Informatics Policy Information Governance Portable Device, Removable Media and Remote Access Policy (Combined Portable Device Policy, Removable Media Policy and Remote Access Policy) Document Control Author/Contact Pauline Nordoff-Tate, Information Assurance Manager Document Reference 4663 Document Impact Assessed Yes/No Version 3 Status Approved Publication Date 25/03/13 Review Date 25/03/15 Approved by James Norman, Director Date: 25/03/13 of IM&T Ratified by Information Governance Group Date: 28/10/11 Date: 25/03/13 Distribution: Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University hospitals NHS Trust-intranet using Sharepoint which will maintain the policy document in conjunction with each document author. Please note that the Intranet version of this document is the only version that is maintained. Any printed copies should therefore be viewed as “uncontrolled” and as such, may not necessarily contain the latest updates and amendments. Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust Table of Contents Heading Page Number 1. 0 Introduction 1 2. 0 Objective 1 3.0 Scope of Policy 1 4.0 Policy 4.1 Management of Portable Computer Devices - authorisation 4.2Equipment 4.3Operational Risks 4.4 Portable Device System Configuration - passwords 4.5 Encryption 4.6 Antivirus Software 4.7 Asset Tags 4.8 Disposal of Portable Device 4.9 Operation of Portable Devices 4.10 Guidance on the Use of Portable Devices outside of the Trust 4.11 Management of Remote Access - authorisation 4.12 Equipment 4.13 Access Control – authentication and connections 4.14 UAG 4.15Connection 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 8 5.0 Roles and Responsibilities 8 6.0 Associated documents and references 8 7. 0 Training & Resources 9 8.0 Monitoring and Audit 8.1 Recording and Monitoring 10 10 9.0 Equality and Diversity 9.1 Recording and Monitoring of Equality & Diversity 10 11 Appendix 1 – Glossary of terms used in the policy Appendix 2 – Supply of equipment declaration Appendix 3 – Document History and Version Control 12 13 14 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Portable Device, Removable Media and Remote Access Policy Information Assurance Manager Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust 1. 0 Introduction This document details the requirements for the use of portable mobile devices and removable media within the Trust environment, and details the requirements that must be in place for the secure operation of such devices. The Trust recognises the advantages inherent in the utilisation of portable devices and other handheld devices provided for staff during the performance of their daily duties. As such, this document provides guidance on the use of such devices within the Trust environment. It is also recognised that Remote Access is a valuable method for employees of the Trust to connect to the Trust’s Network resources, when geographically removed from the Hospital site. This document covers the use of all portable computing storage devices and remote access within the Trust. This Policy forms part of staff members contractual obligations and code of conduct. 2. 0 Objective This document ensures that any use of a portable device, mobile communications or remote access working adheres to the following principles: To provide secure access to the Trust’s information systems To preserve the integrity, availability and confidentiality of the Trust’s information and information systems To manage the risk of serious financial loss, loss of patient and public confidence or other serious business impact which may result from a failure in security. In order to comply with all relevant regulatory and legislative requirements (including Data Protection laws) and to ensure that the Trust is adequately protected under computer misuse legislation. To enable staff to access Trust Network Facilities and any required System from a remote location securely and safely. As part of the provision of Information Management and Technology services (IM&T) to staff within the Trust, portable computing equipment may be purchased and used by staff. As such, it is essential that such devices are covered by appropriate security controls in compliance with Principle 7 of the Data Protection Act 1998 and ISO27001: Code of Practice for Information Security. 3.0 Scope of Policy This policy applies to all staff employed by Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust, including bank, agency and locum staff, students, voluntary staff, contractors and trainees on Portable Device, Removable Media and Remote Access Policy Information Assurance Manager 1 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust temporary placement, those holding honorary contracts or subject to the joint working authority with the Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital. 4.0 Policy For the purpose of this document, a Portable Device is defined as any device that may synchronise with another computer, and may be any of the following items: Laptop and notebook and tablet computers Personal Digital Assistants (PDA’s) Mobile phones and any other mobile system that may fall into this category, including Blackberry’s Voicera Badges Wireless Bluetooth Headsets Webcams Personal Radios (used buy the Security Team and ISS) Computer on Wheels – used in Ward environments (COWs) Floppy disks, USB memory sticks, MP3 players (including iPods), CD’s, DVD’s and any other item that may be utilised to store or transport data. This list is not to be considered exhaustive. Further guidance may be obtained from the Data Protection Office in relation to what is defined as a portable media device. 4.1 Management of Portable Computer Devices - authorisation In order to obtain a Portable Device, a request should be made to the I.T. Department who will then be able to assist the requestor accordingly. 4.2 Equipment All devices used for the storage or transportation of data, must be procured through the I.T. department. This ensures that the Security Architecture implemented by the Trust is not circumvented and that Trust security practices may be enforced. The use of privately owned, unauthorised devices is strictly prohibited. Any equipment supplied is owned by the Trust and must not be utilised for any other purpose other than work related tasks. Staff must sign and agree a contract on receipt of a device as detailed in Appendix B. Under no circumstances should person identifiable information or other confidential data should be stored on portable media devices not owned by the Trust. All devices used to store person identifiable information or other confidential data will be encrypted. Failure to comply with this policy may result in disciplinary action being taken. Portable Device, Removable Media and Remote Access Policy Information Assurance Manager 2 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust Furthermore, under no circumstances should non Trust owned portable devices be connected to or synchronised to the Trust network. 4.3 Operational Risks It is accepted that the use of portable devices within the Trust are faced with a number of operational risks: Theft or loss of either the entire device or of a removable memory device Interception of information during the “synchronisation” process with hosts systems if wireless or infrared links are used Inadvertent transfer of material of a higher protective classification than intended (data leakage) Loss of availability from flat batteries Accidental damage This list is intended as a representative sample of the risks faced by portable devices and should not be considered exhaustive. 4.4 Portable Device System Configuration - passwords All portable devices utilised on RLBUHT business irrespective of ownership must, where possible, have password authentication. Passwords must conform to the Trust’s Network Account and Password Management Policy. 4.5 Encryption All portable devices must be encrypted to Trust standard, any mobile devices must be password protected, laptops must be encrypted (they can be returned via IT helpdesk for this to be completed) and any data on a DVD, CD or USB memory stick must be encrypted. Any user owned device utilised to access trust systems remotely must be encrypted. Please contact the Information Security Officer on extension 3671 for further information. 4.6 Antivirus Software Where possible, all portable devices must have the Trust antivirus software installed. Where this is not possible (due to device limitations), the PC to which the device synchronises must be owned and maintained by the Trust in order to ensure that the required antivirus software is present. 4.7 Asset Tags All portable devices, where possible, must have an asset tag in order to ensure that accurate monitoring of the device is possible and that, if mislaid, the device may be returned to the Trust. Portable Device, Removable Media and Remote Access Policy Information Assurance Manager 3 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust 4.8 Disposal of Portable Device All trust owned portable devices must be returned to the Trust for secure disposal. A call should be logged with the IT Service desk who will co-ordinate the request. The portable device, including all removable memory/media devices, will be securely disposed in accordance with the Trust Policy requirements. 4.9 Operation of Portable Devices Only portable devices approved by the Trust may be utilised within the work environment. The use of personal equipment is not permitted and any breach of this policy may result in disciplinary action. All portable devices must be operated in accordance with the Trust’s policies relating to confidentiality and information security. If it is essential to have patient/person identifiable information stored within the device and the device is intended to be removed from Trust premises, then the Information Security Officer must be consulted prior to removal to ensure that appropriate security is in place. A member of the IT Department must authorise and install all software on a portable device. The installation of unauthorised software is strictly prohibited. When not in use, the portable device and media should be stored securely. All staff utilising portable devices must ensure that any data stored on the device be backed up onto a Trust network resource to ensure, in the advent of such incidents as hardware failure, that no data is lost. This should be performed on each occasion that the device returns to the Trust. Disk copies and/or backups of data should only be performed on Trust premises and the copies stored in a secure location. 4.10 Guidance on the Use of Portable Devices outside of the Trust When operating a device outside of the Trust environment, the following guidelines must be adhered to: The device should never be left unattended at any time The device should be stored in a secure location during transit The device should be stored in a secure location when not in use and on Trust premises All data should be stored in an encrypted format This list is not exhaustive and all staff is expected to ensure that appropriate measures are taken to secure both the data and devices. Further guidance may be obtained from the Information Security Officer on 3671. 4.11 Management of Remote Access - authorisation In order to obtain remote access capabilities, authorisation must be obtained from the Directorate Manager and raised with the IT Service Desk. Portable Device, Removable Media and Remote Access Policy Information Assurance Manager 4 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust The relevant Department/Directorate must purchase any equipment and services e.g. Internet Access to be used for remote access as well as the security token through the IT Service desk, which may require an annual fee to be paid. 4.12 Equipment Access will only be granted through the use of equipment that is owned and maintained by the Trust or approved personally-owned computers that meet the access criteria. Any devices (Trust and personal) which do not have adequate security in place will have limited or in some cases no access to remote working. This ensures that the security architecture implemented by the Trust is not circumvented and that the Trust’s security practices can be enforced. Remote access must NOT be initiated from ANY machine that is not Trust owned and maintained. Any equipment supplied is owned by the Trust and must NOT be used for any other purpose than that of remote access and any other normal work related function e.g. Microsoft Office applications and any other legitimate software installed by IT Support Staff. No software may be installed upon the machine unless a member of the IT Support Team performs the install. All staff must complete documentation (Appendix A) to agree to use the Trust devices in an appropriate way, and must return the devices on the termination of their contract. 4.13 Access Control – authentication and connections Any remote access to the Trust Infrastructure will be via a secure Virtual Private Network (VPN) and the use of a security token. This will be further supported by the use of User Name and Password authentication to gain access to network resources. The Trust accepts that connections of this type may introduce risks that may have a serious business impact; the following are some examples of the potential consequences faced (the list is not exhaustive): Unavailability of network, systems or target information Degraded performance of remote connections Loss or corruption of sensitive data Breach of confidentiality Loss of or damage to equipment Breach of legislation or non-compliance with regulatory or ethical standards. The equipment utilised for remote access will be configured so that only the Trust’s network may be accessed. This will be achieved through the standard network logon prompt that must be entered before being able to access the machine. Portable Device, Removable Media and Remote Access Policy Information Assurance Manager 5 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust 4.14 UAG Connection can be made via UAG which is: Employees will use secure remote access procedures. This will be enforced through UAG’s pin code access system. Each user will get a pin unique to them which will only work with their Trust user name and password. Employees agree to never disclose their passwords or pin to anyone, particularly to family members if business work is conducted from home. Any new remote connection outside of N3 that is configured to access RLBUHT resources via UAG must adhere to the authentication requirements of RLBUHT’s IT department. In addition, all hardware security configurations which are Trust owned must be approved by RLBUHT’s IT department. Any personal devices used to gain remote access via UAG will not go through an approval process but it is expected that the user will employ reasonable security measures when doing so. Employees, contractors, and temporary staff with remote access privileges must ensure that their computers are not connected to any other network while connected to RLBUHT’s network via remote access, with the obvious exception of Internet connectivity. In order to avoid confusing official company business with personal communications, employees, contractors, and temporary staff with remote access privileges must never use non-company e-mail accounts (e.g. Hotmail, Yahoo, etc.) to conduct RLBUHT business. No employee is to use Internet access through company networks via remote connection for the purpose of illegal transactions, harassment, competitor interests, or obscene behaviour, in accordance with other existing employee policies. All remote access connections must include a “time-out” system. In accordance with RLBUHT’s security policies, remote access sessions will time out after 20 minutes of inactivity. Time-outs will require the user to reconnect and re-authenticate in order to reenter company networks. Should a remote user’s account be inactive for a period of 6 months, access account privileges will be suspended until the IT department is notified. If a personally- or company-owned computer or related equipment used for remote access is damaged, lost, or stolen, the authorised user will be responsible for notifying their manager and RLBUHT’s IT department immediately. The RLBUHT IT department will not be responsible for loss/damage/theft of personal devices under any circumstances. The remote access user also agrees to immediately report to their manager and RLBUHT’s IT department any incident or suspected Portable Device, Removable Media and Remote Access Policy Information Assurance Manager 6 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust incidents of unauthorised access and/or disclosure of company resources, databases, networks, etc. The remote access user also agrees to and accepts that his or her access and/or connection to RLBUHT’s networks may be monitored to record dates, times, duration of access, etc., in order to identify unusual usage patterns or other suspicious activity. As with inhouse computers, this is done in order to identify accounts/computers that may have been compromised by external parties. Supported Technology - All remote access will be centrally managed by RLBUHT’s IT department and will utilise encryption and strong authentication measures. The following table outlines RLBUHT’s minimum system requirements for Trust devices. Those who do not meet these requirements must upgrade their machines, or face being denied remote access privileges. Personal devices may be used but will not be supported by RLBUHT’s IT department if they do not function correctly. Only Trust devices will be supported by the IT Servicedesk. Operating System CPU RAM PC and PC-Compliant Computers Windows 7 Intel Dual core 2 Gig Eligible Users - All employees requiring the use of remote access for business purposes must go through an application process that clearly outlines why the access is required and what level of service the employee needs should his/her application be accepted. This form can be located at: http://staffintranet/departments_and_services/corporate_services/it/IT_ user_forms.aspx Application forms must be completed fully and submitted to the IT Servicedesk by the requestors Ward manager, supervisor, or department head. The person submitting must be a budget holder. The form needs to be submitted using the following form: http://servicedesk-contact-us/ Employees may use privately owned connections for business purposes. However, the company’s IT department cannot and will not technically support Portable Device, Removable Media and Remote Access Policy Information Assurance Manager 7 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust a third-party ISP connection or hotspot wireless ISP connection. Financial reimbursement for remote access is not the responsibility of the IT department. 4.15 Connection In order for remote access capability, the member of staff must have a compatible internet connection, which MUST be purchased by either the Individual Staff Member or by the relevant Department/Directorate. Connection will be through the use of a secure VPN, connecting to N3. A connection to the Trust network will then be established with all traffic passing through the Trust Firewall. 5.0 Roles and Responsibilities This policy is the responsibility of the Chief Executive who has delegated responsibility to the Information Assurance Manager. It is the responsibility of all Divisional and Directorate Managers to ensure the policy is disseminated to all staff, and that staff have read and understood the policy. The IT Department will be responsible for the support and maintenance of all IT approved portable devices. All equipment issued by the IT Department will be subject to the normal Computer administration tools e.g. SMS that are utilised by the IT Service desk. All portable device users are responsible for complying with this policy and associated standards. Staff must safeguard corporate equipment and information resources and notify the Trust immediately of any security incidents, loss or theft of equipment and breaches. Users must return all relevant equipment on completion of position or termination of contract to their direct manager who will contact the IT Security Department on 3671 to arrange collection and re-use of the device. 6.0 Associated documents and references ISO27001: The Code of Practice for Information Security Management Section 11.7.1 states:“…A formal policy shall be in place and appropriate controls shall be adopted to protect against the risks of working with mobile computing facilities, in particular in unprotected environments….” The Data Protection Act 1998 The Seventh Principle states: “…Appropriate technical and organisational measures shall be taken against unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal data. And Portable Device, Removable Media and Remote Access Policy Information Assurance Manager 8 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust Having regard to the state of technological development and the cost of implementing any measures, the measures must ensure a level of security appropriate to(a) the harm that might result from such unauthorised or unlawful processing or accidental loss, destruction or damage as are mentioned in the seventh principle, and (b) the nature of the data to be protected. The data controller must take reasonable steps to ensure the reliability of any employees of his who have access to the personal data. Where processing of personal data is carried out by a data processor on behalf of a data controller, the data controller must in order to comply with the seventh principle(a) choose a data processor providing sufficient guarantees in respect of the technical and organisational security measures governing the processing to be carried out, and (b) take reasonable steps to ensure compliance with those measures. Where processing of personal data is carried out by a data processor on behalf of a data controller, the data controller is not to be regarded as complying with the seventh principle unless(a) the processing is carried out under a contract(i) which is made or evidenced in writing, and (ii) under which the data processor is to act only on instructions from the data controller, and (b) the contract requires the data processor to comply with obligations equivalent to those imposed on a data controller by the seventh principle….” The Data Protection Act Legal Guidance Seventh Principle further states: “(i) Taking into account the state of technological development at any time and the cost of implementing any measures, the measures must ensure a level of security appropriate to: (a) the harm that might result from a breach of security; and (b) the nature of the data to be protected. (ii) The data controller must take reasonable steps to ensure the reliability of staff having access to the personal data….” 7. 0 Training & Resources The implementation of policies in this area will be carried out across the Trust by all involved staff and will be lead by the Information Governance Manager at the Trust and the Information Security Manager at the HIS. Reference will be made to this policy during the Data Protection and Information Security Training. Managers will issue the policy to staff as Portable Device, Removable Media and Remote Access Policy Information Assurance Manager 9 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust portable device equipment is ordered and ensure they are kept updated at least annually. 8.0 Monitoring and Audit The Information Governance Group is the Trust Committee with responsibility for the formulation of information governance policies and approval of work programmes. This group has senior level representation from all appropriate areas to ensure the Trust steers this agenda appropriately. The Information Governance Toolkit (IGT) will be used by the Trust to conduct baseline audit and construct action plans for future compliance with this agenda. 8.1 Recording and Monitoring The IGT will be used by the Trust to conduct baseline audit and 9work programs in the individual areas will be created by adherence to the IGT standards and to the national standards appropriate to the individual field of activity. Minimum requirement to be monitored Process for monitoring, e.g audit Relevance of policy to Trust needs Audit / Review 9.0 Responsible individual / group/ committee IGG Frequency of monitoring Annually Responsible individual / group / committee for review of results IGG Responsible individual / group/ committee for development of action plan Responsible individual / group / committee for monitoring of action plan and implementation IGG IGG Equality and Diversity The Trust is committed to an environment that promotes equality and embraces diversity in its performance as an employer and service provider. It will adhere to legal and performance requirements and will mainstream equality and diversity principles through its policies, procedures and processes. This policy should be implemented with due regard to this commitment. To ensure that the implementation of this policy does not have an adverse impact in response to the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 this policy has been screened for relevance during the policy development process and a full Equality Impact Analysis conducted where necessary prior to consultation. The Trust will take remedial action when necessary to address any unexpected or unwarranted disparities and monitor practice to ensure that this policy is fairly implemented. This policy and procedure can be made available in alternative formats on request including large print, Braille, moon, audio, and different Portable Device, Removable Media and Remote Access Policy Information Assurance Manager 10 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust languages. To arrange this please refer to the Trust translation and interpretation policy in the first instance. The Trust will endeavour to make reasonable adjustments to accommodate any employee/patient with particular equality and diversity requirements in implementing this policy and procedure. This may include accessibility of meeting/appointment venues, providing translation, arranging an interpreter to attend appointments/meetings, extending policy timeframes to enable translation to be undertaken, or assistance with formulating any written statements. 9.1 Recording and Monitoring of Equality & Diversity The Trust understands the business case for equality and diversity and will make sure that this is translated into practice. Accordingly, all policies and procedures will be monitored to ensure their effectiveness. Monitoring information will be collated, analysed and published on an annual basis as part of Equality Delivery System. The monitoring will cover all strands of equality legislation and will meet statutory employment duties under the Equality Act 2010. Where adverse impact is identified through the monitoring process the Trust will investigate and take corrective action to mitigate and prevent any negative impact. The information collected for monitoring and reporting purposes will be treated as confidential and it will not be used for any other purpose. Portable Device, Removable Media and Remote Access Policy Information Assurance Manager 11 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust Appendix 1 – Glossary of terms used in the policy ISS – Information System Support UAG – Unified Access Gateway VPN – Virtual Private Network Portable Device, Removable Media and Remote Access Policy Information Assurance Manager 12 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust Appendix 2 – Supply of equipment declaration Date: ………………………………………………………………………………… Name: ……………………………………………………………………………….. Contact number/bleep: ……………………………………………………………. Signature: …………………………………………………………………………… I can confirm that I have today been supplied with an Encrypted USB stick (or any other device) device that is the property of the Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen NHST (RLBUHT) which I will use for work purposes only. I have also been provided with a copy of the Portable device, removeable media and remote access policy which I will read and adhere to whilst in the employment of RLBUHT. On completion of my employment with the RLBUHT, I will return the above device to the Trust to my direct manager who will contact the IT Security Department on 3671 to arrange collection and re-use of the device. Portable Device, Removable Media and Remote Access Policy Information Assurance Manager 13 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust Appendix 3 – Document History and Version Control Document History Version Date 1 23/04/2009 1 2 2 3 Comments This Policy combines the previous Portable Device, Removable Media and the Remote Access Policy 08/12/2010 Minor amendment – appendix A included 30/09/2011 Policy reviewed and set to Trust standard 26/10/11 4.0 include Blackberry’s,4.8 and 5.0 reference to IT Service desk, 4.12 reference to HIS taken out, Appendix A included in S6 and new Appendix A added 25/03/2013 Amendments to Sections 4.4,4.5,4.8,4.12 and added UAG information Author S Buxton Information Assurance Manager Joanne Fitzpatrick Pauline Nordoff-Tate Information Assurance Manager/IT Security Manager Review Process Prior to Ratification: Name of Group/Department/Committee Information Governance Group (virtual meeting) Information Governance Group Portable Device, Removable Media and Remote Access Policy Information Assurance Manager Date 31/10/11 25/03/13 14