
GT_HTML.DOT, (ver 0.1a1) Release Notice
The Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) is pleased to announce the
initial alpha release of a set of Microsoft Word for
Windows macros to facilitate HTML document authoring. The macros are
contained in a document template
(GT_HTML.DOT) which provides a pseudo WYSIWYG authoring environment.
This set of macros is not meant to be a complete authoring environment
for creating multi-media extravaganzas .
What GT_HTML.DOT is:
GT_HTML.DOT is meant to facilitate creation of simple HTML documents.
Currently, GT_HTML.DOT supports the
creation of:
ordered and unordered lists,
hypertext anchors,
reformatted text,
in-lined graphics,
bold text,
italicized text, and
underlined text.
Most functions are accessed through buttons on the toolbar. For example,
to create a level 1 heading, the heading text is
selected with the mouse, and the heading button is selected from the tool
bar. A window appears requesting the user select
a heading level with the aid of radio buttons. The appropriate HTML tags
are then inserted, and the text is increased in
size, as appropriate. All HTML tags have WFW's hidden attribute, so they
can be hidden to give an approximation of
what the rendered document will look like.
Initial experimentation has convinced us that such macros may be quite
useful for creating simple documents. We hope
that other WWW authors will find these macros useful as well.
GT_HTML.DOT may be obtained by ftp connection to our distribution
point. This page contains URLs to provide you
with some additional information and access to download files.
All constructive comments, suggestions, and collaborative support is
welcome. As time permits we will accommodate
those that can be reasonably justified. GTRI, however, does not intend
to provide "hot-line" support, nor do we bond,
warrant, or otherwise guarantee the reliability or future functionality
of this shareware product.
-----------------------------------------------GT_HTML.DOT Distribution Contents
If you are reading this on your local machine you should have already
down loaded the file
and unziped it to be able to see this file. If you are reading this via
an on-line www client then you
should do the following:
Down load the file,
Place it in a directory by itself,
Unzip it using a pkunzip derivative,
The following files should also be in this directory:
This file
The GT-HTML macros
User Documentation
A sample BMP file for in-line graphics.
The Instructions file (as pseudo HTML)
Notes on Potential Problems:
"Nested" HTML tags may be a problem. Simple nested text formatting, for
example text that is both
bold and underlined, seems to work well. However, more complex nesting,
like hypertext links in a list,
have not been thoroughly tested. Nested lists, in particular, are not
yet supported.
Notes on Future Plans:
Future plans include:
more robust error checking and protections,
activation of hyper links between word documents,
"real" in-line graphics,
remove the requirement that all files "live" your ../winword
incorporate all fixes and improvements resulting for alpha testing
provided by kind individuals such
as yourself,
and other hopefully usefull features.
--------------------------------Installing GT_HTML.DOT
Copy the file GT_HTML.DOT to your ../winword directory. This will create
a new document template called
"GT_HTML". The new template should appear on the list of choices in the
File New dialog box. This template contains all the
conversion macros and a redefined Toolbar. The template will
automatically be activated when a document created with the template is
You should also copy the file HTMLINST.DOC and SAMPLPIC.BMP to your
.../winword directory.
HTMLINST.DOC will allow you to open an instruction document from the "?"
button on the Toolbar.
SAMPLPIC.BMP serves as a "place marker" for inlined graphics.
HTMLINST.DOC is also a stand-alone Word for Windows document.
want to print this document for quick
You may
--------------------------------Microsoft Word to HTML Conversion
User Instructions Table of Contets
Bold, Italic, and Underlined Text
Hypertext Links
Converting a Document to HTML
Entering In-line Graphics
Help on the HTML Toolbar Buttons
Bold, Italic, and Underlined TextBold, italic, and underlined text should
marked using the standard Word formatting commands. They will be
to HTML automatically.
Text to be converted to a heading should be selected with the mouse.
Click the
"H" button on the Toolbar with the mouse. A dialog box will appear,
you to select the heading level. Make the appropriate selection, and
click on
"OK". The text will increase proportionately in size, and be surrounded
by the
appropriate HTML tags. The tags have the Hidden attribute.
Numbered and Bulleted Lists are supported. Text to be converted to a
should be selected with the mouse. Click either the "Numbered List" or
"Bulleted List" button on the Toolbar with the mouse.
Each paragraph in the selected text is converted to a list item. HTML
list tags
are inserted, and tags have the hidden attribute.
Hypertext Links
Hypertext links are created from selected text in the following way. The
continuous string of text in the selection (i.e. no spaces) is
interpreted as the
URL. All preceding text is interpreted as the hypertext link. For
example, the
word "here" in the following sentence is a hypertext link to, the
NSCA Mosaic home page:
Click here for the NCSA Mosaic home page.
You would type:
Click here
for the NCSA Mosaic home page.
And select with the mouse:
Finally, a click on the "L" (for Link) button on the Toolbar will convert
selection to an HTML hypertext link. HTML tags will be inserted in red,
and will
have the Hidden attribute.
Converting a Document to HTML
When you are ready to convert your document to HTML format, select the
(for Convert and save) button from the toolbar. Your Word document will
automatically be saved before making an HTML conversion! A lot of file
swapping goes on during the conversion process, and your changes could
lost without this automatic save. If you're not sure about current
changes to your
document, use Save As... to create a working copy before making the HTML
You will be prompted for a filename for the HTML document. The default
is the
current filename, with the extension ".htm". Simply press [Enter] to
accept the
default filename. Note: an intermediate form of the document is created
is your
Word directory called "@HMLTEMP.DOC". Currently, this file is saved for
debugging purposes. After the conversion is complete, you will be
returned to
the original document.
Entering In-line Graphics
Highlight the graphic's filename and click on the "G" button on the
Toolbar. The
proper HTML tag will be inserted, and a "dummy" graphic will be inserted
approximate what the rendered document will look like.
Help on the HTML Toolbar Buttons
Selecting the "?" button from the toolbar will invoke a window showing a
reminder of the functions of the Toolbar buttons. Clicking on the "Open
Instruction Document" button in this window will open a document giving
detailed help.