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Summary of Professional Experience:
Verlin Cross is a certified Computer and Video Forensic Analyst. Since his retirement
from the National Fish and Wildlife Forensic Laboratory, Office of Law Enforcement,
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Mr. Cross formed the business AquaCross LLC and
joined the forensic consortium, International Forensic Experts. Mr. Cross performs digital
forensic examinations that include analysis of computer, mobile phone, video and digital
image evidence items. Since 1998, Mr. Cross has preformed hundreds of examinations on
a wide range of computer, mobile phones, video, and image evidence items. Mr. Cross is
an Associate Member of the Digital and Multimedia Science Section of the American
Academy of Forensic Science.
While working at the National Fish and Wildlife Forensic Laboratory, Mr. Cross held the
position of Supervisory Forensic Specialist - Digital Evidence Branch Chief. During that
time, he conducted forensic examinations on a wide range of digital evidence that
included, computers, GPS devices, images, and video items. He supervised the operation
of the Digital Evidence Branch made up of a staff of five forensic scientists and two
computer specialists. Mr. Cross developed training curriculum and trained forensic
specialists, special agents, Office of Law Enforcement staff and State Wildlife
Enforcement Officers in seizing, imaging, and the analysis of digital evidence. He served
on the Executive Committee of the Scientific Work Group on Digital Evidence and was
the Chairman of the Forensic Committee when "Best Practices for Computer Forensics"
was approved.
Employment History:
2010 – Present: Mr. Cross joined the International Forensic Experts, a consortium to
provide forensic experts providing analysis and expert witness testimony in the field of
Digital Evidence.
2007 - Present: Mr. Cross formed the business AquaCross LLC. The company provides
desktop, laptop, printer, and server diagnosis and repair; install networks, both wireless
and wired; and perform warranty repairs on LCD and Plasma televisions. In 2010, the
business was expanded to provide forensic experts providing analysis and expert witness
testimony in the field of Digital Evidence.
2000 - 2007: Mr. Cross retired from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Law
Enforcement, National Fish and Wildlife Forensic Laboratory. Mr. Cross was the
Supervisory Forensic Specialist - Digital Evidence Branch Chief. He supervised and
managed the Digital Evidence Branch. He managed the budget of the Branch and
oversaw the electronic and computer related aspects of the Laboratory. He developed and
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conducted training. He wrote protocols and procedures for conducting forensic analysis
on digital evidence. He preformed forensic analysis on computer, digital imagery, GPS,
and video items submitted to the Laboratory as evidence. He assist USFWS Special
Agents in serving of search warrants. He testified in court as an expert witness in federal,
state and local court.
1993 - 2000: Senior Forensic Specialist - Computers – Mr. Cross managed day to day
operation of the Computer Team and the Electronics Team. He was the Laboratory's
network administrator. Mr. Cross maintained and repaired computer and electronic
equipment. He maintained all the applications on the Laboratory network including the
firewall, electronic mail system, and the JusticeTrax case management system. He
developed and maintained computer programs used by the Laboratory staff to complete
forensic analysis. Mr. Cross preformed forensic analysis on computer, digital imagery,
and video items submitted to the Laboratory. He testified in court as an expert witness.
He developed and conducted training for the staff in the use of commercial software,
custom software, and the Internet.
1988 - 1993: Computer Specialist – Mr. Cross was the Computer Specialist for Division
of Fisheries. He developed the Fisheries Information System. In developing the System,
he built support for the system development, defined requirements, prepared system
request document and life cycle analysis. He wrote the program's documentation and
manual. He oversaw the publication and distribution, technical support, and training of
the System. The System was in use at more than 200 Federal, State, and foreign
government fishery offices. Mr. Cross developed the National Trout Strain Registry, an
automated system to collect, query, and share performance information fish stocks being
used in the management of fishery programs throughout the United States. This System
was distributed to Federal, State, and private fishery biologists. Mr. Cross also developed
the following systems used by Division of Fisheries: Control Correspondence Tracking
System and National Brood Stock Program. Mr. Cross provided end user support on both
DOS and Windows programs used throughout the Division. He provided technical
support, trouble shooting, and training on computer hardware and networks. Mr. Cross
was responsible for purchasing for the Division.
1982 - 1988: Assistant Manager – Mr. Cross planned, supervised and carried out the daily
activities of a trout production station. He maintained records of fish production and
distribution. He assisted in program planning and budget preparation. He wrote reports
required by the Regional and Washington Offices. He supervised lower grade employees.
He identified fish stress and disease vectors. He made presentations, explaining the
Hatchery program and the Services policy as related to Fisheries. He maintained the
facility and equipment.
1980 - 1982: Assistant Manager – Mr. Cross planned, supervised and carried out the daily
activities of a trout brood stock station. He maintained records of fish and egg production
and distribution. He assisted in program planning and budget preparation. He wrote
reports required by the Regional and Washington Offices. He supervised lower grade
employees. He identified fish stress and disease vectors. He made presentations,
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explaining the Hatchery program and the Services policy as related to Fisheries. He
maintained the facility and equipment
1978 - 1980: Fishery Biologist – Mr. Cross reared and propagated Atlantic salmon fry,
parr, and smolts. He reared and propagated of Lake trout and Landlock salmon. He
spawned and cared for eggs and alevins. He prepared the hatchery charts, inventory,
reports, and summaries. He identified fish diseases and proscribed treatments. He
conducted a scientific study to monitored water quality and the UV water treatment
1973 - 1978: Biological Technician – Mr. Cross conducted research on predators and
their prey species under laboratory, pen, and field conditions. He conducted studies
dealing with food habits, reproduction, mortality, movement through territory, and
behavior of predators and their prey species. He have collected predators by such
methods as denning, trapping, snaring, and poisoning, He have worked on all aspects of
the Annual Western Predator survey. He was in charge of purchasing and maintenance of
B.S. Wildlife Management: 1973
Utah State University, Logan, Utah
B.S. Fishery Biology: 1973
Utah State University, Logan, Utah
Procedure Guide for the Fisheries Information System 1990 and revised 1991
National Trout Strain Registry Manual, 1991
Print Sharing Devices, Microscope, Department of Interior 3/1990.
Lot History Production - Hatchery Production Summary, an Electronic Record Keeping
System, Bozoman Fish Technology Leaflet, 1988
Efficacy of the Water Treatment Plant at Green Lake NFH, Ellsworth, Maine,
Progressive Fish Culturist, 1988
“Digital Imaging and VideoForensics”, Northwest Association of Forensic Examiners,
“Computer Technology”, USFWS. Fisheries Academy, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, and
“Fisheries Information System”, USFWS Fisheries Academy, 1991, 1992, and 1993.
“National Trout Strain Registry”, USFWS Fisheries Academy, 1992, and 1993.
“Train the Trainer”, USFWS - Fisheries Training Class 1993.
“Fisheries Information System”, National Conference of Integrated Water Management
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“Fisheries Information System”, Atlantic Salmon Workshop 1992.
“Fisheries Information System”, National Brood stock Workshop 1991 and 1992.
“Efficacy of the Water Treatment Plant at Green Lake NFH, Ellsworth, Maine”,
Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference, 1982.
Training Conducted:
“Computer Technology” U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Fishery Academy 1989, 1990,
1991, 1993, and 1993.
Adjunct Professor to the Southern Oregon State College, Department of Computer
Science 1996 to 1998.
“Introduction to Digital Imaging” Northwest Association of Forensic Scientist, 5/1998.
“Wildlife Crime Scene Investigation” National Fish and Wildlife Training Center.
“Wildlife Crime Scene Investigation” Federal Law Enforcement Training Center. 2003,
2004, and 2005.
“Introduction to Computer Seizure and Imaging” National Fish and Wildlife Forensic
Laboratory, 2005.
“Wildlife Crime Scene Investigation” Mississippi State University. 3/2004.
“Wildlife Crime Scene Investigation” National Fish and Wildlife Forensics Laboratory,
“Advanced Training in Computer Seizure and Imaging for Special Agents” National
Fish and Wildlife Forensics Laboratory, 2005.
“Advanced Training in Computer Seizure and Imaging for Law Enforcement” National
Fish and Wildlife Forensics Laboratory, 2005.
“Advanced Training on Computer Analysis for Special Agents” National Fish and
Wildlife Forensics Laboratory 2006.
“Conducting a Computer Forensic Analysis” Southern Oregon State University, 2005.
“Conducting a Computer Forensic Analysis” Southern Oregon State University - video
production, 2005.
“Mobile Phone Forensic Analysis” International Forensic Experts Seminar 12/2010.
“Computer Forensic Analysis” International Forensic Experts Seminar 12/2010.
Numerous computer training classes on Windows Operating System, WordPerfect for
Windows, cc: Mail, Notes, Internet Usage and Care and Maintenance Computers.
“Basic Programming” Colorado Mountain College, 3/1985.
“Introduction to C Language” Graduate School, U.S. Department of Agriculture 1/1991.
“Introduction to Geographic Information Systems” College of Forestry and Natural
Resources, Colorado State University, 6/1991.
“Case Management Training” AG Communication Systems, 8/1996.
“Crystal Reports” Northwest Association of Forensic Scientist, 5/1998.
“Video Forensic Analysis” Law Enforcement Video Association at the FBI National
Academy, 7/2000.
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“Electronic and Technical Surveillance Training” National Technical Investigator's
Association, 8/2000.
“Seized Computer and Evidence Recovery Specialist” Federal Law Enforcement
Training Center, Department of the Treasury, 9/2000.
“Forensic Video Analysis and Court Presentation”, Law Enforcement/Emergency Service
Services Video Association, 7/2000
“dTective Training on the Avid Express for Windows NT” Ocean Systems, 7/2001.
“Electronic and Technical Surveillance Training” National Technical Investigator's
Association, 7/2002.
“FBI Computer Analysis Response Team Forensic Training”, National Center for
Forensic Science, 7/2002.
“13th Annual LEVA Training Conference” Law Enforcement/Emergency Services Video
Association 10/2002.
“Change Management for Management and Supervisors” Prosci Learning Center,
“Internet Trace Evidence”, National Fish and Wildlife Forensics Laboratory, 11/2005.
“Overview of Cell Phone Forensics” Southern Oregon State University, 2/2006.
“Cellebrite UFED Training” Cellebrite USA Corp. 1/2011.
“Oxygen Forensic Mobile Phone Training” Oxygen Forensic Software, 2/2011.
“Mobile Telephony: The Next Wave in Cyber Crime” Federal Times Webcast, 2/2011.
“iPhone Forensics - Live Recovery of iPhone 3G(s)” O’Reilly Webcast 2/2011.
“Reducing Digital Case Load: Reinventing the Computer Forensics Lab Environment”
Accessdata. 10/2011.
AccessData MPE+ Training, 1/2012.
Crossing Borders: An International View of E-Discovery, ACEDS, 3/2012.
Identifying and Extracting ESI - Mobile Phone Forensics, EDEN, 3/2012.
Wi-Fi Industry Trends that Impact Law Enforcement, PATC WebEx, 3/2012.
Mobile Phone Examiner Plus, AccessData, 4/2012.
Introduction to Mobile Phone Forensics, EDEN, 4/2012.
Cell Phone Call Detail Records and Cell Tower Analysis Course, Cellular Data, 5/2012.
Finding Evidence in an Online World - Trends & Challenges in Digital Forensics. JAD
Software, 7/2012.
“Certified Microcomputer Technologist” Information Technology Center, U.S.
Department of Interior 3/1998.
“Seized Computer Evidence Recovery Specialist (SCERS)”, Federal Law Enforcement
Training Center, 9/2000.
“Video Forensic Specialist” Law Enforcement Emergency Services Video Association
International, 7/2001.
“Computer Analysis Forensic Specialist” Federal Bureau of Investigation, 7/2002.
Court Testimony:
State v. Donnie Briggs, Jackson County Circuit Court, 8/1998.
United States of America v. Joseph Lafollette, 12/2001.
State v. Daniel Lemon, Marion County Circuit Court, 1/2011.
State v. Ryan J. Tankersley, Douglas County Circuit Court, 12/2011.
State v. Robert Kenneth, Yamhill County Circuit Court, 1/2012
State v. Angelica May Swartout, Lane County Circuit Court, 1/2012
State v. Nai Mai Chao, Multnomah County Circuit Court, 2/2012
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