J. Recognition & Scholarships NC-HOSA Award Criteria and Nomination Form American Red Cross Service Project Competition Rex Blood Services Life Saving Project Blood Donor Center of Cape Fear Valley Community Blood Center of the Carolinas Prevent Blindness Scholarship/Recognition Opportunities Baxley Alumni Scholarship King’s College Application Lunnie Yopp Service Scholarship HOSA Foundation & Human Resources Scholarship NCHOETA Scholarship National HOSA Scholarships National Recognition Program – Tips for Success Barbara James Service Award National Service Project Blue Cross/Blue Shield Foundation Breast Health Gold Star Advisor Gold Star Chapter J0 1-2 3-5 6-8 9 - 10 11 - 14 15 - 18 19 20 - 21 22 - 24 25 26 - 27 28 29 30 - 31 32 - 33 34 35 - 37 38 - 39 40 - 41 NC-HOSA AWARD CRITERIA Honorary Life Membership Given to an individual who has made a long-term contribution to NC-HOSA, and who is deserving of NC-HOSA's highest honor. VIP Award This award is given to a person in an educational administration position who has demonstrated outstanding support of NC-HOSA, i.e. CTE Directors, Superintendents, Legislators, Mayors, etc. Partnership Award The Partnership Award is given to a person or organization outside of NC-HOSA, based on their contribution to NC-HOSA in strengthening the "Healthy Partnership” i.e. Hospitals, Health Agencies, Healthcare Organizations, Businesses, Local and State Agencies, etc. Merit Award(s) This award is given to a person(s) within the HOSA organization or working with the HOSA organization whose special efforts/contributions deserve recognition, i.e. Advisors, Retired Advisors, Alumni, National Officers, Parents, Spouses, etc. J1 NC-HOSA Award Nomination Form NC-HOSA annually recognizes those individuals or groups who have made outstanding contributions to North Carolina HOSA. Awards include: Honorary Life Member VIP Award Partnership Award(s) Merit Award(s) Chapters should submit a completed nomination form to NC-HOSA prior to the conference registration deadline. Questions? Contact the NC-HOSA State Office or Chairman of the NC-HOSA Board of Directors. A specific description of each award and past award recipients is included in the NC-HOSA Advisor Leadership Guide. Nominee ________________________________________________________ Title ____________________________________________________________ Describe the nominee’s contributions to NC-HOSA. Include specific dates of involvement and ways they have been involved with NC-HOSA. __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Chapter submitting nomination _____________________________________________ ________________________________ Chapter President/Date ____________________________ Chapter Advisor/Date *Include any additional information desired to support this nomination on a separate piece of paper. Please attach to the form before mailing. Deadline: February 14, 2011 J2 Give Blood To learn more about blood donation opportunities, visit www.givelife.org or call 1-800-GIVE-LIFE (1-800-448-3543). Give Blood- the Gift of Life Want to know more about what to expect when giving blood? View our online presentation. For more information, visit the Learn About Blood Donation section, and review the donor eligibility guidelines. Many generous Americans nationwide have been donating blood since the terrorist attacks September 11 to ensure a sustained and secure blood supply for all Americans. Together with the Red Cross, these blood heroes are ensuring that the safest possible blood is readily available whenever and wherever needed - for the military, for other blood centers in America and for all 5,000 of America's hospitals. We all expect blood to be there for us, but barely a fraction of those who can give do. Yet sooner or later, virtually all of us will face a time of great vulnerability in which we will need blood. And that time is all too often unexpected. From its beginning, the American Red Cross has formed a community of service, of generous, strong and decent people bound by beliefs beyond themselves. The honor, spirit and resources of the American people comes forth with neighbors helping neighbors in need - during earthquakes, floods, fires, storms - and also for the deeply personal and often quiet disasters that require a gift of blood. To find out where you can donate, visit www.givelife.org or call 1-800-GIVE-LIFE (1-800-4483543). NOTE: There are links to this site that would be beneficial when teaching the circulatory system. American Red Cross www.redcross.org J3 North Carolina HOSA American Red Cross Service Project Competition And Participation Recognition Sponsored by the Carolina’s Blood Services Region, American Red Cross All chapters who sponsor a bloodmobile during the competition year are encouraged to submit an entry form so that the chapter may receive a plaque and also be recognized by being listed in the NC HOSA State Conference Program as an American Red Cross bloodmobile sponsor. ELIGIBILITY AND JUDGING CRITERIA 1. Eligibility 2. Points System HOSA Chapter must have sponsored at least one bloodmobile during the competitive year (February 22, 2010 – February 14, 2011). A. (30 pts.) For each bloodmobile sponsored by the chapter during competition year. B. (10 pts.) If your goal for number of pints is met or exceeded. C. (20 pts.) If the chapter wins the highest number of pints collected at a single drive (one or two day drive). D. (20 pts.) For each Red Cross program or project participated in a chapter (minimum 6 students) Examples: : CPR training : First Aide course : Baby Sitting course : Disaster Training course : Group Apheresis donation E. (10 pts.) For each non-sponsored bloodmobile chapter assists with. (Students can be volunteers, Recruit donors, etc) BLOODMOBILE COMPETITION AWARDS 1. HOSA Chapter sponsoring high school bloodmobile with the highest number of pints collected. 2. HOSA Chapter with the Best OVERALL PARTICIPATION with the American Red Cross J4 American Red Cross Service Project Competition Entry Form Chapter Name _________________________________ Advisor __________________________ School Address_______________________________________ Phone #___________________ Region ________________________ HIGH SCHOOL BLOODMOBILES SPONSORED Date of Blood Drive Blood Drive Goal # Students Presenting # Pints Collected OTHER PARTICIPATION IN RED CROSS PROGRAMS OR PROJECTS DATE DESCRIPTION _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Mail this form no later than February 14, 2011 to: OR fax: (919) 807- 3899 OR E-mail: FCress@dpi.state.nc.us J5 Faye Cress, NC-HOSA 6358 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-6358 About Rex Blood Services Rex Blood Services is a not-for-profit, community blood bank dedicated to providing a safe, adequate blood supply to patients at Rex Hospital and other area hospitals including UNC Healthcare, Duke Hospital, WakeMed, Duke Health Raleigh (formerly Raleigh Community), Cape Fear Valley Medical Center, Sampson Regional, and Granville Medical Center. In 1962, Rex Blood Services began as Raleigh's first community blood donor facility. As a member of the American Association of Blood Banks, our mission is to provide the highest standard of care and service to area blood donors and patients. We promote a plan of community participation to increase awareness of the need for, and importance of, blood donation and maintenance of a consistent and safe blood supply. Volunteer blood donors can donate blood at the Rex Blood Services Donor Center or on mobile blood drives set up with businesses, churches, schools and civic organizations throughout the community Did you know? Every 3 seconds someone needs blood. One donation can help save 3 lives. Approximately 60% of our population is eligible to give blood, and only 5% actually donate. Donations from High Schools make up for approximately 20% of our blood supply. O positive and A positive are the most common blood types. AB negative is the least common. O negative is the universal donor blood type, able to donate to people of all other blood types. J6 North Carolina HOSA Rex Blood Services Life Saving Project ELIGIBILITY AND JUDGING CRITERIA There are 4 competitive event awards and certificates of participation for chapters sponsoring a Rex blood drive. Point System for Life Saving Project 1. Eligibility A. HOSA chapter must have sponsored at least one blood drive during the competitive year (February 23, 2010– February 14, 2011). 2. Point System A. (30pts.) B. (20pts.) C. (30pts.) D. (30pts.) E. (30pts.) For each blood drive sponsored by the chapter during the competitive year. If the goal for the number of donors to present is met or exceeded. If the chapter wins the highest number of donors at a single drive (one and two day drive). If the chapter wins the highest number of pints donated at a single drive (may be a one or two day drive). If the chapter wins the highest number of donors to present for the competitive year (all sponsored blood drives combined) BLOOD DRIVE COMPETITION AWARDS 1. Chapter sponsoring high school blood drive with the highest number of donors to present at a single drive (one day drive). 2. Chapter sponsoring high school that has the highest number of pints donated at a single drive (may be a one or two day drive). 3. Chapter sponsoring high school that has the highest number of donors to present for the competitive year (all sponsored blood drives combined). 4. All Chapters who sponsor 3 or more blood drives during the competitive year, will receive a plaque from, and be recognized by, Rex Blood Services and be listed in the NC HOSA State Conference guide. You must submit the Entry Form by February 14, 2011 to: Faye Cress, NC-HOSA, 6358 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-6358 OR Fax to (919) 807-3899 OR E-mail to fcress@dpi.state.nc.us J7 Rex Blood Services Life Saving Project Competition Entry Form Chapter Name _________________________________ Advisor _________________ School Address_____________________________________ Phone # ____________ Region ________________________ Life Saving High School Blood Drives Date of Blood Drive Blood Drive Goal Number of Students Registered/ to Present Number of Pints Collected One Donation Can Help Save 3 Lives! Thank you for participating in the Rex Blood Services Life Saving Project! Mail this form no later than February 14, 2011 to: Faye Cress, NC-HOSA 6358 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-6358 OR fax: (919) 807-3899 OR E-mail: fcress@dpi.state.nc.us J8 PARTICIPATION and RECOGNITION ELIGIBILITY AND JUDGING CRITERIA *There are 4 competitive event awards and certificates of participation For chapters sponsoring a blood drive. 1. Eligibility 2. Points System HOSA Chapter must have sponsored at least one blood drive during the competitive year (February 23, 2010 – February 14, 2011). A. (30pts.) B. (20pts.) C (30pts.) D. (10pts.) For each blood drive sponsored by the chapter during the competitive year. If the goal of number of donors to present is met or exceeded. If chapter wins the highest number of donors for the year. For each additional blood drive the chapter assists with outside high school drives. (ie. an elementary or middle school, church, etc.) BLOOD DRIVE COMPETITION AWARDS 1. Chapter sponsoring high school blood drive with the highest number of donors to present. (single drive). 2. Chapter sponsoring high school that has the highest number of donors to present (all sponsored blood drives combined) for the competitive year. 3. All chapters who sponsor 1 blood drive during the competitive year, will receive a certificate and be recognized by, The Blood Donor Center of Cape Fear Valley Health System and be listed in the NC HOSA State Conference guide. You must submit this Form by February 22, 2010 to: For more information contact: Mary Fisher The Blood Donor Center Cape Fear Valley Health System Fayetteville NC Phone: (910) 609-6173 Faye Cress, NC-HOSA 6358 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-6358 OR Fax: (919) 807-3899 OR E-mail: fcress@dpi.state.nc.us J9 Saving Lives, Locally Participation and Recognition Competition Entry Form Chapter Name ________________________________________ Advisor _____________________________________________ School Address__________________________________ Phone # _______________ Region ___________________ E-mail ______________________________________ Partners For Life - Saving Lives Locally Through High School Blood Drives Date of Blood Drive Blood Drive Goal Number of Students Presented Number of Pints Collected Blood Donors are our community’s heroes. Thank you for your participation and your commitment to saving lives, locally Mail this form no later than February 14, 2011 to: Faye Cress, NC-HOSA 6358 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-6358 OR fax: (919) 807-3899 OR E-mail: fcress@dpi.state.nc.us J 10 704-972-4700 www.cbcc.us The Community Blood Center of the Carolinas is an independent, locally-managed, non-profit community blood center. We provide more than 90 percent of the blood supply to the 14 area hospitals that serve 11 North Carolina and three South Carolina counties. We're members of America's Blood Centers, a group of 76 independent blood centers, which supplies 50 percent of the country's blood. We subscribe to a community-based blood banking philosophy. That means community donors know that the blood they give stays in that community first -- helping family members, friends and neighbors. Excess supply is shared with other communities when needed. Our Mission Our mission is to be the steward of a community resource, lifesaving blood. We are strictly a blood center, completely focused on gathering red blood cells, platelets and plasma from volunteer donors to save local lives. Every drop of blood we collect stays here to help people in our community. Our Philosophy We're members of America's Blood Centers, a group of 76 independent blood centers that supplies 50 percent of the country's blood. We subscribe to a community-based blood banking philosophy. That means community donors know that the blood they give stays in our community first -- helping family members, friends and neighbors. Excess supply is shared with other communities when needed. Our Vision Our vision is to build and strengthen the bonds of our community. Why community? The need for blood is never ending. In fact, more than 300 pints are required every day in the treatment of our local patients. There is no substitute for life-saving blood—it cannot be manufactured or reproduced. Yet it is essential to patients suffering from lifethreatening illnesses. CBCC collects blood from the community to use in the community. J 11 PARTICIPATION and RECOGNITION ELIGIBILITY AND JUDGING CRITERIA *There are 2 competitive event awards for chapters sponsoring a blood drive. 1. Eligibility 2. Points System HOSA chapter must have sponsored at least one blood drive during the competitive year (February 23, 2010 – February 14, 2011). A. (30pts.) For each blood drive sponsored by the chapter during the competitive year. B. (20pts.) If the goal of number of donors to present is met or exceeded. C. (30pts.) If chapter wins the highest number of donors for the year. D. (10pts.) For each additional blood drive the chapter assists with outside high school drives. (ex. an elementary or middle school, church, etc.) BLOOD DRIVE COMPETITION AWARDS 1. Chapter sponsoring high school blood drive with the highest number of donors to present. (single drive). 2. Chapter sponsoring high school that has the highest number of donors to present (all sponsored blood drives combined) for the competitive year. You must submit this Form by February 14, 2011 to: Faye Cress, NC-HOSA NC DPI – CTE 6358 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-6358 OR Fax to (919) 807-3899 OR E-mail to fcress@dpi.state.nc.us For more information on sponsoring a blood drive with Community Blood Center of the Carolinas, contact Karen Calder, Director of Development and Public Relations at 704972-4700. J 12 Community Blood Center of the Carolinas Participation and Recognition Competition Entry Form Chapter Name _________________________________ Advisor __________________________ School Address___________________________________________ Phone # _______________ District ________________________ E-mail __________________________________________ Life Saving High School Blood Drives Date of Blood Drive Blood Drive Goal Number of Students Registered Number of Pints Collected Mail this form no later than February 14, 2011 to: Faye Cress, NC-HOSA : 6358 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-6358 : or fax: (919) 807-3899: Or E-mail to fcress@dpi.state.nc.us J 13 August 2010 Dear Health Occupations Teacher/HOSA Advisor: Prevent Blindness NC is pleased to continue awarding special recognition to HOSA chapters who participate in the vision screening certification program. The first award, Every Youth’s Eyes Award (E.Y.E. award), is awarded to the chapter that screened the largest percentage of elementary school students in their school district. This chapter will receive a plaque and $100. The second award is the Healthy Eyes for Little People Award (H.E.L.P. award). This is given to the HOSA chapter that has the best overall participation in vision screening in their school district. This chapter will receive a plaque. Many HOSA chapters have a history of assisting the school nurses in vision screening in their school districts. This partnership offers the students an opportunity to receive skills training and become certified to screen school-age children and adults. HOSA students offer a real service to the school nurses by freeing them up to do the other things only the nurse can do. It also provides students with the opportunity to get immediate feedback on what it means to help others. In order to be eligible for the PBNC/HOSA awards, the students must be certified by PBNC through our vision screening program. The certification training is a free 3-hour class taught at your location. Please discuss screening opportunities with your school nurse prior to scheduling a workshop. We limit training to classes able to participate in mass screening in local schools. We look forward to working with you to serve the children of North Carolina. Please call us at 919-755-5044 or 1-800-543-7839 for more information. Best regards, Lisa Rawlings Certification Program Coordinator J 14 2010-11 HOSA AWARDS ELIGIBILITY AND JUDGING CRITERIA 1. Eligibility A. HOSA chapter must have participated in at least one mass vision screening in an elementary school setting during competition year (7/1/10 – 2/14/11). B. HOSA chapter must have completed a PBNC vision screening certification class during the current school year. 2. Judging A. The Every Youth’s Eyes Award (E.Y.E.) will be given to the HOSA chapter screening the largest percentage of elementary school students in their school district. B. The Healthy Eyes for Little People Award (H.E.L.P.) will be given to the HOSA chapter with the best overall participation based on the following point system. a) 5 points for each mass vision screening in an elementary school. b) 5 points if the participation of certified HOSA members is at least 70%. c) 5 points for each screening event conducted in a special setting, such as a health fair or class project. d) 5 points for every 100 elementary school students screened. e) 5 points for screening over 25% of elementary school students in the school district. Application Procedure: Complete the award entry forms and return to Prevent Blindness by February 14, 2011. Winners will be announced at the annual HOSA conference in the spring. J 15 Prevent Blindness North Carolina Vision Screening Awards 2010-11 ENTRY FORMS School Name:___________________________________________________________ School District:__________________________________________________________ County:_________________________Advisor/Teacher__________________________ School Address:_________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Phone:_______________________________Fax:______________________________ Every Youth’s Eyes Award (E.Y.E.) The E.Y.E. award is given to the chapter that has screened the largest percentage of elementary school students in their school district. Date of Event # of Students Screened J 16 Healthy Eyes for Little People Award (H.E.L.P.) The H.E.L.P. Award is given to the chapter with the best overall participation based on a point system. Event Date # of Students Screened Grade(s) Screened % of HOSA Students Participating Return completed entry forms by FEBRUARY 14, 2011 to the address or fax number listed below: Lisa Rawlings, Certification Coordinator Prevent Blindness North Carolina 4011 WestChase Blvd., Ste. 225 Raleigh, NC 27607 Fax: 919-755-5013 J 17 Event Description Prevent Blindness Offers Free 3-Hr Vision Screening Workshops To Schedule A Workshop Call 800-543-7839 PBNC promotes the ‘HOSA Model’ Collaboration with local school nurses in conducting mass vision screenings in local elementary schools. This is a great opportunity for your students to receive hands-on experience and provide a needed community service, while earning a 2-year certification in vision screening. J 18 Scholarship Opportunities 2010– 2011 All State HOSA Scholarship applications are included in the Recognition and Scholarship section of the Advisor Leadership Guide. Please note that there may be changes in the some of the applications this year, please read carefully. Ask your Chapter advisors to duplicate scholarship applications as needed State HOSA Scholarship Opportunities Include: $ Baxley Alumni/Post-Secondary Scholarship - *Application/qualifications were changed to include the Post-Secondary students, send to Danny Weston at the address on application by deadline February 14, 2011. $ King’s College Scholarship - *Application/qualifications remain the same. This scholarship will be given to a student planning to attend King’s College in the Medical Assisting program. Please send to Jamie Bluto at address on application by deadline February 14, 2011. $ Lunnie Yopp Register Service Scholarship -*Application/qualifications remain the same, send to Mr. Keith Register at address on application by deadline February 14, 2011. $ NC Healthcare Human Resources and NC HOSA Foundation Scholarship (Use the same application/qualifications for both scholarships, check the box for scholarship/s applicant is applying for). *Applications may be sent in with registration to NC-HOSA State office by February 14, 2011. $ NCHOETA –Student Scholarship – Application/Qualifications remain the same, send application to the address on the application by the stated deadline. $ District PALC Scholarships – Applicant must be from the designated District to apply. Send the application to the address on the application by the stated deadline. Please make sure you send your application/s to the correct person as we will be unable to forward applications mistakenly sent to the State office. National HOSA Scholarship Opportunities Include: HOSA Scholarship Catherine B. Junge Memorial Scholarship Several Partnership Scholarships Please refer to the National HOSA web site, www.hosa.org for further information and applications for these scholarships. Deadline for National HOSA scholarships is March 30th. Barbara James Service Award National Recognition Program National Service Project HOSA Week Outstanding HOSA Chapter NC-HOSA - Only American Red Cross, Rex Blood Services, Community Blood Center of the Carolinas, Blood Donor Center of Cape Fear Valley Health System Gold Star Chapter Gold Star Advisor Recognition Opportunities 2010 - 2011 J 19 BAXLEY ALUMNI/POST-SECONDARY SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION $100 Award SUBMIT TO: Mr. Danny Weston P O Box 297 Kenansville, NC 28349 DUE DATE: February 14, 2011 CRITERIA The applicant must: Be a current HOSA Alumni or Post-Secondary/Collegiate member Have been actively involved in HOSA prior to high school graduation Be presently active in, or with, a local HOSA chapter Be presently enrolled in an educational program to pursue a health career Be deserving, in the opinion of the Health Occupations teacher or current local HOSA advisor, of this award Have successfully completed two Health Occupations Education courses while in high school Need not be present at HOSA Conference to receive the award. No interview will be conducted for this award BAXLEY ALUMNI SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION I. HOSA Alumni Member: Name: _______________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________ E-mail: ______________________________ High School: ______________________________ Advisor: _____________________ HOE Classes Taken and Grade Earned: _____________________________________ _____________________________________________ Graduation Date: __________ Career Objective or Major: ________________________________________________ ___________________________________ Name of Post Secondary Institution _______________________________ Projected Date of Graduation II. Letter of support by local HOSA Advisor, describing why the student is deserving of this scholarship. ___________________________________ Signature of Advisor J 20 _________________ Date Page 2 Baxley Scholarship Application DUE DATE: February 14, 2011 III. Statement by applicant as to why he/she feels they deserve the $100.00 award: ______________________________________ Signature of Student Date TO BE AWARDED AT THE NORTH CAROLINA HOSA STATE CONFERENCE. J 21 KING'S COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP This scholarship award, made possible by King's College, will be presented to one outstanding HOSA member who plans to further his or her education in Medical Assisting at King's College in Charlotte, North Carolina. General Information 1. The funds for this $1000 scholarship award are made possible by King's College. One scholarship will be awarded annually, and will be applied to the tuition at King's College in Charlotte, North Carolina. 2. The recipient of the scholarship will be announced and presented by a representative of King's College at the annual NC-HOSA State Conference. Eligibility 1. Only high school seniors who are active members of HOSA may apply. 2. All applicants should plan to work toward a diploma or associate degree in medical assisting at King's College in Charlotte. 3. HOSA members applying for this scholarship may also enter another event at the NC-HOSA State Conference. Regulations 1. Applications should be mailed to the Scholarship Committee at King's College as designated on the application form. 2. A four-part application should be completed, consisting of the following: A. Application form B. Advisor's statement C. Official copy of applicant's high school transcript D. Original essay on the importance of postsecondary education in medical assisting. The essay should not exceed two doublespaced typed pages. 3. Finalists will be scheduled for an interview during the annual HOSA State Conference. Judging 1. Applications will be reviewed by a screening committee. Finalists must be available for interviews at the NC-HOSA State Conference. A panel of judges, including a representative of King's College, will conduct the interview and determine the winner. J 22 KINGS'S COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP - ADVISOR'S STATEMENT Name of Applicant_______________________________________________________ Home Address__________________________________________________________ Name of School_________________________________________________________ School Address__________________________________________________________ (The applicant should fill in the above information.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please complete the following information about the applicant and return this form to the applicant. 1. Please list the student's participation in HOSA. (Elective office, committees, meetings attended, participation in activities.) 2. Use the remaining space to make any other comments you wish to make. _____________________________ Advisor's Signature J 23 ____________ Date King's College Scholarship APPLICATION FORM Please mail this application along with the essay to: DEADLINE: February 14, 2011 Jamie Bluto, Scholarship Chairman King's College 322 Lamar Avenue Charlotte, NC 28204 1. Name__________________________________________________________ Last First Middle 2. High School____________________________________________________________ 3. School Address__________________________________________________________ 4. How long have you been a HOSA member? ______ Years 5. What Health Occupations Education courses have you been enrolled in? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 6. What are your future career plans? __________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 7. What school and community activities do you participate in? ______________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 8. Do you have a part-time job? ____ Yes ____ No If yes, Why? ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 9. Will you be available for an interview at the HOSA State Conference? ____Yes ____No 10. Is the essay you are submitting solely your own? ___________________________ Applicant Signature _____ Yes _____ No ___________________________ Advisor Signature J 24 ___________ Date LUNNIE YOPP REGISTER SERVICE SCHOLARSHIP $200 Award SUBMIT TO: Keith Register 404 Pierpoint Drive Wilmington NC 28405 DATE DUE: February 14, 2011 APPLICATION NAME ________________________________ LOCAL CHAPTER ______________________ ADVISOR _________________________ REGION _____________ GRADE LEVEL________ NUMBER OF YEARS ENROLLED IN HEALTH OCCUPATIONS EDUCATION: _____________ NUMBER OF YEARS A MEMBER IN HOSA_________________________________________ NUMBER OF HOURS OF COMMUNITY SERVICE___________________________________ ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS IN 50 WORDS OR LESS: 1. List a detailed description of your community services this year. 2. Why do you believe community service is important? Advisor's Confirmation: The above information is correct and true as stated by this Student. ______________________________________________________________ Signature of HOSA Advisor Date ______________________________________________________________ Signature of Student Date NOTE: Selection will be made based on the content of this application. No interview is required. J 25 North Carolina Healthcare Human Resources Scholarship And North Carolina HOSA Foundation Scholarship Eligibility Criteria Eligibility 1. High school seniors who are active members of HOSA. 2. All applicants should plan to work toward a degree in hospital-related medical/health care profession. 3. All applicants must provide proof of acceptance to a postsecondary or collegiate institution before scholarship $ will be awarded. A letter of acceptance may be sent in with application or brought to conference if available. Procedures 1. All applicants must submit the following: a. Completed application b. Financial Aid Form c. Official transcript d. Three recommendations (HOE teacher and 2 others) e. Resume’ of community and leadership activities for the past three years. 2. Applications received in the NC-HOSA office by the published deadline will be screened by a committee of two (2) education consultants, one (1) area health industry representative, and others as selected by the NC-HOSA advisor. The committee will choose no more than 6 finalists to be interviewed at the NC-HOSA State Conference in the spring of each year. 3. Finalists will be notified in writing of their selection for an interview at least tow week prior to the state conference. 4. An interview committee at the NC-HOSA State Conference will make the final scholarship selections. The interview committee will consist of individuals selected by the NC-HOSA advisor and NC Healthcare Human Resources Association. Criteria Final Selection will be based upon: A. Financial need B. Scholastic achievement C. Evidence of leadership ability D. Interview 20% 30% 20% 30% The scholarship will be announced and presented during the Awards Session at State Conference J 26 North Carolina Healthcare Human Resources Association And North Carolina HOSA Foundation Scholarship (Please check the box of scholarship/s applying for) Scholarship Application Name ______________________________High School ________________________ Home Address _________________________________________________________ Home Phone # _______________________Advisor: __________________________ List the Health Occupations Education courses you have taken: Please describe your future career plans: Signature of Applicant ___________________________________ Date ___________ With this application, please enclose: 1. 2. 3. 4. A completed Financial aid form An official transcript (in a sealed envelope) Three written recommendations (HOE teacher and 2 others) A typed resume’ of community and leadership activities for the past 3 years. TO BE CONSIDERED FOR THIS SCHOLARSHIP, ALL INFORMATION MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE NC-HOSA STATE OFFICE BY February 14, 2011. APPLICANTS MUST BE ABLE TO BE PRESENT FOR AN INTERVIEW AT THE NC-HOSA STATE CONFERENCE. J 27 North Carolina Health Occupations Education Teachers Association Student Scholarship Application Name ________________________________________________________________ High School ___________________________________________________________ Home Address _________________________________________________________ Home Phone Number ( ) E-mail: _________________________ List the Health Occupations Education courses you have taken: ___________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Essay: On a separate piece of paper, please describe your future career plans. ____________________________________________ Signature of Applicant ________________ Date With this completed application please include: 1. An official school transcript. 2. A recommendation from your HOSA Advisor. 3. A typed resume of school, leadership, and community activities during your high school career. 4. The essay listed above. To be considered for this scholarship in the amount of $100.00, all information must be post-marked on or before February 14, 2011. No exceptions! Please send to: Frances Hess Cherokee High School PO Box 134 Cherokee NC 28719 Scholarship recipient’s name must be forwarded to NC-HOSA by March 21, 2011. J 28 National HOSA Scholarships There are several scholarships available through National HOSA. Applications are available on – line at www.hosa.org. NC-HOSA does not handle these scholarships. The forms must be complete and submitted to National HOSA at 6021 Morriss Road, Suite 111, Flower Mound, TX 75028 by April 1, 2011. HCA Scholarship HCA – Hospital Corporation of America is one of HOSA’s newest partners. Last year at nationals they provided six $1,000.00 scholarships. The scholarships were established to honor the memory of Phil R. Patton, Senior Vice President of Human Resources for the Nashville-based company, who died in a plane accident in October, 2003. There are particular forms to complete for this scholarship. Please refer to the HOSA web site for further instructions. ACTE-HOE Division Scholarship ACTE-HOE Division offered $250.00 scholarships at the 2007 National Leadership Conference. This scholarship also had particular paperwork to be completed and was mailed to a different address. Please refer to the national HOSA web site for further instructions. HOSA Scholarships There are several HOSA partners who awarded scholarships at the 2007 National Leadership Conference. To be eligible for a HOSA scholarship, the student must be affiliated with HOSA on all levels, complete the necessary forms and submit them by the April 15th deadline. Applicants are NOT required to attend the National Leadership Conference to receive their scholarship. Scholarships will be awarded at the 2008 National Leadership Conference in Dallas, Texas. Please call 1-800-321-4672 if you have any questions concerning the applications or submission process. J 29 HOSA National Recognition Program TIPSfor Success In cooperation with the National Consortium for Health Science Technology Education, HOSA’s National Recognition Program is NEW for 2002-2003. The purpose of the event is to encourage HOSA members to develop the skills, abilities and attitudes necessary to pursue a career in health care. The portfolio is designed to provide students with documentation of their achievements through health occupations/health science education and HOSA. ULTIMATE GOAL: This portfolio should be something the HOSA member can take to job or college interviews. It serves as documentation of achievements and will be helpful to the student when filling out college and job applications in the years to come. Remember that your portfolio needs to be neat and to the point. Here are some helpful suggestions when completing your portfolio. The biggest challenge we have seen so far is failure to follow the directions. If the criteria says "one page" do not provide two. If the criteria asks for "who, where, what and when" be sure you provide that information. PORTFOLIO DO NOT use sheet protectors or tabbed dividers. They extend out from the borders of the portfolio and do not create a professional appearance. DO include the verification statement as the last page of the portfolio. DO ask your chapter advisor, parent, or mentor to evaluate your portfolio, following the published standard, before submitting it for national recognition. Their feedback can be very helpful in assuring a professional portfolio that follows the rules and meets the standards. LETTER OF INTRODUCTION DO include your full name, address, and the date just as you would any formal business letter. Pay attention to having even top, bottom, left and right margins. DO NOT try to squeeze too much information on the page. This is an introduction Ð not your life history. RESUME DO follow acceptable resume standards. You can find good examples in textbooks and online. Use resume quality paper and a clean, neat style. There should be NO errors on your resume. DO NOT go over the one page limit. PROJECT DO use an outline or summary form to provide the key facts of your project. DO include important information such as the date, title, duration, who was involved, purpose and results of your project. You may include important supportive information/documentation if you wish. DO NOT ramble on for four pages in a narrative explanation of what is wrong with the world. WRITING SAMPLE DO follow the directions. DO use a pen, write neatly, and pay attention to page margins. This part of the portfolio is designed to share what you think and how well you write. DO NOT type or word-process the answers. DO NOT change the amount of space. This activity is designed to make you provide a clear and concise answer to selected questions. J 30 WORK-BASED LEARNING DO follow the directions and provide a one-page summary. DO include the important facts Ð date, time, location, mentor(s) and what you did as part of the experience. NOTE: A letter from the agency in which the HOSA member experienced a work-based learning environment may be used, provided the letter provides an appropriate description. ORAL PRESENTATION DO include a short description that outlines who, where, what and when the speech took place. DO include a copy of the actual speech. DO NOT include copies of your visual aids. DO NOT include a thank you letter from your audience. SERVICE LEARNING DO use a chart or outline format. DO provide the dates, hours, location and learning outcomes. (What did you do? What did you learn from this experience?) DO NOT use abbreviations that the evaluator is unfamiliar with. DO NOT include a car wash, candy sale, or other fundraising activity that is clearly not community service. TECHNOLOGY DO include a brief explanation of the technology you used. DO NOT include a disk or CD copy of your presentation. LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE DO include specific dates, titles, and a short description of each leadership role. DO NOT use abbreviations that will not be understood by the evaluator. This information was taken from the March 2003 HOSA Magazine, Leadership section. Please share this information with your students. Also refer to the April 03 edition for example of students’ work for the National Recognition Program Portfolio. Guidelines are available at the HOSA web site, www.hosa.org, in section B. J 31 BARBARA JAMES SERVICE AWARD President’s Volunteer Service Award The purpose of this award is to encourage Health Occupations/Health Science students to become contributing members of their communities. The Barbara James Service Award is in memory of Barbara James, 1982-83 HOSA, Inc. Board Chairman. Her leadership skills and contributions to HOSA exemplify the caring and compassion of HOSA members. This award in Barbara's memory seeks to recognize individual HOSA members whose commitment to community service is worthy of recognition. Applications for this award must be properly filled out and received by NC-HOSA by February 14, 2011 to be recognized at the state conference and received by May 1, 2011 to be reviewed and sent on the national HOSA if everything is correct. The application forms must be signed by the state advisor so they must come to NC-HOSA first. The application will reflect the HOSA member's volunteer service to his or her community. Proof of the community service MUST BE VERIFIED in an official letter, or certificate of volunteer service, from the sponsoring organization or agency, where the volunteer service took place. When a letter is presented, it must meet the following criteria: • Must be on official letterhead. • Must be signed by an organizational representative. • Must indicate the total hours of volunteer community service. The application will NOT be judged against other applications. HOSA members who identify approved volunteer activities that serve the citizens of a community will receive individual recognition for their contributions. Examples of Approved Volunteer Service: • Hospital/health facility volunteer • Rescue squad volunteer • Volunteer at Special Olympics • Church activities that serve the community at-large • Fundraising for charity or the community (American Red Cross, March of Dimes, Afghanistan Children’s Fund, Salvation Army, etc.) • Hospice volunteer • Volunteer at a senior center • HOSA activities that serve the community - in the community • Community service with another volunteer agency Examples of activities are NOT approved for this award: • Activities at school or during school hours • Activities done as a school assignment, even if performed outside of school hours • Service to a church (singing in the choir, teaching Sunday School, etc.) • Fundraising for an organization to which the member belongs • HOSA activities that promote HOSA (parade float, fair booth, speaking at a civic organization, etc.) • Activities as part of the HOSA National Service Project A committee will review the application for meeting the standards set forth in these guidelines. Applications that are incomplete, unsigned, or do not meet the requirements will NOT be considered for this award. J 32 Certificates will be awarded to all individual HOSA members who complete a minimum of fifty (50) hours of community service from the last day of the National Leadership Conference through May 15. NLC delegates will be recognized during the Recognition Session at the HOSA National Leadership Conference. When the member is not an NLC delegate, the certificate will be provided to the State Advisor. NLC delegates who complete the Barbara James Service Award with 100 or more hours of community service will also earn the President's Volunteer Service Award. The President's Volunteer Service Challenge is a White House initiative which recognizes young Americans with awards and scholarships for outstanding community service, while encouraging more young people to serve. (If the White House withdraws or changes this award, the HOSA requirements will change accordingly.) HOSA will submit the paperwork and pay the $2 fee for National Leadership Conference (NLC) delegates who meet the following requirements: • Complete 100 or more hours of volunteer community service • Submit the BJ Service Award application with all appropriate documentation and signatures to be received in the National Office by May 15. • HOSA will print the President's Volunteer Service Award winners in the conference program and pins and certificates will be distributed at the NLC. Only NLC registered delegates are eligible for the President's Volunteer Service Award through National HOSA. Local advisors who wish to recognize chapter members with this award should visit http://www.presidentialserviceawards.org for more information. Bronze Level 100-174 hours Silver Level 175-249 hours Gold Level 250 hours or more The State Advisor’s signature on the application indicates that the State Advisor reviewed the application and agrees that the volunteer service claim meets the guideline standards. A committee will be established by National HOSA to review applications and determine fulfillment of criteria for recognition. This document was taken from the Event Guidelines for the Barbara James Service Award. Please refer to the updated competitive event guidelines for any modifications. If you have any questions or concerns regarding volunteer activities and whether they will be allowed, please contact Faye Cress at fcress@dpi.state.nc.us or call, 919 807-3900. Students can apply for this award each year, BUT the volunteer hours can not start until the end of the NLC and go until the deadline date each year. J 33 National Service Project The National Service Project is_______________. For more information please contact the following address: J 34 The Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina Foundation Breast Health Project Program Goals: This program seeks to reach as many women as possible across the state with information on breast health, with the hopes of increasing knowledge about breast health and mammography usage, particularly among women in the highest risk category. While there have been lay health advisor programs that have proven successful, this program will use the same model, but advisors would be high school students in health occupations classes. We will examine the impact of intergenerational lay health advisors. The main teaching tool for the students is a necklace with beads that represent different sizes of lumps that would be found by mammograms and selfexams. It also provides practical experience for health occupations students. Audiences: The students are charged with working with two audiences: 1) Women in the age-risk category for breast cancer. Students participate in and create events and programs that allow them to talk to women about early detection—mammography, in particular. Since the risk for developing breast cancer is much higher in older women, students’ outreach efforts should focus on older women. A component could be added that would help students to instruct other women how to teach about breast health and mammograms. 2) Other students. This is a secondary effort, since girls at high school age are generally not at risk for breast cancer. The in-school focus would be on raising awareness about breast cancer and teaching them to talk with women in their lives about breast health and the importance of mammography screenings, clinical breast exams and self-exams. Kits: Free kits were distributed to health occupation teachers across the state. Each school received one kit for the health occupation teacher. Items included: 3-4 sets of beads with a card attached that will have statistics and information on how to use the beads. Brochure that corresponds with breast bead card and has more information on breast health and mammography screenings. These brochures are used as a handout at community events. Poster that corresponds with brochure and breast bead cards. Posters can be hung in places the students may visit. For instance, if the students go to a senior center or church event, they can leave a poster. J 35 Hand-out of a “flow chart” of responses to encourage women to receive a mammogram. Teachers can use this piece to discuss with students reasons why women may object to receiving a mammogram. Resource guide and curriculum guide that includes information on the program and its goals, ideas for program activities and community service projects that would enable the teens to reach women, assessment tools and a variety of other resources. Stickers to remind women to conduct their self-exams and to get mammograms. Health occupation instructors teach students about breast cancer and early detection. Additionally, instructors also teach students how to teach others about breast health and mammography. This may require 4-5 class sessions. The program is evaluated through pre-assessment and post-assessment tests for students as well as some tools to measure the impact on women in the age-risk category for breast cancer. Teacher Involvement Teachers signed agreements to implement the program. In signing the agreement, teachers accepted the following responsibilities: Attend a training session, at which they received the full kit Teach the program for two years Follow the curriculum which will be provided in the kit. Report to the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina Foundation on student community activities and results. Training sessions were held in different regions. In addition to the breast healthfocused training, sessions included information on public relations and grant writing. They also counted toward credit for continuing education. Teachers should encourage their students to enter their community projects in HOSA competitions. J 36 Breast Health Project Recognition Award Deadline: February 14, 2011 NC-HOSA is proud of the partnership with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of NC Foundation for the Breast Health Project. Local and regional HOSA support of this project is greatly encouraged and supported. All NC-HOSA Chapters who participate in this project will be recognized during the Opening Session of the State Leadership Conference in March 2010. This form must be submitted to the address below in order to receive recognition: School__________________________________Region___________________ Total Chapter Membership______________________ Describe your activities which support the Breast Health Project (you may use a separate sheet of paper if necessary). Include a copy of the Project contract which has been signed by the advisor. Total chapter hours of volunteer service (Non-fundraising) Hours per member of organizational service (Total hours divided by chapter membership) _____ _____ We verify that the information contained in this report is complete and accurate. Organizational Representative ____________________________ Date _________ Student Submitting Report _______________________________ Date _________ Chapter Advisor _______________________________________ Date _________ This application must include a 1-2 page attachment with an outline of chapter involvement in the Blue Cross Blue Shield of NC Breast Health Project – to include a brief description of each activity, date, location, total hours, etc. Mail completed form by February 14, 2011 to: FAYE CRESS/NC HOSA NCDPI - CTE 6358 MAIL SERVICE CENTER J 37 RALEIGH NC 27699-6358 North Carolina HOSA Gold Star Advisor (Revised June 2005) Purpose: To recognize advisors who encourage students’ participation and who actively participate in HOSA activities. Time Period: Points for the Gold Star Advisor are tallied from one HOSA State Conference until the deadline for the next State Conference. Points are tallied from the categories listed. Directions: Circle the applicable score values. Provide documentation with the Gold Star Advisor form as requested. Service Projects: Other service projects include any project that provides a service to others. Responsibility: The chapter advisor or designee is responsible for completing the point sheet and providing documentation as needed. Recognition: Advisors who total 75 points or more will be recognized at the Advisor Orientation during the NC HOSA State Conference. Advisor of the Year: The advisor who scores the highest points will be announced as the Advisor of the Year. This advisor will be recognized at the advisor orientation, Opening Session and at the National HOSA Conference. Documentation: Documentation must be presented in an organized manner and properly labeled. Points may be deducted if materials are not presented in an orderly manner. Number: The number of advisors to be recognized may vary each year according to the point system as set by the NC-HOSA Board of Directors. Mail to: The Gold Star Advisor form and supporting documentation must be mailed to: Faye Cress, NC-HOSA NCDPI - CTE 6358 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-6358 Deadline: February 14, 2011 J 38 Name __________________________________ District ___________ North Carolina HOSA Gold Star Advisor (Revised June 2010) Directions: Circle the applicable score values. Provide documentation with the Gold Star Advisor form as requested. State Leadership Conference Attended State Officer Application(s) State Officer Candidate(s) Event Manager Section Leader Judge, timekeeper, HOSA Store, etc. CE Director CE Co-Director, CE Lieutenant NC-HOSA Management Team National Recognition Student(s) – (Awarded 1 Per Student) District Leadership Conference 5 2 5 5 3 2 10 8 4 _____ Attended* District Management Event Manager Section Leader Judge Timekeeper, other assignments Advisor District Officer(s) Other Considerations NC-HOSA Board of Directors NC-HOSA Board Chair 100% Affiliation HOSA 100 Advisor to State Officer Advisor to National Officer Host for Fall Leadership Host for District Conference National Leadership Conference Attended Event Manager Section Leader Judge Timekeeper, dance, other assignments 5 7 5 5 3 10 5 5 5 4 2 5 5 Service Projects* Local Chapter Membership Membership per Advisor (Need documentation of membership per advisor)* 5 – 25 = 1 76 – 99 = 4 26 – 50 = 2 100 – 149 = 5 51 – 75 = 3 150+ = 6 ____ Membership compared to last year Stable = 1 Increase 5% = 1 20% = 5 10% = 3 25+ = 6 15% = 4 ____ National HOSA Service Project NC HOSA Service Project NC HOSA – Breast Health Project American Red Cross Rex Blood Services Other Blood Services ______________ Prevent Blindness Other Service Projects (Max.2 projects) 10 10 5 5 5 5 5 5-10 Years of Service to HOSA (Years as a local HOSA advisor) 1st year = 1 16-20 = 5 2-5 = 2 21-25 = 6 6-10 = 3 26+ = 7 11-15 = 4 Fall Leadership Workshop Attended District Officer Candidate(s) 0-3 Student Members attended* 1=1 5-7 = 3 2-4 = 2 8-10 = 4 5 8 5 3 3 2 1 5 ___ ___ ___ Involvement with MRC Unit* Total Points 5 _______ *Please provide documentation for appropriate areas for credit. Mail to: Faye Cress, NC-HOSA, NCDPI – CTE, 6358 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-6358 Application must be Received By: February 14, 2011 J 39 North Carolina HOSA Gold Star Chapter (Revised June 2010) Purpose: To recognize outstanding NC HOSA Chapters who encourage students’ participation, follow the HOSA plan of work, and actively participate in HOSA activities to achieve their goals. Time Period: Points for the Gold Star Chapter are tallied from one HOSA State Conference until the deadline for the next State Conference. Points are tallied from the categories listed. Directions: Circle the applicable score values. Provide documentation with the Gold Star Chapter form as requested. Use the “Other” areas to document scholarship winners, Barbara James awards, etc. Responsibility: The chapter president or designee is responsible for completing the point sheet and providing documentation as needed. Recognition: The top NC HOSA chapters from each membership category will be recognized at the Opening/Recognition Session at the NC HOSA State Conference. New Chapters: All new chapters will be placed into another category and the top chapters from this category will be recognized at the Opening Session at the NC-HOSA State conference. Service Projects: Other Service Projects include any project that provides a service to others. National Leadership Conference “Other”: This includes chapters that are recognized for at the National Conference for National HOSA Week, scholarships awarded members, membership, etc. Documentation: Documentation must be presented in an organized manner and properly labeled. Points may be deducted if materials are not presented in an orderly manner. Number: The number of chapters to be recognized per membership category will be determined each year. Mail to: The Gold Star Chapter form and supporting documentation must be mailed to: Faye Cress, NC-HOSA 6358 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-6358 Deadline: February 14, 2011 J 39 Chapter __________________________________ District ___________ North Carolina HOSA Gold Star Chapter (Revised June 2010) State Leadership Conference Other Considerations Chapter Represented by Students 5 State Officer Application(s) 2 State Officer Candidate(s) 5 State Winners (Add only once) 1st Place 5 2nd Place 4 3rd Place 3 Top Ten 2 National Recognition Student(s) (1 pt. per Recognized Student) _____ Barbara James Service Award (1 pt. per recognized student) _____ Other: _______________________ 1 _______________________ 1 Scholarship awarded student _____ (1 point per student) 100% Affiliation HOSA 100 National Leadership Conference District Leadership Conference* 5 5 Local Chapter Activities* Chapter Flag HOSA Week Activities (0 – 5) (1 point per day of activities – HOSA Public Awareness Local Plan of Work Communication with District Pres. 3 _____ 3 5 3 Fall Leadership Workshop* District Officer Candidate(s) (1 point per candidate. 0 - 3) Student Members attended* 1=1 5-7 = 3 2-4 = 2 8-10 = 4 Chapter Represented by Students 5 National Winners (Add only once) 1st Place 6 2nd Place 5 3rd Place 4 Top Ten 3 President Service Award (1 pt. per recognized student) _____ Other: _______________________ 1 _______________________ 1 Scholarship awarded student _____ (1 point per student) _____ _____ Chapter Represented by Students District Winners (Add only once) 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place Top Ten 5 4 3 2 1 Service Projects* Local Chapter Membership Membership* ______ 5 – 25 = 1 76 – 100 = 4 26 – 50 = 2 100+ = 5 51 – 75 = 3 Membership compared to last year ______ Stable = 1 Increase 5% = 2 20% = 5 10% = 3 25% = 6 15% = 4 Alumni Members (1 pt. each, Max. 5) _____ Professional Members (1 pt. each, Max. 5) _____ NC HOSA Service Project National HOSA Service Project Breast Health Project American Red Cross Rex Blood Services Other Blood Services _________ Prevent Blindness Other Service Projects (Max.2) 10 10 5 5 5 5 5 5-10 MRC Partnership* Work with an active MRC (1 point per project up to 5 max.) ____ Teen CERT 5 Local HOSA Web site 5 TOTAL POINTS ______ *Remember to provide documentation as needed. Mail to: Faye Cress, NC-HOSA, 6358 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-6358 Deadline: February 14, 2011 J 40