MANUAL Title: ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (EMS) MANUAL FOR GENERATION HEAD OFFICE PORTFOLIOS Unique Identifier: 36-1030 Document Type: GMN Revision: Rev 7 Effective date: October 2008 Total pages: 31 Revision date: October 2009 Classification Controlled Disclosure COMPILED BY FUNCTIONAL RESP. AUTHORISED BY ..........................………. A S Els Generation Environmental Management ..........................………. D L Herbst Environmental Manager: Generation Division .........................………. A Nakedi General Manager Generation Strategy, Technology and Assurance When downloaded from the GDS database, this document is uncontrolled and the responsibility rests with the user to ensure it is in line with the authorised version on the database. Environmental Management System (EMS) Manual for Generation Head Office Portfolios Classification: Controlled Disclosure Contents Unique Identifier: 36-1030 Revision: Page: 7 Draft 0 2 of 31 Page Introduction........................................................................................................................ 3 1 Scope................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 1.2 Purpose ........................................................................................................3 Applicability .................................................................................................3 2 References ......................................................................................................... 3 3 Definitions and Abbreviations ........................................................................ 4 3.1 3.2 Definitions ....................................................................................................4 Abbreviations ..............................................................................................6 4 Environmental Management System ............................................................ 6 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 General requirements .................................................................................6 Eskom SHE Policy .....................................................................................10 Planning .....................................................................................................11 Implementation and Operation .................................................................14 Checking and Corrective Action ..............................................................22 Management Review .................................................................................25 5 Records ............................................................................................................. 27 6 Annexes ............................................................................................................ 27 7 Revision Information ...................................................................................... 27 8 Seen and Accepted……………………………………………………………..29 Annex 1 – Cross Reference of Topics from ISO14001:2004 to 32-1030 .............. 30 When downloaded from the R - Drive, this document is uncontrolled and the responsibility rests with the user to ensure it is in line with the authorised version on the PIGO database. Environmental Management System (EMS) Manual for Generation Head Office Portfolios Classification: Controlled Disclosure Unique Identifier: 36-1030 Revision: Page: 7 Draft 0 3 of 31 Introduction This Environmental Management System (EMS) Manual and the associated documents within each portfolio form the Environmental Management System for the Generation Head Office Portfolios. This Manual is developed to meet requirements of ISO 14001:2004. The environmental management system is aimed at achieving and demonstrating sound environmental management by identifying and controlling the impacts of the Generation Head Office activities, products and services on the environment, which is in line with the Eskom environmental policy (32-94) and objectives. 1 Scope 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this document is to prescribe the Environmental Management System requirements which shall be used by Generation Head Office Portfolios units (referred to as Head Office) in order to enhance a process approach to the business. 1.2 Applicability The Environmental Management System applies to Head Office for all core products and services as defined in section 1 of this manual. The EMS applies to the following Generation Head Office Portfolios. Human Resources Strategy, Technology and Assurance Finance Environmental Impact Assessments for new generating capacity 1.3 Exclusions The following portfolios/departments/divisions are excluded from the Generation Head Office EMS 1.3.1 The Production portfolios – these do not form part of the Generation Head Office. 1.3.2 The Generation Nuclear Department and Primary Energy Division – these have been excluded since they are managed independently of the Generation Division. 1.3.3 All power stations - these operate independent Environmental Management Systems. 2 References The following documents contain provisions that, through reference in the text, constitute requirements of this document. These documents are subject to revision and users are responsible to ensure that the most recent revisions of the document(s) listed below are When downloaded from the R - Drive, this document is uncontrolled and the responsibility rests with the user to ensure it is in line with the authorised version on the PIGO database. Environmental Management System (EMS) Manual for Generation Head Office Portfolios Unique Identifier: 36-1030 Revision: Page: 7 Draft 0 4 of 31 Classification: Controlled Disclosure used / referenced. These are available from the electronic document management systems employed by Eskom and Generation. ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management System Standard Imbewu Eskom Legal Register 3 3.1 Definitions and Abbreviations Definitions Activity Core functions of any organisation Auditor Person with the competence to conduct an audit Continual improvement Recurring process of enhancing the environmental management system in order to achieve improvements in overall environmental performance consistent with the organisation’s environmental policy. Procedure by which a third party gives written assurance that a product process or service conforms to specified requirements (ISO/International Electro-technical Committee Guide 2). Action to eliminate the cause of a detected nonconformity. Certification Corrective action Document Environment Environmental aspect (EA) Environmental impact Environmental management programme (EMP) Environmental management system (EMS) Environmental objective Environmental performance Environmental policy Environmental target Eskom Holdings Limited Information and its supporting media Surroundings in which an organisation operates, including air, water, land, natural resources, flora, fauna, humans, and their interrelation. Elements of an organisation’s activities or products or services that can interact with the environment. Any change to the environment, whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from an organisation’s environmental aspects. A programme that seeks to achieve a required environmental end state and describes how activities, that could have a negative impact on the environment, will be managed and monitored and impacted areas rehabilitated. Part of an organisation’s management system used to develop and implement its environmental policy and manage its environmental aspects. Overall environmental goal, consistent with the environmental policy, that an organisation sets itself to achieve. Measurable results of an organisation’s management of its environmental aspects. Overall intentions and directions of an organisation related to its environmental performance as formally expressed by top management. Detailed performance requirement applicable to the organisation or parts thereof, that arises from the environmental objectives and that needs to be set and met in order to achieve those objectives. Eskom as defined in the Eskom Conversion Act, 2001 means the juristic person referred to in Section 2 of the Eskom Act and upon conversion means Eskom Holdings Limited. What this implies is that the word Eskom refers to Eskom Holdings Limited, which made up of all Divisions. When downloaded from the R - Drive, this document is uncontrolled and the responsibility rests with the user to ensure it is in line with the authorised version on the PIGO database. Environmental Management System (EMS) Manual for Generation Head Office Portfolios Classification: Controlled Disclosure Eskom land Interested party Internal audit Management Representative: Unique Identifier: 36-1030 Revision: Page: 7 Draft 0 5 of 31 Any land and/or servitude registered in the deeds office in Eskom’s name Person or group concerned with or affected by the environmental performance of an organisation. Systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which the environmental management system audit criteria set by the organization are fulfilled. The organization’s top management shall appoint a specific management representative who irrespective of other responsibilities, shall have defined roles, responsibilities and authority Non-conformity Non-fulfilment of a requirement. a “non conformance” is interpreted to include legal non-compliance, deviations from policy, objectives and targets not met, accidents, ineffective procedures, and deviations from specified conditions and from other requirements of the environmental management system. Organisation Generation Head Office Portfolios Organisations within Generation’s structure, reporting to the Managing Director Generation Portfolio: Preventive action Pollution Prevention of pollution Procedure Record Action to eliminate the cause of a potential nonconformity. The direct and indirect alteration of the physical, chemical or biological properties of a resource which results in it being less fit for any beneficial purpose for which it may reasonably be expected to be used Use of processes, practices, techniques, materials, products, services or energy to avoid, reduce or control (separately or in combination) the creation, emission or discharge of any type of pollutants or waste, in order to reduce adverse environmental impacts. Specified way to carry out an activity or a process. Document stating results achieved or providing evidence of activities performed. Risk The probability of an event occurring multiplied by the consequences of that event. Stakeholder Includes customers, investor’s, government, the general public and employees Sustainable Development Development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987) Validation: The process of deciding if an item or service can comply with agreed requirements Verification: The process of deciding if an item or service complies with agreed requirements by carrying out functional testing Waste An undesirable or superfluous by-product, emission, or residue of any process or activity which has been discarded, accumulated or been stored for the purpose of discarding or processing. It may be gaseous, liquid or solid or any combination thereof and may originate from a residential, commercial or industrial area. This definition includes industrial waste water, sewage, radioactive substances, mining, metallurgical and power generation waste. When downloaded from the R - Drive, this document is uncontrolled and the responsibility rests with the user to ensure it is in line with the authorised version on the PIGO database. Environmental Management System (EMS) Manual for Generation Head Office Portfolios Unique Identifier: 36-1030 Revision: Page: 7 Draft 0 6 of 31 Classification: Controlled Disclosure (GN 227, GG20978, 17 March 2000, White paper on Integrated Pollution and Waste Management for South Africa) 3.2 Abbreviations EMS Environmental Management System EMR Environmental Management Representative GEM Generation Environmental Management SID Sustainability and Innovation Division EIA Environmental Impact Assessment ELC Environmental Liaison Committee EMP Environmental Management Programme KPI Key Performance Indicator CAD Corporate Audit Department GEXCO Generation Executive Committee GIM Generation Information Management Department Gx Eskom Generation Division AFD Assurance & Forensic Department ISO International Organisation for Standardisation 4 4.1 Environmental Management System General requirements Due to the nature of the activities and functions of the Generation Division Head Office and the respective departments, the approach taken has been to develop and implement, a single Environmental Management System for Generation Head Office Portfolios. .GEM provides an advisory consultative service to all power stations, with respect to. Environmental Impact Assessments, Strategy development, Legal compliance Monitoring and reporting, Policy development as well as Any ad hoc guidance that they may require from time to time. When downloaded from the R - Drive, this document is uncontrolled and the responsibility rests with the user to ensure it is in line with the authorised version on the PIGO database. Environmental Management System (EMS) Manual for Generation Head Office Portfolios Unique Identifier: 36-1030 Revision: Page: 7 Draft 0 7 of 31 Classification: Controlled Disclosure Generation Environmental Management provides assurance to the Managing Director Generation Division and Chief Officer: Generation Business. Generation Business Organogramme: The diagram below depict the applicability, green coloured blocks, of this manual in relationship with the overall Generation Business Organogramme Generation Business Chief Officer Managing Director Generation Senior General Manager Production 1 General Manager Strategy, Technology & Assurance Senior General Manager Production 2 General Manger Finance Senior General Manager Production 3 Manager Human Resource General Manager Peaking When downloaded from the R - Drive, this document is uncontrolled and the responsibility rests with the user to ensure it is in line with the authorised version on the PIGO database. Environmental Management System (EMS) Manual for Generation Head Office Portfolios Classification: Controlled Disclosure 4.1.1 Unique Identifier: 36-1030 Revision: Page: 7 Draft 0 8 of 31 Electronic Database The Generation Head Office Portfolios ISO 14001:2004 EMS has been established to replicate, as close as practically possible, actual business processes. The EMS consists of a number of electronic documents and registers. However to facilitate its implementation and maintenance, it is complemented by certain components in hard copy format, such as this EMS Manual. The Generation Head Office EMS will use existing Microsoft software packages currently in use as part of Eskom’s overall software portfolio. The entire EMS Management Folder is stored on the R:\ Drive Generation Division Head Office local network server that is backed-up according to a Service Level Agreement (SLA) between Generation Environmental Management (GEM) and the Information Technology (IT) Service Provider (Arivia.kom), via Generation Information Management (GIM). All documents stored electronically are PDF and considered uncontrolled but final. Shared documents stored in this way are utilised for daily information extraction. The storage area of all final controlled documents in GEM shall be the Eskom data base PIGO. The EMS Management Folder contains, inter alia, aspects that have been identified for Generation Head Office Portfolios’ activities, the associated significance ratings, the agreed objectives and targets, corrective actions and the responsible persons as well as all relevant procedures relevant to the EMS. The folder contains the linkages to other relevant documentation. The EMS Management Folder has been initially populated, and will be updated and maintained centrally by the Database Administrator, using information gleaned from audits, assessments, incident reports and other department reports and submissions and Management Reviews. All Departmental Managers and other selected staff have access (either full or limited) to the EMS Management Folder via the appropriate IT channels. 4.1.2 Intent of this EMS Manual This EMS Manual is intended primarily to facilitate the implementation and maintenance of the Generation Head Office Portfolios ISO 14001 Environmental Management System (EMS). The manual thus recognises and indicates the scope of the processes and procedures followed during implementation and the requirements for the maintenance of, the system. This EMS Manual references relevant documentation internal and external to Eskom, and thus provides a “roadmap” to the overall Generation Head Office Portfolio and includes references to: The Eskom SHE Policy; Statements of responsibility and authority; An overview of the company’s environmental procedures and controls; The identification of the resources and training allocated to management, When downloaded from the R - Drive, this document is uncontrolled and the responsibility rests with the user to ensure it is in line with the authorised version on the PIGO database. Environmental Management System (EMS) Manual for Generation Head Office Portfolios Unique Identifier: 36-1030 Revision: Page: 7 Draft 0 9 of 31 Classification: Controlled Disclosure performance of work and verification activities including internal audit; The appointment of the Environmental Management Representative (EMR); and The arrangement for periodic management reviews. This EMS Manual covers the “Environmental Management System Requirements” elements of the ISO 14001 EMS Standard. Hence, this EMS Manual must be read in conjunction with the ISO 14001: 2004 EMS Standard – Code Of Practice. It is a prerequisite that the reader is familiar with the ISO 14001 EMS Standard. Figure 1: The ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management System “Loop” The cornerstone of the EMS is management commitment, to ensure continual improvement Top Management reviews the EMS at regular intervals, to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. This deals with the monitoring & measurement of environmental management programmes, record keeping, audits and environmental nonconformances and the closing-out thereof. Environmental Policy is based on the environmental aspects of the business, and is the driver for the EMS. The Policy is designed to set the direction for the business and should be carefully developed through a consultative process. Includes environmental aspects identification and significance rating, the setting of objectives and targets, and identifying legal and other requirements. This includes EMS elements such as structure & responsibility, training & awareness, communication, document control, operational control and emergency preparedness & response The SANS ISO 14001 EMS Standard provides guidance on the development and implementation of environmental management systems and principles, and their co-ordination with other management systems. The standard is intended for use as a voluntary, internal management tool. Eskom has decided to adapt and implement its environmental management systems to be compliant to the SANS ISO 14001 EMS Standard. When downloaded from the R - Drive, this document is uncontrolled and the responsibility rests with the user to ensure it is in line with the authorised version on the PIGO database. Environmental Management System (EMS) Manual for Generation Head Office Portfolios Unique Identifier: 36-1030 Revision: Page: 7 Draft 0 10 of 31 Classification: Controlled Disclosure 4.2 Eskom SHE Policy (ISO 14001 Standard Clause 4.2) Generation Division subscribes to the Eskom SHE Policy EPL 32-94. Generation Head Office EMS focuses on the environmental aspects of the SHE policy. The SHE policy outlines the environmental commitments with respect to its operations, activities, and overall environmental performance. During the development of this policy, the appropriateness to the nature, scale and environmental impacts of Generation Head Office Portfolios activities, products and services has been considered. The policy is endorsed by the Senior Management. The policy shall stipulate the commitments of Generation Head Office Portfolios to continually improve its environmental management and prevention of pollution. Generation Head Office Portfolios is also committed to comply with applicable legal requirements and other requirements to which Generation Head Office Portfolios subscribes which relate to its environmental aspects. The SHE policy shall provide a framework for setting and reviewing objectives and targets, and must be maintained, implemented and communicated to all employees of Generation Head Office Portfolios and its contractors. This policy shall be available to the public. ELP 32-94 The following statements are contained in this policy: Eskom, as a provider of energy and associated services, will:1. establish appropriate management systems to address safety, occupational health and environmental issues with a view to minimising risk and ensuring continual improvement. This will include the prevention of pollution and environmental degradation where sustainable, 2. comply to all legislative and policy requirements, and in the absence of appropriate principles, set standards to meet the objectives of this policy, 3. promote open communication on SHE issues with employees and other stakeholders, 4. educate, train and motivate and develop its employees in terms of occupational health, safety and environmental issues, 5. provide and maintain a safe and healthy work environment and protect individuals against risk associated with occupational health and safety arising out of Eskom’s business, 6. contribute toward sustainable development through efficient resource use, and efficient production, distribution and use of energy. When downloaded from the R - Drive, this document is uncontrolled and the responsibility rests with the user to ensure it is in line with the authorised version on the PIGO database. Environmental Management System (EMS) Manual for Generation Head Office Portfolios Classification: Controlled Disclosure Unique Identifier: 36-1030 Revision: Page: 7 Draft 0 11 of 31 A controlled copy of the full text of the Eskom SHE Policy, including the strategy to implement the Policy, is available on the Eskom Intranet Environmental web site with address;: The Eskom SHE Policy was presented to, discussed and endorsed by the Eskom EXCO Sustainability Liaison Committee. Thereafter a formal voting process was followed during which each Managing Director, including that of the Generation Division and the appointed representatives of the Eskom Environmental Liaison Committee accepted the Environmental Policy and revisions. The SHE Policy is authorised by the Chief Executive and published annually in the Eskom Sustainability report. It is made available to the public on the Eskom web site and on request. It is also communicated to staff through internal communication channels such as the Eskom Intranet. 4.3 Planning Generation Head Office Portfolios shall follow a “plan-do-check-act” process to facilitate continual environmental performance improvements. The planning process includes the identification and updating of Generation Head Office Portfolios’ Register of Environmental Aspects, and the Register of Legal and Other Requirements. Together with Generation Head Office Portfolios’ SHE policy, Generation Head Office Portfolios’ objectives and targets are established, and appropriate programmes are formulated to achieve the objectives and targets. 4.3.1 Environmental Aspects (ISO 14001 Standard Clause 4.3.1) The planning process commences with the identification and updating of environmental aspects. In order to evaluate the impacts of its activities to the environment, Generation Head Office Portfolios established, implemented and maintain a procedure to identify the environmental aspects of its activities, products or services that can be controlled. Those that can be influenced taking into account planned or new developments, or new or modified activities, products and services are also identified. These aspects, inclusive of those arising from works carried out by contractors, are registered in the "Register of Environmental Aspects". Generation Head Office Portfolios ensure that all environmental aspects that may pose significant impacts to the environment are under control and prioritised for improvements. This information is kept up-to-date. Relevant procedure: 36-1061 Procedure - Identification of Environmental Aspects and Significance Evaluation 4.3.2 Legal and Other Requirements Procedure (ISO 14001 Standard Clause 4.3.2) When downloaded from the R - Drive, this document is uncontrolled and the responsibility rests with the user to ensure it is in line with the authorised version on the PIGO database. Environmental Management System (EMS) Manual for Generation Head Office Portfolios Classification: Controlled Disclosure Unique Identifier: 36-1030 Revision: Page: 7 Draft 0 12 of 31 Generation Head Office Portfolios established, implemented and maintain a procedure to identify and maintain access to legal requirements that are relevant to the organisation, as well as other requirements that the organisation subscribes to which relates to it’s environmental aspects. Generation Head Office Portfolios identified all relevant regulations, codes of practice and guidelines that are applicable to the environmental aspects of its activities, products and services, and record this information in the Register of Legal and Other Requirements. Generation Head Office Portfolios keep this information up-to-date. Relevant procedure: 36-1062 Procedure - Review of Legal and Other Requirements 4.3.3 Objectives and Targets (ISO 14001 Standard Clause 4.3.3) Based on the SHE policy and significant environmental aspects, environmental objectives and targets are established, implemented and maintained at each function and level within Generation Head Office Portfolios. Programmes are established, implemented and maintained for achieving its objectives and targets. When establishing and reviewing its objectives, Generation Head Office Portfolios takes into consideration the legal and other requirements, significant environmental aspects, technological options, financial/operational/business requirements, and the views of interested parties, and ensure that the objectives and targets are consistent with the SHE policy, including commitment to pollution prevention, to compliance with applicable legal requirements and other requirements, and to continual improvement. The programmes designate the responsibility for achieving objectives and targets at each function and level of the organisation, together with the means and time frame by which they are to be achieved. Objectives and targets, for significant impacts, are set by each department at Generation Head Office Portfolios, in conjunction with Generation Environmental Management and in line with the Eskom SHE Policy and the Generation strategic activities to implement the policy. Uncontrolled copies of departmental objectives & targets can be viewed on, and printed from the EMS Management Folder. Feedback on progress regarding these will be given to the System Administrator, who will then update the database accordingly. The Senior Management approves the objectives, targets and programmes proposed by the EMS Forum before implementation. Objectives are reviewed/updated during formal mini- or full Management Reviews or when required due to changes in activities, risk and when non-conformances have been identified. The EMR ensures that the objectives and targets are measurable if possible, and that the progress towards achieving the objectives and targets is continually monitored and reviewed. When downloaded from the R - Drive, this document is uncontrolled and the responsibility rests with the user to ensure it is in line with the authorised version on the PIGO database. Environmental Management System (EMS) Manual for Generation Head Office Portfolios Classification: Controlled Disclosure Unique Identifier: 36-1030 Revision: Page: 7 Draft 0 13 of 31 The achievement of objectives, targets and programmes shall be reviewed by the EMS Forum every 3 months. The Deputy Environmental Representative shall lead the EMS Forum in reviewing the achievement of the objectives, targets and programmes as necessary. Generation Head Office Portfolios ensure that the programmes are amended as appropriate for new projects and new or modified activities, products or services in order to ensure that environmental management applies to such projects and activities. In the event that objectives and targets in the programmes are not met, the system administrator shall revise the programme as necessary and maintain documented evidence / records for the actions taken to mitigate the problems. The system administrator also maintains obsolete objectives, targets and programmes as an EMS record for three years. 4.3.4 Environmental Management Programme Although Generation deals with several risks across all areas of influence and cooperation it should be noted that objectives and targets are only derived for those Activities/Aspects that are considered to have a significant impact on the environment. All other risks are tracked by means of the Generation risk identification process as well aspects register. Environmental Management Programmes (EMP’s) at Generation Head Office Portfolios are established and maintained as follow: a) All environmental aspects are entered into the Generation Head Office Portfolios Risk Assessment register, evaluated and a significance rating allocated b) Aspects are rated as significant or not significant using the sheets in the Risk Assessment register. c) GEM in consultation with the relevant Departmental Environmental Representative, makes recommendations on objectives and targets for all aspects that have a significance rating. Other aspects rated as not significant are tracked by means of the Risk Assessment register. d) The EMS Management Plan is directly linked to the Generation Head Office Portfolios Aspect Impact register. e) All impacts that are attributed as been significant (score greater than 40- with controls) are associated with an appropriate actions in the management plan. f) On completion of the action it is recorded appropriately on the EMP and maintained on the EMP for the duration of the financial yea. g) New aspects identified are entered into the Activity/Aspects Register. The relevant departmental EMP’s are amended by the System Administrator in consultation with the relevant Departmental Environmental Representative. h) Management is responsible, upon approval of the identified objectives and targets to allocate resources (i.e. financial, personnel, etc.) to implement the EMPs. i) EMP’s shall be implemented at department level and shall address aspects related to that department. When downloaded from the R - Drive, this document is uncontrolled and the responsibility rests with the user to ensure it is in line with the authorised version on the PIGO database. Environmental Management System (EMS) Manual for Generation Head Office Portfolios Unique Identifier: 36-1030 Revision: Page: 7 Draft 0 14 of 31 Classification: Controlled Disclosure j) The System administrator is responsible to ensure, through regular communication with the various Departmental Managers for the establishment, maintenance and implementation of the various departmental EMP’s k) The EMP shall include clear targets, objectives and set dates for implementation. Responsibilities shall be appropriately allocated. l) Progress on EMP’s shall be reported to the System Administrator, who is responsible for updating the EMS Folder. The Generation Division Head Office Environmental Management Representative reports the status of the Generation Division Head Office ISO 14001 EMS to the Generation EXCO and other appropriate forums. m) The necessary means viz. resources, internal manpower, training and development, are provided for the realisation of the environmental management programmes and plans. n) Review of EMP – quarterly sign off by senior management during a GEM management review. 4.4 Implementation and Operation The implementation of the EMS is achieved by: Requiring Generation Head Office Portfolios to clearly defining the roles, responsibilities and authorities of key personnel, staff training. maintaining effective communication channels, adopting effective document and operational controls maintaining sufficient awareness on emergency preparedness among the staff. 4.4.1 Resources, Roles, Responsibility & Authority (ISO 14001 Standard Clause 4.4.1) Top management of Generation Head Office Portfolios shall commit to provide resources (including human resources and specialized skills, organizational infrastructure, technological and financial resources) essential to the implementation and control of the EMS. The roles, responsibilities and authorities of key personnel shall be defined, documented, and communicated in order to facilitate effective environmental management. Generation Head Office Portfolios has appointed the Environmental Manager: Generation Division as the Environmental Management Representative (EMR). The Chief Environmental Advisor/s is appointed as the Deputy Environmental Management Representative (DEMR) for the implementation and maintenance of the EMS. The Environmental Advisor is appointed as the Environmental Management System Administrator (EMSA). The Generation Head Office Portfolios have a Departmental Environmental Representative (DER) within their respective department. These appointed individuals’ line of authority and participation in the EMP are as follows: When downloaded from the R - Drive, this document is uncontrolled and the responsibility rests with the user to ensure it is in line with the authorised version on the PIGO database. Environmental Management System (EMS) Manual for Generation Head Office Portfolios Classification: Controlled Disclosure Unique Identifier: 36-1030 Revision: Page: 7 Draft 0 15 of 31 EMS Organisation Chart Senior Management Management Review (MR) Environmental Management Representative Deputy Environmental Management Representative/s Environmental Management System Administrator Environmental Management System Forum (EMSF) Departmental Environmental Representatives All Staff When downloaded from the R - Drive, this document is uncontrolled and the responsibility rests with the user to ensure it is in line with the authorised version on the PIGO database. Environmental Management System (EMS) Manual for Generation Head Office Portfolios Unique Identifier: 36-1030 Revision: Page: 7 Draft 0 16 of 31 Classification: Controlled Disclosure Responsibility To expand on the responsibilities of all the different level in Generation see table 1 to 9 below: Table 1: Responsibilities of GEM OUTPUT TARGET REFERENCE Responsible, on behalf of Generation Head Office Portfolios, to ensure that the strategic activities needed to implement the Environmental Policy are identified and appropriately managed Continuously EMP Provide opportunity for input from relevant staff, into the Environmental Policy during the review process. Ensure that the Policy is in line with Generations strategic intent. Review cycle of the Policy Written comments. Co-ordinate the process to identify the environmental aspects, determine significance ratings and establish objectives and targets. Annually ISO 14001 EMS for GXHOP and audit results On behalf of Generation establish and maintain the legal register. Ensure that it is accessible to all Generation employees Monthly Legal register accessible to employees Establish and maintain an appropriate EMS Management Folder for the implementation and operation of the ISO 14001 Environmental Management system. Give inputs in terms of the maintenance of this EMS Manual and other relevant documentation. Annually EMS Management Folder, EMS manual and relevant documentation in place Ensure that appropriate audits and management reviews take place, and provide assurance that monitoring, measurement and corrective action formulation is performed. As per plan Relevant programmes Ensure, on behalf of Generation Head Office appropriate identification and implementation of awareness and competence training programmes As required Attendance Register Maintain and review Environmental Management Programme (EMP) on an interval as agreed upon, with input from the Departmental Environmental Representatives. As Agreed Monitoring schedule Ensure that adequate and appropriate monitoring is conducted on all areas identified in the Aspects Register Month End Report Ensure that any changes (- or +) to the departmental EMP and/or activities and all updated information, are brought in writing to the attention of the System Administrator, who will make the necessary changes On occurrence EMS correspondence Table 2: Responsibilities of Senior Management of Generation Head Office OUTPUT TARGET REFERENCE Support the establishment and maintenance of the ISO 14001 EMS. Continuously EMS system audits Influence the revisions of the Environmental Policy and ensure an understanding and compliance with the Policy, directives, procedures, guidelines and Instructions. Continuously EMS documentation, audit results and management review When downloaded from the R - Drive, this document is uncontrolled and the responsibility rests with the user to ensure it is in line with the authorised version on the PIGO database. Environmental Management System (EMS) Manual for Generation Head Office Portfolios Unique Identifier: 36-1030 Revision: Page: 7 Draft 0 17 of 31 Classification: Controlled Disclosure Participate and provide input into the Management Review Process. Annually Management Review Meeting/ written comment Agree the process of identification of aspects and impacts. Ensure that appropriate objectives and targets have been established and included into the EMP. As required EMP Ensure awareness of the significant environmental aspects of their business and exercise appropriate levels of operational control over their respective departments Continuously Awareness and EMP Ensure personnel receive appropriate competence and awareness training. As per schedule Training matrix, training attendance Ensure that employees within the department are informed of the environmental aspects of their business and their responsibility in this regard. Continuously Training and awareness Ensure the timeous submission of all EMS-related reports Continuously EMS reports Table 3: Responsibilities of Generation Head Office Employees OUTPUT TARGET REFERENCE Support the establishment and maintenance of ISO 14001 EMS Continuously EMS system audits Comply with Eskom’s Environmental Policy, directives, procedures, guidelines and Instructions Continuously EMS system audits Report Incidents to Department Head/GEM Within 24 hours of occurrence As required Incident Report Attend awareness and competence training programmes Attendance Register Table 4: Environmental Management Representative (EMR) OUTPUT This is the appointed EMR and has the responsibility and authority for: a) ensuring that EMS requirements are established, implemented and maintained in accordance with the ISO 14001 standard; b) ensuring that sufficient resources are allocated for the proper implementation of the environmental policy and the EMS; c) regularly reviewing the policy and the effectiveness of the EMS, and ensuring that the necessary changes are made. EMR is also the Chairman of the Management review and has the responsibility and authority for: a) leading the Management Review to establish and implement the EMS according to ISO 14001 standard, and monitoring the performance of the EMS; b) coordinating internal EMS audits to ensure the EMS has been properly implemented and maintained; c) handling and investigating nonconformity and ensuring corrective and preventive action has been taken to mitigate TARGET REFERENCE Continuously EMS system audits Continuously EMS system audits When downloaded from the R - Drive, this document is uncontrolled and the responsibility rests with the user to ensure it is in line with the authorised version on the PIGO database. Environmental Management System (EMS) Manual for Generation Head Office Portfolios Classification: Controlled Disclosure Unique Identifier: 36-1030 Revision: Page: 7 Draft 0 18 of 31 any impacts caused; d) reporting on the performance of the EMS to the top management for review and as a basis for improvement of the EMS. The EMR, the Chief Environmental Advisor / s, the Environmental Advisor and Senior Management shall undertake the EMS management review annually to ensure top management commitment and integration of the EMS with business strategies for its implementation and continual improvement. Continuously EMS system audits Table 5: Deputy Environmental Management Representative/s (DEMR) OUTPUT This position has the responsibility and authority for: a) assisting the EMR to ensure the EMS is effectively implemented and maintained in accordance with ISO 14001 standard; b) assuming the responsibility and action of the EMR when the EMR is unavailable. c) Chairman of the EMS forum TARGET Continuously REFERENCE EMS system audits Table 6: Environmental Management System Administrator (EMSA) OUTPUT This position has the responsibility and authority for: a) assisting the EMR to ensure the EMS is effectively implemented and maintained in accordance with ISO 14001 standard. TARGET Continuously REFERENCE EMS system audits b) Co-ordinate the EMS forum meetings and ansuring all actions from such a forum are appropriately recorded and closed out. Table 7: Environmental Management System Forum (EMS Forum) OUTPUT This committee comprises the, DEMR, Departmental Environmental Representatives (DER’s) and Environmental Advisor EMS and is responsible for: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) TARGET Continuously REFERENCE EMS system audits the establishment and implementation of the EMS; the establishment and review of objectives, targets, and programmes; ensuring the effective implementation of environmentallyrelated operational controls and programmes; the internal communication of environmental matters between management and employees; and promoting environmental awareness among company staff; the review of complaint records, nonconformity, corrective action and preventive action reports and the adoption of preventive actions as necessary; providing leadership in the pursuit of environmental issues; any other EMS activities that are assigned by the EMR; When downloaded from the R - Drive, this document is uncontrolled and the responsibility rests with the user to ensure it is in line with the authorised version on the PIGO database. Environmental Management System (EMS) Manual for Generation Head Office Portfolios Classification: Controlled Disclosure h) Unique Identifier: 36-1030 Revision: Page: 7 Draft 0 19 of 31 holding regular meeting (at approximately three-month intervals). Table 8: Management Review OUTPUT The Management Review systematically examines the EMS to ensure the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the EMS. The Management Review comprises of the EMR, Chief Environmental Advisor / s, the Environmental Advisor and Senior Management. TARGET Continuously REFERENCE EMS system audits Table 9: Departmental Mangers OUTPUT The Function / Departmental Managers are responsible for: a) establishing controls for the identified significant environmental aspects for his/her function team / department according to procedures and instructions; b) ensuring that the EMS is properly implemented and that environmental matters are properly handled at all stages; 4.4.2 TARGET Continuously REFERENCE EMS system audits Competence, Training and Awareness (ISO 14001 Standard Clause 4.4.2) Generation Head Office Portfolios ensure all persons performing tasks for it or on its behalf, whose work may have a significant impact on the environment, are competent on the basis of appropriate education, training and/or experience, and shall retain associated records. Generation Head Office Portfolios ensure that all people performing tasks for or on behalf of the organization, which includes contractors, sub-contractors, temporary staff and remote workers, have had an appropriate assessment for their potential to cause a significant environmental impact and the associated competence required. Generation Head Office Portfolios establish, implement and maintain procedures to identify the training needs associated with its environmental aspects and its EMS, and develop programmes to ensure awareness and competence, at each relevant function and level, by addressing: the roles and responsibilities in achieving conformity with the environmental management system; the importance of conformity with the environmental policy, the procedures and the requirements of the structured EMS; the significant environmental aspects and related actual or potential impacts associated from their work activities and the environmental benefits of improved personal performance; When downloaded from the R - Drive, this document is uncontrolled and the responsibility rests with the user to ensure it is in line with the authorised version on the PIGO database. Environmental Management System (EMS) Manual for Generation Head Office Portfolios Unique Identifier: 36-1030 Revision: Page: 7 Draft 0 20 of 31 Classification: Controlled Disclosure the potential consequences of departure from specified operating procedures; Relevant procedure: 36-x1063 Procedure - Training 4.4.3 Communication (ISO 14001 Standard Clause 4.4.3) Generation Head Office Portfolios ensure that a procedure and systems are implemented to address internal and external communication regarding environmental issues. Relevant procedure: 36-1064 Procedure - Communication 4.4.4 Environmental Management System Documentation (ISO 14001 Standard Clause 4.4.4) The Environmental Management System documentation encompasses four levels as described below: The first level is the Environmental Management System Manual (this document) which includes references to the Generation Head Office Portfolios’ SHE policy (specifying the principal objectives and environmental commitments of Generation Head Office Portfolios), and a broad description of how Generation Head Office Portfolios addresses the ISO 14001 requirements. The EMS Manual also serves as an interface to interpret the relationship between Generation Head Office Portfolios’ EMS and the ISO 14001 Standard. An individual document of Objectives, Targets and Programmes is developed based on the company’s SHE policy. It demonstrates the company’s environmental commitment on continual improvement in environmental performance. This EMS Manual also has links to related documents that can be used for retrieval when necessary. The second level is the Environmental System Procedures, which include all procedures that Generation Head Office Portfolios shall follow as specified in the ISO 14001 Standard. These procedures provide a detailed description of the EMS elements and define who should do what, how and when. Appendix A shows the relationship between various environmental procedures and the ISO 14001 Standard clauses. Register of Environmental Aspects, and Register of Legal and Other Requirements are derived from the procedures and act as the foundation of the EMS which the company subscribed to. The third level is the Working Instructions (WIs), which are operational control procedures or instructions, with defined responsibilities, to control the identified significant environmental aspects associated with Generation Head Office Portfolios’ operations and activities. The fourth level is Environmental Records, which arise from the implementation of the Environmental Management System Manual, Environmental Systems Procedures and Works Instructions. Environmental Records include various checklists, reports and meeting records, etc, as defined in each Environmental Systems Procedure and Work Instruction. When downloaded from the R - Drive, this document is uncontrolled and the responsibility rests with the user to ensure it is in line with the authorised version on the PIGO database. Environmental Management System (EMS) Manual for Generation Head Office Portfolios Classification: Controlled Disclosure Unique Identifier: 36-1030 Revision: Page: 7 Draft 0 21 of 31 4.4.5 Control of Documents (ISO 14001 Standard Clause 4.4.5) The essences of EMS documentation controls are: they shall be reviewed, revised as necessary and approved for adequacy by authorized personnel; that current version of relevant documents shall be available at all locations where operations essential to the effective functioning of the environmental management system are performed; that documents of external origin determined by the organization to be necessary for the planning and operation of the EMS are identified and their distribution controlled; obsolete documents shall be promptly removed from all points of issue and use, or are otherwise assured against unintended use; and any obsolete documents retained for legal and / or knowledge preservation purposes shall be suitably identified. Generation Head Office Portfolios ensure that documentation is legible, dated (with dates of revision) and readily identifiable, maintained in an orderly manner, and retained for a specified period. Generation Head Office Portfolios establish, implement and maintain a procedure for the creation and modification of the various types of documents and the respective responsibilities for such creation and modifications. Relevant procedure: 36-1065 Procedure - Control of Documents 4.4.6 Operational Control Procedure (ISO 14001 Standard Clause 4.4.6) Generation Head Office Portfolios establish, implement and maintain operation control procedures to manage its significant environmental aspects or adopted the Eskom procedure where applicable. Generation Head Office Portfolios ensure that all operations and activities, carried out by Generation Head Office Portfolios’ employees or contractors, that are associated with the significant aspects are properly controlled, and that appropriate operational control procedures, in terms of Environmental System Procedures and Work Instructions (WIs), are communicated to personnel whose tasks may result in significant environmental aspects. Generation Head Office Portfolios influence its staff and contractors by communicating its SHE policy and other relevant Procedures and/or WIs to them. Identified activities that are associated with significant environmental aspects are carried out under the following conditions: a) The Departmental Manager ensures that the departmental activities that have or may have a negative impact on the environment have procedures or work instructions to manage or prevent pollution. When downloaded from the R - Drive, this document is uncontrolled and the responsibility rests with the user to ensure it is in line with the authorised version on the PIGO database. Environmental Management System (EMS) Manual for Generation Head Office Portfolios Classification: Controlled Disclosure b) c) d) Unique Identifier: 36-1030 Revision: Page: 7 Draft 0 22 of 31 The Departmental Manager ensures the management of existing procedures to acceptable environmental management standards to prevent or mitigate a negative impact on the environment. Where procedures are not available for activities that have or may a significant impact on the environment, relevant work instructions must be developed. All activities are carried out in line with the respective procedure or work instruction. Relevant Procedure/s: EPC 32-245 GGP 1087 36-225 36-264 36-259 36-1086 Waste Management Procedure Environmental Incident Reporting Procedure Environmental Monitoring and Reporting Procedure Generation Procedure for Reporting on Environmental Expenditure Generation Environmental Impact Assessment Work Instruction Contractor Management 4.4.7 –Emergency Preparedness and Response (ISO 14001 Standard Clause 4.4.7) Generation Head Office Portfolios adopted the Eskom procedure to identify potential emergency situations and responses to such situations in order to prevent and/or mitigate environmental impacts that may associate with them. Generation Head Office Portfolios review and revise the Eskom emergency preparedness and response procedures, in particular after the occurrence of accidents or emergency situations. Generation Head Office Portfolios also periodically test the procedure and the preparedness where practicable. It should be noted that in complying to the procedure, every effort shall be made to mitigate and prevent the adverse environmental impacts that arise from emergencies and an accident. For more information about the Emergency Planning for the Megawatt Park Building, contact the following number 011 800 3444 Relevant procedure: 4.5 Emergency Planning: 32-123 Checking and Corrective Action While implementing the EMS, Generation Head Office Portfolios monitor and measure the key characteristics of its operations and activities on a regular basis. These results are recorded together with nonconformity and the corrective action and preventive action. As part of the checking process, a periodic audit on the EMS provide a basis for management review. 4.5.1 Monitoring & Measurement When downloaded from the R - Drive, this document is uncontrolled and the responsibility rests with the user to ensure it is in line with the authorised version on the PIGO database. Environmental Management System (EMS) Manual for Generation Head Office Portfolios Unique Identifier: 36-1030 Revision: Page: 7 Draft 0 23 of 31 Classification: Controlled Disclosure (ISO 14001 Standard Clause 4.5.1) Generation Head Office Portfolios establish, implement and maintain procedures to monitor and measure, on a regular basis, the key characteristics of its operations and activities that have significant impacts on the environment. This includes procedures for tracking of performance, applicable operational controls and conformity with the company’s objectives and targets, as well as the calibration and maintenance of monitoring equipment. The information of environmental monitoring is documented. Relevant procedure: 36-1066 Procedure- Monitoring, Measurement and Evaluation of Compliance 4.5.2 Evaluation of Compliance (ISO 14001 Standard Clause 4.5.2) To meet the company’s commitment to compliance, Generation Head Office Portfolios regularly (bi-annually) monitor and evaluate the compliance status of the applicable environmental legal requirements (section and other requirements (section that the company subscribes to. The records of the results of the periodic evaluations are retained. Relevant procedure: 36-1066 Procedure – Monitoring, Measurement and Evaluation of Compliance 4.5.3 Non Conformity, Corrective and Preventative Action (ISO 14001 Standard Clause 4.5.3) Continual improvement of the EMS is achieved by identifying nonconformity, correcting nonconformity, and preventing nonconformity from occurring again. Regarding nonconformity and its subsequent corrective / preventive action, Generation Head Office Portfolios establish, implement and maintain a procedure which defines the responsibilities and authorities to: handle and investigate nonconformity; take action to mitigate the impacts caused; initiate and complete corrective and preventive actions; ensure that the corrective or preventive actions taken to eliminate the causes of actual and potential nonconformity are appropriate to the magnitude of problems and commensurate with the environmental impacts encountered; record the results of corrective and prevention actions taken; review the effectiveness of corrective action and preventive action taken; implement and record any changes in the documented procedures resulting from corrective and preventive action; and When downloaded from the R - Drive, this document is uncontrolled and the responsibility rests with the user to ensure it is in line with the authorised version on the PIGO database. Environmental Management System (EMS) Manual for Generation Head Office Portfolios Unique Identifier: 36-1030 Revision: Page: 7 Draft 0 24 of 31 Classification: Controlled Disclosure Generation Head Office Portfolios shall also ensure that any necessary changes are made to environmental management documentation. Relevant procedure: 36-1067 Procedure - Nonconformity, Corrective and Preventative Action 4.5.4 Control of Records (ISO 14001 Standard Clause 4.5.4) Records are maintained to keep track of Generation Head Office Portfolios’ environmental performance, to demonstrate conformity to the requirements of the EMS, legal compliance, and to maintain audit trails in accordance with the requirements of ISO 14001 Standard, and the results achieved. Generation Head Office Portfolios establish, implement and maintain a procedure to denote the identification, storage, protection, retrieval, retention and disposition of environmental records, to ensure that such records are legible, identifiable, and traceable to the activity, product or service involved, and that they are stored and maintained in such a way that they are readily retrievable and protected against damage, deterioration or loss. The retention period of each type of environmental records are specified. Relevant procedure: 36-1070 Procedure - Control of Records 4.5.5 Internal Audit (ISO 14001 Standard Clause 4.5.5) Generation Head Office Portfolios plan, establish, implement and maintain a programme and procedures to carry out periodic environmental management system audits to: a) determine whether or not the environmental management system: conforms to planned arrangements for environmental management including the requirements of ISO 14001; and has been properly implemented and maintained; b) provide audit results and information for management review for environmental improvement. The audit programme, including the schedule, is based on the environmental importance of the activities concerned and results from previous audits. The audit procedures cover the audit criteria, scope, frequency and methods, as well as responsibilities and requirements for conducting audits and reporting results and retaining associated records. Generation Head Office Portfolios conduct EMS audits on a regular basis. Timely site environmental audits are required to ensure appropriate preventive actions being taken as planned, and corrective actions being carried out on a timely basis. Relevant procedure: 36-1068 Procedure - Internal Audit When downloaded from the R - Drive, this document is uncontrolled and the responsibility rests with the user to ensure it is in line with the authorised version on the PIGO database. Environmental Management System (EMS) Manual for Generation Head Office Portfolios Classification: Controlled Disclosure 4.6 Unique Identifier: 36-1030 Revision: Page: 7 Draft 0 25 of 31 Management Review (ISO 14001 Standard Clause 4.6) The “plan-do-check-act” cycle require the top management of Generation Head Office Portfolios to act and review the environmental management system periodically to ensure its suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. Before the Review, the EMR shall schedule for the management review and inform all the participants, and gather all relevant records/requirements (such as change in legal requirements) and prepare a summary report (if necessary) for discussion. The Senior Management, EMR, DEMR and Environmental Advisor EMS take part in the annual management review. They assess the work done in the past year in environmental management and evaluate the existing EMS with respect to changes in legislation, concerns of interested parties, business activities, technology and product requirements, and lessons gained from previous experience, etc. 4.6.1 a) The Management Review process covers the following: Portfolios personnel have complied with the SHE Policy and procedures. b) Review recommendations concerning the Generation Head Office Portfolios ISO 14001 EMS in audits and other reviews and how these might be implemented. c) Consider the findings of the internal EMS audit. d) Consider the continued appropriateness of the identified environmental aspects and their significance ratings. e) Review targets, objectives, and environmental performance indicators to establish their continued suitability in light of changing environmental impact and concerns, regulatory developments, concerns among interested parties, market pressures, organisational activity changes, and changes in the environment. f) Determine if targets and objectives are being met. g) Determine if capital resources are adequate for supporting the Generation Head Office Portfolios ISO 14001 EMS requirements. h) Review regulatory compliance. i) Determine root causes of systemic non-conformances. j) Determine if the operational controls, procedures, corrective actions, preventative measures, and continuous Improvement efforts have resulted in enhanced environmental performance. k) Document changes that result in process improvement. l) Determine if energy efficiencies, accounting practices and information management systems are adequate. m) Determine areas of improvement in organisational structure, staff expertise, practices, administrative and operational procedures, training, work instructions, process improvements, pollution prevention programs, energy utilisation and accounting practices which may lead to environmental opportunities. n) Formulate corrective actions and preventative measures as a result of the review of non conformance o) Verify that corrective actions have been effective and appropriate. When downloaded from the R - Drive, this document is uncontrolled and the responsibility rests with the user to ensure it is in line with the authorised version on the PIGO database. Environmental Management System (EMS) Manual for Generation Head Office Portfolios Unique Identifier: 36-1030 Revision: Page: 7 Draft 0 26 of 31 Classification: Controlled Disclosure The review shall initiate a new “plan-do-check-act” cycle with improvements in Generation Head Office Portfolios’ environmental performance and further enhancement of the EMS. Findings from the management review shall be recorded in the meeting minutes and the EMR shall retain it as an EMS record. Maintenance of the records shall be in accordance with 36-1070 Procedure – Control of Records. A strategic management review shall be convened once annually. In addition a review shall be held in workshop mode prior to the strategic MR. This ensures that weaknesses are identified early, noted and recorded but is not necessarily amended immediately. Noted weaknesses are presented at the formal EMS Management Review and only then are amendments proposed and implemented. The only exception to this is in cases where the anomaly is critical and requires immediate attention. Management review to be conducted during the period August to October to ensure that all the resource requirements to address the significant environmental aspects are included in the business plan. This will ensure that resources are allocated in the next financial cycle commencing the 1st of April the following year. 4.6.2 The Management Review agenda The agenda includes the following standard agenda points as a minimum to review aspects of the EMS: Item Description 1. Opening, Welcome and Apologies 2. Declaration of Interest 3. Health and Safety 4. Acceptance of Agenda 5. Confirmation and Correction of Previous Minutes 6. Matters Arising from Previous Meeting 7. Management Review 7.1 Discussion around general EMS issues (scope, SHE Policy, etc,) 7.2 Audit Results (Internal and External) 7.3 Communication – External interested parties incl. complaints 7.4 Training, Awareness and Competence 7.5 Environmental Performance 7.5 Status of Targets and Objectives 7.6 Status of Corrective & Preventive Action (audits, incidents, etc.) 7.7 Follow-up Actions from Previous Management Review When downloaded from the R - Drive, this document is uncontrolled and the responsibility rests with the user to ensure it is in line with the authorised version on the PIGO database. Environmental Management System (EMS) Manual for Generation Head Office Portfolios Unique Identifier: 36-1030 Revision: Page: 7 Draft 0 27 of 31 Classification: Controlled Disclosure 7.8 Changes (EMS, Legislation and other Requirements, etc.) 7.9 Recommendations for Improvement (DER feedback, Practitioner forum feedback) 7.10 Management Review Outputs (EMS implementation and Suitability) 8. General 9. Closure 4.6.3 Additional Reviews In addition to the annual EMS Management Review, additional reviews on various sections of the system e.g. the database actions, progress reports, Legislation, EMP action status and so on, is conducted on a regular basis or as determined by business needs. The findings of the review are documented and implemented in the new cycle. 4.6.4 Database Review Regular updating of the database is also regarded as part of the EMS review process. During the review, the System Administrator updates actions, EMPs and progress reports on the database, with inputs from the various Departmental Managers 4.6.5 Review at Departmental level In addition, environmental meetings, at intervals appropriately determined, are held at departmental level to monitor the progress of the implementation of the departmental EMP. Results from these meetings are also utilised to review the EMS as and when necessary. . 5 Records This manual generates no records 6 Annexes The following Annexes are attached: Annex 1 – Cross Reference of Topics from ISO 14001:2004 to 36-1030 7 Revision Information Date 2002 Rev 1 Draft 0 Remarks New document established by GEM Nico Gewers 2003 2 Draft 0 Changes wrt the restructuring of Generation Division, including those applicable on Generation Head Office Changes wrt the the frequency of EMS Management Reviews to be held at Generation Head Office Changes wrt strategies to meet the objectives of the Eskom SHE Policy, as proposed at the EMS Management Review held on 20 May 2003 When downloaded from the R - Drive, this document is uncontrolled and the responsibility rests with the user to ensure it is in line with the authorised version on the PIGO database. Environmental Management System (EMS) Manual for Generation Head Office Portfolios Classification: Controlled Disclosure 2005 3 Draft 0 Revision: Page: 7 Draft 0 28 of 31 Changes wrt updates on environmental legislation applicable on Generation Head Office Amendment of the manual ito the SANS ISO 14001: 2004 EMS Standard – Code of Practice Changes wrt the restructuring of Generation Division, including those applicable on Generation Head Office Changes wrt the frequency of EMS Management Reviews to be held at Generation Head Office 4 Draft 0 36-1030 July 2007 Unique Identifier: Changing of the Scope of the EMS, including the updating of the Generation Head Office organogram structure Revision of the Document Control Procedure to reflect the introduction GEMDOC Amendment of Environmental Management Programme The exclusion of the Departmental Environmental Representatives as the point of contact between GEM and the various departments in favour of the various Departmental Managers Introduction of work instruction gemdoc filing system index [gho env w. 09] work instruction September 2007 5 Draft 0 Management Structure of Generation Head Office 2008-08-20 6 Draft 0 Update the previous manual to the new format for manuals New structure for Eskom Generation Division. Update information to close-out the findings of the previous external audit. 2008-10-16 7 Draft 0 Remove Procedures and Works Instructions from the manual Reference relevant procedures in Manual When downloaded from the R - Drive, this document is uncontrolled and the responsibility rests with the user to ensure it is in line with the authorised version on the PIGO database. Environmental Management System (EMS) Manual for Generation Head Office Portfolios Classification: Controlled Disclosure 8 Unique Identifier: 36-1030 Revision: Page: 7 Draft 0 29 of 31 Seen and Accepted This Document has been seen and accepted by: Martin Buys Gx Manager Finance Elsie Pule Gx Manager Human Resources When downloaded from the R - Drive, this document is uncontrolled and the responsibility rests with the user to ensure it is in line with the authorised version on the PIGO database. Environmental Management System (EMS) Manual for Generation Head Office Portfolios Classification: Controlled Disclosure Unique Identifier: 36-1030 Revision: Page: 7 Draft 0 30 of 31 Annex 1 – Cross Reference of Topics from ISO14001:2004 to 36-1030 ISO 14001:200 4 Para # 1. 1.1 1.2 2. 3. 4. ISO 14001:2004 Description 36-1030 Para # 1. 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 4.1 4.2 Scope General Application Normative References Terms and Definitions Environmental Management System General Requirements Environmental policy 4.3 4.3.1 Planning Environmental aspects 4.3 4.3.1 4.3.2 Legal and other requirements 4.3.2. 4.3.3 4.3.4 4.3.3 4.3.4 4.4.3 Objectives and targets Environmental Management Programme Implementation and operation Resources, roles, responsibility and authority Competence, training and awareness Communication 4.4.4 4.4.5 Documentation Control of documents 4.4.4 4.4.5 4.4 4.4.1. 4.4.2 4.1 4.2 Relevant Policies / Procedure / Work Instructions Reference No’s EPL 32-94 – SHE Policy ELP 32-97 – Environmental Land Policy GGP 1327 - Atmospheric Emission Management Policy GGS 1086 - Standard For Emission Monitoring And Reporting 32-1061 Identification of Environmental Aspects and Significance Evaluation Procedure 36-1062 Review of Legal and Other Requirements Procedure 4.4. 4.4.1 4.4.2 36-1063 Training Procedure 4.4.3 36-1064 Communication Procedure 36-1065 Procedure - Control of Documents. GPC 36-2 Writing and Controlling Management System Documents GST 36-1 Standard For When downloaded from the R - Drive, this document is uncontrolled and the responsibility rests with the user to ensure it is in line with the authorised version on the PIGO database. Environmental Management System (EMS) Manual for Generation Head Office Portfolios Classification: Controlled Disclosure 4.4.6 Operational control 4.4.6 4.4.7 4.4.7 4.5 4.5.1 Emergency preparedness and response Checking Monitoring and Measurement 4.5.2 Evaluation of compliance 4.5.2 4.5.3 Nonconformity, corrective action and preventive action 4.5.3 4.5.4 Control of records 4.5.4 4.5.5 Internal audit 4.5.5 4.6 Management Review 4.6 4.5.1 Unique Identifier: 36-1030 Revision: Page: 7 Draft 0 31 of 31 Management System Documents, Correspondence and Records EPC 32-245 Waste Management Procedure GGP 1087 Environmental Incident Reporting Procedure 36-225 Environmental Monitoring and Reporting Procedure 36-264 Generation Procedure for Reporting on Environmental 36- 259 Generation Environmental Impact Assessment 36-1086 Work Instruction Contractor Management Emergency Planning: 32-123 36-1066 Monitoring, measurement and Evaluation of compliance Procedure 36-1066 Monitoring, measurement and Evaluation of compliance Procedure 36-1067 Nonconformity, Corrective and Preventative Action Procedure GPC 36-3 Procedure for the control of Correspondence and Records 36-1070 Control of Records Procedure 36-1068 Internal Audit Procedure When downloaded from the R - Drive, this document is uncontrolled and the responsibility rests with the user to ensure it is in line with the authorised version on the PIGO database.