Bones of the Skull

Bones of the Skull
Follow the instructions below on making the index flashcards of the skull.
1) For each card, color in the identified structures given below. Cut and paste the
diagram on the blank side of the index card.
2) On the back of the index card (the side with lines), identify the numbers of the
structures in the diagram. Do not take too much space doing this because…..
3) On the back side, write down the notes presented by the teacher in the powerpoint.
#27: Bones of the Skull (lateral view)
Color in only those structures in BOLD below.
1 – Parietal bone
2 – Lambdoid suture
3 – Occipital bone
4 – Mastoid process
5 – Mandible
6 – Mental foramen
7 – Mental protuberance
8 – Maxilla
9 – External auditory meatus
10 – Zygomatic process
11 – Zygomatic bone
12 – Nasal bone
13 – Lacrimal bone
14 – Ethmoid bone
15 – Sphenoid bone
16 – Temporal bone
17 – Frontal bone
18 – Coronal suture
#25: Bones of the Skull (anterior view)
Color in only those structures in BOLD below. Color (2) and (4) the same color.
1 – Parietal bone
2 – Sphenoid bone (lesser)
3 – Temporal bone
4 – Sphenoid bone (greater)
5 – Vomer bone
6 – Mental foramen
7 – Mandible
8 – Lower teeth
9 – Upper teeth
10 - Maxilla
11 – Zygomatic bone
12 – Nasal bone
13 – Frontal bone
#29: Bones of the Skull: Base of the Skull (inferior view)
Color in only those structures in BOLD below
1 – Zygomatic bone
2 – Sphenoid bone
3 – Vomer bome
4 – Occipital condyle
5 – Foramen magnum
6 – Occipital bone
7 – Occipital protuberance
8 – Mastoid process
9 – Styloid process
10 – Mandibular fossa
11 – Lateral pterygoid plate
12 – Zygomatic arch
13 – Med. pterygoid plt
14 – Post. Nasal aperture
15 – Palatine bone
16 – Palatine process