University of British Columbia Module 4 – Report Navigation TABLE OF CONTENTS C H A P T E R 1 .................................................................................................. 2 OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................ 2 C H A P T E R 2 ................................................................................................ 14 CREATING, INACTIVATING AND MODIFYING CHARTFIELDS ............................................... 14 C H A P T E R 3 ................................................................................................ 25 MONTH-END REPORTS ........................................................................................... 25 DETAIL REPORTS OF TRANSACTIONS ..................................................................... 27 BALANCE SHEET ............................................................................................... 34 PG STATEMENT – FUNDING & EXPENSES; REVENUE & EXPENSES .................................. 39 ROLL-UP REPORT (BY ACCOUNT) ......................................................................... 58 ROLL-UP REPORT (BY FUND)............................................................................... 67 SALARY & BENEFIT COMMITMENTS ....................................................................... 77 STATEMENT OF SALARIES & WAGES PAID ............................................................... 80 BUDGET REPORTS............................................................................................. 83 DOWNLOAD MONTH-END REPORTS TO EXCEL .......................................................... 94 C H A P T E R 4 ................................................................................................ 97 OVER/UNDER EXPENDITURE REPORTING .................................................................... 97 533580735 Page 1 C H A P T E R 1 OVERVIEW Course Objectives This course will provide you with an overview of how to use the various reports available online to manage the financial aspects of your accounts and projects. At the end of this course, you will: Be able to retrieve information using the online tools Be familiar with the various standard reports produced Know how to create, amend and inactivate chartfields Contacts: Inquiries Financial Reporting Budget Office Endowment Accounting Accounts Payable Payroll Research & Trust Accounting Banking/Revenue Accounting Capital Accounting Name Ray McNichol Lorna Marshall Kim Fornelli Sharon Wu Joanne Young Andrew Glynn Michael Chan Lily Fung Telephone 604-822-5770 604-822-6411 604-822-5037 604-822-4493 604-822-8700 604-822-3275 604-822-6779 604-822-0248 E-mail Address In this chapter, the chartfield elements, funds used, and available reporting tools are provided as a refresher. 533580735 Page 2 Topics covered in this chapter include: I Financial Management System (FMS) II Chartfields used to categorize revenues and expenses III Financial Statements I Financial Management System (FMS) Key elements of UBC’s financial system include the following: The accounting applications use a software program called PeopleSoft 8.4. This is a Web based software and includes the modules general ledger, accounts payable, purchasing, accounts receivable and budgeting. PeopleSoft is the database that holds all of UBC’s transactional data. Chartfields are used to keep track of funding and expenditures. Combinations of the various chartfield components allow the University to summarize and monitor the activity of the entire organization or the activity of a single project/grant (P/G). FMS nQuery is a UBC-developed Web based reporting tool. This program is used for chartfield lookups, accounts payable invoice and vendor lookups, purchase order details and general ledger transaction information for a P/G. Reporting tools such as the month end and over/under reports and the PeopleSoft tools of nVision and Query are key to monitoring the financial aspect of all areas of UBC. II Chartfields used to Categorize Revenues and Expenses UBC uses up to 8 chartfield elements to categorize transactions. The combination of chartfield elements used will determine what project or department the revenue or expense item is associated with. The key elements used by UBC are as follows: 1. Business Unit 2. Account 3. Fund 4. Department (DeptID) 5. Program 6. Project/Grant (P/G) 7. Budget/Fiscal Year 8. Accounting Period 533580735 Page 3 1. BUSINESS UNIT The Business Unit chartfield identifies separate legal entities or the separate areas of the University of British Columbia. For general ledger and reporting, only the business unit of UBC is used. For accounts payable, a business unit is assigned to each area entering directly into the system. Structure: Three to five alpha/numeric characters: e.g. UBC Requirements: Required for all transactions and defaults to "UBC". Business Units are set up only by the Finance department. 2. ACCOUNT The Account chartfield defines the type of transactions. Examples of transactions include expenses, such as postage or office supplies, and revenues, such as food sales. Structure: Six numeric characters: e.g. 999999 Requirements: Required for all FMS transactions. 3. FUND The Fund chartfield classifies assets, liabilities, revenue and related expenses according to purpose as defined below. In fund accounting, all revenues received must be classified and deposited to the appropriate fund. Structure: Five alpha/numeric characters: e.g. G0000 Requirements: Required for all FMS transactions. 3.1 General Purpose Operating Fund (GPOF) (G0000) This fund records all transactions applicable to revenues received or earned for general use in the University’s operations. The revenues are accumulated centrally and made available to Faculties, Departments, etc. through the GPO budget allocation process managed by the University Budget Office. Requirements: G0000 is used for all activity in this fund. Features: o Carryforward of 5% of operating budget by VP area or Faculty. o Revenues are not to be deposited to GPO Fund, although certain cost reductions are permitted o Benefits (except vacation pay) are applied centrally. o This is a budget-based fund, meaning the amount available for spending compares actual expenditures (excluding interfund transfers) to the budget amount (not actual revenue received). 533580735 Page 4 3.2 Fee for Service Fund (F0000 and F1000) This fund records all transactions applicable to revenues generated by University Faculties, Departments, etc. that are generated on a fee-for-service basis, as well as Teaching & Learning Enhancement Fund grants. These funds support or supplement the General Operating Fund allocations of these departments. Requirements: F0000 and F1000 are used for all activity in this fund. Features: o Fee for service funds are managed by the responsible department and have no external restrictions on their use. o This is a revenue-based fund, meaning the balance available for spending compares actual expenditures and interfund transfers against actual revenue received (not a budgeted amount). o Funds do not lapse at year-end. o Benefits are charged directly to the fee for service P/G. o Overexpenditures are not permitted. Reviews are conducted regularly throughout the year. 3.3 Continuing Studies Fund (Cnnnn) This fund records all transactions applicable to student fees and other revenues received to deliver non-credit, distance education and extra-sessional programs. Requirements: o A separate fund code (Cnnnn) is used for each Continuing Studies operation. o Two examples are: Commerce Professional Programs C0013, and Forestry Continuing Studies Network C0016. Features: o Balances carry forward to the next fiscal year. o Benefits are charged directly to the Continuing Studies P/G. o Continuing studies is a revenue-based fund. 3.4 Awards Fund (W0000) This fund records all transactions applicable to grants received for Student Awards. The use of these funds is restricted by the donor or granting agency. This is used by the Awards Office and Graduate Studies only. Requirements: W0000 is used for all award fund activity. Features: o The awards fund is a budget-based fund. o Balances carry forward to the next fiscal year. 533580735 Page 5 3.5 Specific Purpose Fund (Snnnn) This fund records all transactions applicable to donations, grants and contract revenues received for Specific Purposes other than Student Awards, Research or Capital. The use of these funds is restricted by the donor or granting agency. Specific purpose is a budget-based fund. Requirements: o S1000 is used for all trust (donation-type) activity. o S0000 is used for Specific Purpose (Non-Research) grants and contracts received. o When a single pool of funds is used for numerous Projects/Grants, these funds use a separate Snnnn fund. Features: o Balances carry forward to the next fiscal year. o Benefits are charged directly to the Specific Purpose Fund P/G. o Expense budgets are established in various Projects/Grants, and expenses are coded to the appropriate P/G, DeptID, and Fund. o Revenue is collected and credited to the Fund, DeptID. o Overexpenditures are not permitted. Refer to Policy No. 90 – Overexpenditures o For non-research contracts S P/Gs, a 2% overhead rate (on total budget) is charged by Treasury. on Research and Specific Purpose Trust Projects/Grants. A specific purpose P/G can only be requested if “Yes” is the answer to all of the following questions: o Is there a limited defined period for the P/G? o Does the donor restrict the use of funds? o Are there milestones or financial reporting required as part of the contract? o Is there revenue to be received on this P/G (as opposed to an interfund transfer) and does the revenue need to stay recorded at the P/G level? o Does the year-end surplus of this account need to remain at the P/G and Fund level to be carried forward year after year? 533580735 Page 6 3.6 Endowment Fund (Ennnn) This fund records the principal and related investment income that has been endowed. The principal may not be spent. The use of investment income derived from the principal is restricted by the terms of "deeds" that are established for each fund. These principal funds may be established by directions from the donor or by decisions of the University. Requirements: o Ennnn is used for all Endowment fund activity. o Each Endowment Fund has a single P/G and DeptID, unless income generated from endowments is managed on a "pooled" basis. o When income is "pooled," the endowment fund has more than one P/G and DeptID: o Revenue collected is credited to the Fund and DeptID, but not to a specific P/G. Expense budgets are established in various Projects/Grants, and expenses are coded to the appropriate P/G, DeptID, and Fund. Examples include: Killam General, Killam Salary, Killam Advanced Studies. Features: o Balances carry forward to the next fiscal year. o Benefits are charged directly to the Specific Purpose Fund P/G. o Endowments have a funding allocation equal to 5% of endowment principal. Investment income greater than 5% is capitalized in the endowment fund. o Overexpenditures are not permitted. o Endowment funds are budget-based funds. 3.7 Sponsored Research Fund (Rnnnn) This fund records all transactions applicable to donations, grants and contract monies received for Research. The use of these funds is usually restricted by the donor or granting agency. Requirements: o R0000 is used for most Research grants and contracts. o When income is "pooled," the Sponsored Research fund will have more than one P/G and DeptID: o Revenue collected is credited to the Fund and Department ID, but not to a specific P/G. Expense budgets are established in various Projects/Grants, and expenses are coded to the appropriate P/G, DeptID, and Fund. Examples include: NSERC R8000; MRC R9000. 533580735 Page 7 Features: o Balances carry forward to the next fiscal year. o Benefits are charged directly to the Research Fund P/G. o Overexpenditures are not permitted. Refer to Policy No. 90 – Overexpenditures o Research is a budget-based fund. on Research and Specific Purpose Trust Projects/Grants. 3.8 Ancillary Fund (Annnn) This fund records all transactions applicable to income generated by UBC’s Ancillary Operations. Ancillary Operations are fully self-sufficient and receive no direct or indirect subsidy from the University. Ancillary Operations are defined by the Board of Governors and include the following specific operations: Sport and Recreation Applied Research and Evaluation Services Bookstore Food Services Green College Housing and Conferences The Media Group Parking Services Plant Operations Information Technology Utilities St. John’s College Robson Square Requirements: o A separate code (Annnn) is used for each Ancillary Operation. o Examples include: Bookstore A0200; Sport and Recreation A0900 Features: o Balances carry forward to the next fiscal year by Ancillary. o Ancillaries are fully self-sufficient and pay all costs including benefits, University infrastructure, administrative overhead, interest. o Ancillary funds are revenue-based. 533580735 Page 8 3.9 Capital Fund (Pnnnn) This fund records all transactions applicable to donations and grants received for construction, minor capital, or equipment (other than research as funding for research equipment is usually accounted for in the Research Fund). The use of these monies is usually restricted by the donor or granting agency. Requirements: o A separate code (Pnnnn) is used for each Capital Project. o Different phases of a project can be captured in multiple P/Gs which are associated to a single fund. For example: 2005/06 Province of BC Equipment Grant P0013 UBCO Arts and Sciences Building (Construction project) P3022 Features: o Balances carry forward to the next fiscal year. o Overexpenditures are not permitted. o Capital is a budget-based fund. 3.10 Conference or Agency Fund (Z0000) This fund records non-University activity managed at the University by University members, primarily conferences held at UBC on behalf of external associations. This fund is not included in the University’s operations for external reporting. Requirements: Z0000 is used for all activity in this fund. Features: o Balances carry forward to the next fiscal year. o Overexpenditures are not permitted. o Agency is a revenue-based fund. 4. Department ID or DeptID (Organization) A department is any academic or other organizational unit that has defined fiscal, administrative and budgetary responsibility. Some examples include Botany, Mechanical Engineering, Surgery etc. Note: Some FMS online pages refer to DeptID’s as "Organization." These terms are used interchangeably. Structure: Six numeric characters: e.g. 125003 o o First four digits centrally defined 1st and 2nd digits = faculty or administrative unit 3rd and 4th digits = department within faculty or admin unit Last two digits - sub-department/division and are determined by the user 533580735 Page 9 DeptID's that start with "9" are used to identify central university activities which might be managed by a specific department on behalf of UBC. For example, the province of BC Operating Grant is administered by the Budget Office on behalf of the University. The DeptID for this grant begins with a "9". The 2nd through 6th digits of this DeptID are first 4 digits of the Department that is responsible for the activity. Requirements: Department ID is required for all transactions. 5. Program Code The Program field groups related activities and transactions that are directed towards accomplishing a set of objectives. This chartfield is user-defined to enhance reporting flexibility, and may be used in combination with any other FMS chartfield. Structure: Five alpha/numeric characters: e.g. ADMIN Requirements: The Program field is optional. 6. Project/Grant (P/G) The Project/Grant (P/G) chartfield is used to track assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenses to a specific activity/grant/contract, for both actual and budget transactions. Structure: Eight alpha/numeric characters: e.g. 12S30472 o 1st two digits refer to Faculty or Vice Presidential area o 3rd digit refers to fund group o 4th-8th digits identify the project Requirements: When a DeptID and/or Fund are linked to a specific Project/Grant, that DeptID and/or Fund must be used whenever the specified P/G is used. 7. Budget/Fiscal Year The budget year is the same as the fiscal year. Structure: Four numeric characters: e.g. 2006 Requirements: Defaults to the current budget year, but may be overridden in special circumstances Fiscal year is the 12-month period starting on April 1 and ending on March 31. This is the University’s fiscal year. Some research P/Gs can have a fiscal year that starts and ends on a different month, but these P/Gs are not typical. The calendar year in which the final fiscal period ends names the fiscal year. UBC’s current fiscal year is 2006 since the last period of the University’s year is March, 2006. 533580735 Page 10 8. Accounting Period Accounting periods range from 1 to 12. The first month in the fiscal year is accounting period 1 and the last month in the fiscal year is accounting period 12. For UBC, accounting period 1 is April and accounting period 12 is March. For example, a transaction coded to June 15, 2005 would have a fiscal year of 2006 and an accounting period of 3. Speedcharts Speedcharts are four character codes that represent an entire chartfield combination (excluding the account number). The code is used to speed up data entry. III Financial Statements There are three main statements produced on a regular basis. They are as follows: o Month End Reports – There are nine reports produced with varying levels of summarization. The Roll-up Reports contain the most summarized information. The P/G statements show the activity for each individual P/G within an area of responsibility. The Balance Sheet highlights all non-revenue and expense activity and balances. The Detail Reports of Transactions lists every entry processed for the period in question. The Statement of Salary and Wages shows what has been paid by employee and by chartfield. The Salary and Benefit Commitment report contains the amount of salary, by employee, left to be paid for the remainder of the fiscal year. Finally, the Budget Reports show departmental budget variances summarized by fund category and P/G, or fund category and account. o Over/Under Reports – These reports are produced by P/G and by DeptID for an area. The reports list the funding/revenue received to date, the expenses to date and finally the Purchase Order and Salary commitments to the end of the fiscal year. 533580735 Page 11 The month end reports and the over/under reports can be found in the Management Systems Portal in the Applications area. 533580735 Page 12 o Annual Financial Statements – The University’s audited statements including the Vice President Administration and Finance report. The annual financial statements can be found in the Finance Web site under the External Financial Reports folder. 533580735 Page 13 C H A P T E R 2 CREATING, INACTIVATING AND MODIFYING CHARTFIELDS This chapter discusses the process of creating and inactivating chartfields, as well as modifying information of departments and programs/grants. Changing signing authorities and the role of a security administrator are also discussed. The following forms will be discussed in this chapter: Chartfield Requests – Account, DeptID, Program Chartfield Requests – Project/Grant (Non-Research Only) Request to Inactivate Project/Grant (P/G) Web Access to Financial Management Information System Security Administrator Application Form All completed forms should be forwarded to Financial Services in Vancouver to the attention of: Ellen Ratzlaff in Financial Reporting Telephone No. 604-822-3596 Fax No. 604-822-2417 Some of these forms are available on the Management Systems Portal under Resources. 533580735 Page 14 Chartfield Requests – Account, DeptID, Program 1. This form is used to: Create an account Create, modify, or inactivate a DeptID Create, modify, or inactivate a Program 2. Prior to requesting for an Account, DeptID, or Program to be created, review the list of Accounts, DeptID, or Program in FMS nQuery. If the Account, DeptID, or Program required exists, use this. Otherwise, if the Account, DeptID, or Program does not exist, complete this form. 3. Complete the fields in the Chartfield Requests Form by following these guidelines. ACCOUNT CREATE FIELD DEFINITION AND DESCRIPTION FIELD NAME Account No. Assigned by Financial Services Effective Date Required. Enter the date the account becomes active. Description Required. Enter the account name and provide a brief description of the purpose of the account. Account Category Required. Enter the category or type of account. Type Required. Check the appropriate box: Asset, Liability, Revenue, Expense FIELD NAME DEPT ID – CREATE, MODIFY, INACTIVATE FIELD DEFINITION AND DESCRIPTION Create/Modify/ Inactivate Check the appropriate box. Dept ID Required. Enter the Dept ID to be modified or inactivated, or enter the DeptID to be created (6 characters). Effective Date Required. Enter the date the Dept ID becomes active, inactive, or is modified. Manager Name Required for new Dept IDs only. Description Required for new Dept IDs only (maximum 30 characters). Loc Code Required for new Dept IDs only. Enter the three character location code for Dept ID administrator. Signing Authorities Required for new Dept IDs only. Enter the names (Last,First) of all authorized signatories for this Dept ID. Please print clearly. 533580735 Page 15 FIELD NAME PROGRAM – CREATE, MODIFY, INACTIVATE FIELD DEFINITION AND DESCRIPTION Create/Modify/ Inactivate Check the appropriate box. Program Required. Enter the Program to be modified or inactivated, or enter the Program to be created (5 characters). Effective Date Required. Enter the date the Program becomes active, inactive, or is modified. Manager Name Required for new Programs only. Description Required for new Programs only (maximum 30 characters). FIELD NAME OTHER INFORMATION AND AUTHORIZATION FIELD DEFINITION AND DESCRIPTION Other Information State the name of the person making the chartfield request, his/her department, phone no., and the date request is made. Authorization Print the name of the department or program manager and have him/her sign the request. 533580735 Page 16 533580735 Page 17 Chartfield Requests – Project/Grant (Non-Research Only) 1. This form is used to create or modify a Project/Grant (P/G). 2. Do not use this form to inactivate a P/G. Complete Form GA409 “Request to Inactivate a Project/Grant” instead. 3. Do not use this form to create, modify, or inactivate a Research P/G (RES). Contact Research Services instead. 4. Use this form to create PG’s in any of the following funds: Agency/Conference (Z0000) - AGY Ancillary (Annnn) - ANC Awards (W0000) - AWD Capital (Pnnnn) - CAP Continuing Studies (Cnnnn) - CST Endowment (Ennnn) - END Fee for Service (F0000, F1000) - FFS General Purpose Operating (G0000) - GPO Specific Purpose (Snnnn) - SPP 5. Prior to requesting for a P/G to be created, review the list of P/Gs in FMS nQuery. If the P/G required already exists, use this. Otherwise, if the P/G does not exist, complete this form. 533580735 Page 18 6. Complete the fields in the Chartfield Request Form by following these guidelines. FIELD NAME FIELD DEFINITION AND DESCRIPTION Modify/Create Check the appropriate box. PG Number Required. For new PGs in the following funds, please specify all eight characters of the PG number using the guidelines specified below: General Purpose Operating, Fee for Service, Continuing Studies, Ancillary 1st two digits refer to Faculty or Vice Presidential area (= 1st two digits of Dept ID) 3rd digit refers to Fund group (= 1st character of Fund) 4th – 8th digits are specified by the department For all other funds, the PG number will be assigned by Financial Services. Effective Date Required. Enter the date the PG becomes active, or the date the modification takes effect. Descr (PG Name) Required for new PG’s only. Enter PG name or description (maximum 30 characters). Fund Required for new PGs in the following funds: Awards (W0000), Endowment (Ennnn), Capital (Pnnnn), Conference/Agency (Z0000) and Specific Purpose (Snnnn). Enter the Fund to which the PG is linked. For all other funds, complete this box if the PG can be used only with a specific Fund. If the PG can be used across multiple Funds, leave this box blank. Dept ID Required for new PGs in the following funds: Awards (W0000), Endowment (Ennnn), Capital (Pnnnn), Conference/Agency (Z0000) and Specific Purpose (Snnnn). Enter the DeptID to which the PG is linked. For all other funds, complete this box if the PG can be used only with a specific DeptID. If the PG can be used across multiple DeptIDs, leave this box blank. Location Code Required for new PG’s only. Enter the three character location code of the originating department. Manager Name Required for new PG’s only. Enter one manager name only (Last,First). Long Description/ Purpose Required. Enter the purpose of the PG or the type of activity. Source of Funds Required. Enter the major revenue source. Signing Authorities Required for new PGs only. Enter the names (Last,First) of all authorized signatories for this PG. Please print clearly. New PG’s Only Check the appropriate box, if applicable: Check the first box if the PG activity involves the sale of GST taxable goods or services (provide the taxable % of sales). Check the second box if the new PG is linked to a specific Fund or DeptID. Check the third box if salary expenses can be charged to the new PG. Other Information Required. Complete all fields. Authorization Required. Complete all fields. Requests should be approved by a Department Head or Senior Financial Manager. 533580735 Page 19 533580735 Page 20 Request to Inactivate Project/Grant (P/G) Non-Research 1. This form is used to inactivate a Non-Research Project/Grant (P/G). 2. Do not use this form to inactivate a Research P/G. Contact Research and Trust Accounting instead. 3. Before a P/G is inactivated, determine if there are any commitments and automatic charges for this P/G such as telephone, payroll, computing services, outstanding travel advance, purchase orders. If there are, arrange to have these commitments and automatic charges stopped, deleted, or transferred to an alternate P/G. 4. Before a P/G is inactivated, check the remaining balance of the P/G in FMS nQuery. Determine if the remaining balance will be refunded to the grantor, or transferred to another P/G using a journal voucher. 5. Complete the fields in the Request to Inactivate Project/Grant by following these guidelines. FIELD NAME FIELD DEFINITION AND DESCRIPTION Date Required. Specify the date when the request is made to inactive P/G. P/G to be inactivated Required. Specify the P/G to be inactivated. Remaining balance Check the appropriate box on how the remaining balance should be handled. Specific instructions Indicate any instructions specific to the handling of the remaining balance. Alternate P/G Specify the alternate P/G where the automatic charges and commitments will be transferred and to which future transactions can be applied. Alternate P/G Manager Name Specify the manager of the alternate P/G. Contact Person/ Telephone No. Required. Specify the contact person who requested for the inactivation of the P/G and contact information. Signatures Required. Obtain the signature of the P/G manager whose P/G will be inactivated, and the signature of the alternate P/G manager if different. 533580735 Page 21 533580735 Page 22 Security Administrator 1. The Security Administrator is responsible for granting security privileges for their own faculties and departments. He/She is appointed by the Dean or Department Head. 2. The Security Administrator will have the following privileges: Access to all DeptIDs authorized by the Dean or Department Head Update access to manager name, signing authority, and location of departments Update access to manager name, signing authority, description, and location of P/Gs 3. Complete the Web Access to Financial Management Information System Security Administrator Application Form. The fields are self-explanatory. The Dean or Department Head granting authority must the department manager of the listed DeptIDs. 4. If no Security Administrator is assigned to a department or faculty, any changes to the department and/or related P/G information, such as a change in signing authority, must be sent to Financial Services. 533580735 Page 23 533580735 Page 24 C H A P T E R 3 MONTH-END REPORTS This chapter discusses the navigation of the following Month-End Reports on the web: Detail Reports of Transactions Balance Sheet PG Statement – Funding & Expenses PG Statement – Revenues & Expenses Roll Up Report (by Account) Roll Up Report (by Fund) Salary and Benefit Commitments Statement of Salary and Wages Budget Reports A CWL sign on UserID and password is required. Month-End Reports and Over/Under Expenditure Reports can best be accessed using Campus Wide Login (CWL). Save the CWL website in Favorites under the name PeopleSoft CWL Authentication and choose this link everytime Month-End Reports and/or Over/Under Expenditure Reporting are to be accessed. Enter login name and password. A single click should be used in the PeopleSoft FMS system. Avoid using the back arrow, as this will either freeze the system or the user is transported out of the system. 533580735 Page 25 After a successful log-on to CWL, you will automatically be directed to the Management Systems Portal. Select Month-End Reports. You will then be directed to Month-End Reports on the Web. Notes: Only reports in the last six months are available for the Month-End Reports. You can only view reports of departments and/or P/Gs included in your security access. 533580735 Page 26 Detail Report of Transactions Report ID: FMS03100 1. This report contains details of all transactions processed in a month for the particular DeptID and PG requested. 2. The Manager named in the upper left corner of the report is responsible for the transactions included. These transactions should be reconciled to approved business transactions the manager initiated during the month. The total of all transactions for a specific account number should match to the summary for the same account number on the PG Statements. 3. The transactions affect the total balance in the specified chartfield. If amounts are incorrect, errors need to be identified and corrections made. If, at a later date, errors are detected which cause the balance to be in a deficit, the manager may be accountable for the deficit. 4. To get the report on the Web, enter the range of DeptID or one DeptID, and choose the month. You can also select a range of PGs or leave it blank to get all PGs. If you enter a DeptID Start and a PG Start and click on Show Report, the DeptID End and PG End will be populated for you. 533580735 Page 27 5. The following table describes each field and column heading in the report. FIELD NAME TITLES FIELD DEFINITION AND DESCRIPTION LOCATION Title The title of the report is "Report of Transactions" and immediately below the title is the period in which the transactions being reported were recorded in FMS. Center Dept This is the department number in FMS terms, also known as 'DeptID', and the description of the office. Upper left-hand corner Fund This is the FMS fund number and description. Upper left-hand corner PG This is the FMS 'project/grant' number and description. Upper left-hand corner Manager Name This is the person responsible for the PG or DeptID. Upper left-hand corner Location This is the description of the location of the office of the manager for the report. Upper left-hand corner Fiscal Year The fiscal year is used for purposes of including data in UBC financial reports. Fiscal year runs from April 1 to March 31. Note that some PGs can have a fiscal year other than April to March. Upper left-hand corner Acct. Period This is the accounting period of the fiscal year; April is month 1, March is month 12. Upper left-hand corner Speedchart This is a four letter code that represents the Fund, DeptID, PG and Program code. Upper left-hand corner Report ID This is the system number of the report. Upper right-hand corner Page no This is the page number. Upper right-hand corner Run Date This is the date the report was produced. Upper right-hand corner Run Time This is the time the report was produced. Upper right-hand corner HEADING COLUMN HEADINGS HEADING DESCRIPTION Account This identifies the type of income or expense for the transaction. The account number and description are provided on the sub-total line for each account. Program This identifies group-related activities and transactions that are directed towards accomplishing a set of objectives. This is an optional input field that is user-defined and intended to enhance reporting flexibility and may be used in combination with any other FMS chartfield. It is blank in most cases. Line Descr. or Vendor Name/Header Description The line description or vendor name is: for payroll transactions - the name of the expense, or for journal entries - the name of the expense, or for accounts payable transactions - the name of the vendor paid by the transaction. The header description is: for payroll transactions - a system name with the date the payroll was produced. In most cases this is not used by the reader. for journal entries - narrative selected from the description part of the form (the header). for accounts payable - this varies depending on the source of the transaction e.g. telecommunications charges which are provided by interface are "telecomm charges". Journal Dt/Invoice ID Journal date is: the date the transaction was recorded in the system, or the effective date of the transaction where the transaction is system generated, e.g. payroll transactions are system generated and have the applicable pay month attached to them. Invoice ID identifies the vendor's invoice number and is used for accounts payable items only. 533580735 Page 28 COLUMN HEADINGS HEADING DESCRIPTION HEADING Source This identifies the transaction type and generally the location where the transaction was entered into the system, which is also the storage location of the original input document. Please refer to the table below. Header Ref/ Header Reference identifies the pre-printed form reference number on journal vouchers and cash receipts. UBC Ref No UBC Ref No. identifies the pre-printed form reference number for requisition on requisitions for payment. For other accounts payable items, it provides the purchase order number. For payroll transactions, it provides an HRMS system identification number. Line Ref/ Line Ref identifies: Vchr Gross Amt The assigned voucher number for accounts payable transactions. Accounts payable transactions entered by Financial Services are filed in sequence by voucher number. for payroll transactions this is a system assigned number for identifying the transaction. for other transactions (ie, courier transactions which originate in the purchasing department), this reference is generated by the originating system. for journal vouchers or cash receipts, this reference is the journal line reference (an optional field completed by the user). Vchr Gross Amt is the total amount of the voucher including all lines, GST and PST. It only prints for AP Voucher entries. Budget Amount This includes budget transactions entered in the system for the reporting period. Amounts with a dash (-) in front of them are negative amounts, ie budget reductions. Actuals Amount This includes transactions that are real dollar amounts, eg expenses or income. Commitments Amt This includes commitments (also known as encumbrances) for Payroll and Supply Management Purchase Orders. Decreases in commitments are shown with a dash (-) in front of the amount. Line # This is a sequential number assigned by the system to specific lines within a journal. 6. The following table describes the source code and its description. SOURCE CODE ALO APC APP APV BKC BKJ BPB BPJ BPM CAF CCA CCD CCF CCJ CCM CCW CCX CMF CPJ CUA CUD CUF 533580735 DESCRIPTION Allocation Journals Voucher Cancel/Close AP Payments AP Vouchers Bookstore Cash Receipts Bookstore Journal Vouchers Budget Adjust Entries - Budget Office Budget Office Journals Budget Journal Manual Cash American Express Finance Cash Cdn. Adjustment Cash Cdn. Department Cash Cdn. Financial Services C & C Journal Voucher Interface Cash Cdn. Manual Web CDN Cash Receipt Cash Cdn. Other Cash Mastercard Financial Serv. Campus Planning Journal Voucher Cash US Adjustment Cash US Deparmtent Cash US FinancialServices CONTACT Finance - RTA Finance - Gen. Acctg. Finance - A/P Finance - A/P Bookstore Bookstore Budget Office Budget Office Budget Office Finance - Bank Acctg. Finance - Bank Acctg. Originating Dept. Finance - Originator IT Services Originating Dept. Originating Dept. Originating Dept. Finance - Bank Acctg. Land/Bldg. Services Originating Dept. Originating Dept. Finance - Originator PHONE # 2-5718 2-5718 2-6529 2-6529 2-6529 2-2903 2-6779 2-5726 Page 29 SOURCE CODE CUM CUW CUX CVF DDF DOJ DTF ENB ENC ENI FSB ISJ JVD JVF JVM JVX LBC LBD LBE LBJ MPC POJ PUE PUX PUY PYE PYJ RET RSB RSJ RTB SSJ TCJ DESCRIPTION Cash US Manual Web US Cash Receipts Cash US Other Cash Visa Financial Services Direct Deposits Financial Services Development Office Journal Vouchers Due to/from Funds Endowment Budget Entry Endowment Capitalizations Endowment Income Entry Financial Services Budget Investment System Journal Voucher Journal Voucher Department Journal Voucher Financial Services Journal Voucher Manual Journal Voucher Excel Land & Building Cash Receipts Land & Building De-encumbrances Land & Building Encumbrances Land & Building Journals Campus Mail Postage Charges Plant Ops Journal Voucher Purchase Order Encumberances Purchasing Courier Charges Purchasing Brokerage Charges Payroll Commitments Payroll Charges Returned Cheques Research (Orbit) Budget Entry Research (Orbit) Journal Voucher Research & Trust Budget Entry Student Services Journal Voucher Telecommunications Journal Voucher CONTACT Originating Dept. Originating Dept. Originating Dept. Finance - Originator Finance - Bank Acctg. External Affairs Finance - Bank Acctg. Finance - Endowments Finance - Endowments Finance - Endowments Finance - Originator Finance - Endowments Originating Dept. Finance - Originator Originating Dept. Originating Dept. Land/Bldg. Services Land/Bldg. Services Land/Bldg. Services Land/Bldg. Services Campus Mail Plant Ops Supply Management Supply Management Supply Management Finance - Payroll Finance - Payroll Finance - Revenue Acctg. Finance - RTA Finance - RTA Finance - RTA Finance - Tuition Fees ITS - Telecom. PHONE # 2-1907 2-5037 2-5037 2-3596 2-3596 2-4169 2-4169 2-4169 2-4169 2-9333 2-0476 2-2557 2-4105 2-3141 2-0632 2-9934 7. A sample of the Detail Reports of Transactions is on the succeeding page. 533580735 Page 30 533580735 Page 31 Reconciling the Detail Reports of Transactions with other Month End Reports: Total for Dept/Fund/PG of $88,785 in the Actuals Amount column tie to the Total Expenses of $88,785 in the Actual Expenses Current Month column of the PG Statement of Funding and Expenses Report and to the Deficiency (Excess) of Revenue over Expenses of $88,785 in the Current Month column of the Balance Sheet Report. Sub-total for Account 712001: Consulting Fees – External of $29,633 in the Actuals Amount column tie to the Account 712001: Consulting Fees – External of $29,633 in the Actual Expenses Current Month column of the PG Statement of Funding and Expenses Report. Sub-total for Account 541000: Salaries-Staff of $25,427 in the Actuals Amount column tie to the Account 541000 of $25,427 in the Earnings column of the Statement of Salaries and Wages Report and to the Account 541000: SalariesStaff of $25,427 in the Actual Expenses Current Month column of the PG Statement of Funding and Expenses Report. Sub-total for Account 598000: Employee Benefit-Other of $3,289.75 in the Actuals Amount column tie to the Account 598000 of $3,289.75 in the Earnings column of the Statement of Salaries and Wages Report and to the Account 598000: Employee Benefit-Other of $3,289.75 in the Actual Expenses Current Month column of the PG Statement of Funding and Expenses Report. For vendor purchases with GST, 67% of the GST is recoverable from the Canada Revenue Agency. The non-recoverable portion of 33% is charged to the department or PG. A sample calculation follows using the vendor: 907867 Alberta Limited, AP Voucher: 02137064; Total Amount of $3,033.45. Search for the voucher to start. 533580735 Page 32 533580735 198.45 GST Less 132.96 Rebate or recoverable portion = 67% x $198.45 Equals 65.49 Plus 2,835.00 Billed amount Equals 2,900.49 Charged to Department (see page 31 GST payable or non-recoverable portion ) Page 33 Balance Sheet Report ID: FMS03700 1. A balance Sheet is a statement of financial position showing Assets, Liabilities and Equities based on transactions processed in the Financial Management System. 2. This report contains summaries of all transactions to asset or liability accounts. Items not included in the Balance Sheet are commitments, and Revenue and Expense accounts. While revenue and Expense accounts are not reported in detail on the Balance Sheet (they are reported on PG statements), and are summarized under “Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenses”. 3. The report provides the status of the Balance Sheet items at the beginning of the month, total of changes made during the current month, and the Year to Date as at the Date of the report for DeptID and Project/Grant you requested. 4. The Balance Sheet Report is produced for the following funds: General Purpose Operating (G) Fee for Service (F) Continuing Studies (C) Ancillary (A) Agency/Conference (Z) 533580735 Page 34 5. This report provides information for transactions not recorded in the Project Grant Statements for Funding & Expenses or revenues and Expenses. For example, Travel Advances for which you are accountable and which are reported in the balance sheet, represent payments made against your Chartfield but are not reported in your PG statement as an expense until the advance is cleared. 6. Departments should be reconciling Balances in Assets and Liability accounts on a monthly basis. 7. To get the report on the Web, enter the range of DeptID or one DeptID, and choose the month. You can also select a range of PGs or leave it blank to get all PGs. 533580735 Page 35 Reading the Balance Sheet The title of the report is Balance Sheet. Immediately below the title is the “AS OF DATE”. All transactions processed in the year up to and including the “as of” date are included in this report. Left -hand corner identifies the DeptID, Fund, PG, Manager, Location, Fiscal Year, Accounting Period, and Speedchart. Right-hand corner shows the Date and Time the report was ran. Rows Assets ASSETS - All assets CASH - Cash accounts CENTRAL_ACCTS - Central Bank Accounts contact: Michael Chan 822-6779 [110000 - 111999] [112400] - Bank-Returned cheques contact : Edmund Gin 822-2056 DEPT_CASH - Cash Held by Departments [112000 - 112399] [113000 - 118999] DUE_TO_FROM - Due To/From Central Reserves [119000] - Due to/from central cash reserves INVESTMENTS – Investments contact : Gladys Cheung 827-3011 [120000 - 129999] ACCOUNTS_RECEIVABLE - Accounts Receivable contact: Fe Lubigan 822-8612 [130000 - 139999] INVENTORY – Inventory contact: Jean Forward 822- 2635 [150000 - 159999] PREPAID_EXPENSES - Prepaid Expenses [160000 - 169999] CAPITAL_ASSETS - Capital Assets contact : Lily Fung 822- 0248 [180000 - 189999] DUE_TO_FROM - Due To/From Central Reserves – This is a balancing figure which represents the chartfield’s draw from or contribution to the University’s cash reserves. 533580735 Page 36 Liabilities LIABILITIES - All liabilities ACCOUNTS_PAYABLE - Accounts Payable contact: Chuck Erickson 822-4199 [200000 - 243000] LT_EMPLOYEE_BENEFITS - Long Term Employee Benefits [280000 - 289999] LONG_TERM_DEBT - Long Term Debt [251000] - Short term debt-Cert of Approv [260000 - 269999] DFD_CAP_CONTRIB - Deferred Capital Contributions [245000] - Deferred Contr-Restr Funds [271000] - Deferred Capital Contributions [271900] - Amortized Deferred Cap Contr DFD_CAP_CONTRIB - Deferred Capital Contributions – This is exclusive to some P/Gs and is used for financial reporting purposes. Fund Balances The Fund Balance shows the Accumulated balance brought forward for Ancillaries at the beginning of the fiscal year, i.e. this is the Accumulated Excess (deficiency) of Revenues over Expenses from past years. Generally, there is a single balance, though any amounts reserved by Ancillaries are shown separately. A positive (Debit balance) represents a Deficit. A negative (Credit balance) represents a surplus. For other Funds, amounts brought forward are reflected in the PG statements. Deficiency (Excess) of Revenues over Expenses This represents the year-to-date actual revenues & expenses that are reflected on your P/G statement. ** Denotes Sub-totals 533580735 Page 37 Reconciling the Balance Sheet with other Month End Reports: The Deficiency (Excess) of Revenue over Expenses of $88,785 in the Current Month column tie to the Total for Dept/Fund/PG of $88,785 in the Actuals Amount column of the Detail Reports of Transactions Report and to the Total Expenses of $88,785 in the Actual Expenses Current Month column of the PG Statement of Funding and Expenses Report. 533580735 Page 38 PG Statement – Funding & Expenses; Revenue & Expenses Report ID: FMS03202 1. This report summarizes, by account, all transactions processed in the current month and year-to-date for a DeptID and PG. 2. The 'manager' named in the upper left corner of the report is responsible for the transactions attached. This report provides you with a projected balance (or deficit) in your PG, based on your budgeted funding, actual expenses incurred, and commitments expected. 3. This report provides a projected balance or deficit for each PG. A balance indicates there is funding remaining to be spent prior to the end of the PG year. A deficit indicates the PG is overspent and expenses must be transferred to another PG to eliminate this deficit. The actual expenses listed for the month in this report should be matched to the detailed transaction report of expenses, for each account number. This matching will ensure all transactions booked to your PG are valid and accurate. 4. To get the report on the Web, enter the range of DeptID or one DeptID, a range of PG or one PG and choose the month. 533580735 Page 39 5. The following table describes each field and column heading in the report. FIELD NAME TITLES FIELD DEFINITION AND DESCRIPTION LOCATION Title The title of the report is "Project Grant Statement of Funding & Expenses." Immediately below the title is the "as of" date of the report. This date indicates all transactions processed in the year, up to and including the "as of" date, have been included in this report. Center Dept This is the department number in FMS terms, also known as 'DeptID', and the description of the office. Upper left-hand corner Dept Manager This is the person responsible for the DeptID. Upper left-hand corner Fund This is the FMS fund number and description. Upper left-hand corner PG This is the FMS 'project/grant' number and description. Upper left-hand corner PG Manager This is the person responsible for the PG. Upper left-hand corner PG Fiscal Year End This is the year end date of the project or grant (this may not equal UBC fiscal year end). Upper left-hand corner PG Status This indicates if the PG is actively being used, or is inactive. Upper left-hand corner Location This is the description of the location of the office of the manager for the report. Upper left-hand corner Fiscal Year The fiscal year is used for purposes of including data in UBC financial reports. Fiscal year runs from April 1 to March 31. Note that some PGs can have a fiscal year other than April to March. Upper left-hand corner Acct. Period This is the accounting period of the fiscal year; April is month 1, March is month 12. Upper left-hand corner Speedchart This is a four letter code that represents the Fund, DeptID, PG and Program code. Upper left-hand corner PG End Dt The Date when the PG is set to complete Upper left-hand corner Report ID This is the system number of the report. Upper right-hand corner Page no This is the page number. Upper right-hand corner Run Date This is the date the report was produced. Upper right-hand corner Run Time This is the time the report was produced. Upper right-hand corner HEADING COLUMN HEADINGS HEADING DESCRIPTION Account This identifies the type of income or expense for the transaction. The account number is provided. Description This is the name of the account. Funding This is the amount of budget funding allocated to this PG. Actual Expenses/ Current Month These are expenses for the given account for a particular month. Actual Expenses/ Project YTD These are total expenses for the given account for the entire project year to date (up to and including the "as of" date in the title of the report). Balance Before Commitments This is total funding minus actual YTD expenses. This represents the balance remaining that can be spent before the end of the project year. Commitments These are expected (or known) expenses for which no invoice has yet been received. For example, goods ordered but not yet received or paid for. Commitments (or encumbrances) help PG managers track the amount of funding still available, based on all actual and expected expenses. Commitments are established for salary and Supply Management purchase orders. 533580735 Page 40 COLUMN HEADINGS HEADING DESCRIPTION HEADING Projected Balance(Deficit) Amount of funding minus actual expenses and commitments. A balance indicates funding still available to be spent before the end of the PG year. A (deficit) indicates the PG is overspent, and expenses will have to be transferred to another PG to cover the deficit. Percent Used Calculates the percent of funding used to date. If the PG is overspent, this percent will be greater than 100. 6. Other information relevant in reading the report are as follows: A sub-total for each expenditure category is provided on a subtotal line. A subtotal gives the amount of spending in a particular category, summarized for all expenses within that category. For example, the subtotal line for "Supplies & Expenses" would include all accounts in this category. The subtotal line is identified by two asterisks (**) beside each entry on the line. A total for each column is listed at the bottom of the report, underlined with a double line. A summary of the total projected deficit or balance, including commitments, is provided at the bottom of the statement. 7. A sample of the PG Statement – Funding and Expenses report is included in the succeeding page. 533580735 Page 41 533580735 Page 42 Reconciling the PG Statement Funding and Expenses with other Month End Reports: Total Expenses of $88,785 in the Actual Expenses Current Month column tie to the Total for Dept/Fund/PG of $88,785 in the Actuals Amount column of the Detail Report of Transactions Report and to the Deficiency (Excess) of Revenue over Expenses of $88,785 in the Current Month column of the Balance Sheet Report. Account 712001: Consulting Fees – External of $29,633 in the Actual Expenses Current Month column tie to the Sub-total for Account 712001: Consulting Fees – External of $29,633 in the Actuals Amount column of the Detail Reports of Transactions Report. Account 541000: Salaries-Staff of $25,427 in the Actual Expenses Current Month column tie to the Account 541000 of $25,427 in the Earnings column of the Statement of Salaries and Wages Report and to the Sub-total for Account 541000: Salaries-Staff of $25,427 in the Actuals Amount column of the Detail Reports of Transactions Report. Account 598000: Employee Benefit-Other of $3,289.75 in the Actual Expenses Current Month column tie to the Account 598000 of $3,289.75 in the Earnings column of the Statement of Salaries and Wages Report and to the Sub-total for Account 598000: Employee Benefit-Other of $3,289.75 in the Actuals Amount column of the Detail Reports of Transactions Report. Account 541000: Salaries-Staff of $69,626 in the Commitments column tie to the total Salary of $69,626 in the Current Year Remaining Commitment column of the Salary and Benefit Commitments Report. Account 598000: Employee Benefit-Other of $12,533 in the Commitments column tie to the total Benefit of $12,533 in the Current Year Remaining Commitment column of the Salary and Benefit Commitments Report. The Total Expenses for PG 32S123456 of $1,331,928 in the Expenses YTD column tie to the Total Expenses of the same PG of $1,331,928 in the Actual Expenses PG YTD column of the Roll-Up Report (by Fund) Report. 8. The following pages show the PG Statement – Revenue and Expenses Report for the Agency Fund. 533580735 Page 43 533580735 Page 44 533580735 Page 45 533580735 Page 46 533580735 Page 47 533580735 Page 48 533580735 Page 49 533580735 Page 50 533580735 Page 51 533580735 Page 52 533580735 Page 53 533580735 Page 54 533580735 Page 55 533580735 Page 56 Reconciling the PG Statement Revenue and Expenses with other Month End Reports: Total Sales_Services for all P/Gs in the Agency Fund of $2,811,296 tie to the Sales & Services Account of $2,811,296 in the Current Month column of the Roll-Up By Fund/Account Report. Total Investment_Income for all P/Gs in the Agency Fund of $4,331 tie to the Investment Income Account of $4,331 in the Current Month column of the Roll-Up By Fund/Account Report. 533580735 Page 57 Roll-Up Report (by Account) Report ID: FMS03400 1. This report is ideally suited to Deans, Unit Heads, Associate Vice Presidents and Vice Presidents to provide them with an overview of activity within their area of responsibility. 2. The report shows the funding sources, and how much has been spent. A separate report is produced for each DeptID and fund combination. DeptID totals by Fund are then summarized to progressively higher levels within the UBC organization structure right up to the level of the Vice Presidents. 3. To get the report on the Web, enter the range of DeptID or one DeptID, and choose the month. 4. Levels of the Roll-Up Report (by Account) – At the lowest level, these roll-ups tell managers where their resources are, how much has been spent in each Fund. At the higher levels, it summarizes activity by Department, Faculty or Associate VP, and Vice President and by Fund, providing managers with an overview of Funding that is available and how much has been spent. 533580735 Page 58 5. The Roll-Up report contains all the Funds managed by the Department you requested. Each Fund is listed on a new page. The last page contains a summary of all the Funds within the DeptID. 6. Left-hand corner of the report identifies the DeptID, Fund, Manager, Location, Fiscal Year and the accounting period. Right-hand corner shows the Date and Time the report was ran. 7. For each Fund, the report lists Revenues and Expenses by Account Group. * ** 533580735 Denotes Sub-totals by Fund category. Denotes Total of Total Department ID. Page 59 8. The different column headings are explained in the table below. HEADING COLUMN HEADINGS HEADING DESCRIPTION Balance Forward and Current Year Spending (A) For General Purpose Operating Fund (GPOF) – This column includes the unspent budget from prior year being carried forward + the current years funding. Current Month Spending (positive numbers) or Revenues (negative numbers) that occurred in the current month. Month end cut-off dates are issued by Data Management via email notification to Department administrators. YTD (B) Year-to-date, ie all activities recorded to the Fund since the beginning of the Fiscal year (usually April 1). Balance Before Commitments (A-B) Unspent Budget amounts before commitments. Positive amounts represent a surplus. Negative amounts represent deficits. Commitments (C) These represent Purchase Orders set-up by Supply Management that have not been paid or if there is a price difference of the invoice and the purchase order when it was paid. If a purchase order is complete but still has a balance contact Manley Mah with the PO number, PG, account number and amount. Manley will arrange to have the PO closed and the remaining commitment eliminated. (Manley Mah at 822- 9355). For Ancillary Funds (eg A1000) – The balance forward amounts are not reflected on this report. Salaries and Benefits are committed for the whole year when the staff appointment form is entered onto the system. Benefits, except for the GPO fund, are charged to the Department. Projected Balance (A-B-C) This will be balance available for spending to the end of the fiscal year (March 31). 9. A sample of the report by Fund is shown on the succeeding pages. 533580735 Page 60 533580735 Page 61 533580735 Page 62 Dept: Fund: Manager: Location: Fiscal Year: Acct Period: 932200 General-Financial Services Externally Restricted Researchs Merritt,Dana M Gen Services Admin Bldg 2005 9 Balance Forward and Current Year Funding Description Expense Budget Faculty Salaries Sessional Salaries Staff Salaries Benefits Operational Supplies & Expense TOTAL: Dept: Fund: Manager: Location: Fiscal Year: Acct Period: TOTAL: (A) 198,599,506 ------------198,599,506 * ============= 932200 General-Financial Services Ancillary Funds Merritt,Dana M Gen Services Admin Bldg 2005 9 (B) 9 ------------9* ============= Current Month TOTAL REVENUES: Faculty Salaries Sessional Salaries Staff Salaries Benefits Operational Supplies & Expense TOTAL EXPENSES: TOTAL: 533580735 2,907 ------------2,907 * ============= YTD (B) 7,275,018 ------------7,275,018 * ============= Current Month (A) Sales & Services Investment Income YTD Balance Before Commitments (A-B) -1,203,322 -2,907 ------------(1,206,229)* ============= -100,000 66,713,310 ------------66,613,310 * ============= -------------* -------------* ------------- ** ============= 0 ------------0* -------------* ------------- ** ============= FMS03400 75 10/01/05 14:01:06 P Balance Before Commitments (A-B) 198,599,506 100,000 -66,713,310 ------------131,986,196 * ============= rojected Balance (Deficit) Commitments (C) -------------* ============= Rpt ID: Page No. Run Date Run Time (A-B-C) -1,203,322 -2,907 ------------(1,206,229)* ============= FMS03400 76 10/01/05 14:01:06 P rojected Balance (Deficit) Commitments (C) -------------* ============= Rpt ID: Page No. Run Date Run Time THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA DEPARTMENT_ID ROLL-UP BY FUND/ACCOUNT As Of 2004-12-31 Balance Forward and Current Year Funding Description Current Month THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA DEPARTMENT_ID ROLL-UP BY FUND/ACCOUNT As Of 2004-12-31 Balance Forward and Current Year Funding Expense Budget Staff Salaries Benefits Operational Supplies & Expense Capital Expenditures Dept: Fund: Manager: Location: Fiscal Year: Acct Period: (A) -1,203,322 ------------(1,203,322)* ============= 932200 General-Financial Services Capital Funds Merritt,Dana M Gen Services Admin Bldg 2005 9 Description Rpt ID: Page No. Run Date Run Time THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA DEPARTMENT_ID ROLL-UP BY FUND/ACCOUNT As Of 2004-12-31 (A-B-C) 198,599,506 100,000 -66,713,310 ------------131,986,196 * ============= FMS03400 77 10/01/05 14:01:06 YTD Balance Before Commitments Commitments rojected Balance (Deficit) (B) (A-B) (C) (A-B-C) -10 ------------(10)* -------------* ------------(10)** ============= 10 ------------10 * -------------* ------------10 ** ============= P -------------* -------------* ------------- ** ============= 10 ------------10 * -------------* ------------10 ** ============= Page 63 533580735 Page 64 Reconciling the Roll-Up Report (by Account) with other Month End Reports: The Total of the Balance Before Commitments of each of the Funds tie to total of the respective fund in the Roll-Up Report (by Fund) Report. The Sales & Services Account in the Agency Fund of $2,811,296 in the Current Month column tie to the Total Sales_Services for all P/Gs in the Agency Fund of $2,811,296 of the PG Statement – Funding and Expenses Report. The Investment Income Account of $4,331 in the Current Month column tie to the Total Investment_Income for all P/Gs in the Agency Fund of $4,331 of the PG Statement – Funding and Expenses Report. The Total of the Balance Before Commitments for all funds in the department of $139,680,204 tie to total of the Balance Before Commitments for all funds of $139,680,206 (with rounding difference) in the Roll-Up Report (by Fund) Report. 10. A sample of the Faculty/VP Roll-Up Report is below and in the next page. 533580735 Page 65 Reconciling the Faculty/VP Roll-Up Report (by Account) with other Month End Reports: In the VP Roll-Up, the Total of the Balance Before Commitments for AVP Finance of $538,904 tie to total of the Balance Before Commitments for all funds of $538,904 in the Roll-Up Report (by Fund) Report. 533580735 Page 66 Roll-Up Report (by Fund) Report ID: FMS04900 1. This report is distributed to Deans, Unit Heads, Associate Vice Presidents and Vice Presidents to provide them with an overview of activity within their area of responsibility. 2. The report shows the funding sources, and how much has been spent and which Project Grants are running into trouble. A separate report is produced for each DeptID and fund combination. DeptID totals by Fund are then summarized to progressively higher levels within the UBC organization structure right up to the level of the Vice Presidents. 3. To get the report on the Web, enter the range of DeptID or one DeptID, and choose the month. 533580735 Page 67 4. Levels of the Roll-Up Report (by Account) – At the lowest level, these roll-ups tell managers where their resources are, how much has been spent in each Fund. At the higher levels, it summarizes activity by Department, Faculty or Associate VP, and Vice President and by Fund, providing managers with an overview of Funding that is available and how much has been spent. 5. The Roll-Up report contains all the Funds managed by the Department you requested. Each Fund is listed on a new page. The last page contains a summary of all the Funds within the DeptID. 6. Left-hand corner of the report identifies the DeptID, Fund, Manager, Location, Fiscal Year and the accounting period. Right-hand corner shows the Date and Time the report was ran. 7. For each Fund, the report lists Revenues and Expenses by Account Group. * ** 533580735 Denotes Sub-totals by Fund category. Denotes Total of Total Department ID. Page 68 8. The different column headings are explained in the table below. COLUMN HEADINGS HEADING DESCRIPTION HEADING Balance Forward and Current Year Spending (A) For General Purpose Operating Fund (GPOF) – This column includes the unspent budget from prior year being carried forward + the current years funding. Current Month Funding (B) This column is used only for “Budget Based Funds”, ie General Purpose Operating, Specific Purpose, Endowment& Student Loan, Sponsored Research, Capital and Awards. As well, Teaching and Learning Enhancement awards in Fee-for-service will show current year funding. Revenues YTD (C) This column reports revenues deposited to "Revenue Based Funds"-Fee For Service, Continuing Studies, Ancillary, and Agency. Not used for other funds. For Ancillary Funds (eg A1000) – The balance forward amounts are not reflected on this report. Revenues are shown as credits (negative amount) on this report. Expenses YTD (D) Expenses for the year. Balance Before Commitments (A+B-C-D) Unspent Budget amounts before commitments. Positive amounts represent a surplus. Negative amounts represent deficits. Commitments (E) These represent Purchase Orders set-up by Supply Management that have not been paid or if there is a price difference of the invoice and the purchase order when it was paid. If a purchase order is complete but still has a balance contact Manley Mah with the PO number, PG, account number and amount. Manley will arrange to have the PO closed and the remaining commitment eliminated. (Manley Mah at 822- 9355). Salaries and Benefits are committed for the whole year when the staff appointment form is entered onto the system. Benefits, except for the GPO fund, are charged to the Department. Projected Balance (A-B-C) This will be balance available for spending to the end of the fiscal year (March 31). 9. A sample of the report is included in the succeeding pages. 533580735 Page 69 533580735 Page 70 533580735 Page 71 533580735 Page 72 533580735 Page 73 533580735 Page 74 Reconciling the Roll-Up Report (by Fund) with other Month End Reports: The Total of the Balance Before Commitments of each of the Funds tie to total of the respective fund in the Roll-Up Report (by Account) Report. The Total of the Balance Before Commitments for all funds in the department of $139,680,206 tie to total of the Balance Before Commitments for all funds of $139,680,204 (with rounding difference) in the Roll-Up Report (by Account) Report. The Total Expenses for PG 32S123456 of $1,331,928 in the Expenses YTD column tie to the Total Expenses of the same PG of $1,331,928 in the Actual Expenses PG YTD column of the PG Statement of Funding and Expenses Report. 10. A sample of the Faculty/VP Roll-Up Report is below and in the next page. 533580735 Page 75 Reconciling the Faculty/VP Roll-Up Report (by Fund) with other Month End Reports: In the VP Roll-Up, the Total of the Balance Before Commitments for AVP Finance of $538,904 tie to total of the Balance Before Commitments for all funds of $538,904 in the Roll-Up Report (by Account) Report. 533580735 Page 76 Salary & Benefit Commitments Report ID: HRS02200 1. This report contains salary and commitments charged to the DeptID and PG you requested, it also provides the payroll commitments to the end of the fiscal year as well as commitments for the following year. 2. Benefits for the G fund are charged to a central PG. For all other funds, benefits are charged to the PG. 3. To get the report on the Web, enter the range of DeptID or one DeptID, a range of PG or one PG and choose the month. 533580735 Page 77 4. The title of the report is "Salary & Benefit Commitment." Immediately below the title is the fiscal year end of the PG and the “as of” date. 5. Upper left-hand corner identifies the DeptID, Fund, Manager, Location, and the title of the PG. 6. Upper right hand corner of the report is the Report ID, Page No, and the Date and time the report was ran. 7. The report lists employees by employee type, e.g. M&P, Management & Professional. ** *** Denotes Total Commitment for the Account. Denotes Total Commitment for the Chartfield. 8. The different column headings are explained in the table below. COLUMN HEADINGS HEADING DESCRIPTION HEADING First column This is the description of the job. A person can have more than one job. Name This is the name of the employee. Posn Numb This is currently not used. Earn Code This is the type of earning: REG – regular earning RSG – research grant ADM – administrative stipend FEL – fellowship HON – honorarium Chartfield This lists the Fund, PG and DeptID where the charges are being recorded. Effective This is the effective date the employee will be paid this amount. Terminate This is the end date of job assignment. Monthly Amount This is the gross amount before any deductions. Current Year Remaining Commitment This is the aggregate total to be charged to the chartfield to the end of the fiscal year. Next Year Total Commitment This is the amount of charges to the Chartfield for the following fiscal year. If the job assignment end earlier then next fiscal year end, the amount shows the charge until the end of the job assignment. 9. A sample of the report is included in the succeeding page. 533580735 Page 78 Reconciling the Salary & Benefit Commitments Report with other Month End Reports: The total Salary of $69,626 and total Benefit of $12,533 in the Current Year Remaining Commitment column tie to the Account 541000: Salaries-Staff of $69,626 and Account 598000: Employee Benefit-Other of $12,533 in the Commitments column of the PG Statement of Funding and Expenses Report. 533580735 Page 79 Statement of Salaries & Wages Paid Report ID: PDS55400 1. This report contains a breakdown of the employees’ payroll charges to the DeptID and PG you requested for the particular month. 2. Benefits for the G fund are charged to a central PG. For all other funds, benefits are charged to the PG. 3. To get the report on the Web, enter the range of DeptID or one DeptID, a range of PG or one PG and choose the month. 533580735 Page 80 4. The title of the report is "UBC Statement of Salaries and Wages Paid." Immediately below the title is the month of payroll charges. 5. Upper left-hand corner identifies the DeptID, Fund, Manager, Location, and the title of the PG. 6. Upper right hand corner of the report is the Report ID, Page No, and the Date and time the report was ran. 7. The report lists employees alphabetically. *** Denotes Total Earnings and Benefit Charge for the Account. 8. The different column headings are explained in the table below. COLUMN HEADINGS HEADING DESCRIPTION HEADING Name This is the name of the employee. Emplid This is the employee identification at UBC. Acct This is the FMS account code. Earn Code The type of earning, REG – regular earning RSG – research grant ADM – administrative stipend FEL – fellowship HON – honorarium Shift For Hourly pay staff Pay Rate For Hourly pay staff Hours Worked For Hourly pay staff; See web site HOURLY TIME SHEET for more information Earnings Gross amount before any deductions. Benefit Code Benefits Benefit Charge This is the amount of benefits charges. pay by UBC as an employer’s contribution CCP – Canadian Pension Plan UIC – Employment insurance DEN – Dental EAP – Family Assistance Program EHB – Extended Health MSP – Medical Service Plan WCB – Workers’ Compensation STP – Pension BGL – Basic Life 9. A sample of the report is included in the succeeding page. 533580735 Page 81 Reconciling the Salary & Benefit Commitments Report with other Month End Reports: The Account 541000 of $25,427 and the Account 598000 of $3,289.75 in the Earnings column the tie to the Account 541000: Salaries-Staff of $25,427 and the Account 598000: Employee Benefit-Other of $3,289.75 in the Actual Expenses Current Month column of the PG Statement of Funding and Expenses Report and to the Sub-total for Account 541000: SalariesStaff of $25,427 and Account 598000: Employee Benefit-Other of $3,289.75 the in the Actuals Amount column of the Detail Reports of Transactions Report. 533580735 Page 82 Budget Reports 1. The Budget Reports are year-to-date budget to actual variance reports generated monthly to assist managers in measuring their budget to actual activity throughout the year. Information from the Consolidated Budgeting Module is included in all the Budget Reports together with variances against Actuals and Revenue/Funding Allocations. 2. When you click on the Budget Reports button in the Month End Reports on the Web menu, the Budget Reporting window will be displayed. Only reports of DeptIDs included in your security access will be available for review and download. 3. There are three Budget Reports that will run monthly in an Excel format, similar to the Over/Under Reports. These reports include: BDRP002 – Department Budget Variance Report by Fund and P/G o Run by DeptID o Run by Faculty / AVP Level BDRP003 – Department Budget Variance Report by Fund and Account o Run by DeptID o Run by Faculty / AVP Level BDRP004 – Faculty/AVP/Ancillary Budget Variance Report by Fund and DeptID 4. In addition to these three Budget Reports, a dynamic reporting link has been created under FMS nQuery. This Budget Summary link can be accessed under the General Ledger link. It is similar to the current Ledger Summary report, where you select the period and chartfields that you would like to report on, however this report includes additional information relating to the Consolidated Budget. 533580735 Page 83 5. Either Funding or Revenue is presented depending on the type of fund, whether revenue based or budget based. Total Revenues are compared to the Approved Planned Budget amount in the Consolidated Budget to determine the variance for revenue based funds whereas Total Funding Allocation is used for budget-based funds. Revenue Based Funds are: o Fee for Services o Continuing Studies o Ancillary Budget Based Funds are: o General Purpose Operating o Endowments o Awards o Capital o Specific Purpose – Trust o Sponsored Research BDRP002 – Department Budget Variance Report by Fund and P/G 1. This report summarizes by Fund the year-to-date total variance for each P/G. There are two types of report available: BDRP002A – includes the P/Gs for one DeptID BDRP002B – includes the P/Gs for all DeptIDs in the Faculty/Department/Business Unit 2. The Manager named in the upper left corner of the report is responsible for the variance in each P/G. This report provides the year-to-date variance in each PG, based on approved budget, revenues/funding allocation, actual expenses incurred, commitments expected, and transfers recorded. 3. The following table describes each field and column heading in the report. TITLES FIELD DEFINITION AND DESCRIPTION FIELD NAME Report ID This is the name of the report: BDRP002A or BDRP002B Title The title of the report is "Department Budget Variance Report – Summarized by Fund Category and P/G" and immediately below the title is the as of date in which the transactions being reported were recorded in PeopleSoft. Run Date & Time This is the date and time the report was produced. Department This is the DeptID. Manager This is the person responsible for the DeptID, and consequently, all P/Gs included in the DeptID. Project/Grant This identifies P/G used to track assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenses to a specific activity/grant/contract. Description This is the P/G description. 533580735 Page 84 HEADING Funding / Revenues COLUMN HEADINGS HEADING DESCRIPTION Approved Planned Budget This is the total revenues/funding allocation developed for the Consolidated Budget cycle for each P/G. The consolidated budget was developed in the Consolidated Budgeting Module and then merged in the Planning Ledger with budgetary data developed outside of that system (i.e. Research & Specific Purpose funds). Actuals / Funding Allocation / CFwd This is the total revenues posted in the Actuals Ledger for revenue-based funds (actual activity). This is the total funding allocation posted in the Central Ledger for budget-based funds. Carryforwards from prior years are also included. Variance This is the difference between Approved Planned Budget and Actuals/Funding Allocation/Carryforwards. A positive amount is favourable. Expenses and Commitments Approved Planned Budget This is the total expenses developed for the Consolidated Budget for each P/G. The consolidated budget was developed in the Consolidated Budgeting Module and then merged in the Planning Ledger with budgetary data developed outside of that system (i.e. Research & Specific Purpose funds) Actuals & Commitments This is the total expenses posted in the Actuals Ledger (real dollar amounts) plus all commitments or encumbrances. Commitments include Salary to fiscal year-end, unserved Purchase Orders, uncleared Travel Advances, and Prepaid Expenses. Variance This is the difference between Approved Planned Budget and Actuals & Commitments. A positive amount is favourable. Transfers Approved Planned Budget This is the total interfund transfers developed for the Consolidated Budget. This data was merged in the Planning Ledger with budgetary data developed outside of the Consolidated Budget Module for the Research & Specific Purpose funds, for example. Transfers Out are shown as a negative amount, Transfers In are shown as a positive amount. Actuals This is the actual interfund transfers posted in the Actuals Ledger (real transfers). Transfers Out are shown as a negative amount, Transfers In are shown as a positive amount. Variance This is the difference between the Approved Planned Budget and Actuals. A positive amount is favourable. Total Variance This is the sum of all variances in Funding/Revenues, Expenses and Commitment, and Transfers. A surplus is shown as a positive variance to indicate that there is budget remaining to be spent prior to the end of the fiscal year. A deficit is shown as a negative variance to indicate that the P/G is overspent and expenses must be transferred to another P/G to eliminate this deficit. 4. A sample of the two BDRP002 reports is available on the succeeding pages. 533580735 Page 85 This is BDRP002A for DeptID 111111. 533580735 Page 86 This is BDRP002B for Department XYZ. This includes all P/Gs for all DeptIDs under Department XYZ. 533580735 Page 87 BDRP003 – Department Budget Variance Report by Fund and Account 1. This report summarizes by Fund the year-to-date total variance for each account category. There are two types of report available: BDRP003A – includes one DeptID one Fund Type BDRP003B – includes all DeptIDs in the Faculty/Department/Business Unit for each Fund Type 2. Separate variance reports are available for each Fund Type. One DeptID could have multiple variance reports depending on the number of different fund groups used for that DeptID. 3. The following table describes each field and column heading in the report. TITLES FIELD DEFINITION AND DESCRIPTION FIELD NAME Report ID This is the name of the report: BDRP003A or BDRP003B Title The title of the report is "Department Budget Variance Report – by Fund Category and Account" and immediately below the title is the as of date in which the transactions being reported were recorded in PeopleSoft. Run Date & Time This is the date and time the report was produced. Department This is the DeptID. Department Name This is the long description of the DeptID. Fund Category This is the fund for which the report is prepared. HEADING COLUMN HEADINGS HEADING DESCRIPTION Approved Planned Budget This is the total revenues/funding allocation, expenses, and transfers developed for the Consolidated Budget for the DeptID (Planning Ledger). For budget-based funds, revenue lines are zero as any GPOF or Endowment funding (for example) is reflected as a funding allocation which contributes to the Total Funds Available. Funding Allocation For budget-based funds, the funding allocation, carryforwards and expenses are taken from the Central Ledger. All revenue lines are zero as any GPOF or Endowment funding (for example) is reflected as a funding allocation “revenue” line which contributes to the Total Funds Available. For revenue-based funds, this column will have nil entries unless there is a carryforward from prior years. All revenue and expense lines will typically be zero. 533580735 Page 88 HEADING COLUMN HEADINGS HEADING DESCRIPTION Actuals YTD Actuals This is the total of amounts posted in the Actuals Ledger to denote actual activity for the period. For budget-based funds, all revenue lines will be zero. The Funding Allocation and funding Carryforward lines are the same for both the Funding Allocation and YTD Actuals columns. For revenue-based funds, the Funding Allocation line is zero. The Carryforward line in Funds Available will be the same for both the Funding Allocation and YTD Actuals columns. Commitments to YearEnd Commitments include Salary to fiscal year-end, unserved Purchase Orders, uncleared Travel Advances, and Prepaid Expenses. Other Forecast Rev & Exp This column is zero. It is up to the manager to enter any forecasted amount for revenue and expenses for the remainder of the year to arrive at a projected variance for the full fiscal year. Projected Actuals This is the sum of YTD Actuals, Commitments to Year-End and Other Forecast Rev & Exp. This is the projected amount for the full fiscal year. Approved Budget to Actual Variance This is the difference between the Approved Planned Budget and Projected Actuals. A positive amount is favourable. Funding Alloc to Actuals Variance This is the difference between the Funding Allocation and Projected Actuals. A positive amount is favourable. 4. A sample of the two BDRP003 reports is available on the succeeding pages. 533580735 Page 89 This is BDRP003A for DeptID 111111. 533580735 Page 90 This is BDRP003B for Department XYZ. This includes all DeptIDs under Department XYZ. 533580735 Page 91 BDRP004 – Faculty/AVP/Ancillary Budget Variance Report – by Fund and Department 1. This report summarizes by Fund the year-to-date total variance for each DeptID. 2. This report is very similar to the BDRP002 reports, except that this is presented at a more consolidated level. This consolidates all DeptIDs for a Faculty/Department/Business Unit/AVP. 3. A sample of the BDRP004 report is available on the succeeding page. 533580735 Page 92 533580735 Page 93 Download Month-End Reports to Excel 1. Click on the icon “Download to Excel.” 2. A web page is created. This page can be saved as an excel file to a Directory where you can store and retrieve later. 3. Using the menu option under the Tool bar, select File Save As. 533580735 Page 94 4. On the “drop-down arrow” in the field “Save as type”, select Microsoft Excel Workbook. Type in the file name. 533580735 Page 95 5. After the file is saved. Click at the bottom desktop menu bar the hyperlink you just used and close it. Then you can go back to the Excel program and retrieve the Excel file you just saved. You can work with this Excel file as any ordinary Excel file by adding in data or using the information to create different working scenarios. 533580735 Page 96 C H A P T E R 4 OVER/UNDER EXPENDITURE REPORTING This chapter discusses the navigation of the Over/Under Expenditure Reporting on the web. A CWL sign on UserID and password is required. Over/Under Expenditure Reports can best be accessed using Campus Wide Login (CWL). Save the CWL website in Favorites under the name PeopleSoft CWL Authentication and choose this link everytime Over/Under Expenditure Reports are to be accessed. Enter login name and password. A single click should be used in the PeopleSoft FMS system. Avoid using the back arrow, as this will either freeze the system or the user is transported out of the system. 533580735 Page 97 1. After a successful log-on to CWL, you will automatically be directed to the Management Systems Portal. Select Over-Under Reports. 2. You will then be directed to Over-Under Reports on the Web. 3. Only reports of DeptIDs included in your security access is available for download. The Over/Under Expenditure Report is only available for the month immediately preceding the current month. Click on any blue underlined link to look at the report. 4. There are two kinds of Over/Under Expenditure Report, the first one identifies the DeptID and is presented by PG. The second one identifies the Faculty or VP Roll-Up and is presented by DeptID. Both reports are presented by Fund. 533580735 Page 98 5. The following table describes each field and column heading in the report. FIELD NAME TITLES FIELD DEFINITION AND DESCRIPTION Department This is the DeptID or the Faculty or Department Name. Department Name This is the long description of the DeptID. Title The title of the report is "DeptID Over-Under By PG" or “Faculty Over-Under by DeptID”. Immediately below the title is the "as of" date of the report. This date indicates all transactions processed in the year, up to and including the "as of" date, have been included in this report. Run Date & Time This is the date and time the report was produced. Report ID This is the name of the report: PR_OU_D if by PG or PR_OU_F if by DeptID. Layout This is the name of the layout used in nVision from which the report was generated. Scope This is the name of the scope that allows us to create multiple instances of a report from a single report request. HEADING COLUMN HEADINGS HEADING DESCRIPTION PG Number This is the FMS 'project/grant' number. Project/Grant Name This is the description of the PG. PG Manager This is the person responsible for the PG. Balance Forward This is the balance carried forward from the prior year. For Ancillary Funds (eg A1000) and General Purpose Operating Fund (GPOF) – The balance forward amounts are not reflected on this report. Expense Funding For General Purpose Operating Fund (GPOF) – This column includes the unspent budget from prior year being carried forward + the current year’s funding. For budget-based funds other than GPOF – This is the current year’s funding. Actuals (Revenue, Transfers In, Expenses, Transfers Out) Year-to-date revenues, expenses, and transfers that were recorded to the PG or DeptID since the beginning of the Fiscal year (usually April 1). Surplus (Deficit) Before Commitments Unspent Budget amounts before commitments. Positive amounts represent a surplus. Negative amounts represent deficits. For budget-based funds, this is calculated using Balance Forward + Expense Funding – Expenses. For revenue-based funds, this is calculated using Balance Forward + Expense Funding + Revenues + Transfers In – Expenses – Transfers Out. Commitments These represent Purchase Orders set-up by Supply Management that have not been paid or if there is a price difference of the invoice and the purchase order when it was paid. If a purchase order is complete but still has a balance contact Manley Mah with the PO number, PG, account number and amount. Manley will arrange to have the PO closed and the remaining commitment eliminated. (Manley Mah at 822- 9355). Salaries and Benefits are committed for the whole year when the staff appointment form is entered onto the system. Benefits, except for the GPO fund, are charged to the Department. Uncleared travel advances and prepaid expenses are also included here. Projected Balance This will be balance available for spending to the end of the fiscal year (March 31). 6. A sample of the Over-Under Report by PG is available on the succeeding page. 533580735 Page 99 You will be able to retrieve this report if you click on the blue underlined link that contains a DeptID. This report shows the different PGs within that DeptID. 533580735 Page 100 You will be able to retrieve this report if you click on the last blue underlined link for your Faculty or Administrative Unit. This reports shows the different DEPTIDs. 533580735 Page 101 7. The reports are all provided in Excel format. Save all reports in your directory. Reconciling the Over-Under Expenditure Reports: The Projected Balance of DeptID 123456 of $33,339 in the Faculty Over-Under by DeptID Report tie to the total Projected Balance of the same DeptID in the DeptID Over-Under by PG Report. 533580735 Page 102