Postgraduate med. training - Swiss Society for Aesthetic Medicine

The Swiss Society of Aesthetic Medicine is a member of the International Union of Aesthetic Medicine
Postgraduate medical training rules in aesthetic medicine
The Swiss Society of Aesthetic Medicine, Société Suisse de Médecine Esthétique (SSME),
a member of the Union Internationale de Médecine Esthétique (UIME), enacts below the
necessary conditions to accomplishment of the postgraduate medical training.
1. The postgraduate medical training is an ethical and legal duty according to the article
40 let. B LPMéd for each medical doctor.
2. The majority of the SSME members are also members of the Federatio Medicorum
Helveticorum (FMH), the rules for postgraduate medical training of the FMH applies
to the SSME members too.
3. Each member of the SSME has to be able to testify to 20 points or credits per annum
obtained by attendance of the postgraduated medical trainings as listed in the item four
(4) below.
4. List of points allocated to different postgraduate medical trainings:
The Annual Congress of SSME
1 credit/hour
The European Congress of Aesthetic Medicine
1 credit/hour
The World Congress of Aesthetic Medicine
1 credit/hour
The other Congresses of Aesthetic Medicine or Aesthetic Surgery 1 credit/hour
A paper presentation in an above-mentioned Congress
6 credits
A workshop sponsorized by the SSME
3 credits
A publication in a journal with referee processing
10 credits
The subscription and study of an Aesthetic Medicine Journal in English
(The Cosmetic Surgery Times), in French (Journal de medicine esthétique
et de chirurgie dermatologique), in German, or Italian
5 credits
5. The SSME addresses every three year an attestation for the postgraduate medical
training in aesthetic medicine to each member. A sample of 5% of the members is
checked every year.
6. The contraveners to minimal requirement of Postgraduate medical training rules in
aesthetic medicine have 12 months to complete their training. After this period they
will be exposed to sanctions, up to a possible exclusion of the Society.
Lausanne, March 27, 2008
Doctor Xavier MARTIN
President SSME
Doctor Michel PFULG
Vice President SSME