NOTTINGHAM UNIVERSITY BUSINESS SCHOOL PRELIMINARY READING LIST FOR ALL MSc OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT - 2007/08 Please consult the individual course structures shown at SEMESTER ONE N1DC09 INTRODUCTION TO MANAGING OPERATIONS To be advised at a later date. N1DC10 QUALITY MANAGEMENT AND QUALITY TECHNIQUES Main Text Dale, B.G. (ed), 2003,Managing Quality, 4th Edition, Blackwell Publishing Also recommended Oakland J.S & Porter L.J.1999, ‘Total Quality Management : Text and Cases’ Butterworth-Hienemann Kehoe D.F. 1996 ‘The Fundamentals of Quality Management’, Chapman & Hall. Neave H.R. 1990, ‘Statistics Tables’, Allen and Unwin (used for the examination) Montgomery D.C.. 1996 ‘Introduction to Statistical Quality Control’ 3rd Edition, Wiley. N1DC11 SUPPLY CHAIN PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT Books: There are many general textbooks in Production and Operations Management. They all contain chapters on the topics covered in the module- forecasting, inventory control, planning and control, MRP etc. Operations Management 2007/08 – Semester 1 1 Many introductory textbooks in Management Science/Operational Research also contain chapters on these topics. The following book is the main module text. Students will benefit highly from having access to a copy (studying just from the handouts is not sufficient). • Steven Nahmias: Production and Operations Analysis, 2004, 5th edition, ISBN 0071238379, Publisher: McGraw-Hill. In addition, a selection of chapters from the following books will be used. (The relevant sections from these books will be made available during the lectures.) • Thomas E. Vollmann, William L. Berry, D. Clay Whybark, F. Robert Jacobs: Manufacturing Planning and Control for Supply Chain Management, 2005, 5th edition, ISBN 007-112133-1, Publisher: McGraw-Hill. • Richard B. Chase, F. Robert Jacobs, Nicholas J. Aquillano, Operations Management for Competitive Advantage, ISBN 0-07-121555-7, Publisher: McGraw-Hill. • Daniel Sipper & Robert L. Bulfin, Jr.: Production: Planning, Control and Integration, 1998, ISBN 0-07-115843-X, Publisher: McGraw-Hill. The general texts listed below may also be useful for supplementary reading for all or part of the module: • Evans J R (1998) Production Operations Management, 1st ed., West Publishing Company. • Krajewski L J, Ritzman L P (2002) Operations Management: strategy and analysis, 6th ed., Prentice-Hall. • Schroeder R G (1993) Operations Management: decision making in the operations function, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill. • Slack N, Chambers S, Johnston R (2001) Operations Management, 3rd ed., Pitman Financial Times/Prentice Hall. • Bozarth C C, Handfield R B (2005) Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Management, Prentice-Hall. More specific texts on methods, models, techniques and systems in forecasting, inventory and production management, which may be useful in the assignment work, are: • Armstrong J Scott (1978) Long-range Forecasting: From Crystal Ball to Computer, Wiley. Operations Management 2007/08 – Semester 1 2 • Makridakis S, Wheelwright S, Hyndman R J, (1998) Forecasting: methods and applications, 3rd ed., John Wiley. • Silver E A, Pyke D F, Peterson R, (1998) Inventory management and production planning and scheduling, 3rd ed., Wiley. • Fogarty, Blackstone and Hoffman (1991), Production and Inventory Management, 2nd ed., South Western Publishing Co. • Luscombe, M (1993) MRPII: integrating the business: a practical guide for manager, Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford, UK. • Scott B (1994), Manufacturing planning systems, McGraw-Hill. • Browne J, Harhen J, Shivnan J (1996) Production management systems: an integrated perspective, 2nd ed., Addison-Wesley. • Sheikh K (2003) Manufacturing resource planning (MRP II): with introduction to ERP, SCM and CRM, McGraw-Hill. Research papers relating to the various aspects of Planning, Scheduling and Control across the supply chain may be found in the well-known Operations and Production journals and sometimes feature in Harvard Business Review, MIT Sloan Management Review and California Management Review. There are a number of academic research journals in Operations Management and related areas such as Production, Operational Research and Management Science. The following list identifies some of the key journals. Many are available online and all should be available through various abstracting forms (speak to a subject Librarian if you have any difficulties locating journal material). Operations Management Journal of Operations Management International Journal of Operations and Production Management International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management International Journal of Production Economics International Journal of Production Research Integrated Manufacturing Systems Manufacturing and Service Operations Management OR/MS and related areas Operations Research Journal of the Operational Research Society Management Science European Journal of Operational Research Interfaces (good for case studies) O.R. Insight (good for case studies) Journal of Forecasting International Journal of Forecasting Journal of Scheduling (highly mathematical) Operations Management 2007/08 – Semester 1 3 Some web sites of interest: : The Institute of Operations Management their practitioner magazine is called, CONTROL, is a useful source for easily readable practitioner material (some issues available online). : The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport : The Charted Institute of Purchasing and Supply / manufacturing: The Institution of Electrical Engineers (manufacturing and management Divisions – their practitioner journal in manufacturing and management are very high quality material. The American Production and Inventory Control Society (APICS): An important organisation for what’s hot in operations (but little material free online) Professional bodies (strong lay academic but good material) are INFORMS (US OR/MS Institute) N1DC15 PROJECT MANAGEMENT Course Books: Meredith, Jack R, Mantel, Samuel J, Mantel Jr, Samuel J, Project Management: A Managerial Approach (5th edition), John Wiley and Sons Ltd, ISBN: 0471073237 Note: this is the recommended primary text for the module. Material from it will be used in many lectures. The book comes with a CDROM containing Crystal Ball (an Excel add-in) which will be used in the course. The book has a website on which you will fine extra material and answers to the even numbered problems in each chapter.,, _0471073237_BKS_1328____,00.html Note: there is a new 6th edition of the above book. It is a minor update and either edition can be used for the course. Mantel, Samuel J, Meredith, Jack R, Shafer, Scott M, Sutton, Margaret, Core Concepts of Project Management, John Wiley and Sons Ltd, ISBN: 0471466069 Note: This is a 'budget' alternative to the recommended text. It is from the same authors and covers most of the material in the Meredith book. The book comes with a CDROM containing Crystal Ball (an Excel add-in) which will be used in the course. Other recommended Reading: Book: Rory Burke, Project Management: Planning and Control Techniques (3rd edition), Wiley Operations Management 2007/08 – Semester 1 4 British Standards: BS 6079-1:2002 Project management. Guide to project management BS 6079-3:2000 Project management. Guide to the management of business related project risk Papers: Lorance, R. B., Wendling, R. V. (2001) Basic Techniques for Analyzing and Presentation of Cost Risk Analysis. Cost Engineering, Vol. 43 Issue 6, pp25-32 Clark, D E. (2001) Monte Carlo Analysis: Ten Years of Experience. Cost Engineering, Vol. 43 Issue 6, pp40-46 Williams, T. (2004) Why Monte Carlo simulations of projects can mislead. Project Management Journal, Vol. 35, No. 3, pp53-61 Williams, G V (1995) Fast Track Pros and Cons: Considerations for Industrial Projects. Journal of Management in Engineering, Vol. 11, Issue 5, pp24-32 Lyneis, J. M., Cooper, K. G., Els S. A. (2001) Strategic management of complex projects: a case study using system dynamics. System Dynamics Review, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp237-260 Advanced Reading: White D, Fortune J (2002) Current Practice in Project Management - an empirical survey, Int Journal of Project Management, 20, 1-11 Hillson, D. (2003) Using a Risk Breakdown Structure in project management. Journal of Facilities Management, Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp85-98 Rodrigues & Williams (1998) System dynamics in project management: assessing the impacts of client behaviour on project performance, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 49, 2-15 (Read sections: Introduction, Applications of system dynamics) N1DC23 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT AND LEAN TECHNIQUES The Reading list for 2007/08 will be advised at a later date but, for your information, the texts for 2006/7 are as follows: Core Texts The Complete Lean Kit (Learning to See, Seeing The Whole, Creating Level Pull, Creating Continuous Flow, Making Materials Flow, Lean Lexicon), Lean Enterprise Academy ( Nicholas, J. (1998) Competitive Manufacturing Management. Bicheno, J. (2004) The New Lean Toolbox: Towards Fast, Flexible Flow (3rd ed) Picsie Press, England. Simon (2000), Performance Measurement and Control Systems for Implementing Strategy, Prentice Hall. Operations Management 2007/08 – Semester 1 5 Essential reading Womack J., Jones D. (1996) Lean Thinking: Banish Waste and Create Wealth in your Corporation, Simon & Schuster, New York. Hines P., Taylor D. (2000), Going Lean: A Guide to Implementation, Lean Enterprise Research Centre, Cardiff. Kaplan, R. S. , Norton, D. P. (1996) The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action Articles & Case Studies Regani S & Dutta, S (2004), Taiichi Ohno and Toyota Production System, ICFAI case study, 604-070-1, pp1-19. Venables, Mark. (2005), Early Learning Centre, IEE Manufacturing Engineer, Aug/Sept, pp22-25 Venables, Mark. (2005), Going for Lean, IEE Manufacturing Engineer, Aug/Sept, pp26-31 Harrison, A; Pavitt, J & Alexander J. (2002), “The status of Lean Thinking in UK Lean Aerospace Initiative (UK-LAI) Supply Chains: A survey”, SBAC & EPSRC, pp1-28 Lockamy, A & McCormack. (2004), Linking SCOR planning practices to supply chain performance: an exploratory study, International Journal of Production & Operations Management, Vol24, No12, pp1192-1218. Kaplan, RS & Norton, DP. (1992), The Balanced Scorecard - Measures that drive performance, Harvard Business Review, Jan-Feb, pp71-79. Kaplan, RS & Norton, DP. (1993), Putting the Balanced Scorecard to work, Harvard Business Review, Sept-Oct, pp134-142. Kaplan, RS & Norton, DP. (1993), Using the Balanced Scorecard as a Strategic Management System, Harvard Business Review, Jan-Feb, pp7585. Rohm, H. A Balancing Act, PERFORM – Performance Measurement in Action, Vol 2, Issue 2, pp 1-8. Ward, A. (2005), Implementing the Balanced Scorecard at Lloyds TSB, Strategic HR Review, Vol 4, issue 3, Mar-April, pp 16-19. Rogers, H; Ghauri, P & Pawar KS. (2005), Measuring International NPD projects: an evaluation process, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Vol 20, No 2, pp 79-87. Operations Management 2007/08 – Semester 1 6 In addition there are number other articles/additional material which provide useful supporting information, these will be provided during the module. Periodicals Harvard Business Review Sloan Management Review Journal of Operations Management International Journal of Operations and Production Management N1DB01 INTERNATIONAL ACCOUNTING The recommended text: Glynn, J. Murphy, M. Perrin, J. and Abraham, A. (2003), Accounting for Managers, (3rd ed.), Thomson. The following textbook is also recommended but students are not expected to purchase it: Elliott, B. and Elliott, J. (2006), Financial Accounting and Reporting, (10th ed), Prentice Hall, London. N1DB02 MARKETING Essentials of Marketing. Frances Brassington & Stephen Pettitt. Prentice-Hall Principles & Practice of Marketing. David Jobber. McGraw-Hill. Preferably the second or third edition or later. NIDB03 ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR To be advised at a later date. N1DB05 BUSINESS ECONOMICS Core text Begg, D and Ward (2004), D Economics for Business, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0077104293 McAleese, D (2004) Economics for Business 3/e, FT Prentice Hall, End Operations Management 2007/08 – Semester 1 7