Clinical and Diagnostic Immunology Service in NHS Tayside

Human Resources Directorate
NHS Tayside
Ninewells Hospital
Level 9
Telephone Number : (01382) 660111
Fax Number: (01382)
Your Ref
Our Ref
Enquiries to
Direct Line
Date as Postmark
Lynn Duncan
01382 632261
Dear Doctor
Further to your enquiry regarding the above post, I am now pleased to attach an information and application
Your application should be submitted to this department, by emailing the documents below to quoting Ref No: LD/22/15 in the subject box.
A copy of your current CV including the names, addresses and email addresses of 3 referees,
including your current or most recent employer
It would be helpful if you could include your details if your registration on the Specialist Register of
the General Medical Council or your expected date of completion of training.
Your completed Immigration Status form
Your completed Declaration Statement in respect of Fitness to Practice and Criminal Convictions
Your completed Equal Opportunities Form. This information is for statistical purposes only and will
be kept in strict confidence.
As an Equal Opportunities Employer, it is NHS Tayside’s policy to ensure that all applicants are given the same
consideration in relation to job selection, promotion and treatment.
The closing date for receipt of completed applications is 22nd January 2016. Owing to the number of
applications received and to make the best use of resources, we are unable to acknowledge receipt of
applications or to advise all candidates of the outcome of their application. If you have not heard from us within
6 weeks of the closing date you may assume that, on this occasion, your application has been unsuccessful.
Yours faithfully
Lynn Duncan
Employment Services Adviser
Please be aware that shortlisted applicants will be required to bring their original passport and visa documents
with them, for inspection, when attending for interview.
Are you a national from Austria, Belgium, Cyprus,
Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,
Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg,
Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain,
Sweden, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Czech
Republic, Estonia, Hungary,Latvia, Lithuania,
Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bulgaria or Romania?
If you have circled ‘NO’ to the above sections please tick the box which relates to your current
immigration status, and provide expiry dates:
Expiry Date
I hold a Tier 1 (General) Visa as a highly skilled worker
I require a Certificate of Sponsorship
I hold refugee status
I have indefinite leave to remain in the United Kingdom
I have right of abode
Any other immigration status – please specify:
Print Name: ………………………………….........................
Date: ………………………………………………………….
Declaration Statements and Statements of Policy
Statement of Policy regarding fitness to practise proceedings by a licensing/regulatory body and
relating to criminal investigations in the UK or overseas.
Registration with the General Medical Council or General Dental Council imposes on doctors and
dentists the duty to provide a good standard of medical care for, and to behave appropriately,
towards patients. NHS Employers also have a duty to ensure that patients receive a good standard
of medical care and ensure as far as possible the safety of patients. We therefore need to establish
if you have been found guilty of a criminal offence, been bound over or cautioned or are currently the
subject of proceedings which might lead to a conviction, an order binding you over or a caution, in the
UK or any other country.
Applicants for posts in the NHS are exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974.
Application forms will include a declaration for applicants to complete declaring any previous or
pending prosecutions or convictions, including those considered ‘spent’ under this Act. Forms will
also include a declaration of any cautions or bind overs.
We also need to establish if you have been the subject of any fitness to practise proceedings in the
past, or any fitness to practise proceedings are being contemplated, by a licensing or regulatory body
in the UK or another country and this is also reflected in the declaration.
This information will be treated in confidence and will not debar you from appointment unless the
selection panel considers that it renders you unsuitable for appointment. In reaching such a decision
we will consider the nature of the conviction/action, how long ago it took place and any others factors
that may be relevant.
Failure to disclose a criminal offence, having been bound over or cautioned or that you are currently
the subject of criminal proceedings which might lead to a conviction, an order binding you over or a
caution, or fitness to practise proceedings undertaken or being undertaken by an appropriate
licensing or regulatory body, may disqualify you from appointment, or result in summary
dismissal/disciplinary action and referral to the General Medical Council [General Dental Council] for
consideration if such a discrepancy came to light.
If you would like to discuss what effect any previous convictions, police investigations or fitness to
practise proceedings taken or being taken either in the UK or by an overseas licensing or regulatory
body might have on your application, you may telephone the Employment Services Adviser, Medical
Staffing, on 01382 660111, in confidence, for advice.
Model Declaration Statement regarding
(a) any criminal offence, being bound over or cautioned, or current proceedings which might
lead to a conviction, an order binding you over or a caution and
(b) fitness to practice proceedings taken or being currently contemplated by a
licensing/regulatory body
1. Have you been convicted of a criminal offence, been bound over or cautioned or are currently the
subject of any police investigations, which might lead to a conviction, an order binding you over or a
caution in the UK or any other country?
Note: Applicants for posts in the NHS are exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974.
You are required to declare prosecutions or convictions, including those considered ‘spent’ under this
If yes, please provide details of the criminal offence, order binding you over or caution or details of
any current proceedings which might lead to a conviction, an order binding you over or a caution,
including approximate date, the offence, and the authority and country which dealt with the offence.
2. To the best of your knowledge have you been or are you currently subject to any fitness to
practise proceedings by an appropriate licensing or regulatory body in the UK or any other
If yes, please provide details of the nature of proceedings undertaken, or contemplated, including
approximate date of proceedings, country where proceedings were undertaken and the name and
address of the licensing or regulatory body concerned.
I hereby declare that the information given here is true.
Job reference number: LD/22/15
Equal opportunities monitoring
We want to ensure that our job opportunities are open to all. The only way we can ensure
there is equal opportunity is to monitor applications we receive, and compare the profile of
people who apply with those appointed. Therefore this form asks you for your ethnic
origin, gender, disability, religion, sexuality and age. The information you provide is
confidential and is not used in the selection process. It will be separated from the
rest of your application when we receive it.
1) If you are currently an employee of this NHS Board, will getting this job be a
2) You are:
Female 
Male 
3) Have you undergone, are you undergoing or do you intend to undergo gender reassignment? For
example, this includes having changed your sex (gender).?
Prefer not to say
4) What is your age?
I am ___ years old, and my date of birth is: _ _ / _ _ / _________
5) Do you have a physical or mental health condition or disability that:
has a substantial effect on your ability to carry out day to day activities?
has lasted or is expected to last 12 months or more?
Prefer not to say
If you answered ‘yes’ please tick if it is either of the following:
Learning Disability
Long standing illness
Mental health condition
Physical impairment
Sensory impairment
Other (please describe):
Again, if yes, please describe any particular arrangements you would need for your
work location:
(Continued on next page)
-26) What is your ethnic group?
Choose one section from A to F, then tick the appropriate box to indicate your cultural
A: White
 Scottish  Irish
 Gypsy Traveller
B: Mixed
 Any mixed background
 Other British
 Polish
 Any other White background
C: Asian; Asian Scottish; Asian British
 Pakistani
 Indian
 Chinese
 Bangladeshi  Any other Asian background
D: Black; Black Scottish; Black British
 Caribbean
 African
 Any other Black background
E: Other ethnic background
 Any other background
F: Prefer not to answer 
7) To which religion, religious denomination or body do you actively belong?
 (Christianity)- Church of Scotland
 (Christianity) - Roman Catholic
 Hinduism
 Sikhism
 Judaism
 Islam
 No religion (none)
Christianity (Other)
Other faith / belief
Prefer not to answer
8) Which of the following best describes your sexual orientation?
 Bisexual
 Heterosexual
 Other
 Gay Man
 Lesbian/Gay Woman
 Prefer not to answer
9) Where did you see the Advertisement for this Post?
Newspaper (which one?)
Professional Journal (which one?)
Vacancy Bulletin
SHOW (NHS Scotland Website)
Job Centre Plus
Medical Jobs Website (
Other (please specify)
Consultant Clinical Immunologist
An exciting opportunity is available for a Consultant Clinical Immunologist wishing to deliver and
further develop the clinical immunology service within NHS Tayside. The post is a full time NHS post,
with a focus reflecting the increasing workload of the allergy and primary immunodeficiency (PID)
service in NHS Tayside. The immunology service is provided from within the CPA accredited
Department of Blood Sciences which incorporates the additional modalities of biochemistry and
haematology. The department sits within the Diagnostics Group as part of the Access Directorate
within Acute Services. You will be based within Ninewells Hospital in Dundee and joining a team of
enthusiastic, motivated and forward thinking professionals delivering high quality clinical and
laboratory services.
NHS Tayside provides comprehensive clinical services to a population of around 400,000. The major
hospitals are Ninewells Hospital, Perth Royal Infirmary and Stracathro Hospital, with close links to the
University of Dundee Medical School. The diagnostic immunology laboratory is situated in the
Laboratories Block of Ninewells Hospital. It serves a population of 450,000, and offers a full range of
assays in the areas of autoimmunity, allergy, immunochemistry and cellular immunology.
The post holder will play a major strategic role in coordinating and developing immunology and
allergy services within NHS Tayside. He/she will provide an enthusiastic source of information,
expertise, education and training for Immunology staff and users of the service. In addition, the
appointee will maintain and develop the current provision of out-patient based services and foster
new links with acute sector, university and general practice staff for introduction of new and proven
methods of investigation and effective treatment of immunologically mediated disease. He/she will
participate in the management of a wide range of patients with allergic and immunological disease,
including allergen desensitisation and drug allergy. He/she will also be required to supervise and
manage the long-term treatment of patients with primary immune deficiency and provide flexible
services for patients requiring immunoglobulin replacement, including consolidation and expansion of
the local home immunoglobulin therapy programme.
The post holder will share responsibility for the provision of a diagnostic immunology service with a
consultant Clinical Scientist. He/she will work as part of a team within the Blood Sciences department
that includes scientific, technical and other staff groups to deliver a clinically effective service. The
overarching responsibility for the team is to operate and provide an integrated, quality assured,
diagnostic service for hospital and general practitioners.
Candidates for the post must be registered medical practitioners and should be on, or within 6
months of being eligible to be on, the GMC Specialist Register. It is expected that the appointee will
hold FRCPath in Immunology by examination as well as MRCP or show evidence of equivalent
training and experience.
Informal enquiries Dr Bill Bartlett, Joint Clinical Director Diagnostics (email address – contact telephone number 01382 632512 and or Dr Liz Furrie (e-mail ) telephone number 01382632511.
For further information on how to apply please Applications in the form
of a current CV, including the names and addresses of 3 referees should be submitted to quoting Reference LD/22/15. You must also include with your
CV the further particulars forms available via the website
Please quote reference number – LD/22/15
Closing date for receipt of completed application forms 22 January 2016
Interviews are scheduled to take place on Wednesday 3rd February 2016
Consultant Clinical Immunologist - Job Description
Clinical Immunologist
Job Purpose:
This is a replacement post for a consultant immunologist.
The post is full-time, incorporating 10 programmed activities (9 direct care and 1
supporting professional activities).
The post holder will be expected to work closely with Medical Director, Associate
Medical Director for Access Directorate, Joint Clinical Director for Diagnostics,
Clinical Services Manager of the Diagnostics Group, consultant colleagues within
the Blood Sciences Department, biomedical and clinical scientist colleagues, and
clinical staff across the full range of specialties and disciplines for whose patients
the Immunology Service is provided, including general practice.
Other clinical and scientist colleagues providing Immunology and Allergy services
across Scotland
University of Dundee Medical School
Key External
This job description is intended to cover the main points of the post only. Applicants are invited to
enquire regarding any point(s) about which they may be unsure.
The post is a full time NHS post, with a focus that will reflect the increasing workload of the allergy
and primary immunodeficiency (PID) service in NHS Tayside. The immunology service is provided
from within the CPA accredited Department of Blood Sciences which incorporates the additional
modalities of biochemistry and haematology. The department sits within the Diagnostics Group as
part of the Access Directorate within Acute Services. The Diagnostics Group includes Medical
Microbiology, Clinical Imaging, Medical Physics and Nuclear Medicine.
Key Performance Requirements.
To provide a high quality immunology service in consultation with users of the service
in NHS Tayside
To optimise the care of patients with allergic disease and primary immune deficiencies
in the region
To ensure all practices and standards pertaining to immunology are in accordance
with accepted best practice and evidence based where possible
To make an appropriate contribution to achieving existing and emerging performance
targets and year-on-year improvement
The role of the post holder
This post is for a whole time Consultant Immunologist, and will be open to holders of a CCT in Immunology.
This can be a job share post. Any candidate who is unable to work full time for personal reasons will be eligible
to be considered for the post. In such circumstances modification of the job content will be discussed on a
personal basis in consultation with colleagues.
The appointee will have responsibility for the provision of a comprehensive, efficient and effective Clinical
Immunology service and as such will be expected to have had appropriate speciality training and experience as
outlined in the person specification and consistent with the requirements of the PMETB-approved UK training
curriculum in Immunology. Candidates for the post must be registered medical practitioners and should be on,
or within 6 months of being eligible to be on, the GMC Specialist Register. It is expected that the appointee will
hold FRCPath in Immunology by examination as well as MRCP or show evidence of equivalent training and
The post holder will work with other members of the Blood Sciences team to provide clinical and laboratory
immunology services in Ninewells Hospital, Dundee. He/she will be expected to participate in all current clinical
and laboratory NHS service, teaching and research activities at consultant level. The post holder will be
expected to engage with local and national developments aimed at improving service delivery within NHS
Scotland. The post holder will be expected to engage with developments that support the NHS Tayside local,
and NHS Scotland national clinical strategies.
Suitably qualified candidates will be eligible for an honorary academic appointment with the University of
The post holder will support and assist in the delivery of education and professional training in the modality of
immunology to pre- and post-registration NHS professional groups (e.g. medical, clinical and medical scientific
and biomedical staff).
Clinical duties
The post holder will play a major strategic role in coordinating and developing immunology and allergy services
within NHS Tayside. He/she will provide an enthusiastic source of information, expertise, education and
training for Immunology staff and users of the service. In addition, the appointee will maintain and develop the
current provision of out-patient based services and foster new links with acute sector, university and general
practice staff for introduction of new and proven methods of investigation and effective treatment of
immunologically mediated disease. He/she will participate in the management of a wide range of patients with
allergic and immunological disease, including allergen desensitisation and drug allergy. He/she will also be
required to supervise and manage the long-term treatment of patients with primary immune deficiency and
provide flexible services for patients requiring immunoglobulin replacement, including consolidation and
expansion of the local home immunoglobulin therapy programme.
The majority of clinical service provision in NHS Tayside is outpatient based, and there are no beds directly
allocated to the Immunology consultant. However in-patient ward consultation is an important component of
the service. Advisory and liaison functions will be undertaken in a timely manner with clinicians, hospital staff,
departmental colleagues and general practitioners concerning the diagnosis and management of patients and
interpretation of laboratory investigations. This may include provision of telephone advice and irregular
commitment to ward rounds, multidisciplinary team meetings and other clinical or audit meetings including Drug
& Therapeutics Committee meetings as necessary. Duties will include provision of expert advice and opinion
on patients with immune-mediated disease and clinical liaison arising from laboratory investigations.
Laboratory duties
The post holder will share responsibility for the provision of a diagnostic immunology service with a consultant
Clinical Scientist (currently advertised; to be appointed). He/she will work as part of a team within the Blood
Sciences department that includes scientific, technical and other staff groups to deliver a clinically effective
service. The overarching responsibility for the team is to operate and provide an integrated, quality assured,
diagnostic service for hospital and general practitioners. All activities and standards should be in accordance
with accepted best practice and should be evidence-based. He/she will work within the local organizational
structures to enable delivery of fit-for-purpose laboratory services, consistent with current external laboratory
accreditation standards. There is an expectation that the laboratory service will participate in the National
Pathology Benchmarking Scheme and that the Consultant Immunologist will contribute effort toward that aim.
The Consultant will support and promulgate safe working practices at all times. He/she will also participate in
audit of laboratory usage in conjunction with other hospital departments and general practitioners. The
appointee will also be expected to develop close and productive working relationships with other relevant
clinical services and management structures.
The appointee maybe required to join the Blood Sciences Executive Group on a rotational basis. Other duties
The appointee will be expected to undertake such reasonable administrative or managerial duties and local
committee involvement as may be delegated by the group clinical directors or medical directors or as required
in support of good quality patient care. He/she will be expected to participate executive and senior staff
meetings within the department and directorate as required for the delivery of role and duties. The appointee
will be eligible for appointment as clinical lead or other specified roles as defined by the Clinical Director.
Configuration of responsibilities will be reviewed from time to time and the appointee will be expected to work
with other colleagues to provide a safe, effective and reliable service.
Areas to be considered will include the following:
Implementation and compliance with local and national policies and procedures
Review and appropriate allocation of resources
Service review and improvement
Ongoing improvement of the clinical service
In addition, all consultant staff are expected to contribute to:
Departmental policy-making and strategic direction
Engage with national developments as agreed with the Clinical Director
Delivery of the quality policy for Blood Sciences with a particular focus on
immunology laboratory services, including internal and external quality assurance
Maintenance of laboratory external accreditation with UKAS Ltd. or other equivalent
bodies in the future
Business and strategic planning for the service including assessment and introduction
of new methods and technologies, staff development and succession arrangements
and equipment replacement requirements
Continuous professional and service improvement in line with service needs and
changes in medical practice and regulation
Development and maintenance of key relationships
The post holder will be required to work in partnership with colleagues of all disciplines both within and outside
the region to ensure the creation of a fit-for-purpose service. The post holder will be expected to commit to
shared goals in the department by building effective teams and partnerships and valuing the roles and
contributions of others
Out of Hours
No out of hour’s responsibilities have been identified within the current job plan.
Job Planning
The job plan will be a prospective agreement that sets out a consultant’s duties, responsibilities and objectives
for the coming year. It will cover all aspects of a consultant’s professional practice, including clinical work,
teaching, research, education and managerial responsibilities. It will provide a clear schedule of commitments,
both internal and external. In addition, it will include personal objectives, including details of their link to wider
service objectives and details of the support required by the consultant to fulfil the job plan and the objectives.
The process of developing and agreeing an initial job plan (and annually thereafter on a prospective basis) will
be undertaken with the clinical director in NHS Tayside. The post is full-time, incorporating 10 programmed
activities (9 direct care and 1 supporting professional activities). Where possible, programmed activities will be
worked flexibly according to the needs of the service.
Detailed job planning will be undertaken within the mechanisms and operational guidance agreed between
NHS Tayside and the BMA Local Negotiating Committee. Resolution of any disputes over job planning will take
place locally in discussion with the Unit Clinical Director and thereafter, as necessary, with the relevant medical
Indicative Job Plan
Immunology/Allergy clinics x 2/week.
2.5 sessions
Specialist clinic x 1/week e.g. challenge testing
1.25 sessions
Diagnostic Immunology laboratory
3 sessions
Clinical liaison
Supporting professional activities
2.25 session
1 session
10 sessions
All consultant staff are required to participate in an annual joint review/appraisal process designed to
comply with national guidance, institutional contractual requirements, scheduled salary uplifts,
external laboratory accreditation, and GMC revalidation. Review/Appraisal disputes will be handled
as with Job Planning issues (above).
Continuing Professional Development
NHS Tayside is committed to the continuing professional development of all staff. The appointee will
be required to participate in the Royal College of Pathologists CPD scheme and to meet its minimum
requirements. There are extensive local availability of CPD activities and facilities for consultant
medical staff in NHS Tayside.
Annual leave/Study Leave
Annual leave requests must be indicated at least six weeks in advance to the clinical director and directorate
manager. Study leave applications are considered by the clinical director and, for overseas leave, by the
associate medical director. Cover for study and annual leave is provided for by consultant colleagues across
Scotland, with honorary contracts held with NHS Grampian, NHS Glasgow and NHS Lothian.
Appropriate office accommodation will be provided consistent with the requirements of the post in the
Immunology Department. This will include a PC linked to the local intranet, internet, electronic patient
record and the pathology information system. Appropriate secretarial support will be provided.
Teaching and Training
The appointee will be expected to play an active role in existing undergraduate and postgraduate
teaching programmes. In addition, an active role in training and supervision of trainee medical staff
and clinical scientists is required. Positions of formal educational responsibility such as Training
Programme Director and Educational Supervisor for trainee medical or clinical scientist staff may be
available through discussion with senior departmental staff and NHS Education Scotland.
Suitably qualified candidates will be eligible for an honorary academic appointment with the University of
The appointee will be encouraged and expected to further his/her own research interests and foster
the further development of research projects through close liaison with other clinical or non-clinical
The appointee will actively participate in existing audit schemes and, as appropriate, introduce and
develop new clinical audit programmes applicable to Immunology, in keeping with laboratory
accreditation and future individual revalidation requirements. Leadership in the processes of clinical
audit is expected from consultant appointees.
Health and Safety
NHS Tayside has a strong ethos of providing a safe working environment for staff, patients and
visitors, underpinned by defined policies and procedures at organisational, operating unit and service
levels. It has a comprehensive Health & Safety Policy with local policies and procedures and
responsibilities at Directorate level and within individual Departments. It is the responsibility of each
employee to observe and support corporate and local policies.
A comprehensive risk management strategy is in place supported by an electronic adverse incident reporting
(AIR) system in operation. All employees are expected to work within this system.
Infection control
The post holder will be accountable for the effective deployment of activities that ensure that local
reduction in hospital-acquired infection. He/she will ensure that all staff comply with local policies on
infection, prevention and control, and receive the training required to maintain competence to
execute policies on infection, prevention and control.
Clinical and Diagnostic Immunology Service in NHS Tayside
This post is based in Ninewells Hospital, which is the major teaching hospital in NHS Tayside.
NHS Tayside was established on 1st April 2004. It is composed of a single structure with
responsibility for primary and secondary care services. NHS Tayside provides a comprehensive
range of core health services to the population of Dundee, Perth and Kinross, Angus and North East
Fife. It also delivers a number of specialist services for Tayside region and beyond.
It comprises two major hospitals, Ninewells (Dundee) and Perth Royal Infirmary, and is the major
teaching base of the University of Dundee Medical School. It has an outstanding reputation for
undergraduate and postgraduate medical and dental education, and provides training for nurses,
paramedical and technical staff.
NHS Tayside embraces a wide spectrum of clinical specialties and is at the forefront of service provision and
cutting edge research in many areas. It has a workforce of around 14,000 and a £750 million budget.
Description of hospital and community services
The NHS Tayside Board is responsible for the overall performance for NHS Tayside Services and the delivery
of its strategic and operational objectives. The Board is also responsible for the corporate self-assessment, an
annual review of the strengths, the areas for improvement and its performance against its key results.
NHS Tayside Management Arrangements
NHS Tayside Board
Chief Executive:
Medical Director – Operational
Director Of Acute Services
Associate Medical Director:
General Manager:
Professor John Connell
Ms Lesley McLay
Dr Alan Cook
Diagnostics Group:
Joint Clinical Directors:
Clinical Immunology:
Clinical Service Manager:
Immunology Clinical Lead:
Dr. Bill Bartlett/Radiology post
currently vacant
Mr T Chima
Access Directorate
Ms Lorna Wiggin
Dr Gavin Main
Mr Alan Pattinson
Access Directorate
The Blood Sciences Department resides within the Diagnostics group of the Access directorate. This
directorate comprises Blood Sciences, Medical Microbiology, Radiology and Medical Physics. The Diagnostics
group is directed and managed by a Clinical Group Director (Dr Bill Bartlett) and a Clinical Services Manager
(Mr Tejinder Chima). It forms one of the groups within the Access directorate, along with the Integrated Dental
Service and the NHS Tayside Business Support Unit.
The Access Directorate is led by an Associate Medical Director (Dr Gavin Main) and a General Manager (Mr
Alan Pattinson). The Associate Medical Director and General Manager are the budget holders for the Access
NHS Tayside Blood Sciences Laboratory
The NHS Tayside Blood Sciences Department was created in April 2011 from a merger of the Departments of
Haematology and Biochemistry and Immunology departments.
The department of Blood Sciences provides a high quality, analytical, interpretive and advisory service, mainly
to NHS Tayside Acute and Primary Care Divisions but also to North Fife and South Grampian. The combined
department is CPA accredited as a Blood Sciences department with accreditation to ISO 15189 by Clinical
Pathology Accreditation (UK) Ltd pending clearance of final non conformities following inspections to that
standard this year. The annual workload of the Department is approximately 1,360,000 patient requests
comprising 7,360,000 tests per annum. The workload is rising at approximately 5% per annum and the
repertoire is continually expanding. The annual budget is £8.6 million comprising of £6.5 million staffing and
£2.2 million reagents, consumables, equipment and services. Approximately 200 professional and support staff
are deployed in delivering the service.
The Blood Sciences Department is progressive and innovative and enjoys the benefit of modern, well equipped
facilities. The department is a recognised global reference site for large scale state of the art analytical
automation. The overarching ethos of the department is to ensure delivery of high quality, fit for purpose,
clinically led and clinically effective services underpinning patient safety. Efficient use of resources and are key
themes. By combining resources and organisational structure where appropriate, the Blood Sciences
Department enables efficient use of resources through economies of scale and an integrated approach to
service delivery.
Clinical leadership is exercised on a modality basis with Clinical Leads for the Immunology, Haematology and
Biochemical Medicine services. The Department also provides an adult and paediatric phlebotomy service and
directly manages the laboratory specimen transport services. An Executive Board consisting of the Clinical
Leads and senior managers formulates the strategic direction of the service. Implementation is under the
direction of the Clinical Laboratory Manager for Blood Sciences and underpinned by fully integrated
management arrangements which transcend the laboratory disciplines. A number of specialist operational
groups report into the multidisciplinary Executive Group and oversee all aspects of management and service
delivery. Clinical leads take responsibility for professional direction, clinical governance and medical manpower
issues and the laboratory managers take responsibility for managerial, technical and non-medical manpower
Diagnostic immunology service
The diagnostic immunology laboratory is situated in the Laboratories Block of Ninewells Hospital. It serves a
population of 450,000, and offers a full range of assays in the areas of autoimmunity, allergy, immunochemistry
and cellular immunology.
The current Clinical Lead for Immunology is Professor Sara Marshall.
Overview of internal departmental lines of responsibility and reporting
within Blood Sciences
Immunology team
Professor Sara Marshall, Honorary Consultant Immunologist (0.6 WTE) and Clinical
Lead for Immunology
Mrs Gail Menzies, Immunology Specialist Nurse (1.0wte)
Ms Lori McFarlane, Immunology Specialist Nurse (1.0wte)
(both shared jointly with OHPAT, the outpatient antibiotic service)
Secretarial services will be provided by the Blood Sciences administration team.
The support is shared across of a pool of administrative staff to enable resilient
delivery of clinical and laboratory requirements.
Blood Sciences Laboratory Senior Biomedical Scientist Team
Blood Sciences Clinical Laboratory
Chris Hind, (1.0 WTE)
Blood Sciences Quality Manager
Ryan Cooper, (1.0WTE)
Immunology Team
Clinical Scientist
Dr Liz Furrie, AFC Grad 8B , Consultant Clinical Scientist
Immunology Associate Service
Clinical Scientist
Mr George Dye, (1.0 WTE)
Wilma Austin, (1.0 WTE)
Strath Urquhart (1.0 WTE)
Associate Practitioner
Sonia Boota, (1.0 WTE)
Christopher Guy, AFC Grade 7 Senior Clinical Scientist, (1.0 WTE)
Laboratory Test Repertoire and Workload
The Immunology service provides a full range of diagnostic immunology tests either on-site or via specimen
referral to accredited reference laboratories. During 2014/15, the laboratory processed 71,000 tests excluding
QC samples (Keele Benchmarking definition). The test breakdown was broadly as follows:
 Autoimmune serology –52,000 tests
 Immunochemistry –6,500 tests
 Allergy –9,500 tests
 Microbial serology/functional antibodies –2,000 tests
 Cellular immunology –700 tests
Approximately 70% of work derives from clinical services at Ninewells and Perth Royal Infirmary, and 30% from
General practitioners.
Quality Assurance Programmes
The department is accredited by Clinical Pathology Accreditation (UK) Ltd. It has been accredited since 1992
and the most recent assessment was in July 2015.
The department participates in all certified and accredited National External Quality Assessment Schemes
relevant to the portfolio of tests offered and achieves satisfactory, good or excellent performance in all. These
 General Autoimmune Serology (CCP, RF, TPO, GPC, liver autoantibodies)
 Nuclear & Related Antigens (ANA, dsDNA, centromere, ENA)
 ANCA and GBM antibodies
 Phospholipid antibodies
 Coeliac disease / bullous dermatosis
 Specific microbial antibodies
 Fungal and related antigens
 Total IgE
 Specific IgE (EUROEQAS)
 Tryptase
 Lymphocyte phenotyping
 Lymphocyte immune monitoring
 Pilot scheme for paraneoplastic antibodies
 Pilot Scheme for Interferon Gamma Release Assay (IGRA) for TB
Service Budget 2015 (Laboratory & Clinical)
Salaries expenditure:
Supplies expenditure:
The department is equipped with a comprehensive range of modern equipment as required of a regional
Immunology service. The inventory of major pieces of equipment includes:
BD FACs Canto II
Immunocap 250
Immunocap 250
Quantalyser 2
Quantalyser 2
Serial number
2009 Apr
2009 Apr
2013 Jan
2013 Nov
2009 Dec
2014 Jan
Microscope BX51TF
USB Microscope
Veho VFS-004
Clinical Immunology Service
The Clinical Immunology Service is based at Ninewells Hospital, and sees patients for investigation and
treatment from across Perth & Kinross, Angus, and North East Fife. This is a relatively new service, and recent
developments have included:
 Appointment of 0.5 wte consultant immunologist (2006)
 Appointment of Immunology Specialist Nurse (jointly with the home antibiotic service, 2008)
 Appointment of 0.2 dietician and 0.4 paediatric allergy nurse to support Paediatric Allergy Services
 Appointment of a second Immunology Specialist Nurse (jointly with the home antibiotic service, 2010)
Clinical input is currently from the Lead Clinician and clinical nurse specialists. There is a weekly general
immunology clinic which is attended by the consultant and specialist nurse. The new patient mix includes
severe allergy/anaphylaxis (70%), immune deficiency or recurrent infections (20%) and vasculitis/other (10%).
The volume of referrals to Immunology has significantly increased since the appointment of the current
consultant, reflecting a previously unmet need in allergy services. This new full time appointment will increase
outpatient activity and reduce waiting times, preventing the need for waiting list clinics.
Patients requiring replacement immunoglobulin receive this at day units in Ninewells Hospital and Perth Royal
Infirmary. Home therapy for immunoglobulin replacement therapy was introduced in 2008.
Patients requiring admission to hospital are usually admitted under an acute medical service (either respiratory
medicine or infectious disease), who then take clinical responsibility for the duration of the inpatient stay.
The department is registered with the United Kingdom Primary Immunodeficiency Network.
Key partnerships
Additional allergy services in NHS Tayside are provided by a range of other specialists including paediatric and
adult dermatology (Dr Robert Dawe, Dr Sharizan Ghaffar, Dr Sara Brown), respiratory medicine (Professor
Brian Lipworth), ENT (Mr Quentin Gardiner), Anaesthesia (Dr Cameron Weir), and paediatric medicine (Dr
Buddi Gunnaratne and Dr Mohamed Ibrahim).
Strong links are in place with respiratory medicine (Dr Tom Fardon, Dr James Chalmers, Dr Stuart Schembri,
Dr Pete Williamson), infectious diseases (Professor Dilip Nathwani, Dr Morgan Evans, Dr Charis Marwick),
rheumatology (Dr Tom Pullar, Dr SuYin Tan, Dr Suzy Silburn), and gastroenterology (Dr John Dillon, Dr Craig
Mowat). There are also close links with the paediatric immunology service, led by Dr Margaret Peebles.
Clinical Workload
Current activity is as follows:
Number of new patients in 2014: 177 (of whom 61 were seen in waiting list clinics)
Number of follow up appointments in 2010: 177 appointments
Number of review appointments was 165.
Teaching and Training
The University of Dundee Medical School is ranked 1st in Scotland and 4th in the UK for Medicine in the
Guardian University League Table 2016. Teaching of immunology for medical undergraduates is delivered in
defined blocks throughout the course. The initial module covers mechanisms of the normal immune response.
A further immunology module is delivered in the systems in practice component of the course to cover the
immunological mechanisms of human disease, particularly autoimmunity, immune deficiency,
lymphoproliferative disease and immune therapeutics. There are also opportunities for teaching within the
University B.MSc and B.Sc courses.
There is also opportunity for regular contribution to the postgraduate medical education through
multidisciplinary meetings, CPC’s, seminars etc.
The active Tayside Immunology Group ( meets on a bimonthly basis for
seminars and symposia and is an affiliate of the British Society for Immunology.
Research and Development - Academic Health Science Partnership in Tayside
In May 2014, the University of Dundee and NHS Tayside established the Academic Health Science Partnership
in Tayside. This aims to bring together the delivery of healthcare services, education, quality improvement and
research with the purpose of improving the health of patients. AHSP is the first Academic Health Science
Network in Scotland, and is jointly supported by the Scottish Government, University of Dundee and NHS
AHSP will work to improve healthcare quality and outcomes locally and globally through closer cooperation and
collaboration as well as more effective integration of key functions that are jointly led by NHS Tayside and the
University and implementation of these in routine healthcare. AHSP will also deliver savings from better use of
healthcare resources and benefits from research and education development that has international impact.
Conditions of Service
The terms and conditions of employment will be subject to the Terms and Conditions of Service for Consultant
Grade (Scotland) and the General Whitley Council conditions of service, both as amended from time to time.
Membership of the NHS Superannuation scheme is not compulsory, but all medical and dental staff are entitled
to choose if they wish to join the scheme. Until such time as a positive option not to join the scheme is
expressed, a member of staff will be regarded as a member of the scheme from the first day of service. This
will not affect any individual rights to make alternative arrangements. Initially, the employment covered by this
contract will be contracted out of the State Pension Scheme.
Responsibility for Records Management
All records created in the course of the business of NHS Tayside are corporate records and
are public records under the terms of the Public Records (Scotland) Act 1937. This includes
email messages and other electronic records. It is your responsibility to ensure that you keep
appropriate records of your work in NHS Tayside and manage those records in keeping with
the NHS Tayside Records Management Policy and with any guidance produced by NHS
Tayside specific to your employment.
Applications and Further information
Interested candidates are invited to contact: Professor Sara Marshall and/or Dr Bill Bartlett for discussion and/or
to make arrangements for an informal visit.
NHS Tayside is committed to the principle of equality of opportunity in employment and accordingly its advertising and
recruitment literature will not imply that there is a preference for any one group of applicants. The shortlisting process will
be conducted so as to give all candidates equal consideration against defined selection criteria. The following criteria will,
therefore, be applied to all candidates irrespective of age, gender, religion, ethnic origin or disability and avoiding
judgements on the basis of assumptions or stereotypes.
 Full GMC registration
 CCT or equivalent in Immunology or be within 6 months of
accreditation at the date of interview, interview date 3 February 2016
 Specialist Registration in Immunology (or within 6 months of
placement on the Specialist Register)
 Completion of Higher Specialist Training in Immunology
(equivalent to PMETB-approved UK training programme in
 Fellowship of one of the Royal College of Physicians or equivalent
 Royal College of Pathologists or equivalent (desirable)
 Thorough, broad, up-to-date training and experience in the practice
of clinical and diagnostic Immunology, including laboratory
organisation and management
 Capable of fulfilling duties of post without significant further subspeciality training or supervision
 Understanding of the consultant leadership role
 Awareness of personal limitations
 Broad range of IT skills
 Participation in CPD
 Teaching experience at under- or post-graduate level is desirable,
and an interest in this is required
 Comprehensive general training in Clinical Immunology.
 Understanding of clinical governance responsibilities
 Knowledge of, and participation in, clinical audit processes/projects
 Willingness to work across sites where necessary
Length of service
Advanced clinical training and
Teaching experience
General experience
Particular requirements and/or
areas of special interest
Research and publications
Management training
Interpersonal Skills
Other requirements
 Enthusiasm and ability to carry out or supervise basic or applied
research is desirable.
Evidence of attendance management training event(s)
Knowledge of NHS organisation and systems
Knowledge of principal elements of NHS laboratory management
Good organisation, time management, leadership and motivational
Ability to develop effective working relationships at all levels and to
communicate effectively with colleagues and service users
Experience of multidisciplinary team-working
Ability to work flexibly
Willingness to take responsibility
Ability to adapt to changing circumstances / work under pressure
Good knowledge of, and ability to use, written and spoken English
Meets professional health requirements