January, 2016
Name : Ju LIU
Telephone : +46 (0)462223370
Mobile : +46(0)734416738
Current position (since 2012): Researcher, CIRCLE (Centre for Innovation, Research and Competence in the Learning Economy), Lund University, Sweden
Doctorate in Innovation Studies (technology management), 2010
Joint PhD program of
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,
Chengdu, China. and Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark.
Thesis title:
The Formative Mechanism of Firms’ Technological Innovation
Networks: A Comparative Case Study in China and Switzerland
Master’s degree
Bachelor’s degree
Language spoken
International Business Management, 2002
Southwest University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu,
Electric Engineering, 1990
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China.
Chinese, English, Swedish (limited)
2012.07- now Postdoc/Res earcher
CIRCLE (Centre for Innovation, Research and Competence in the Learning Economy), Lund University, Sweden
2011.07-2012.7 Senior
2003.01-2011.07 Lecturer
Unit for Science, Technology and Innovation Studies
(TaSTI), University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland.
School of Management and Economics, University of
Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu,
2003.05-2011.07 Researcher Research Institute of Emerging Technology Management,
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,
Chengdu, China.
2002.07-2002.12 International
HR Department, CDMA Division. Shenzhen ZTE
Corporation, Shenzhen, China.
2001.03-2001.10 Short term consultant
International Finance Corporation, China Project
Development Facility, World Bank Group, Chengdu, China.
1996.09-2000.08 Director Electric Engineering Department, Vocational Education
Center, Municipal Bureau of Labor and Social Security.
Chengdu, Sichuan, China.
1990.09-2000.08 Lecturer /
Electric Engineering Department/Teaching Department,
Chengdu Institute of Vocational Training, Chengdu, China.
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
Ju Liu (2015), Regional Institutions and Their Impact on the Connectedness of Firm’s
Innovation Networks, Forthcoming in Institutions and Economies
Ju Liu , Cristina Chaminade, Bjorn Asheim. (2013), The Geography and Structure of Global
Innovation Networks: A knowledge Base Perspective. European Planning Studies, Vol.
21, No. 9, pp. 1456-1473
Ju Liu.
(2012), Dynamics of Technological Innovation Network and Its Impact on
Organisational Learning and Innovation Performance. Innovation and Development, Vol.
2, No. 1, pp. 159-174
Ju Liu , Baskaran Angathevar, Mummo Muchie. (2011), Global Recession and the National
System of Innovation in China: ‘A Blessing in Disguise’? African Journal of Science,
Technology, Innovation & Development, Vol. 3, No.4, pp. 109-142
Ju Liu , Cristina Chaminade. (2010), Dynamics of a Technological Innovator Network and Its
Impact on Technological Performance. Innovation Management: Policy and Practice,
Vol.12, No.1, pp. 53-74.
Ju Liu , Baskaran Angathevar, Shiming Li. (2009), Building Technological Innovation Based
Strategic Capabilities at Firm Level in China: A Dynamic Resource Based View Case
Study. Industry and Innovation, Vol.16, No. 4-5, pp. 411-434.
Ju Liu , Baskaran Angathevar. (2009), The University-industry-government Relationship of
Technological Innovator Networks in Different National Innovation Systems: a
Comparative Case Study. African Journal of Science, Technology and Development,
Vol.2, No.2&3, pp. 63-90.
Shulin Gu, Bengt-Ake Lundvall, Ju Liu , Franco Malerba, Sylvia Schwaag Serger. (2009),
China's System and Vision of Innovation: An Analysis in Relation to the Strategic
Adjustment and the Medium- to Long-term S&T Development Plan (2006-2020).
Industry and Innovation, Vol.16, No. 4, pp. 369-388.
Ju Liu , Yongjian Li. (2006), An Analysis of Knowledge Sharing Approaches for
Emerging-technology-based Strategic Alliances in Electronic Industry. Journal of
Electronic Science and Technology , Vol.4 No.4, pp. 364-368.
Yangao Xiao, Ping Li, Ju Liu . (2006), Different Thinking of Managing Intellectual Property
Rights in Emerging Technology Firms based on Dynamic Capability. Journal of
Management of Science and Technology. Vol. 5, (in Chinese).
Ju Liu , Yongjian Li. (2005), Emerging Technologies’ Technological Uncertainty and the
Implications to the Enterprises. Theory and Reform, Vol.5, (in Chinese).
Submitted and under review
Ju Liu , Rasmus Lema, The Role of Emerging Multinational Companies’ Technology-driven
FDIs in Their Learning Processes for Innovation, Journal of World Business
Ju Liu , Firm’s Global Innovation Networks and Global Production Networks: Exploring the interaction, Differences and Commonalities, R&D Management
Angathevar Baskaran, Ju Liu , Mammo Muchie, OFDI and Knowledge Flow in the Context of Emerging MNEs: Cases from China, India and South Africa, Asian Journal of
Technology Innovation.
In progress
Ju Liu, Christian Binz, Emerging Countries’ Industrial Catch-up Trajectory from a
Resource-based View: A Comparative Case Study of China’s PV and Wind Power
Ju Liu. Applying Social Network Analysis in Global Innovation Network Research
Book chapters
Ju Liu , Cristina Chaminade, Bjorn Asheim. (2014) The Geogarphy and Structure of Global
Innovation Networks: A Knowledge Base Perspective, in Global and Regional
Dynamics in Knowledge Flows and Innovation, C. Van Egeraat, D. F. Kogler & P.
Cooke (eds.). London and New York: Routledge
Ju Liu (2013), The Role of University in Firm’s Innovation Network: the Empirical Evidence in Southwest China. In Cai, Y. and Kohtamäki, V. (ed) Transformation of Higher
Education in Innovation Systems in China and Finland, University of Tampere Press,
Tampere, Finland, ISBN:978-951-44-9268-6
Ju Liu , Yangao Xiao, Ying Liu. (2007), Benefiting from Technological Innovation through
Patent Strategy: a Case Study of a Textile Company in China. In C Sri Krishna eds.,
Idea, Innovation and Patent, The Icfai University Press, Hyderabad India,
Reports and policy brief
Technology-driven FDI by Emerging Multinationals in Europe 2015
Chinese and Arabic Communities Supporting Innovation in Sweden 2015
Special issue
Guest Editor of the special issue on Innovation systems in China (together with Franco
Malerba, Bengt-Ake Lundvall, and Shulin Gu) in Industry and Innovation, Vol. 16,
Issue 4-5, 2009.
Peer reviewed papers in conference proceedings
Ju Liu, Rasmus Lema. (2015) The Role of Technology-driven FDI in the Learning Process for Innovation: A comparative case study in Chinese Wind Power Companies, The proceedings of the 13 th
Globelics International Conference, Havana, Cuba
Ju Liu . (2013) How Do Proximities Matter to MNCs’ Global Innovation Networks: A
Geographical-organisational Perspective, The proceedings of the 11 th Globelics
International Conference, Ankara, Turkey
Ju Liu , Cristina Chaminade, Bjorn Asheim. (2012), The Geographic Pattern of Organising
Firms' Global Production Networks and Global Innovation Networks: A Knowledge Base
Perspective, The proceedings of the 10 th
Globelics International Conference, Hangzhou,
Cristina Chaminade, Ju Liu . (2012), The Commonalities, Differences, and Interplay between
Global Production Networks and Global Innovation Networks in Two Multinational
Companies, The 13 th
CiNet Conference, Rome, Italy
Ju Liu .
(2011), Where Can Public Policy Play a Role? A Comparative Case Study of
Regional Institutional Environments and Their Impact on Firm’s Innovation Networks in
China and Switzerland, The proceedings of the 9 th
Globelics International Conference,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Baskaran Angathevar, Ju Liu , Mammo Muchie. (2011), Exploring the Outflow of FDI from
Developing Countries: Case Studies from China, India and South Africa, The proceedings of the 9 th
Globelics International Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Ju Liu , Baskaran Angathevar, Mammo Muchie. (2010), Global Recession and the National
System of Innovation in China:“Blessing in Disguise”? The proceedings of the 8 th
Globelics International Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Ju Liu , Hans Jaeger. (2009), The University-industry-government Relationship of
Technological Innovator Networks in Different National Innovation Systems: a
Comparative Case Study in China and Switzerland, The Proceeding of Asialics
Conference 2009, Hongkong, China.
Ju Liu , Yangao Xiao, Ying Liu. (2008), Technological Innovation and Organizational learning: A Case Study on Dynamics of a Technological Innovator Network. The
Proceedings of the 6 th
Globelics International Conference, Mexico City, Mexico.
Ju Liu , Hans Jaeger, Paul Frauenfelder. (2008), A Comparative Case Study on Technological
Innovator Network- the Structure, Dynamic, and Performance, The proceedings of the
CICLAICS Workshop 2008, Beijing, China.
Shulin Gu, Ju Liu, Bengt-Ake Lundvall. (2008), China's System and Vision of Innovation,
The Proceeding of the 6 th
Globelics International Conference, Mexico City, Mexico.
Ju Liu , Yangao Xiao, Jing Liu. (2007), Study of Patent Strategy of a Textile Company in
China , The Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Management of
Technology (ISOMOT’07), Zhejiang University Press, Hangzhou, China.
Yangao Xiao, Ju Liu . (2007), Case Study of Intellectual Property Management Based on
Indigenous Innovation in China’s IT Enterprises, The Proceedings of the 5 th
International Conference, Saratov, Russia.
Ju Liu , Yangao Xiao, Jing Liu. (2006), Benefiting from Technological Innovation through
Patent Strategy: A Case Study of a Textile Company in China. The Proceeding of the 4th
Globelics International Conference. Trivandrum, India.
Ju Liu , Yongjian Li, Zubing Hou. (2006), Analysis and Comparison Between Knowledge
Sharing Approaches of Emerging-technology-based Strategic Alliances, The Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering
Management & The 1st International Conference on Asian Industrial Engineering and
Managemnt, China Machine Press, Weihai, China.
Ju Liu , (2005), A Conceptual Model of Emerging Technologies’ Technical Uncertainty, The
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and
Engineering Management, Modern Industrial Engineering and Innovation in Enterprise
Management, Vol.1, China Machine Press, Chongqing, China.
Working papers
Ju Liu , Ingo Liefner. (2016) The Joint Influencing Mechanism of Proximities and Knowledge
Base on Multinational Companies’ Global Innovation Networks. Papers in Innovation
Studies: 2016/4, Lund, Sweden.
Ju Liu, Rasmus Lema (2015)
The Roles of Emerging Multinational Companies’
Technology-driven FDIs in their Learning Processes for Innovation: A dynamic and contextual perspective, Papers in Innovation Studies: 2015/50, Lund, Sweden
Ju Liu (2015) A Case Study on Multinational Companies’ Global Innovation Networks and
Global Production Networks: Toward a Theoretical Conceptualisation, Papers in
Innovation Studies: 2015/46, Lund, Sweden.
Ju Liu . (2014), How Do Geographical and Organisational Proximity Influence the Relational
Pattern of MNCs' Global Innovation Networks: An In-depth Case Study, CIRCLE working paper series: WP 2014/16, Sweden.
Ju Liu , Cristina Chaminade (2014), Exploring the interplay, differences, and commonalities between global production networks and global innovation networks of two multinational companies, CIRCLE working paper series: WP 2014/07, Sweden.
Ju Liu , Cristina Chaminade, Bjorn Asheim (2013), The Geography and Structure of Global
Innovation Networks: A Knowledge Base Perspective, CIRCLE working paper series:
WP 2013/15, Sweden
Ju Liu . (2011), Regional Institutional Environment and Its Impact on Intra-firm and
Interorganisational Innovation Networks: A Comparative Case Study in China and
Switzerland, CIRCLE working paper series: WP 2011/07, Sweden.
Ju Liu , Baskaran Angathevar, Mammo Muchie. (2010), Global Recession and the National
System of Innovation in China: “Blessing in Disguise”? DIIPER Research Series,
Aalborg University, Denmark.
Angathevar Baskaran, Ju Liu , Mammo Muchie. (2010), Exploring the Outflow of FDI from the Developing Economies: Case Studies from China, India and South Africa, IERI
Working Paper 2010, Institute for Economic Research on Innovation, Tshwane
University of Technology, Pretoria, South Africa.
Bengt-Ake Lundvall, Ju Liu . (2008), China’s System and Vision of Innovation:Analysis of the National Medium- and Long-term Science and Technology Development Plan
(2006-2020), DIIPER Research Series Working Paper NO. 8, Denmark.
Conference papers
Ju Liu, Rasmus Lema (2015) The Role of Technology-driven FDI in the Learning Process for
Innovation: a comparative case study in Chinese Wind Power Companies, Workshop on
Technology Driven FDI from Emerging Countries: Challenges and Opportunities for
Europe, Pisa, Italy
Ju Liu, (2014) How Do Proximities Matter to MNCs Global Innovation Networks, The 2 nd
Geography of Innovation Conference, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Ju Liu , Cristina Chaminade. (2011), The Interplay and Governance of Firms’ Global
Production Networks and Global Innovation Networks: Two Cases in
Telecommunication and Automobile Safety Industry of Sweden, the 6 th
Seminar on Regional Innovation Policy, Lund, Sweden.
Ju Liu.
(2011), Institutional Thickness and Its Impact on Intra-firm and Inter-organisational
Innovation Networks: A Comparative Case Study in China and Switzerland. 2011 DIME
Conference, Maastricht, Holland.
Ju Liu , Yangao Xiao, Ying Liu. (2006), Identifying Core Competence and Assessing Breadth of the Effect of Key Resources on Technological Innovation Based Strategic Capabilities:
A Case Study of a Textile Company in China. CICALICS Workshop 2006. Chengdu.
Ju Liu , Yangao Xiao, Jing Liu. (2006), Acquiring Competitive Advantage through
Technological Innovation: A Case Study of a Textile Company in China. The 15th
International Conference on Management of Technology, IAMOT2006. Beijing, China
Ju Liu , Yongjian Li. (2005), Discussions About The Emerging Technologies and Its
Technical Uncertainty, Forum of Management Science: Management of Emerging
Technology, (in Chinese).
Journal editor and editorial board member
Scientific committee member: Innovation and Development, Routledge
Editorial board member: African Journal of Science Technology and Development,
Journal external reviewer
Industry and Innovation
Technology Forecasting and Social Change
Innovation Management Policy and Practice
Journal of Science and Technology Policy in China
International Journal of Business Excellence
African Journal of Science, Technology and Development
Journal of Electronic Science and Technology
Research grant evaluator
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)
5.1. Accomplished and in-progress projects
2014.01- now Global innovation networks, regional variety and its impact on the innovativeness of firms and regions: The IT and new media industry in
Sweden in a global comparative perspective
Researcher in charge of coordinating, designing, conducting research particularly in China.
Founded by MM Wallenberg Foundation
2013.01-2015.03 Towards Inclusive Use of Intellectual Capital Innovation communities integrating foreign human capital to the Finnish innovation activities
Researcher in charge of coordinating, designing, conducting fieldwork in
Founded by Tekes, Finland
2011.01-2014.12 The Challenge of Globalization: Technology Driven Foreign Direct
(TFDI) and its Implications for the Negotiation of International (bi and
multilateral) Investment Agreements.
Researcher in charge of designing and conducting fieldwork in
Chinese multinational companies’ headquarters in China and their subsidiaries in European countries.
Founded by Rijksbanken
2011.07-2012.07 Trans-national innovation systems: Channels and Platforms for Innovation and Competence Building
Researcher in charge of designing and conducting case studies on China’s national policy for globalization of innovation
Founded by Academy of Finland
2010.08-2011.11 The Seventh Framework Program: Impact of Networks, Globalisation, and their Interaction with EU Strategies (INGINEUS)
Researcher in charge of designing and conducting the case study on the multinational companies’ global production network and global innovation network in automobile and telecommunication industry
Funded by European Commission (Grant Agreement No.225368)
2008.03-2010.03 Research on Obtaining the Value of Innovation based on Industrial
Structure and Biform game model
Research leader in charge of the work package---evolution of firm’s dynamic capabilities
Funded by National Natural Science Fund of China (Project No.
2007.12-2009.12 Research on Dynamic Relationship between Structure of Technological
Innovation Network and Technological Innovation Performance of
Enterprises: a Comparative Case Study in China and Europe
Principle research investigator in charge of designing, coordinating,
conducting the whole project and supervising research team members
Funded by Youth Science and Technology Fund of UESTC (Project No.
2006.10 - 2006.12 Strategic Positioning and Path Selecting of the Software Industry in
Main researcher in charge of work package of the survey of software industry development situation in Chengdu
Funded by Chengdu municipal government
2005.03 - 2006.09 Investigation and Case Study of the Situation of Intellectual Property
Rights in Import & Export Enterprises in Sichuan
Main researcher in charge of conducting the module of case study in 15 companies
Funded by State Intellectual Property Office of People’s Republic of
China (Project No. JX04047)
2005.01 - 2006.06 Research On a Model of Difficulty-based Quantitative Classification of
Knowledge Work
Main researcher in charge of conducting the module of conceptual framework of the difficulty embedded in knowledge work
Funded by National Natural Science Found of China (Project No.
Pedagogical experience:
Postgraduate Level
Globalisation and Innovation (Course coordinator and lecturer 2013-2015)
Global Exploitation of Technology (Lecturer 2014)
Innovation Management (Course developer and lecturer 2009-2010)
Discovering Entrepreneurship (Guest lecturer 2008)
Executive level
Managerial Communication and Leadership (Chief Lecturer 2006-2010)
Organisational Behaviour (Chief Lecturer 2004-2006)
Human Resource Management (Lecturer 2003)
Project Management (Lecturer 2010)
Business Environment and Cross Cultural Communication (Lecturer 2007-2008)
Undergraduate Level
Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Strategic Management (Guest lecturer 2016)
Organisational Behaviour (Chief lecturer 2006-2010)
Managerial Communication (Chief lecturer 2006-2010)
Thesis supervision:
Postgraduate Level (assistant)
1 thesis for master’s degree of students in innovation studies 2010
2 Thesis for master’s degree of students in Business Administration 2009
Undergraduate Level
8 Thesis for bachelor’s degree of students in Business Administration 2006
Forms and methods of teaching:
Seminars, lectures, projects, supervision of examination papers
Forms of examination:
Examination scripts, viva voce examination, course work at both individual and group level, such as presentation, role play, case analysis, etc.
Pedagogical education and training
Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (continuous), CED, Lund University
Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, CED, Lund University (2 weeks)
Case study pedagogy training, Sun-Yet-Sen University in cooperation with Harvard
Pedagogical training for supervisors, School of Management and Economics,
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Development of teaching material, in the form of
Syllabus including intended outcomes, teaching and learning activities, assessment tasks for the course of Global Technology Exploitation, Globalisation and Innovation,
Innovation Management, Managerial Communication and Organisational Behaviour on both undergraduate and postgraduate level.
Slides, videos and handouts for some sessions in the course Global Exploitation of
Technology, Globalisation and Innovation, and the whole course of Managerial
Communication and Organisational Behaviour on both undergraduate and postgraduate level, and Innovation Management at postgraduate level
Pedagogical leadership and development work
Initiative group member of the international joint master programme (Nordic master) in charge of designing the joint programme with members from other three Nordic countries.
Course coordinator in charge of redesigning, organising, coordinating, and teaching in a co-taught course Globalisation and Innovation
Chief lecturer in charge of designing, mentoring and teaching the course of
Managerial Communication at both undergraduate and postgraduate level
Chief lecturer in charge of designing, mentoring and teaching the course of
Organisational Behaviour at undergraduate level
Leader of the team for the development of the new course Innovation Management at postgraduate level
Awards and prizes
Excellent Key Faculty Member, School of Management and Economics, University of
Electronic Science and Technology of China, 2006-2010, China.
Teacher of the Year, Municipality of Chengdu, China, 1996-1998, China.
Erasmus Mundus, EC 2010
Research on Firms’ Global Innovation Network
Youth Science and Technology Fund, UESTC 2008-2010
Research on Dynamic Relationship between Structure of Technological Innovation
Network and Technological Innovation Performance of Enterprises: a Comparative
Case Study in China and Europe
Education Development Fund, UESTC 2008
A Comparative Study on Formative Mechanism of Firm’s Innovator Network in
China, Switzerland and Denmark
Excellent Young Faculty Scholarship, School of Management and Economics,
UESTC 2008
Research and pedagogical development
Visiting scholarships
2010.08 – 2011.06 Visiting postdoc researcher, CIRCLE, Lund University, Sweden.
2008.02 - 2009.02 Visiting PhD student, Department of Business Study, Aalborg University,
Aalborg, Denmark.
2008.06 - 2009.09 Visiting PhD student, Department of Management, Technology and
Economics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology(ETHZ), Zurich,
Participation in conferences
The 13 th
Globelics International Conference, 2015, Havana, Cuba
Discussant, chair, and paper presenter
Workshop on Technology Driven FDI from Emerging Countries: Challenges and
Opportunities for Europe, 2015 Pisa, Italy
Paper presenter
The 40 th
Annual conference of European International Business Association, 2014
Uppsala, Sweden
Paper presenter
The 2 nd
Geography of Innovation international conference, 2014 Utrecht, the
Paper presenter
The 11 th
Globelics International Conference, 2013, Ankara, Turkey
The 10 th
Globelics International Conference, 2012, Hangzhou, China
Paper presenter.
The 13 th
CiNet Conference, 2012, Rome, Italy
The 9 th
Globelics International Conference, 2011, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Paper presenter.
The 6 th
International Seminar on Regional Innovation Policy, 2011, Lund, Sweden
Discussant, paper presenter.
The DIME Final Conference, 2011, Maastricht, the Netherlands
Discussant, paper presenter.
The 8 th
Globelics International Conference, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Paper presenter.
The 7 th Globelics International Conference, 2009, Dakar, Senegal
Paper presenter.
The 6 th
Asialics International Conference, 2009, Hong Kong, China
Paper presenter.
The 6 th
Globelics International Conference, 2008, Mexico City, Mexico
Discussant, session chair, paper presenter.
The 4 th
Cicalics Workshop, 2008, Hangzhou, China
Keynote speaker.
The 5 th
Globelics International Conference, 2007, Saratov, Russia
Chair and paper presenter.
The 5 th International Symposium on Management of Technology, 2007, Hangzhou,
Paper presenter.
The 3 rd
Cicalics Workshop, 2007, Beijing, China,
Keynote speaker.
The 4 th
Globelics International Conference, 2006, Travandrum, India
Paper presenter.
The 2 nd Cicalics Workshop, 2006, Chengdu, China
Organizer, keynote speaker, paper presenter.
The 15 th
International Conference on Management of Technology, 2005, Beijing,
Paper presente.r
Conference organizer The 2 nd
Cicalics Workshop, 2006, Chengdu, China
Research information
Guest lecture and seminar in universities and research institutes
Guizhou University, China 2014
Topic: A comparison of the Innovation System of China and Sweden
Ministry of Science and Technology, China 2012
Topic: Innovation Studies in Sweden
Gothenburg University, 2008 & 2010
Topic1: Evolution of firm’s technological innovator network: a case study in China
Topic2: A comparative case study in China and Switzerland on the formative mechanism of firm’s technological innovator network
Lund University, 2008 & 2010
Topic1: Technological innovation and organisational learning: a case study in a Chinese textile company
Topic2: A comparative case study in China and Switzerland on the formative mechanism of firm’s technological innovator network
Sun-Yet-sen University, 2009
Topic: Innovation and university students in China
Chalmers University of Technology, 2008
Topic: Evolution of firm’s technological innovator network: a case study in China
Bocconi University, 2008
Topic: Technological innovation and organisational learning: a case study in a Chinese textile company
China Academy of Engineering Physics, 2007
Topic: National culture and its influence onto innovation
CCID, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China, 2007
Topic: Managerial communication and leadership
Guest lecture in companies and government agencies
InnoWork 9.5 Tampere, Finland.
Topic: globalisation of innovation to entrepreneurs, government officials, and researchers in Finland
China Mobile
Topic: Managerial communication and Leadership
China Minmetals Corporation
Topic: Managerial communication and Leadership
Sinohydro Bureau Seven Co. Ltd
Topic: Innovation and communication skills
China Chengda Engineering Co. Ltd.
Topic: Leadership and innovation behavior
Dongfang Industrial Boiler Group
Topic: Organisational behavior and managerial communication skills
Sichuan Bureau of Surveying and Mapping
Topic: Managerial communication and leadership
Sichuan Jiuzhou Group
Topic: Innovation and company culture
Luzhou Northern Chemical Industry Co Ltd
Topic: Organisational behavior and managerial communication skills
Konka Group
Topic: Leadership, communication skills and innovation behavior
Haire NewYork Life
Topic: Managerial communication
Grace Corporation
Topic: Technological innovation and company strategy
Royal DSM N.V.
Topic: Business environment and national culture of China
Pengzhou Municipal government
Topic: Innovation and Communication
Cooperation with business and society
Volvo Car
Research project coordinator, 2011
- Organised and supervised joint research project involving Swedish and
Chinese master students in Chengdu China
- coordinated cooperation between Volvo car and universities in Chengdu
Grace Group
External Expert, 2006-now
- Organised and gave seminar in cooperation of University of St. Gallen
(Switzerland) on how to design innovation strategy
- Organised and gave seminars on managing innovative organisation and managing intellectual property rights
-Organised dialogue on stimulating employees creative between managers and postgraduate students from Chalmers University of
- Consulted project of applying the State’s Science and Technology
Development Fund for Grace Group
China Gas Turbine Establishment
Consultant, 2006
Consulted organisational restructuring project
China Minmetals Corporation
Consultant, 2006
Consulted organisational restructuring project
Chengdu Electric Power Bureau
Consultant, 2004-2006
Consulted organisational restructuring project
International Finance Corporation, China Project Development Facility,
World Bank Group
Short-term consultant, 2002
Conducted research project Survey of Financial Environment of SMEs in
Sichuan Province
Prof. Charles Edquist
Lund University
PO Box 117
SE 22100 Lund
Prof. Xiaoyan Gao
Hi-Tech Zone
School of Management and
Economics, University of
Electronic Science and
Technology of China
No.2006, Xiyuan Ave, West
Prof. Bo Göransson
Department of Business
Lund University
PO Box 7080
SE-220 07 Lund
611731 Chengdu
Tel: +46 (0) 708136213
Tel: +86(0)13981911295
Tel: +46 (0) 709634063