Unit Framework

KS 1 Package
Personal Growth and Change
Unit Framework
Key Stage 1: Primary Three
Learning Outcomes:
Suggested Teaching Level
No. of Lessons
Lesson 1: (70-80 minutes)
The learners will
 develop a better
understanding of
the life cycle of a
butterfly and the
concept of change
 develop an
awareness of
stress, rhythm and
through singing
 Understanding some information, ideas and feelings in some simple
texts using some listening strategies as appropriate (Learning
Progression Framework (LPF) Listening-Level 3).
 Understanding information, ideas and feelings in a small range of
short simple texts, using some reading strategies as appropriate
(Learning Progression Framework (LPF) Reading-Level 2).
 Writing short texts to convey simple information, ideas and personal
experiences on familiar topics (Learning Progression Framework
(LPF) Writing-Level 3).
 Linking ideas quite coherently in a short text, or showing an
awareness of overall organisation of ideas (Learning Progression
Framework (LPF) Writing-Level 3).
 Using simple language forms and functions, and simple formats
quite appropriately and accurately (Learning Progression Framework
(LPF) Writing-Level 3).
 Providing and exchanging some simple information, ideas and
personal experiences on familiar topics quite clearly, relying at times
on non-verbal expressions (Learning Progression Framework (LPF)
Speaking-Level 2).
 Speaking simple and short stretches of English quite accurately, and
showing an awareness of stress, rhythm and intonation (Learning
Progression Framework (LPF) Speaking-Level 3).
Narrative: The Big Buddy
Personal Growth and Change
6 double lessons (35 – 40 minutes per single lesson)
Step 1: To ensure the learners understand the concept of change, the
teacher explains it using the Concept of Change Flashcards (Resource
1) and guides learners to match them.
The teacher collaborates with the learners in checking the answers
using the Concept of Change PowerPoint (PPT 1).
Step 2: To illustrate the concept of growth and change in an enjoyable
way, the teacher introduces vocabulary in context using the Butterfly
Life Cycle Flashcards (PPT 2).
The teacher projects the Butterfly Life Cycle Template (PPT 3) / draws it
on the board and invites learners to sequence the different stages
using the Butterfly Life Cycle Flashcards printed from PowerPoint 2.
become aware of
the changes that
take place in the
The teacher distributes the Butterfly Metamorphosis Lyric Sheet
(Resource 2) with which the learners sing along with a YouTube video:
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KS 1 Package
Lesson 2: (70-80 minutes)
The learners will:
 become familiar
with the
provided on the
book covers
 link changes in the
physical world to
the notion that
people change
 be able to read
aloud with stress,
rhythm and
 acquire content
vocabulary in
 respond to
questions about a
Personal Growth and Change
Step 3: The learners complete the Butterfly Life Cycle Worksheet
(Resource 3).
Step 4: The learners watch the metamorphosis video again and sing
along using the Butterfly Metamorphosis Lyric Sheet (Resource
Step 1: The teacher explains that, like butterflies, people grow and
change too. The teacher tells the learners that they are going
to read a story about a boy and how he changes. The teacher
uses The Big Buddy Story (PPT 4) to guide the learners to the
front and back covers to make predictions.
Front Cover:
 What do you see on the front cover? (Title, author, illustrator ,
 What is the title of the book?
 Who wrote the book? OR Who is the author / writer?
 Who drew the pictures for the book? OR Who is the illustrator?
 Who do you think is in the story?
 Where do think are they? OR What is the setting?
 What do you think the story is about?
Back Cover:
 What do you see on the back cover? (Blurb: It gives us an idea
of what the story is about.)
 Do you want to change what you said the story would be
 How many books are there in the series? (Four.)
 What are the other books about? Can you guess?
Step 2: The teacher uses The Big Buddy Vocabulary Flashcards (PPT 5)
to teach content vocabulary.
Step 3: The teacher then reads aloud pages 1-8 of PPT 4 while the
learners listen.
Step 4: The teacher and learners take turns to read different parts of
The Big Buddy Story Shared Reading (PPT 6) (pages 1-8). The
teacher reads the blue words and the learners read the red
Step 5: The teacher asks the learners:
1. When does the story take place? (time)
2. Where does the story take place? (place)
3. Who are the characters in the story?
4. What did the other children do? Why?
5. What naughty things did Dave do? Why?
6. What do you think of Dave? Why?
7. Do you think Dave can be a big buddy? Why or why not?
8. You were in primary 1 and now you are in primary 3. Have you
changed? How? (Could you play basketball / swim / count 1 to
100 in English in P.1?)
Step 6: Sing the song, “The More We Get Together” on YouTube:
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KS 1 Package
Personal Growth and Change
The teacher sings the song slowly using the audio recording
(tracking the text). Then, the learners sing the song as a class.
Step 7: The learners consolidate content vocabulary by playing a
matching game with The Big Buddy Vocabulary Flashcards
printed from PowerPoint 5.
*NB In preparation for lesson 3, the teacher needs to:
 print page 9 (the poster) of The Big Buddy Story (PPT 4) on A3
 print individual A4 copies of page 9 (the poster) of The Big
Buddy Story (PPT 4) for the learners
Lesson 3: (70-80 minutes)
The learners will:
 reflect on their
own qualities
 think creatively
while interacting
with a story, e.g.
inferring and
Lesson 4: (70-80 minutes)
The learners will:
 become familiar
with the list of
Step 1: The learners consolidate the content vocabulary by playing a
picture-word matching memory game the memory game
flashcards (Resource 4). The teacher revisits the content of the
story by asking questions as in lesson 2.
Step 2: The learners each get a copy of page 9 and read the page for 2
minutes. They can highlight words that they do not know. The
teacher then goes through the pronunciation and meaning of
the highlighted words and the following words: tidy,
hardworking, friendly, helpful, patient and generous.
Step 3: In groups, the learners read aloud different parts of the poster
“The Buddy Programme” on page 9. Teacher briefly discusses
what the checklist is about and how it is to be used.
Step 4: The teacher asks learners to look at the checklist on the poster
and “tick” the qualities they have.
Step 5: The teacher reads page 10 aloud or invites student(s) to read it
aloud. Teacher asks: Why didn’t Dave think that he was good
enough to be a big buddy? (Make connections to pictures on
pages 2-4.)
Step 6: Teacher reads page 13 aloud or invites student(s) to read it
aloud and discuss with the learners about how Dave felt and
predict the ending of the story.
Step 7: The teacher and the learners read aloud page 14. The teachers
1. Do you like the ending? Why or why not?
2. Can you think of a different ending?
3. Would you like to have a friend like Dave? Why or why
Step 8: The teacher plays another song about friendship and asks the
learners to sing along:
“Count on me” by Bruno Mars
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJYXItns2ik “Count on me” Lyric
Sheet (Resource 5)
Step 1: The teacher lists the adjectives on page 9 on the blackboard
and revises the meaning of each. He / She distributes List of
adjectives (Resource 6) to learners and explains the meanings.
Step 2: The teacher uses the big buddy booklet sample (Resource 7)
and the big buddy booklet template (Resource 8) to
demonstrate how to make his / her own big buddy booklet.
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KS 1 Package
Personal Growth and Change
provide personal
ideas and
information using
a model provided
Learners may refer to the list of adjectives (Resource 6) or use
their own adjectives for making their own booklets.
Step 3: 10 minutes before the end of the lesson, the learners work in
pairs and read their booklets to each other.
Step 4: Unfinished booklets will be completed at home.
Step 5: The teacher will need to collect all the booklets for use in lesson
Lesson 5: (70-80 minutes)
Step 1: The teacher explains the freeze game by instructing the
learners to walk around and stand still when the teacher says,
Step 2: The learners get into pairs. The teacher displays the list of
adjectives (Resource 6) on the screen and picks one of the
behaviours from the list. The teacher selects 2-3 learners to act
it out and the learners will hold still when the teacher says,
Step 3: The teacher calls out an adjective from the list of adjectives
(Resource 6). The learners act out the relevant behaviour and
hold still when the teacher says, “Freeze!”
Step 4: The teacher refers to his/her own big buddy booklet and picks a
favourite quality he/she likes most. The teacher invites a
learner to role-play the relevant behaviour with him/her.
Another learner is invited to take a photo of the scene which
will be called “a freeze frame”.
Step 5: The teacher distributes the learners’ big buddy booklets from
lesson 4. The learners choose a quality they like from their
booklets. They get into pairs and role-play the quality they
choose which will be photographed as a freeze frame. 10
minutes practice time is allowed.
Step 6: Learner pairs will join to form groups of four. One pair presents
their freeze frame and the other pair assists by taking photos
and offering ideas.
Step 7: The teacher / TA uploads photos onto the student share-drive
or school intranet for use in lesson 6.
The learners will:
 express
imaginative ideas
through facial
expressions and
 work
collaboratively as
a team
 use IT devices, e.g.
a digital camera or
a tablet
Lesson 6: (70-80 minutes)
The learners will:
 publish their work
with appropriate
layout and visual
support using IT
 demonstrate
preferences in
their choice of
background song /
Step 1: The teacher plays the song, “You’ve Got A Friend In Me”,
about friendship while the learners listen and follow the lyrics.
(Resource 9 Song sheet)
“You’ve Got A Friend In Me”
Step 2: The teacher demonstrates how to write a freeze-frame caption
based on own big buddy booklets (Resource 8).
Step 3: The learners write their freeze frame captions based on their
big buddy booklets (Resource 8).
Step 4: The teacher uses own freeze-frame to demonstrate how to
publish the photo and insert the caption.
Step 5: The learners use either Story Jumper (using the computer) /
Book Creator (using the iPad) to publish their work.
Step 6: The learners insert appropriate captions for their freeze frame
photos based on their big buddy booklets.
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KS 1 Package
Personal Growth and Change
Step 7: The teacher puts together the individual student pages to form
a class e-book.
Step 8: The learners vote for one of the following friendship songs to
for use as background music for their class e-book. (Optional)
1. “The More We Get Together” from YouTube:
2. “Count on me” by Bruno Mars
3. “You’ve Got A Friend In Me”
Assessment Criteria for
Teachers use the Teacher Assessment Criteria (Resource 10) for
formative assessment. This document could be used on a continuous
basis. Tick the appropriate columns as learners demonstrate the ability
to achieve the following specific outcomes on the Learning Progression
 Understanding some information, ideas and feelings in some simple
texts using some listening strategies as appropriate (Learning
Progression Framework (LPF) Listening-Level 3).
 Understanding information, ideas and feelings in a small range of
short simple texts, using some reading strategies as appropriate
(Learning Progression Framework (LPF) Reading-Level 2).
 Writing short texts to convey simple information, ideas and personal
experiences on familiar topics (Learning Progression Framework
(LPF) Writing-Level 3).
 Linking ideas quite coherently in a short text, or showing an
awareness of overall organisation of ideas (Learning Progression
Framework (LPF) Writing-Level 3).
 Using simple language forms and functions, and simple formats
quite appropriately and accurately (Learning Progression Framework
(LPF) Writing-Level 3).
 Providing and exchanging some simple information, ideas and
personal experiences on familiar topics quite clearly, relying at times
on non-verbal expressions (Learning Progression Framework (LPF)
Speaking-Level 2).
 Speaking simple and short stretches of English quite accurately, and
showing an awareness of stress, rhythm and intonation (Learning
Progression Framework (LPF) Speaking-Level 3).
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KS 1 Package
Extended activities to
cater for learner diversity:
Personal Growth and Change
The following extended activities conducted in the English lessons
address the multiple intelligences of learners.
General Studies: Listening Activities to consolidate content vocabulary
 The life cycle of a plant
 The life cycle of a frog
 iPad app: Animal Life Cycle – Insects and Arachnids - FREE
 The learners pick their favourite song about friendship and
share with the class.
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