Advanced Project Management: A Course Syllabus* Background and course objectives: No business enterprise can survive if it is focused only on improving its operations. Projects are the engines that drive innovations from idea to commercialization. But projects are also the drivers that make organizations better, stronger, and more efficient. Research has shown that a great many projects fail to produce the expected results or are not completed on time or on budget. You may think that projects fail because of poor planning, lack of communication, or inadequate resources; but as the evidence suggests, failure is often found even in well-managed projects that are run by experienced managers and supported by highly regarded organizations. Most project problems are not technical but managerial. Such problems stem from the mind-set and the assumptions that drive the traditional approach to project management, rather than from a lack of process or practice. This course presents a new model, the adaptive and flexible project management model. The model considers the strategic as well as the tactical aspects of project performance in the short term and the long term. To address differences among projects, a diamond-shaped framework is offered to help managers distinguish among projects according to four dimensions: novelty, technology, complexity, and pace (NTCP). The diamond is designed to provide a disciplined tool for analyzing the expected benefits and risks of a project and developing a set of rules and behaviors for each project type. The diamond analysis is also helpful in assessing a project in midcourse, identifying possible gaps in a troubled project, and selecting corrective actions to put the project back on track. Once adopted, the new model will enable its users in planning and execution of projects and will focus the attention on more than just meeting time and budget goals, but rather on meeting or even exceeding business goals. Topics covered: Why traditional project management is not enough? How to define project success? Adaptive Project Management (the Diamond Model) The four bases of project management: Novelty Technology Complexity Pace How to manage product and business innovation How markets and industries affect project management How to manage organizational change How to introduce the Diamond Model to manage your next project * Based on "Reinventing Project Management: The Diamond Approach to Successful Growth and Innovation" (RPM), by Aaron J. Shenhar and Dov Dvir, Harvard Business School Press, 2007. Course layout: Topic 1: A NEW MODEL FOR MANAGING PROJECTS Traditional project management is no longer enough to ensure success in all projects. Even if you do everything by the book, you may still fail. There is a need for a new approach and a new language for managers to understand what project management is all about. Lesson 1: An introduction - Overview of traditional Project Management, why projects still fail, projects as the main tool for achieving business goals, how projects differ and why should we manage different projects in different ways. Reading: RPM Chapter 1 Case for discussion: Los Angeles Metro subway Teaching material: RPM slides part 1 Home assignment: Questions from RPM questions pool Lesson 2: Assessing project success – The multidimensional nature of project success, typical dimensions of project success, short- and long-term success of the project and its product, success measures for different project types, the relative importance of success dimensions and how they change during the project life-cycle. Reading: RPM Chapter 2 Teaching material: RPM slides part 1 Home assignment: Questions from RPM questions pool Lesson 3: The Diamond framework – The adaptive project management model and contingency theory, the four dimensions of the NTCP model (novelty, technology, complexity and pace), how and for what purposes can the model be used in practice. Reading: RPM Chapter 3 Case for discussion: Sony’s Walkman Teaching material: RPM slides part 1 Home assignment: Questions from RPM questions pool Topic 2: THE FOUR BASES OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT The subject of this topic is the four dimensions (bases) of project distinction and how to adapt project management to project’s type. The following four lessons are devoted to answering the question: how do the four project dimensions affect the project organization as well as the product requirements definition, the technical and the managerial processes conducted during project execution. Lesson 4: First base Novelty, how new the product is to the market - the three levels of project novelty: breakthrough, platform and derivative, how to assess product novelty up front and determine the managerial implications during planning phase and what marketing strategy will be best for the product. Reading: RPM Chapter 4 Case for discussion: The Segway personal transportation system Teaching material: RPM slides part 2 Home assignment: Questions from RPM questions pool Lesson 5: Second base Technology, or, more accurately, technological uncertainty — the four levels of technological uncertainty: low-tech, medium-tech, high-tech, and super-high-tech, how technological uncertainty affects project management in technical activities such as design, prototyping, and testing, the special case of super-high-technology projects, the impact of technology on team skills, communication and potential customers' benefits. Reading: RPM Chapter 5 Case for discussion: Denver International Airport Teaching material: RPM slides part 2 Home assignment: Questions from RPM questions pool Case analysis: Tritec Engine Joint Venture (HBS case 9-600-004) Lesson 6: Third base Complexity (project complexity, not product complexity) – the three levels of project complexity: assembly, system and array, how complexity affects project organization and level of formality, managing system projects, the role of system architecting, system engineering and system integration, required skills for managing system and array projects. Reading: RPM Chapter 6 Case for discussion: The English Channel tunnel Teaching material: RPM slides part 2 Home assignment: Questions from RPM questions pool Lesson 7: Fourth base Pace, the urgency and criticality of meeting a project’s time goals - the four levels of pace: regular, fast/competitive, time-critical, and blitz, the impact of pace on project organization and top management support, the role of contingency planning and improvisation in blitz projects. Reading: RPM Chapter 7 Case for discussion: The Y2K problem: A rush to comply Teaching material: RPM slides part 2 Home assignment: Questions from RPM questions pool Case analysis: The Perfect Thing (The iPod case) Topic 3: PUTTING THE DIAMOND MODEL TO WORK Topic Three illustrates the practical application of the diamond model in various contexts and environments. Lesson 8: Managing projects for business and product Innovation - the business needs behind projects and how they can affect project selection as well as specific project management practices, the relationship between project management and innovation, “the innovator’s dilemma” and the customer adoption cycle and project management. Reading: RPM Chapter 8 Case for discussion: The history of the microwave oven Teaching material: RPM slides part 3 Home assignment: Questions from RPM questions pool Case analysis: MS Office 2000 (HBS case 9-600-097) Additional reading: Geoffrey A. Moore, Crossing the Chasm: Marketing and Selling High-Tech Products to Mainstream Customers, 2nd ed. (New York: HarperCollins, 1999); Clayton M. Christensen, The Innovator’s Dilemma (Cambridge, MA: HBS Press, 1997); Clayton M. Christensen and Michael E. Raynor, The Innovator’s Solution (Boston: Harvard Business School Books, 2003). Lesson 9: How markets and industries affect project management - various kinds of customers and markets require various project management styles, the differences in project management among major industries. Reading: RPM Chapter 9 Case for discussion: The wire coating project Teaching material: RPM slides part 3 Home assignment: Questions from RPM questions pool Lesson 10: Planning and managing projects within the existing organizations - how to apply the models in organizations and include the adaptive approach as part of existing project management procedures, how to perform project planning and handle project uncertainty and risk, how to improve project efficiency, and to make outsourcing decisions. Reading: RPM Chapter 10 Case for discussion: The Quadrant model Teaching material: RPM slides part 3 Home assignment: Questions from RPM questions pool Case analysis: The Boeing 767 (HBS case No. 9-688-040) Lesson 11: Reinventing Project Management for Your Organization - what executives and managers need to do to take full advantage of the new approach for the long-term benefits of their organizations, predictions about the future evolution of project management. Reading: RPM Chapter 11 Teaching material: RPM slides part 3 Case analysis: The 787 Encounters Turbulence