Division: Social Sciences
Department: Global Studies
Subject Code: HIST Course #: 104
Course Title: History of the United States II
FORM 335
Course Form 335 must be updated at least every five years per AP 765 to include, at a minimum, the following elements. [§335.2]
1. Digital Description:
Credit hours:
Lecture hours:
Lab hours:
BL: [ ]⅓ [ ]½ [ ]⅔ [ ] Other (Indicate fraction or percent)
2. Catalog Description:
History of persons and events that have contributed to life in America from the
Civil War to the present. Topics include Reconstruction of the South; building of an industrialized America, 1865-1898; taming of the West; Spanish-American
War; the Progressive Era of Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson; World
War I; the Uncontrolled Twenties; the Great Depression; World War II; rebuilding a Tired America, 1945-1961; the New America, 1961 to present.
(Core B)
Minimum Grade Required
3. Prerequisites: None
Corequisites: None
4. Learning Outcomes
[These outcomes are necessary to enable students to attain the essential knowledge and skills embodied in the program’s educational objectives.]
Upon successful completion of the course the student will be able to:
Explain the nation’s constitutional ideas and political institutions
Detect the neglect and mythology concerning American history
Demonstrate how America’s current domestic and foreign problems are linked to the past
Evaluate how American values and character are derived from the nation’s experience
Question stereotypes of African-Americans, Native Americans, Asians, women, and other minorities
Apply the historian’s values of objectivity, accuracy, and truth to the study of
American history
Form Template Reviewed & Updated: 10/26/07; 1/11/08; 1/16/09; 7/14/09; 7/14/11; 7/31/12
Division: Social Sciences
Department: Global Studies
Subject Code: HIST Course #: 104
Course Title: History of the United States II
Employ student self-discovery and doubt concerning student politics, opinions, ethics, morality, and values
5. Planned Sequence of Instruction
[These must be designed to help students achieve the learning outcomes.]
Reconstruction High Hopes and Broken Dreams, 1865-1877 ........................... one week
Survival of the Fittest:
Entrepreneurs and Workers in Industrial America, 1865-1900 ................. one week
Conflict and Change in the West, 1865-1902 .................................................... two days
The New Social Patterns of Gilded Age America, 1865-1900 .......................... two days
Political Stalemate and Political Upheaval, 1868-1900 ..................................... two days
Becoming a World Power: America and World Affairs, 1865-1913 ................ one week
The Progressive Era, 1900-1917 ........................................................................ one week
America and the World, 1913-1920 ................................................................... one week
The 1920s, 1920-1928 ....................................................................................... two days
From the Good Times to Hard Times, 1920-1932 ............................................. two days
The New Deal, 1933-1940 ................................................................................. two days
America’s Rise to World Leadership, 1933-1945 ............................................. one week
Truman and Cold War America, 1945-1952 ..................................................... one week
Quest for Consensus, 1952-1960 ....................................................................... two days
Great Promises, Bitter Disappointments, 1960-1968 ........................................ two days
America Under Stress, 1963-1975 ..................................................................... two days
Facing Limits, 1974-1991 .................................................................................. one week
Making New Choices, 1986-1998 ..................................................................... one week
6. Assessment of Student Learning
[Methods of assessment should be appropriate for Learning Outcomes listed above.]
Assessment of student learning outcomes for the course, as required by AP 765, is part of regular curriculum maintenance and/or improvement. The specific plan has been determined by the pertinent faculty involved and is kept on file in the division office.
7. List of Texts, References, Selected Library Resources or other Learning
Materials (code each item based on instructional use): C-Lecture/Laboratory,
A-Lecture, B-Laboratory, LC-Lecture/Clinical, CLN-Clinical, I-Online,
BL-Blended, D-Independent Study, P-Private Lessons, E-Internship,
F-Cooperative Work-Study, FE-Field Experience . [These resources must be easily accessible to students.]
Form Template Reviewed & Updated: 10/26/07; 1/11/08; 1/16/09; 7/14/09; 7/14/11; 7/31/12
Division: Social Sciences
Department: Global Studies
Subject Code: HIST Course #: 104
Course Title: History of the United States II
Berkin, Carol. Making America - Volume B. (Latest Edition). Boston, MA:
Houghton Mifflin Company.
Berkin, Carol and others. Making America: A History of the United States.
Volume II: Since 1865. (Latest Edition). Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin
Brinkley, Alan. American History: A Survey. Volume II (Latest Edition). New
York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Foner, Eric. Give Me Liberty! An American History, Vol. 2. (Latest Edition).
New York, NY: W. W. Norton.
Kennedy, David. M. and others. The Brief American Pageant: A History of the
Republic. Volume II. (Latest Edition). New York, NY: Houghton Mifflin
Martin, James Kirby; Roberts, Randy; Mintz, Steven; McMurry, Linda O.; and
Jones, James H. America and Its People. Volume II. (Latest Edition).
New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Nash, Gary; Jeffrey; Davis, Allen; Howe, John; Frederick, Peter; and Winkler,
Alan. American People. Volume II. (Latest Edition). Boston, MA:
Houghton Mifflin Company.
Oakes, James. Of the People – Comprehensive Vol. I. (Latest Editon). New
York, NY: Oxford University Press USA.
Oakes, James. Of the People – Comprehensive Vol. II. (Latest Editon). New
York, NY: Oxford University Press USA.
Oakes, James. Of the People – Concise Vol. I. (Latest Editon). New York, NY:
Oxford University Press USA.
Oakes, James. Of the People – Concise Vol. II. (Latest Editon). New York, NY:
Oxford University Press USA.
Schaller, Michael. American Horizons – Comprehensive Vol.I. (Latest Edition).
New York, NY: Oxford University Press USA.
Schaller, Michael. American Horizons – Comprehensive Vol.II. (Latest Edition).
New York, NY: Oxford University Press USA.
Schaller, Michael. American Horizons – Concise Vol.I. (Latest Edition). New
York, NY: Oxford University Press USA.
Schaller, Michael. American Horizons – Concise Vol.II. (Latest Edition). New
York, NY: Oxford University Press USA.
Scheller, William. America: A History in Art. (Latest Edition). New York, NY:
Schultz, Kevin M. History: Volume II. (Latest Edition). Belmont, CA.:
Wadsworth Publishing.
Tindall, George Brown, and David Emory Shi. America: A Narrative History.
Volume II. (Latest Edition). New York, NY: W.W. Norton and Company.
Tindall, George B., David E. Shi, and Thomas Lee Pearcy. The Essential
America. Volume II. (Latest Edition). New York, NY: W.W. Norton.
Form Template Reviewed & Updated: 10/26/07; 1/11/08; 1/16/09; 7/14/09; 7/14/11; 7/31/12
Division: Social Sciences
Department: Global Studies
Subject Code: HIST Course #: 104
Course Title: History of the United States II
Berkin, Carol. Making America - Volume B. (Latest Edition). Boston, MA:
Houghton Mifflin Company.
Boyer, Paul S. et al. The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People.
Volume II. (Latest Edition). Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Company.
Brinkley, Alan. The Unfinished Nation, Fourth Edition, Volume II. (Latest
Edition). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.
Brinkley, Alan. American History: A Survey, Volume II. (Latest Edition). New
York, NY: McGraw Hill.
Foner, Eric. Give Me Liberty! An American History, Vol. 2. (Latest Edition).
New York, NY: W. W. Norton.
Gaustad, Edwin and others. Unto a Good Land: A History of the American
People. (Latest Edition). Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans
Publishing Company.
Roark, J.L., Johnson, M.P., Cohen, P.C., Stage, S., Lawson, A. The American
Promise. Volume II: From 1865. (Latest Edition). Bedford/St. Martin,
Boston, New York.
Oakes, James. Of the People – Comprehensive Vol. I. (Latest Editon). New
York, NY: Oxford University Press USA.
Oakes, James. Of the People – Comprehensive Vol. II. (Latest Editon). New
York, NY: Oxford University Press USA.
Oakes, James. Of the People – Concise Vol. I. (Latest Editon). New York, NY:
Oxford University Press USA.
Oakes, James. Of the People – Concise Vol. II. (Latest Editon). New York, NY:
Oxford University Press USA.
Schaller, Michael. American Horizons – Comprehensive Vol.I. (Latest Edition).
New York, NY: Oxford University Press USA.
Schaller, Michael. American Horizons – Comprehensive Vol.II. (Latest Edition).
New York, NY: Oxford University Press USA.
Schaller, Michael. American Horizons – Concise Vol.I. (Latest Edition). New
York, NY: Oxford University Press USA.
Schaller, Michael. American Horizons – Concise Vol.II. (Latest Edition). New
York, NY: Oxford University Press USA.
Scheller, William. America: A History in Art. (Latest Edition). New York, NY:
Schultz, Kevin M. History: Volume II. (Latest Edition). Belmont, CA.:
Wadsworth Publishing.
Tindall, George Brown, and Shi, David Emory. America: A Narrative History,
Brief Seventh Edition, Volume 2. (Latest Edition). New York, NY: W. W.
Norton and Company.
Aronson, Stephen. Fandex Family Field Guides: Presidents. (Latest Edition).
New York, NY: Workman.
Form Template Reviewed & Updated: 10/26/07; 1/11/08; 1/16/09; 7/14/09; 7/14/11; 7/31/12
Division: Social Sciences
Department: Global Studies
Subject Code: HIST Course #: 104
Course Title: History of the United States II
Dickstein, Morris. Gates of Eden: American Culture in the Sixties. (Latest
Edition). New York, NY: Penguin.
Eagles, Charles W. Study Guide. Volume II. (Latest Edition). New York, NY:
W.W.Norton, for George Brown Tindall and David E. Shi’s America: A
Narrative History. Volume II.
Hart, D.G. That Old-Time Religion in Modern America: Evangelical
Protestantism in the Twentieth Century. (Latest Edition). New York, NY:
National Book Network.
Johnson, M.P. Reading the American Past. Selected, Historical Documents.
Volume II: To 1865. (Latest Edition). Bedford/St. Martin, Boston, New
Laskin, David. The Children's Blizzard. (Latest Edition). New York, NY:
Harper Collins.
Limerick, Patricia. The Legacy of Conquest. (Latest Edition). New York, NY:
W. W. Norton.
Marius, R. Page, M.E. A Short Guide to Writing About History. (Latest Edition).
New York, NY: Longman Publishers.
Murphy, Cullen. Are We Rome? The Fall of an Empire and the Fate of America.
(Latest Edition). New York, NY: Houghton Mifflin Company.
Quick Reference World Atlas. (Latest Edition). Chicago, IL: Rand McNally and
Roof, Wade. A Generation of Seekers: The Spiritual Journeys of the Babyboom
Generation. (Latest Edition). San Francisco, CA: Harper/Collins.
Standish, R. and Stacey, C. The American Promise Study Guide. Volume II:
From 1865. (Latest Edition). New York, NY: Perseus Book Groups.
Thompson, William. The American Replacement of Nature: Everyday Acts and
Outrageous Evolution of Economic Life. (Latest Edition). New York,
NY: Bantam Dell Publishing Group.
White, Richard. It's Your Misfortune and None of My Own: A New History of the American West. (Latest Edition). Oklahoma City, OK: University of
Oklahoma Press.
Whitfield, Stephen. The Culture of the Cold War. (Latest Edition). Baltimore,
MD: John Hopkins University Press.
Worster, Donald. Under Western Skies: Nature and History in the American
West. Cambridge, MA: Oxford University Press.
Wright Johns, Bradford. Comic Book Nation: The Transformation of Youth
Culture in America. (Latest Edition). Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins
University Press.
Carruth, Gorton. The Encyclopedia of American Facts and Dates. (Latest
Edition). NewYork, NY: Harper Collins Publishers.
Foner, Eric. Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution: 1863-1877.
(Latest Edition). New York, NY: Harper Collins Publishers.
Form Template Reviewed & Updated: 10/26/07; 1/11/08; 1/16/09; 7/14/09; 7/14/11; 7/31/12
Division: Social Sciences
Department: Global Studies
Subject Code: HIST Course #: 104
Course Title: History of the United States II
Ginger, Ray. Altgeld’s America: The Lincoln Ideal versus Changing Realities.
(Latest Edition). Chicago, IL: Quadrangle Books.
Goodwin, Doris Kearns. No Ordinary Time: Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt:
The Home Front in World War II. (Latest Edition). New York, NY: Simon and Schuster.
Morris, Richard B., and Jeffrey B. Morris. The Encyclopedia of American
History. (Latest Edition). New York, NY: Harper Collins Publishers.
Woodward, C. Vann. The Strange Career of Jim Crow. (Latest Edition). New
York, NY: Oxford University Press.
8. Prepared by Faculty Member: Brian Gurian Date: 2/11/13
9. Approved by Department Chairperson: Brian Gurian Date: 2/11/13
10. Approved by Academic Division Dean: Date: 2/22/13
This course meets all reimbursement requirements of Chapter 335, subchapters A / B.
This course was developed, approved, and offered in accordance with the policies, standards, guidelines, and practices established by the College. It is consistent with the college mission.
If the course described here is a transfer course, it is comparable to similar courses generally accepted for transfer to accredited four-year colleges and universities.
11. Director, Curriculum Compliance: Erika Steenland Date: 2/22/13
12. Provost & VP, Academic Affairs: James E. Baxter, P.G.
Date: 2/27/13
13. Original Date of course approval by the college: 196520
14. Date(s) of subsequent reviews [Indicate change: Learning Outcomes; textbook(s )]:
June 7, 1994, September 2003
Textbooks updated April 2002, April 2003, September 2003, April 2004 (dmt)
Reviewed: 12/2003. Revisions made: List of Texts; Other Learning Materials (dmt)
Reviewed: 12/2004. Revisions made: List of Texts (Adjunct) (pas)
Reviewed: 5/2005. Revisions made: Full-time, Adjunct, Supplemental Textbooks, and Library Resources. (dmt)
Project 3/2006: Revisions made: Learning Outcomes and Supplemental Textbooks {Entered: 7/2005} (dmt)
Revised: Adjunct Textbooks (Entered: 12/2005 (dmt)
Revised: 10/ 2006: Supplemental Textbooks (dmt)
Revised: 2/2007: Supplemental Textbooks (dmt)
Revised: 11/2007: Full-time and Supplemental Textbooks (dmt)
Revised : Adjunct Textbooks (Entered 11/2008) (dmt)
Revised: Supplemental Textbooks (entered 12/2008) (dmt)
Revised: 2/2009: Fulltime, Adjunct and Supplemental Textbooks (dmt)
Revised: 3/2009: Supplemental Textbooks (dmt)
Revised: 5/2010: Supplemental Textbooks (dmt)
Form Template Reviewed & Updated: 10/26/07; 1/11/08; 1/16/09; 7/14/09; 7/14/11; 7/31/12
Division: Social Sciences
Department: Global Studies
Subject Code: HIST Course #: 104
Course Title: History of the United States II
Revised: 2/2011: Supplemental Textbooks (dmt)
Revised: 5/2011: Supplemental Textbooks (dmt)
Revised: 9/2011: Full Time & Adjunct Textbooks (pas)
Revised: 2/2012: Textbooks/Full-time/Adjunct (pas)
Revised: 2/2013: Textbooks/Full-time & Adjunct (pas)
Form Template Reviewed & Updated: 10/26/07; 1/11/08; 1/16/09; 7/14/09; 7/14/11; 7/31/12