COURSE SYLLABUS BUSI 2301-01 BUSINESS LAW INSTRUCTOR: MARK A. WILKENING DIVISION CHAIR DEPT. OF BUSINESS, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, & PUBLIC SERVICE BLINN COLLEGE BRENHAM TX CAMPUS LOCATED IN THE BOB BULLOCK BUILDING OFFICE #107 PH# (979) 830-4438 FAX# 830-4497 OFFICE HOURS: mw 8-9 ; 2:30-3:30 tt 8-9 ; 2-3 TEACHING ROOM: #134 E-MAIL: MWILKENING@BLINN.EDU BUSI 2301 BUSINESS LAW Textbook: West’s Business Law, Alternate Edition, by Jentz, Miller, and Cross. 11th Edition, 2010, Southwestern, Cengage Learning ISBN# 0-324-59616 Objectives: Explain the concepts of law and ethics in business and society, examine the origin and function of the U.S. legal system, compare and contrast civil verses criminal law, compare and contrast the court system and alternative dispute resolution, classify the different types of torts, describe the types of contracts, distinguish between the different types of property law, describe the function of wills, examine the types of negotiable instruments, describe the law of agency and the types of business organizations, describe the procedures in filing bankruptcy, differentiate between the types of antitrust law, differentiate between the types of labor laws. Grading: Students will be given eight major exams during the semester. One of these will be the comprehensive final. All exams have equal weight. If one of the first seven majors is missed for unexcused reasons the final will count twice. If a higher grade is scored on the comprehensive final than on the first seven majors, it will replace the lowest exam grade and count twice. Participation will count as 10% of the overall average. This will include case analysis and other classroom assignments. EXAM 1 Chapters 1-5 GRADING: EXAM 2 Chapters 6-9 A 720 points (90%) EXAM 3 Chapters 10-19 B 640 (80%) EXAM 4 Chapters 20-30 C 560 (70%) EXAM 5 Chapters 31-42 D 480 (60%) EXAM 6 Chapters 43-48 F 479 or below 60% EXAM 7 Chapters 49-50 EXAM 8 COMPREHENSIVE FINAL Tentative Calendar: 8-30-2010 Introduction, Course Syllabus, Pretest, The Legal System 9-2-2010 Chapter 1 Introduction to Law and Legal reasoning 9-7-2010 9-9-2010 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Courts and Alternate Dispute Resolution Court Procedures 9-14-2010 9-16-2010 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Constitutional Authority to Regulate Business Ethics 9-21-2010 9-23-2010 Exam 1 Chapter 6 Intentional Torts 9-28-2010 9-30-2010 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Negligence and Strict Liability Intellectual Property 10-5-2010 10-7-2010 Chapter 9 Exam 2 Criminal Law 10-12-2010 10-14-2010 10-19-2010 Chapters 10-19 Chapters 10-19 Exam 3 Contracts Contracts 10-21-2010 10-26-2010 10-28-2010 11-2-2010 11-4-2010 Chapters 20-23 Chapters 20-23 Chapters 24-27 Chapters 24-30 Exam 4 Sales and Lease Agreements Sales and Warranties Negotiable Instruments Creditors’ Rights, and Bankruptcy 11-9-2010 11-11-2010 11-16-2010 Chapters 31-34 Chapters 35-42 Exam 5 Agency Law Business Organizations 11-18-2010 11-23-2010 11-30-2010 Chapters 43-46 Chapters 47-48 Exam 6 Government Regulation Property Law 12-2-2010 12-7-2010 12-9-2010 Chapters 49-50 Chapters 49-50 Exam 7 Insurance, Wills Insurance, Wills As per Blinn Final Exam Schedule Final Exam CLASS POLICIES 1. Participation - If a student has no more than 1 absence for TT or MW days and participates in class discussions, assignments, etc., an additional 10 points will be added to his or her total. (Also see Attendance Policy) 2. Conduct- No eating or drinking in the classroom. Academic Dishonesty will not be allowed as per Blinn Policy. 3. Make-Up Exams - There will be no make-up exams. Anyone who will miss an exam because of an excused or school function should make an arrangement with me to take the exam in advance. If an exam is missed, the final will count twice. If two exams are missed, the student will fail. 4. Final Course Grade - The course grade will be determined by adding the grades from all exams plus any bonus points. All exams, including the final, will have equal weight. However, the comprehensive final can replace a lower major exam score. 5. Bonus Points - Extra points may be obtained through attendance, assigned projects, special projects, and classroom quizzes. 6. Final Exam - All students, including graduating individuals, must take a comprehensive final exam. 7. ADA – Blinn College would like to help students with disabilities achieve their highest potential in college. In order to receive accommodations proper documentation must first be provided to the Office of Disability Services on campus. 8. Attendance Policy - The College District believes that class attendance is essential for student success; therefore, students are required to promptly and regularly attend all their classes. Each class meeting builds the foundation for subsequent class meetings. Without full participation and regular class attendance, students shall find themselves at a severe disadvantage for achieving success in college. Class participation shall constitute at least ten percent of the final course grade. It is the responsibility of each faculty member, in consultation with the division chair, to determine how participation is achieved in his or her class. Faculty will require students to regularly attend class and will keep a record of attendance from the first day of class and/or the first day the student’s name appears on the roster through final examinations. If a student has one week’s worth of unexcused absences during the semester, he/she will be sent an e-mail by the College requiring the student to contact his/her instructor and schedule a conference immediately to discuss his/her attendance issues. Should the student accumulate two weeks’ worth of unexcused absences, he/she will be administratively withdrawn from class. 9. Civility Statement - Members of the Blinn College community, which includes faculty, staff, and students, are expected to act honestly and responsibly in all aspects of campus life. Blinn College holds all members accountable for their actions and words. Therefore, all members should commit themselves to behave in a manner that recognizes personal respect and demonstrates concern for the personal dignity, rights, and freedoms of every member of the College community, including respect for College property and the physical and intellectual property of others. If a student is asked to leave the classroom because of uncivil behavior, the student may not return to that class until he or she arranges a conference with the instructor. It is the student’s responsibility to arrange for this conference. 10. Electronic Device Policy - All the functions of all personal electronic devices designed for communication and/or entertainment (cell phones, pagers, beepers, iPods, and similar devices) must be turned off and kept out of sight in all Blinn College classrooms and associated laboratories. Any noncompliance with this policy will be addressed in accordance with the Blinn College civility policy (Administrative Policy). Additionally, any communication understood by the instructor to be in the nature of cheating will have consequences in accordance with this Blinn College policy section regarding academic dishonesty [FLB (Local)]. Students exempted from this policy section include, active members of firefighting organizations, emergency medical services organizations, commissioned police officers, on-call employees of any political subdivision of the state of Texas, or agencies of the federal government. Exempted students are expected to set the emergency-use devices on silent or vibrate mode only.