutions
of Kosova;
* It is founded the “Philharmony-Opera” of Kosova;
* We started with consolidation of scope of activities in Philharmony, Opera, Theatre of
Kosova in Prishtine, in the Theatre of Gjakova, in Kosova Art Gallery, in the Ensemble
of Songs and Dances “Shota” and Kosovafilmi.
* It is prepared and performed Opera “Arbresh Wedding”, of the composer Rauf Dhomi.
This is the first stage premiere performed here;
* For the 125 anniversary ALP, were organized a big number of manifestations of the
cultural and artistic level, in Prishtinë, Prizren and many other cities of Kosova
* Two Theatres were have shown, approximately one premiere per month and 2-3
repetitions of Albanian and foreign authors. Some performances were presented outside
* In Kosova Art Gallery and in the Gallery of Ministry of Culture where were presented
more then 60 collective and individual exhibitions of figurative and applicative arts;
* ESD “Shota” have realized several promotion programs very successfully in Kosova.
Also presented folkloric and artistic values of songs and dances in the International
Festival of Folklore in Friebourg of Switzerland;
* Partially were funded two long length feature films –(from the budget of 2002 and
-“Stone milk”, directed by Synaj Raça- produced by FH “Arena” from Prishtina;
-“Kukumi - Fyelli që bie natën”, directed by Isa Qosja- produced by “Kosova Filmi”,
 There were supported initiatives of associations, creators, NGO-s, which
projected artistic values.
Preparations for the International long-length Film Festival. Festival will take
place by the end of September 2003. With support from donors.
 Here were supported partially also the Festivals of serious music with
international character (New Stage of Prishtina, International Festival of Chamber
 Preparations for the Exhibition of famous Creators of the Visual Arts in Kosova
in the Hall of European Parliament in Strasburg.
In this course, in the “Qafa” Gallery of the Ministry of Culture were organized 40 solo
and collective exhibitions of the authors from Kosova and from other countries.
There have been supported also activities of the Gallery “Vizioni 2000+” in
Gjakovë and the allery of the painter Mladen Popoviq in Zubin Potok..
Also we have supported:
 Gallery of the Ministry of Culture “Qafa” in Prishtinë;
 Art Gallery “Vizioni i Ri 2000+” in Gjakovë;
Private gallery of the painter Mladen Popovic in Zubin Potok;
With the same budget we have partially supported some cultural projects of individuals,
associations and different NGO-s.
There is a need to be reorganized the institutional, administrative and managerial
 Bigger support for municipal theaters, music groups and other individual and
collective cultural activities;
 To make possible to the artists and cultural institutions of Kosova to present their
values in Kosova and outside.
 Support for the institutions of Kosova in implementing the reforms;
 Professional, organizational and managerial support for institutions, organizations
and associations with essential staffing.
Cultural promotion is one the most important segments within the Department of Culture.
Its role is in organization, coordination, showing promoting and affirming the real values
of the different fields of culture.
After the war the culture begins to breath freely, begins the promotion of national values,
by enabling the promotion of real values of creators of the different fields of art and
culture in our country.
In the frame of Promotion Davison are included libraries and librarianship (organization,
coordination and legislative supervision), publications (valuation and support of
publications with interest of capital works of literature) and lifelong learning
(amateurism, associations of culture or related to culture).
According to the approved Law on Libraries, the National Library will be split in two
parts. University Library will remain under the Ministry of Education, Science and
Technology, while the National Library will be transferred under the competency of the
Ministry of Culture.
Also, here is developed a densely activity in the aspect of promotion of national values,
both in the country and abroad. Also there is an engagement for creating possibilities for
intercultural communication, of presentation and exchange of cultural values in Kosova.
Till now there were organized or supported big number of cultural activities. It is worthy
to be mentioned initiatives of some new manifestations:
It is supported the publication/publishing of Magazines “Jeta e Re”,
“Fjala” and some other important titles.
There were supported 13 titles realized by the Edition “Rilindja”;
Supplying and coordination of works in 8 inter-municipal libraries and in
many other libraries.
“Photo-marathon 2003”(manifestation of artistic photographing).
Organization of “Commemoration Days of Mother Theresa”.
12 literary artistic manifestations.
Poetry meetings in Mitrovicë “Cape horn- Fahredin Gunga”.
Organizational support for the Book Fair in Prishtinë. More then 100
publishers from all over Albanian land have participated.
Financial support for the participation of the film “Enough with tears, o
God” in the Film Festival in Brussels “Life in the chimney” in Gojas of
Brasilia, in Dresden of Germany.
Participation of poets in the “International meeting of poets in Paris”, and
in Salzburg;
Presentation of figurative and applicative artists in Brussels,
Opening of the photographic exhibition of Fahredin Spahija in Tiranë.
Participation of SHKA ”Agimi “ in the International festival of Trabzon in
Participation of representation from Kosovo in the folkloristic festival in
Lezha. Etc
Forming of the jazz bend “Big bend”, which develops its music creativity
within RTK.
Many minority projects were supported and thus produced a new program policy –
cultural diversity and minorities. The following are some of the minority associations
”Circus for peace ”(organized in the Northern Mitrovica)
,SHKA’MERAK”,( Bosnian), financially supported to commence the
activities /Lubinje Prizren;
SHKA ”Gjerdan”(Bosnian), also financially supported to develop its
artistic activities, magazine Gjulistan”(Bosnian language);
”Askali Traditional Dance”, ”Voice of Askali Community ”,etj.
34 festival projects throughout Kosovo, apart of which seven for minorities, while within
the policy on cultural diversity 10 projects as well as interactive programs and cross
cultural communications.
Difficulties :
The promotion of culture, libraries and archives, publications and info5rmal education
are cooping with various difficulties and publications. Frstly irt is the low budget 2002
were allocated were 488.000€, while for year 2003 -(300.000. €), what influenced visibly
the reduction of cultural promotion.
Due to the lack of financial means the following projects were not implemented;
 “Kosovo Cultural Week in Turkey” as well as a number of other
important projects.
 The equipping of library fund in the 8 inter-municipal and other libraries
was not conducted
 Many of very important work have been left unpublished; no translation is
done, and be that of our own books or foreign ones or vice versa.
 Due to the lack of means the Informal Education Sector has not realized a
single project.
The objective is development of the activities dealing with promotion of Kosovo culture
inside and outside the country.
The aim is development of the activities promoting Kosovo culture in the country and in
international arena. The goal is to reach as many agreements on cultural cooperation with
countries in the region and in particular to implement the agreement reached with
republic of Albania.
Problems and difficulties in the cultural activity in Kosovo are immense;
The development and upraising the cultural activity in Kosovo has an urgent need for
institutional, infrastructural and budgetary support based on the defined priorities:
heritage, visual and performing arts, publications and cultural promotion in general;
The assessment and professional monitoring of the implemented project and programs in
cooperation with local and international experts;