
Members Present: Mark LePage, Chair; Gerry Fleury, Vice Chair; Michael Connor; Bruce Kurinskas;
Brian Seaworth; Raymond Foss, Marie Chouinard; Daniel Crean; Steve Abbott; Tom Serafin, School
Board Rep.; Tina Courtemanche, Selectman Rep.; Dave Sheldon, Alt. Selectman Rep.
Others Present: School Department and School Board Representatives.
Documents Distributed: Pembroke School District 2011/2012 Budget; 2011/2012 School District
Budget Summary; Proposed Bond 11/12 Budget
Mark called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.
Approval of Minutes
A motion to approve the minutes of December 16, 2010 as presented was made by Ray, seconded by
Mike, and passed by unanimous vote. Tom abstained as he was not present at the meeting.
School District Budget Review
Tom Serafin stepped down from the budget meeting to represent the School Board in presenting the
School Department budget.
Mark clarified and it was confirmed that the information being presented at this meeting is the same as
the spreadsheet sent out before the holidays.
Tom began by outlining the contents of materials distributed including: 2011/2012 budget; budget
summary spreadsheet; and proposed bond information. He then reviewed each item listed on the budget
summary spreadsheet line by line highlighting increases/decreases. The 2011/2012 proposed total
appropriation is $24,831,794 which is an increase over 2010/2011 of $1,031,382. This increase however
is offset by revenue in the amount of $2,237,421. This leaves a total decrease from 2010/2011 of
$1,206,039 (1.87%) to be raised by taxes.
Dave asked if the budget includes the charter school proposal as it will affect the school’s budget based
on the number of students. Tom indicated that although the budget may be affected by the proposal, the
project grant has not yet been approved at the district meeting therefore it can not be included in the
budget. Dave further questioned if a separate budget is being prepared which will include the proposal.
Mike Reardon stated that if the proposal is approved, there will be relatively few students attending in the
first year (10-15 students) and it is not expected to be at full capacity for 2-3 years; therefore, there will
be no significant savings to the 2011/2012 budget. Gerry stressed the importance of understanding the
impact this program will have not only on the 2011/2012 regular school district budget but to what
magnitude it will impact future budgets as well, taking into consideration that the grant is for start up
costs only. Mark suggested that questions concerning PACE Academy should be held until the next
meeting when it will be discussed in its entirety. Tom indicated that all e-mailed questions have been
reviewed and will be incorporated into the presentation next week.
Gerry asked if a draft warrant is available. Tom replied no but it is being prepared.
Budget Minutes
January 6, 2011
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Key speakers for this portion of the presentation included: Tom Serafin, Mike Reardon, Ryan Quinn, and
Peter Aubrey.
A question was raised regarding the increase in Aide’s Salaries. Ryan explained that the model for
Special Education has changed nationwide with Response to Intervention (RTI) now in place. In the
past, students were identified then given support in the classroom. With the new model, students are
serviced as soon as issues are determined and before they are coded as special education in the hope of
remediating them before being placed into the special education system. All students with identifiable
issues receive the same services as special education students and therefore, some of the cost (4 aides)
has been moved from special education to regular education.
Peter reviewed the numbering system/account numbers in the budget including what each group of
numbers in the account line represents i.e., 4th group of numbers denotes which school; 104 Hill and
Village, 205 Three Rivers, and 306 Pembroke Academy.
The following increases were discussed in more detail:
Tutoring costs - Peter indicated that the school is not expecting any Title 1 funds therefore the school
will incur all tutoring costs. Tutoring includes six staff members; three at Hill and three at Village.
At Risk Tuition - Mike stated that this increase is based on the increasing number of students attending
summer school and the needed cost assistance.
General Supplies – Ryan explained that there were several supplies stocked up in storage that are now
running out causing the need for more regular ordering of supplies.
Replacement Equipment/Art Kiln – Mike explained that the kiln is not functioning properly as the wiring
is bad and it is becoming a safety hazard. Further, the pottery program is one of the chief art programs.
New Equipment/Eno Board – Ryan stated that the regular white boards are being replaced by Eno Boards
(computerized Smart Boards) at both Hill and Village schools.
Enrichment/Gifted/Talented – Ryan explained that there is a demand that more programs for these
students be implemented. The focus will be on Technology and will be offered to all students. There is a
possibility for a grant through AmeriCorp.
Vocational Programs/Coordinator – There was a question as to the reference of Director in the
description line as well as the increase of one instructor. Mike explained that this increase is primarily
due to the rising number of students in the adult diploma program and reduced funding from the State.
The total enrollment in the program was questioned. Mike did not have this information available but
did state that over 40 students graduated from the program last year. He will obtain more information on
enrollment. Director and Coordinator is believed to be the same position.
Budget Minutes
January 6, 2011
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Vocational Tuition – Mike indicated that this increase is due to the State recalibrating tuition payments;
higher tuition costs will be charged per student. Ray commented on revenue projections versus expense.
This led to discussion that tuition rates are set by the Concord School District, with State funding as a
Co-curricular Activities/Full Time Athletic Trainer – Mike explained that the school department is
proposing to hire a full time Athletic Trainer versus the current part time position for contact sports
including soccer, lacrosse, and football. The benefits of an athletic trainer were discussed further. Gerry
asked for injury statistics to better understand this need. When asked which sport would be attended to
should there be two sporting events at the same time, Mike replied football. And, when asked if hiring an
EMT per event on a per diem basis would be less expensive, Mike replied that it would however, there
would be no benefit of continuity of treatment, knowledge of athletes that accrues over time, or general
awareness and communication regarding athlete’s well being. Tom suggested that since this issue is a
topic of concern, it be tabled until the School Board has an opportunity to obtain more detailed
information to provide a clearer understanding of the position. He asked that any questions be e-mailed
so they may be reviewed in advance.
Tom briefly reviewed the cooperative agreement with Campbell High School which provides both
schools the opportunity to participate in a Hockey program.
Friday and Saturday detentions were discussed. There are approximately 12-15 students who attend on
Fridays and approximately 10-12 students on Saturdays. Mike explained that in school detention is no
longer effective.
Guidance Services/Salaries – This position was moved from 1200-110. Gerry clarified, and it was
confirmed, that with lines 1200-110-306 and 2120-110, there is actually a net reduction of approximately
Mike briefly reviewed “Rachel’s Challenge”.
Document Shredding – It was suggested that additional quotes for this service be obtained.
Health Services/Nurse Assistant – This increase is due to an increase in hours. It was unclear how many
extra hours this represents. Tom will confirm.
Dan and Ray commented on the topic of at-risk costs/revenue and Tina inquired as to mandatory versus
discretionary expense. Tom noted these were valid questions and said he would follow up.
New Computer Equipment – It was stated that ipads are more effective and less expensive than laptops
due to the minimal cost of software versus comparable PC software.
Operations/Maintenance – When asked where in the budget the purchase of wood chips fall, it was stated
that it appears in the 2620-6 Natural Gas lines.
Budget Minutes
January 6, 2011
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Jonathan Burnham indicated that there is a math error in the 306 (PA) line; it will increase from
($28,000) to ($60,000) with the equivalent reduction in the budget. Tom agreed to prepare a one page
summary regarding the offset and to highlight changes.
Pupil Transportation – There is no upgrade in number of busses however expenditures for high school
service (regular education) needs to be shown in order to continue receiving state funding; 11.7% is
factored in for Pembroke Academy and $8,000 revenue is received annually.
Separation benefits were discussed. Peter Aubrey noted that each year up to 3 teachers are eligible for
this retirement program. Historically there have been more than 3 applications per year.
Roof Repair – Jonathan Burnham reviewed plans for the new roof. Pembroke Academy roof repair has
been on CIP for a quite some time. The current estimate however is higher, $390,000, as it includes
revised air handling in the cooking and music rooms. These rooms are intolerable; either too hot or too
cold. Further, the contingency for deck damage under existing roof (37,000 square feet) is estimated at
$120,000. Taking into consideration the low bond prices, the School Board decided to combine all roof
work at all schools (Three Rivers $257,000/Hill $115,000) for a total of $882,000. A question was raised
as to current bond detail. Tom will obtain the information and report back to the committee. Any further
questions should be directed to Tom for review in advance of the next meeting.
Ray asked where the budget would be cut should less revenue be available. Tom will discuss with the
school board and report back to the committee.
Peter Warburton gave a brief synopsis of PACE Academy which will be discussed in it’s entirely during
the next meeting.
The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 13, 2011 at 6:30 PM. The Budget Public Hearing is
scheduled for February 5, 2011 at 10:00 AM.
A motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 PM was made by Dan, seconded by Dave, and passed by
unanimous vote.
Minutes prepared by Alane Rapazza