24th Annual National Conference of Law

24th Annual National Conference of Law & Higher Education
Pre Conference: Foundations of Higher Education Law
 Foundations of Higher Education Law: Basic Organizing Principles and
Concepts of Higher Education Law, William A. Kaplin. (History) (Foundations
of HELaw)
 Foundations of Higher Education Law (a Power Point Presentation), William A.
Kaplin, Barbara A. Lee, and Gary Pavela. (History) (Foundationsof HELawPPT)
Student Affairs Materials
 A Brief Commentary on the Conceptual Parameters of the Affirmative Duty
Doctrine and Campus Mental Health Professionals: The So-Called “Tarasoff”
Rule or Standard, Robert Bickel. (Mental Health) (TarasoffRule)
 From Diagnosis to Treatment: Addressing Legal Issues Related to Mental Illness
on Your Campus, Vicki Gotkin. (Mental Health) (DiagnosistoTreatment)
 Intellectual Property and Cyberspace Law Update: Recent Law and Policy Issues,
Steven J. McDonald. (Cyberspace) (CyberspaceUpdate)
 Intellectual Property and Cyberspace Law Update (A Power Point Presentation),
Steven J. McDonald. (Cyberspace) (CyberspaceUpdatePPT)
 Legal Issues in Managing Computing and Electronic Resources, Nancy
Tribbensee. (Cyberspace) (CyberspacePPT)
 The National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace,The President’s Critical
Infrastructure Protection Board. (Cyberspace) (NatlStrategytoSecureCyberspace)
 Purpose and Scope of the Joint Committee of the Higher Education and
Entertainment Communities, Graham Spanier. (Cyberspace)
 Cyberspace Law Update: Copyright Law and Policy, Rodney J. Petersen.
(Cyberspace) (CyberspaceCopyrightPPT)
 Policy Development Process, ACUPA. (Policy Development)
 Negligent Security: The Duty to Protect Computing and Electronic Resources,
Nancy Tribbensee. (Cyberspace) (NegligentSecurity)
 Copyright Law of the United States of America, U.S. Congress. (Copyright)
 Race, Culture & Religion: A Review of Recent Judicial Decision and
Commentary, Beverly Ledbetter and Michael Goldberger. (Diversity)
 An Empirically Supported Program to Prevent Suicide Among a College
Population, Paul Joffe. (Suicide) (PreventSuicide)
 An Empirically Supported Program to Prevent Suicide Among a College
Population (a Power Point Presentation), Paul Joffe. (Suicide)
 Children on Campus, Angela Alkire and Ann Franke. (Children)
Children on Campus (a Power Point Presentation), Angela Alkire. (Children)
Children on Campus: Legal Implications of Children’s Presence and Activity on
Campus, Sheila Trice Bell. (Children) (ChildrenonCampusLegalImplications)
Solving the Disconnect Between Planning and Evaluation, and the Prevention of
Liability: How to Implement Assessment Mechanisms In Law and Policy
Initiatives, Linda Langford. (Torts) (SolvingDisconnect)
Solving the Disconnect Between Planning and Evaluation, and the Prevention of
Liability: How to Implement Assessment Mechanisms In Law and Policy
Initiatives (a Power Point Presentation), Linda Langford. (Torts)
Solving the Disconnect Between Planning and Evaluation, and the Prevention of
Liability: How to Implement Assessment Mechanisms In Law and Policy
Initiatives, Miriam McKendall. (Torts) (SolvingDisconnect2)
Solving the Disconnect Between Planning and Evaluation, and the Prevention of
Liability: How to Implement Assessment Mechanisms In Law and Policy
Initiatives (a Power Point Presentation), Miriam McKendall. (Torts)
Reducing Tort Liability on Campus Through Pro-Active Risk Assessment: A
Comprehensive Model, Kimberly Novak. (Torts) (ReducingTortLiability)
Reducing Tort Liability on Campus Through Pro-Active Risk Assessment: A
Comprehensive Model, Appendix 1: Texas A&M University Performance
Management Model, Kimberly Novak. (Torts) (PerformanceManModel)
Reducing Tort Liability on Campus Through Pro-Active Risk Assessment: A
Comprehensive Model, Appendix 2: Guide to Recognized Student Organization,
Texas A & M University, Kimberly Novak. (Torts) (GuideforOrgs)
Reducing Tort Liability on Campus Through Pro-Active Risk Assessment: A
Comprehensive Model, Appendix 3: Letter to Student Organization Advisors,
Kimberly Novak. (Torts) (AdvisorExpectations)
Reducing Tort Liability on Campus Through Pro-Active Risk Assessment: A
Comprehensive Model, Appendix 4: Pre-Event Planning Form, Kimberly Novak.
(Torts) (PreEventPlanningForm)
Reducing Tort Liability on Campus Through Pro-Active Risk Assessment,
William Hoye. (Torts) (RiskAssessment)
Challenging the Corporate University, Brian A. Snow. (Corporate Universities)
Has the Clever Doctor Faustus Overindulged in the Cursed Necromancy of the
Corporate World or Has He Found Another Way to Preserve, to Enlarge and to
Transmit Learning’s Golden Gifts?, James F Shekleton. (Corporate Universities)
Opening Plenary Session: Evaluating our Response to September 11
 Evaluating Our Response to the Events of September 11, 2001: Changes in Law
and Policy Throughout the University, Deborah T. Ashford. (September 11)
Evaluation Our Response to the Events of September 11, 2001: Civil Rights,
Civil Liberties, and Free Speech, Wendy S. White. (September 11)
Students Abroad: Out of Sight, Out of Mind and Beyond the University’s Duty of
Care in English Law?, David Palfreyman. (September 11) (911StudyAbroad)
Evaluating Our Response to the Events of September 11, 2001: An Introduction
to Virginia Attorney General Immigration Compliance Memo, Alison P. Landry.
(September 11) (911IntrotoMemo)
Memorandum to College Presidents, regarding Immigration Law Compliance
Update, Alison P. Landry. (September 11) (911ImmigrationLawCompliance)
Evaluation Our Response to the Event of September 11, 2001: Changes in the
Law & Policy Throughout the University, A Law Enforcement Perspective,
Dolores Stafford. (September 11) (911LawEnforcement)
Attachment A: Laboratory Regulation: Biosafety and Bioterrorism, Hogan &
Hartson LLP. (September 11) (911BiosafetyTerrorism)
The Post-911 Risk Agenda, Ann H. Franke. (September 11) (911RiskAgenda)
Academic Affairs Professionals
 Adjust Faculty and Emerging Legal Trends, Daniel Underwood. (Faculty)
 Forum Analysis in Public Colleges and Universities, Pete Kushibab. (First
Amendment) (PublicInstitutionForum)
 Brister v. Faulkner: Vagaries of the Public Forum Doctrine on Campus. (First
Amendment) (PublicForumDoctrine)
 Law and Policy Update for Academic Provosts, Deans, and Department Chairs:
Challenges to Tenure Decisions, Barbara A. Lee. (Senior Administration)
 Law and Policy Update for Academic Provosts, Deans, and Department Chairs:
Faculty Employment Issues, Mary Ann Connell. (Senior Administration)
 Shrinking Budgets: Challenges and Opportunities for Administrators and
Lawyers, Howard W. Bell. (Budget) (ShrinkingBudgets)
 Shrinking Budgets: Challenges and Opportunities for Administrators and
Lawyers, Debra Zumwalt. (Budget) (ShrinkingBudgets2)
 Shrinking Budgets: Challenges and Opportunities for Administrators and
Lawyers, Appendix 1:Guidelines for Stanford’s Outside Counsel. (Budget)
Post Conference: Understanding and Complying with the Clery Act
 The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime
Statistics Act (a Power Point Presentation), Jackie McClain, Karen Stone, and
Kimberly Wible. (Clery Act) (CleryPostConPPT)
 Understanding and Complying with the Clery Act, Karen J. Stone. (Clery Act)
Implementation of Sexual Offender Laws (a Power Point Presentation), Jackie
McClain, Karen Stone, and Kimberly Wible. (Clery Act) (SexOffenderLawsPPT)
California State University Police Departments Systemwide Operational
Guidelines, Chapter 19: Implementation of Sexual Offender Laws. (Clery Act)
Clery Act Required Policy and Procedure Checklist. (Clery Act) (CleryChecklist)
Common Problems in Clery Reporting. (Clery Act) (CommonProblemsClery)
Suggested Preparation for Public Notification. (Clery Act)
Department of Justice Federal Guidelines. (Clery Act) (PostConFedGuidelines)