carrp 2004 ergo track bios

Professor Anthony D. Andre, Ph.D.
Dr. Andre received his Ph.D. in Engineering Psychology (Human Factors and
Ergonomics) from the University of Illinois in 1991. He is the Founder and Principal of
Interface Analysis Associates, a Human Factors and Ergonomics consulting firm
specializing in the design, evaluation and testing of software/hardware user interfaces,
computer input devices, ergonomic products, high-tech consumer products, medical
systems, aerospace/automotive systems and work environments. Dr. Andre has consulted
to many companies and organizations both in the US and abroad.
Dr. Andre is an Adjunct Professor of Human Factors and Ergonomics at San Jose State
University, with appointments in both the Industrial & Systems Engineering and
Psychology departments. He teaches graduate seminars and courses on professional
ergonomics, workplace analysis, engineering psychology, research methods, usability
evaluation and testing, cognitive engineering and human cognition.
Dr. Andre is a Contributing Editor of Ergonomics in Design, a member of the Editorial
Boards of the International Journal of Aviation Psychology and Human Performance in
Extreme Environments. In addition, he is the former Director of the Bay Area Chapter of
the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, a Member of the Typing Injury FAQ
Advisory Board, a Member of the Advisory Board and a
founding Member of the Board of Directors of the Silicon Valley Ergonomics Institute.
Dr. Andre is the author of over 100 publications and has presented numerous invited
addresses, panel presentations and technical lectures on various ergonomics topics. His
workshops on workplace ergonomics have been attended by over 2,500 professionals in
the health and safety field.
Cindy Burt, MS, OTR/L, CEA, Ergonomics Program Manager, UCLA
Cindy Burt works at UCLA Environment, Health and Safety as manager of the UCLA
Ergonomics Program. The program provides injury prevention and intervention services
for the 27,000 employees who work at the University. Prior to assuming this position,
Cindy managed the UCLA Medical Center Sports Medicine/Hand/Work Injury Program.
Cindy is a licensed occupational therapist and a Certified Ergonomic Associate. She has a
master’s degree in Rehabilitation Counseling and a Certificate in Executive Management
from the UCLA Anderson Graduate School of Management. Cindy has published articles
and contributed to books on both work hardening and ergonomics. She is currently on the
editorial board of ErgoSolutions magazine and is the Vice President of the California
Licensure Board of Occupational Therapy
Professor Alan Hedge, PhD, CPE
Alan Hedge is a tenured Full Professor in the Department of Design and Environmental
Analysis, Cornell University, where, since 1987, he has directed the Human Factors and
Ergonomics teaching and research programs. Prior to that, for over 10 years he ran the
Graduate Program in Applied Psychology and Ergonomics at Aston University,
Birmingham, U.K. From 1990-1993 he was also an Honorary Research Fellow at the
Institute of Occupational Health, University of Birmingham, U.K.
His research and teaching activities focus on issues of design and workplace ergonomics
as these affect the health, comfort and productivity of people. He is currently conducting
research on the health and comfort impacts of environmental stressors, such as the effects
of indoor air quality effects on sick building syndrome, the effects of lighting on
eyestrain problems among computer users, and on postural strain and musculoskeletal
disorder risk factors. He has coauthored a book on Healthy Buildings, and published 25
book chapters and over 165 articles on these topics in the ergonomics and related
His professional activities are extensive. He is a Fellow of the Ergonomics Society, an
Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society; and a member of the American
Psychological Association; the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, The Illuminating
Engineering Society and a founding member of the International Society for Indoor Air
Quality and Climate. He is on the editorial board of the journals Ergonomics, Theoretical
Issues in Ergonomics, Journal of Environmental Psychology, Journal of Human
Environment Systems, and the Journal of Architectural and Planning Research.. He is
past chair of the Work Environment Design Technical Subcommittee of the US HFES
Technical Advisory Group to the International Standards Organization, the Work
Environment subcommittee of the BSR/HFES 100 Computer Workstation Standard
Revision Committee, and the Work Environment subcommittee of the International
Ergonomics Association. He is a past president of the Division of Environmental
Psychology of the International Association of Applied Psychology, and of the
Organizational Design and Management Technical Group of the Human Factors and
Ergonomics Society.
Ira Janowitz, PT, CPE, University of California San Francisco/Berkeley
Ergonomics Program
Ira Janowitz is a Senior Ergonomics Consultant on the staff of the University of
California San Francisco/Berkeley Ergonomics Program in Richmond. He has degrees in
Industrial Engineering, Health Services Administration, and Physical Therapy. Ira has
been involved in occupational health and safety programs since 1977, and is Board
Certified as a Professional Ergonomist. He has co-authored a number of articles and
book chapters on the prevention and management of work related musculoskeletal
problems, and has assisted many employers, vocational counselors, and insurance
companies in addressing these issues.
James M Meyers, Ed.D., M.P.H., School of Public Health, UC Berkeley
Jim Meyers is an Agricultural Extension Specialist with joint appointments in the School
of Public Health at UC Berkeley and the department of Biological and Agricultural
Engineering at UC Davis. Since 1995 he has served as state Farm Safety Specialist and
together with colleagues at Davis, Berkeley and UCSF established the UC Agricultural
Ergonomics Research Center. Prior to that, he served since 1981 as Associate Director of
the statewide Extension program.
His research and education activities focus on identification, analysis, and control of
ergonomics risk factors of priority in agricultural workplaces. Together with his research
colleagues, he has conducted research on ergonomics risk factors and interventions in a
wide variety of agricultural commodities, including: plant nurseries, wine grape
vineyards, strawberry production, tomato harvest, citrus packing, cotton production, and
tree nurseries. His current research focuses on the problems of hand harvest of treefruit.
He has published more than 70 articles and educational materials related to these studies,
including: a set of materials for agricultural employers to comply with the California
ergonomics regulation, and numerous research reports. His work and that of the UC
AERC team was featured in the NIOSH publication “Simple Solutions: Ergonomics for
Farm Workers”.
He is currently chair of the National Institute for Farm Safety’s research and development
committee, and is a member of the American Public Health Association and the
American Association for the Advancement of Science. He serves on the editorial board
of the Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. In 2002, together with co-authors he
was awarded a national research award by the National Institute for Farm Safety for
research on agricultural ergonomics.
Jacqueline Chan, Industrial Hygienist, M.P.H., California Department of Health
Jackie Chan has been an industrial hygienist for the California Department of Health
Services, Occupational Health Branch for 8 years. Her work involves research and
consultation in various areas of both industrial hygiene and ergonomics. Specific
projects: Occupational asthma and graffiti removal work, Occupational Asthma and
Wood Dust, and 2 ergonomic intervention projects in the California garment industry.
Waldemar Karwowski, Ph.D., University of Louisville
Waldemar Karwowski, Ph.D., P.E. is Professor of Industrial Engineering and Director of
the Center for Industrial Ergonomics at the University of Louisville, Louisville,
Kentucky, USA. He holds an M.S. (1978) in Production Engineering and Management
from the Technical University of Wroclaw, Poland, and a Ph.D. (1982) in Industrial
Engineering from Texas Tech University. He is also a Board Certified Professional
Ergonomist (BCPE). His research, teaching and consulting activities focus on human
system integration and safety aspects of advanced manufacturing enterprises, humancomputer interaction, prevention of work-related musculoskeletal disorders, workplace
and equipment design, and theoretical aspects of ergonomics science. He can be reached
Dr. Karwowski is the author or co-author of over 300 scientific publications (including
over 90 peer-reviewed archival journal papers) in the areas of: work systems design,
organization and management; macroergonomics; human-system integration and safety
of advanced manufacturing; industrial ergonomics; neuro-fuzzy modeling in human
factors; fuzzy systems; and forensics. He has edited or co-edited 35 books, including the
International Encyclopedia of Ergonomics and Human Factors, Taylor & Francis, Ltd.,
London (2001), a winner of the Best Reference Award 2002, from the Engineering
Libraries Division, American Society of Engineering Education, USA, and the
Outstanding Academic Title 2002 from Choice Magazine.
Dr. Karwowski serves as Editor of the Human Factors and Ergonomics in
Manufacturing, and the Editor-in-Chief of Theoretical Issue in Ergonomics Science
(TIES). Dr. W. Karwowski serves as Co-Editor of the International Journal of
Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, and Consulting Editor of the Ergonomics journal.
He is also a member of editorial boards for several peer-review journals, including:
Human Factors, Applied Ergonomics, International Journal of Human-Computer
Interaction, Universal Access to the Information Society: An international
Interdisciplinary Journal, Occupational Ergonomics, and Industrial Engineering
Research: An International Journal of IE Theory and Application, (Hong Kong).
Dr. W. Karwowski served as Secretary-General (1997-2000) and President (2000-2003)
of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA). He was elected an Honorary
Academician of the International Academy of Human Problems in Aviation and
Astronautics (Moscow, Russia, 2003).
Ray Grott, MA, ATP, Rehabilitation Engineering Technology Project,
San Francisco State University
Ray Grott, MA, ATP is Director of the Rehabilitation Engineering Technology (RET)
Project at San Francisco State University where he has taught classes in assistive
technology since 1992. He has a Masters Degree in Rehabilitation Technology from
SFSU and is certified as an Assistive Technology Practitioner from RESNA
(Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America).
Besides teaching, Ray has worked directly with hundreds of people with a wide range of
disabilities. In addition, he currently conducts all of the ergonomic assessments for
SFSU’s Workers Compensation program, as well as the reasonable accommodation
evaluations for University staff and faculty with disabilities. He is nationally-known for
his unique equipment modifications and custom design work for workers, students, and
parents with disabilities.
Mr. Grott has made numerous formal presentations on various aspects of the assistive
technology locally and around the country. He also regularly teaches all-day preconference courses on speech recognition technology and on the ergonomics of computer
use—both with a focus on accommodating people with disabilities. He has been honored
with the Mentor Award from RESNA and the W.F. Faulkes Award from the National
Rehabilitation Association for his program’s “contribution of national importance to the
increase of knowledge in the field of rehabilitation.”
Fran Hurley-Wagner, MS, CIE, CRC, First Response Ergonomics
Fran Wagner has worked as an Ergonomic Evaluation Specialist since 1993. Having
worked as a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor and as a Disability Evaluation Analyst
for the Social Security Administration, she understands how injuries and disabilities
affect work functions, and can identify the risk factors that are likely to cause injuries.
Ms. Wagner writes ergonomic training materials for Cal/OSHA and Fed/OSHA. She coteaches Office and Industrial Ergonomics for the Environmental Health & Safety
certificate program at UC Davis.
In 1996, Ms. Wagner founded Sacramento’s Ergonomics Roundtable, an educational
and informational forum for employers and ergonomic professionals committed to
making the workplace a safe place.
Chris Shulenberger, MS Engr., CPE
Chris Shulenberger is the Director of Ergonomics for Clayton Group Services, a nation
wide Occupational Health and Safety services provider. Mr. Shulenberger provides
technical oversight for Clayton’s Ergonomics Practice Group and has responsibilities for
staff and business development, ergonomics project management, and implementation of
consulting services and training programs. He has degrees in Mechanical Engineering
from Stanford University and the University of California and is Board Certified as a
Professional Ergonomist. He is a member of several professional and industrial
organizations including the Human Factors and Ergonomic Society, Institute for
Industrial Engineers and the American Industrial Hygiene Association. Mr. Shulenberger
has published several articles, book chapters, and references on the application of
ergonomics for the prevention and management of work-related musculoskeletal
disorders, return-to-work of injured employees, and the reasonable accommodation of
individuals covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Mr. Shulenberger has
assisted a wide spectrum of employers, labor/management groups, insurance companies
and legal firms in addressing ergonomic related issues since 1975.
Kristy Schultz, CIE
Ms. Schultz is employed with Cal/OSHA Consultation Service, Research & Education Unit as an
Associate Ergonomic Specialist. This unit conducts research and develops safety/health and
ergonomic educational material. Her areas of research and material development have been in
Office Ergonomics, Construction Ergonomics, Ergonomics in Small Businesses, Ergonomics in
Food Processing, Ergonomics in Hand Tool Selection and Ergonomics in Manual Material
Prior to Cal/OSHA Ms. Schultz worked for Cal/PERS for one year as their Wellness Coordinator
and for nine years she worked at State Compensation Insurance Fund (SCIF) as a Loss Control
Representative specializing in ergonomic consultation, assessments and training. Her background
their also included work as a Claims Adjuster, Vocational Rehabilitation Coordinator and
Underwriting Representative. As a Loss Control Representative her focus was to serve as a
dedicated resource to California State Agencies with injury and illness prevention.
Ms. Schultz holds a certificate in Occupational Ergonomics and Ergonomic Job Analysis from the
University of Michigan as well as a certificate of accreditation in Office Ergonomics Training and
Advanced Ergonomics Training from SCIF.
Ms. Schultz is Co-chairperson of the Ergonomic Roundtable of Sacramento. This non-profit
group strives to network internally as well as be an ergonomics resource to the community. Ms.
Schultz also has a bachelor’s degree in Health Education and has almost completed her Masters
Thesis in Human Factors/Ergonomics from San Jose State University. Ms. Schultz is also
certified as an Industrial Ergonomist (CIE) through the Oxford Research Institute.
Ann B. Pudoff, CIE, CLS, M.O.S.T. Consulting
Ms. Pudoff has a Bachelors Degree in Biology with a minor in Chemistry from Sonoma
State University in 1977. She is a Board Certified Industrial Ergonomist and a state
licensed Clinical Laboratory Scientist. Ann has 14 years experience working in clinical
laboratories and has spent the last 12 years in the fields of Health and Safety,
Ergonomics, Workers’ Compensation and Return to Work.
Ms. Pudoff’s experiences include training and assisting employers in developing and
implementing their safety and ergonomics programs to prevent injuries and lower
workers’ compensation costs. Ann has also been the newsletter editor for several
professional organizations and has been creating and developing websites since 1994.
Ms. Pudoff is a member of several professional organizations, including the ASSE
(American Society of Safety Engineers) and HFES (Human Factors and Ergonomics
Society). Ann is the past-president of the NCHSA (Northern California Healthcare
Safety Association), past-president of the Sacramento Chapter of the ASSE, current
ARVP (Assistant Regional Vice President) of Communications for Region I (Alaska,
California, Oregon, Washington and Hawaii) of the ASSE, and the current Chairperson
of the Ergonomics Roundtable of Sacramento. She has published several articles related
to ergonomics and has been a speaker at numerous conferences and seminars throughout
the U.S.
Ms. Pudoff is the Founder and Principal of M.O.S.T. Consulting (Medical and
Occupational Safety and Training). Clients include, the California Army National Guard,
Kikkoman Foods, Inc., California State Department of Health Services, Horizon West,
Inc., Roseville Dental Group, CorVel Corporation, the Ison Law Group, Bickmore Risk
Services, Inc. and Partnership Health Plan of California.
Paul E. Blaubach, President and Founder, Office Relief
Since 1991, Office Relief, Inc., has been in the business of selling ergonomic products.
Located in San Leandro, California (near the Oakland Airport), we have a large
showroom that we invite you to visit. We are the one-stop shop for all your ergonomic
needs with the largest selection of office ergonomic products available, ranging from
small peripheral items to adjustable workstations. Office Relief, Inc. is able to provide
products for any size client. Individuals use us for quick availability and our assortment
of products. Small businesses to large corporations use us for not only our vast
inventory, but also our competitive prices. Our goal is to provide high quality products, a
high level of service and fast delivery nationwide, thereby enabling us to assist in quickly
returning an injured worker to their work environment or providing products for any
proactive ergonomic program.